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to Proposed Tech Spec Change 81-04,submitted in 810922 & 1005 Applications,Changing Tech Spec Pages to Remove Reduced MAPLHGR Limits
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/18/1982
From: Howard J
To: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20040C217 List:
82-14, NUDOCS 8201270419
Download: ML20040C216 (2)


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e s January 18, 1982 t, P.ECDWG 9

-- BECo. Ltr. #82-14 T JAN 2 61982> r Proposed Change #81-04, Rev.1 g- u manynenazas -

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% O Mr. Domenic B. Vassallo, Chie - #

Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Ragulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 License No. OPR-35 Docket No. 50-293 Revised Technical Specifications For PNPS Reload 5


(a) BECo Letter #81-222, " Reload 4 Submittal and Request for Technical Specification Changes", dated September 22, 1981 (b) BECo Letter #81-237, " Corrected Page for Reload 5 Submittal", dated October 5,1981 (c) BEco Letter #81-256, "PNPS Core Spray Sparger Inspection Results", dated November 17, 1981

Dear Sir:

Reference (a) contained Technical Specification changes proposing a continuance of the current reduced MAPLHGR limits which assume no credit for core spray heat trans fer. These reduced limits were established as a conservatism because of'the core spray distribution uncertainties brought about by the 1980 sparger inspections.

However, the concerns about sparger performance have been eliminated as a result of the more thorough inspection performed during the current refueling outage.

These inspection results were reported in Reference (c).

Therefore, in order to remove this reduction in limits we request that you replace the Tcchnical Specif.ication change pages submitted via References (a) and (b) in their entirety with the attached. The analyses which accompanied Reference (a) remain in applicability to the Reload Submitt A. Please note that the change in MAPLGHR will not significantly affect the actel plant operation in Cycle 6 since the core, which has been designed for this cycle, will also operate within the "no core spray credit" limits. The changes will, however, increase operating margin which will be necessary for the implementation at or near the beginning of Cycle 6 of the spectral shift operating mode or other presently.

unplanned manuevers. #I 8201270419 820118 PDR ADOCK 05000293 PDR S' I p


7 CD3 TON EOmON COMPANY Mr. Domenic Vassallo, Chief January 18, 1982 Page 2 These revised changes have been reviewed and approved by the Operations Review Committee and reviewed by the Nuclear Safety Review and Audit Committee. ,

Boston Edison proposes no additional fees pursuant to 10 CFR 170.12 beyond those submitted via Reference a). We do request an expeditious review and approval of this submittal and will provide the necessary support to your ,

staff to achieve this end. Do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.

Very truly yours, l  %/

3 signed originals and 37 copies Commonwealth of Massachusetts)

County of Suffolk )

Then personally appeared before me J. Edward Howard, who, being duly sworn, did state that he is Vice Presidant - Nuclear of Boston Edison Company, the applicant herein, and that he is duly authorized to execute and file the submittal contained herein in the name and on behalf of Boston Edison Company and that the statements in said submittal are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

My Commission expires:

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Tech. Spec. pages: 205A, 205B, 205 B-1, 205 B-2, 205 C, 205 C-2, 205 C-3, 205 D, 205 E-1, 205 E-2, 205 E-3, 205 E-4, 205 E-5, 205 E-6.