ML19317E166 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oconee |
Issue date: | 02/16/1972 |
From: | DUKE POWER CO. |
To: | |
References | |
ENVR-720216, NUDOCS 7912160034 | |
Download: ML19317E166 (31) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:. METHODS FOR PREDICTING THE THERMAL EFFECTS OF OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION ON LAKE KE0 WEE Predictions of the thermal effects of Oconee Nuclear Station on Lake Keowee were accomplished by using two one-dimensional "models" of the lake's behavior. The vertical temperature structure, (tempe rature profile or depth vs temperature curve) was first simulated to predict monthly average condenser inlet and outlet cooling water temperatures and the monthly average lake surface temperatures. Secondly. monthly average surface temperatures as a function of area f rom the Oconee discharge were computed. Af ter the temperatures expected in Lake Keowee were calculated, estimates of the temperature of water discharged to Lake Hartwell were made. CONDENSER COOLING WATER AND KE0 WEE LAKE AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURES The vertical temperatures (temperature vs depth) in Lake Keowee were found by making adjustments to historical temperature profiles to account for the water which is pumped through Oconee and the heat that the water carries into the lake. An energy balance maintains a check on the validity of assumptions as to the shape of the temperature profiles. Since Lake Keowee has only been filled since early 1971, the historical record of its temperature structure is short. However, Duke Power Company has been measuring temperatures in Lake Hartwell since 1965 Hartwell is immediately downstream of Lake Keowee, and it is expected that the stratification pattern in the two lakes will be similar since they will experience essentially the same meteorology. A comparison of the profiles measured in both lakes during 1971 showed comparable temperatures in the hypolimnions and epflimnions of both lakes, and showed a deeper thermocline in Hartwell than in Keowee. Since less than a year of data was available f rom Keowee and several years of data from Hartwell were on hand, the Hartwell averaged profiles were used as the basis of the vertical temperature studies. The discrepancy in thermocline depths will simply mean that the hypolimnetic resources of Lake Keowee are greater than t':3e computations have taken credit for. In these computations, the time steps were one month long and a year long period was calculated. The calculat ions begin in a winter month when the lake would be isothermal. The computations for each month proceeded according to the following steps: 1. Draw the vertical profile for the beginning of the month. Call it Profile 2. 2. Compute the amount of heat in the lake from Profile 1. The total amount of heat is the integral of the product of the tempera ture and volume at each depth. 3. Adj ust the lake's vertical profile to account for withdrawals by Oconee and Keowee Hydro, inflows from Oconee, Jocassee and the rest of the watershed. (The lake is treated as a " deck of cards," each card representing a horizontal layer of water with a given temperature f 791216003V
/ 2 and volume. Then infinws and outflows are merely cards inserted into or removed from Lake Keowee at the proper temperature level during the selected time per iod.) This is Profile 2. 4 Construct the historical (from Lake Hartwell) vertical profile corres-ponding to the end of the month, accounting for Lake Keowee level changes. Call it Profile 3. 5 Add the incremental warming between Profiles 1 and 2 to Profile 3 to form Profile 4. 6. Compute the amount of heat the lake contains within the new Profile 4. 7 Compute the amount of heat transferred across the surface of the lake due to meteorological conditions, using the average of the surface temperatures at the first and the last of the month as the monthly ave ra ge. 8. Algebraically sum the amount of heat in the lake at the first of the month, the change due to advection, the change due to surface heat transfer and the amount added by Oconee. 9 Compare the sum found in 8 with the heat shown by Profile 4. If they are not nearly the same, make a trial adjustment of the profile, especially near the surface since the epillmnion is most subject to changes. After the profile is acjus:ed steps 6-8 will be repeated. Several repetitions of this process might be necessary to obtain an energy balance. 10. The final profile thus constructed is carried forward as the "first-of-the month" profile for the next month.
- 11. Computations as outlined above are continued to complete the year, using appropriate data for each month.
