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NPDES Permit,Effective 751212,authorizing Discharge Into Mo River.Section 401 Certification Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/1975
Shared Package
ML19225A797 List:
NE-0001244, NE-1244, NUDOCS 7907200262
Download: ML19225A798 (17)


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A. EFl'LUENT LIMITATIO:S M'D MONITORIIlG REQUIREMENTS _ yinAt 19 75 and lasting through December 11 1980 Entring the period Leginning Decenhor 1',

the 1>crmiteu is auti:orized to discharge f rom out fall (n) serial nu:d>c r ( s ) - P i pe DD 3--S c reen w:'t.h wat er , floo Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the 1)ermitee as specified below:


DISCliARGE LIMITaTIO:JS I:1TLt?? !:T CllARICPI:RILTIC Other Units (Specify) Measurerent arpl e kg/ day (lbs/aay) Daily !!ax. Frequency Type raily Avg. Daily Max. Daily Avg.

- Monthly pump records Flow-m 3/ Day (t1GD) - -

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standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units -

The pli shall not be less than 6.0

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and shall be nonitored monthly, grab samp le:. . 'o t>J There shall be no discharge of floating solida or visible foam in other than trace annunts.

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ru y e g vi Sample taken in compliance with the monitoring requirerents specified above shall be taken S

N at the following location (s) -. at point of discharge to the Missouri River. tv L~

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!>uring the pe riod beginning December 12, 1975 and lasting through r 11, 19F;0 t.he purmitee is authorized to discharge f rom outf all(s) se rial nurbe r (s) 004--Water Treatment Sludge Basin huch discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permitee as s[>ecified belour DISC!! ARGE lit 41TATIOt1S MOUITORING ITOUIIf!T:ii'E l'iTLUENT CIIARACTERIST]C Othe r Units (Speci fy) Me au tn eran t Canpl' k g/ day (1bu/ day )

Daily Avg. Daily ! Lax. Frequeacy Type Daily Avg. Daily Max.

r low m3 /tu, GIGD) Quarterly Grab Total Suspended Solida - -

30mg/l 100mg/l Quarterly Grab

  • t i *J J GW -


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.r ti a N Jairple taken in conpliance with the avsnitoring requirerents specified above shall be taken

- at the following location (u) : at point of diuchargo to the discharge canal. @


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J66 di3

PATC I Page 7 of 15 Permit !;o . *:E C0012 ;.;


1. The per.r.itee shall achieve cocpliance with the ef fluent limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule:


2. !;o later than 1.* calendar days following a date identified in the above schedule of cc=pliance, the per .itee shall submit either a report c progress or, in the case of c;ccific actions being required by identitied dates, a written notice of ccrpliance or .cnccmpilace. In the latter case, th.' notice chall includo the cawe o f noncerpliance , an ,' rem dial actier. .. den, and the puhability of meeting the next scheduled recuircrunt.

366 2i6

r PART I page S of 15 Pe rni t No. NE 0001244 C. MONITORING AND REPORTING

1. REVVESENTATWE SAMPLING Samples and measuremnts taken as required herein shall be representative o f the vol ume an d na ture o f the c.c n i t o r e d d i c cha r ee .

> Lv T,asn T 7.wa-Monitoring results obtained during tha previous 3 menths chall be sumariced for each month and reported on a Dischat ;e ':cnitoring P.eDort Form (EPA !!o. 3320-1), pcatrarked ne later than the JBth day of the ncnth followinc the c;rpleted repartin g pe ri M The first report will be stinittc d for the peried c:.ning March 31, 1076-S ubsequen t reports will be for the periods ending Ju,e 30, Sep. ember 30, December 31 and >brch 31.

Properly filled in and nim: 3d unitoring Rcrartt stil be 'nai'ed to tl.c .

following address:

'!cb r a sP a

  • Teirtmen- o f En ei ron m.r.c l C ::t rol UPC-l> and Un fa rrem.t..t c s o -t :a; P.O. I.ox N65 3 Ste te !!a u r, e Z '. . - i c o Lincoln, :eblaska G8509

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a. T.rS,i. t w r r< .-

,r rb-Te f. t p ro ;c rin ro t for the ar.alyL is of pollutant.- sh311 ccnform to Guidolinn for Test Procedures For The Ana l,. c i n o f Pmll ut '.n t s ' 2r Cc, "2tiora!

