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Proposed Tech Specs Re Single Oversight Committee Expertise
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Site: Reed College
Issue date: 03/31/1990
Shared Package
ML20106E256 List:
FOIA-92-35 NUDOCS 9211060394
Download: ML20106E375 (45)


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? :Redd Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 1

-s SAFETY RELATED DOCUMENT Reed Reactor Facility Docket # 50 288 '

License # R 112 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE REED COLLEGE TRIGA MARK 1 REACTOR March 1990 Reed Reactor Facility The Reed Institute dba Reed College _

  • 3203 SE Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon . 97202 (503) 771-1112 w

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-Reed. Approved Version of- 3/90 9211060394 920423 PDR FOIA-PDR.

(: .QOLD92-35

Repd Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 DEFINITIONS 4 1.1 Confinement 4 1.2 Cenified Operators 4 1.3 Channel, Instrumentation 4 1,4 Experiment 4 1,5 Limiting Conditions for Operation 5 1.6 Operable 5 1.7 Operating 5 1.8 Protective Action 5 1.9 Reactivity, Excess 5 1.10 Reactor Bay 6

1. I 1 Reactor Core, Operational 6 1.12 Reactor Facility 6 1.13 Reactor Operating 6 1.14 Reactor Safety Systems 6 1.15 Reactor Secured 6 1.16 Reactor Shutdown 7 1.17 Reference Core Condition 7 1.18 Research Reactor 7 1.19 Rod, Control 7 1.20 Safety Limit 7 1.21 Scram 8 1.22 Scram' lime 8 1.23 Shall, Should, and May 8 1.24 Shutdown Margin 8 1.25 Startup 8 1.26 Suncillance Activities 8 1.27 Time Intervals 9 1.28 Units 9 1.29 Value, Measured 9 1.30 Value, True 9 1.31 Zero Power Critical 9 3 2.0 S AFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 10 2.1 Safety Limit 10 2.2 Limiting Safety System Setting 11 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 12 3.1 Reactor Core Parameters 12 3.2 Peactor Control and Safety System 14 3.3 Operational Support Systems 17 3.4 Limitations On Experiments 20 Reed Approved Version of 3/90

Ae.ed $oactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 3 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 24 4.1 Reactor Core Parameters 24 4.2 Reactor Control and Safety System 25 4.3 Operational Su? port Systems 28 4.4 Limitations on Experiments 30 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 32 5.1 Site and Facility Description 32 5.2 Reactor Coolant System 34 5.3 Reactor Core and Fuel 34 5.4 Reactor Fuel Element Storage 36 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE 37 6.1 Organization 37 6.2 Review and Audit 38 6.3 Operating Procedures 42 6.4 Experiment Review and Approval 43 6.5 Required Actions 43 6.6 Reports 44 6.7 Records 46 O ~


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1 Reed Approved Version of 3/90

' Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 4 l.0 DEFINrflONS 1.1 Confinement Confinement means a closure on the overall facility which controls the movement '

of air into it and out through a controlled path.

1.2 Certified Orcraton An individual authorized by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to carry out the responsibilities associated with the position of Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator.

1.3 Channel. Instmmentation A channel is the combination of sensor, line, amplifier or other electronics, and output device which a e connected for the purpose of measuring the value of a parameter.

1.3.1 ChannelTest Channel test is the introduction of an appropriate signal (ie. nuclear for a nuclear channel, physical activation for a level sensor) into the channel sensor and measurement of channel output for verification that the entire channel is operable.

1.3.2 Channel Check Channel check is a qualitative verification of acceptable performance of a channel or portion of a channel by observation of channel behavior (eg. comparison of independent channels, introduction of electronic signals into the channel),

1.3.3 ChannelCalibration Channel calibration is an adjustment of the channel such that its output corresponds with acceptable accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel measures. Calibration shall encompass the entire channel, including '

equipment actuation, alarm, or trip and shall be deemed to include a channel test.

1.4 Doeriment a) Any apparatus, device, or material installed in the core or experimental facilities (except far underwater lights, fuel element storage racks, and the like) which is not a design component of these facilities, or b) Any operation designed to measure reactor parameters or characteristics.

1.4.1 Experiment, Movable

  • A movable experiment is one where it is intended that the entire experiment may
  • be moved in or near the core or into and out of the reactor while the reactor-is  !

operating (eg. pneumatic tube irradiations).

1.4.2 Experiment, Secured Reed Approved Version of 3/90

1-Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 5 A secured experiment is any experiment, experiment facility, or component of -

an experiment that is held in a stationary position relative to the reactor by mechanical means. The restraining force must be substantially greater than those to which the experiment might be subjected by hydraulic, pneumatic, buoy other forces which are normal to the operatmg environment of the expen, ant, orm forces which can arise as a result of credible conditions (eg, rotary specimen rack irradiations).

1.4.3 Experimental Facilities Experimental facilities shall mean rotary specimen rack, pneumatic transfer tube, central thimble, and irradiation facilities in the core or in the pool.

1.5 Limiting Conditions for Ooeration Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) are those administ~atively established constraints on equipment and operational characteristics which shall be adhered to during operation of the facility. The LCO's are the lowest functional capability or performance level required for safe operation of the facility, 1.6 Operable Operable means a component or system is capable of performing its intended function.

1.7 Operating Operating means a component or system is performing its intended function.

1.8. Operations Boundarj Operations Houndary means the perimeter of the extended facilities in which materials produced in the reactor are normally utilized, and includes the Reactor Fuility and associated laboratories, store room, and conference room, all located on the same level within the Chemistry Building, and shown in Fig. 4-2 of the Safety Analysis Report.

1.9 Protective Action Protective action is the initiation of a signal or the operation of equipment within the reactor safety system in response to a variable or condition of the reactor facility having reached a specified limit.

2.0 Reactivity. Excess Excess reactivity is that amount of reactivity remaining in the core when the reactor is in the zero-power-critical condition, e -

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F4eed Fieactor Facility Technical Sp:cifications Page 6

. 1.10 Reactor Bay The reactor bay consists'of the room in the Reactor Facility containing the reactor.

1.11 Reactor Core. Occrational An operational core is an arrangement of standard TRIGA Mark I fuel elements for which the parameters of excess reactivity, shutdown margin, power calibration, and reactivity wonhs of control rods and experiments have been determined to satisfy the requirements set forth in the Technical Specifications.

1.I2 Reactor Facility Reactor Facility refers to the specially designed and con;tructed addition to the Reed College Chemistry Building, and comprising the reactor bay, mechanical room, control room, ventilation loft, and exit corridor.

1.13 Roctor Occrating The reactor ir operating whenever it is not secured or shutdowm.

1.14 Reactor Safety Systems Reactor safety systems are those systems, including their associated input channels, which are designed to initiate automatic reactor protection or to provide information for the initiation of manual protective action.

1.15 Beactor Secured The reactor is secured when either:

1.15.1 It contains insufficient fissile material or mcderator present in the reactor, control rods, or adjacent experiments to attain criticality under optimum available conditions of moderation and reflection, or 1.15.2 All of the following conditions are met:

a. The minimum number of neutron absorbing control rods are fully inserted such that the reactor is subcritical by a margin greater than $1.00 in the reference core condition with all experiments accounted for. (Reactor Shutdowm)
b. The console key switch is in the off position, and the key is removed from the console and under the control of a certified operator or stored in a locked storage area.
c. No work is in progress involving com fuel, core structure,installe_2 control rods, or control rod dnves unless they are physically decoupled from the control rods.

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I' toed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Pcgo 7

d. No experiments in or near the reactor are being moved or serviced that have,

' on movement, a reactivity wonh execeding the maximum allowed for a single experiment or $1.00 which ever is smaller.

1.16 Reactor Shutdown The reactor is shutdown when it is suberitical by a margin greater than $1.00 in the reference core condition with all experiments accounted for.

1.17 Core Condition The condition of the core when it is at ambient temperature (cold) and the reactivity worth of xenon is negligible (less than $0.07).

