ML19030A533 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Clinch River |
Issue date: | 01/18/2019 |
From: | James Shea Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Office of New Reactors |
Fetter A | |
References | |
Download: ML19030A533 (8) | |
AIIEC PROJECT 6468131 072 ~. 0:.1o~* (\'l ' (~s*t. CO (C ~*
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Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-336 of 706
1\. ** ~ ~~-- - ~ *--
CLINCH RIVER SMRPROJECT AM~CPROJECT~46813 1072 BORING MP. 2Js-Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-337 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 1 BECHTEL NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Howard SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: A. Martin/D. Rhodes Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-216 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-55 (C) Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.: 813.4 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,031 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,448,209 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 101.5 ft ISAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 IROD TYPE: AWJ IHAMMER (ID):140-Ib Auto (163745)
DATE STARTED: 7/30/13 I COMPLETED: 8/1/13 IHOLE DIA.: 4" ICASING DEPTH: 3.5 ft ICORE SIZE:HQ3 IBITS USED: 4" Roller Cone ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. L 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (ft) (ft) 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft 0 20 40 60 80 100 NO. G 813.4 Ground Surface 813.4 0.0 ts"l6.4 u.u 16 50/0.3 SS-1 ~ WEATHERED ROCK: CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE,
. 50/0,3
~ sampled as Sandy SILT with Gravel (ML), pale red (10R 7/2) to weak red (2.5YR 4/2), hard, dry to moist, non-plastic to S'
low plasticity fines, some fine to coarse sand, few to little fine 810.0 3.4 f----o~---t::
~ l- angular gravel sized rock fragments, strong HCI reaction 50/0.4 . 50/0.4 SS-2 ~
807.6 5.8 ~~07.5 5.9 50/0.1 ~ Soil drilling halted. Log continues on geotechnical coring log Observed water levels:
1- 6.1 ftbgs,AM7/31/13 16.2 ft bgs, AM 8/1/13 1-1-
C/o 1-0 0
~ 1-u""'
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-338 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 2 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Howard SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: A. Martin/D. Rhodes Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-216 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-55 (C) Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.: 813.4 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,031 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,448,209 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 101.5 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): 140-lb Auto (163745)
(Min/ft) % % G Begin Coring @ 5.9 ft 0.6 5:30/0.6 (0.6) (0.0) Run 1 ou, .0 CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE, dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 3/1) with 0.
807.5 5.9 -
806.9, 6.5 5.0 5:30 100% 0% Run 2 -
dark grayish green (5GY 4/2), medium strong to strong, laminated to very thinly bedded, (5.0) 1(2.6) 5:30 -
locally with moderately bedded appearance, slightly weathered to fresh, interbedded with 100% 52%
- trace to few laminated to very thinly bedded LIMESTONE (WACKESTONE/MICRITE), gray 5:30 -
- - (5Y 6/1), locally fossiliferous; strongly bioturbated, strong HCI reaction (Lincolnshire 4:30
- Formation-Fieanor Member-Unit B) 6:00 6.1ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T, B, II 801.9 11.5 -
- - 801.9 6.8,9.9ft: J, 30-40°, UR-PR, VT-PO, B, Ill 11.5 5.0 5:00 (5.0) (3.6) Run 3 -
