MONTHYEARML22122A0702022-04-14014 April 2022 VPAP-2103N, Revision 30, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (North Anna) ML19249B7762019-08-29029 August 2019 Enclosure 6 - Millstone, Units 2 and 3 and ISFSI; North Anna, Units 1 and 2 and ISFSI; and Surry, Units 1 and 2 and ISFSI - Summary of Calculations ML19249B7812019-08-29029 August 2019 Enclosure 7 - Millstone, Units 2 and 3 and ISFSI; North Anna, Units 1 and 2 and ISFSI; and Surry, Units 1 and 2 and ISFSI - Summary of Calculations ML19122A3852019-04-28028 April 2019 2018 Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Volume 2 ML19011A1762019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Summary of Calculations ML19011A1772019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Attachment 1 - Calculation RP-18-08, MPS1 Abnormal Rad Release Gaseous EAL Thresholds Based on NEI 99-01, Revision 6. ML19011A1792019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Attachment 2 - Calculations for Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Responses to a LOCA ML19011A1802019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Attachment 3 - Detector Response to an RCS Sample ML19011A1812019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Attachment 4 - Post-Accident Radiation Response for Primary Sample Line ML19011A1822019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Attachment 5 - Post-Accident Radiation Monitor Response for Core Uncovery ML19011A1832019-01-0404 January 2019 Enclosure 7 - Attachment 6 - Post-Accident Letdown Radiation Monitor Response ML18127A2172018-05-0101 May 2018 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML18093B0782017-12-21021 December 2017 Attachment 3: Calculation C-4520-00-03-NP, Rev. 1, Crack Growth Analyses for NAPS Unit 2 Steam Generator Outlet Nozzles. ML17089A4822017-01-11011 January 2017 Redacted - North Anna & ISFSI - Response to Request for Referenced Information: Dominion Calculation CE-1399, Addendum #00A Evaluation of Ageing Effects of Concrete Cask Drop & Tipover Events, Rev. 0 ML15084A4762015-03-0404 March 2015 Calculation Package - Na SWR Breach Analyses 03042015 ML13219A1092013-08-0101 August 2013 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request for Changes to Technical Specification 3/4.7.11, Ultimate Heat Sink. ML13213A0252013-07-30030 July 2013 Proto-Power Calculation 98-119, Revision B - Analysis of MP2 EDG Heat Exchanger Thermal Performance Test Results ML12227A5142012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 13 ML12227A5232012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02045D2 Rev. 00, Attachment 4-A, Pages A2 and A3 ML12227A5222012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Justification for the Table Accuracy Value Used in the Minco RTD Sca Term, Attachment 8, Page 1 of 32 ML12227A5212012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Attachment 7, Page 1 of 6 ML12227A5192012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Attachment 5, Page 1 of 3 ML12227A5152012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5, Vendor Technical Manual ML12227A5132012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Millstone, Unit 2 Service Water Inlet Temperature - Indicator Accuracy TI-6928, TI-6929 & TI-6930, Attachment 3 ML12227A5162012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Attachment 3, Page 1 of 3 ML12227A5202012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Attachment 6, Page 1 of 5 ML12227A5182012-08-0909 August 2012 Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2, Safety Related Instrument Calibrations - Shutdown, Attachment 4, Page 1 of 7 ML12025A2262012-01-18018 January 2012 Calculation 32-9149958-001, Millstone, Unit 2 Cycle 21 Peaking Factor Uncertainty Analysis for Ici Detector Misalignment, (Non-Proprietary) ML1116002162011-06-13013 June 2011 Exhibit D (Part 2): Millstone 2001 Safstor Calculation ML0919104582009-03-13013 March 2009 Enclosure 2 - Report No.: FAI/09-44R, Rev. 0, Post-Test Analysis of the Fai Millstone 3 RWST 1/4 Scale Gas Entrainment Test. ML0918708292009-03-13013 March 2009 Calculation No. FAI/09-44R, Rev. 0, Post-Test Analysis of the Fai Millstone 3 RWST Scale Gas Entrainment Test, Enclosure 2 ML0801600702008-01-10010 January 2008 Proposed License Amendment Request Increased Maximum Service Water Temperature Limit Request for Additional Information (RAI) ML0729100212007-09-14014 September 2007 Instrumentation Technical Specification Changes, Calculation Zpm Drift-0426012, Rev. 0, Zero Power Mode Drift Analysis in Support of LBDCR 06-MP2-036. ML0714103242007-05-0202 May 2007 Calculation 32-9049828-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2 Weld Overlay - Piping