Follutan* Discharce El i r ti n.. t i c n system (O C5 .36), I f

  • hose Guideline s do not specify test procedures far any pollutant required to be monitored by this pernit and until such a re : : crul gatc c , sat.pling and analytical r.etnods used to meet the monitorii rcqui:ccents specified in this nernit shall, un le s s o the r.vis e specif wd by tb<


'i .p to r ccn fo m t o t?.e lastest edition of the following re ferences :

Standarl ,ethods for the Exarination of la t e r a nd

  • nstewators, 13th Editicn, _ Tr 71, 7 ,cr5c ' Fubli Health Associatien, iew Jork, New York 10013.

A.S.T,M. Standards, h rt 23, ;a t e r : Atmcspheric Analysis, 19 72, Ice ri can Socrati for Testing +nd Materials, Philadalphia, Penncylvania 19103.

Mnthcan 'cr rS 'ical 5:'" sir c _~ iate; u- .wcei, A.c ri l 1972, Environrnotal Prntoc-Trn 7 cr;" ': e r Quality Office, tnalytical Quality Crntrol Laacrator/,

N EF.C , Cincinnati, Chio 45268.

66 u/

PART I page 9 of 15

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4. RECCRDING OF RESULTS For each reasurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this pernit, the pe rmitee shall record the following information:
a. TIM cxact place, date, and time of sampling;
b. The dates the analyses were performed;
. The person (s) who perferned the analyses;
d. The analytical techniques or methods uced; an d
e. The results o f all required analyses .


5 . rw4crw l i s .n. .n. ,. nl, il ts la an l.i<a

. s v. ,, or ,res.-u n o r T uer If the permitee monitors any pollutant at the locat ior. f r ) de s ign ate d herein more f requently than required by this permit , using aporoved analytical rethods as specified above , the results of such renitcring shall be included in the Discharge '.cnitoring Eeport Forn (EPA :: . 3320-1).

Such increaned frequency shall also be indicated.

6. RECCRDS RETENTIC'l till records anc inforraticn resulting frcn tha monitorina actirities req u i re d b'2' this permit including all records of anal"Ises snerformed and calibraticn and maintenance cf instrumentation nd r'.-cc rdingc from con inuou3 nonitoring instrunentatica shall be re ta ir.e d for a mininun of three (3) years, with such period of retentien being e:::e :32d during the cource of any unresolved litigation regarding the diocharge of nollutants by the permitee or when re1ueste d by the Director.

1 366 i8


PART II Page 10 o f 15 Permit :;o. NE 0001244 A. mis'GGEMENT REQUIPIMESTS

1. CHANGE IN DISCHARGE All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this pe rmit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in this perrit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that autho-rized shall constitute a violation of th; pe rmit . Any anticipated facility e xp an sion s , production increases, or process radifications which will result in new, dif ferent , or increased discharges of pollutants must be reported b; the permitee 60 days prior to the expansicn, increases, er modifications, by submission of a new ! PDES application or, if such chances will not violate the effluent limitaticas specified in this permit, ay notice to the permit issuing authority of such changes. Folicwing such notice, the pernit nay be nodified to specify and limit any pollutants not previously licited.
2. NCNCC.'.lPLIANCE NOTIFICATICN If, for any reascn, the permitee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any daily maximum or weekly average e f fluent limitation specified in this permit, the permitee shall provide the Departrent of Environrental Control with the following info rmatica, in writing, within five 3) days of beccming aware of such conditions :
a. A description of the discharge and cause of noncompliance; and
b. The pe riod of ncncompliance , including exact date; and tires; or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected ta continue, and steps being taken to reduce, clininate and prevent recurrence of the noncompl,ing utscharge.
3. FACILITY CTERATICH AhD QUALITY CCMTRCL All vaste collection, control, treatment and di;pesal facilities shall be operated in a manner censistent with the following:
a. At all times, all facilities shall be operated as e Eficiently as possible and in a manner which will ninimize upsets and discharges of excessive pollutants.
b. The perritee shall provide an adequate operating staff which is del, qualified to carry out the operation, maintenance and testing functions required to insure compliance .citr the conditicns of this permit.
c. Maintence c f t re atnent facilities that results in decradation of effluert quality shall be scheduled during non-ctitical water qualit; pericds and shall be carried out in a manne r approved by the permit- ing authority.

