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Eia Determining That Thyroid & Whole Body Doses from Spent Fuel Cask Tip Accident Not Significantly Greater than Consequences of Accidents Previously Evaluated in Fes
Person / Time
Site: Oconee Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1976
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19340A266 List:
NUDOCS 8001310616
Download: ML19340A268 (1)


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9 ENVIRONMENTAL' IMPACT APPRAISAL If, in a postulated fuel cask accident, the cask and its associated holding device are assumed to tip and fall into the SFP, 76 fuel assemblies may be damaged. Resulting thyroid and whole body doses will be within the exposure guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100 for 5 percentile meteorology and conservative l

es'timates of fission product releases, as discussed in the Safety Evaluation Report, and would result in less than 1 rem to the thyroid for 50 percentile i

(realistic) meteorology and best estimate fission product releases. This l

is not significantly greater than the expected consequences of other accidents previously evaluated in the Oconee FES. Radioactive effluent releases from other postulated fuel handling accidents remain unchanged from those pre-


sented in the FES of March 1972.

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