ML12227A516 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone |
Issue date: | 08/09/2012 |
From: | Dominion Nuclear Connecticut |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
12-474A 98-ENG-02405D2, Rev 2 | |
Download: ML12227A516 (3) | |
Calculation 98-ENG-02405D2, Revision 2 Attachment 3
I -
oI* **.1I**~ I
Cal~culationl NO_ 98-HNG-4444-54)-? Rev. '-94.
COMMON fir RrORMANCI- SPECIFICATIONS By W-NCTION AT 75 C I~r It.I sz3'njL'jtd .and s:.gnzl drn rrr xiw+/-sarne L 30e .cannI.1
'~l~U" ~II ',0" ~ I I L-~rsi oq~coIJIOIJ I Ill. load Isme NO TI-H 0011)*01aICid IsnulS 1091C(101111 10 TTI loatV.
Accuracy andklery r 10 1% ofl-I-. I D.CpI1
-1,02 rl nolhad(Itpol f eq Ia ,.oiLe
- span~ ýIUnC2'2U t~lncL' :..IV of luglSC3t NOTE Whsenthe 641 IS ordered as skiv-e dsmo~ayfor Ibsit XjzeaAlra A.C. POWERLESS (monerLa bra 577. 578. and 519I) no ti~50 ~gI1 uc~~lng tango COX tf~aV .I 200 SOOV.
Soýasn fronm the AC. narins exists and the baCkhfIq (itt BaIklihunecrn 40401d0h.Isontetunst ordered) is dtsuofi trorn ]he same. signal (vxwesllnei EIS t Itl kw- . rn l. ..
4D rj0 _________ -13 masler No. ,wER5~1) ¶nC AND inAOC When 4ssordered for Uie D.C tmadt 50.7i.nrd 573) aspolai moda 5
~1&56a1 570 580. and 59C4 the bacirighl (d ordered) must be emlrnally powrered frorrmia Na -p~r Y"ndlinearity +/-005%otIus~k.lcuntL'bar SVD(C *201. at IZ2nrA supply.
~ Rs0,AOfl.. -1% of F bargcapir 0 05ota d&9ital SVOC !: I 0OIa-mder operaunig ran~ge.
(soe po-lli 0Wputophotri 0 -E53' reuenet mA for 5 18, 3,n~kor 560.570.
-¶0 T6+60 and 5EL0.tl3OmA ta590 (model-s 50(3zt 52I.3,563- 51 eziand 5931
+/-0 -;O5%Z snri
-' pfolechor, 30016 of specilred range except Accuracy arid lineariy. ..... _+/-0135% +/-I nunat/
500V limited to 6V0DvC Resoll1li ..... in of F-5 (or bargraph, o.05% for 6dagll Mu~ruium _69= ... 3VOC/.5rrADC Ear 521 and 553.
taWI 3 533 je&as 'ig method .. uatslolie megratbon 4V2IIrA fr sM500.63 573. and 591 S~ tnputt.;e ---------- Singlefld and iterefsal Maximum input voltage .. . 3OV aiclsospre toa4VO ss.adrusamenOt range ._. . 'ý0%of funlscale Mauium input canmrent ............. somlADC 1511aakrtdoper-a .tog tange .. . 4-6v=~ACý l2OroA Otuse prgtecLed to I 000,A)
Pota*l .-.. Urlipoldigtlal .5mavow~-sign tar welo
--C.CPOWERLESS I44odels 561..571. 581, nd 591) ,zero" Nef SAcctwatr mid rmetrity... +/--0,D5% of M.+/- I counl/bu sanadJ trsfrriet rame .. e...+/-45% or spicaid range 518 Resolutiio....It of F-S. [r arwaph U frc9@41a Zj~ra isiroient range ... .+/-W%a( -zwra (see NOTE-Al inu iga Wiriall"- VDCr2MA fr 591-4VDC42niA Sacltight operating ralagi .... 4.6VVCZIAC. 120tAL
_________ or571.551.and S81 IMaxite- inpuzt sigal ..... 150% of spedrmd ratige NOTE_1: model s5 are Iawory' sli to S-IWCIf1Cd Itoll lelcepf I 40VDC *nq* limited to I 5DVOC
,,a- V=Ow Pol* U1110tar 4- Lheaauting method 0rtIa Vioet inlegrallon NOTE 2 Slandard caflxatgun Ist-SrOA 0-100' 4-20rnA 83Aadiustrnenr .... +/-40% of tuftl~a 0-100% and O-S-nt = 0-30% and/Or 0-1000 tmufts
-Bd ohlUerj-BV Ange.. 4-6VDCfAC, 20m& a1 tiMe-CAOrdeting lothers oL re{que5tt.