From these constructed monthly average temperature profiles, condenser cooling water inlet temperatures may be found and discharge temperatures are found by adding the appropriate condenser cooling water temperature rise to the inlet temperature. The results of these computations are tabulated on Table 1. Also shown on Table I are monthly average equilibrium temperatures and ambient temperatures, the expected fluctua ions of discharge, equilibrium and ambient temperatures. Discharge temperat w e fluctuations occur solely because of inlet temperature fluctuations sii.ce the station is considered at 100% load and these are based on fluctuations observed at the similar hypolimnetic intake at Marshall Steam Station on Lake Norman. Equilibrium fluctuations are taken from computations using daily meteorology and ambient temperature fluctuations are based on observations in Lake Norman out of the influence of Marshall. SURFACE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION in order to predict the distribution of temperatures on the surface of Lake Keowee, it was necessary to account for the rocesses of heat transfer from the surface to the atmosphere and dilution with water from the upper layer; of the lake. While the state-of-the-art for heat transfer calculations is well advanced, the same is not true of mixing (dilution) calculations.
3 Where solutions have been proposed to the problem, they have failed to account for irregular geometry of shoreline and bottom (striking features of Lake Keowee) and the transition from Jet to plume behavior. Since it was expected that mixing will have a significant role in the surface tem-perature distribution in the lake, its influence could not be ignored. Fortunately, a " physical rnodel" was available. The Marshall Steam Station on Lake Norman In North Carolina is analogous to Oconee on Lake Keowee In many qualitative ways. Botn lakes have irregular shorellnes, but have long stretches of water oriented in the direction of prevailing winds. Both lakes are about 4000 feet wide where the cooling water discharges of their respective steam plants are located. Both are large and deep enough to have a significant hypolimnetic volume, and these hypolimnions are utilized for condenser cooling water. The hydroelectric stations on both lakes with-draw water f rom the top 35' of the lake. Since Asbury and Frigol had been able to use information from several steam stations on several lakes, ar.d have found strong similarltles in the rates of temperature loss, it was reasonable to use the results of tests on Lake Norman to predict temperature distributions on Lake Keowee. Asbury and Frigo found that a plot of the excess ternperature ratio (T-N)/(To-N) with respect to the surface area divided by the flow rate (A/q) normalized the data so that it could be applied to a plant of different capacity. T is any temperature To Is the discharge temperature N is the normal or ambient temperature q is the condenser cooling water flow rate and A is the area bounded by the T isotherm There is also a theoretical basis for this parameterization and, in fact, if the excess temperature ratio is plotted on a logarithmic scale and A/Q on a linear scale, and if mixing is negligible, a straight line should result, originating where the temperature ratto is I and A/q is zero, and having a negative slope. A regression analysis was made on the results rj seven surveys run on Lake Norman in the winter season. A good fit was obtained for a straight line with its intercept at a temperature ratto af.45 and a slope corresponding 2 to wintertime heat exchange rates ( 100B/F /d*F). While the curve (Fig 1) is obviously an oversim'pilfication, it provides a fit nearly as good as a second order curve, and its form can be explained qualitatively. The curve Indicates that most of the mixing occurs near the discharge into the lake, and that the process of heat transfer predominates at some distance from the discharge. A curve, two standard deviations above the mean curve, has also been plotted in Figure 1 (The assumption of the normal distribution of areas is probably a reasonabie one since most meteorological variables are normally distributed.) To understand the significance of this curve it is necessary I to look at an example. Suppose that at a flow of 3100 cfs the initial excess temperature is 26*F. The expected area within the 3*F isotherm is found. 3/26 =.12 " A/q = 1.65 and A = 5100 acres. But If the upper curve is used, A/q = 2.35 and A = 7300 acres. Thus, under the assumed temperature excess and flow, the 3* Isotherm will encompass 5100 acres on the average. It will be less than 7300 acres 97P/o of the time. l 1"A Phenomenological Relationship For Predicting The Surface Areas of Thermal Plumes in Lakes," J G Asbury and A A Frigo, Center for Environmental Studies, Argonne National Laboratory, April 1971.