1.18 Ecscarch Reactor A research reactor is a device designed to support a self sustaining neutron chain reaction for research, development, educational, training, or experimental purposes, and which may have provisions for the production of radionuclides.

1.19 Rod. Control A control rod is a device fabricated from neutron absorbing material which is used to establish neutron flux changes and to compensate for routine reactivity losses. A control rod may be coupled to its drive unit allowirg it to perform a safety function when the coupling is disengaged.

1.19.1 Regulating Rod A regulating rod is a low worth control rod used to maintain an intended power level and may be varied manually or by a servo-controller. The regulating rod shall have scram capability.

1.19.2 Safety Rod A safety rod is a control rod having an electric motor drive and scram capability.

1.19.3 Shim Rod A shim rod is a control rod having an electric motor drive and scram capability. A shim rod may be varied manually or by a servo-controller.

1.20 Safety Limit Safety limits are limits on important process variables which are found to be .

necessary to reasonably protect the integrity of the principal physical barriers which guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity. The principal physical barrier is the fuel element cladding.

, 1.21 Scram .


A scram is the shutdown of the reactor caused by interruption of the magnet current to the control rods.

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' Regd Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 8 l.21.1 Inadvertent Scram An inadvertent scram is an unscheduled shutdown when the reason for the unscheduled shutdown is known (eg, missed a range switch operation).

1.21.2 Unexplained Scram An unexplained scram is an unscheduled shutdown the cause of which cannot be immediately determined.

1.22 Scram Time Scram time is the elapsed time between reaching a limiting safety-system setting and totalinsertion of control rods.

1.23 Shall. Should. and May The word shall is used to denote a requirement. The word should is used to denote a recommendation. 'Ihe word 'nay is used to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation.

1.24 Shutdown Marcin Shutdown margin shall mean the minimum shutdown reactivity necessary to provide confidence that the reactor can be made or maintained substantially suberitical by means of the control and safety systerns starting from any permissible operating condition although the most reactive rod is in its most reactive position, and that the reactor will remain substantially subcritical without further operator action.

1.25 Startup Startup is the sequence of procedures and operations to be completed whenever the reactor is to be taken from a Reactor Secured condition.

1.26 Surveillance Activities Surveillance nctivities will have a prescribed frequency and scope to demonstrate performance of systems required under Limiting Conditions for Operations.

Two types of surveillance activities are specified, operability checks and calibrations. Operability checks are generally specified as monthly to quarterly.

Calibrations are generally specified as annually to biennially.

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Repd Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 9-

- 1.27 Time Intervals To provide operational flexibility, where time intervals for surveillance and audit activities are specified in the document, maximum intervals shall not exceed the following tolerance limits: ,

Soecified interval Tolerance limit a

5 years - 6 years 2 years (biet.f.lal) 2.5 years 1 year (annual) -

15 months 6 months (semiannual) 7.5 months 3 months (quarterly) 4 months 2 months (bimonthly) 2.5 months 1 month (monthly) 6 weeks a' weekly 10 days daily during the calendar day -

Established frequencies shall be maintained over the long term.

Surveillance activities (exent those specifically required for safety when the reactor is secured) may be deferred when the reactor is secured, however, they shall be -

completed prior to reactor startup. Survetilance activities scheduled to occur during an operating cycle which cannot be performed with the reactor operating may be - '

deferred to the end of the cycle.

l.28 Uniti The units in which a physical quantity are measured, may be expressed in metric or - -

U. S. Customary, and compliance may be demonstrated in either system of units.

1.29 Value. Measured The measured value is the value of a parameter as it appears on the output of a -


1.30 Value. True <

' The true value is the most accurately known value of a parameter.

1.31 Zero Power Critical =

The reactor is zero power critical when the reactor power is' stationary and the -

linear power channel reads between one (1) and ten (10) watts. This is the operati,onal range in which the excess reactivity is measured during reactor -



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[ctor Facility Tcchnical Specifications Page 10 4 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS g 2.1 Safety Limit w

. Applicability:

This specification t.pplies to the reactor core parameters which constitute a safety

. limit. 'Itc safety limit avoids incurring any significant off-site impacts as a result of r' an accident at the Reed Reactor Facility.


The objective is to define conditions that can be permitted with confidence that no damage to the fuel element and/or cladding will result.


The safety limit for a mixed core is a fuel temperature of 540T, corresponding to a phase transition in aluminum-clad fuel with a composition of 2r111.1 (see M.T. Simnad et al, Nucl. Tech. 28,31(1976)).


The safety limit has been specified for aluminum-clad fuel, since stainless-clad fuel, with a composition of ZrH .65, l is not subject to a phase transition anywhere in the temperature range of interest. In addition, standard stainless-clad elements have been cemfied in many TRIGA reactors for operation at steady powers of 1 MW, and for $3.00 pulsed insertions ofieactivity. Thus, the ensuing safety analysis will be restricted to a discussion of the behavior of the alaminum-clad elements under two abnormal accident conditions:

1. Complete and instantaneous loss of reactor condition following operation at maximum power. pool water from a steady state power
2. A step insertion of the total excess reactivity available in the core ($3.00), starting from a steady power less than 1 kW.

If the reactor has been operating at 250 kW for an infinite time just prior to the instantaneous loss of cooling water, with convective cooling of the core by air, the maximum fuel temperature would be less than 1500C, a temperature well below the safety limit or the melting point of the aluminum cladding. The equilibrium pressure resulting from fission gases, entrapped air, and hydrogen at 1500C is less than 30 psi. This pressure produces a stress of 660 psi, whereas the yield stress for the aluminum cladding is

>5000 psi at 150oC. The main hazard would be from the high radiation levels above the unshielded core (see " Safeguards Analysis Report for TRIGA Reactors Using Aluminum.

Clad Fuel," G A-7860, March 16,1967). .

On the basis of extensive $3.00 pulsing of aluminum-clad fuel in the Mark I Prototype TRIGA at General Atomics, it was determined that fuel integrity was maintained, although fuel distortion did take place. Maximum fuel <lement temperature, following the pulse, was less than 500oC On the basis of these experiments,it has been concluded that aluminum-clad fuel is well able to withstand any conceivabic $3.00 reactivity insertion in a -

non-pulsing TRIGA reactor (see RRF Safety Analysis Report, Sec. 7, April 15,1967).

Reed Approved Version of 3/90 1


Reed beactor Facility Tcchnical Specifications Pag) 11 2.2 Limiting Safety Sysem Setting Applicability:

This specification applies to the settings that prevent the safety lindt from being reached.


The objective is to prevent the safety limit from being reached.


The linear power and perccat power channels shall initiate a scram at no greater than 110 per:ent of 250 kW (no greater than 275 kW).


The basis for 275 kW is that this safety system setting will prevent the limit of Section 2.1 from being reached. Experience and equipment specificatior.s indicate that setpoint accuracy remains within 9 percent error between surveillance intervals.

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Reed Rcactor Facility Tcchnical Sp;cifications Page 12 3.0 LIMfrING CONDrrlONS FOR OPERATION 3.1 Reactor Core Parameters 3.1.1 Excess Reactisity Applicability:

This specincation a 3 plies to the reactivity of the reactor core including experiments in terms of the avai able excess reactivity above the cold, xenon free, zero power critical condition.


ne objective is to prevent the reactor safety limit from being reached by limiting the potentia' reactivity available in the reactor.

Specifications (s):

Maximum excess reactivity shall be $3.00 with equilibnum samarium and with experiments in place for the cold, xenon free, zero power critical condition. It is assumed that beta effective is 0.0075 for the Reed Reactor.


The maximum specified excess core reactivity is suf6cient to pmvide the core rated power, and for xenon compensation. Prior to the development of the pulsing type fuel used on present TRIGA pulsing c:acton, the prototype TRIGA reactor at General Atomic, using A1. clad fuel as is used in this reactor, was pulsed safely many times with $3.00 insertions. See RRF Safety Analysis Report.

