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Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-4 & NPF-5,revising Tech Specs to Allow Core Surveillance Rept Submittals at Reduced Time Interval W/Specific Written Approval by NRC
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/1984
From: Stewart W
To: Harold Denton, John Miller
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20087N985 List:
416A, NUDOCS 8404050298
Download: ML20087N984 (4)


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VInOINIA ELecruIc Axn Powna COMPANY HIcnxoxo,VINGINIA 202G1 W. L. S1rawAut vic r... .. 1 wuen.... o, . March 30, 1984 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 416A Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation N0/JHL:acm Attn: Mr. James R. Miller, Chief Docket Nos. 50-338 Operating Reactors Branch No. 3 50-339 Division of Licensing License Nos. NPF-4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (P!-7 Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90, the Virginia Electric and Power Company requests an amendment, in the form of a change to the Technical Specifications, to Operating License Nos. NPF-4 and NPF-7 for North Anna Power Station Unit Nos.

I and 2.

Presently, the Core Surveillance Report, which describes F limits and the surveillance power level for each reload cycle, must be Tubmitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 60 days prior to initial criticality for each cycle. The proposed change would allow Vepco to submit the Core Surveillance Report at a reduced time interval with specific written approval by the NRC.

In addition, in the event that the F limit should change requiring a new Core Surveillance Report submittal EE an amended submittal, it will be submitted 60 days prior to the date the limit would become effective unless approved by the Commission by letter. This reduction in submittal time will allow more flexibility in scheduling core design tasks and refueling outage planning. .This change conforms to changes in regulations and will not affect the validity of information and conclusions in the Core Surveillance Report, nor will it affect the need for frequent axial power distribution surveillance. The proposed Technical Specifications change for North Anna Unit No. 1 is provided in Attachment 1. The proposed Technical Specifications change for North Anna Unit No. 2 is provided in Attachment 2. A discussion of the propcsed Technical Specifications change is provided in Attachment 3,

-This request has been reviewed and approved by the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee and the Safety Evaluation and Control Staff. It has been determined .. that this request does not pose an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59 or a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10-CFR 50.92.


, O 338 P PDR l u

e VamorwA EtscrarC AND EOWEB COMPANY TO Harold R. Denton This request replaces our previously proposed Technical Specifications change which was submitted on July 26,1983 (Serial No. 416). No additional license amendment fees should be required.

Very truly yours, W. L. Stewart Attachments:

1. Proposed Technical Specifications Change - Unit 1
2. Proposed Technical Specifications Change - Unit 2
3. Discussion of Proposed Technical Specifications Change cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly Regional Administrator Region 11 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station Mr. Charles Price Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219


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The foregoing document was acknowledged before me, in and for the City and '

Conanonwealth aforesaid, today by W. L. Stewart who is Vice President -

Nuclear Operations, of the Virginia Electric and Power Company. He is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing document in behalf of that Company, and the statements in the document are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Acknowledged before me this 3 o day of b A ,19 b.

My Commission expires: 2-26 , 19 7[ ,

s N% b . M 'h Notary Public (SEAL) s/ col

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