4 Figure 2 depicts a similar curve for fall conditions. Table 2 shows areas within variour isotherms for each month of the year and also the percentage of the total surface area. Drawings E0-1100-7 through EO-1100-14 show the estimated positions of the isotherms in the lake for largest summer and winter a reas. Drawings E0-Il00-15 through EO-1100-18 show expected temperature p rofi les 3000' from Oconee's discharge and on the lake side of the skimmer wall. The lower parts of the profiles are taken from the computations described in the previous section; the surface temperatures were found by the methods outlined in this section; and the depth of the plume was estimated from observations near Marshall. TEMPERATURE OF DISCHARGES INTO LAKE HARTWELL Near the discharge of a steam plant, very little tenperature loss is due to heat transfer. vertical temperature profiles measured adjacent to a discharge show a warm shallow layer of water at the surface. Profiles farther away show that the warm layer has become cooler, but that it is also
- deeper, if vertical mixing predominates over horizontal mixing and temperatures are averaged over a depth greater than the depth of mixing, then the average temperatures should be nearly the same for either profile and for any profile near enough to the plant so that heat transfer can be ignored.
When profiles measured around Marshall were averaged over the top 30' it was found that their averages for any given day were nearly the same. It is felt that if one profile from each of the seven surveys is selected and all the excess temperatures at a given depth are averaged, then the resulting average profile will be a close approximation to the average profile which will occur in Lake Keowee. This profile can be averaged over the proper depth to determine the average excess temperature discharged to Lake Hartwell. Since very little dilution water will be available in the upper end of Lake Hartwell when the Keowee Hydro Station is in operation, the cooling of this water can be calculated f nom heat transfer considerations. The surface areas which will be warmed 3* F or more in Lake Hartwell are shown on Table 3 for all months of the year. Drawings E0-Il00-19 through E0-II00-22 show the positions of the isotherms enclosing maximum areas. In the very unlikely event of a reactor shutdown following a loss of electrical power, the initial temperature rise will be approximately 64*F with flow of 94 cfs. This flow will be diluted by a leakage of approximately 30 cfs through Keowee. The cooling of this water can be calculated from heat transfer considerations, since very little dilution water will be available in the upper end of Lake Hartwell. These calculations show that less than 300 acres (0.5%) of Lake Hartwell will be required for cooling under normal ar.d extreme meteorology. DATA SOURCES AND MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS Some of the major assumptions and data sources are listed below. 1 Meteorological data were taken from the observations of the National Weather Service at Greenville-Spartanburg, except solar radiation values were from Atlanta data since Atlanta is the nearest NWS station recording solar radiation. l l
