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Motion for Summary Disposition of Suffolk County Contention 12a(viii).Facility Is Designed,Constructed & Will Be Operated to Minimize Possiblity of Seawater Corrosion in Primary Sys.Summary Judgement in Favor of Applicant Urged
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1978
From: Whittemore F
Shared Package
ML19263A941 List:
NUDOCS 7901040037
Download: ML19267A308 (9)


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  • - -G4 e wQ  % ~ *J 12/18/78 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ,y /


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,k Before the Atomic Safety and Licensin? Board '

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In the Matter of ) .,/



) Docket No. 50-322 (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, )

Unit 1) )

Motion of Summary Disposition of SC Contention 12a(viii)

1. SC Contention 12a(viii) was accepted by the Board only for purposes of discovery because it was insufficiently particularized, Tr. 75, 121, and reads as follows:

12a. Intervenors contend that the Applicant and Regulatory Staff have not adequately de-monstrated that the Shoreham nuclear system meets the requirements of 10 CFR, Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nu-clear Power Plants with regard to the design adequacy of the following system components-viii. Ability of condenser tubes and con-densate demineralizer to protect against in-jection of sea water into the primary sys-tem.

s SC's Amended Petition to Intervene at 16 (Sept. 16, 1977).

2. SC's concern in this contention appears to be that Shoreham's condenser tubes and condensate demineraliser are inadequate to protect the primary system from the corrosive effects of seawater. Contrary to SC's allegation, Shoreham's condenser tubes and demineralizer are designed to minimize the risk of seawater corrosion in the primary system. This con-7901040025'l

clusion is based on the following:

a. The condenser tubes are cade of titaniu=, which is the condenser tube =aterial with the =ost resistance to corro-sion in a seawater environ =ent. See Affidavit of Robert M.

Kascsak at 1 2.

b. The condensers are designed and fabricated to minimize the possibility of seawater leaking into the primary system. See _i_d. at TT 3-4
c. If seawater leaks should occur, Shoreham has

=onitors in the condenser hot well, as well as in :he condensate, feedwater and reactor recirculation syste=s to detect any such leakage as soon as possible. These instruments constantly moni-tor the primary water chemistry and will trigger an alarm in the control rec = to alert the reactor operator if seawater leakage causes the operational chemistry linics to be exceeded.

See _i_d. at T 5.

d. If small leaks were to occur, seawater con:a=ina-tion would be removed by Shoreham's full-fic6 condensate de-

=ineralizer without interrupting plant operations. Or, in the unlikely event of a large leak, the operator would shut down the reactor until the leaks were repaired and the condensate water quality returned to the required purity. These actions will ensure that the =agnitude and duration of any seawa:er contamination in the pri=ary systen is kep: to an absolu:e mini =un. S e e _i d_ . at T '.

3. Fcr the above reascns, Shorehan ic designed. con-


structed, and will be operated to minimize the possibility of seawater corrosion in the primary system. Consequently, SC contention 12a(viii) raises no genuine issue of fact.

Accordingly, under 10 CFR S 2.749, this contention is ripe for summary disposition in favor of the Applicant. We request that disposition.

Respectfully submitted, LONG ISLAND LIGHTING C0l@ANY h

F. Case Whittemore W. Taylor Reveley, III Hunton & Williams P. O. Box 1535 Richmond, Virginia 23212 DATED: December 18, 1978

SC 12a(viii)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMfISSION 3efore the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boarc' In the Matter of )




(Shoreham Nuclear Power Station )

Unit 1) )

AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT M. KASCSAK Robert M. Kascsak, being duly sworn, states as follows:

1. I am Project Engineer of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. A statement of my professional qualifica-tions is attached.
2. Condenser tubes. The Shoreham condenser tubes are made of titanium because it has the best corrosion resistance in seawater of any available condenser tube :aterial. Titanium's superior corrosion resistance was demonstrated in a study per-formed by the Electric Power Research Institute entitled "Stea=

Plant Surface Condenser Leakage Study," EPRI NP-481, March 1977.

