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FEMA - Submittal of Final After-Action Report/Improvement Plan for the October 4, 2018 and November 14, 2018, Medical Services (MS-1) Drills of the Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans Site-Specific to the Callaway
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 12/06/2018
From: Taylor P
US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Kennedy K
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Region 4 Administrator
Download: ML19022A274 (19)


U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region VII 11224 Holmes Road Kansas City, MO 64131 FEMA D.ecember 6; 2018 Mr. Kriss Kennedy Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511

Dear Mr. Kennedy:

Enclosed is a copy of the Final After-Action Report/Improvement Plan for the October 4, 2018 and November 14, 2018, Medical Services (MS-1) drills of the offsite radiological emergency response plans site-specific to the Callaway Energy Center (CEC).

No Findings or Planning Issues were identified as a result of the drills.

Based on the results of the drills, the offsite preparedness and radiological response plans for the State of Missouri (and affected local jurisdictions site-specific to the CEC) can be implemented and are adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken offsite to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency at the site.

Therefore, the Title 44 CFR, Part 350 approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Missouri, site-specific to the CEC, granted on March 21, 1987, will remain in effect.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the report, please contact Mr. Thomas Morgan. at (816) 283-7962 or Sincerely, ,

LDigitally signed PAUL J. /\TAYLOR ll byPAULJ

  • TAYLOR (/

6'ateqo18.12.06 09:24:20 -06'00' Paul J. Taylor Regional Administrator Enclosure cc: Vanessa Quinn, HQ REP Document Control Desk, NRC HQ Bill Maier, NRC Region IV, enclosure Robert Kahler, NRC HQ NSIR Office Kerris Bates, HQ REP

'I '


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Callaway Energy Center After Action Report/

Improvement Plan .

Drill Dates~ October~' 2018 & November 14, 2018 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program

  • Published November 29, 2018

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center This page is intentionally bl~nk.


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.'"; Ii Unclassified .

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center Callaway Energy Center .

After Action Report/Improvement Plan *

  • Published November 29, 2018 Contents

.Executive Summary 3 Section 1: Exercise Overview 4 1.1 Exercise Details 4 1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership 4 1.3 Participating Organizations 5 Section 2: Exercise Design Summary 6 2.1 .Exercise Purpose and Design 6 2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities 6 2.3 Scenario Summary 8 Section 3: Amilysis of Capabilities . 9 3.1 Drill Evaluation and Results 9 J.2 Summary Results of Drill Evaluation 9 3 .3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 11 3.3.1 Support Jurisdictions . 11 11.

3 .3 .1.1 University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics 3.3.l.2 University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance 11 Service SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital 12

  • Section 4: Conclusion 13 Appendix A: Drill Evaluators and Team Leaders 14 Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations 15 1

. Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

  • After.Action Report/hnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center


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Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center EXECUTIVE


On October 4, 2018 and November 14, 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region VII, evaluated medical services drills for the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and Sisters of Saint Mary (SSM) Health St. Mary's Hospital. The purpose of the medical services drills was to assess the ability of the hospitals and their associated ambulance service to respond to a radiological emergency involving a simulated medical injury to a member of the public with radioactive contamination. These drills were held in accordance with FEMA's policies and guidance concerning the exercise of State and local radiological emergency response plans and procedures.

The previous medical services drill for the University of Missouri was conducted on September 28, 2016. This was the first evaluated medical services drill for the SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital. The qualifying emergency preparedness exercise for this Power Plant was conducted on March 21, 1984.

FEMA wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the staffs of the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service, SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and Missouri's State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) who participated in these drills. The State of Missouri should also be commended for all their efforts and their work on training and drill preparation.

Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the medical drill participants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still, others have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities. A special thank you is once again extended to those wonderful volunteers.

Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants were evident during this drill.

The University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and SSM Health st.* Mary's Hospital demonstrated knowledge of their emergency response plans and procedures and adequately implemented them. There were no Level One or Level Two Findings, nor any Planning Issues, identified as a result of these medical drills. There were no previous open findings from the 2016 medical drill to be corrected during these drills.




Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP) ' '

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW 1.1 Exercise Details Exercise Name Callaway Energy Center Type of Exercise Drill Exercise Dates October 4, 2018'and November 14, 2018 Program Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Radiological Emer~ency rreparedp.ess Program Scenario Type Radiological Emergency

.... . **.. . '. *: { . *.. '* *: ; .~

1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership Daniel Kanakares

  • * ,*_: ,: ,*'; I -1 Site Specialist ,* '

Federal Emergency Management Agen~y* * ,

  • -*'. ..* J 'J.. .. *., .,' . : ' .

