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Proposed NRC SLR Lessons Learned Meeting December 12, 2019 - Industry Perspectives
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 12/12/2019
From: Blocher E, Earls C
Nuclear Energy Institute
To: William Burton
Burton W. NRR-DNRL 415-6332
Download: ML19351C832 (5)


12/11/2019 Proposed NRC SLR Changes:

Industry Perspectives Eric Blocher & Chris Earls December 12, 2019 1

Industry Perspectives Recommendations for Additional Changes EPRI Selective Leaching Task Force Proposed Industry Short List:

- Mechanical

- Structural

- Electrical

- AMR Standard Note F-J & UFSAR Supplement

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12/11/2019 Recommendations for Additional Changes

  • AMP XI.S8 Protective Coating Monitoring & Maintenance
  • Revise element 4 to state requirements of ASTM Spec D5163-08 paragraph 6
  • Frequency of in-service coating inspections shall be determined by licensee. It is a good practice to perform inspections during each refueling outage
  • AMP X.M2 Neutron Fluence Monitoring
  • Address adequacy of RG 1.190 for extended beltline calculations
  • AMP XI.E3A/B/C Electrical Insulation Not Subject to EQ
  • Revise to allow manholes with level monitoring and alarms to be inspected at least once very five years.
  • Revise structural AMRs to reduce plant-specific AMPs

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EPRI Selective Leaching Task Force The EPRI Selective Leaching Task Force and the NEI License Renewal Working Groups are working together to provide change recommendations for GALL-SLR and GALL Rev 2 AMP XI.M33 in early 2020

  • Propose corrective action thresholds based on a graded approach
  • Recommendations and associated justification to amend the 100% opportunistic inspection requirements to perform opportunistic inspections based on engineering evaluation
  • Other clarifications could be proposed after the NEI License Renewal Working Group Meetings and SLTF Meeting in 2020

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12/11/2019 Proposed Industry Short List A limited list of changes is requested to be addressed on a priority basis to support near term applicants. The list is based upon the following considerations:

  • Incorporate recent changes in Industry guidance documents that have a significant impact to aging management
  • Promote a more efficient Staff review or Industry SLRA preparation by reducing AMP exceptions, plant-specific program AMR Lines, or AMR standard notes F-J
  • AMP changes that significantly reduce plant operating costs

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Proposed Industry Short List - Mechanical

  • XI.M16A PWR Vessel Internals & Associated AMRs
  • Incorporate MRP-227 Rev 1-A as an acceptable basis for the Gap Analysis of PWR Vessel Internals
  • EPRI Chemistry Guidance Changes
  • XI.M42 Internal Coatings/Linings
  • Allow Fire Water System Program tests/inspections in lieu of AMP XI.M42 inspections for concrete linings or other coatings in fire water piping.
  • XI.M12 Thermal Aging Embrittlement
  • Allow 2019 ASME Code for CASS ferrite > 25%

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12/11/2019 Proposed Industry Short List - Structural

  • Table 3.5-1 Structural AMRs With Plant Specific AMPS
  • Reduce plant-specific AMP Structural AMRs for Inaccessible areas in SRP-SLR Table 3.5-1 items 3/11/12/14/42/47 thru 51
  • FER Add RPV Structural Steel
  • Revise FER or add a new FER for loss of fracture toughness & related reduction in strength due to irradiation embrittlement for RPV structural steel
  • Revise XI.S1 to perform a fatigue waiver calculation in lieu of the supplemental surface exam for pressure retaining components that are subject to cyclic loading but have no fatigue analysis

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Proposed Industry Short List - Elec, AMRs

  • XI.E7 High Voltage Insulators
  • Address polymer and other high voltage insulator materials
  • Clarify AMP can manage medium voltage insulators
  • XI.E3A/B/C Electrical Cable Insulation Not Subject to EQ
  • Revise to allow manholes with level monitoring and alarms to be inspected at least once every five years
  • AMR Standard Notes F-J
  • Add new AMR lines to incorporate standard note lines F-J from Turkey Point, Peach Bottom & Surry SLRAs
  • Incorporate generic changes from Turkey Point, Peach Bottom & Surry SLRAs

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12/11/2019 Is there any information that requires follow-up?

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