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Lilco Response to Petitioner Emergency Motions.* Believes Petitioner Emergency Motions Should Be Denied to End Frivolous Pleadings & Burdens of Time & Resources of Nrc. W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/1991
From: Reveley W
CON-#391-12018, CON-#391-12019, CON-#391-12020 CLI-91-08, CLI-91-8, LBP-91-26, OLA, OLA-2, NUDOCS 9107260093
Download: ML20076D154 (7)



$L\\T lW:llLMON & Hlu.l AYS

7-02-01 :

15:00 :

R i t t.u W 301402 IG72tr 2/ 8

/go/O 1-C LILCO, July 22, 1991 I

(7 DI Y


'91 2". 22 P 2 O E!11.9IR_th0_fQmmie n i on



In the Hattar of





Decket llos. 50-322


50-322-OLA and (Shoreham Huclear Power Station,


50-322-OLA-2 Unit 1)



_. )

LILC.Q'.LREDP_QNDA_.TQ_.P.UTITICHEBJL' EMERGENCY _ ltQUQHR This conntituten LILCO'n nummary response to Petitioners' two emergency motionn filed thu ovening of Sunday July 20.

IIRRT._IMERGMHCX_EO RQR Thia motion requests the NRC to stay LILCO from using the possausion-only Licensr, (POL) granted by the NRC on June 19, pending Potitioners' second try for a stay from the Supreme Court of the United States.

The*1mmediate affectiveness of that licenso has alread'/ been approved by the Court of Appoals on July 19, and by the Chief Justice of the United States on July 20.

Petitioners presont no now information whatever that might load the Comminnion to reconsidor its docinion to issue thn POL.

Nor do Potitionors deal with the fact that the NRC's decision not to stay the POL further has been upheld now by two layers of judicial review, including the Chief Justice of the United States.

Then Commission should deny the motion summarily.

In the Y, b 9107260093 910722 PDR ADOCK 0S000322

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ST_\\T BY:llbTON & RlLt. LAMS 7-22 41 : 15:10 -

Richmond ~

301 402 1672:* 3/ 8 t



P meantima, t.Theo's plans concerning the shoreham plant in the immediato future are stated in tho attached lotter to Francis Lornon, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court.

SECOND EMERGINCY MOTION Petitioners' second omorgency motion boils down to a request that the commission stay tho effectiveness of the shoreham POL during the pendency of merits review by the Court of Appeals.

The motion uufferu from several fatal defects.

First, its depiction of the Court of Appeals' July 19 donial of-a stay missou the court's logic.

In fact, the court found that Petitioners had failed to meet dither the test of likelihood of nuccamu on the merito er the coverity of interim harm required for a stay.

And in the D.C.

Circuit, whero EMAIC v. Ilo11dav Igurp. Inc., bS9 F.2d 8412 (D.C.Cir. 1977), permite granting a stay when either the two tests has been mot, donial of a stay implies clearly that han boon.

This, in combination with-the denial of Petitionarc' motion for expedited treatment, indicates that the issue was not a clous one in the court's decision.

Second, Petitioners' reference-to the Commission's' statement-that, in the event of ultimate reversal on the merits, the POL would rovert to_the pre-existing operating license la nothing L

more than a-definitional statement-of the obvious.

It is not a l-L new' ground for: staying the effect of a POL.

The Staff had this reality in mind when it recommended issuance of the Pot, as did the commission in approving it,

$L\\T BY HDION & Willl AYS

7 '52-31 : 15:10 :

Rtchmo +

301 402 1672;c 4/ 8 I'

3 Finally, this motion has been repeatedly denied before.

Petitioners made a virtually identical motion to this Commission, which denied it on June 12, in CLI-91-08.1/

They then made this motion to the Court of Appeals, which denied it on July 19.

Thereafter, they made it to the Chief Justice of the United States, who denied it on July 20.

The Licensing Doard in Lhlu matter han already criticized Petitioners for this kind of repetitive vnquor.t.2/

It should not be tolcratod.

COHCLUSION Tor the forcyoing reasons, Petitionurs' omergency motions of July 20 should be speedily donied.

It is time for an end to Petitionors' increasingly frivolous pleadings and the burden they impose on the time and resourcen of the comminnion and nther parties Hon octfully Subm



  • Y W.

Taylor Reveley, III Donald P.

Irwin Da'vid S.

Harlow Counsel for Long Island Lighting company Hunton & Williams Riverfront Plaza, East Tower 951 East Dyrd Stroot Richmond, Virginia 23219-4074 DATED:

July 22, 1991 1/

Petitionerc' argument wan in connection with prospective AGLD proceedings and New York State court proceedings, but the merits waro are virtually indistinguichable from those at present.


The Board stated:

"Councol appears to have a penchant for repeating arguments that have been ruled upon and were dismissed.

The Licensing Board does not favor such practices and expects it j

will not continue."

LBP-91-26 (June 13, 1991) at 16 noto 3.