Evaluation. ML0714103202007-04-30030 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049384-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2, Pressurizer Surge Nozzle Weld Overlay Engineering Evaluation of Insurege/Outsurge Transients. ML0714103232007-04-30030 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049386-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2 Pressurizer- Spray Nozzle Weld Overlay Analysis. ML0714103312007-04-30030 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049388-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2 Pressurizer Safety/Relief Nozzle Weld Overlay Analysis. ML0714103282007-04-30030 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049387-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2, Pressurizer Surge Nozzle Weld Overlay Analysis. ML0714103132007-04-27027 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049433-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2 Pzr Surge Nozzle Weld Overlay Crack Growth Evaluation. ML0714103172007-04-27027 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049429-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2 Pzr Safety/Relief Nozzle Weld Overlay Crack Growth Evaluation. ML0714103072007-04-26026 April 2007 Calculation 32-9049431-000, North Anna Units 1 & 2 Pzr Spray Nozzle Weld Overlay Crack Growth Evaluation. ML0620500572005-03-15015 March 2005 Attachment 4, Supplement to Proposed Technical Specifications Change Recirculation Spray System, Calculation, Us (B)-341, Rev. 4 Ccn 1, Containment Atmosphere Iodine Removal Coefficients ML0419003552004-07-0606 July 2004 Proposed Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Change Five-Year Extension of Type a Test Interval ML0414800892004-05-0505 May 2004 Calculation SM-1442, Response to NRC Request for Additional Information on Surry ESGR Phase 3 SDP Comments ML0411703982004-04-15015 April 2004 Connecticut, Inc. Millstone Power Station Unit 3 License Amendment Request Regarding a Change to the Fire Protection Program ML17065A2512002-02-0101 February 2002 ISFSI - Response to Request for Referenced Information: Dominion Calculation NE-1311, Technical Report, Evaluation of the TN-32 Cask with Increased Enrichment and Burnup Fuel, Rev. 0 ML19093B0361978-04-0707 April 1978 Enclosed New LOCA-ECCS Analysis with New Fq Limits to Ensure LOCA-ECCS Acceptance Criteria Delineated in 10 CFR 50.46 Is Met ML19093A9701977-10-14014 October 1977 Letter to Discuss Overpressure Protection System & to Forward Copies of Mitigating Systems Transient Analysis Results of 07/1977 & Copies of Supplement of September 1977 2022-04-14
[Table view] |
Serial No.: 18-364 Docket Nos.: 50-245/336/423/338/339/280/281 72-2/16/47/55/56 Enclosure 7 ATTACHMENT 3 Detector Response to an RCS Sample
- Fleet Calculation RA-0059, Detector Response to .an RCS Sample for EAL Classification of Fuel Clad Degradation and Barrier Loss Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DENC)
Virginia Electric and Power Company (Dominion Energy Virginia)
Serial No.: 18-364 Docket Nos.: 50-245/336/423/338/339/280/28.1 72-2/16/4 7/55/56 Enclosure 7; Attachment 3 Page 1 of 3 Fleet Calculation RA-0059 1 Detector Response to an RCS Sample for EAL Classification of Fuel Clad Degradation and Barrier Loss The following pertinent information has been extracted from Fleet Calculation RA-0059, Detector Response to an RCS Sample for EAL Classification of Fuel Clad Degradation and Barrier Loss. It is provided to assist technical reviewers that will be evaluating the Fission Product Barrier matrix portion of this license amendment request.
The purpose of this calculation is to determine the detector response to various depressurized RCS samples measured with a gamma detector at a distance of 1 ft. This calculation supports the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) for NAPS, SPS, MPS2 and MPS3. These detector responses will be used for event classification based upon Fuel Clad Degradation EALs and as a radiation indicator for Fuel Clad Barrier Loss.
- 1. SEAL MATRICES Rev. 4, "Surry Power Station Emergency Action Level Matrix".
- 2. NEAL MATRICES Rev. 5, "North Anna Power Station Emergency Action Level Matrix."
- 3. MP-26-EPI-FAP06-002 Rev. 9, "Millstone Unit 2 Emergency Action Levels."
- 4. MP-26-EPI-FAP06-003 Rev. 8, "Millstone Unit 3 Emergency Action Levels."
- 5. NUREG-1228, "Source Term Estimation during Incident Response to Severe Nuclear Power Plant Accidents."
- 6. Federal Guidance Report 12, EPA-402-R-93-081, "External Exposure
- to Radionuclides in Air, Water and Soil."
- 7. 1304952001-UR-0001
- Rev. 0 Add. A, "Primary Coolant Design / Technical Specification Activity Concentrations."
