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Rev 0 to WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program Description
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1984
From: Martin J, Stickney R, Wyrick J
Shared Package
ML20091C837 List:
WNP-2-LORPD, NUDOCS 8405300672
Download: ML20091C851 (29)


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WNP-2 LICENSED OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program description has been prepared to describe how WNP-2 will implement and conduct requalification training and evaluation for licensad operators in fulfillment of the requirements of 10 CFR 55 with Appendix A, the supplemental requirements in Sections A and C of Enclosure 1 of the March 28,1980,NRC/

H. R. Denton letter to all licensees, Section 6.4 of the WNP-2 Technical Specifi-cations, and the commitments made in the WNP-2 FSAR, Section 13.2.

Revision 0 - Submitted for Approval:

Date: Si 4 M ~ 89 ~ /

k . W J. . Wyrick, n ger R. R.~ 5tickney, Manag WNP Nuclear L se Training Technical Training -

Revision 0 - Reviewed by POC and Approved for Execution:

Date: e /4ff)/

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J. D.jfrartin i

WNP-g P1 ant (Manager l

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WNP-2 LORPD 0.%g;,. Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 r4S5300672 840515 PCR ADOCK 05000397 Y PDR _ _ _ _ _ _ ._

i WNP-2 LICENSED OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OBJECTIVES The WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program has two primary objectives:

1. Maintain and enhance the qualifications of licensed personnel to safely, effectively, and efficiently operate, test, and maintain WNP-2.
2. Fulfill the EC requirements in 10CFR55, Appendix A, "Requalification Programs for Licensed Operators of Production and Utilization Facilities".

APPLICABILITY The WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program, as a minimum, requires the satisfactory participation of all personnel holding NRC Operator or Senior Operator Licenses in order to fulfill the 10CFR55.33 requirement that each licensed individual demonstrate his continued competence every two years in order for his license to be renewed.


The WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program consists of a number of separate but interrelated components which include the following:

1. Preplanned Lecture Series o Segments I & III (Post & Pre-Examination Review Lectures)

! o Fundamentals Review ( EC/ Annual Exam Categories 1,5) o Operational Knowledge Review (EC/ Annual Exam Categories 2,3,4,6,7,8) o Segment II (Refresher Lectures)

2. Update Lecture Series o Design, Procedure, & Tech Spec Changes o Operating Experience Review l ,

1 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 l -

3. Skills Training & Evaluation o Simulator Training & Evaluation o In-Plant Training & Evaluation
4. Examinations & Quizzes o Annual R0/SRO Written Examinations o Annual RO/SRO Simulator Operating Examinations o Annual RO/SRO Oral In-Plant Examinations o Post-Lecture Examinations o Pre-Lecture Diagnostic Quizzes (for preplanned lecture series)
5. On-Job Abnormal & Emergency Procedure Review
6. Accelerated Requalification Program
7. Inactive Status Retraining Program
8. General Employee Retraining Program
9. Annual Overall Evaluation of Requalification Program PROGRAM IN LEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITIES The nature of the WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program is such that its implementation and administration responsibilities need to be shared be-tween the WNP-2 Operations and WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Departments and the WNP-2 Training Coordinator. In some cases, the respulsible organization will need to request the aid of assisting organizations.

Program responsibilities are listed in Attachment 4, " Program Implementation and Administration Responsibilities".

SCHEDULING GUIDELINES The WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program shall consist of a contin-uously on-going successive series of two year programs. Although requaliff-l cation is structured into two year programs, certain of the program components l are required on an annual basis.

l 2 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 I

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- The preplanned and update lecture series, simulator training and evaluation, post-lecture examination, and general employee retraining components will nor-mally be conducted during the training week" for each shift crew. For sched-uling purposes, it is assumed that each shift crew will have seven (7) train-ing weeks per year, somewhat more than would be needed to fulfill the FSAR commitments. In-plant Training and Evaluation and the On-Job Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review will normally be conducted on-shift on an on-going basis as directed by the Operations Manager.

Annual written, simulator, and oral in-plant examinations shall be scheduled for each calendar year. Normally an examination period covering one cycle of shift rotation will be designated at least six months in advance. The annual written examination will normally be administered no more than three times each examination period.

To accommodate a concentrated review for and conduct of the annual examina-tion, it is intended to temporarily change the normal shift rotation schedule during a twelve (12) week period each year. This 12 week period will consist of three cycles, each of four (4) weeks duration. During each cycle two shift crews concurrently will have two weeks of pre-examination lectures, one week of simulator review exercises, and one week for the annual written, simulator

, operating and oral in-plant examinations. The schedule for and time spent in I

this review may be varied based on experience and/or circumstances.

i Separate but equivalent versions of the annual written examinations shall be used for each administration. Simulator examination exercises and oral exami-

nation questions will be varied so as to eliminate any disadvantage to taking l an examination early in a series.