Technological Hazards Sp¥cialist

.. *-. ~

11224 Holmes Road

    • -1 Kansas City, Missouri, 64131 312-282-0784 Daniel.Kanakares@fema.dhs.~ov Collette Linder State Representative State Emergency Management Agency REP Manager

,.J Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/hnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center 2302 Militia Drive Jefferson City, Missouri, 65102 573-526-9245 Collette. John Bassford Ameren Representative Ameren - Callaway Energy Center Emergency Response Coordinator Junction CC & Hwy 0 P.O.Box 620, CA - 460 (mailing address)

Fulton, Missouri, 65251 314-974-8945 JBassford@aineren.cbm 1.3 Participating Organizations Agencies and organizations of the foilowing jurisdictions p~rticipated in. th~ Callaway .

Energy Center drills:

~ ,*

  • t* : * * ..,: ;~ f :. ~ '

State Jurisdictions University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service State Emergency Management Agency Missouri Department of Health and Senior S~~ice~'- *.,.

University of Missouri Environmental Healtl;* and Safety Private Organization SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital 5

. Unclassified*


Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN


2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design The purpose of the Medical Services drills conducted in association with the Callaway Energy Center (CEC)was to demonstrate the adequacy of the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, the UniYersity of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service andSSM Health St. Mary's Hospital emergency plans, associated implementing-procedures, facilities, and equipment oJthe emergency responders and supporting entities in the communities in the immediate vicinity of the CEC, specifically within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ).

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  • I ' * . ~-'. ; .

Further, this drill/evaluatfonwas designed to tes{the CEC emergency.response-community's abiiity to:asse*ss and respond to emergency conditions' and coordinate*efforts with other agencies for protection bf.the health and' safety of tlie' public. ;. . .. '

i ( .  ; j ~ *; ,: .' '*~ . f . ;., ~ * * * * . !

  • The conduct and demonstration of this drillievaluation provides additional training for.

emergency response organization personnel as a means to enhance CEC emergency response capability. The purp*ose of these particular medicaJ!services drills wa:s to activate and* evaluate .

portiorts of the Uhiversity of Missouri Hospital, and,Clinics, the University of Missouri Health'*

  • Care Ambulance Service and;SSM HealthSt.'Mary':s.-Hospital Eniergen.cyPlarts, 'andtheirl. , :

associated implementing procedures,.in accordance with 44*CFR 350:

. ~ ;__.  :** ..

The scenarios for the medical services drills were developed by SEMA, then were reviewed and approved for use by FEMA Region 7. The scenarios were utilized by the exercise controllers and evaluators as the control mechanism for the conduct of the drill.

The design of the scenarios provided the basis to observe and evaluate the capabilities and effectiveness of the Emergency Response Plans for the University ofMisse>uri Hospital and Clinics, the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and SSM'Health St. Mary's Hospital when handling and treating a radiologically contaminated patient.

2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities The Callaway Energy Center (CEC) Emergency Preparedness Exercise & Drill Program objectives are based on the Federal requirements delineated in 44 CFR 350, as well as on the priorities and procedures detailed in the Radiological Emergency Preparedness plans for the 6 **-

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center State of Missouri, University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and SSM Health St~ Mary?s Hospital. Additional guidance provided in NUREG-0654, NUREG-0696, and NUREG-0737, was utilized in developing these objectives.

The objectives of these medical services drills were to test the implementation of the plan~ and ,

procedures of the participating agencies, and the capability of these agencies to conduct.

operations in accordance, wi,th their plans. These objectives are further:defined by the criteria evaluated for each participant. These criteria are listed in Tabl~ 3; 1.

The medical services drills wer~ designe,d to ;allow*the University of Missouri Hospitcthand Clinics, University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital to demonstrate the ability to initiate, maintain, a11d show contr_q\ and treatment of contamination in p~tients, and illustrate the adequacy of emerg~ney .vehicl~s, e_quipment and personnel for transporting and treating contaminated patients. T.he ambul.auce service an,d the hospitals were evaluated based upon the plans and procedures which they have established for use in a radi9logical emergency. .,

.~ . ' ,,

These drills we;;re perfm:med .out. .of-s,equ_ence, which wa~;not concurrent to a. full scale ex~rcise or in syn,chr9nized time with other sites.To compensate for the artificiality,of our-of-sequence drills, the. activitiys for. each ~vctl"Qation included simulation. 9f soroetasks. This .allowed for the evaluators to focus on the activities specified,in, the drill cpteria;w}lich ar.e;usually those least

  • familiar to the exercise players. None of the simulations compromised the ability to demonstrate and ~valuate the of the drill§, *.

