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ECCS Repts - TMI Action Plan Requirements, Request for Addl Info
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/22/1982
From: Ludington B
To: Chow E
Shared Package
ML20055B383 List:
CON-NRC-03-81-130, CON-NRC-3-81-130, RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.K.3.17, TASK-TM RAI-C5506-277, NUDOCS 8207210648
Download: ML20055B385 (5)





TMl ACTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS FLORIDA P0',lER CORPORATIDA CRYSTAL RIVER POWER PildlT U!!IT 3 NRC DOCKET NO. 50-302 FRC PROJECT C5506 FRC ASSIGNMENT 7 NRC CONTR ACT NO. NRC-03-81-130 FRC TASK 272 Prepared by Frantlin Research Center Author: B. Ludington 20th and Race Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 FRC Group Leader: G. Overbeck Prepared for Nuclear Regulatory Commission Lead NRC Engineer:

E. Chow Washington, D.C. 20555 l

June 22, 1982 l


Franklin Research Center A

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RAI-C5506-277 INTRODUCTION This Request for Additional Information (RAI) is the result of an evalua-tian of the information contained in the Florida Power Corporation (FPC) letter cateo March 31, 1981 (1) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in response to NUREG-0737 [3], Item II.K.3.17, " Report on Outages of Emergency Core-Cooling Sfstems Licensee Report anu Proposed Technical Specification Changes." The evaluation revealed an item of concern.

Additional information relating to tnis concern is needed oefore a final evaluation can be made.

. g4 C00 Franklin Research Center A Drnsion of The Frar*kn Msoue

1 RAI-C5506-277 Item II.K.3.17 Report on Outages of Emergency Core Cooling Systems Licensee Report anc Proposed Technical Specification Changes BACKGROUND In NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.17, the NRC requested that a licensee submit a report detailing dates, lengths, and causes of outages for all emergency core cooling (ECC) systems for the last five years of operation.

The purpose of the request was to cotain a quantitative history of the unavailability of the dCC systems to help the NkC determine if cumulative outage limitations are required in technical specifications.

To clarify the issue, the report was to contain the following details on outages that occurred during a continuous 5-year period of recent operation:

(1) cates and durations; (2) causes, including test and maintenance; (3) ECC systems or components involved; and (4) corrective actio'ns taken.

In addition, a licensee was to propose changes tp improve the availability of ECC system equipment, if necessary.

CONCERN Evaluation of calculated small-break transients, with the assumptions of proper operator actions and the worst single failure in the ECC systems, has shown that some small breaks will result in partial uncovering of the core.

However, technical specifications permit several components of the ECC systems to have suostantial outage times.

In addition, there are no cumulative outage limitations for ECC systems. Thus, the unavailability of an ECC system train for extenced periods is not precluded.

For an evaluation of the responses to NUREG-0737, Item II.K 3.17, to be meaningful and to produce significant conclusions, the responses must be complete and accurate. Tney must include, for a continuous 5-year period of recent operation, not only the outage dates, durations, causes, ECC system equipment involved, and corrective actions taken, but also outages of the diesel generators and identification of the ECC system trains affected by the



Ub Franklin Research Center A Demon of The Fransden Insatute

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I RAI-C5506-277 outages.

Outages for surveillance testing and for planned, unplanned, and preventive maintenance should also be reported. This information will be used to determine the cumulative outage time of each ECC system train per reactor year and the need for cumulative outage limitations in the technical specifications.

FPC's response [1] does not include the surveillance testing outage time which contributed to ECC system unavailability.

In addition, FPC provided a table of non-reportable outages which were performed during shutdown; however, comparison of the cates of the non-reportable outages with Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience reports (2-5) indicates that many of the outages in this table occurred during plant operation.

Finally, most of the outage events listed in the non-reportable occurrence taole dio not include the outage duration.

REQUEST In order for the staf f to continue its review of FPC's response to NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.17, the following additional information is required:

A complete summary of outages for surveillance testing in the ECC and diesel generator systems for the period coinciding with the initial response [1].

Clarification of the basis of the table of non-reportable occurrences and inclusion of outage durations. Wherever outage durations are not available for an outage event, an estimate of the outage duration should be supplied.

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RAI-C5506-277 4


P.Y. Baynard (FPC) letter to D. G. Eisenhut (NRR) i Suoject:

Report on Outages of the Emergency Core Cooling Systems March 31, 1981 2.

" Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience 1976" NRC, December 1977 NUREG-0366 3.

" Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience 1977" NRC, February 1979 NUREG-04d3 4.

" Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience 1978" l

Nac, Decemoer 1979 NUREG-0618 5.

" Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience 1979" NRC, May 1981 NUREG/CR-1496 6.

" Clarification of 'IMI Action Plan Requiren.ents" NRC, November 1980 NUREG-0737 i

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