ML19030A642 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Clinch River |
Issue date: | 01/18/2019 |
From: | James Shea Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Office of New Reactors |
Fetter A | |
References | |
Download: ML19030A642 (10) | |
- INTF RVAI lftl I~EC {ft\ - (% \ HUO Itt\-("/..\
AMEC PimJECT fiil6IJ 13 1072 28: 132'(-ITI-'I'(s.o)- S.o'(1oo*t) s .o'(ioo 1~
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Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-657 of 706
' INl tHVI\L ifl f I f"** IRQI) IItl 1% )
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yz: f'fi 'l '- 02.~ "(s.o") - s.o'(Jcx::>%)5.0(fooi')
AMEC P/WJECT 64611 13 1072 BORING MP-'flS BOX_/{,_ _
2/i.:t Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-658 of 706
- ~c.'!U~<vm. tht t<.EC llll - 'to\ auu II' - I /..\
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CLINCH RIVER SMR PROJEc- I~ UN INTERVAL 1ft\ REC (fll - 1%1 I~QD lftl- 1%1 AMEC PROJECT 6468131072 52"'2'R.9'- 252.' f(s.o*)- 5 o'(IOtJ'f~ 5.o'(toor.]
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Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-659 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 1 BECHTEL NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft I SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 IROD TYPE: AWJ IHAMMER (ID):NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 ICOMPLETED: 8/18/131 HOLE DIA.: 4" ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft ICORE SIZE:HQ3 IBITS USED: 4" Roller Cone ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. L 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (ft) (ft) 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft 0 20 40 60 80 100 NO. G Ground Surface 0.0 u.u NA NA NA SS-1 FILL: WELL GRADED SAND with Gravel (SW), yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/4 ), dry, fine to coarse sand, little fine to coarse angular gravel, few non-plastic fines, trace 2
t- ~organics/roots, strong HCI reaction J- &
3.0 NA NA NA ----ss:2 RE'siDuAL' soll:"FAl- cl:Av (CH). redciiSti b"rown(2.5'YR 4/4) with yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) and weak red (2.5YR
4/2), mottled, moist, moderate to high plasticity fines, coarse 5.7 sand to fine gravel (chert fragments), no HCI reaction NA NA NA ----ss:3 (PP=3.75-2.75 tsf)
RESIDUAL SOIL: Sandy FAT CLAY with Gravel (CH),
8.7 reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4), moist, moderate plasticity fines, NA NA NA ~
some fine to coarse sand, little fine angular gravel, no HCI 10.4 reaction (PP=1.75 tsf)
NA NA NA SS-5A 10.4ft: As above, to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 4/1 ), weak red SS-58 (2.5YR 4/2), and yellowish red (5YR 4/6), moist to wet, 12 _0 1 moderate to high plasticity fines, some fine gravel (PP=1.75J_-co.
13.2 I~L ___________________ _j NA NA NA ~ RESIDUAL SOIL: FAT CLAY (CH), dark reddish brown
(2.5YR 3/4), dark reddish gray (2.5YR 4/1), and brown (7.5YR 5/4), mottled, moist, moderate to high plasticity fines, 15.8 trace to few fine to coarse angular gravel (chert fragments),
NA NA NA ----ss:7 no HCI reaction (PP=1.5-0. 75 tsf)
~-----------------------19Q WEATHERED ROCK: LIMESTONE, no sample penetration, 20.6 very hard drilling to 21.9 feet.
NA NA NA SS-8 <,
- c:;-, 21.9 Soil drilling halted. Log continues on geotechnical coring log NOTE: Elevations not shown. Depths indicated on log are lengths measured along plunge of boring from ground surface.
Observed water levels:
9.6 ft bgs, AM 8/6/13 30.8 ft bgs, AM 8/7/13 37.9 ft bgs, AM 8/8/13 35.3 ft bgs, AM 8/13/13 35.6 ft bgs, AM 8/14/13 35.8 ft bgs, AM 8/15/13 34.7 ft bgs, AM 8/16/13 36.4 ft bgs, AM 8/17113 35.8 ft bgs, AM 8/18/13 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-660 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 6 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 COMPLETED: 8/18/13 ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L ELEV. DEPTH RUN REC. ROD SAMP.