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Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center 2.3 Scenario Summary On October 4, 2018, at the University of Missouri Hospital the scenario was as follows: An individual was preparing to evacuate after the declaration of the General Emergency and the evacuation of the EPZ. The individual was nervous when they fastened their seatbelt and started their car. Mistakenly, the individual puttheir car in drive instead ofieverse and hit a tree in front of the car. The individual attempted to exit their car,.but due to pain an~ swelling in their left ankle they fell to the ground. The experienced pain and light bleeding in their left arm and pain on the left side of their head. The individual'called 911 from their cell phone. While the individual was waiting for first responders to arrive the radioactive plume

, ' I .~

passed over the. area..

! -', I : ~~

The ambulance crew found the individual lying on their back with contusions/scrapes on the left side of their head and shoulder with swelling to their* left ankle. The iiidividual h~d a compound fracture of their lower left arm with ass9ciated non-arterial bleeding. The individual also has scrapbs and confusions* on the left:Bide of th~ir heiad and shoulder with swelling to their left' ankle. The'ambulance crew*fourid contamination readings as high as 8500cpm'.'


On November 14, 2018, at the SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital the scenario was as follows: The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Setvicef(DHSS) Field Monitoriiig Teams'(FMT's) were mobilized after Cailaway Energy Center issued an Alert on October 2, 2018. On November 14, 2018", while taking sampl'es in a field at State R~ute CC and:Route 446, FMT member a stepped i1{a *hole and injured his right ankle. The' only i~jury was* to the*righf ankle*. The FMT" contacted DHSS Radiol~gical 'Emergenc}' Coordinator about the injury, and the Radiological Emergency Coordinator contacted Cole C~unty EMS to transport patient to S'SM Health SL-*

Mary's Hospital., * ,, * *...

The ambulance crew finds the FMT merp.ber (patient) sitting on the ground. The patient states :

  • * * * ** * * * ' I ' > '  ; ' ** * ' * * ,' ' * ' ~ ' '

they stepped


  • i in~ hole . and injured right*

aaj(le. ~

&nd had* abrasio11s .

oq.. th~

palms of. both

.* 1 hancls. _No weight can be plac~d on right leg. The patient is unable to_ st~d onthe~r myn due_~o the injured right ankle. The ambulance crew and hospital fo~d contamination readings as high as 8500cpm.

8 . '


.:o.'.J I Unclassified Radiblogical Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/hnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES 3.1 Drill Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of the participants in the October 4, 2018 and November 14, 2018, out of sequence medical services drills. These drills.

tested the offsite emerg~ncy response capability of the hospi_tals and ambulance service to respond to a radiological emergen,cy, in,volvin.g a simulated medical injury to a member of the public with radioactive co.ntamination.

. Each functional entity was evaluated on the basis of its demonstration of criteria cont!l,ined in FEMA's Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Manual, dated January 2016.

3.2 Summary_ Results of Drill Evaluat~on.

Table 3.1 presents:allexercise (?riteria \\'.4ich w,ere ,~~cc_essfully deiv,onstrated.during._these drills'.,

at all participating jurisdictions

.' ' ::- I and functional

  • entities. ,

Any findings \.. '

and/or pl~ing

~ * ~

issues are addressed in Section 3 .3: Criteria Evaluation Summaries. The types of findings/issues are:

,, l *'!. .

M - M:et- No new Findings or previou~ly u:riresolved issµes ...

' 0 O *

  • t * ' o O >' V * * *
  • j \_'; j _..

LI -Level; 1 finding(Previquslyknown as a_deµc(ency):-,Ar!. obsery,e? or id_ei;itified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise th,at could cause a determination that offsite

' * * ,.. * * *~ ' *

  • I ~ i ',. ' ' , - " .

emerg~ncy preparedness is n,ot a~equate to pr.qyid~ reasonable as,~urance. that. appropriate .

protective measures .can b~ taken in the event @fa ra~i9logi9al eme!gency to -protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant.

  • 1 ~  : r 1 * * * ** * * * * *, ,' * ** * ' * .. ' * *: * ~ . ** --:- * , * * - * ,,
  • L2 - Level 2 Finding (Previously known as an.Area Requiring Corrective Action): An 'observed or* identified: inadequacy of orianizational 'j,erformaiJ.C~ in\Ul exercis'e that is not considered; *by.

itself, to advei-sely'impact public safety.' ' ,', '.

. ' ~ **  !.. , '!

P -Planning Issue: An observed or identified inadequacy in the ORO's emergency plan/implementing procedures, rather than that of the ORO's performance.

N - Not Demonstrated 9"

J I >J Unclassified

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center Table 3 .1 - Summary of Drill Evaluation

g. DATES: 2018-10-04 and 2018-11-14 ~ ~

0 0 SITE: Callaway Energy Center, MO  :::E  :::E 0 0 M: Met, Fl: Level 1 Finding, F2: Level 2 Finding, P: Plan Issue, N: Not Demonstrated > >

§ ;§ .....