Accelerated Requalification and Inactive Status Retraining Programs shall be jointly scheduled by WNP-2 Operations and WNP-2 Nuclear License Training as circumstances dictate.


  • Activity 1 Preplanned Lectures 2 Up-Date Lectures; Post Lecture Examinations 3 Simulator Training & Evaluation 4 Simulator Training & Evaluation l 5 General Employee Retraining
  • Days 1-5 do not necessarily correspond to Monday-Friday. This schedule may l be adjusted as needed to make the best possible use of available training time and training resources. Diagnostic quizzes may be given at any time in the l

training week.

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l l 3 WNP-2 LORPD l

Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 e


1. GENERAL A. The time available for retraining is very limited relative to the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills required of 11-consed personnel. As a result, that time must be utilized to ,

the fullest possible extent: '

(1) Consistent with the proper performance of their duties, I operators are encouraged to take advantage of every on-shift opportunity to maintain and enhance both their knowledge and skills. ,

(2) Diagnostic Pre-Lecture quizzes may be utilized to identify the particular topics which need to be stressed in the pre-

planned lecture series.

(3) The knowledge required of SRO and RO personnel differs more in the emphasis placed on particular topics than in the topics themselves. Where appropriate the preplanned lec- -

tures will cover topics for both SRO's and RO's and, to the extent feasible, identify the distinctions which can be made. On annual examinations, individuals will be examined

- to either the SRO or R0 level depending upon the license hel d.

B. Examinations required by the WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalifi-cation Program will be prepared, administered, and graded by the l WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Department or, at the direction l of the WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager, by other organi-l zations supporting WNP-2. WNP-2 Training may request technical I

review of individual questions and answers prior to their incor-l poration into examinations.

C. To the extent feasible training shall be conducted in the most effective and efficient manner. As an example, instruction and discussion as to the applicability, intent, and interpretation of many procedures are best taught in the classroom while the actual use of most procedures is best covered in the simulator.

D. NUREG-1021. " Operator Licensing Examiner Standards" is a compi-lation of separate Examiner Standards (ES) prepared by the NRC Operator Licensing Branch. Thesa standards provide direction to NRC examiners and establish the procedures and practices for examining and ifcensing of applicants for NRC licenses pursuant to 10CFRSS and for NRC evaluation of Requalification Programs.

4 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

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These Examiner Standards (as published in October 1983), and the other references cited in ES-102, shall be used, along with the INPO " Guidelines for Requalification Training and Evaluation" (GPG02-10-80), Section 7.2, to the extent they apply as guid-ance for the implementation of the WNP-2 Operator Requalifica-tion Program. Specific references are indicated at appropriate points in this program description.

It is noted that a number of the requirements in 10CFR55 and the supplemental requirements contained in theNRC/Denton letter of March 28, 1980, to all Licensees, some of which have been ad-dressed in the WNP-2 FSAR, are expressed in terms not readily adaptable to effective and/or efficient iglementation. The NRC has recognized this situation and has provided various restate-ments of these requirements for iglementation purposes. It is the intent of this program description to be consistent with current NRC practices rather than preserving a direct, one for one correspondence with the wording of the regulatory requirements.

E. Each of the annual examinations (written, simulator, and oral in-plant) will be evaluated on a " Pass" or " Fail" basis.

For the written examinations, this determination is based on the numeric grades received on the examination as a whole and on each of its four categories as described in Section 2.B. " Pass" and " Fail" criteria for written examinations are indicated on Attachment 1.

For the simulator operating examination and the oral in-plant examination, " Pass" or " Fail" shall be determined by the profes-sional judgment of the instructor / evaluator based on knowledge, experience, and the guidance provided by applicable references.

Each overall judgment evaluation shall be supported and docu-mented by a checklist or other appropriate documentation which identifies the areas covered by the examination and identifies in the appropriate space the evaluation of performance in that i area as being "S" (Satisfactory), "M" (Marginal), or "U" (Unsatisf actory). The criteria for these evaluations is described in Section 8 of ES-303. Each "U" Evaluation shall be supported by a detailed connent which states the particular action or response that resulted in the unsatisfactory evaluation.

Evaluations of Simulator Examinations should be supplemented, l where practicable, with printouts from the Simulator Training Performance Monitor System.

5 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

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Failures on these examinations and examinations with " Marginal" and " Unsatisfactory" evaluations shall be brought to the attention of the WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager and the WNP-2 Plant Manager for information and any action deemed appropriate.

F. The EC will periodically evaluate utility requalification pro-grams as described in ES-601. These evaluations will normally be performed in conjunction with and/or at the same time as the WNP-2 Annual Examinations and will be considered to be a part of the WNP-2 Annual Examination Process. The EC evaluation may include any of the following or variations thereof:

(1) Substitution of an EC-developed written examination, com-l plate or some categories, for the Supply System prepared examination.

(2) Conducting EC oral and/or simulator examinations on selected candidates.