UiCAL Attacbioent A Page A2 o~jE-
Calcula l-ion No - 9 8. LNG-~O4ý - 2i, Reciv - ipt f 3 W-I l)W i[ WJ)IKS:I MtK" I 'i*i5-ilel. lPI'M'!. tial prlrtidi iiul: .1iii and w.rmi Custuil 1('- 1(). 1;.lt12ifn,, t)o-j
,rliitol sun AC.ID(Q vorleiCi and. hi cthlitPr, putint ioejri~
OI I IIt: m d'V/i? ofire Inadrov I I Iitv~*
eILn u1',* triatyn the lid~n the r j.~tnii iaorl idIln~tl N Iv1iihlt br, i.tni
.- iit~in minirrnize slandby t 1 itil-.w ucr~t irie noni tiecrinna it mtnanertnsComponentls to go Wad. Mor no:
.geht.lest installation costs, and salcly gproble~ms 11 Comi-n
',.qnitaiCannotwithsttand tim: burdan or it cannot )e buff 4.orrlW' s~our fiowvend moda~ls 40VAC n ftiafnc COMPAkRISON DATA uruted allt POWCI!LL55s AINALOG CONVCH1i -p-r! -
IcHEISPt.AY is the most important element an a panel _____________-Mf. ~ MTE ) iee since il interfaces directly and instantaneously "v'h our lasiest sense. IMCts Powerless DPht'a aredesignedto give thnemasimurn display lo case ratio and to blend in yourrpaniat as an7integral pan of It Both ambient light reflective and backlighted modtets have sharp contra~sting clivacler and annunciators for easy viewing. ~~
Pmuiinon ~ ~ ~ ow cw quirey a-8Iooitr eo.00,00 o.) S~n M~y hthese tGne Lo. ooonont.- Ooo~d FPoor Gord RLE Vwr-_wd 0O6~.0bo" h'dthese_ tn'&5 nW.On Veny o.r L08 P st~aitniia the o
List be capar AMBIENT OR BAMKLIGHTING? The decision Is -V )0%Tons:-a but the trend Is to bacldighl the dtsplay for better view) crrtoedbrih, mOUNTING & CONNECTIONS to the PowertessflPM's under most ambient right conditions. An IMC's powe F"V (4V typ are kept simple. ,Noneol the series require sotderidng and DPMbt ftature an optional soft zMstiongreenbackdightbl lil for 22 g except for the analog meirer reptscerents. none requirethe standard high contrast reflectlive disptay, Aword of adr acbllh(if r(
usual expensive panel cut ouL The sbEn of the cases were the operators viewing angle is very imtUrlant in eli designed to meet fndustry's existing standards for easy backfighted or relteclive displays, the location of the DI replacement, mounting and connections with minimum should be soltis nornally viewed from the eofdockposX, 'ARitING: 4 labor. IMh's DPMs can be easly vietwed from *40Caocentel
ý and ntir.
npicalty less AN .d. m -bading' jgom~sL The alibated, bet ANALOG, DIGITAL, OR BOTH?
THE ANALOG BARGRAP11 models have 101 bars Illuminate In proportion to the signars ampfiude, ths gives Comez you I% raolution at a glance and with the scle graduation I;ImatieFir constantly lit, It Ind*cates the frond SCALING needs not be specified if standard 1:1 sIgil4 THE DIGITAL [31/ DIGITS) models tave 0.05% resolution readingratio isdesired( OOiMV= 100%M IoV= 1000.50 of lult scale for an accurate display at your ptoc-sa. = 500. However, tithe signat represents other than dir reading Its MtlalionSlft must be noted next to the part I THE HYBRID modetscomblne both thebargraphand digttal Examples 4-2DmA= 0 to 4-1 5Cr 0-50mV = 0 to 600"1 technologies to girve you the best of them in the same
= 0 to 1300 etc compac= casetthe bargrao section gives you 1%rewsotulton and the dioItseotion 0.1% resolttion. Irhe is In hybrid modets. the digital display(s) is (are. limlled by 0 - 100% full scale of the bargraph section, conse0CuI0 d the scaling is set for 4-20eA 0 - 600 the bargraph 0 tlluminate up to the 60% bar and the digital -date will st .Acav, 600. ltr 111SS 0=3K SOlall NOTE: The digi(alportioriwill not read beyond 100 cOWO since its controlled by the bargraph's A/D convertet.
I Attachnment A Page A3 of 9