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SMR DC Docs - (External_Sender) Ibr Flow Chart
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 11/26/2019
- No Known Affiliation
Download: ML19331A726 (4)


From: Joergensen, Nadja <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 12:34 PM To: Chowdhury, Prosanta


[External_Sender] IBR Flow Chart Attachments: IBR Flow Chart 11-26-2019.pdf

Prosanta, Please see non-proprietary IBR flow chart attached.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you, Nadja Nadja Joergensen Licensing Project Manager email: web: Office: 541.452.7338 Cell: 913.709.6300 The contents of this email are intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you received it by mistake, please inform me by reply email and then delete the message and any attachments. This email may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privileged material, which doesn't change if it is sent to an unintended recipient. Unless you have my consent, please do not copy, forward, or reveal the contents of this email to anyone.

Hearing Identifier: NuScale_SMR_DC_Docs_Public Email Number: 34 Mail Envelope Properties (7ca2f588102b48cdae3a86597574e485)


[External_Sender] IBR Flow Chart Sent Date: 11/26/2019 12:34:08 PM Received Date: 11/26/2019 12:34:32 PM From: Joergensen, Nadja Created By: Recipients:

"Chowdhury, Prosanta" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 818 11/26/2019 12:34:32 PM image001.png 11822 IBR Flow Chart 11-26-2019.pdf 618024 Options Priority: Normal Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

Incorporated By Reference (IBR) Flow Chart Is it a SUNSI report? Is any information in the report "iintended as a requirement" for a COLA referencingD

design certification?

No x The report includes information that is necessary to support a required safety finding, AND Is the information "intended as a x Forward-looking: the report that is IBR provides prescriptive information (e.g., requirement" severable from the methodology, design description) that is necessary for a COL applicant to comply remainder of report?

Non-proprietary reports with. x e.g., The report includes both a that support FSAR x Examples of reports used as references but are not IBR: description of our methodology Yes Yes information and should not -,IDUHIHUHQFHGUHSRUWSURYLGHVDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQWRVXSSRUWWKH as well as forward-looking 6WDII VUHYLHZEXWWKH6WDII VVDIHW\ILQGLQJLV RUFRXOGEH EDVHGRQWKH requirements, which can be No be IBR, unless special circumstances apply (e.g., )6$5LQIRUPDWLRQRQO\WKHUHSRUWLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRVXSSRUWWKHVDIHW\ reasonably distinguished.


circumstances apply? -If a report GHVFULEHVWKH methodology for developing a designparameter or feature, but the output (parameter or feature) is captured in the FSAR, it is not necessary for a COLA to comply with the report. Rather, the design described in the COLA simply needs to comply with the FSAR information.

No Yes There are proprietary requirements-The report is IBR (DC rule will specify that only portions intended as a requirement are requirements and matters resolved)

No Remove from IBR Further evaluate

Yes list. Report may be whether IBR allowable a reference only and preferred.

Are the portions Is it practical to that are intended capture the as requirements information nonproprietary, or Yes "intended as a Proprietary reports that do not have can they be made requirement" in information needed to support a nonproprietary FSAR directly (or is regulatory requirement or do not it already)

No provide forward-looking requirements.

Do special circumstances apply?

No No There are proprietary requirements- The Yes report is IBR (DC rule will specify that only Yes portions intended as a requirement are requirements and matters resolved)

Remove from IBR Further evaluate Make necessary FSAR The report is IBR (DC rule will changes, if needed, and list. Report may be whether IBR allowable specify that only portions intended remove report from IBR a reference only and preferred. as a requirement are requirements list. Report may be and matters resolved) reference only.

November 26, 2019