3.1.2 Shutdown Margin Applicability This specification applies to the reactivity margin by which the reactor core wdl be considered shutdown.

Objective ne objective is to assure that the reactor can be shut down safely by a margin that is sufficient to compensate for the failure of a control rod or the movement of an experiment.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall not be operated unless the shutdown margin provided by contml rods is greater than $0.53 with:

, a. He reactor in the reference core condition. .

b. He most reactive control rod fully withdrawn.
c. The highest woith movable experiment in its most reactive state.

Reed Approved Version of 3/90

R:od Reactor Facility Technical Sp;cifications Pago 13 Basis ne value of the shutdown margin assures that the reactor can be shut down f cm any operating condition even if the highest worth control rod should re :.9n in the fully withdrawn position and a movsble experiment is in a high reactivity state.

3.1.3 Fuel Elements Applicability his specification applies to the mechanical condition of the fuel.

Objective The objective is to ensure that the reactor is not operated with damaged fuel that might involve release of fission products.

Specification (s) ne reactor shall not be operated with damaged fuel. A fuel element shall be considered damaged and must be removed from the core and stored ir. accordance with Section 5.4 if:

a. A visual inspection reveals damage or deterioration of fuel element cladding such as cracks, visible corrosion deposits or distortion.
b. A clad defect exists as indicated by release of fission products.

Basis The performance of TRIG A fuel elements under Reed Reactor Facility operating conditions has been evaluated in the documents referenced in the Basis for Section 2.1. If evidence of damage is observed or fission products detected, the integrity of the cladding has been compromised.

3.1.4 Core Configuration Applicability This specification applies to the configuration of fuel elements, control roos, experiments and other reactor grid plate components.

Objective The objective is to assure that provisions are made to restrict the arrangement of fuel elements and experiments to provide assurance that excessive power densities will not be produced.

Specification (s) .

De core shall be an assembly of TRIGA Mark I aluminum clad and/or stainless-steel clad fuel-moderator elements arranged in a close-packed array except for:

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4 Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 14

a. replacement of single individual elements with in-core irradiation facGities or control rods.
b. two (2) separated experiment locations in the D thmugh F rings, each occupying a maximum of three fuel element positions,
c. unoccupiec' grid plate positions may contain graphite filled dummy elements to increase moderation and reflection.
d. the reflector (excluding exxriments and experimental facilities) which shall be water or a combination of grap 6te (clad in aluminum) and water.
c. the startup neutmn source may occupy an F ring position.

Basis Standam TRIGA cores have been in use for years, and their characteristics are well documented in the publications referenced in the basis for Section 2.1. 'Ihe Specific Reed Reactor Facility configuration has been evaluated in the SAR.

3.2 Reactor control and Safety System 3.2.1 Power Level Applicability:

This specification applies to the energy generated in the reactor during normal operation, including testing and calibration.


The objective is to ensure that the safety limit will not be exceeded during nonnal operation, including testing and calibration.


The reactor power level shall not be raised above 250 kW as measured by the linear or percent power channels under any normal conditions of operation, including testing and calibration ofinstrumentation.


Maintaining indicated reactor power levels below 250 kW will ensure that the safety limit will not be exceeded. For the purpose of testing overpower safety scrams, setpoints can be tested electronically.

3.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies Applicability O -

This specification applies to control rods and attached mechanical assemblics.

Objective Reed Approved Version of 3/90 i i


l l Fieed beactor Facility Technical Specifications Pcg315


ne objective is to ensure that the control rods are operable so the reactor can be shut down to prevent fuel damage.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall not be operated unless the control rods are operable, and

a. Dere is no apparent damage to the drive a"-dies.
b. He cladding has been breached.
c. De scram time measured from the instant a siinulated signal reaches the value of a limiting safety system setting to the instant that the slowest scrammabic control rod reaches its fully inserted position shall not exceed 1 secord.
d. Maximum reactivity insertion rate of a control rod shall be less than 50.16 per second.

Basis The apparent condition of the control rod assemblies will provide assurance that the rods will continue to perform reliably and as designed. The specification for rod scram time acurcs that the reactor will shut down promptly when a signalinitiating a scram is genen ed. The specification for rod reactivity msertion rates assures that the reactor will start up controllably when rods are withdrawn. Analysis has indicated that for the range of transients anticipated for a TRIGA reactor the specified scram time and insertion rate is adequate to assure the safety of the reactor. (SAR Section 7.1 Reactor Power Transients) 3.2.3 Reactor Control System Applicability These specifications apply to logic of the reactor control system.

Objective The objective is to specify the minimum control system interlocks that shall be operable for operation of the reactor.

Specification (s)

The following control system safety interlocks shall be operable:

a. Count RateInterlock (one operable)

Withdrawal of any control rod shall be prevented if there are less than 2 neutron counts per second in the Count Rate Channel.

b. Rod Raising Interlock Simultaneous withdrawal of 2 or more control rods shall be prevented by one set ofinterlocks.

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Ro;d Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Pago 16 Ilaris interkicks are specified to 3revent function of the control rod drives unless certain specific conditions exist. "; he interlock to prevent startup of the reactor at power levels less than i ncutron counts per second assures that sufficient neutrons are available for controlled reactor startup. The interlock which prevents simultaneous withdrawal of more than one control rod limits the reatimum positive reactivity insertion rate.

3.2.4 Reactor Safety System Applicability Thesc specifications apply to operation of the scactor safety system.


'ihe objective is to specify the minimum safety system scrams which shall be operable for the operation of the reactor.

Specification (s)

There shall be one each of the following contml rod scram safety channels operable:

a. Linear Power channel with a scram setting s 110% of full power,
b.  % Power channel with a scram settinP % 110% of full power,
c. Manual Scram Ilar on the control console shall initiate a scram on demand.

Ilasis Automatic control rod insertion assures compliance with the limiting safety system setting in Section 2.2. - Manual operation of the reactor safety system is considered part of the protective action of the reactor safety system.

3.2.4 Reactor Imtrument System Applicability These specifications apply to measurements of reactor operating parameters, Objective The objec'ive is to specify the minimum instrument system channels that strail be operable for operation of the reactor.

.. Specification (s)

The following minimum reactor parameter measuring channels shall be operable:

a. Linear Power level (one only)

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- Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 17

b. Percent Power Level (one on'y) -
c. Neutron Startup Count Rate (one only).

Basis The minimum measuring channels are sufficient to pmvide signals for reactor control and automatic safety system operation. Measurements of the same or different parameters provide redundancy.

3.3 Operational Suppor: Systems 3.3.1 Water Coo' ant Systems Applicability This specification applies to the operating conditions for the reactor pool and coolant water systems.

Objective The objective is to provide shielding fmm the reactor radiation, protection against corrosion of the reactor components, cooling of the reactor fuel, and to prevent leakage from the primary coolant system.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall be shut don and corrective action taken if the following reactor coolant water conditiens are observed:

a. The bulk pool water temperature exceeds 48 C (120 F).
b. The surface of the pool water is measured to be more than 63 cm (25 inches) from the bottom of the bridge.
c. The water electrical conductivity is greater than 2.0 mho/cm aveiagi for measurement periods of one month,
d. During heat exchanger operation, the pressure in the secondary system (measured at the secondary basket filter outlet) is less than 35 kPa (5 psi differential) greater than the pressure in the primary system (measured at the primary filter inlet). However, this limitation does not apply if the primary pump is off and the pool is valved off from the heat exchanger.


a. The bulk water temperature constraint assures that sufficient core cooling g exists under all anticipated operating conditions and protects the resin of the water purification system from degradation or deterioration.
b. The pool water must cover the holes at the bottom 5 cm (2 inches) of the control rod barrels. The damp:ning action of the water through these holes reduces Reed Approved Version of 3/90

4 9

$ teed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 18 the bottoming im during a scram. pact when the rods are dropped by removal of the magnet cur

c. Average measurements of pool coolant water conductivity of 2.0 pmho/cm assure that water purity is maintained to control the effects of corrosion and activation of coolant water impurities.
d. Maintaining higher vessure in the secondary water system willinsure that, in the event of a leak in the 1 cat exchanger, pool water will not be lost to the environment. A pressure difference of 35 kPa (5 psi) will insure that Jiis pressure is maintained even with maximum rated error on gauges.