- - 17.2-7.3,8.4-8.7,9.2-9.5,10.3-10.6ft: FZ, 30-50°, PR, P0-0, F, III-IV I 4:45 100% 72% -
- 18.3ft: BJ, 30°, PR, PO, B, Ill I
- \1_().~t:_.J,.Z_OO., ~,_9,_8,_11 ________________________ J 4:30 -
CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE, dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 3/1) with 5:15 -
- dark grayish green (5GY 4/2), medium strong to strong, laminated to very thinly bedded, 5:00 -
- - locally with moderately bedded appearance, fresh, interbedded with few to little laminated to 796.9 16.5 -
very thinly bedded LIMESTONE (WACKESTONE/MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1) to bluish gray (58 5.0 3:15 (5.0) (4.2) Run 4 -
6/1 ), locally fossiliferous; strongly bioturbated, strong HCI reaction 2:45 100% 84% -
- - 13.7,14.1,14.3,15.3,15.5,15.7,16.0ft: BJ, 30°, PS, PO, B-C, II-IV
- 16.1-16.2ft: FZ, 30°, PS, 0, F, IV 2:45 -
- - 16.8,17.1,17.3,19.3,19.6,20.2ft: BJ, 30°, PS-PR, P0-0, B-F, II-IV 3:15 -
17.4ft: J, 70°, PR, PO, C, Ill 3:30 -
791.9 21.5 -
5.0 7:00 (5.0) (4.5) Run 5
- 23.0,23.8,23.9,24.1 ,24.9ft: BJ, 30°, PS-PR, T-PO, B, II-III 5:45 100% 90% -
4:30 -*
7:30 -
6:00 -*
786.9 26.5 *-
5.0 4:30 (5.0) (3.7) Run 6 -
- 26.8,27.0,27.5,28.0,28.2,28.4,28.8,29.4,29.6ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T-PO, B, II 5:00 100% 74% -
27.7ft: J, 40°,SR, PO, B, II
- 30.7ft: J, 70°, SR, PO, B, Ill 4:45 -
5:00 -
6:00 -
781.9 31.5 5.0 4:45 (5.0) (5.0) Run 7 -
- - 33.0,34.2ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T, B, II 4:30 100% 100% -*
34.3,35.3ft: J, 70-80°, SR, VT-PO, A-B, I-III 5:30 -
4:45 -
5:15 -
776.9 36.5 *-
5.0 9:15 (5.0) (5.0) Run 8 -
37.5,39.2,40.7ft: BJ, 30°, PS-US, T-PO, B-C, II 7:15 100% 100%
- 40.3,41.5ft: J, 70°, PS/SR, T-PO, B-C,11-111, with calcite min.
7:00 -
5:45 -
6:00 *-
771.9 41.5 - -*
5.0 4:15 (5.0) (4.3) Run 9 -
42.4,45.4ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T-PO, B, II 4:45 100% 86% -
45.6ft: J, 60°, PR, PO, C, Ill 4:45 -
5:45 - -*
5:30 -
766.9 46.5 -
5.0 4:45 (5.0) (4.5) Run 10 -*
- - 46.8,47.0,48.0ft: BJ, 30°, PS/SL, PO, B, II 4:30 100% 90% -
6:00 -*
4:00 -
4:30 -
761.9 51.5 -
5.0 4:15 (5.0) (4.8) Run 11
- 51.7-51.9ft: FZ, 40°, PR, P0-0, C, IV 4:30 100% 96% -
- - 54.5ft: BJ, 30°, PS, PO, B, II 5:15 -*
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-339 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG SHEET 2 OF 2 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Howard SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: A. Martin/D. Rhodes Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-216 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: CME-55 (C) Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.: 813.4 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,031 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,448,209 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 101.5 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): 140-lb Auto (163745)
(Min/ft) % % G Continued from previous page 4:45 -
CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE, dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 3/1) with 6:00
- - dark grayish green (5GY 4/2), medium strong to strong, laminated to very thinly bedded, 756.9 56.5 *- locally with moderately bedded appearance, fresh, interbedded with few to little laminated to 5.0 4:15 (5.0) (4.6) Run 12 -
- very thinly bedded LIMESTONE (WACKESTONE/MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1) to bluish gray (58 100% 92%
4:00 -
6/1 ), locally fossiliferous; strongly bioturbated, strong HCI reaction (continued)
- 58.9,60.4,60.5ft: BJ, 30°, PR, T-PO, B-C, II 4:30 -
60.3,60.9ft: J, 60-70°, SR, T-PO, B, II 4:00 -