l 5 2. Streanflow values were taken from USGS publications. 3. Lake levels assumed were those predicted by Duke Power Company. 4. Vertical temperature patterns in Lake Keowee were assumed to be similar to those of Lake Hartwell. 5 Data regarding the mixisg of a heated discharge into Lake Norman is assumed applicable to Lake Keowee. This is conservative in that the discharge speed from Oconee is greater than that from Marshall and Oconee's discharge is less restricted by the lake's geometry than Marshall's. Thus, more rapid mixing is expected in Lake Keowee. 6. Oconee's discharge temperatures are calculated by assuming 100% load. 7 The temperature of water flowing into Lake Keowee was based on measurement of Keowee River temperatures before the dam was built and estimates of the temperatures which will exist in Lake Jocassee. A sensitivity analysis showed that an -rror of 5*F will only change the surface temperature 1/2*F. 8. Computations of cooling areas required in Lake Hartwell were made with the assumption of no mixing, and the further assumption of a steady state flow rate corresponding to the monthly" average flow. In addition, for calculations involving " extreme conditions," the year of warmest meteorology in twenty years (1953) was coupled with the year of lowest drawdown (1956) and its attendant hydrology. The year of lowest calculated drawdown in the twenty-year period was also the year during which the flows of the Savannah River at Augusta, Georgia were the lowest recorded in the entire period of record (1884 to date). This fact, and the fact that meteorology from another ',2ar was used makes probability of the simultaneous occurrence of these conditions considerably less than 1 in 20. Further, it was assumed that no water below elevation 730' was available to Oconee, when in fact most of the water between elevation 710' and 730' will be available. (This assumption was not made in the computations for normal cond i t ion s.) Duke feels that the results of these studies further emphasize the minimal effects which Oconee will have on Lakes Keowee and Hartwell. It should be noted that the number of cooling water pumps running (and consequently, the temperature rise) at any time is partially dependent on the water temperatures entering the condenser. Thus, the temperature rise during any month may vary from year to year. An example may be seen in Table 1. The discharge temperature for a normal January is higher than that for January in the extreme year. This occurs because the normal temperature rise in January is 26*F, but during the extreme year it is only 20*F since inlet temperatures never get low enough for two pump operation. Many of the apparent discrepancies in Table I may be explained in this manner.