3.3.2 Air Confinement Systems Applicability This specification applies to the air ventilation conditions in the reactor bay or cxperimental facilities during reactor operation.

Objective The objective is to control the release of air from the reactor bay or experimental facilities under all wnditions.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall not be operated unless minimum conditions for air confinement are functional. De following minimum conditions shall exist:

a. Equipment shall be operable to automatically isolate the reactor bay by closure of ventilation supply and exhaust dampers,
b. De double doors shall be closed and barred; the emergency exit door shall be closed and locked (the door shall be equipped with an emergency release mechanism); and the door between the control room and the reactor bay shall be closed except for personnel access.

Basis rhe specifications for exhaust ventilation and confinement of the reactor bay provide control for airborne radioactive releases during operations such that the limits specified in 10 CFR 20 are not exceeded.

3.33 Radiation Monitoring Systems -

Applicability This specification applies to the radiation monitoring conditions in the reactor bay dunng reactor operation.

'O ,

Objective "

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A Recd Reactor Facility Technical Spocifications Page 19 The objective is to monitor the radiation and radioactivity conditions in the area of the reactor.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall not be operated unless minimum conditions for radiation measurement are operable. The following minimum conditions shall exist:

a. A Continuous Air Monitor capable of detecting beta and gamma radiation in the air above the pool shall be operating with readout available to operaton and audible alarm. Detection of elevated radioactivity levels by the Continuous Air Monitor shall initiate automatic isolation of the reactor bay,
b. An Area Radiation Monitor capable of detecting gamma radiation above the pool shall be operating with readout available to operators and audible alarm.
c. A portable survey meter capable of detecting 37 kBq (microcurie) levels of beta or gamma radiation shall be operable.
d. A portable ion chamber monitoring device or equivalent non-saturating personnel dosimetry instrument capable of determining beta and gamma exposure dose rate shall be operabic,
e. De portable ion-chamber type radiation monitor may be substituted for the Area Radiation Monitor during periods of maintenance or repair,
f. The Gaseous Stack Monitor may be substituted for the Continuous Air Monitor during periods of maintenance or repair.
g. Alarrr. levels of the Continuous Air Monitor and the Gaseous Stack Monitor shall be set to insure that reinses from the facility do not exceed the limits specified in 10 CFR 20.

Basis The radiation monitors provide information to operating personnel ofimpending or existing hazards %m radiation. His should provide sufficient time to evacuate the facility or take the necessary steps to maintain the exposme of personnel as low as practicable and to control the n: lease of radioactivity. The Gaseous Stack Monitor tgitiates confinement upon alarm as does the Continuous Air Monitor. Therefore, substitution during maintenance or repair provides the same capability to initiate confinement without operator intervention.

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Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 20 3.4- Limitations on Extieriments 3.4.1 Approval and Conduct of Experiments AppLeability This specification applies to all experiments involving the reactor.

Objective The objective is to ensure the safety of the reactor and its components during the performance of any experiment and to prevent excessive release of radioactive materials in the event of an experiment failure.

Specification (s)

a. Prior to performing any experiment, the pmposed experiment or class of experiments shall be approved as provided in Section 6.4.
b. All experiments shall be carried out in accordance with established and approved written procedures. Minor chances to written procedures that do not significantly alter the experiment may be made by a Senior Reactor Operator provided these changes are documented.

Basis The overriding consideration of reactor safety requires a thorough review and approval of proposed experiments prior to performing them.

3.4.2 Reactivity Applicability This specification appl':s to the reactivity worths associated with experiments.

Objective The objective is to control the amount of reactivity worths associated with experiments to values that will prevent the reactor safety limit from being~ exceeded.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions governing experiment reactivity exist:

a. Any movable experiment shall have a reactivity worth less than

$ 1.00.

b. Any secured experiment shall have a reactivity worth less than

. _ $1.35. -

c. The total reactivity worth of in-core experiments shall not cxceed

$2.00.. This shallinclude the potential reactivity which might result from Reed Approved Version of 3/90

Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Pags 21 malfunction, flooding, voiding, or removal and insertion of the experiments.

d. No experiment shall be performed if failure of such experiment could lead to a failure of 3 fuel element or of other experiments and these associated failures could ..:sult in a measurable increase in reactivity or s measurable rlease of radioactivity.


a. The worth of a single movable experiment is limited so that sudden removal movement of the experiment will not cause prompt criticality. He limited worth of a single movable experiment will not allow a reactivity inse" ion that would exceed the reactor safety limit,
b. The maximum worth of a secured experiment is limited so that the reactor safety limit will not be exceeded by removal of the experiment. Since these experiments are secured in place, removal from the reactor operating at full power would result in a relatively slow power i.screase such that the reactor protective systems would act to prevent excessive power levels from being attair.ed.
c. The maximum worth of experiments is limited so that removal of the total worth of all experiments will not exceed the reactor safety limit.
d. The interaction of all experiments in the reactor is to be considered to assure the safety of the reactor under all anticipated operating conditions.

3.4.3 Materials App'icability These specifications apply to experiments (as defined in Section 1.5.a) installed in the reactor and its experimental facilities.

Objective The objective is to prevent the release of radioactive material in the event of an experiment failure, either by failure of the experiment or subsequent damage to the reactor components.

Specification (s)

The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions governing experiment materials exist:

a. Experiments containing materials corrosive to reactor components, compounds highly reactive with water, potentially explosive materials, and liquid fissionable materials shall be doubly encapsulated.

b, Each experiment shall be controlled such that the total inventory of iodine isotopes 131 through 135 in the experiment is no peater tha_n 56 GBq (1.5 Ci) and the maximum strontium-90 inventory is no greatU than 0.2 GBq (5 mci).

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c. Explosive materials shall not be irradiated in the reactor or experimental facilities.


d. Experiment materials, except fissionable materials, which could off.

gas, sublime, volatilize, or pmduce aerosols under:

1) normal operating conditions of the experiment or reactor, <

2? Mble accident conditions in the ret.ctor,

3) possible accident condidons in the experiment shall be limited in activity such that if 100% of the gaseous activity or

' radioactive aerosols produced escaped to the reactor bay or the irradiation facility atmosphere, the airbome concentration of dioactivity released averaged over a par would not exceed the limits or Appendix D of 10CFR20.

In calculations pursuant to the above, the following assumpt ions shall be used:

(1) If the effluent from an experimental facility exhausts through a system which closes automatically on high radiation level, at least 10% of the gaseous activity or samsols produced will escape.

(2) If the effluent from an experimental facility exhausts through a filter installation designed for gnater than 99% efficiency for 0.25 micron particles, at least 10% of these particles can escape.

(3) For materials whose boiling point is above 55'C (130'F) and a vapors fonned by boiling this material can escape only through an

t. .isturbed column of water above the core, at least 10% of these vapors can escape.

Dasis ,

b. Double encapsulation is required to lessen the experimental hazards of some types of materials.
b. The 56 GBq (1.5 Ci) hmitation on iodines 131 through 135 assurrs that in the ever* of failure of an experiment leading to total release of the iodine from the experin, the exposure dose at the exclusion area boundary from iodine 131 does not exceed the lirmts of Table II, Appendix B,10CFR20 averaged over one year,
c. This specification is intended to prevent damage to reactor components resulting fmm failure of an experiment invoh'ing explosive materials. .
d. This specification is intended to reduce the likelihood that airbome activities in excess of the maximum allowable limits will be released to the atmosphere 0

outside the facility boundary. Guidance for the calculations is provided, j 3.4.4 Failures and Malfunctions of Experiments Reed Approved Version of 3/90 ,

Reed Reactor Facility Technical Spocifications Pago 23 Applicability

'lhese specifications apply to the design of experiments and to actions to be taken upon esperiment failure or malfunction.