4:00 -
751.9 61.5 -
5.0 3:45 (5.0) (5.0) Run 13 -
62.6,65.5ft: BJ, 30°, UR-PR, T-PO, B, II 4:00 100% 100% -
- - 62.7ft: J, 80°, SR, PO, B, II 4:00 -
4:00 -
4:15 -
746.9 66.5 -*
5.0 4:15 (5.0) (4.6) Run 14 -
- - 67.2ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T, B, II 4:00 100% 92% -
4:15 _ 4 , +/- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~.0
~ = 7 +/- CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE, dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 3/1) with 4:45 -
dark grayish green (5GY 4/2), medium strong to strong, laminated to very thinly bedded, 5:15 -
locally with moderately bedded appearance, fresh, interbedded with little to some laminated to 741.9 71.5 -
very thinly bedded LIMESTONE (WACKESTONE/MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1) to bluish gray (58 5.0 4:30 (5.0) (5.0) Run 15 -
- - 6/1 ), locally fossiliferous; strongly bioturbated, strong HCI reaction 4:30 100% 100% -
- 69.1 ,69.3,69.7,70.4,70.6,70.9ft: BJ, 30°, PS-PR, T, B, II
- 74.4,75.0ft: BJ, 30°, PR, T, B, II 4:00 -
3:45 -
4:15 -
736.9 76.5 -
5.0 5:45 (5.0) (4.7) Run 16 -
78.7,78.8ft: BJ, 30°, PR, PO, B, Ill 100% 94%
7:30 -
4:30 ~
=7}_4,+/-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIJ.O
- - CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE, dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 3/1) with 4:00 -
- dark grayish green (5GY 4/2), medium strong to strong, laminated to very thinly bedded, 6:00 -
- - locally with moderately bedded appearance, fresh, interbedded with few to little laminated to 731.9 81.5 *-
very thinly bedded LIMESTONE (WACKESTONE/MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1) to bluish gray (58 5.0 7:15 (5.0) (4.8) Run 17 -
6/1 ), locally fossiliferous; strongly bioturbated, strong HCI reaction 5:45 100% 96% -
79.0,79.9,80.7ft: BJ, 30°, PR-PS, T-PO, B-C, II-IV
- 82.0-82.2ft: FZ, 30-50°, PR, P0-0, F, IV 5:15 -
- - 82.6ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T, B, II 5:00 *-
- -* 83.5ft: J, 70°, SR, T-PO, C, II 5:00 -
726.9 86.5 *-
5.0 4:15 (5.0) (5.0) Run 18 - -* 88.0,89.3ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T, B, II 3:30 100% 100% -
3:30 -*
4:00 -
4:30 -*
721.9 91.5 5.0 3:45 (5.0) (5.0) Run 19 -
93.1ft: SH, 30°, PL, T, C, II, with calcite 4:00 100% 100% -*
- - 94.0ft: J, 70°, SR, T, B, II
- 95.7ft: BJ, 30°, PS, PO, B, II 3:45 - -*
4:30 -
4:45 716.9 96.5 -*
5.0 4:30 (4.8) (4.6) Run 20 -
- - 96.5ft: SH, 30°, PL, T-PO, C, II, with calcite 4:00 96% 92% - -* 96.7,97.8,99.4ft: BJ, 30°, PS, T, B, II-III
- 96.8,99.9ft: J, 70°, SR-PR, T, B-C,11-111 4:15 -
4:15 -*
4:15 -
711.9 101.5 -* 711.9 101.5 Boring and coring terminated at 101.5 feet.
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-340 of 706
.4fv1EC PHOJECl fi,lr
- JJ ()Il ' G MP-21(. r;n f IJ~I'TH 5 "\_ fit) TO ~(il)
")S 0
_/_ _ *
(/f. S
I S o(l o <>/) ( -
5"( 7 v )
RUN-INTERVAL 1ft) REC lftl 1%1 RQD (ft)- (%)
'1-) s. o f'_;;.s1/ s .o (tou/.) 1 <t2 $'f.-'
f3(JRJHG IV' p.'Z( & 130X _ '2_ t;) S. 0 ( .... ~[5/ 5 .o (toc:<)/-'f ')(<;or.)
!)fPIH IeoS ffl) TO 'JI 5 (It) (,) S'.o r:'j[5) /.S.o (roo;;) I J 7 C 7'/<:.J fJOil/NG /\AP"'Z.IC IJfiX_>_ _
DCPTH )£. 5 {ft}TO ~(Hl RUN INTERVAL (ft) HEC lftl ('Y..l RQO !It\- 1"1\)
J!iJ 5.or~~~~1 (b- o lfo.,.::-J / : ~.:r.s'.("\t.'>)
\1 ) 5.o ~S)"'f.. '5) h-.o ( fooD ( ~("r'cnj * ('\(.)
'2.) t; .0 ('>~"f.'S' f~. 0 (t ocv.Y q r. ~ c. r.)
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-341 of 706
MP-216- Boxes 5 and 6 BOI?ING 1"\? '2l G ilOll ..£.__
DEPTH c,r.) (II)TO ~(ftl
~ ....1!~- --- .. . . ~- .-....-.=~ - -
- - - - \ . . -* '
- ~Ill!
RUN INTERVAL lftl REC if\\ 1%\ RQI) tft) - 1%\
- t(,J 5" o (~;?.n/S.oGo a l,) ( '-1.7 ~ 'i/.)