(3) Observing Supply System administered oral / simulator / written examinations on subject areas determined by the NRC.

The EC will normally contact the plant at least three months prior to the scheduled requalification examination dates re-garding EC participation. The EC does not intend to notify the plant, until after arrival at the site, as to the extent of EC participation in the annual examination or which individuals E C will examine. In general, the E C is expected to examine about 20% of the licensed operators each year incident to their evaluation of the Licensed Operator Requalification Program.

Normally, an annual examination will not be administered to per-sonnel who have successfully completed an NRC licensing or cer-tification examination within the last 6 months.

2. Annual RO/SRO Written Examinations A. These examinations shall be modelled after the EC licensing examinations as to scope, structure, and general method of ad-ministration, including safeguards for examination integrity.

EC Examiner Standards ES-201, 202, 203, 401, 402, and 403 pro-vide guidance.

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B. Attachment 1, " Annual Written Requalification Examination Per-formance Requirements", indicates, in decision table fermat, the overall and category grade criteria for passing the annual writ-ten examination together with the subsequent individual requali-fication requirements based on the written examination results.

3. Annual R0/SRO Oral Examinations A. Oral in-plant examinations will consist of the following four phases:

o Phase A - Operating Demonstration - Included only if an annual simulator operating examination is not possible, o Phase B - Control Room - Covers "Back Panels" o Phase C - Reactor and auxiliary buildings - includes radia-tion protection topics.

o Phase 0 - Discussion (Integrated Plant Response, Reactor Theory, Themodynamics and Hydraulics)

8. These examinations will be generally modelled after the NRC 11-censing oral examinations as to scope, structure and general method of administration and evaluation as described in NRC Examiner Standards ES-301, 302, 303, 304, and 601.

C. For the purpose of oral in-plant requalification ext:ninations, the provisions of the Examiner Standards applicable to " Reactor Operator" and " Upgrade Senior Reactor Operator" shall be used for R0s and SR0s respectively.

4. Annual R0/SRO Simulator Operating Examinations A. The purpose of the Simulator Operating Examinations is to pre-vide an annual verification that on-job experience and the on-going simulator training exercises are effective in maintain-ing each licensed individual's operating skills. The annual operating examination differs from the simulator training exer-l cises in that, due to time constraints, the operating examina-tion can include only a small sub-set of the training exercises conducted throughout the two year training cycle. This subset shall be selected from the control manipulations and evolutions described in Attachment 1 of ES-502 and, as a minimum, shall include the situations described in Section B.2 of that stan-dard. Basically, these situations consist of:

i t

(1) Two nomal evolutions, e.g., power maneuvering with rods or core flow, reactor startup. ,


Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

(2) Instrumentation failures, e.g., nuclear or process instrumentation.

(3) Two component failures where it is reasonable to expect that no scram will result with prompt operator action.

(4) Major plant transient, e.g., LOCA.

B. The Simulator Examinations shall be modelled after the NRC Li-censing Examinations as to . cope, structure, and general method of administration and evaluation as described in ES-501 and

-50 2. Simulator instructors designated by the WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager will serve as the examiners.

C. Although operating examinations will noramily be conducted on -

the WNP-2 simulator, they may be conducted, with some modifica-i tion, on the plant.

D. Personnel failing an annual Simulator Operating Examination shall be removed from licensed duties and shall participate in an accelerated requalification program until they pass an oper-ating reexamination.

5. Preplanned Lecture Series A. Lecture Series Segments (1) The Preplanned Lecture Series will be organized into three sequential segments for both educational and administrative reasons:

I Post-Examination Review Lectures II Refresher Lectures III Pre-Examination Review Lectures Each segment is under the direction of the WNP-E Nuclear License Training Manager.

B. Post-Examination Review Lectures (1) The purpose of the Post-Examination Review is to remedy the specific deficiencies indicated by the written exaninations as soon as practical thereafter.

(2) The Post-Examination Review subjects and extent of coverage shall be determined by the results of the written portions of the IEtC Licensing Examinations and subsequent annual written requalification examinations. This determination will be documented.

8 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

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(3) To facilitate the implementation and administration of the Post-Examination Review it will be structured to parallel the annual written examination categories as follows:


R0 SRO Fundamentals Review 1 5 Operational Knowledge Review 2,3,4 6,7,8 There may be some topic crossover where appropriate and/or category descriptions are not definitive.

Attachment 3. "NRC Exam Categories Stu@ Resource Matrix",

indicates, for each examination category, the primary source mferences and the organization directly responsible fJr Presenting the preplanned lectures.

! (4) Attendance at the Post-Examination Reviews and participa-l tion in their associated post-lecture examinations, shall j be as indicated in Attachment 1 Annual Written Requalifi-cation Examination Performance Requirements.

l (5) Post-Lecture examinations shall be given as an integral part of the Post-Examination Review. These examinations are required of those who attend the lectures unless ex-cused as indicated in Attachment 1 when the annual written examination category grade equaled or exceeded 80%.