TABLE 1. TEMPERATURES IN LAKE KE0 WEE WITH OCONEE UNITS 1, 2, 3 OPERATING AT 100% LOAD Monthly Maximum Maximum Monthly Ambient Maximum Naximum Avg Daily Avg instantaneous Avg Surface Daily Avg Daily Avg dis Temp Dis Temp Dis Temp Equilibrium Temp Equilibrium Ambient (* F) (* F) (*F) Temp (*F) (*F) Temp (*F) Surface Temp (* F) I JAN 75 78 80 42 49 60 52 FEB 70 73 76 46 47 66 49 MAR 73 77 79 53 54 75 58 APR 74 77 81 64 63 84 73 MAY 72 75 78 74 71 90 83 JUN 80 83 88 81 79 99 86 JUL 86 90 93 83 83 100 87 AUG 89 92 94 83 83 100 88 SEP 94 96 98 75 80 96 83 OCT 90 95 97 65 73 86 80 NOV 83 89 91 50 63 74 69 DEC 74 84 86 42 54 62 59 JAN 72 75 78 47 52 64 55 FEB 73 76 79 48 53 67 56 MAR 73 77 79 56 58 76 62 APR 73 76 80 64 65 86 75 MAY 78 81 84 78 76 92 88 JUN 83 86 91 83 83 101 90 JUL 93 97 100 83 83 102 87 AUG 98 101 103 83 86 101 91 SEP 94 98 73 80 96 83 OCT 88 93 95 66 71 86 78 NOV 83 89 91 50 63 76 69 DEC 73 77 79 42 53 63 58 ' Average monthly neteorology, streamflow and drawdown conditions. Extreme twenty year meteorology, streamflow and drawdown conditions. 4 e
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Table 2. Isotherm Areas to Within 3*F of Ambient for Lake Keowee A. Mon:hly averag- .1.. v r = + areas for average meteorology and lake levels isothe rm % Total isotherm % Total Honth Temp i'F) Acres Area Month Temp (*F) Acres Are9 JAN 75 Dis:harge FEB 70 Discharge 70 160 1.0 65 190 1.1 65 370 2.2 60 430 2.6 60 650 3.9 55 930 5.6 55 2540 15 2 50 4800 28.8 52 5100 30.5 47 Ambient 49 Ambient MAR 73 Discharge APR 74 Discharge 70 160 1.0 70 430 2.5 65 430 '6 66 2170 12.8 e. 60 1240 7.4 63 Ambient 57 4020 24.2 54 AmL!ent MAY 72 Discharge JUN 80 Discharge 71 Ambient 79 Anblent JUL 86 Discharge AUG 89 Discharge 83 Ambient 86 1410 8.0 83 Ambient SEP 94 Discharge OCT 90 Discharge 90 280 I.6 85 330 2.0 85 2440 14.1 80 2020 12.0 83 4090 23.6 76 4560 27.0 80 Ambient 73 Ambient NOV 83 Discharge DEC 74' Discharge 80 160 1.0 70 160 1.0 75 530 3.2 65 610 3.7 70 1230 7.4 60 2050 12.3 66 5520 33.0 57 5520 33.0 63 Ambient 54 Ambient l I
Table 2. (Cont'd) 8. Maximum daily average isotherm areas for average meteorology and lake levels Isotherm % Total isotherm % Total Month Temp ('F) Ac res Area Month Temp (*F) Acres Area JAN .78 Discharge 90 05 FEB 73 Discharge 75 280 1.7 70 90 0.5 70 530 3.2 65 280 17 65 1390 8.3 60 530 3.2 60 5100 30.5 55 1390 8.3 55 50 5100 30 5 52 Ambient 47 Ambient MAR 77 Discharge APR 77 Discharge 75 60 0.4 75 60 0.4 70 280 1.7 70 930 55 65 560 3.4 66 2720 16.1 60 2170 13.0 63 Ambient 57 4790 28.7 54 Ambient MAY 75 Discharge JUN 83 Discharge 74 160 0.9 82 160 09 71 Ambient 79 Ambient JUL 90 Discharge AUG 92 Discharge 86 1640 9.0 90 190 1.1 83 Ambient 86 2680 15 2 83 Ambient SEP 96 Discharge OCT 95 Discharge 95 50 0.3 90 160 0.9 90 700 4.1 85 940 5.6 85 2870 16.6 80 2460 14.5 83 4420 25.5 76 4700 27.8 80 Ambient 73 Anblent NOV 89 Discharge DEC 84 Discharge 85 200 1.2 80 120 07 80 610 37 75 310 19 75 2050 12.3 70 620 37 72 5520 33.0 65 1920 11.5 69 Ambient 61 5100 30 5 58 Ambient O
Table 2. (Cont'd) C. Monthly averege isotherm areas for extreme meteorology and lake levels isotherm % Total isotherm % Total Month Temp (*F) Ac res Area Month Temp __ (
- F)
