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to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment.
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1982
Shared Package
ML20052F679 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.B.3, TASK-2.D.3, TASK-2.E.1.2, TASK-2.E.3.1, TASK-2.E.4.1, TASK-2.E.4.2, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-2.F.2, TASK-2.G.1, TASK-2.K.2.10, TASK-TM IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, RAI-C5257-492, RAI-C5257-492-R03, RAI-C5257-492-R3, NUDOCS 8205130420
Download: ML20052F698 (8)


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REVIEW OF LICENSEES' RESOLUTION OF OUTSTANDING ISSUES FROM NRC EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION SAFETY EVALUATION REPORTS (SER) AND 'IMI ACTION PLAN INSTALLED EQUIPMENT Metropolitan Edison Company Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 NRC Docket No. 50-289 December 31, 1981 NRC TAC No. 42513 Rev. 1, January 7, 1982 Rev. 2, February 3, 1982 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 Franklin Research Center 8205130420 020430 A Division of The Franklin Institute m a,ngm,n Franun Parkway. Phila . Pa 19103(215)448 1000 PDR ADOCK 05000207 p PDR

r RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982

, BACKGROUND Franklin,Research Center (FRC) of Philadelphia, Pa. is providing assis-tance to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the equipment environmental qualification (EEQ) review of operating reactors. FRC will perform an EEQ review of the Licensee's 90-day response to outstanding issues from the NRC Equipment Environmental Qualification Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and the installed TMI Action Plan equipment. The review will be limited to safety-related equipment potentially exposed to a harsh environment. The results will be presented in the form of a technical evaluation report for each plant.

This request for additional information (RAI) is the result of an evaluation of the information provided by letters dated July 2, 1981 (1] and October 31, 1980 (2 ] .

  • FRC previously requested TMI Action Plan information by telephone memoranca dated July 15, 1981 (3] and July 17, 1981 (4].

In response', Metropolitan Edison Company transmitted the following information on July 22, 1981 and July 29, 1981:

1. Component Work Sheets for EF-V-8A/B/C and PS-480 A/B/C
2. Limitorque letter to EDS dated January 7,1981
3. Limitorque Motor Insulation Class
4. Index of Vendor correspondence received since January 1, 1981.

Requests for individual documents on this list should be specified.

5. Met Ed letter to NRC dated July 2,1981 (LIL202)

On January 5, 1982, GPU Nuclear transmitted detailed information on environmental qualification (8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.51.

In a letter dated January 25, 1982 (9], GPU Nuclear transmitted a document entitled " Criteria for Class lE Radiation Qualification for Harsh Environment at TMI-1." '

  • Numbers in brackets refer to citations in the list of references.
    • Throughout the text, superscript numbers in parentheses indicate the revision in which the underlined material preceding the superscript was added.


  • f l .

4 RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 On March 5, 1982, GPU Nuclear submitted most of the information requested by FRC. The following items remain to be addressed: A.2.b.7, A.3, B.1, B.2, and B. 3. For item A.2.b.7, FRC notes that only the test report summaries'of these documents were submitted. ( I In a letter dated March 24, 1982, GPU Nuclear transmitted its response to the six items addressed on page 298 of the Partial Initial Decision for Environmental Qualification (para, ll63)(1].I I '


1. In reference to the Licensee's 90-day response [1] to the NRC SER [5], a legible single copy of each of the following qualification documents is requested in order that the FRC evaluation may proceeds
a. EDS Nuclear Calculation 0370-025-004, 3/5/82 [10] (3)

Rev.1, dated 6/22/81

b. Square D Company letter EDS dated 9/23/80 3/5/82 [10] (3)
c. EDS Nuclear Calculation 0370-025-046, 3/5/82 [10 ] (3)

Rev. O, dated 6/3/81

d. Limitorque letter to EDS dated 12-10-80 3/5/82 [10](3)
e. B&W letter to F. J. Levandowski from 3/5/82 [10] (3)

I. McBee,


Environmental Qualification Subcommittee, dated 2/11/80

f. Record of conversation, EDS and B&W, 3/5/82 (10 ] (3) dated 7/30/80. ,
2. In Reference 1, the Licensee indicated that revised SCEW sheets and supplementary information would be transmitted to the NRC by separate correspondence. FRC understands that the supplementary information was transmitted on August 28, 1981. FRC requests the following information so that the review may proceed:
      • This column will be completed by FRC as the requested information is received, h_ Center -


t .. .