These examinations will be based on the material presented in the lecture. Lecture topics should not be restricted to the specific questions covered on the annual exaaination but should relate, directly or indirectly, to each category topic where a general weakness was shown on any version of the annual examination.

(6) Post-Lecture examination grades must equal or exceed 80%.

Those individuals not passing will be required to take another examination after additional self study which has been supplemented, if so directed, by organized stu@.

l Exam retakes will be adeinistered by the WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Department at a time mutually agreed upon with the hW-2 Operations Manager and, in no case, later than the end of the individual s next scheduled training week after the individual failed the post-lecture examina-tion. The WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager shall report any failure on an examination ratake to the Plant Manager and Operations Manager along with a recossendation regarding the individual's removal from licensed duties and participation in an accelerated requalification program.

! 9 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 l


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I C. Refresher Lectures (1) The purpose of the Refresher Lectures is to cover topics

. which will help maintain and enhance the operator knowledge and skills needed to safely, effectively, and efficiently operato, test, and maintain WP-2. Unlike the other seg-ments of the Preplanned Lecture Series, the Refresher Lec-tures will not concentrate exclusively on topics typically addressed in the NRC Licensing and/or annual written re-qualification examinations.

i (2) The Refresner Lecture subjects and extent of coverage will be specified by the WP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager based upon input from the WNP-2 Plant and Operations Ma' agers, the WP-2 Training Coordinator, the Technical Train-ing Manager, Training Instructors, Operations, NRC Licens-ing and Annual Examinations, and, where applicable, diagnostic quizzes (see Section 5.E below).

(3) The Refresher Lectures shall be attended by all Licensed operators unless specifically excused by the WNP-2 Opera-tions Manager, with the consent of the WNP-2 Nuclear Li-conse Training Manager. ,

(4) Post-Lecture examinations shall be given as an integral part of the Refresher Lecture Series and, when given, will be taken by all individuals who attend the lectures. These examinations shall be based on the material presented in the lectures. Gradas on these examinations will be re-corded. Grades less than 805 will be reported to the WP-2 Operations Manager, the WNP-2 Training Coordinator, and the Technical Training Manager for action as they deem appropriate.

D. Pre-Examination Review Lectures (1) The purpose of the Pre-Examination Review Lectures is to provide a concentrated review of topics which might be covered on the annual written requalification examinations very shortly before the time scheduled for those I examinations.

l (2) These lectures shall be structured to parallel the annual written examination categories (see Section 5.B (3) above) and shall total at least 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. .

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10 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. 0, Mar. 28,1984

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(3) Each itcensed individual should attend the Pre-Examination I Review Lecture sequence immediately prior to the annual examination for which he is scheduled. Attendance shall be

! required where necessary to meet the FSAR commitment of attendance at 6 pre-planned lectures (i.e. 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />). The individual's manager is responsible for arranging for this attendance.

(4) Examinations and/or diapostic quizzes may be administered i incident to the Pre-Examination Review Lectures. These examinations may cover any topic which might be asked on a NRC Licensing Examination or annual written requalification  !

i examination. Any failures to attain an 805 grade shall be reported to the WNP-2 Operations Manager and the W-2 ,

Training Coordinator for appropriate action. Passing the annual written requalification examination is the only specific requirements for successfully completing the  !

Pre-Examination Review.

I E. Diagnostic Quizzes

. (1) Diapostic quizzes may be utilized to identify particular topics which need to be stressed in any of the Preplanned Lecture Series. They are intended to provide the instruc- '

ter with more detailed and/or more up-to-date inforination

as to what should be covered in the lectures.

l (2) Diagnostic quizzes provide those taking the quizzes with a i

means of self-assessment as to their retention of material previously covered and a focus for subsequent on-shift or other discussions to help improve knowledge and/or retention.

(3) Diapostic quizzes should be taken by all those who will be attending the lectum even though they may not he required to take the post-lecture examination.

t (4) The diapostic quizzes may or may not be graded; grading is t at the option of the instructor. Neither the. grade, if any, nor the diagnostic quiz will be entered in any indi- l vidual's training record. <

6. Update Lecture Series A. The purpose of the update lecture series is to provide training i on-  !

i l

(1) Modifications to WNP-2 plant, system, or equipment desip, procedures including the Guergency Plan Implementing Pro- ,

j cedures, and Technical Specif< cations. '


! 11 WNP-2 LORPO Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 1

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(2) Operating experience review of events at WNP-2 or other l plants which could enhance nelP-2 safety, effectiveness, or efficiency with special emphasis on preventing and coping with emergencies and severe abnormalities. These reviews include coverage of pertinent Licensee Event Reports (i.e.,

LERS) and Monthly Operational Bulletins (i.e., M085).

8. When appropriate, material covered in the update lecture series may be supplemented in the plant by Operations and/or in the WIF-2 simulator, either before or after the lecture. In the simulator, this coverage may be given specific emphasis by in-struction and/or considered as a new/ revised practice to be c

demonstrated by the trainees.