7 6.2-01 : 15:11 :

Richmoad-001 492 1672:s 7/ 8 LILCO. July 22,1991 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION liefore the Commission in the Matter of





Docket Nos. 50-322


50 322 OLA and (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,


50 322 OLA 2 Unit 1)


CFRTIFICATE OF SE[ WIG 1 hereby certify that copies ofI II.CO's RESPONSE TO PE1TflONERS' EMERGENCY MOTIONS were r.erved this date upon the following by telecopy, as indicated by an asterisk, or by Srst class mall, Ix> stage prepaid.

Commissioner Ivan Selin, Chairman

  • The Honorable Samuel J. Chilk

Nuclear Regulatory Commission The Secretary of the Commission One White Flint North Building Ol'fice of the Secretary 11555 Rockville Pike U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland 20852 Washington, D.C. 20555 Commissioner Kenneth C. Rogers" Morton B. Margulies, Esq., Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board One White Flint North Building U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike East-West Towers, Fourth Floor Rockville, Maryland 20852 4350 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Commicioner James R. Curtiss" Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dr. Jerry R. Kline One White lint North Building Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 11555 Rochille Pike U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland 20852 ttst-West Towers, Fourth Floor 4350 East. West Highway Commissioner Forrest J. Remick*

Bethesda, MD 20814 Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North Building Dr. George A. Ferguson 11555 Rockville Pike Atomic Safety and Licensing Ikutrd Rockville, Maryland 20852 5307 A1 Jones Drive Columbia Beach, Maryland 20764


. 7-02-01 :

15:12 :

Richmond-301 402 1672:* 8/ 8 7

Thomas S. Moore, Esq.,

Charles M. Pratt. Esq.

Alternate Chairman Senior Vice President and General Counsel Atomic Safety and Licensmg Board 22nd Floor U.S. Nuclear Regulatoiy Commission-Power Authonty of State of New York One White Flint North 1633 Broadway 11555 Rockville Pike New York, New York 10019 Rockville, hiaryland 20852 Carl R. Schenker, Jr., Eq.*

James P. McGranery, Jr.. Esq.*

Counsel, Long itland Power Authonty Dow,14hnes & Albertson O'Melveny & Myers 1255 23rd Street, N.W., suite 500 55513th Street, N.W, Washington, D.C. 20037 Wash"igton, D.C. 20004 hiitri A. Young, Esq.

Charles E. Mullins, thq.*

Office of the General Counsel Of0cc of General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Reguh'. tory Commission Or.e White Flint Nonh One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike i15$5 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20$52 Rockville, htaryland 20852 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esq.

Samuel A, Cherniak, Esq.

David A. Repta, Esq.

New York State Department of Law Winston & Strawn Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection 1400 L Street, N.W.

120 Broadway Washington, D.C. 20005 New York, New York 10271 Stanley B. Klimberg, Esq.

Stephen A. Wakefield Esquire Executive Director and General General Counsel Counsel U. S. Department of Energy 1Ang Island Power Authority 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.

200 Garden City Plaza, Suite 201 Washington, D.C. 20585 Garden City, New York 11530 f

Hunton & Williams N


Riverfront Plata, East Tower r

951 East Dyrd Street Donald P, Irwin Richmond, Virginia 23219-4074 DATED: July 22,1991 l



7-22-91 : 15:10 Richmot+

301 402 167218 5/ 8 j

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July 22,1991 i

- 11X.J1AND


1:rancis Lorson, Esq.

Deputy Clcrk Supreme Court of the United States

! ITirst Street, N.E.

. Washington, D C. 20543 a

Shorcham Wading River Central School District v.

M1,,$ clear Regulatory ('ommission. No A 68

Dear Mr. Lorson:

- LILCO understands that the above captioned petition, which was denied Saturday by the Chief Justice, will be presented by petitioners to Mr. Justice Stevens this aftcrnoon.

Counsel for Petitioners has inquired whether LILCO is willing to make any representation with respect to the circumstances which will prevail at the Shoreham plant during the immediate future, given that the Posacasion Only License has been in effect since midnight, July 19. I am i

authorized to state the following:-

Although' the Possession Only License for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station has been in effect since midnight July 19, the next several days will be devoted primasily to planning and organization for its effective use, LILCO-will take no acts of a'destmetive

- nature at the plant, nor will there be any actions or of an irreparable nature taken during this period,-



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Richmond-301 492 1672:# 6/ 8 i

H UNTON & WILLI AMS Francis Imtson,.h.,

July 22,1991 Page 2

! nm communicating this to counsel for all parder.

i Smcerely yours,


N Donald P, invin Counsel for Long Island Lighting Company 1


James P. McGranery, Jr., Esq. (Petitioners) j Lawrence J. Chandler, Esq. (NRC)

Carl R. Schenker, Jr., Esq. (LIPA)

Peter R. Steenland, Esq. (DOJ)-

f l \\uS\\l l L C0\\p0L u1SC\\lorsnL t r.001 l

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