Pages 5-63 to 5-64 of this study showed that in seawater service a condenser with titanium tubes has a greater than 91". chance of performing for 40 years with less than 10". of its tubes re-cuiring plugging to stop leaks. By comparison, other co = only used materials, such as aluminum bronze, aluminum brass, 90-10

copper nickel, and 70-30 copper nickel have probabilities ranging from 33 to 67% of meeting the same criteria.

3. Before being installed in the condenser, each tube is pressurited with air to 150 psig and submerged in water to check for leaks. By comparison, the inservice pressure on the tubes will be only 10 psig. Each tube is ultrasoni-cally tested to detect any material flaws that might cause an early failure.

4 Condenser desizn and assembiv. The condenser tubes are inserted through and supported by tube sheets at both ends of the condenser. In order to avoid leaks between tubes and tube sheets, the tube sheet holes are grooved and the tubes rolled (expanded) into the grooves to form a tight seal. The integrity of these seals is checked by filling the shell side of the condenser to a level well above the upper =ost tube and inspecting for leaks.

5. Leak detection. If the condenser tubes or the tube-to-tube sheet seals were to leak, the seawate'r would enter the condensate in the condenser hotwell. There the seawater contam-ination would be detected by instruments called conductivity -

conitors. Additional monitors are located in the condensate, feedwater, and reactor recirculation systems. These instruments operate constantly to detect seawater intrusion. If seawater contamination reaches a certain level, the conductivity monitors trigger an alarm in the control roon to permit the reactor operators to take appropriate corrective action to prevent the

contamination from exceeding the operational ILnits on reactor coolant chemistry, which appear in FSAR S and Shore-ham's proposed Technical Specification 3.4.4.

6. Removal of seawater contamination. In the event that some seawater leakage does occur in the condenser, Shoreham's full flow condensate demineralizer system will remove the con-tamination. This system, which is described in FSAR S 10.4.6, is described as " full-flow" because all of the condensate leaving the hotwell is purified in one of eight parallel flow ion exchangers before it returns to the reactor. Each ion ex-changer has a deep bed design containing mixed resins. The deep bed design was selected for use at Shoreham to provide maximum available protection from the effects of seawater in-trusion that might occur at the condenser. The continuous flow rate through the demineralizer system is the normal flow rate at 100% power. For limited periods it may operate at up to 8.5% higher flow rates. Thus, if there are relatively small sea-water leaks (up to 1.0 gpm), the demineralized system will maintain the purity of the primary system water without interrupting reactor operations. Of course in the very unlikely event of a large seawater leak, the reactor would be shut down, in accor-dance with Shoreham's proposed Technical Specification 3.4.4, and the primary system water would be recirculated through the reactor water cleanup system until the contamination is reduced to allowable limits.

Robert M. Kascsak Notarized on page 4

and sworn to before me SubscrigjdayofDecember1978.

this 6 J WI M

WiD y otary Publicy/

My Commission Expires: #< M/ s [

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QUALIFICATIONS OF ROBERT M. KASCSAK My name is Robert M. Kascsak. My business address is Long Island Lighting Company, Shoreham Nucle ' Power Station, P. O. Box 618, Wading River, New York.

I am currently Project Engineer of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, which position I have held since January 1976.

As such, I am responsible for the review and approv.'l of de-sign activities prepared by our Architect / Engineer, Nuclear Steam Supply System Vendor, and LILCO in-house engineering de-partments.

I graduated from Manhattan College in 1969 with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree. In 1977 I received a Masters of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering from Poly-technic Institute of New York. I have completed training courses in BWR and PWR technology.

In 1969 I joined Long Island Lighting Company as an Assistant Engineer in the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department. I worked in various fossil fuel power station projects in the capacity of Associate and Senior Engineer.

In particular I was involved in the late stages of the North-port Power Station Unit 3 and the early stages of the North-port Power Station Unit 4 mechanical engineering design.

Frcm July 1974 to March 1975 I served as LILCO Lead Mechanical Engineer for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station and the Jamesport Nuclear Power Station. In March 1975 I

joined the Shoreham Project Group as an Assistant Project Engineer, after which I assumed my present position.

I am a registered Professional Engineer in New York State and a member of the American Society of Mechanical En gineers.