Objective The objective is to limit the consequences of experiment failure or malfunction.  !

Specification (s)  ;

a. Credible failure of any experiment shall not result in releases or exposures in excess of established limits nor in excess of the limit; established in Table II, Appendix 13,10CFR20 averaged over one year.
b. If a capsule fails and releases material which could damage the tractor fuel or structure by corrosion or other means, removal of the capsule and physical inspection of the reactor shall be performed to determine the consequences and need for corrective action. The results of the inspection and any corrective action taken shall be reviewed by the Director and determined to be satisfactory before operation of the reactor is resurned.


a. Experiments shall be designed to limit release of radioactivity under all credible accident conditions.
b. Operation of the reactor with the reactor fuel or structure damaged is prohibited to avoid release of fission products.

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Roo,d Roactor Facility Technical Sp:cifications Pcge 24 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Reactor Core Parameters 4.1.1 Excess Reactivity Applicability This specification applies to the measurement of reactor excess reactivity.

Objective lhe objective is to periodically de.termine the changes in execss reactivity available for power generation.

Specincatica Excess scactivity shall be detennined at zero power crideal as part of the startup procedure.

Basis This specification assures determination of excess reactivity after all reactor core or control rod chanSes and after experiment installations. This specification monitors changes in the core excess reactivity as an indication of the condition of the reactor core and to insure compliance with excess reactivity limits in the Tecimical Specifications.

4.1.2 Shutdown Margin Applicability 1his specification applies to the measurement of reactor shutdown margin.

Objective The objective is to periodically detennine the core shutdown reactivity available for reactor shutdown.

Specification (s)

Shutdown margin shall be determined semiannually, after fuel movement, or -

control rod removal and replacement.

Basis Semiannual determination of shutdown margin and measurements after reactor core or contml rod changes detect significant changes in the core shutdown margin and insure compliance with specification 3.1.2.

4.1.3 Fuel Elements ,,,'

Applicability Reed Approved Vorsion of'3/90

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'nis specification applies to the inspection requirements for the fuel elements.

Objectise The objective is to visually inspect the physical condition of the fuel element cladding.

Specification (s',

At least 1/5 of all the fuel elements in the core shall be visually ins pted each year with the fuel elements to be inspected rotated such that each fuel element shall be inspected at least once every five (5) years.

Basis The frequency ofinspection is based on the parameters most likely to affect the fuel cladding of a reactor operated at moderate power levels and fuel elements whose characteristics are well known as given in the references for Section 2.1.

4.1.4 Core Con 5guration Applicability This specification applies to the inspection requirements of the core configuration.

Objective The objective is to ensure proper core configuration prior to operating the reactor.

Specification (s)

The reactor core configuration shall be visually inspected as part of the startup procedures prior to reactor operation.

Basis inspection for changes in core configuration and determination of proper core configuration for operation are done to insure compliance with specification 3.1.4.

4.2 Reactor Control and Sa[ctv System 4.2.1 Applicability This speci5 cation applies to the calibration of reactor power level channels.


, The objective is to ensure that the reactor power level does not exceed the safety -

limit. ,

Specification Reed Approved Version of 3/90

Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 26 The linear ad 5 power channels shall be calibrated annually by the calorimetric

, methcd.

Basis Annual calibration ofinstrument channels based on actual measurements of the rate of rise in pool water tem wrature provides method of assuring compliance with the reactor safety limit basec solely on well documerited physical parameters.

4.2.2 Control Assemblics Applicability This specification applies to the surveillance of the m 'itrol rods.

Objective The objectives are to measure the control rod worths, to inspect the physical condition of the reactor control rods, and to establish the operable condition of the control rods by periodic measurement of the scram times and insertion rates.

Specification (s)

Control rod worths shall be determined annually or after significant core or control rod changes, and

a. Each contml rod shall be visually inspected at biennial intervals.
a. The scram time of each control rod shall1,e measured semiannually,
b. The reactivity insertion rate of each control rod shall lx: measured annually.

Basis Annual determination of control rod worths or measurements after significant core changes ?rovide information about changes in reactor total reactivity and individual rod wort is. The frequency of inspection for the control rcds will provide periodic verification of the condition of the control rod assemblies. Verification will be by measurement and visual observation of absorber sections plus examination of linkages and drives. The specification inten als for scram time and insertion rate assure operable performance of the rods.

4.2.3 Reactor Control System Applicability This specification applies to the tests of the logic of the reactor control system.

. Objective .

The objective is to specify intervals for tests of the minimum control system interlocks.

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1 Rec,d Reactor Fccility Technical Specifications Page 27 Specification (s)

The minimum safety interlock channels shall be tested prior to startup as part of the startup procedure.

Basis The routine test of the interlock logic at startup provides adequate information that the control system interlocks are operable. i 1

4.2.4 Reactor Safety System l Applicability This specification applies to test and calibration of the reactor safety system.

Objective The objective is to specify intervals for test and calibration of the minimum safety system scrams.

Specification (s)

The minimum safety channels shall be calibrated annually and subject to electronic testing prior to each startup as part of the startup procedure and following mcdifications or repair.

Basis The periodic calibration at annual intervals provides adequate information that the  !

setpoints of the safety system scrams are accurate. Tests of the safety system prior to each planned operauon and following modifications or repair assure that each intended scram function is operable.

4.2.5 Reactor Instrument System Applicability These specifications apply to calibrations and tests of reactor measurement channels.

Objective The objective is to specify intervals for calibrations and tests of the minimum instrument channels.

Specification (s) -

An electronic calibration test of each channel specified in section 3.2.4 shall be

, made prior to each startup as part of the startup procedure and following .

modifications or repair.

Basis Reed' Approved Version of 3/90

Fioed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 28 Tests are applied prior to reactor operation and following nxxiifications or repair to verify each system is operable.

4.3 Onerational Support Systems 4.3.1 Water Coolant Systems Applicability

'Ihis specification applies to surveillance of the reactor pool and coolant water systems.

Objective The objective is to maintain the reactor coolant conditions within acceptable specifications.

Specification (s)

The following measurements shall monitor the tractor coolant conditions:

a. The water tem rrature channel shall be calibrated annually and inonitored continuous y during reactor operation,
b. The pool level alarm shall be tested bimonthly, and monitored continuously during operation of the reactor,
c. The pool water conductivity shall be measured weekly,
d. The secondary low pressure alarm shall be tested semiannually and monitored continuously during operation.

Basis Periodic calibrations and tests of measurement devices for the reactor coolant system parameters assure that the coolant system will perform its i itended function.

4 3.2 Air Confinement Systems Applicability This specification applies to surveillance of the air confinement system in the reactor bay.

Objective The objective is to demonstrate that the air confinement system is operable and that airborne releases of radioactive material are properly quantified.

. Specification (s)

The following actions shall demonstrate the air confmement conditions:

a. Annual visual examination of isolation dampers.

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b. Dimonthly tests of air confinement system operation. ,
c. Dimonthly visual examination of facility doors and closing mechanisms,
d. Annual calibration of the Gaseous Stack Monitor and air confinement trip points,
c. Annual calibration of the Continuous Air Monitor,
f. Weekly tests of the alarm set points of the Continuous Air Monitor.

Basis Periodic evaluations of air confinement criteria are determined by examination, test, and calibration of the appropriate ventilation functions. He air confinement system provides control for radioactive releases durin? both routine and non routine operating conditions.

4.3.3 Radiation Monitoring Systems Applicability This specification applies to the surveillance of the radiation monitocing channels.

Objective The objective is to assure the radiation monitoring systems are operable.

Specification (s)

Surveillance of the minimum radiation monitors specified to be operable during reactor operation shall be performed as follows: -

a. The Air Particulate Monitor and Radiation Area Monitor shall be calibrated at annualintervals.
b. De portable ion chamber (s) and portable survey meter (s) shall be calibrated at semiannual intervals,
c. The alarm set points of the Radiation Area Monitor shall be tested at weekly intervals.
d. The portable ion chamber (s) and portable survey meter (s) shall be tested as part of the startup procedure.