Ul Mobilization !al Facilities lbl Direction & Control lcl Communications Equipment !di Equipment and Supplies lei M M M

>. ~'-

.. ,., '. *

EW Exp: Control Decisions 2al PARs 2bl PADs 2b2 P ADs for Disable&Functional Needs . 2cl Ingestion P ADs *'* * .'

  • 2dl RRR Decisions . . .2el I.

EW Exp. Control Implementation 3al M M M KI Public/Institutionalized 3bl PAD Imp, Disabled/Functional Needs 3cl PAD Imp. Schools 3c2

  • TACP Establishment 3dl Impediments to Evacuation 3d2 Implementation of Ingestion P ADs 3el, Ingestion Strategies and Information 3e2 Imp. ofRRR J.)ecisions 3fl

' ~

.,C. : '


RESERVED 4al Field Team Management Field Team Operations 4a3.

Field Team Sampling 4bl Laboratory Operations . . . 4c! .

Initial Alert & Notification Sal RESERVED 5a2 Backup Alert & N~tification 5a3 Exception Area.Alerting Subsequent Public Information .Sb!

suoodrt OoeratiollSi'Facilities{E:~: ..

Reception Center Ooerations 6al EW Monitoring & Decon 6bl Congregate Care 6cl Contaminated Injured Transport & Care 6dl M M M-10,

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Rei;:rt1Irnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 3.3.1 Support Jurisdictions University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics The hospital staff worked well as a team and everyone understood their role and responsibilities.

There was excellent communication between team members, and with the ambulance crew during the transfer of the patient. They d~II?:onstrated proper contamination control procedures .

throughout the drill.

A "Good Practice" was noted. The hospital hired a contractor to .create an application.(App}

for the employees -

to use on their smart phones; The App allows the .~mployees ., . to- 11ccess plans, procedures and checklists from their phones.-** Th_e *App was called "My EOP.. A new .:

revision of the App is currently being written in house, by the University _of Missouri, arid

  • will be.renamed .


Emergency Management Application';.

In suJ.Timaryi the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:

a. MET: l.e.l, 3.a~l, 6:d.l.
p. LEVEL 1_FINDING: None i
  • LEV:$L 2 FINDING: None


  • f.
g. PRIOR ISSUES :-JJNRESOLVED: None. University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service The ambulance crew was very knowledgeable in their duties, and properly followed their and ch~~klists. They worked well as _a team and made medi~al treatment their

-primary focus while demonstrating good contamination control procedures at the*same tithe.

In summary, the status Jl.fDBS/fEMA criteria for this locatio;n is as follows:

  • a. MET: l.e.1, 3.a.1, 6.d.l.

b .. LEVEL 1 FINDING: None



Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/hnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center

g. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Health St. Mary's Hospital The hospital staff worked well as a team and everyone understood their role and responsibiHties.

There was excellent communication between team-members, and with the ambulance crew during the transfer of the patient. They demonstrated. proper cqntamination control pr~cedures throughout the drill.

Several "Good Practices" were noted. The _h()spital made po~ters and _lamin,ated them for donning and doffing procedures. This allowed the staff to don and doff while reading the instructions "hands free." The staff also used markers and masking tape to write their names on the back of their Tyvek suites for ease in identification of each other. During operational checks of the radiation instruments*

one nurse read the instructions from laminated instruction sheets while the other nurses performed the tasks. The nurse reading the tasks watched the other nurses to assure they were following the instructions properly. In the Treatment Decontamination Room, a white board was used to list the areas where contamination was founcl. Later, during decontamination of the patient the identified areas were crossed off of the white board list as the patient was decontaminated. This step made sure no contaminated areas were missed.


In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:

a. MET: l.e.l, 3.a.l, 6.d.l.

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center SECTION 4: CONCLUSION Based on the results of the October 4, 2018, and November 14, 2018, medical services drills, the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Missouri and the affected local jurisdictions .are deemed adequate .

to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken to protect the health a~d safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency.

Therefore, 44 CPR Part 350 approval ofthe offsite radiolo'gical' *emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Missouri, the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital, site-specific to the Callaway Energy Center, will remain In effect.**


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I 'f Unclassified

  • After Action Report/hnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center APPENDIX A: DRILL EVALUATORS AND TEAM LEADERS DATES: 2018-10-04 and 2018-11-14, SITE: Callaway Energy Center, MO _

. *DJniel Kanakares* FEMA VII

  • Gre Voss
  • Daniel Kanakares FEMA VII I, ~ '


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action lleport/hnprovement Plan Callaway Energy Center APPENDIX B: ;;ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS EPZ EW FEMA MUHC REA REP SEMA SSM 1.5

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Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Energy Center This page is intentionally blank.