(Min/ft) % % G Begin Coring @ 21.9 ft 0.4 3:55/0.4 (0.4) (0.4) Run 1 LIMESTONE (MICRITE), gray (N 5/-N 6/), strong, laminated to very thinly bedded into L.
21.9 100% 100% Run 2 moderately to thickly bedded, fining upward beds, slightly weathered to fresh, argillaceous,
~ 5.0 6:30 (4.5) 1(2.9) 8:19 interbedded with trace to few very thin to moderate chert beds (jasperoidal-dusky red, gray, 5:52 90% 58% and black), and with trace to few coarse sand sized angular chert fragments/clasts (reddish brown) scattered through-out; locally nodular and disturbed bedding, fenestral with trace 7:14 calcite filled pits, vugs, and sparry calcite "bird eyes", strong HCI reaction 8:10 (Lower Blackford Formation-Unit A) 27.3 22.3ft: BJ, 0°, PR, P0-0, C, Ill, with trace calcite 5.0 6:21 (3.6) (0.5) Run 3 22.6,22.8,23.4,23.5,23.6,23.7,23.8ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR-SR, P0-0, B-C,11-111
10:09 72% 10% 24.1,24.5,24.7,24.8,24.9,25.5ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR-SR, P0-0, B-C,11-111 27.8,27.9,28.7,29.4,29.9,32.2,32.3ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR, P0-0,11-111 3:41 27.3-27.7,28.2-28.5,28.8-29.2,31.4-31.5,31.7-32.0ft: FZ, 0-10° and 90°, P0-0, B-C, PR, II-III 50:00 7:18 32.3 5.0 7:33 (4.6) (3.9) 32.3-33.6ft: FZ, 0-10° and 20-65°, SR-PR, P0-0, B-C, II-III
Run 4 24:16 92% 78%
10:18 10:30 12:35 37.3 5.0 10:18 (5.0) (5.0) Run 5 40.0ft: BJ, 10°, PR, PO, B, Ill 13:39 100% 100%
11:49 13:23 13:18 42.3 5.0 10:11 (4.9) (4.8) Run 6 43.8-43.9,44.0ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR, T-PO, B, Ill 11:21 98% 96%
9:27 10:32 8:54 47.3 5.0 7:07 (4.5) (4.3)
Run 7 37:44 90% 86%
49.1 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray (5Y 5/1-6/1) mottled with weak red (7.5R
20:46 4/2, 10R 4/3), and greenish gray (5GY 5/1), strong, moderately to thickly bedded, fresh, 2
11:32 trace calcite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching), trace stylolites, trace to few 6:47 healed fractures with calcite/dolomite, weak to no HCI reaction (Knox Group-Newala 52.3 Formation) 5.0 6:56 (4.8) (4.8) Run 8
49.1-52.3ft: J, 70-80°, VT, A, I, with trace calcite and spaced at about 0.3' 8:26 96% 96% 52.3-57.3ft: J, 60-90°, VT, A, I, with trace calcite and clay mineralization
53.4-53.8ft: FZ/SZ, 0-10° and 40°, SR-PR-PL, T-0, C, II 7:13 9:25 57.3 5.0 7:07 8:17 (5.0) (5.0) Run 9
~ 57.1-60.0ft: J, 60-70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.2-0.3' 5:04 100% 100% ~
5:39 6:03 62.3 ---------------------------------------
62.3 5.0 8:25 (4.9) (4.9) Run 10 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray to dark gray (N 5/-N 4/) with dark reddish gray 8:50 98% 98%
~ (2.5YR 4/1-3/1 ), mottled, strong, very thin to moderately bedded, fresh, trace to few laminated to very thin, medium grained, dolomite cemented, rounded quartz sand lenses, trace to few
8:09 very thin to thin chert lenses, and nodules (dark reddish gray to reddish brown); trace 7:23 stylolites, trace calcite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching), few healed fractures with
calcite/dolomite, weak to no HCI reaction 6:31 67.3 66.6,66.7ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 5.0 9:17 (4.8) (4.8) Run 11 67.3-68.5ft: FZ, 20° and 80-85°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.1' 11:24 96% 96%
""ii-f ---------------------------------------~
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-661 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG SHEET 2 OF 6 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 COMPLETED: 8/18/13 ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L ELEV. DEPTH RUN REC. ROD SAMP.