Acres Area JAN 72 Discharge FEB 73 Discharge 70 80 0.5 70 160 1.1 65 410 2.8 65 530 3.5 60 940 6.4 60 1230 8.3 l 55 5520 37 5 56 5520 37.0 52 Antient 53 Ambient MAR 73 Discharse APR 73 Discharge 70 210 1.4 70 620 4.0 65 740 4.9 68 1930 12.5 61 4100 26.9 58 Amb i ent MAY 78 Discharge JUN 83 Discharge 76 Ambient 83 Ambient JUL 93 Discharge AUG 98 Discharge 90 380 2.4 95 190 1.2 86 3000 19.2 90 2680 17 3 83 Ambient 89 3530 22 7 86 Ambient SEP 94 Discharge OCT 88 Discharge 90 330 2.2 85 140 09 85 2440 16.3 80 1030 6.9 83 4070 27 2 75 3670 24.6 80 Ambient 74 4560 30.6 71 Ambient NOV 83 Discharge DEC 73 Discharge 80 160 1.1 70 160 1.2 75 530 3.7 65 530 3.8 70 1230 8.7 60 1230 8.9 66 5520 38.9 56 5520 40.0 63 Ambient 53 Ambient
Table 2. (Cont'd) D. Maximum daily Isotherm areas for extreme meteorology and lake levels isotherm % Total isotherm % Total Month Temp (*F) Ac res Area Month Temp (*F) Acres Area JAN 75 Discharge FEB 76 Discharge 70 250 1.7 75 80 0.5 65 700 4.8 70 370 2.5 60 2950 20.0 65 820 55 58 5520 37 5 60 4100 27 5 55 Ambient 59 5520 37 0 56 Ambient MAR 77 Olscharge APR 76 Discharge 75 120 0.8 75 40 0.3 70 490 3.2 70 1470 95 65 1020 6.7 68 2870 18.5 61 5310 34.9 65 Anblent 58 Ambient MAY 81 Discharge JUN 86 Discharge 80 160 1.0 83 Amblent 79 700 4.5 76 Ambient JUL 97 Discharge AUG 101 Discharge 95 90 0.6 100 50 03 90 1410 9'.1 95 840 5.4 86 4090 26.2 90 3290 21.2 83 Ambient 89 4230 27 2 86 Ambient SEP 96 Discharge OCT 93 Discharge 95 50 0.3 90 120 0.8 90 700 4.7 85 740 5.0 85 2910 19.4 80 2170 14.5 83 4470 29.8 76 4500 30.1 80 Anblent 73 Ambient NOV 89 Discharge DEC 77 Discharge 85 210 1.5 75 120 .9 80 610 4.3 70 410 3.0 75 2050 14.5 65 940 6.8 72 5520 38.9 60 5520 40.0 69 Anblent 57 Ambient
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i b) J sr*,q \\ gi y f l 4 LAKE KEOWEl 70* MIOAcres= 1% Total Area I 6S' 680kres = 3.7%Tofel Arne 60*2050Acros=12.3% Total Area 57' 5520 Acres a 33% Total Ares g, R y MEDWEE (( 0C Tot uuER O 4000 mp00 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATM)N EXPECTED SURFRE TEMPERATURE FOR MONTHLY RGE ATURE l '3 DECEMBER l WATER SURFACE EL 792 \\ h o 54*lNTAKE h 9 74* DISCHN4E 54' AM? LENT SURFACE h A 2-7 72 EO ilOO 8 l
O Qh i D% ~w \\ $( b .) LAKEf KEOWEIE taae N~ 90* SO Acras:1.1% Total Aroo 86*-2680 Acre s 15.2% Toeol Areo .q e w N ATICM ,;R 0 soco OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION ALLY RGE R TURE NORM ONDITIONS l WATER SURFACE EL 797 0 76' INTAKE 92*DISCHARE O 83*AM81ENT SURFACE n 2 7 72 EO-ilOO 9
o j % ~w y9 y .l LAKEf NEOWEIE ( ese) @ h m 75*380 Acrea = 1.9 %Todel Arso - v620 Acres = 3.7%Totol Area 65*1920 Acres =11.5 % Total Areo 61* 5100 Across 30.5 % Total Aree l NE0 WEE n_ r _. s. ATK38 AAIER 1 o 4000 soco ei. V OCONEE NUCMAR STATION EXPECTED SURFlhCE TEMPERATURE FOR MAX. DAILY DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE NORMAL CONDITIONS ) DECEMBER I WATER SURFACE EL"792 l o Sr1NTAKE 84* DISCARGE O S8* AMBIENT SURFACE n 2772 EO-il00 to
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N h "Qg / j ~w ( f! ~ ) .l LAKE f KE0WEl! Y 80* I 4 70* 160 Amessi.2% Total Aree I 65* 530 Acres 3A% Total Aroo 60* 1230 Actess89%Totof Area 56* 5520 Aeros840% Total NEDWEE kk H Ar. l M[ l m a z /