  • Periodic calibrations and frequent tests are specified to maintain reliable ,

performance of the radiation monitoring instruments. ,

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. 4.4 Umitations on Exocriments t

4.4.1 Approval  !

Applicability This specification applies to surveillance of prior approval for all experiments involving the reactor.

Objective ne objective is to ensure no exxriment is performed without prior review and approval as given in Section 6A Specification (s)

No c::periment using the reactor shall be perfonned without a copy of a description approved as given in Section 6.4 in the control room.

Basis The Reactor Supervisor and Reactor Operaton shall only use an approved ,

description for conduct of an experiment.

4.4.2 Reactivity Applicability This speci3 cation applies to surveillance of the reactivity of experiments.

Objective The objective is to assure the reactivity of an experiment does not exceed the allowable specificatiori.

Specification (s) ne reactivity of any experiment designed to be performed with the reactor operating shall be measuicd at zero power critical before the experiment is performed. This specification may not apply to pneumatic tube :xperiments at the discretion of the Director with the concurrence of the Reactor Review Committee.

Bais The measured reactivity or determination that the reactivity is not significant will provide data that the configitration of ie experiment or experiments is allowable.

4.4.3 Materials

, Applicability .


This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for materials insened into the reactor.

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dood Reactor Facillly Technical Specifications Pcge 31 Objective ne objective is to prevent the introduction of materials that could damage the rractor or its components.

Specification (s)

Any surveillance conditions or special requirements shall be specified as a part of the experiment approval.

Basis An evaluation of all experiments is performed to classify the materials to be irradiated as corresponding to the specifications of the experiment description.

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Rood Roactor Fccility Technical Specific:tions Pcgo 32 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES  !

5.1 Site and Facility Description 5.1.1 Location Applicability This specification applies to the Reed Reactor Facility location and specific facility design features.  :

Objective The ob,iective is to specify those features which are related to the Safety Analysis evaluation.


a. The Reed Reactor Facility is in the eastem part of the Reed College campus in the city of Fortland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
b. The TRIGA Mark I research reactor is installed in the reactor bay.
c. De reactor core is assembled in a below ground shield and pool structure with vertical access to the core,
d. The restricted access area of the Reed Reactor Facility shall consist of the reactor bay, the mechanical room, ventilation loft, and the reactor control room.
c. Reed College owns and can exclude persons from the area within 76 m (250 fect) from the center of the Reactor pool.


a. The Reed Reactor Facility site is located in an area owned and controlled by the Reed institute,
b. De Reed Reactor Facility addition has been designed with characteristics .

related to the safe operation of the reactor.

c. The shield and pool structure has been designed for structural integrity below ground and for radiation levels approximately 1 mrem /hr at locations adjacent to the reactor poolin the reactor bay.
d. The restricted access to specific facility areas assures that proper controls are established for the safety of the public and for the security of special nuclear materials.
c. The area of exclusion from the facility assures that proper controls can be o established for the safety of the public. .


5.1.2' AirConfmement Applicability Reed Approved Version of 3/90

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Rood Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Pago 33 nis specification applies to the design features which control air released from the reactor bay.

Objective ne objt.ctive is to assure that provisions are made to control or restrict the airborne release of radioactivity to the environment.


a. De reactor bay shall be designed to restrict leakage and shall have a rninimum enclosed air volume of 340 cubic meters (12,000 cubic feet).
b. Under normal operating conditions, the ventilation system shall provide two l

(2) air changes per hour and shall maintain a slight negative pressure in the reactor bay relative to ambient conditions.

l c. Upon detection of a limit signal related to the radiation level, the air confinerr mt system shall automatically restrict unfiltered air exhaust as described in Section 3.3.2.b.

d. All air or other ;;as exhausted from the reactor bay and from associated experimental facilities c,uring reactor operation shall be released to the environment at a minimum of 3.7 meters (12 feet) above ground level.


a. The enclosed air volume determines the concentration of airbome radionuclides in the reactor bay,
b. Exchange of air in the reactor bay prevents the buildup of gaseous radioactivity. Maintaining a slight negative pressure in the reactor bay ensures that air leaving the bay oasses through monitoring systems and is released through the stack,
c. Elevated radiation levels automatically prevent the uncontrolled release of unfiltered air from the reac:or bay as described in Section 3, Limiting Conditions of Operation.
d. Release of air from the facility at a minimum of 3.7 meters above the ground surface provides for dispersion and dilution of releases.

5.1.3 Safety Related Systems Applicability This specification applies to any addition, modification, and non routine modifying maintenance to any system related to reactor safety.

Objective De objective is to assure the proper function of any system related to reactor safety.

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Roo.d Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 34 Specification (s)

Any addition, mcdification, or non-routine modifying maintenance to the core and its associated support structure, the pool structure, the control rod drive mechanisms, the reactor safety system, the as confinement system, and the water coolant system sha'l be made and tested in accordance with the spifications to which the systems or components were originally designed and fabrica'.ed, or to specifications approved by the Reactor Review Committee as suitable and not involving an unreviewed safety question. The reactor shall not be placed in operation until the affected system has been verified to be operable.

Basis Chan;;es to the above systems could affect the safe operation of the reactor and must >e approved by the Reactor Review Committee including an analysis of any unreviewed safety questions (10CFR50.59).

5.2 Reactor Conlant System Applicability This specification applies to the reactor coolant system.

Objective The objective is to assure that adequate water is available for cooling and shielding during reactor operation.

Specification (s)

a. The reactor core shall be cooled by natural convection of water.
b. Siphoning of the pool water shall be prevented by holes in the pool water system pipe lines. These holes shall be no more than 53 cm (21 inches) below the botiom of the bridge.


a. Thermal and hydraulic calculations which show that a TRIGA core can operate in a safe manner at power levels specified for the Reed Reactor Facility are presented in the RRF Safety Analysis Report.
b. Siphon breaks prevent the loss of coolant water caused by inadvertent pumping or accidental siphoning.

5.3 Reactor Core and Fuel -

5.3.1 Fuel Element:

Applicability This specification applies to the fuel elements used in the recetor core.

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l Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 35 i Objective ne objective is to assure that the fuel elements are designed and fabricated to l pennit their use with a high degree of reliability with respect to their physical and nuclear characteristics.

Specification (s)

The standard 1RIGA fuel element at fabrication shall have the following characteristics:


a. Uranium content: 8.5 weight percent (wt%) uranium enriched to a '

nominal 20% Uranium 235,

b. Aluminum Clad Standard TRIGA Fuel Elements:

l Zirconium to hydrogen atom ratio nominally 1:1 Cladding: 0.76 mm (0.030 in.) of Aluminum.

c. Stainless Steel Clad Standard TRIGA Fuel Elements:

Zirtonium to hydrogen atom ratio nominally 1:1.6 Cladding: 0.51 mm (0.020 in.) of stainless steel type 304,

d. The length of a fuel element shall be 72.1 cm (28.4 in.),
c. %c diameter of a fuel element shall be 3.73 cm (1.47 in.).

Basis The Design Basi., of the standard TRIGA core demonstrates that 250 kilowatt steady state operation represents a conservative safety limit for the maximum temperature generated in the fuel as presented in the references to Section 2.1 Safety Limits.

5.3.2 Control Rods Applicability This specification applies to the control rods.

Objective The objective is to assure that the control rods are designed to permit their use as neutron absorbers with a high degree of reliability and safety.

Specification (s)

The safety, shim, and regulating control rods shall have scram capability, and shall

, contain borated graphite, B.tC powder, or boron and its compounds in soli:1 form as a neutron absorber which is encased in ' minum cladding. -

Basis Reed Approved Vers;on of 3/90

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Re:d' Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 36 he neutron absorbing requhements for the control rods are satisfied by using borated graphite, D4C powder, or boron and its compounds. These materials must be contained in a suitable clad material, such as aluminum, to insure mechanical stability during movement and to iv> late the neutron absorber from the pool water ,

environment. Scram capabilities are provided for rapid insertion of the contml rods which is the primary safety feature of the reactor.