(Min/ft) % % G Continued from previous page 8:56 CHERT CEMENTED/DOLOMITE CEMENTED SAND, gray (10YR 5/1), strong, very thinly to 72.3 10:48 ~ moderately bedded, fresh, medium grained and rounded quartz sand, mostly dolomite cemented with coarse crystals of dolomite and rounded dolomite clasts, few very thin to thin 72.7 5.0 10:54 (4.9) (4.5) Run 12
~ ---!chert beds and lenses (dark reddish brown to bluish gray), weak to no HCI reaction/--
98% 90%
6:39 \(£o1Jti111Jecf) _____________________________ J 6:36 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray (5Y 5/1-6/1) to weak red (10R 4/3-4/2) and q~
dark reddish gray (10R 3/1, 5Y 3/1), trace dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1), mottled, strong to very 8:57 strong, moderately to thickly bedded, fresh; trace calcite/dolomite filled pits and vugs 20:08 (separate/non-touching, few open to partially filled), healed fractures with calcite/dolomite 77.3 through-out, trace fractures filled with indurated clayey/silty filling/mineralization, trace to few 5.0 17:43 (4.9) (4.7) Run 13
stylolites, weak to no HCI reaction 23:36 98% 94% 74.7ft: BJ, 8°, PR, T-PO, B, Ill 76.3-76.6ft: FZ, 0-10°, PR, PO, C, Ill, mechanical breaks
16:35 77.1ft: J, 60°, VT, A, Ill, with dolomite 20:07 77.3-78.1ft: J, 90°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 82.3 5.0 17:14 12:47 (5.0) (5.0) Run 14
~ 79.6-79.9,80.9ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR, T-PO, B,11-111 13:27 100% 100%
13:23 12:38 87.3
5.0 9:49 (5.0) (5.0) Run 15 87.7,89.4ft: BJ, 0°, SR, T-0, G-N, Ill 11:00 100% 100% 88.4ft: J, 10°, VT, A, I, with dolomite
88.9,89.0ft: J, 65°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 6:50
4:10 92.3 6:15 I.
5.0 5:54 (5.0) (5.0) 94.3-94.4,96.2-96.6ft: FZ, 15° and 50°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.1'
Run 16 10:01 100% 100%
5:30 6:10 ~
97.3 5.0 6:28 5:23 (5.0) (5.0)
~ 96.7-97.3ft: As above, with LIMESTONE (MICRITE), dark gray to very dark gray (10YR
Run 17 4/1-3/1 ), strong, very thinly to thinly bedded, fresh, strong HCI reaction 3:21 100% 100% 99.4-102.0ft: FZ, 40-80°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.2' 5:11
4:25 5:11 102.3 7 5.0 5:16 (5.0) (4.9) Run 18 59:46 100% 98%
~ --------------------------------------~~
CHERT/CHERT CEMENTED SAND, very dark gray (N 3/) with dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) and 71:51
~ -- - 1 dark gray (10YR 4/1), strong, moderately bedded, fresh, medium to coarse, rounded tor- Q§.O 1
13:57 1subangular chert grains/clasts, no HCI reaction J 10:51 CRYSTAIT.INCDoLorvllYE, coarsetofine grain8d,gray (2.5Y511) to verydarkgray (5¥371),
107.3 black to very dark gray (N 2.5/-N 3/), gray to very dark gray (2.5Y 5/1-3/1), and dark gray to 5.0 9:44 (5.0) (5.0) Run 19
gray (10YR 4/1-6/1), strong to very strong, thinly to moderately and thickly bedded becoming 9:08 100% 100% laminated to thinly bedded, fresh, little very thin to moderate chert beds, lenses, and nodules (very dark gray to dark gray); trace to little calcite/dolomite filled pits and vugs, trace open pits
7:32 and vugs (separate/non-touching, trace to few open/partially filled), trace stylolites, healed 21:58 fractures with calcite/dolomite through-out, weak to no HCI reaction 112.3 5.0 9:57 10:08 (5.0) (5.0) Run 20
~ 115.8ft: BJ, 0°, SR-PR, T-PO, A, I 10:42 100% 100%
15:35 8:40 117.3 5.0 5:05 (5.0) (4.9) Run 21 119.0,119.4,119.6,120.2,120.7ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 5:02 100% 98%
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-662 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG SHEET 3 OF 6 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 COMPLETED: 8/18/13 ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L ELEV. DEPTH RUN REC. ROD SAMP.
