MONTHYEARML23234A1232024-03-28028 March 2024 US600 DC and SDA 50.46 Exemption - Letter ML23180A1512023-06-29029 June 2023 LLC, Request for Exemption to the Reporting Requirements of 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3) ML21102A3072021-04-15015 April 2021 OEDO-21-00155 - Lessons-Learned from the Design Certification Review of the NuScale Power, LLC, Small Modular Reactor ML21050A4312021-02-19019 February 2021 LLC - Lessons-Learned from the Design Certification Review of the NuScale Power, LLC Small Modular Reactor ML20247J5642020-09-11011 September 2020 Standard Design Approval for the NuScale Power Plant Based on the NuScale 600 Standard Plant Design Certification Application ML20231A8042020-08-28028 August 2020 Final Safety Evaluation Report for the NuScale Standard Plant Design ML20224A4602020-08-25025 August 2020 OEDO-20-00292-Response to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Letter on NuScale Power, LLC, Report on the Safety Aspects of the NuScale Small Modular Reactor ML20231A5982020-08-25025 August 2020 OEDO-20-00285_NuScale Area of Focus - Boron Redistribution ML20210M8902020-07-29029 July 2020 Area of Focus - Boron Redistribution ML20195A5872020-07-13013 July 2020 LLC - Submittal of Draft Operator Licensing and Examination Standard for NuScale Small Modular Reactors ML20195C7662020-07-13013 July 2020 LLC Request for Standard Design Approval Based on the NuScale Standard Plant Design Certification Application ML20192A3262020-07-10010 July 2020 LLC, Submittal of Environmental Report: Revision Status ML20198M3932020-07-0202 July 2020 LLC Submittal of Revised Packing Slip for Submittal of the NuScale Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4.1, Dated June 19, 2020 ML20174A3472020-07-0101 July 2020 OEDO-20-00220 - Area of Focus - Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Performance ML20184A2872020-07-0101 July 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Boron Redistribution and General Design Criterion 33, PM-0720-70785, Revision 0 ML20181A2702020-06-22022 June 2020 Final SER for NuScale TR-0516-49422 Loss-of-Coolant Analysis Model, Rev 2 (Letter) ML20181A4322020-06-22022 June 2020 Final SER for NuScale TR-0516-49416 NON-Loss-of-Coolant Analysis Model, Rev 3 (Letter) ML20198M3922020-06-19019 June 2020 LLC - Submittal of the NuScale Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4.1 ML20171A7312020-06-19019 June 2020 LLC, Submittal of Riser Flow Hole Methodology and Associated Changes to Final Safety Analysis Report Incorporating Its Use ML20157A2232020-06-0303 June 2020 Letter to NuScale Requesting -A for TR-0716-50350 ML20150C5172020-05-29029 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled NRC Public Meeting Presentation: Boron Redistribution and Associated Design and DCA Changes, PM-0620-70336, Revision 0 ML20150E1772020-05-29029 May 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Extended Dhrs Operation and RCS Boron Redistribution (Closed Session), PM-0620-70243, Revision 0 ML20150C8812020-05-29029 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Boron Redistribution and Associated Design and DCA Changes, PM-0620-70244, Revision 0 ML20149M1192020-05-28028 May 2020 LLC Summary of Impacts to Erai 8930 Response and Discussion on the Exemption from General Design Criterion 33 ML20141L8082020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Containment Response Analysis Methodology Technical Report, TR-0516-49084, Revision 3 ML20141N0122020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Changes to Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 6.2, Containment Systems, Section 6.3, Emergency Core Cooling System, and Technical Report TR-0516-49084, Containment Response Analysis Methodology Technical Report ML20141L8162020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC, Submittal of Long-Term Cooling Methodology, TR-0916-51299, Revision 3 ML20141M7642020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Nuclear Steam Supply System Advanced Sensor Technical Report, TR-0316-22048, Revision 3 ML20141L7872020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC, Submittal of Second Updates to Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4 ML20141M1142020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of NuScale Instrument Setpoint Methodology Technical Report, TR-0616-49121, Revision 3 ML20141L8042020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Technical Specifications Regulatory Conformance and Development, TR-1116-52011, Revision 4 ML20128J3162020-05-18018 May 2020 OEDO-20-00167 - Response to the ACRS Letter on Combustible Gas Monitoring ML20133K0882020-05-12012 May 2020 LLC, Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled Public Meeting Presentation: Topic - Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Boron Distribution (Closed Session), PM-0420-69512, Revision 0 ML20133J9142020-05-11011 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled Public Meeting Presentation: Topic - Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Boron Distribution, PM-0420-69511, Revision 0 ML20112F4552020-05-0101 May 2020 LLC, Design Certification Application Phases 5 and 6 Review Status ML20107F8492020-05-0101 May 2020 OEDO-2000140 - NuScale Area of Focus - Helical Tube Steam Generator Design ML20104A0792020-04-27027 April 2020 OEDO-20-00115 - Safety Evaluation Report for Topical Report TR-0516-49416, Revision 2, Non-Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis Methodology ML20099H0802020-04-0808 April 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled NRC Public Meeting: Revisions to NuScales EPZ Sizing Methodology Topical Report, PM-0420-69598, Revision 0 ML20098G2372020-04-0707 April 2020 Nuscale Power, LLC Submittal of Remaining Closure Items for the Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Failure Mode Effects Analysis Audit Items ML20097F1922020-04-0606 April 2020 Nuscale Power, LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: Nuscale Topic - Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitoring, PM-0420-69518, Revision 0 ML20094H6742020-04-0303 April 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation NuScale Topic-Probabilistic Risk Assessment with a Focus on Emergency Core Cooling System Analysis PM-0420-69559, Revision 0 ML20092L8992020-04-0101 April 2020 LLC - Submittal of Updates to Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4 ML20072M6682020-03-30030 March 2020 Response to NuScale Letter Dated February 24, 2020, on Planned SDA Application Content ML20072H3332020-03-0909 March 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled Public Meeting Presentation: Topic - Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Boron Distribution, PM-0320-69218, Revision 0 ML20057D9002020-03-0606 March 2020 Submittal of Errata to Final SE for NuScale Power, LLC TR-1010-859-NP-A, Quality Assurance Program Description for the NuScale Power Plant ML20062F7262020-03-0505 March 2020 Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Nuscale Power, LLC Letter Public ML20069A9632020-03-0404 March 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topical Report, Loss-of-Coolant Accident Evaluation Model, PM-0320-69138, Revision 0 ML20069A1772020-03-0404 March 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topical Report-Non-Loss-of-Coolant Accident, PM-0320-69141, Revision 0 ML20069A1572020-03-0404 March 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topical Report-Rod Ejection Accident Methodology, PM-0320-69146, Revision 0 ML20066G2802020-03-0303 March 2020 LLC, Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Subcommittee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Hydrogen Monitoring, PM-0220-69071, Revision 0 2024-03-28
[Table view] |
April 17, 2019 Dr. Peter Riccardella, Chairman Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Dear Dr. Riccardella:
Thank you for your letter, dated March 21, 2019 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML19079A218), about the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS or Committee) review of Chapter 13, Conduct of Operations, and Chapter 18, Human Factors Engineering, of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staffs safety evaluation report (SER) with open items associated with the NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale), design certification application. I appreciate the time and effort the ACRS has devoted to these important subjects, as reflected in meetings held with the ACRS Subcommittee for NuScale on January 23, 2019, and the ACRS Full Committee on March 7, 2019.
Your letter contained three conclusions and recommendations, as shown below with the NRC staffs responses:
Conclusion and Recommendation 1:
Operator training drills should include scenarios where computer displays provide misleading or incomplete information to ensure operators maintain alternate diagnostic approaches.
Staff Response: The staff agrees with the Committees concern for the need to ensure that operators maintain alternate diagnostic approaches. The staff also agrees, in part, with the committees recommendation to address this concern through training; however, the staff considers training as only one part of the solution for combating the potential adverse effects of advanced human-system interfaces (HSI) on operator performance.
As part of its review, the staff also considers the following: (1) HSI design features that cue the operator to failed indications; (2) operating procedures that can be performed without automated implementation and diagnostic features (i.e., without computer based procedures); (3) procedures for the conduct of operations that require operators to verify indications that may be suspect and indications used for actions with prompt or non-recoverable consequences; and (4) training that reinforces the use of (1) through (3).