. C. Post-lecture examinations shall be used as an integral part of e the update lecture series and shall be taken by all active 11-i conse holders and any others who are required to attend these

! lectures. Requirements for passing these examinations shall be the same as for pre-planned lecture series examinations.


7. Simulator Training & Evaluation A. The purpose of simulator retraining is to maintain and enhance individual operator, shift crew, and shift technical advisor skills for coping with a full spectrum of normal, abnormal, and

< emergency situations in a realistic, real-time operating envi-ronment without the need to jeopardize plant safety or impact l

other activities. Use of up-to-data procedures will provide the opportunity for geining familiarity with new or revised pro-cedures as well as practice using all procedures, new or old.

I 8. The simulator training will be structured around a program of l- ,

the control manipulations listed in Attachment 1 of ES-502 (from the NRC/Denton letter dated March 28, 1980, to all Licensees) and ANS 3.1 - 1981. The "WNP-2 Requalification Program Control Manipulation Tracking System" sheet (copy in Attachment 2) lists j

the different categories of manipulations required by the Re-

< qualification Program. The actual conduct of these exercises shall employ sufficient variation as to require realistic situa-tion assessment and performance by both individuals and the team as a whole. Unless it is not possible, it is desired that oper-ator responses in the simulator be identical to those which should occur in the plant. This includes the use of appifcable plant procedures. .

C. 10CFR55, Appendix A, Para 4.C requires " Systematic observation and evaluation of the perfonmence and competency of licensed -

operators and senior operators....... including evaluation of actions taken or to be taken during actual or simulated abnonnal 12 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

. and emergency conditio'ns". In addition to the annual simulator i operating examination, operator perfomance on the broad spec-trum of simulator training exercises conducted throughout the year will also be evaluated. 1 D. For each day's exercises, the overall perfomance of both the shift crew as a whole and each individual as part of the shift 1 crew shall be assessed on an overall " satisfactory /unsatis- '

factory" basis. The basis for this assessment shall be, in l general, the same as for simulator operating examinations but <

with increased emphasis upon achieving and maintaining a per-formance level higher than that required for the NRC License.

For that reason, each evaluation report should include comments noting respects in which the demonstrated perfomance could have been improved. ,

4 E. Personnel participating in the requalification program should assume that their actual performance will be evaluated for all exercises unless the instructor announces expiteitly to the con-trary. It is intended that performance evaluations be conducted so as not to be a deterrent to learning by asking questions. In recognition of the potential training value of using simulator capabilities to perform "what would happen if..." exercises, such exercises may be conducted with the instructor's prior per-I mission on a non-evaluated basis.

F. The WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager shall report to the WNP-2 Plant and Operations Managers for each training week in

which either a shift crew or one or more ifcensed operators receives more than one daily " Fail" evaluation during a training week. The WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Manager shall also make a recommendation regarding additional retraining and/or removal from licensed duties and participation in an accelerated

! requalification program.

l 8. In-Plant Training & Evaluation I

A. The purpose of in-plant retraining and evaluation is to maintain and enhance operator skills for coping with normal, abnormal, and emergency situations in a realistic environment when the necessary training and/or evaluation is best, most readily, or most efficiently perfomed in the plant.

B. In-plant training may include , among others, such activities as plant calculations (e.g. reactivity, water inventory); system itneups, restorations, and operability demonstrations; operator performed surveillance tests; refueling operations; fire drills; radioactive spills; and others which cannot be perfomed on the simulator.

13 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 '

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c C. In-plant training and perfomance evaluation will be conducted and documented as directed and scheduled by the WNP-2 Operations Nanager.

9. General Employee Retraining Program A. The purpose of the general employee retraining program is to maintain and enhance knowledge and skills in these areas as re-quired by law, regulation, commitment, company policy, procedure and/or by other recognized need.

B. General Employee Retraining will include fire brigade retraining for those so assigned. It will also include retraining, if and as appropriate, for basic and advanced first aid, respiratory protection, radiation protection, security, and any others in-dicated in WNP-2 PPM 1.8.2.

C. The WNP-2 Plant Training Coordinator shall be responsible for i the scheduling and conduct of General Employee Retraining, in-l cluding the portion of each training week reserved for such l


10. Accelerated Requalification Program A. The purpose of an Accelerated Requalification Program is to provide a means by which operators and/or senior operators whose demonstrated perfomance fails to meet the standards required to maintain their license qualifications can requalify with a min-imum of delay.