4 RAI-C5257-492 i

Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 DATE RECEIVED BY FRC***

a. a copy of the supplementary information 5-82 ~ [8. 2]

! transmitted from GPU Nuclear to the NRC, dated August 1981

-b.- a legible single. copy of qualification documents referenced in'the August 1981


i submittal consisting of the followings (1) h Elevated Temperature Test on 3/5/82 [10](3)

Microswitch Model MT4R, W.O.

04-4692-081, Performed by GhI Lab Service (1)


L Foxboro Test Reports T4-6040, 3/5/82 [101 (3)

T2-1075(1) ,

h GPUN Calculation 110lX-5350-011(1) 3/5/82 (101 (3) h Rockwell Manufacturing Co. Report No. 3/5/82 [101(3) 2792-03-02, Rev. 1, dated December 1, 1970til h- Letter GE Fort Wayne to EDS dated 3/5/82 [10](3) 9/15/80 ill h Westinghouse Document No. Mt9112, 3/5/82 [101 (3)

Qualification Document, Class IE Medium AC Motors (Outside Containment) , Rev. 3, January 18, 1980 (Page 3)(13

_7_., Qt.alification Tests for Rosemount 3/5/82 [101-Transmitter Model 1152, Report No. (Summary only) (3)

QR-4201-ll52 GPJ, Rev. A, Rosemount Inc., 2/14/77(1) h SOR Letter to EDS dated August 4, 3/5/82-[101(3) 1980(1) h Letter Square D to EDS dated 3/5/82 [10] (3) 9/23/80(1)

10. Report No. X-375, Environmental Test 3/5/82 [10] (3) of Fan for Reactor Containment Building Ventilation and Cooling System, Joy Manufacturing Co. June 24, 1970(1) nklin Research Center A Demeen of The Densen w


. i RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 DATE RECEIVED BY FRC***

11. Terminal Block IDCA Test for 3/5/82 [10 ) (3)

Electrical Penetration Assemblies by R. M. Shuster, 11/6/73(1)

12. States Company Letter to Yankee 3/5/82 [10] (3)

Atomic Electric Co. dated 1/27/78(1)

13. Southern Company Service Letter to 3/5/82 [10((3)

EDS dated 9/18/80(1)

14. Record of Telephone Conversations, 3/5/82 [10 ) (3)

P. Bouchek to B. Ames, Dated 7/23/81 on Duke Test Report TR-028, Rev. 2, dated May 21, 1981(1)

3. Based on the review of the qualification documents submitted by GPU Nuclear in response to Section A.1 of the RAI, FRC requests a legible single copy of the following qualification doucments:(J) h The following documents were referenced in Item A.l.e (J)

,12 B&W Document 58-0089-01(3)

L B&W Document 58-1017404-01(3)

,3_., B&W Document 58-0528-00(3) 42 B&W Document 58-0081-00(3I Received under under Task 481(3) 52 B&W Document 58-0079-00(3) Received under under Task 481(3)



6. B&W Document 58-0372-00(3) Received under under Task 481(3) h B&W Document 58-0261-00(3) 82 B&W Document 58-0220-00(3) h B&W Document 58-0088-00(3)


h The following document was referenced in Item l l

N ranklin i ~_Research Center

l-4 3 a. .i l

4 3

RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 h "1000 Hr Heat Aging Study" by -

L.' Small and E. Sheer (Unpulished B. F. Goodrich Co. Report) W f


l 1. References 1 and 6 do not provide adequate detail with respect to identification' of TMI.-

Action Plan equipment installed as of 1/1/81.

a. Identification of all MI Action Plan f equipment installed since 1/1/81 is requested,
b. Identification of MI Action Plan equipment installed with implementation dates af ter 1/1/81 is requested. -
c. The correlation of these equipment items with the specific sections of NUREG-C737

[7] presented below (as applicable) is j requested.

IIEl.2, IIE4.2, IIE3.1, IIG1, IIF2, l IID3, IIK2.10 (BiiW) , IIB 3, IIE4.1.

[The correlation is needed to ensure that all items are included in the review, e.g., if a i,

identified as a TMI Action Plan item, are the cable and terminal blocks associated with the device also


! d. Fbr all installed MI Action Plan equipment identified, a System Component i Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) (in accordance with 79-01B format) is requested,

e. The approximate installation date for the TMI Action Plan equipment items is requested so that the appropriate qualification criteria (NUREG-0588 or DOR Guidelines) can be used in the EEQ evaluation.