5.4 Reactor Fuel Element Storage Applicability This specification applies to the storage of reactor fuel at times when it is not in the reactor core.

Objective ne objective is to assure that stored fuel will not become critical and will not exceed design temperatures.

Specification (s)

a. All fuel elements shall be stored in a geometrical . ay where the calculated effective multiplication is less than 0.8 for all conditions of moderation.
b. Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which wUl permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuel element or fueled device ten , 'rature will not exceed design values.

Basis The limits imposed by these specifications are given in the " Technical Specifications for the Reed Reactor Facility,1%8 edition", and are more conservative than the American National Standards Institute AFSI 15.1 " Technical Specifications for Research Reactors,1982 edition." Storage of fuel elements in an array where the effective multiplication is less than 0.8 will prevent unintentional criticality.

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Reed Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 37 6.0 ADMINIS1T(ATIVE CONTA013 6.1 Orcanintion 6.1.1 Structure The Presider.t of Reed College Oevel 1) has the responsibility for the reactor facility 11anse. He management of the facility is the responsibility of the Facility Director Ocvel 2), who reports to the President of Reed College through a Vice President designated by the President. Administrative and fiscal responsibility is within the ofGees of President.

The minimum qualiScations for the position of Facility Director are a degree in science or engineering and 2 years experience in reactor operation or an advanced degree in science or engineenng.

ne minimum qualification for the position of Reactor Supervisor (Icvel 4)is possession of a Senior Reactor Operator's license.

in operational ratters, the Reactor Operators Oevel 5) report to a Senior Reactor Operator.

The Reactor llealth Physicist reports directly to the President Oevel 1). ne qualincations for the Reactor llealth Physicist is a graduate degree in radiation protection or the equivalent.

6.1.2 Responsibility Responsibility for the safe operation of the reactor facility shall be within the chain of command shown in the organization chart. Individuals at the various management levels,in addition to having responsibility for the policies and operation of the tractor facility, shall be responsible for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiation exposures and for adhering to all requirements of the Operating License and Technical Specifications. The Facility Director shall review and approve all experiments and experimental procedures prior to their use in the reactor.

In all instances responsibilities of one level may be assumed by designated altemates or by higher levels, conditional upon appropriate qualifications.

6.1.3 Staffing The minimum st. 6ng when the reactor is not secured shall be:

a. A Certified Opator in the control roont
b. A strond person within the Operations Boundary who can perform prescribed written instructions such as initiation of the fint stages of the
  • emergency plan including evacuation cad initial notification procedures.

ne second person may leave for a period not to exceed 15 minutes.

e. A designated Senior Reactor Operator shall be readily availabic on call within the Chemistry Building. The available operator shall be on the Reed Approved Version of 3/90 I

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e Ree'd Reactor Facility Technical Specifications Page 38 Reed Campus widiin ten (10) minutes of reaching the Reactor Facility and shall keep the operator on duty informed of a telephone number for contact.

Events requiring the direction of a Senior Reactor Operator shall be:

a. All fuel elements or control nxi rclocations within the reactor core region.
b. Relocation of any in core experiment with a reactivity wonh greater than $1.00.
c. Recovery from an inadvertent scram in which case documented verbal concurrence from a Senior Reactor Operator is required.

A list of Reed Reactor Facility penonnel by name and telephone number shall be readily available in the control room for use by the operator. This list shall include:

a. Management Penonnel
b. IIcalth Physics Penonnel
c. All Certified Operaton.

6.1.4 Selection and Training of Penonnel The selection, training, and regualification of operators shall meet or exceed the requirements of American National Standard for Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reacton ANSI /ANS 15.4. Qualification and ,

requalification of certified operators shall be subject to a program approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

6.2 Reactor Review Committee (Review r_nd Audit)

The Reactor Review Committee (RRC) is established as a method for die independent review and audit of the safety aspects of Reed Reactor Facility operations and to advise the President of Reed College regarding these matten.

6.2.1 Composition and QualiGeations The RRC shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) members, not including ex-officio memben. The committee shall be appointed by and report to the President of Reed College. The members of the comnuttee shah collectively represent a broad spectrum of expertise in reactor technology and, in addition, represent community interests in safe operation of the Reed Reactor Facility. Individuals may be either from within or outside the operating organization. Qur".fied and formally approved altemates may serve in the absence of regular members. The Facility Director and the Reactor licalth Physicist shall be ex officio non voting memben of the RRC.

De Chair of the RRC shall be responsibic for:

Calling and Leading Meetings ,.

Establishing the Meeting Agenda Reed Approved Version of 3/90

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. Disseminating Minutes to Members of the RRC, Reed Reactor Facility StafI, and Reed Reactor Facility Managernent.

6.2.2 RRC Charter and Rules ne review and audit functions shall be conducted by the RRC in accordance with an established charter including the following:

a. Meeting Frequency The RRC shall meet quarterly not to exceed four months between meetings and more frequently as circumstances warrant, consistent with effective monitoring of RRf* activities.
b. Quorums A quorum for action by the RRC shall be not less than one half of the .

votmg mernbers. The majority vote of the RRC will be its official decision regarding safety aspects of the Reed Reactor Pacility,

c. Dissemination, review, and approval of minutes in a timely manner RRC Meeting minutes shall be disseminated to members and te the Pasident of Reed College for review in a 'imely manner after each meeting and approved by the RRC at its next meeting.

6.2.3 Review Function The following items shall be reviewed for adequacy by the RRC:

a. Determinations that proposed changes in equipment, systems, tests, experiments, or procedures do not involve an unreviewed safety question (10CFR50.59 Review).
b. All new nrocedures and major revisions thereto having safety significance, and proposed changes in reactor facility equipment or systems having safety significance.
c. All new experiments or classes of experiments that could affect reactivity or result m the release of radioactisity,
d. Proposed changes in technical specifications or facility license.
c. Reports of violations of technical specifications or facility license, or violations of intemal procedures or instnictions having safety significance.
f. Reports of: Oprating abnormalities having safety significance; violation of safety linuts; release of radioactivity from the site above allowed limits; operation with actual safety system settings less conservative than
  • allowed m the Technical Specifications; violation of a limiting condition of  !

opention contained in the Technical Specifications unlets prompt gmedial action is taken; reactor safety system component malfunctions which render or could render the associated system incapable unless the malfunction is discovered during maintenance or periods of reactor shutdown' ,

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. unanticipated or uncontrolled change in reactivity greatt t than $1.00; abnormal and significant degradation in reactor fuel, cladding, coolant boundary, or confinement boundary which could result in exceeding prescribed radiation exposure limits of personnel or release to the environment; and observed inadequacy in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls such that the inadequacy causes or l could have caused the existence or development of an unsafe condition.


g. Audit reports, j

6.2.4 Audit Function 1he RRC shall perform or arrange for comprehensive examination of selected operating records, logs, and other documents. Discussions with cognizant personnel and observation of operations shall be used as appropriate in no case shall the individual immediately responsible for the area audit that area. The i following items shall be audited:

a. Facility operations for conformance to the Technical Specificatiens and applicable Facility Licenw conditions annually.
b. 1hc requalification program for certified operators at least once every other calendar year.
c. Results of actions to correct those deficiencies that may occur in reactor facility equipment, structures, systems, or methods of operation that affect reactor safety annually.
d. The Reed Reactor Facility Emergency Plan, Physical Security Plan, and implementing procedures at least once every other calendar year.

A wrinen report of the findings of the audit shall be submitted to the President and RRC members within three months after the audit has been completed.

6.3 Qncrating Proceduret Written Standard Operating Procedures shall be prepared, and the RRC prior to initiation of the following activities:

a. Startup, operation, and shutdown of the reactor.
b. Fuel loading, unloading, and movement within the reactor,
c. P.outine maintenance of major components of systems that could have an effect on reactor safety,
d. Surveillance tests and calibrations required by the technical specifications or those that could nave an effect on reactor safety.
c. Personnel radiation protection activities, procedures for which developed and implemented with the advice of the Reactor Health Physicist.
f. Administrative controls on opemtions, maintenance, and the conduct of irradiations and experiments that could affect reactor safety.