(Min/ft) % % G g
Continued from previous page 4:28 --------------------------------------~~
2:21 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray (2.5Y 5/1) to dark gray (7.5YR 4/1) and dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) with gray (2.5Y 6/1-5/1), strong to very strong, very thinly to moderately 122.3 5.0 3:03 2:50 (5.0) (5.0) Run 22
~ bedded, fresh, trace thin chert beds (gray to dusky red); trace to few calcite/dolomite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching), trace to few stylolites, few healed fractures with 2:56 100% 100%
~ calcite/dolomite, weak to no HCI reaction 120.0-121.5ft: As above with little, very thin to thin dolomite cemented quartz sand lenses,
2:41 greenish gray (5G 6/1 ), medium grained, rounded, few clasts of dolomite 120.7ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 3:44
120.0-121.0ft: BJ, 0°, SR, T-PO, B, II, with trace calcite 6:52 120.3-120.9ft: J, 80°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 127.3 121.0ft: SH, 30°, SL-PL, T, B, II, with trace calcite 5.0 7:07 (5.0) (4.8) Run 23
121.1ft: J, 10°, VT, A I, with dolomite 8:10 100% 96% 125.1ft: J, 20°, PR, T, B, Ill
7:23 125.7-126.5ft: J, 90°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about, 0.1' 128.7,128.9ft: BJ, 0-10°, SR-PR, T, B, Ill
6:26 6:30 132.3 5.0 9:11 (5.0) (5.0) Run 24 133.4ft: BJ, 10°, SR-PR, T, B, II 8:41 100% 100%
~ 135.8-137.2ft: FZ, 60-70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.2'
8:24 2
9:26 10:33 137.3
5.0 7:55 (5.0) (5.0) Run 25 5:45 100% 100% 138.9-139.6ft: As above, with little, laminated to thin, wispy to discontinuous, dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/3), indurated clayey/silty fracture filling/mineralization 139 .6 7:59
CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine to locally coarse grained, dusky red (10R 3/2), dark reddish 6:29 gray (10R 3/1), and weak red (10R 4/3), mottled with gray (N 5/) to greenish gray (10Y 5/1) 142.3 5.0 3:47 4:41 (5.0) (4.4) Run 26
~ and gray (5Y 6/1-5/1), mottling mimics bedding and pre-dolomitization fractures, strong, laminated to moderately bedded, locally thickly bedded, fresh, trace chert nodules and beds (dark gray to black), locally with laminated to very thin, fine to medium grained, rounded to 6:03 100% 88% ~ subangular, dolomite cemented quartz sand lenses and scattered grains (clear to black); trace
stylolites, trace calcite/dolomite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching, few open/partially 8:24 filled), weak to no HCI reaction
6:25 139.9-140.3ft: FZ, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.1' 143.7,144.3,144.4ft: BJ, 0-10°, SR-PR, T-PO, B, Ill, possible mechanical breaks 4:59 144.0ft: SH, 20°, SL, T, B, Ill, with calcite 147.3 5.0 4:07 (5.0) (5.0) Run 27 148.9ft: BJ, 0°, PR, T, B, Ill 4:33 100% 100%
5:28 2
6:43 9:10 152.3 5.0 5:52 (4.8) (4.8) Run 28 153.6, 156.3ft: Mechanical breaks with possible core loss 56:34 96% 96%
~ 154.2-157.0ft: FZ, 65-75°, VT, A, I, spaced at about 0.6'
153.6-153.9ft: As above with CHERT, black (5Y 2.5/1), moderately bedded 3:45
3:06 3:49 157.3
5.0 5:06 (5.0) (5.0) Run 29 158.0-159.2ft: J, 80°, PR, VT, A, II, with calcite 3:29 100% 100%
3:52 162.3 3:30 X.