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5 0 ~' ^ ~ ~ f ~ ~ N M l \\ a% pi n \\ G' b e v' LAKE ME0WEl i 100* 50 Acres =0.3%Totol Areo ') 95* 840 Acresa5 4% Totof Aree h 90*-3290 Acresa2L2% Total Aree 89A 4230 Acres = 27.2 % Totel Aroo I s. wE kk m""*a i O 4000 8000 2 i OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION O EXPECTED SURSE TEMPERATURE FOR """ s*o'*.E C oi'"o,,'S ^" ex l 3 WATER SURFACE EL 785 o ggelNTAKE lol*DISCHME 9 86* Ah81ENT SURFACE i n 2 7 72 EO 100013
q j) J 4-m y p y .) LAKE f XEOWEIE i W 75* 120 Acres OS% Total Area I 70*-410 Acres = 3% Total Area 65*-940 Across6.8%Totol Area w 60"- 5520 Acres = 40% Total Areo l( oJ* "" Gi ATION S teER j 0 4000 8000 OCONEE NUCLEAR 5TATION l EXPECTED SURIsE TEMPERATURE FOR MAX DAILY TE RATURE ~3 DECOSER l WATER SURFACE EL 779 4 57' INTAKE 77* OtSCHARE 9 57'AM8 TENT SURFACE n 2-7 72 EO-ilOO 14
800 DL(L POND ELIV g4 AI JAN. MAy NW. ! p FEB. Man AMt. I M* 790 ,s ,. / " - l 780 / / / / j $ 77o / / l760 l /l I l J' I y I l l l w [ 750 ) l h j y j @ @ il(,W J 97 l 5 +o I d 7 f I / I U 730-l f l SMNMER / t 720 WALL 1 l [ OPENING l / l [ 710 -- 40 45 50 55 00 66 70 75 80 86 90 96 DO TEMPERATURE M DEGREES FAHREMEIT OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION VERTICAL TEMPERATURE PROFILES 3000' FROM DISCHARGE NORMAL CONDITIONS 2 7 72 EOil00-!5
l M PCNO ELEY 800 IM ad a; $@ 5 ry Y N {J.! ./ / 70 g l ';/ jf[ y I. w 770- / a j / j ( / / Y l 760 ( w l l [ 750 ,/ / /- [ f d / I x / / 740 / y v / 5 / / I 5 g 7w. 7,.. . __ __. 4 _.. / / j SKIMMER 0 WALL OPENING 710 40 45 50 2 80 65 70 75 80 85 90 96 100 TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES FAHRENHDT OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION VERTICAL TEMPERATURE PROFILES AT SKIMtER WALL EXTREME CONCITIONS l 2-7-72 gum.g l
S &l KMD ELEV ,an d ai 1%, h's/!ja* 790 - 790 / '. fy- ) g -p' y f ,#W-f'f f $no /f (' W t / 760 4 -l /, fll l l1 l l 5 740 g j / a 7 30-SKIMMER 720 OPENING 710 40 46 50 !B e'O N 70 N5 8"O 85 90 d lbo TEMPERATURE N DEGREES FAHRENHEIT OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION WRDCAL TEMPERATLE PROFILE 3 3000' FROM DISCHARGE EXTREME CONDITIONS 2-7-72 EO 110017 t i
SE'k POND ELEV ,N 8 800 b N m er O 4 3$ 9 T 790 7 / /. )/ i / Il l l 780 // / d / / // / 170 / l /( / l .l l .-l 760 / ,/ [ l / l I i l-l f I Y TSO / i / / 5 l / 5 7* I / / / 5 l-l j' a 7>o lt / 'f SKlWWER [ / l l 720-OPENING /' / f l f j . J' l 710 p_. / 40 46 80 55 80 85 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 TEMPERATU RE IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION VERTICAL TEMPERATINE PROFILES AT SKIMMER MLL NORMAL CONDITIONS i 2 7 72 E!O il0018 l
