IR 05000192/1989003

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University of Texas Construction Inspection Reports 05000192/1989003 & 05000602/1989005
Person / Time
Site: 05000192, University of Texas at Austin
Issue date: 07/06/1989
From: Mckernon T, Murphy M
NRC Region 4
University of Texas at Austin
Shared Package
ML18285A704 List:
IR 1989003, IR 1989005 NUDOCS 8908010272
Download: ML18285A677 (5)




NRC Inspection Peport: 50-192/89-03 Operating License: R-9?

50-602/B9-05 Construction Penn1t: CPPR-123 Docket: 50-192 50-602 Licensee: University ot Texas College of Engineering Department of Mechanical frgineering Nuclear Engineering Program Austin, Texas 78712 Facility Name: Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (NETL) (TRIGA Mark I and Mar II)

Inspectiun At: NETL, Raltones Researrh Center dnd Taylor Hall NETL {Main Campus} Austin, Texas Inspect1on Conducted: July 5-6, 1989 Inspectors: I'

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M(,£. Mu'rptl)**"'*:Re,ct.ii{ f,&f5ector Test' p I ba"te Section, Division of *Reactor Safety 7 * *.//j-f Date

ProgrdmS Sectivn, Division of Reactor Safety Accompanied by: W. C. Seidle, Chief, *rest Programs Section Division of Reactor Safety Approved: ,, *1 W. C. Seidle... Ch1f, Test Programs Secffon (

Date Division of"Reactor Safety

7 i :

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ec ti on Su1m1a ry lnspect10n Conoucted July 5-b, 1989 {Report 50-192/89-03; 50-602/89-05)

reas Inspected: Routi r.f', c,nnounced inspect 1 nr, of component arid system checkout and evaluation, preoperatior,al testing and schedulE:: statu!>.

keults: :ithin the areas inspected, no violotions or dev1itt1ons were identified.

Final c*cinstruction punch li.t Hem correction was in progress. The construction Jihase inspection by the NRC is essentially comvlete. Some component and system checkm 1 t and evaluation had btt!n conipleted. Prt:operativnal testing tiad not started. Schedule slippage has occurred. ThP proposed fuel hanolinq and transportation procedures for trcir1)ftr of fut 1 f lr:mcr.ts frm lRIGA I tu TPIGA I!

appear adequat *

-3-DllAILS Persons Contacted

  • B. Wehring, Director, Nuclear Fnqinef'r1ng leachinq laboratory
  • T. Bauer, Assitant U1rector, Nuc1Pr.r [,1g1neeririg Teach1nq Laboratory J. Green. Construction Inspector M. Krause, Sen1or Reactor Operator
  • Oenotf!S attendance at exit i ntfrvie ?. Construct1on Progress The NRC inspectors tourea the facility to view work in progress, review completion status. and obsfrve general conditions. The generc1l contractor has vacatttd the prennses, and final punch 11st item c.orr;plet1on was being worked by NETL, UnivPrsity ot lexas physical plant personnel, and specific subcontractors when required. The NRC inspectors noted that the licensee's progress toward facility complf'tion generolly appears sufficient to meet ttie proposed scheduled completion of October 1989. owever, the NRC inspectors noted some areas that will require followup by the licensee and the NRC:

The cooling water heat exchanger had a difterentil pressure, shell-to-tube side, of about 30 psig whereas the initial design wiJ intended for about 1-5 psig. lhe licensPe stated that the heat exchanger specifications were sufficient to provide a margin oi safety for the larger differential pressur The drive motor for the tranient cctrol rod had experienced dmage during initial installation. lhe drive motor and mechaism was returned to the vendor for rEpair. lhe licensee's representative stated that the repaired drive mechanism was schuduled for delivery prior to August 1, 198 ()

The NRC inspector!> ar,d the ss1stcirit Directr,r, NETL, ol:lserved the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) effluent purqf path atop the facility'!, roof nd noted that certain vcrtilation intake structures were adjacent to the effluent stacks. The NRC inspectors expressed concern over a potential recirculation path of purged effluent during normal opercitions and during accident conditions which could result in effluent reentering the building. The intake louvers are on the south side of the building's upper structure with the effluent stacks atop ttle structure. The predominate wind directior, is out of the south. The licensee acknowledged th NRC inspectors'

observatio The control room consol installatiori was complete. The initial fill of the reactor pool was complete. The puol contau1s about 10,500 allons of iontcally pure water. Installati0 cf physical !,ecurity and co111T1unications

elements was 1n progress. The final HVAC system remains to be Ctmlpleted. The remaining construction items and concerns will ht: tracked by the NRC inspector's review of the completed chedout and evaluation sheet The construction phase 1,nspection by the NRC 1s essentially complete.

3. Operational Readiness Review The NRC inspectors rev*iewed the status of the checkout and eva 1uat ion program. The following selected key items rema1n to be completed:

Hev1ew final installation of beam tube components

Leak test of eac beamport cavity

HVAC system - equipment in5pection HVAC - Control Room Panel (CRP) alarms n

Argon purge system Airborne radioactivity isolation ater system - pool purif 1rat1on Water system - pool cooling Bridge crane C,

ruel handling tool C,

Fire protettion equipment Safety equipment

,, Co11111unications Security system Security system - intrusion detection Liquid radioactive wastt system Control rod drive - mechanical Instrumentation and Control Sys.tem (ICS s1stem) installation check

Radiation monitoring system The senior reactor operator 11ensing examinations were successfully completed on June 16, 1989. as !ichedultC A comprehensive presentation, with slides, of the planned fuel har.dling and transfer of fuel elements from lRIGA t to TRIGA II WdS given to the NRC inspectors by the licensee's representatives. Following this presenta tion, the NRC inspectors toured the licensee's TRIGA I facility to observe fuel element handling equipment and the transfer areas inside and out1de the facility. Subsequently, the NRC inspectors traveled one of the proposed transfer routes. The proposed fuel hcndling ana transportat10n procedures appear adequate.

4. Schedule Milestones The milestone schedule/co1T1pletion dates, as published in NRC Inspection Report 50-602/89-03, have been revised and are as follows. as of July 6, 1989:


Scheduled Milestones Compl11tion OatPS Actua 1 Receive control roOftl console and Octobttr 1, 1988 October 1, 198 ftlf'chanical components Complete HVAC balancing July 14, 1989 Complete physical security elefllf!nts August l, 1989 Complete pool water system March 31, 1989 Apri 1 i6, 1989 (insta11at ion)

Complete preoperationl test August 15, 1989 proct:dures {including GA iristallation and test)

Install control room console May 8 * 1989 May ?4, 1989 Install GA mechan1tal components May , 1989 May 19, 1989 (including purifitation system)

Ir.stall radiation momtoring eou1pment August 1, 1989 (1nstallat.1on by GA)

License two senior reactor operators June 16, 19R9 Complete all operating procedures September 1, 1989 Receive operating license October 1 , 1989 Load reactor fuel - achieve in1t1ol November 5, 1989 critica1ity 5. Exit Ir.ttrview Th, inspection scope and findings wer, discussed with the Director, NETL, at the conclusion of the inspection on July 6, 1989. The licensee did not identify t as proprietary, any of the material prov;ded tc, or revieweo by, the NRC inspectors.