366 219

PART II Page 11 o f 15 Permit :,.SC 0001244

4. ADVERSE IMPACT The permitee shall take all reasonable steps to -i i i a my ad impact to waters of the State resulting f rom noncorpliance with mny e f fluent limitations specified in this permit, including ruch acce terated or addi-tional monitoring as necessary to dete rmine the nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge.
5. SVPASSING Any diversion from cr bypass of f acil.cies necessary o maintain compliance with the terms and ccnditions of this permit is proh.i; ted, except (i) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe prope rty damage, or (ii) where excessive storm drainaga cr runof f would damage any facilities necessary for compliance with the ef fluent limitations and prohibitions of this pe rrit . The permitcc chall p ro rp t i',- nctify the :ep2rtnant of E.nvironmental Control in writing of each such diversion er bypass.
6. REMOVED S' 2STANCES Solids, sluf.ges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment ur control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a ranner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering any waters of t!.e State.
7. PCNER FA?tuRES In order to maintain compliance with the ef fluent linitations and prohi-biticns of thia permit, the pernitee shall either:
a. In accordance with the ochedule of Corpliance contained in Part I, provide an alternatise power sourc; suf ficient to operate the waste-water control facilities; or, if such alternative pcwer source is not in existence, and no dare for its implementation appears in Part I,
b. Halt, reduce or etherwise control production and/or all discharges upon the reduction, los: 'ailure of the prinary source of pcwer to the wastewater control fat _e s .


1. RIG!{T OF E!ITRY The permitee shall allow the Director of the Department of En*,irsnrental Control or his author:ced representatives , cr^n thc presentatica of credentials:

366 i?

r PAPT II Page 12 of 15 Pernit !;o. :;E C001244

a. To enter upon the per-ltee's prerlses where an e f fluent source is located or in which an'/ records are required to be kent under the terns and conditions of this peralt; and
b. At reasonable tires to have access to and copy any records required to be kept under the terms and conditiens of this permit; to inspect any monitoring equipment or =cnitoring mthed required in this permit; and to sarple any discharge of pollutants.
2. TRNJSFER OF CWlERSHIP CR CCVTROL In the event of a .y change in control or ownership of f acilities from which the authoriced discharges emanato , the permitee shall notify the succeeding owner or centroller of the existence of this pe rmit by letter, a copy o f which chall be forwarded to the Departnent of Environcental Control no later than 30 days after transfer of control or cw.ership.
3. AVAILASILITV 0F REPORTS All !!PCES fo cs and any public corrent upon those forr.s shall be available to the public for inspection and copying, except any '!PDE3 form inforna-tion (except ef fluent data) or comment which is classified as ccnfidential pursuant with the :lebraska Rules and Beculatio ,s Pe naininc to the Issuance of Porrits " *he '!ational Pollut2nt 'ischar e .. l i'in a t ie n Sy1 ten-
4. SIGVATURES All ;PCES Fo cs, or correspondence md nithH to the Omr mnt as well as eacb submitted Discharge "cnitori.. Ferort e.221 he s 2 m .e d .c fol '* 2ws :

If subritted by a corporation, bv a criac.,al . ,it i ce '.1,e. r,f a.

at least the level of vice president , o r 't i:, tu l i anaart:cd mire-set tative , i f s uch represents ice t' - s pe r. ii . Cu th" r s ' ral 1 op ration of the facillt, fron ..h i ch tne . sco i ". .ci.. 6 in th-Oi. charge Monitorirg Eepert c r : g in.' t ' .

b. If submitted by a partnerchip, hv a &r. era l pu r;
c. If submitted by a sole prcprietor, b'; the prurictor ,
d. If submitted b'f a municipality, State agency , or othe r pa w e n t i *. ; ,

by a principal executiva of fice r, ran;:ing elect zJ of ficial, u randi n of ficer, cr other duly authoriced erMayce.