- 8. RA-0008 Rev. 0 Add. 0, "Core Isotopic Inventories for Surry Dose Consequence Analyses Based on the Alternate Source Term," May 2010.
- 9. PA-0089 Rev. 0 through Add. B, "Surry Steam Generator Tube Rupture [SGTR]
Dose Calculations at the EAB, the LPZ and in Control Room," August 2000.
- 10. Robert C. Weast, ed., "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 60th edition," pg.
F-324, CRC Press, Inc.
- 11. PA-0194 Rev. 0 Add. 0, "Radiological Consequences of a Steam Generator Tube Rupture at North Anna Based on the Alternate Source Term," April 2003.
- 12. PA-0186 Rev. 0 Add. 0, "Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Accident Response Curves for North Anna and Surry."
- 13. PA-0081 Rev. 0 Add. 0, "North Anna SGTR Doses at the EAB,* LPZ, and in Control Room," February 1991.
- 14. 06-ENG-04217R3 Rev. 0 CCN 1, "MP3 SPU Primary Coolant Design and Technical Specification Activity Concentrations etc."
- 15. M3AST-01942R3 Rev. 1 CCN 1, "Millstone 3 Alternate Source Term," May 2006.
- 16. M3ASTSGTR-04072R3 Rev. 1, "MP3 Uprated AST Steam Generator Tube Rupture Dose Consequences Analysis," .April 2007.
Serial No .. : 18-364 Docket Nos.: 50-245/336/423/338/339/280/281 72-2/16/4 7/55/56 Enclosure 7; Attachment 3 Page 2 of 3
- 17. M2AST-04080R2 Rev. 0 Add. 1, "MP2 Coolant Activity for Accident Analyses,"
March 2005.
- 18. M2AST-03105R2 Rev 0, "Millstone 2 Alternate Source Term," December 2002.
- 19. SEALTB Rev. 4, "Emergency Action Level Technical Bases Document," December 2013.
- 20. NEALTBD Rev. 5, "Emergency Action Level Technical Bases Document," December 2013.
- 21. MP-26-EPA-REF02 Rev. 022, "Millstone Unit 2 Emergency Action Level (EAL)
Technical Basis Document."
- 22. MP-26-EPA-REF03 Rev. 018, "Millstone Unit 3 Emergency Action Level (EAL)
Technical Basis Document."
- 23. NEI 99-01 Rev. 6, "Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors," November 2012.
Computer Codes Used:
MICROSHIELD Version 7.02 WATPROP Version 4 Method of Analysis:
The_ Technical Specification DE 1-131 spike iodine* concentrations and core inventory iodine activity along with the RCS mass will be used to determine the sources for the various sample volumes. This source is then modeled in the code Microshield 7.02 with a dose point one foot from the source.
Results and
In summary, dose rate responses have been determined for SPS, NAPS, MPS3 and MPS2 for TS coolant activity spikes and 5% cladding failure, which are used to develop EALs for Fuel Clad Degradation and Fuel Clad Barrier Loss, respectively, in various sample sizes and at several times after shutdown. A summary of conservative values representative of the expected detector response for Fuel Clad Degradation and Fuel Clad Barrier Loss in terms of mR/hr/ml vs. decay post-shutdown are presented Tables 1 and 2 below.
Table 1: Summary of Unpressurized RCS Sample Dose Rates Taken at 1 foot for Fuel Clad Degradation vs. Decay Post-Shutdown 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 8 hr 12 hr 24 hr Station/Unit (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml)
SPS 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.04 NAPS 0.76 0.66 0.54 0.40 0.33 0.21 MPS2 0.76 0.66 0.54 0.40 0.33 0.21 MPS3 0.76 0.66 0.54 0.40 0.33 0.21
Serial No.: 18-364 Docket Nos.: 50-245/336/423/338/339/280/281 72-2/16/4 7/55/56 Enclosure 7; Attachment 3 Page 3 of 3 Table 2: Summary of Unpressurized RCS Sample Dose Rates Taken at 1 foot for Fuel Barrier Loss vs. Decay Post-Shutdown 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 8 hr 12 hr 24 hr Station/Unit (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml) (mR/hr/ml)
SPS 17 12.7 8.5 5.4 4.0 2.2 NAPS 17 12.7 8.5 5.4 4.0 2.2 MPS2 17 12.7 8.5 5.4 4.0 2.2 MPS3 17 12.7 8.5 5.4 4.0 2.2 The scale of the response factors in the tables above is normalized to 1 ml. Samples when obtained in the plant will likely consist of greater volume (e.g., 120 or 250 ml).
Plant sampling procedures will direct to take a reading from 1foot and divide by the actual collection volume and report the r,eading as (mR/hr per ml).