Partially Withheld Commission Paper Informing of 800416 Request by Il Atty General That 2.206 Request Re Bailly Plant Be Decided by Commission or Aslb,Rather than NRC StaffML20044B720 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Bailly |
Issue date: |
06/11/1980 |
From: |
To: |
Shared Package |
ML19290F683 |
List: |
References |
FOIA-92-436 SECY-A-80-083, SECY-A-80-83, NUDOCS 9303030224 |
Download: ML20044B720 (3) |
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20151M1601988-07-21021 July 1988 Safety Evaluating Supporting Requirements for Redundancy in Responding to Rapid Depressurization Accident IA-85-636, Sanitized Version of Commission Paper Recommending That Attached Order Be Issued Denying Business & Prof People for Public Interest Request for Award of Atty Fees Under Equal Access to Justice Act1985-04-29029 April 1985 Sanitized Version of Commission Paper Recommending That Attached Order Be Issued Denying Business & Prof People for Public Interest Request for Award of Atty Fees Under Equal Access to Justice Act ML20138H0571985-04-29029 April 1985 Sanitized Version of Commission Paper Recommending That Attached Order Be Issued Denying Business & Prof People for Public Interest Request for Award of Atty Fees Under Equal Access to Justice Act ML20066H5671982-11-0202 November 1982 Supplemental Deficiency Rept Re Possible Failure of Lumigraph Instrument Indicators.Initially Reported on 820405.Resistors Will Be Replaced,Instruments Recalibr & Sys Loop Retested by 830401 ML20092N4541982-06-30030 June 1982 Informs Commission of Business & Prof People for Public Interest 820604 Application for Atty Fees & Expenses Derived from Participation in Proceeding ML20053E5881982-06-0101 June 1982 Northern in Public Svc Co Rept on Progress of Bailly N-1 Site Restoration Plan,820601 ML20038B1681981-11-18018 November 1981 Revised Rept on Resolution of All Const Activities Undertaken at Bailly Site ML20031D7451981-10-0808 October 1981 Rept on Resolution of All Const Activities Undertaken at Bailly Site for Const of Bailly Generating Station Nuclear 1 for Northern in Public Svc Co ML20009C6491981-07-17017 July 1981 NRC Staff Evaluation of Bailly CP Extension Request ML20009B8361981-05-31031 May 1981 Annual Rept,Bailly Nuclear-1 Site Encompassing Apr 1980-Mar 1981 CLI-79-11, Safety Evaluation Re Pile Foundation Design & Installation for Facility.Licensee May Drive safety-related Piles for Main Power Block Per 780308 Proposal for Foundation Mat. CLI-79-11 Encl1981-03-31031 March 1981 Safety Evaluation Re Pile Foundation Design & Installation for Facility.Licensee May Drive safety-related Piles for Main Power Block Per 780308 Proposal for Foundation Mat. CLI-79-11 Encl ML19351G2151981-01-30030 January 1981 Annual Financial Rept 1980 ML20058A4441981-01-22022 January 1981 Partially Withheld Notation Vote That Informs Commission of Appeal Board Decision ML19340D4681980-11-26026 November 1980 Effects of Dewatering on in Dunes Natl Lakeshore ML19343A8301980-11-20020 November 1980 Assessment of Influence of Dewatering at Bailly N-1 ML19340C4361980-10-24024 October 1980 Evaluation of Bailly Site W/Recommendations 1-9 of Siting Policy Task Force ML20044B7201980-06-11011 June 1980 Partially Withheld Commission Paper Informing of 800416 Request by Il Atty General That 2.206 Request Re Bailly Plant Be Decided by Commission or Aslb,Rather than NRC Staff ML19347A8601980-05-31031 May 1980 Preliminary Review,Soil Parameters Used in USGS Rept 78-138,Effects of Seepage from Fly-Ash Settling Ponds & Const Dewatering on Groundwater Levels in Cowles Unit,In Dunes Natl Lakeshore,In ML19318B9901980-03-31031 March 1980 How Bailly Nuclear Plant Could Dry Up Dunes Natl Lakeshore ML19296B7521980-02-18018 February 1980 Annual Financial Rept 1979 ML19211C4661979-12-27027 December 1979 Groundwater Monitoring Program Following Sealing of Settling Basins at Facility ML19209B5801979-10-0101 October 1979 Usgs/Natl Park Svc Plan for Determining Dewatering of in Dunes Natl Lakeshore Adjacent to Bailly Generating Station ML19261E6751979-08-27027 August 1979 Supplementary Info, Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Const Dewatering ML19261E6791979-08-27027 August 1979 Summary Rept Investigation & Testing for Groundwater Pressure Relief During Const ML19221A7321979-05-19019 May 1979 Seeks Approval of Plan to Formalize Interim Organizational Structure to Deal W/Impacts of TMI Incident,Using Resources & Priorities within Office.Forwards Task Description,& Chart of Organization Structure ML20027A4621978-12-0404 December 1978 Supplementary Info on Driven H-Pile Found. Incl:Preconstr Areas,Pile Heave & Redrive,Pile Driving Criteria,Pile tolerances,errata-indicator Pile Rept & Consultants Review ML19289C5861978-08-0404 August 1978 Bailly N-1 Data Book:Pile Load Test Data Pile Driving Records for Test & Anchor Piles ML19289C5871977-09-23023 September 1977 Thatcher QA Manual,Thatcher QC Manual,Braun Field Insp Manual Procedures (Nonproprietary).Proprietary Version Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) 1988-07-21
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Illinois and others filed in 1976.
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3-Commissioners' connents should be provided directly to the Office of the Secretary by c.c.b. Thursday, June 26, 1980.
Commission Staff Office contents, if any, should be submitted to the Commissioners If with an information copy to the Office of the Secretary.
NLT June 19, 1950, the paper is of such a nature that it requires additional tim when connents may be expected.
DISTRIBUTION Connissioner Conmission Stuff Offices Exec Dir for Operations ASLEP ASLAP Secretariat i
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