Any change in signatcries aftcr subniscica of ar - . : ^Z 3 farr, apnlicatica, correspondence or diccharge monitorin., r:pc. and r.y trarafc_ cf a pe rit after issuance, shall be brcught to the at tentien o f the Dep artrent in writing n

within 30 days af ter the change of trans f't .

366 2, 21

PART II Page 13 o f 15 Permit No. NE 0091244

5. FEDtIT '.:CDIFICATIC.V After notice and opportunity for a hearing, thi s nor-it r.Ty be i f ie d ,

suspended, or revck2d in whole or in part during its term for cause including, but n-* limited to, the folicwing:

a. Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit; failure to disclose fully
b. Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or all relevant facts; or
c. A change in any ccnditien that requirer either a temporary or pe rra-nent reductica er clininacion of the authoriceu discharge.
d. Upon request by the permitee , provided cuch request does not create a violation of any existing applicable requi ra. men ts , standards, laws, or rules and regulationa.
6. T0X[C TOLLUTANTS Notwithstanding Part II, B-5 above , if a toxic e f fluent standard or prohibition (including any sdr.edule of corpliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibiticn) is established and adopted by the Council unde: Section 81-1505(6) of the State 3.c t fcr a toxic pollutant which is present a the discharge and such atandar d or crchibition is nore stringent th'- 'i-4 ation for such pollutant in this pernit, this perritt shall be revis redified in accordance with the toxic e f fluent standard or prohibitica ne pernitee se notified.

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7- sua un,t Cl,/IL muu a .

Except as provided in permit conditions on "Bypcssing" (Part II, A-5) and "Pcwer Failures" (Part II, A-7), nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the permitee from civil cr crimina. en 11 ties for ncacorpliance. Whether or not such ncnc:roliance is due to factors t2 yond his control, such as equipment breakdcwn, electric r failure, accident, or natural disaster.

8. CIL A?.D HAZARCCUS SUS 3TA?;CE L1ASILITV Nothing in this pernit snall be cc: strue d to preciade the institution of any legal action or relieve the permitee from any recycnsibilities, liabilities, or peaalties to which the per i on is or ay be subject unde r Section 311 of t'he Federal .iater Pollutica Control Act Ame n dic.e nt s s f 1972 (P.L.90-500).

366 222

r PAR" II Page 14 of 15 Fermit No. '!E 0001244 9, i'ROTEL7Y RIGl:7S The iscuance of this pe rmit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive prit;1 ps, nor d:es it authorice any injury to private property or any invasion of por:cnal rights, nor any infringenent of Federal, Statt, or local laws or regulaticac.

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The issuance of this permit in no way relics 2s the obligation c f the permitee to comply with 2ny and all othe c D3partrental Rules and Fagulations.

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This permit does not authorize or approve the constructica of any onshore or of fchore physical structures or facilitics cr the undertaking of any wo rk in any navigable waters.

12. SEVERASTLITY The provisions of this pern'it are seve rable , and if any provicien of thic permit, or the application of any provision of this perrdt to any circu.. stance, is held invalid, the appli cation o f such prc*.-ision to other circunstances, and the renainde r o f t'.lis permit , shall not be affected thereb j.

366 '23

PAK" III Page 15 of 15 Permit ':0.NE 0001244 PAZD III C"ER RIQUIRI.LTS

-Discharge 001-Thermal plume monitoring shall be conducted by the permittee during 100% power production periods *lhich are realized in conjunction with summer low river flow and winter low river flow conditions.