a 5.0 4:36 (5.0) (5.0) 162.8-166.9ft: J, 70-90°, VT, A, I, with calcite and spaced at about 0.5'
Run 30 4:02 100% 100%
164.1-165.0ft: As above, silicified with CHERT, very dark gray (N 3/), moderately to very thinly 5:57 bedded 165.0
4:09 3:39 167.3 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-663 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG SHEET 4 OF 6 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 COMPLETED: 8/18/13 ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L ELEV. DEPTH RUN REC. ROD SAMP.
(Min/ft) % % G Continued from previous page 5.0 4:22 (5.0) (5.0) Run 31 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, gray (5Y 6/1-5/1) to dark gray (5Y 4/1, 7.5YR 4/1) mottled with g~
4:29 100% 100% weak red (10R 4/3), dark reddish gray (10R 3/1), and gray (10YR 6/1-5/1) to dark gray (2.5Y 6:55 4/1) with trace reddish gray to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 5/1-3/1) and weak red (10R 4/3) mottling, strong, very thinly to thickly bedded, fresh, with trace to few chert nodules (brown, 4:43 dark gray), and locally with trace very thin, dolomite and chert cemented, medium grained,
g 4:23 rounded quartz sand lenses; trace calcite/dolomite filled pits and vugs, trace stylolites, few to 172.3 little healed fractures with calcite/dolomite, trace fractures and irregular vugs filled with 5.0 4:45 (5.0) (4.7) Run 32 g
indurated clayey/silty mineralization (dusky red to dark greenish gray), weak/delayed to no HCI 3:48 100% 94%
reaction (continued) 4:12 172.1,172.2ft: J, 70-80°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 172.4-175ft: FZ, 45-90°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 2
5:56 175.5ft: BJ, 10°, PR, T, B, II, with trace calcite 4:32 175.8ft: J, 30°, PL, T, B, II, with trace calcite 177.3 175.5-175.8ft: As above, with SILTSTONE, very dark gray (5YR 3/1 to N 3/), weak, laminated, g~
5.0 4:22 (4.9) (4.9) Run 33 slightly weathered, no HCI reaction (possible fracture filling) 4:41 98% 98% 179.3,180.5ft: J, 75°, VT, A, I, with dolomite g
179.3-181.2ft: J, 85°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 4:04 4:36 5:58 182.3 g~
5.0 4:47 (5.0) (5.0) Run 34 3:56 100% 100%
4:11 3:38 187.3 5.0 3:53 (5.0) (5.0) Run 35 187.5-187.8,188.5-189.3ft: J, 90°, VT, A, I, with dolomite g ~
3:58 100% 100%
4:18 4:11 192.3 4:17
g 5.0 3:32 (5.0) (5.0) Run 36 196.5ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 4:41 100% 100%
3:26 g
3:05 197.3 5.0 3:12 (5.0) (5.0) Run 37 197.4,197.5,199.3,199.7,201.8,201.9ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite g
2:41 100% 100%
3:49 2
3:22 3:46 202.3 gg~
3:42 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2QP 5.0 (4.9) (4.9) Run 38 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE/DOLOMITE CEMENTED SAND, coarse grained, weak red (10R 4:14 98% 98%
4/3) and gray (10YR 6/1-5/1), strong, laminated to moderately bedded, fresh, coarse dolomite 3:25 crystals and dolomite cemented, rounded to subangular, quartz sand grains, trace to few very
___ _Jh_irll() tllin_c~rt_lellS~ <Jr]d_n()(jLJI_e~(d<Jr~~~h_brcJwrl);_trac;e~t)ll_olit_e~ ~al< f::ICI_re~c!iCJn_ 205.5 7:14 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine to coarse grained, dark gray (2.5YR 4/1 ), greenish gray (1 OY 207.3 5.0 6:36 5:34 (5.0) (5.0) Run 39 A 6/1) with very dark gray (N 3/), and reddish gray to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 5/1-4/1) mottled with greenish gray (1 OY 5/1 ), strong, very thinly to moderately bedded, fresh; trace stylolites, 5:33 100% 100%
~ trace dolomite filled pits, few healed fractures with dolomite/calcite, trace irregular fractures filled with indurated clayey/silty filling/mineralization (dusky red), weak/delayed to no HCI