B. Personnel may be placed in an Accelerated Requalification Pro-gram for failure to meet the established performance standards for one or more of the following, whether administered by the Supply System or by the NRC.

l Perfomance Area Standard (1) Annual Written Examination Attachment 1 (2) Post-Examination Review Section 5.B(6) above Post-Lecture Examination (3) Annual Simulator Operating Exam Section 4.8 and 4.0 above (4) Simulator Exercise Perfomance Section 7.D above Evaluations ,

l (5) Annual In-Plant Oral Examination Section 3.8 above (6) Job Perfomance Sections 7 & 8.C above Evaluations 14 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 l

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C. Personnel placed in an Accelerated Requalification Program will be removed from licensed duties untti they have requalifled.

D. The criteria for successfully completing the annual written examination portion of an Accelerated Requalification Program and resuming licensed duties is as shown in Requirement "e",

"f", or "g" of Attachment 1. In cases where individuals do not receive a reexas grade of 80% or better in each category to resume licensed duties, they shall attend the preplanned lectures for such categories and take the post-lecture exams as s noted in Requirement "b" of Attachment 1.

E. Removal from licensed duties for reasons other than failing to meet performance standards, e.g. inability to meet medical i

requirements, does not necessarily entail being placed in the Accelerated Requalification Program.

F. Accelerated Requalification Program., will be structured, both in content and method, to meet the specific situation and needs.

These individual pro 5 rams will be as mutually agreed between the Operations and Training Managers.


11. Inactive Status Retraining Program A. The purpose of the Inactive Status Retraining Program is to pro-vide a means of requalifying personnel licensed as an operator or senior operator who have not actively performed the functions for which licensed within the.last four months.

B. To remain in an active status, individuals holding NRC licenses but not normally assigned to licensed duties, shall stand a minimum of sixteen (16) hours in the Control Room over any four-month period, during which time the individual shall actually carry out the duties of either the Reactor Operator or l the Senior Reactor Operator, as applicable.

l C. The Inactive Retraining program will consist of the inactive Ifcensed individual passing o oral and/or written examination administered by the WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Department with a grade of at least 805 plus standing at least sixteen hours of licensed duties under instruction. The examination shall stress abnormal and emergency procedures, plant design and technical specification changes, and administrative procedures.

l D. The Inactive Retraining program requirements of para C above will be supplemented by instruction structured, both in content and method, to meet the specific situation and needs. This in-str"#. tion will be as mutta11y agreed between the Operations and Training Managers and the manager of the inactive licensed individual.

15 WNP-2 LORPO l Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 s

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12. Annual overall Evaluation of Requalification Program A. The purpose of the annual overall progra evaluation is to ob-tain an independent assessment of the content, quality, and ap-propriateness of the WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program. The evaulation will consider, among others, such areas as exam difficulty, grading quality, and lecture subjects.,


8. The requalification program will be evaluated by persons know-ledgeable in training but excluding those directly responsible for the requalification program. This evaluation will be documented.

C. This evaluation will be reviewed by the WNP-2 Nuclear License ,

Training Manager, the WNP-2 Plant Manager, the WNP-2 Operations Manager, and by other plant management as desired. The Training Manager should initiate and, after approval, implement any necessary and/or appropriate corrective action.

D. Manager, Technical Training is responsible for scheduling and directing the conduct of the annual overall program evaluation and issuing a doctamented report of same.

I 1

16 WNP-2 LORPD i Rev. O. Mar. 28, 1984 4


. . _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _______lJ.___.___._______...___..,_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - . _

Annual tiritten Requalification Examination Performance Requirementb^ " "

- Exam Results/ Requirements CASE TYPE A 8 C D E F G H I J ss

ANNUAL EXAM RESULTS l 1 Overall Grade 1805 P X X X X X

! 2 ,0vera11 Grade <80% F X X X X 3 All Category Grades 1805 P .X 4 y Category 1705 & <80% P X X 5 One Category <70% F X X 6 Two Categories <70% F X X 7 pver two. Categories <70% F X X l


a Should attend preplanned lecture X eries. Excused from taking post-
ecture exams.

l b Shall attend preplanned lecture X X X X X X X X i beries. Shall take post-lecture i ixams for each category for which annual exam grade was <805. Post-lecture exam grades must be 1805.

l c lhall be removed from licensed X X X X X X X futies, d Shall participate in accelerated' equalification program. X X X X X X X l

, e ,5 hall take reexamination on each X X category for which annual exam

  • prade was < 705. To resume licensed reexam category grade (s) puties,!705.

must be f Shall take reexamination on each X X X

, category for which annual exam 1

grade was <805. To resume licensed duties, reexam category grade (s) l sust be !705 and recomputed over-pil exam grade must be 1805.

l l l

WNP-2 LO tPO <

Rev, 0, 1ar. '28,'984 i


Annual Written Requalification Examination Performance Requirements Exam Results/ Requirements CASE TYPE A 8 C D E F G H lI J REQUIREMENTS (Cont.)

g Shall take complete reexamination. X X To resume licensed duties, reexam l grade must be 180% with no category grade <70%.

h Shall attend update lecture series. X X X X X X X X X If post-lecture examination is given, grade must be 280%. .