The permittee shall determine the 2.8 C (5' F) contour li ne above C intervals within ambient strear temperature and isotherms at 1.l*

this. contour line. The area within + he contours shall be determined, the percentage of cross-section:.1 area and volume of flow that the discharge ccmprises with respect to the receiving stream shall also be determined. These plume studies shall be conducted when possibic during the most critical temperature conditions in the stream, i.e.,

maximum summer ambient river temperature during low river flow conditions.

Intake monitoring data shall be submitted on a quarterly basis, the first monitoring report will be for the period ending March 31, 1976.

366 4

r CEFINITIONS Daily Averace - Discharge reans the total discharge by weign t during a calendar month divided by the nu-ber of days :n the month that the production or facility was ope rating. Where less than daily sarpling is required by this pernit, the daily average discharge shall be deter-ined by the su c.aticn of all the measured daily discharg as by weight divided by the nu-ter of days during the calendar month 'aan the measurements were rade.

Daily Maximun - Dischh ge means the total discharge ej weight during any calendar day.

Maximum Concentrati. - The maximum concentration is the concentration in any single crab sample.

Grab Sa.m le - A9 '

. it 1 sa ple collected in le " than 15 minutes.

Comcosite Sar h - cvM'.aticn of individual samples obtained at regula r inte rvals over a tl e pr. ' od. Licher the volume of each individual sarple is proportional to disch rge - .;ates or the sa pling frequency (for constant volume samples) is proportional cc the flow rates over the tire period used to produce the ccm-posite.

Cooling Wate r - Uncontaminated : Water used for cooling purposes onl;. which has no direct contact with any raw raterial, inte r .ediate , or final product and which does not contain a level of contaminants detectably higher than that of the

, intake water. -

Centaminated: Kater used for ccoling purposes cnly wnich maf beccme contam.nated either through the use of water treatment chenicals used for corrosicn inhibit-ors or biccides, or by direct contact with process materials and/or wastewater; gnthly Average - Cther than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the a r i ++e 4 - ~=n of the values for ef fluent samples collected in a

' period o f 30 consecutive days . The monthlj average fc: fecal coliform bacteria is the geometric r.ean of the value of the effluent samples collected in a period of 30 consecutive days.

..e 2 ik l . Averace - Other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of the values for e ffluent samples collected in a pericd of scven ccncecutive days. The veekly average fe; fecal colifor bacteria is the gecretric mean of the ealues for ef fl uent sarples cellected in a period of seven consecutive days.

31 - eekl. - Cnce every other week Si - Monthly - Cnce every other month.

<n -


Compatib1; Pollutants - Are biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids , pH and fecal coliform bacteria, plus additicnal pollutants identified in the N1'CES permit if the publicly cwned treatment works was designed to creat su:h pollutants , and in fact does remove such pollutants to a substantial degree, e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus.

Inccmpatible Pollutant - Is any pollutant which is not a corpatible pollutant as defined above.

"ajor Contriouting Indust ry - Is a wastewater source that:

(a) has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average .torkday

03) has a flow greater than five percent of the flew carried by the municipal systen receiving the waste:

(c) has in its waste a toxic pollutant in toxic arounts or (d) has significant impact, either singly or in corbinatien with other contributing on the creatment works or tne quality of its effluent.

366 226

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(402) 471 2136 April 16, 1973 Nebraska Public Pcwer District P.O. Box 499 Columbus , ' ebraska 65601 Attentien Eric N. Sloth, Ph. D.

Environmental. Manager

Dear Dr. Sloth:

Reference is made to ycur letter of April 6,1973, rec,uesting State Certificaticn as recuired by Section 401 of The Federal Water Pollution Centrol Act .t.en&ents of 1972, (P.L.92-500),

in regard to Cocper Nuclear Staticn.

As provided in Secticn 401, certification is required relating to ccmpliance with the applicable provisio.'e of Secticns 301, 302, 306, and 307 of P.L.92-500.

Pursuant to Secticn 201(a) of the Act, we certify that at the present time, there is not an applicable effluent limitaticn or other limitaticn under Secticns 301(b) and 302, and there is not an applicable standard under Sections 306 and 307 of the Act.

Very truly ycurs, J. \[ k M A f p

'iggins, Director R3/gda 366 227