3:49 reaction 205.5-208.0ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I, with dolomite and spaced at about 0.5'
5:35 4:49 212.3 6
5.0 6:00 (4.8) (4.8) Run 40 216.3-216.4ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR, T-PO, B, II 5:02 96% 96%
4:32 6:42 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-664 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG SHEET 5 OF 6 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 COMPLETED: 8/18/13 ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L ELEV. DEPTH RUN REC. ROD SAMP.
(Min/ft) % % G Continued from previous page 217.3 6:16 I. CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine to coarse grained, dark gray (2.5YR 4/1 ), greenish gray (1 OY 6/1) with very dark gray (N 3/), and reddish gray to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 5/1-4/1) mottled g~
5.0 4:24 (5.0) (5.0) Run 41 100% 100% with greenish gray (1 OY 5/1 ), strong, very thinly to moderately bedded, fresh; trace stylolites, 4:19 trace dolomite filled pits, few healed fractures with dolomite/calcite, trace irregular fractures 5:17 filled with indurated clayey/silty filling/mineralization (dusky red), weak/delayed to no HCI reaction (continued) 4:34 220.9
~ - - - -¥1_7.Z,2_1_7~.~S]ft:_ J_,_2Cl",_'J~ ~l,_with cJ_olcJ_m_ite_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - -
222.3 67:26
~ CHERT/CHERT CEMENTED SAND, gray to very dark gray (10YR 6/1-3/1) and reddish brown g
(5YR 4/3), strong, very thinly to moderately bedded, fresh, chert cemented, rounded to 9:03
- ez 5.0 (5.0) (5.0) Run 42 100% 100% subangular, fine to coarse grained, quartz sand and chert clasts; trace silicified dolomite, no -223.5
- - - I HCI reaction 8:47 1 6:46 I~OJ~21..:4ft_: ~Z,_5Q:.7Q" ~ncJ_2Q",_'J~ ~I._INitll (jolcl_m_ite_<Jncj_ s_ea_c;ecJ_at_aiJoLJt_ OJ' _ _ _ _ J CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, dark gray (10YR 4/1) with gray (10YR 6/1) to very
6:04 dark gray (1 OYR 3/1 ), and dark gray to gray (1 OYR 4/1-5/1) mottled with dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) g 6:14 to gray (10YR 6/1) to grayish brown (10YR 5/2), strong, very thinly to moderately bedded, 227.3 5:34 fresh, trace very thin to thin irregular chert beds, lenses, and nodules (dusky red to gray), and 5.0 (4.9) (4.9) Run 43 g
scattered, rounded to subrounded medium quartz sand grains; trace stylolites, trace dolomite 4:55 98% 98%
filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching), weak to no HCI reaction 4:47 227.6,230.3,213.6ft: BJ, 0-10°, PR, T, B, Ill, slight core loss at 230.3' 2
5:04 4:22 232.3 g~
5.0 6:28 (4.9) (4.9) Run 44 232.5,232.8ft: J, 75°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 7:09 98% 98%
6:32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __2:3§.9 LIMESTONE (MICRITE), gray (N 6/-N 5/) to dark gray to gray (5Y 4/1-6//1) and slight dusky 7:14 237.3 red (5R 3/2) mottling, strong, very thinly to thinly bedded, fresh, becomes slightly dolomitized 5.0 8:10 (5.0) (5.0) Run 45 with depth, trace thin irregular chert bed (dark gray) at 240.9'-241.1'; trace fossils, few 6:26 100% 100% stylolites, trace calcite filled pits, strong to weak HCI reaction 8:18 14:08 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __2+/-_1.1 242.3 5.0 5:32 3:25 (5.0) (5.0) ti CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray to dark gray (5Y 6/1-4/1) mottled with weak red (10R 4/3), dusky red (10R 3/3), dark reddish gray (10R 3/1)strong, very thinly to thickly
