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Corrected Amend 142 to License DPR-77,Page 3/4 3-63,adding Amend Number on Page
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1990
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20058M769 List:
NUDOCS 9008130040
Download: ML20058M767 (2)




  1. y.9.I TABLE 3.3-11 (Continued)


s Fire Minimum Instruments Operable o g y Zone Instrument Location Ionization Photoelectric Thermal Infrared zo$E 115 Waste Packaging Area E1. 706 3

>w * ; 116 Cask Loading Area E1. 706 gg W 117 Cask Loading Area E1. 706 os 118 New Fuel Storage Area E1. 706 119 New Fuel Storage Area E1. 706 1


120 Aux. 81dg. Gas Trtet. F1tr.

I 1

oo E1. 714

,85; 121 Aux. Side. Gas Trtat. Fitr.

1 1

ouo E1. 714 "S

122 Add. Eqpt. 81dg. E1. 706 &

6 717.5 l


123 Volume Cont. Tank As. IA, 1

1 l

E1. 690 124 Additional Equip. B1dg.



E1. 706 125 Volume Cont. Tank Bs. 1A, 1

1 y

4 El. 690 w 126 ABGTS Rs. E1. 714 2


127 A8GTS Re. E1. 714 2

128 A8GTS Rs. E1. 714 2

129 A8GTS Re. E1. 714 2

130 Ventilation & Purge Air Rs.

3 E1. 714

[ 131 Ventilation & Purge Air Am.

3 g

E1. 714 g

132 Ventilation & Purge Air Rs.

3 s

E1. 714

[ 133 Ventilation & Purge Air Re.

3 o

El. 714


134 Aux. 81dg. AS-All, Col. U-W, 7

m E1. 714 135 Aux. Bldg. AS-All, Col. U-W, 7

E1. 714-


E 136 Heating & Vent. Rs. E1. 714 4

137 Heating & Vent. Am. E1. 714 4


{ 138 Heating & Vent. Rm. E1. 714-4 u

, =,..,,




= LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION-3.9.1 With the reactor, vessel head closure bolts less-than fully tensioned or-

-with the head removed, the boron concentration of all filled portions of the Reactor Coolant System-and the refueling canal shall be maintained uniform and sufficient to ensure that the more restrictive of the following reactivity conditions is met:

Either a K,ff of 0.95 or less, which includes a 1% delta k/k conser a.

vative allowance for uncertainties, or b.

A boron concentration of greater than or equal to 2000 ppm, which includes a 50 ppm conservative allowance for uncertainties.




With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, immediately

.. suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS or positive reactivity changes and initiate and continue boration at greater than or equal to 10 gpm of a solution containing greater than or equal to 20,000 ppm boron or its equivalent until Keff is reduced to less than or equal to 0.95 or the boron concentration is restored to greater than or equal to 2000 ppm, whichever is the more restrictive.

The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.


4. 9.1.1 The more restrictive of the above two reactivity conditions shall be determined prior to:


Removing or unbolting the reactor vessel head, and b.

Withdrawal of any full length control rod in excess of 3 feet from its fully inserted position within the reactor pressure vessel.

4.9.1,2 The boron concentration of the reactor coolant system and the refueling canal shall be determined by chemical analysis at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

  • The reactor shall be maintained in MODE 6 whenever fuel is in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or with the head removed.

SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 9-1 Amendment No. 12,144

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