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Testimony of C Chiou,Wf Malec & G Martin Re Doherty Contention 11 on Fuel Pool Accident.Spent Fuel Pool Liner Could Not Be Breached by Dropping Fuel Assembly on Floor. Prof Qualifications Encl
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1981
From: Chiou C, Malec W, Martin G
Shared Package
ML20031H319 List:
NUDOCS 8110270521
Download: ML20031H475 (10)



Septcmb:;r 18, 1981 1



In the Matter of S


Docket No. 50-466 3

S (Allens Creek Nuclear Generating S

6 Station, Unit 1)

S 7





10 Q.

Please state your naras and positions and describe 11 your educational and professional backgrounds.

12 A.

My name is Chung-Yi Chiou.

I am employed by 13 Ebasco services Inc.

My business address is 160 Chubb Avenue, 14 Lyndhurst, N.J.

I am in charge of the design of the stainless 15 steel pool liner for ACNGS.

My educational and professional 16 ba.ckground is described in Attachment CYC-1.

My name is Walter F. Malec.

My business address 17 is 160 Chubb Avenue, Lyndhurst, N.


I am the Supervising g

Mechaaical Nuclear Engineer for the Allens Creek Project g

employed by Ebasco Services Incorpora,ted.

The statement of my background and qualifications is attached as Exhibit WFM-1 21 to this testimony.

1 22 My name is Guy Martin, Jr. and my business address 23 is Ebasco Services, Inc., 2 World Trade Center, New York, N.Y.

24 G110270521 810919 PDR ADOCK 0S000466 T


l 1

I have previously discussed my position and background in connection with my testimony on Doherty Contention 40.

2 Q.

Mr. Chiou, in his answer opposing the NRC's Staff 3

motion for summary disposition of this contention, Mr.

4 Doherty alleges that the spent fuel pool could'be breached

.a by the dropping of a fuel assembly onto the floor.

Is this possible?

7 A.


The spent fuel pool in the Fuel Handling 8

Building is a reinforced concrete pit.

The floor of this 9

pool consists of a 1/4" thick stainless steel liner and a 10 six-foot thick concrete slab ber.eath the liner.

A prelimi-11 nary impact analysis has been performed on a spent fuel 12 bundle assembly dropping onto the spent pool floor which 13 indicates that the liner will not be penetrated.

This 14 analysis utilized conservative assumptions such as:

13 1.

The fuel bundle assembly will strike perpendicular t

the floor with fuel channel not removed.

16 2.

No credit is taken for the concrete floor providing 77 support for the fuel pool liner.

g The Spent Fuel Pool including the pool floor is being designed as a Seismic Category I structure and will 20 maintain its structural integrity for a fuel bundle assembly 21 drop accident.

22 Q.

Mr. Martin, supposing that a fuel bundle drop did

'3 penetrate the pool liner, would such an accident present 24 l

e 1

unacceptable radiological consequences:

'2 A.

In the highly unlikely event that a spent fuel assembly accidentally drops to the spent fuel pool floor and 3

l l

penetrates the stainless steel liner, it may be assumed that some of the rods in the assembly will be damaged.

In the evaluation of the offsite radiological consequences, two 6

potential pathways for radioactivity releases were considered:


1) the spent fuel pool water escaping through the punctured 8

liner and, 2) the unmixed gaseous fission products released a

from the pool surface.


The release to the environment of radioactivity, 11 assumed to have mixed in the spent fuel pool water escaping 12 through the damaged liner is improbable.

Water leakages, due 13 to liner plate weld damage will be collected by, and then 14 routed to, the low purity system of the radioactive waste 15 treatment system via the Pool Liner Leak Detection System.

If the pool liner were damaged in an area not serviced by the 16 Pool L1ner I.eak Detection System, it is reasonable to assume 7

that the six foot thick concrete slab beneath the spent fuel pool would limit potential leakage.

Consequently, no radioactivity is expected to escape to the environment via the liquid pathway.

21 The only possible pathway for releases of radio-22 activity to the er"ironment is by the exhaust of gaseous 23 fission products airborne in the Fuel Handling Building.- The 24

i 1

analysis of the consequences of such releases has been perf rmed and is presented in Chapter 15 of the ACNGS 2

Preliminary Safety Analysis Repcrt (PSAR).

The assumption 3

that 98 rods of the fuel assembly having the highest fission product activity fail, makes the results of the accident postulated in the PSAR more conservative than tnose which 6

would be obtained for only one assembly hitting the spent 7

fuel pool floor.

This conclusion is substantiated since one 8

fuel assembly consists of only 62 fuel rods.