A licensed person with an overall grade of ?80% with one category grade <70% would be Case C neces- l sitating compliance with Require-jnentsb,c,d,eandh.

I t

i i I

t i k

' i i

k i

i I

,NP-M W LOR 20 Rev. O, Mir. 28, 1984

l t


POSITION REQUALIFICATION PERIOD Control Manipulation (Note 1) (Note 2) Verification Date

  • (1) Plant or reactor start- -

up (to include a range

'; hat SK feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticeable and heatup rate is established).

  • (2) Plant Shutdown.
  • (3) Mariual control of reactor water level during start-up or shutdown. __
  • (4) Any significant (> 10%)
power changes due to

, manual rod control or recire flow.

  • (S)Lossofcoolant(inside

.or outside primary con-tainment, large and small to include leak rate determination.

(6) Loss of instrument air.

(7) Loss of electrical power.

  • (8)Lossofcorecoolant flow / natural circulation.

. WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

- -,w. , . . , - - - . . _ , . - . , . - - , _,,_ry.


(10) Loss of standy service water.

(11) Loss of shutdown cooling.

(12) Loss of component cool-ing system or cooling to individual component.

(13) Loss of normal feed-water or normal feed-water system failure.

i (normal / emergency).

(15) Loss of RPS channel.


l (16) Mispositioned control l rod (s), rod drop.

(17) Stuck control rod (s).

l (18) Conditions requiring use

( of 58LC.



! Rev. O. Mar. 28, 1984 L -

- _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . ... _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ . - _ - _ . - , _ - = _ . . _


Control Manipulation (Note 1) (Note 2) Verification Date (19)Fuelcladfailure'orhigh activity in coolant or offgas.

(20)Turbineorgenerator trip.

(21) Malfunction of automatic ,

control systems which l affect reactivity.

(22) Malfunction of reactor coolant pressure control system. ,

(23) Reactor scram.

(24) Main stesa line break (inside or outside j .


(25)Nuclearinstrumentation failure.


,wyp.2 LORPO Rev. O Mar. 28, 1984

. i

- _ - - . - . J:: . -- , -- _ ,~~~:. L ,. .- __ .- . . _ . . . , . - _ . - - _ . . . - . -

.~ - .. - - . _ _ _ _ . .-. - _ . - _ . . _. .-_ _ --


CREW POSITIO81 REQUALIFICATION PERIOD Control Manipulation (Note 1) (Note 2) Verification Date (26) OTHER EVOLUTIONS:

. a) _

b) c)

d) e)

f) g)




l (1) Column 1 - enter a P for items that were PERFORMED and a D for items that were DIRECTED.

Personnel with Senior Reactor Operator licenses are permitted to direct or evaluate control manipulations as they are performed.

(2) Column 2 - enter a P for items that were accomplished IN PLANT and a 5 for items are were i accomplished in the WMP-2 SIMULATOR.

(3) Items preceeded by an asterisk (*) are required to be performed on an annual basis; all other items shall be performed on a two-year cycle.

f l

! 'WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 l

l -


'l i

i WNP-2 LORPO Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984


1 Principles of Nuc WP.2 Systems & Procedures Power Plant Oper. Gen (Fund&. Tech S eport Reactor Physics Trg ) Training Manual, Vol. X, ation Chap "8WR Reactor Theory Review" Fundamentals of Gen & Tech Support Trg " Thermodynamics, Heat Thermodynamics, (Fund - HTFF) Transfer, & Fluid Flow" Heat Transfer, & (MTC Sept 1982) - GE Fluid Flow #

Mitigatirg Core WNP-2 Lic Op Trg NEDE30050(Vol!)

Damage " Degraded Core" 2 Plant Design, inc WNP-2 Lie Op Trg WNP-2 S&P Trg Man, Vols Safety & Emergency I.VI Controls 3 Instruments and WNP-2 Lie Op Trg WNP-2 S&P Trg Man, Vol I-VI Controls Temp Text . Rad Detection Inst.

4 Procedures .

o Norm. Abnona, Emer System WNP #2 Lic Op Trg WNP.2 PPM, Vols 2,4,5 General WNP #2 Lic Op Trg WMP-2 PPM Vol 3 Emerg Plan Imp P WNP #2 Lic Op Trg WNP-2 PPM Vol 13 %

Administrative WMP #2 Lic Op Trg WNP-2 PPM Vol 1 %

o Radiologic Ctrl Gen & Tech Support Trg WNP-2 PPM 1.11 and 1.12 (Fund . Rad Cont) o Chemistry Gen & Tech Support Trg WNP.2 PPM 1.13.1 and 8.5.1 (Fund. Chem)

% . Specific procedures to be separately identified

  1. - 9ecific sections to be separately identified -

3-1 WNP-2 LORPO Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 i

INSTRUCTION & ANNUAL WRITTEN NRC EXAM CATEGORIES ORGANIZATION W/ , REQUALIFICATION EXAM SOURCE f DucRIPTIon . DIRECT RESPONS!8!LITY MATERIAL SR0 5 Theory of Nuclear WNP-2 S&P Trg Man, Vol X, Power Plants Gen (Fund&- Tech Support Reactor PhysicsTrg )Chap "BWR Reactor Theory Review" 9