P. Riccardella 2 The NuScale design has, for example, workstation and overview displays in the main control room that contain elements which cue operators to failed inputs and functions.
The alarm notification system contains various levels of alarms, and multiple operators monitor various systems and plant overviews. Alarm response procedures guide operator identification of and response to specific types of instrumentation and control and HSI system failure modes. The Safety Display Indication system provides a reliable, independent, and redundant display of critical parameters for each unit. Stand-alone procedures, apart from the computer-based procedure system, direct an operator how to use these alternate indications to verify plant status. The NuScale design also includes a back-up set of paper-based procedures that can be implemented manually during a loss of computer-based procedures.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 55.31(a)(4) requires a facility licensee to determine the content for operator training using the Systems Approach to Training (SAT). The NRC staff expects that using the SAT method, training on computer display malfunctions and alternate diagnostic approaches would screen into the training programs for licensed operators. The staff notes that such scenarios were in fact selected by NuScale for inclusion in their integrated system validation test of the NuScale main control room design. These scenarios tested the effectiveness of the NuScale design for supporting operator response to degraded HSI conditions including sensor failure, automation failure, loss of alarm notification system capabilities, and loss of computer-based procedures.
Conclusion and Recommendation 2:
The human factors engineering program review needs to be coordinated with the review of reactor building crane design features and operations in subsequent design certification chapters in order to minimize any hazards from heavy load lifts, including module movement.
Staff Response: The staff agrees with Conclusion and Recommendation 2. The human factors engineering program staff has been coordinating their review with the staff involved in the review of the reactor building crane design features and operations, namely, the staff reviewing Chapter 7, Digital Instrumentation and Control, Chapter 15, Reactor Systems, and Chapter 19, Probabilistic Risk Analysis, of the design certification application. However, the Chapter 18 human factors review for actions outside the main control room (e.g., at local control stations) is limited to important human actions based on insights from Chapter 7, 15, and 19 reviews. If these reviews identify such important actions, then they will be evaluated as part of the Chapter 18 review. Specifically, Open Items 18-22 and 18-23 in SER Chapter 18 call for confirming that the SER Chapters 7, 15, and 19 conclusions regarding the treatment of important human actions are consistent with those in SER Chapter 18 and ensuring that appropriate evaluations of these actions have been addressed by the human factors program. If the Chapter 7, 15, and 19 reviews do not identify reactor building crane operations as an important human action, then the Chapter 18 review would not address these actions. The human factors engineering program staff will continue this coordination effort through the completion of Phase 4 of the review.
P. Riccardella 3 Conclusion and Recommendation 3:
We have not identified any additional major issues at this time for Chapters 13 and 18.
Staff Response: The staff agrees with Conclusion and Recommendation 3.
The staff appreciates your review of this SER and looks forward to future interactions with the Committee as part of its NuScale review activities.
Frederick D. Brown, Director Office of New Reactors Docket No.52-048 cc: Chairman Svinicki Commissioner Baran Commissioner Burns Commissioner Caputo Commissioner Wright SECY
Pkg: ML19085A381: Ltr ML19099A136 *via e-mail NRO-002 OFFICE NRO/DLSE/LB1: NRO/DLSE/LB1: QTE NSIR/DPR/RLB: NRR/DIRS/IOLB:
PM LA BC BC NAME PChowdhury MMoore* QTE* JAnderson, CCowdrey*
AMarshall for*
DATE 4/09/2019 04/10/2019 4/09/2019 4/09/2019 4/10/2019 OFFICE NRR/DIRS/IRAB: NRO/DLSE/LB1: NRR/DIRS: D NSIR/DPR: D OGC (NLO)
BC BC NAME GBowman* SLee* CMiller MScott* MCarpentier*
DAird, for DATE 4/10/2019 4/10/2019 4/11/2019 4/10/2019 4/11/2019 OFFICE NRO/DLSE: D NRO: D NAME RTaylor* FBrown DATE 4/12/2019 4/17/2019