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Testimony of RR Hobson & Jg Dunlap Re Doherty Contention 45 on Core Lateral Support.Facility Fuel Assemblies Comply W/Recommendations in NUREG/CR-1018.Prof Qualifications Encl
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1981
From: Dunlap J, Hobson R
Shared Package
ML20031H319 List:
NUDOCS 8110270500
Download: ML20031H458 (8)



C September 18, 1981 1



In the Matter 01 S

4 S


Docket No. 50-466 S

(Allens Creek Nuclear Generating 5

6 Station, Unit 1)

S 7




10 Q.

Mr. Hobson, would you please state your full name, 11 your position and describe your educ '.ional and professional 12 background?


My name is Robert R. Hobson.

I am employed at 13 General Electric Company (GE) as a Principal Design Engineer, 74 R1 actor Pressu*e VessL1 and Internal Design.

My educational

.c and professional background is described in Attachment RRH-1.


Mr. Dr.tlap, would you please state your full name, 17 your position and describe your educational and professional 18 background?

19 A.

My name is Thomas G.


I am employed at GE 20 as a principal engineer in fuel assembly design and analysis.

2^1 My educational and professional background is described in 22 Attachmenc TGD-l.

23 Q.

Mr. Hobson, are you responsible for the core 24 structure design of the BWP-6 reactor?

n110270500 810918 P'DR ADOCK 05000466 PDR y



1 Q.

How do you define the core structure?

3 A.

Basically, the core structure consists of the shroud, core plate, control rod guide tubes, fuel supports, top guide, and shroud head and separators assembly.

5 l


Do you have to design the core structure to with-6 stand flow forces in a lateral direction?

7 A.

The configuration of the core structure provides 8

axial coolant flow into, through, and out of the core area.

9 The only exception to axial coolant flow is when a lod pressure 10 coolant injection event occurs which gives relatively small

  • 1 radial reaction forces which are accounted for in the shroud 9


Therefore, there are no appreciable unbalanced 12 13 unbalanced flcws or flow forces in a lateral direction in 14 the core area.

15 Q.

Is this also true for a simultaneous Loss-of-16 Coolant Accident (LOCA) event and seismic event?

17 A.

For t LOCA event, it ir assumed that a recircula-tion outlet line is severed as it is the LOCA that most 18 highly loads the core structure.

In the core area described yg above, this LOCA will cause a change in a p across various 20 components due to outside pressures Cropping and flashing occurring.

This change in A p is included in analyses, such as, loc, stress in the shroud.

There are no resulting 23 unbalanced lateral loads in the core area.

Prior to this 24 l

. t

1 change in a p, there are loadings from this LOCA event 2

which will cause lateral loads outside the shroud.

Any simultanecus dynamic loading such as seismic will cause 3

lateral loads both inside and outside the shroud. The 4

various core structure components are analyzed for this

-a OVent.

g t


Would you please describe how the core structure a

components are analyzed for such an event?


The following impulsive loads are included in the 9

design of the shroud and shroud support.

These loads apply 10 in addition to the steady state operc. ting condition loads 11 which precede the changes in pressure differentials which 12 result from the pipe rupture.

These impulsive leads would 9~3 occur as a result of the acoustical propagation of the reduced 1

pressure caused by a recirculation outlet pipeline rupture 15 which is a faulted condition.


A unit impalsive load of 650,000 pounds for 5 16 17 millisecords duration is acting uniformly over 18 the shroud rul grid cylinder surf ace toward the 19 reactor recirculation outlet nozzle to which the broken line is attached.

The effects of the 20 1 calized loads of item "b",

below, are not added 21 to this load as they occur at a diffcrent time.

22 b.

L aliz d unit impulsive loads of:

23 (1) 200 P i applied outwardly across the shroud over an 24


1 area equal to the area of the recirculation line 2

for 5 milliseconds.

This pressure includes the 3

effect of the steady state operating pressure differentials.


Shrc ad support loading resulting from 75,000

-3 POLnds acting for 5 milliseconds uniformly over the 6

length of the jet pump dif fuser toward the i

recirculation oatlet nozzle.

This may be treated as a 75,000 pouad static load applied to the jet 9

pump diffuser 54 inches above the shroud support 10 plate and the diffuser is treated as cantilevered 11 from the shroud support plate.

These loads apply 12 to the jet pump dif fusers adjacent to the reci rcu-3 1

lation outlet nossle.

9 These impulsive loads are then combined with othe-loads 15 that occur simultaneously.

In accounting for the impulsive 16 loads we consider flashing both inside and outside the core 17 structure and combine these loads with other appropriate 18 loads.