Theory of 'luids Gen & Tech Support Trg " Thermodynamics, Heat

& Thermodynamics (Fund - HTFF) Transfer, & Fluid Flow" MTCSept1982).GE Mitigating Core WP-2 Lie Op Trg NEDE 30050 (Vol I)

Damage " Degraded Core" 6 Plant Systems: W P-2 Lie Op Trg WNP-2 59 Trg Man, Vols I-VI Design, Control Temp Text . Rad Detection

& Inst Inst.

7 Procedures .


o Norm, Abnorm Emer System WMP #2 Lic Op Trg WNP-2 PPM, Vols 2,4,5 General WP #2 Lic Op Trg WNP-2 PPM Vol 3 Emerg Plan Imp P WNP #2 Lic Op Trg WNP.2 PPM Vol 13 %

Adelnistrative WNP #2 Lic Op Trg W P.2 PPM Vol 1 %

o Radiologic Ctrl Gen & Tech Support Trg WNP-2 PPM 1.11 and 1.12 (Fund . Rad Cont) o Chemistry Gen & Tech Support Trg WNP-2 PPM 1.13.1 and 8.5.1 (Fund. Chem) 8 Admin Procedures, WMP.2 Lic Op Trg WMP 2 Tech Specs Chap 6 #

Conditions. Limita. WP.2 PPM Vol 1 %

tions 1 - Specific procedures to be separately identified i # . Specific sections to be separately identified 32 WNP.2 LORPO Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

ATTACHMENT 4 P_RCGRN1 IW LEMENTATION & ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITIES The nature of the WNP-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Program is such that its implementation and administration responsibilities need to be shared be-tween the WP-2 Operations and WNP-2 Nuclear License Training Departments and the WNP-2 Training Coordinator. In some cases, the responsible organization will need to request the aid of assisting organizations.

Program responsibilities are as follows: ,


ADMINISTRATION o Overall Program WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Training Coordinator o Scheduling

- Within Training WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.


- Outside Training WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Training Coordinator Week WNP-2 Operations

- Inplant Acti- WP-2 Operations .WNP-2 Training Coordinator vities WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

- Licensed Non- WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Training Coordinator Operators WP-2 Operations o Records Origination WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

- Master Course Department providing WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

l Files and Indi- training WNP-2 Training Coordinator vidual Trg. Reports

- Inplant Data WP-2 Operations WNP-2 Training Coordinator Collection WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

o Records Maintenance Trg. Dev. and Evaluation WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

WNP-2 Training Coordinator 4-1 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 l


INSTRUCTION o Preplanned Lecture Series

_ - Wr.dementals WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. General & Technical Review Support Training -


- Operational Know- WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

ledge Review ,

o Update Lecture WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. MNP-2 Training Coordinator Series

.;ign, Procedure, WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

& Tech Spec Char.ges

- Operating Exper- WHP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Nuclear Safety ience Review Assurance Group o Simulator Training WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

o Inplant Training WNP-2 Operations WNP-2 Training Coordinator EXAMINATIONS, QUIZZES, AND EVALUATIONS o Annual RO/SRO WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. General & Technical Written Examinations Support Training Department o Annual R0/SRO Oral WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Operations Inplant Examinations o R0/SRO Simulator WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Operations l Operating Performance Evaluations & Exam-f inations o Post-Lecture Exam- WP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. General & Tech- '

inations nical Support Training Department l

l 4-2 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984 l

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EXAMINATIONS, QUIZZES, AND EVALUATIONS o Pre-Lecture Diag- WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. General & Tech-nostic Quizzes nical Support Training Department o On-Job Perfonsance WNP-2 Operaticns WNP-2 Training Coordinator Evaluations ON-J08 A8 NORMAL & EMERGENCY PROCEDURE REVIEWS o Scheduling Reviews WNP-2 Operations. WNP-2 Training Coordinator WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg.

o Sign-off Signatures WNP-2 Operations o Records Maintenance Trg. Dev. & Evaluation WNP-2 Training Coordinator ACCELERATED REQUAL- WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Operations IFICATION PROGRAM -

INACTIVE STATUS RE- WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Operations l TRAINING PROGRAM GENERAL EW LOYEE RE- WNP-2 Nuc. Lic. Trg. WNP-2 Training Coordinator

! TRAINING PROGRAM Training Development and Evaluation General & Technical Support Trainin Department Radiolo feal Programs (For Licensed Health & Safety Programs Personnel) l Emergency Planning &

Environmental Programs Security Programs 4-3 WNP-2 LORPD Rev. O, Mar. 28, 1984

-.. .- - __-- - - - _ - _.,_ ., - -. -