Assuming that o

all the rods in one spent fuel assembly were to fail upon 10 impacting the spent fuel pool floor, the radiological doses 11 at the ACNGS exclusion area boundary have been calculated to 12 be:

13 Whole body:

0.4 Rem 14 Thyroid:

0.3 Rem These doses are a small fraction of the 10 CFR Part 100 dose 15 limits and are well within the NRC guidelines for a fuel 16 handling accident.

7 Q.

Mr. Malec, given the accident hypothesized above has the Applicant considered tne possible loss of cooling water from the spent fuel pool?

20 A.


The loss of water inventory due to the 21 postulated breach in the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) boundary has 32 been considered.

Preliminary calculations indicate that the 23 loss of water inventory from the SFP thrcugh the normally i

20 closed leakage detection system valve (which was also postulated

1 to have been left open) as a result of a SFP boundary breach at a weld would be limited to less than 39 gpm.

2 Hence, sufficient makeup capacity is available to maintain 3

water coverage over the fuel.

4 Q.

Does this loss of pool water inventory present a

_3 safety problem?



The spent fuel pool cooling water system has 7

both safety grade and non-safety grade sources of make-up 8


The make-up capability of the Safety Class 3, Essential 9

Service Cool _ng Water System (ESCWS) will provide adequate

'^O water to the Spent Fuel Pool during a breach of the pool 11 boundary.

The ESCWS can provide approximately 100 gpm of 12 makeup water from either safety train.

The non-safety 13 related Water System can provide an additional 14 50 gpm of makeup water.

15 o.

Mr. Martin, are you aware of any fuel handling accident involving the actual dropping of a fuel bundle in the 16 fuel p 1 at an operating nuclear power plant?

17 A.


An incident of this type had occurred at r

g Millstone Unit 1 in September of 1974.

g l


What were the consequences,of the accident on the 20 l

fuel pool and the fuel bundle?

21 A.

It was reported that no visual damage was noted in 22 the fuel pool and that no fuel pool leakage was observed.

23 The fuel bundle was bowed considerably, but continued air samples ndicatel no release of activity.

Activity analyE_s y

a l

of the fuel pool water remained constant and showed no signs 1

indicative of fuel pin failure.

2 Gentlemen, what are your conclusions regarding the Q.

3 subject fael pool accident?

4 The spent fuel pool boundary will maintain its A.

structural integrity following a postulated fuel bundle drop impacting the floor.

Even if pool leakage is assumed due to 7

liner breach, radiological considerations are bounded by the 8

PSAR Chapter 15 accident analysis.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

r Attachment CYC-1 CHUNG-YI CHIOU


OF EXPERIENCE (Since 1965)

Total Experience -

Sixteen years experience in Civil Engineering including project team work for fossil and nuclear power plants; and research and engineering with emphasis on missile dynamic analysis, seismic analysis and design, soil-structure interaction analysis, earthquake engineering, stress analysis by NASTRAN and ANSYS; and site characteristics studies.

Professional Affiliations - Registered Professional Engineer in New York American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).


" Structural Optimization by Methods of Centers",

Ph. D Thesis - University of Illinois at Urbana -

1975 "A 3-D Solid Finite Element for Heterogeneous Materials", Seventh Symposium on Engineering Problems of Fusion Research - 1977 Education -

BSCE - Chen-Kung University - Taiwan - 1965 MSCE - University of Illinois - 1970 Ph.D - Civil Engineering - University of Illinois - 1975 EBASCO EXPERIENCE (8 years - since 1973)

Principal Civil Engineer - Civil Design Engineering Department Allene Creek NGS - Unit No. 1 (BWR) - Responsibilities iaclude the development of ossign criteria for Stainless Steel Pool Liners and Impulsiv./Impactive Analyses; building dcsign speci-fication for Fuel Handling and Reactor Anxiliary Buildings; procurement specification and bid evaluation for FHB Br:J43 i

Crane, FHB Gantry Crans, Drywell Closure Head, Drywell Fersonnel Lock / Equipment Hatch and SST Pool Liners; design review and design engineering for EHB, RAB, and Drywell, Lovett Units 4 & 5 Coal Reconversion - Prepared Civil specifications for concrete, reinforcing and structural steel; prepared the prefabricated metal building specification and reviewed architec-tural specifications; and contributed to the development of design criteria for Warehouse, Office and Lab Building on pile foundation.





i e

Senior Civil Engineer - Consulting Civil Enjineering Dept.

Engaged in the determination of safe shutdown earthquake using deterministic and/or probabilistic (risk analysis) approaches, generation of $esign response spectra by site independent approach or site-response analysis method, simulation of SSE accelerograms and adjustment of earthquake time-history so that computed response spectra envelope the design response spectra, study of lavered media to dynamic loadings, deconvolu-tion analysis to define earthquake motion below surface, media-structure interaction analysis to generate floor response spectra, finite element seismic stability analysis of Class I dykes, and structural analysis and member design of PWR primary prestressed concrete containment and secondary steel frame containment for nuclear projects.

