IR 05000602/1990003

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University of Texas Construction Inspection Report 05000602/1990003
Person / Time
Site: University of Texas at Austin
Issue date: 07/27/1990
From: Murphy M, Seidle W
NRC Region 4
University of Texas at Austin
Shared Package
ML18285A704 List:
IR 1990003, NUDOCS 9008010084
Download: ML18285A685 (4)




NRC Inspection Report: 50-602/90-03 Coustruct10n Permit: CPP.R-123 Docket: 5()-602 Licensee: Un1verity of Texa College of Ergineering Departfllfmt of Mecha11ical Engineering Nuclear Ergilieering Program Austin, Texas 78712 Facility Name: Nuclear [ngirieeririg TeaC'ti;ng Laboratory (NtTL)

(TRIG. Mark II)

Inspection At: NETL, Balcones Pesearch Center Inspection Conducted: July 18-19, 1990 Inspectors:

nae Approved: ...,./ t v/ f/t)

  • * e1 e 11e , es rograms ect 10n Date Division of Reactor Safety Inspection Suffl!!lary lnspectio Conducted uly 18-19, 1990 (Report 50-602/90-03)

Areas Inspected: Routinr., announced inspection of facnity completion status and $tatus of open item Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were iaentified. The six open items identifird in NRC Inspection

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Peport ,0-602/9G-01 were clr,t:d. The NRC's constructic,,, phae rnspPction i!:

comi lr::te w1 th UP Pxcept ion o1 three enrrofnt equipment prob 1£:m that are cons1dt>red nece.ary for fuf:1 loadino arcl tartup. ThE equipfflflri 11f1ecteo .

tht! ti[PP filter t rgon-41 ra(Jr:itor, and a lt:am port hi£*1d plu . ' .


  • T. L. Bauer. Assistant Oirctor/upfrvisor, NETL
  • H. L. Marcus. Chainnc1n, Nuclear Reactor Conatittee
  • G. Masada, Associate Profesor/Associate Chairmar for Research
  • J. G. Sanrhez, Radiation Safety TnsJ1ttor
  • e. W. Wehrin. Director, NETL
  • R. E. Woodard, Health Physicist. N[TL NRC
  • B. Murray, Chief, Facility adiological Frotect1on Section, Pt:gion IV
  • Denote attendance at £>Xit meetin . OPERATIOPIAL PEAOTNfSS 'EVI[W This inspectior1 was to dete"'ITlrne the statu! of the preoperatiorial test, checkut, and ealuat1o proram. NRC Inspection Peport 50-602/90-01 identified six items that required resolution and/or completir.r to complte the construction phase. The tatus of thrse items is discussed belo .1 "Repair f the joint seal betwPPn the reactor building foundation and the lift slab walls."

Initial repairs have been completFd and the leakage was sustantially reduce Present nccasional lt*aks are not cor,sidereo significant; however, the licensPe w,11 contiuur to pursue a leak free senl with the contractor. This item is considered resolve .2 "Correction of "MODE" terminology in the operating procecfures to agre with thf' !-.r1ftty analysis report Uid Technical Specifications."

Tht: inspector rPv;ewed the following operating procedures: Main 1,

Calibration and Functfon Checks of the lCS System"; OPR 5, "Peactor Startup";

8.0, "Operation Node 1 anual"; e.1. "Operat1on Mode, Pulse"; 8.2, "Operation Mode, Auto"; 8.3, "Operation Modf, Square Wave." The reactor mode terminoky matched the operating console modes. t1odes in both the propoE:d Technical Specifications and the corrected afety Analysis Report also match the operati11g corisole modes. This item is considered complet .3 "Approval of th Test Program anual" The Test Program Manual was presented to the Nuclear Reactor Comnittee in October 1988. The conwnittPe approved subniission of the docurne,,ts and became

-4-familir w1th their cortnts. This was docunted in the C0111R1ttee Meet;ng Minutes dated October 12, 1988. Thh itf'f'l is considtred complf-tf'.

2 .* 11 Issuarre of the Nuclear Reactor Cv1m11ttee tharter" The inspf:r.tor revit*c the final H*rsion of the: Nuclear R1*Htor Co1m1ittee Chctrter. ci,t(ltod ,lune 2 , 1990. Th H charter has heen revia,ed ttnd ConnP.nted on t-y 1111 connittee mellber".i. All c01m1er,ts have beer. incorporatecs. Th1s version co,,pliE:s with Technical SrE*cification requirP.f'lf>r,ts. The chartE:r will t,e formally arproved by the co,rwnittr-f' at the next meeting. Tis itP.m is ronsidPrr.d c0111plet .5 "Completir,r of the Fuel Handlrng fvaluation Sheet" 1he fuel hancling tool ct1t-ckout anu naluat;or. chec.klist was reviewec' t,y the inspector. The check1i!t was complE:te with nu or.eptions ar10 the chelkr.ut dlceptance wi'r. ddted June 20, 1990. This itetn ;s complet .6 "Completion of the lnstrumer.tatfon and Control Sytel\'1 (ICS) - Tnstallatil,n Checks Cecklist*

Tht JfS noise problem was 1s1ated to a dfective irt and has hee,, correct The irpE.:ltor rev1cwed the "TfS Systeni - lristallatitr Checks" ched.list an four,o that all pnfueling itenis had beH* c;at;sfactor1ly complflted. This item ic; complet . l IC[NSING REA(Lr:r. STATUS This PC inspectfon report druments the <.ompletH:r: ('lf the construction J:it,ne im,pectior and operational readirf' r('view. Three iteff' c wf:re identified that are conidcred open items that 1mi,trt on oper,nwnal radiriess. ThPSE items are Unr.t: t!mergent Equipment problems, atft.>cting th£ hE.H. filter ., the Argol"-t..1 monitor dnd a bedm port shield rlg. Detail pf the HEPn 11lter dnd Arrnn-41 mon1tor art discuS5F<; ir1 NRC Inspt-Lt;on Reprr1 50-602/90-0 f, l'eam port sh1eld plug wac. found to hd\'f: an exttmive crack it, He graphitf'

porti"" o" the plug. This crad could c.ause separatior p f the graphite sectil'r from the steel ;,re' lead sectior,. Ttie licer:see is workin iith Generdl AtoanLs, suppliPr of the shielc: plug, to t'nelop an acceptable ree1uUon of tht fcilure and <1 replacement shield plug. Pending dFlivery of a r1ew shield plug, this is rrrsidered an open item. (Cpen Item 602/9003-0 . EX IT fltFTI NG The inspectior, scope dnd f1ridins were discussed with persormel desigr.ated in rr!grapti l t the conclusion of thf inspection on uly 19, 1990. The licensee dies not idertify as proi:-netary any rf the mat.Pri al provic1eci to, or revied by, the inspPctcrs.