7 1 s. o ( ~~{,.s )) 5.o (loo~:J I ' 1* r~:r4:.f3: ('\~a"~
t6)---;:;?e_,_.,f \JS*D{1oD7)/~ ~ S.o' 1 '(JOOl MP-216- Box 7 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-342 of 706
ame GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 1 BECHTEL NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Terry SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Akins/K. Amburn Boring Orientation BORING NO.: MP-217 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: D-120 (MW-2) Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.: 811.6 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING: 571,125 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,448,169 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 99.3 ft ISAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 IROD TYPE: AWJ IHAMMER (I D): 140-lb Auto (R308)
DATE STARTED: 7/23/13 I COMPLETED: 7/25/131 HOLE DIA.: 4" ICASING DEPTH: 39.3 ft ICORE SIZE:HQ3 IBITS USED: 3" Roller Cone ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. L 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (ft) (ft) 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft 0 20 40 60 80 100 NO. G 811.6 Ground Surface 811.6 0.0 ts"l"l.t) u.u 3 7 5 SS-1 FILL: LEAN CLAY with Gravel (CL), yellowish brown (10YR
,12* 5/6) to brown (7.5YR 5/4), stiff, dry to moist, low to moderate I-809.2 2.4 plasticity fines, little fine to coarse angular to subangular
ss:2 gravel, trace to few fine to coarse sand, strong HCI reaction
3 4 6 10
807.1 4.5 806.7 4.9 "'""-FiLL:c"LAYEY GRAVELwiih Sand(GC)~rown (7.5YR"474)-.-* ~
2 2 1 ----ss:3
.* 3 . very loose, moist, fine to coarse angular gravel, little to some t- low to moderate plasticity fines, few fine sand, strong to
804.3 7.3 weak HCI reaction 5 SS-4 7.3ft: As above, brown (7.5YR 4/3), little to some fine to
~4 medium sand 801.8 9.8 2 1 2 SS-5 3.
~~----------------------12Q FILL: Gravelly LEAN CLAY with Sand (CL), brown (7.5YR 798.3 13.3 4/2), soft, moist, low to moderate plasticity fines, little fine to 2 ~ coarse angular gravel, little fine to medium sand, weak HCI 796.6 15.0 3 frg 6 _6 reaction 15 _0 SS-7 ------------------------~
1 1 2 FILL: LEAN CLAY (CL), dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), soft, 3*
~ moist, low to moderate plasticity fines, few fine to coarse
I-subangular gravel, trace to few fine to coarse sand, weak
~9:3&..._H~ ~a_::ti~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18Q FILL: CLAYEY GRAVEL (GC), brown (10YR 4/3), loose, I
moist, fine angular gravel, little low plasticity fines, weak HCI 791.6 20.0 reaction 1 3 4 SS-8
~7 1-
~~~---------------------23Q RESIDUAL SOIL: LEAN CLAY with Gravel (CL), brown
{0 (10YR 4/3) to reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4), medium stiff, 786.6 25.0 moist, low to moderate plasticity fines, little fine angular 3 ----ss:g gravel, few coarse sand, strong HCI reaction
~~---------------------_llQ RESIDUAL SOIL: Gravelly LEAN CLAY (CL), yellowish brown (10YR 5/4), medium stiff, moist, low to moderate
{0 plasticity fines, some fine to coarse angular to subangular gravel, few coarse sand, weak HCI reaction
{0 781.6 30.0 1 2 3 ss::i()
.* 5*
- I-3
~!l£RESIDUAL sOIL: cLAYEY-GRAvEL-with-sand (GcC~ Q 776.9 34.7 reddish brown (2.5YR 4/3), very stiff, moist, some fine to SS-11 coarse subangular to angular gravel, little to some fine 5 10 13 775.6 36.0 ;'3 coarse sand, little low plasticity fines, strong HCI reaction SS-12
~ ~3.6 6 6 8 1-38.0 772.7 38.9 50/0.1
. 5* SS-13
sampled as WELL GRADED GRAVEL with Sand (GP), dar~r reddish brown (2.5YR 3/3), very dense, wet, fine to coarse angular gravel, some coarse sand, trace to few non-plastic to low plasticity fines, strong HCI reaction 1-Soil drilling halted. Log continues on geotechnical coring log Observed water levels:
35.0 ft bgs, AM 7/24/13 34.5 ft bgs, AM 7/25/13 I-Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-343 of 706