TABLE 3. _lSOTHEPN AREAS FOR LAKE HARTWELL A. Monthly average 3 Degree isotherm Areas for Average Meteorology Keowee Hartwell 3' Keowee Hartwell 3' dis Temp Anblent Isotherm Total Dis Temp tablent Isothe rm Total Month (*F) (*F) Temp (*F) Acres Area Month F) (* F) Temp (*F) Acres Area JAN 54 49 52 360 0.6 JUL 84 83 0 0.0 FEB 52 47 50 920 1.5 AUG 84 83 0 0.0 MAR 59 54 57 870 1.4 SEP 82 80 0 0.0 APR 66 63 0 0.0 OCT 76 73 0 0.0 MAY 72 71 0 0.0 NOV 68 63 66 160 0.3 JUN 80 79 0 0.0 DEC 59 54 57 170 0.3 B. Maximum Dally Average 3 Degree isotherm Areas for Average Meteorology JAN 54 49 52 360 0.6 JUL 84 83 0 0.0 FEB 52 47 50 920 1.5 AUG 84 83 0 0.0 MAR 59 54 57 870 1.4 SEP 82 80 0 0.0 APR 66 63 0 0.0 OCT 76 73 0 0.0 MAY 72 71 0 0.0 NOV 68 63 66 160 0.3 JUN 80 79 0 0.0 DEC 59 54 57 170 0.3 C. Monthly Average 3 Degree isotherm Areas for Extreme Meteorology JAN 59 53 56 380 0.6 JUL 85 83 0 0.0 FEB 58 52 55 370 0.6 AUG 89 86 0 0.0 MAR 63 58 61 310 05 SEP 83 80 0 0.0 APR 69 65 68 200 0.3 OCT 75 71 74 110 0.2 MAY 77 76 0 0.0 NOV 69 63 66 220 0.4 JUN 84 83 0 0.0 DEC 59 53 56 300 05 D. Maximum Daily Average 3 Degree isotherm Areas for Extreme Meteorology JAN 59 53 56 380 0.6 JUL 85 83 0 0.0 FEB 58 52 55 370 0.6 AUG 87 86 0 0.0 MAR 63 58 61 310 0.5 SEP 83 80 0 0.0 APR 69 65 68 200 0.3 OCT 75 71 74 110 0.2 MAY 77 76 0 0.0 NOV 69 63 66 220 0.4 JUN 84 83 0 0.0 DEC 59 53 56 300 0.5
Table 4. L_a_ke Keowee Surface Areas and Storage Volumes Water Surfa ce Storage surface Area Volume Elevation Below Lake Level Ifeet above MSL) (acres) (acre-feet) 800 18,372 955,586 795 17,305 866,388 790 16,239 782,528 785 15,109 704,158 780 13,979 631,438 775 13,032 563,907 770 12,085 501,117 765 11,200 440,000 760 10,240 389,489 755 9,400 340,000 ] e e e i e ,ms + H---
b g R9 P \\ .J o-i [ mover om M ^ s r 56* 380 Acres =0.6% Total Area g Q
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b 56* 380 Acres =0.6% Total Area o PR v O . changers and then enters the condenser cooling water discharge piping downstream of the condenser. Service water requi rements vary, depending on many factors, if no service water were used, all water from the circulating pumps would pass through the condensers. Circulating pumps flows and minimum condenser flows (with maximum service water use) are tab,ulated below. Circulating Flow Minimum Condenser Flow Service Water Requirements (cfs/ unit) cfs/ unit) (cfs/un it) 2 pumps 1042 1009 33 3 pumps 1373 1323 50 4 pumps 1577 1510 67 (NOTE : 1000 cfs = 643.6 MGD) Condenser flows will always be in the range between the circulating flow and the minimum flow. The temperature rise across the condenser for full load operation at minimum flow is given below. 2 pumps 25.7'F 3 pumps 19.6*F 4 pumps 17.2*F The service water also experiences a temperature rise. However, th is temperature rise is always lower than the condenser rise, and the effect of the service water is slightly lower the temperature of the condenser water. Thus it is seen that the preceding temperature rises represent the upper limit and that the actual rises experienced will he slightly lower than these shown. The service water systems of the three units at Oconee are interconnected. Therefore, when a unit is off-line, its pumps may be cut off and its service water may be drawn from an operating unit. Minimum circulating water requirements occur when two Oconee units are off-line and the third unit is operating on three pumps.-}}