Engaged in stress analysis and evaluation of nondestructive test results of hydraulic turbine spiral casing, stability analysis of arch and gravity dams, and dynamic analysis of equipment components and off-shore mooring facilities for hydro and fossil projects.

Engaged in the development of 3-D solid fini'e element (HEXNL) c for hetero-geneous materials and implementing it to NASTRAN, design of test specimens for determination of material properties and evaluation of test results, 3-D stress analysis of TF coil using HEXNL element, and elasto-olastic residual stress analysis of coil using ANSYS for fusion test reactor.

PRIOR EXPERIENCE (8 years - 1965 to 1973)

University of Illinois; Research Assistant, Civil Engineering Department 5 years)

Engaged in research related to the adjustment of earthquake acceleration records, design response spectra, seismic design of tall building and structural optimization.

Research assistant in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering Department (1/2 year).

Participated in research projects on the stability of stochastic processes and stresses due to random moving loads.


China Airlines, Taipei, Taiwan; Airport Officer (2 years)

Respondible for works related to international flights, including e.ircraft load balancing.

Chinese Navy, Taiwan; Ensign, Engineering Officer (1 year)

Responsible for field inspection of construction, redesign structural columns, shear walls, and roof trusses of storm-damaged military facilities and preparation of drawings for contract bidding.


Attachment WFM-1 WALTER F. MALEC B3rn Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

'iducation Polytechnic Institute of Technology, degree of Engineer in Nuclear Engineering - 1978 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MS in Nuclear Engineering - 1970 U.S. Coast Guard Academy, BS - 1968 Member American Nuclear Society Licensed Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New York (No. 56673) and the State of Texas (No.



1980 Ebasco Services Incorporated, Lyndhurst, N.J. office; Supervising Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Department:

Houston Lighting & Power Co. - Allens Creek NGS -

Unit No.1 -1 200MW(e) BWR Technical and administrative responsibility for mechanical, fire protection, plumbing, EVAC, stress analysis, hangers and supports, water treatment and in-service inspection activities.

Includes schedules, budgets, and client relations.

1978-1980 Ebasco Services Incorporated, Lyndhurst, N.J. office; Principal Engineer, Mechanical-Nuclear Engineering Department Houston Lighting & Power Co. - Allens Creek NGS -

Unit No.1 - 1200 MW(e) BWR, Lead NSES Engineer Responsible for preparation and maintenance of ECCS and BOP flow diagrams, piping layouts, system design descriptions, in-service inspection provisions, Nuclear Island building general arrangements, PSAR and FSAR preparation, equipment sizing and specification, NSSS vendor interface for correspondence, drawing review, and contract administration.

1976-1978 Ebasco Services Incorporated, New York office; Senior Engineer, Mechanical-Nuclear Engineering Department including:

Houston Lighting & Power Co. - Allens Creek NGS -

Unit No. 1 - 1200 MW(e) BWR, Lead NSSS Enginear Louisiana Power & Light Co. - Waterford SES Unit No. 3 - 1165 MW(e) PWR.

Lead NSSS Engineer.

(Same responsibilities as listed for 1978-1980 above.

1974-1976 United States Coast Guard, Marine Inspection Office, New. York; Lieutenant - Supervisory Boiler Inspector.

Responsibility for supervision, assignment and training of Marine Inspectors in largest Marine Inspection Office in_ country.

Inspection of hull and machinery material condition of U.S. flag and foreign merchant vessels, and pressure vessels under construction.

Applicotion of various laws and regulations of the United States, ASME Code, ANSI, TEAM, NEC'and NFPA. Standards.~ Review.of engineering plans and alterations, reports from field and resident inspectors.

1973-1974 United States Coast Guard, USCGC Spencer (WHEC-36),

Lieutenant - Chief Engineer.

Responsibility for operation, maintenance and repair of hull and engi-neering plant of 6200 slip twinscrew steamship.

Direct supervision of 40 officers and men.

Duties included preparation of repair specifications and maintenance of vessel records.

Received Coast Guard Achievement Medal for superior per-formance of duty.

4 1970-1973 United States Coast Guard, Marine Inspection Office, New York, Lt. and Ltjg - Marine Inspector.

Inspection of hull and machinery of U.S. and foreign flag merchant vessels.

f 1968-1969 United States Coast Guard, USCGC Mellon (WHEC-717),

Ensign,- Assistant Engineer Officer.



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