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g. Im >lementation of required plans such as the Emergency Plan or Physical i Security P an.
h. Additions, modifications, or non routine modifying maintenance of reactor I safety systems.

valof the Substantive Director, and thechanges RRC. Minortomodifications the abovetoprocedures shall bewhmade the original procedures c effective after a fdo n change the original intent may be made by a Senior Reactor Operator but the modifications l must be approved by the Director within 14 da s. Tempo deviations from the procedures may be made by a Senior Reactor rator in er to deal widi specialor unusual circumstances or conditions. Such dev ations shall be documented and reponed to .

the Director.  ;

6.4 E3neriment Review and Acoroval i All new experiments or classes of experiments shall be approved in writing by the Director, or a designated alternate, and the RRC.

a. Approved exxriments shall be carried out in accortlance with established and approved procecures.
b. Substantive changes,to previously approved experiments shall require the y same review as a new expenment.
c. Minor changes to an experiment that do not significantly alter the experiment . e may be rnade by a Senior Reactor Operator.  !

6.5 Reauired Actions >

6.5.1 Actions to be Taken in Case of a Safety Limit Violation In the event of a safety limit violation, the following actions shall be taken:

s. The reactor shall be secured and reactor operation shall not be resumed until a repon of the violation is prepared ano authcrization is ,

received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

b. The safety limit violation shall be promptly reponed to the Director 1 or a designated alternate. *
c. %c NRC shall be notified by the Dirrctor or a designated altemate within one (1) working day of the violation by telephone (see Section 6.6.2).
d. A safety limit violation report shall be submitted '.o the NRC within 14 days (see Section 6.6.2). He report shall describe tb following: -

(1) Applicable circumstances leading to the violation beluding, when known, the cause and contributing factors.

Reed. Approved-Version of 3/90

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Repo heactor Fccility Technical Specifications Page 42 (2) Effect of the violation upon reactor facility components, systems, or structures and on the health and safety of personnel and the public.

(3) Corrective actions taken to prevent recurTence.

De report shall be reviewed by the RRC and any follow up report shall be submitted to the NRC when authotir.ation is sought to resume operation of the reactor.

6.5.2 Actions to be Taken in the Event of Other Reportable Occurrences in the event of an occurrrnce which must be reyrted to the NRC according to Section 6.6.2, the following actions shall be taken:

a. Reactor conditions shall be retumed to normal or the reactor shutdown. If it is necessary to shut down the reactor to correct the occurrence, operations shall not be resumed unless authorized by the Director or designated attemate,
b. De occurrence shall be reported to the Director or designated alternate immediately, and to the NRC within one (1) working day by telephone (see Section 6.6.2).
c. A written report describing the occurrence shall be submitted to the NRC within 14 days (see Section 6.6.2).
d. The occurrence shall be trviewed by the RRC at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

6.6 kun All written reports shall be sent within the prescribed interval to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as required by 10CFR50, 6.6.1 Operating Reports Routine annual reports covering the activities of the reactor facility during the previous twelve months shall be submitted within thrre months following the end of each prescribed year. %ese reports shall cover the same period as the Reed College Administrative Cycle. Each annual operating report shall include the following information:

a. A narratiu summary of reactor operating experience including the energy produced by the reactor and the hours the reactor was critical,
b. The unexplained scrams including, where applicable, corrective action taken to preclude recurrence.


, c. Tabulation of major preventive and corre;tive maintenanc . .

operations havmg safety significance. ,

l d. Tabulation of major changes in the reacter facility and procedures, j and tabulation of new tests or experiments or both, that are significantly l Reed Approved Version of 3/90 l


a n.

di-k l

R&o'd floactor Facility Technical Specifications Pago 43 different from those perfonned prevlously and are not described in the


Safety Arialysis Report, including conclusions that no unreviewed safety questions were involved and that 10 CFR 50.59 was applicable,

c. A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the Reactor Facility as determined at or before the point of such release or discharge. 'Ihe summary shallinclude to the extent practicable an estimate of individual radionuclides present in the effluent if the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25% of the concentration specified in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, a statement to this effect is sufficient,
f. A summaried rrsult of environmental surveys performed outside the facility,
g. A rummary of exposurrs received by facility personnel and visitors, where such exposures are greater than 25% of that allowed or recommended in 10 CFR 20.

6.6.2 Special Reports Special Reports are used to report unplanned events as well as planned major facility and administrative changes. 'llese Special Reports sha,1 contain and t hall be communicated as follows:

a. A report that describes the circumstances ef any of the events listed below shall be submitted to the U.S. Nue) ear Regulatory Commission Regional Administrator of Region V by telephone not later than the following working day and confirmed in wntiny, by telegraph or similar conveyance to be followed by a written report to the ofhces given in Section 6.6 within 14 days:

(1) Violation of the reactor safety limit (sce Section 6.5.1).

(2) Release of radioactivity from the site above allowed limits. I i

(3) Other Reportable Occurrences (see Section 6.5.2).

(i) Operation with actual safety system settings for required systems less conservative tha. the limitin specified in the technical specifications. g safety-system settings (ii) Operation in violation of lirvJting conditions for operation established in the technical specifications unless prompt remedial action is taken.

(iii) A reactor safety system component malfunction which rendene or could render the reactor safety system incapable of perfonning i;s intended safety function unless the rnalfunction or condition is discovered during maintenance tests or periods of reactor shutdowns. (NOTE: Wheir components or systems are o pmvided in addition to those requhrd by the technical specifications, the failure of the extra components or systems is not considened reportable provided that the minimum number of components or Reed Approved Version of 3/90

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ImEdheactor Fccility Technical Specifications Pcge 44 systems s function.)pecified or required perform their intended reactor safety (iv) An unanticipated or uncontrolled change in reactivity Ercaier than $1.00. Reactor scrams resulting from a known cause are excluded.

(v) Abnormal and significant degradation in reactor fuel, or cladding, or both, coolant boundary, or confinement boundary (excludmg minor leaks) where applicable, which could result ln exceeding prescribed radiation exposure limits of personnel or environment, or both.

(vi) An observed inadequacy in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls such that the inadequacy causes or could have caused the existence or development of an unsafe condition with regard to reactor operations.

b. A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of:

(1) Fermanent changes in the Facility Organization at the level of Director or above.

(2) Significant changes in transient or accident analysis as described in the Safety Analysis Report.

6.7 Records Facility records may be in the form oflogs, data sheets, or other suitab!c fonns. %c required information may be contained in single or multiple records or a combination thereof.

6.7.1 Records to be Retained for the Lifetime of REED REACTOR FACILITY (NOE: Applicable annual reports,if the may be used as records in this section.) y contain all of the required information,

a. Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs,
b. Radiation exposure for all personnel monitored.
c. Updated, corrected and as built drawings, of the reactor facility,
d. Reed Reactor Facility radiation and contamination surveys.
c. Fuel inventories, receipts, and shipments.

6.7.2 Records to be Retained for a Period of At least Five Years or fa the Ilfe Of The Component Involved if Less Dan Five Years o a. Reed Reactor Facility operations, including unscheduled shutdowns, principal maintenance operations, re required by technical specifications, portable experiments performedoccunences, with the reactor.surveillance activities Rced Approved Version of 3/90


Rord floactor Facility Tea.hnical Specifications Pago 45

. b. Approved changes in operating procedures.

c. Records of meetings and audit reports of the RRC.
d. Shipments of radioactive materia s.

6.7.3 Records to be Retained for at least One Training Cycle Retraining and requalification of certified operations prsonnel. Reconis of tha most recent complete cycle shall be maintained at all times the individual is a Certified Operator at Reed Reactor Facility.

a Reed Approved Version of 3/90

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