Using these loads in our stress analyses we have 19 determined that the core structur< does comply with AEME Code 20 allowables.

Therefore, the core structure retains its 21 physical integrity under all design loading conditions.


Mr. Dunlap, are you responsible for the design of 22 tests and analyses which determine the adequacy of the BWR/6 23 fuel assembly fcr withstanding mechanical loadings?


1 A.


2 Q.

I;a s the Allens Creek fuel assembly been designed to withstand simultaneous scismic and LOCA loads?

3 A.


The ACNGS reactor core is composed of BWR/6 4

YF<^ fuel assemblies.

These fuel assemblies have been 5

designed to withstand the combined loadings from a safe shutdown earthquake and a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA).

1 Documentation of the capabilicy of the fuel assemblies to 8

withstand this loadir.g is contained in NEDE-21175-P, "BWR/6 9

Fuel Assembly Evaluation of Combined Safe Snundoen Earthquake 10 (SSE) and Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Loadinns."

The 11 documented evaluations demonstrate that the BWR/6 fuel assemblies are capable ci withstancing combined seismic and LOCA loads which are in excess of the ACNGS seismic 14 and LOCA loads.

15 Specifically, this report documents how the load 16 Enths are determined, the magnitude of loading on 'ach fuel 17 assembly component part, the lower bound material property 18 limits and the tests and analyses which demonstrate the 19 capability of the fuel asse:.bly to withstand these combined 20 loadings.

Since the above mentioned document was published, 21 the NRC has published NUREG/CR-1018, " Review of LWR Fuel 22 System Mechanical Response with Recommendations for Component 3

Acceptance Criteria."

This document provide; recommendations 1

for component acceptance criteria.

Specifically, recommenda' tions are made for determining allowable loads on spacer grids 2

and for fuel assembly,omponents other than spacer grids.

3 The ACNGS fuel assemblies are in compliance with these 4


3 6

8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15

?.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Attachment RRH-1 ROBERT R.


General Electric Co.


Principcl Design Engineer Reactor Precsure Vessel and Internals Design DEGREE:



Professional Engineer-Mechanical - California Professional Engineer-Mechanical - Pennsylvania EXPERIENC ::

40 years with General Electric Co.

as Mechanical Engineer.

1956 to date Nuclear Power Plants - designed BWR/6 core plate, shroud, top guide, and shroud head and separators assembly.

Conceptual design of hardware for joining the above, and the conceptual design of tha steam dryer, core spray spargers, aad LPCI coupling.

Wrote core suppc-t structure and shroud head design specificat.ons, functional specification, purchase specification, and handling specifica-tion for BWR/6 core structures.

Assisted ASME Code working group in preparation of initial Subsection NG.

Provided technical leadership or consulting role in resolution of fabrication and installa-tion problems, resolution of impact of new dynamic loads and special tests, such as, core spray, LPCI, and vibration.

Prior to BWR/6, had design responsibility for various reactor components including reactor pressure vessels, control rod drives, core structures, and steam dryers on most of General Electric reactors including nuclear thermionic reactor for space application.

1941 to 1956 Had technical responsibility for development, design, fabrication and testing of 20 mm Vulcan machine gun now used by UST.F and other forces.

This involved the resolution of very large dynamic and vibratory loads under a large temperature ranga.

Had similar technical responsibility for remote control aircraft machine gun turrets.

Various responsibilities on products from 5" Navy gun mounts to refrigerators to steam turbines.


Attachment TGD-1 THOMAS G. DUNLAP Mr. Dunlap is a Principal Engineer in the Fuel Assembly Design Unit at General Electric.

His primary responsibility is direction of.nnalysis and testing of fuel assembly components for assurance of structural integrity for various Mr.

' loading conditions including LOCA and seismic loading.

Dunlap has hald this position since 1974.

From 1972 to 1974, Mr. Dunlap was responsible engineer for fuel rod mechanical design and analysis, also as a member of the Fuel Assembly Design Unit.

Dunlap is a Professional Engineer and has been a major Mr.

contributor to the development of American National Standard:

ANSI /ANS-5 7. 5 - 198_ " Light Water Reactors Fuel Assembly Mechanical Design and Evaluation."

From 1966 to 1972, Mr. Dunlap was a mechanical engineer associated wath the design of aircraft engines for General Electric's Flight Propulsion Division.

Mr. Dunlap received his BSME degree from the University of Tennessee in 1964 and was employed as an instrumentation oesign engineer by United Aircraft from 19C4 to 1966.

i l