. d ranidin Research Cent

. . _ _ _ . . _ , _ ypy er .. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ . - . . _ . _ . _ - . _ _ _ . . . ~ . . _ . - . __ ._

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RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 DATE RECEIVED BY FRC***

2. The qualification documents, e.g. , the actual test reports and associated correspondence cited as evidence of qualification listed on the SCEW sheets, for all identifie,d 'IMI Action Plan equipment are requested. [The identification of those reports considered to be proprietary is requested so that proper control of documents can be maintained.]
3. Where the Licensee has a standard Owners' Group position with respect to a NUREG-0737 technical area or has requested extensions of implementation dates, this information is requested in order to incorporate it into the review.


1. The schedule for completion of the FRC assignment requires that the Licensee provide the requested information within 3 weeks of the date of the RAI.
2. The Licensee may transmit the requested information as follows:

o complete package directly to the NRC project manager or o copy of cover letter to NRC project manager and complete package to FRC.

FRC mailing address is As follows:

Mr. Cyril J. Crane Franklin Research Center The Parkway at Twentieth Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Telephone No. 215/448-1353 Telecopy No. 215/448-1296 Telecopy Confirmation No. 215/448-1215

_nklin Research Center



RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April 14, 1982 REFERENCES

1. H. D. Hukill Letter to J. F. Stolz, NRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Environmental Qualification of Electrical Equipment (Response to NRC Staff SER) .

Metropolitan Edison Company, 02-July-81

2. H. D. Hukill Letter to B. H. Grier, NRC. Subjects Updated Report in Response to IE Bulletin 79-OlB Metropolitan Edison Co. , 31-Oct-80
3. Telephone Memorandum dated 7/15/81 C. J. Crane, J. A. Murphy (FRC) conversation with R., G. Maus (GPU) .


Request for Information 'IMI 1,

'IMI-Action Plan EEQ Review

4. Telephone Memorandum dated 7/17/81 J. A. Murphy (FRC) conversation with R. Harding, J. Maus (GPU)


Response and Proposed Schedule tc .lAI of 7/15/81

5. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

, Safety Evaluation Report for Three Mile Island Unit 1 Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment l NRC, 24-Mar-81

6. H. D. Hukill Le tter to B. H. Grier, NRC.


Response to IE Bulletin 79-01B, Supplement 3.

Metropolitan Edison Co. , 30-Jan-81 i

7. NOREG-0737, " Clarification of 'IMI Action Plan Requirements" NRC, November 1980 8_., L. W. Ilarding letter to C. J. Crane, FRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear l Station, Unit 1; Environmental Qualification Updated Information GPU Nuclear, 28-Dec-81 EEL 3844(1) 8.1 H. D. Ilukill

, Letter to B. H. Grier, NRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Delay of Submittal of Equipment Qualification Information Until August 31, 1981 r

Metropolitan Edison Co. , 12-Aug-81 LlL 225(1) l l i .

. _nklin_Research Center

. 1 i

1 i /

1 RAI-C5257-492 Rev. 3, April .14, 1982 8.2 H. D. Hukill Letter to J. F. Stolz,'NRC.


Three Mile Island Unit 1;

Environmental Qualification of Electrical Equipment (Response to h NRC Staff SER) - (Vols. I, IA, and VI Attached) y


Metropolitan Edison Co. , 28-Aug-81 LlL 238(1)


8.3 H. D. Hukill Letter to J. F. Stolz, NRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear lI Station, Unit 1; Reactor Building Spray System Metropolitan Edison Co. , 03-Sep-81 LlL 149LA) 8.4 H.~D. Hukill Imtter to J. F. Stolz, NRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear  ;

Station, Unit 1; Reactor Building Spray System '

Metropolitan Edison Co. , 23-Nov-81 LlL 334(1) 8.5 H. D. Hukill Letter to J. F. Stolz, NRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Technical Specification Change Request No. 107 Metropolitan Edison Co., 23-Nov-81

? LlL 333L13 f 9_., H. D. Hukill *

Letter to J. F. Stolz, NRC.


Three Mile Island 1 Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Environmental Qualification of

{ _ Safety-Related Electrical Equipment

{ GPU Nuclear, 25-Jan-82 82-020Ld3

10. H. D. Hukill i Le tter to C. J. Crane, FRC.


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1; Request for Information-Environmental

! Qualification

, GPU Nuclear, 02-Mar-82 82-052(3)

11. H. D. Hukill Intter to J. F. Stolz, NRC.-


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1, (MI-1) Environmental Qualification Information GPU Nuclear, 24-Mar-82 j 5211-82-067 W)

J 4

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