Run 46 bedded, locally laminated, fresh, with few moderate to thin interbeds of LIMESTONE 6:10 100% 100% (MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1, 1OYR 6/1) to dark reddish gray (1 OR 3/1 ), very thinly to moderately
bedded and nodular, strong HCI reaction, from 254.0'-255.4', 256.7'-257.4', and 272.1'-272.2',
3:34 and trace scattered to very thin, rounded medium quartz sand lenses and grains; trace
2:59 stylolites, trace calcite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching, few open to partially filled),
weak to no HCI reaction 5:10 247.3 7 241.1ft: J, 30°, PR, T-PO, B, Ill 5.0 4:41 (5.0) (5.0) Run 47 243.6ft: J, 10°, PR, T, B, Ill 4:09 100% 100%
~ 243.7-243.8ft: Core mechanically reduced to rubble 248.1ft: J, 55°, PR, T, C, II, with dolomite
4:10 5:48 252.3 5.0 4:02 3:26 (5.0) (5.0) Run 48
~ 252.4-254.0ft: FZ, 60-80°, VT, A, I, with calcite and spaced at about 0.1', silicified 3:50 100% 100%
~ 255.8,256.1ft: 70°, VT, A, I, with calcite 4:49
3:31 4:12 257.3 3:35 7
5.0 (5.0) (5.0) Run 49 3:39 100% 100%
3:25 2
4:36 4:24 262.3 5.0 4:12 (5.0) (5.0) Run 50 266.5ft: J, 60°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 4:50 3:09 100% 100%
ti Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-665 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG SHEET 6 OF 6 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: N. Smith SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Bilbrey/B. Owens Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-426 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-75 (TSD) Inclination: 28° GROUND ELEV.: 842.2 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,765 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,811 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: N40°W TOTAL DEPTH: 272.3 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): NA-Sampler pushed DATE STARTED: 8/5/13 COMPLETED: 8/18/13 ICASING DEPTH: 21.8 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L ELEV. DEPTH RUN REC. ROD SAMP.
(Min/ft) % % G Continued from previous page CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray to dark gray (5Y 6/1-4/1) mottled with weak red
4:44 (10R 4/3), dusky red (10R 3/3), dark reddish gray (10R 3/1)strong, very thinly to thickly g
3:39 bedded, locally laminated, fresh, with few moderate to thin interbeds of LIMESTONE 267.3 5.0 4:07 (4.9) (4.9) Run 51 (MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1, 1OYR 6/1) to dark reddish gray (1 OR 3/1 ), very thinly to moderately g
98% 98% bedded and nodular, strong HCI reaction, from 254.0'-255.4', 256.7'-257.4', and 272.1'-272.2',
4:50 and trace scattered to very thin, rounded medium quartz sand lenses and grains; trace 3:45 stylolites, trace calcite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching, few open to partially filled),
weak to no HCI reaction (continued) 5:00 267.3-268.0ft: J, 80°, VT, A, I, with dolomite 272.3 6:05
~ Boring and coring terminated at 272.3 feet.
272.3 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-666 of 706