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Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd - Response to RAI 557-9199 for the Question 03.08.05-20
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Site: 05200046
Issue date: 03/23/2018
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Ltd
Office of New Reactors
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ML18082A480 List:
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Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 1 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION APR1400 Design Certification Korea Electric Power Corporation / Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., LTD Docket No.52-046 RAI No.: 557-9199 SRP Section: 03.08.05- Foundations Application Section: Tier 2, Section 3.8.5 and Tier 1 Date of RAI Issue: 12/01/2017 Question No. 03.08.05-20 10 CFR Part 52, Section 52.54, Issuance of standard design certification, paragraph (a) states that the Commission may issue a standard design certification in the form of a rule for the design if the Commission determines that, among other things, There is reasonable assurance that the standard design conforms with the provisions of the Act, and the Commissions regulations. When certified, the Appendix to Part 52 that constitutes the standard design certification will include or reference information that is approved and certified by the staff. This information, designated as Tier 1, generally includes, but is not limited to, design descriptions for significant aspects of the design. Tier 1 information is derived from the broader set of information contained in Tier 2 the Design Control Document (DCD), but is generally limited to the subset of the most safety significant information needed to support the staffs approval basis. Therefore, the staffs reasonable assurance finding for design certification relies, on the applicants DCD Tier 1 and DCD Tier 2 information.

10 CFR 52.47(a)(2) requires, in part, that a design certification application include a description and analysis of the structures of the facility, with emphasis upon performance requirements, the bases, with technical justification therefor, upon which these requirements have been established, and the evaluations required to show that safety functions will be accomplished.

When evaluating the acceptability of this information for seismic Category I structures, the staffs review focuses on a subset of structural information that includes seismic analysis methods, key dimensions of seismic Category I structures, and design of critical sections. The use of critical sections in the design of safety-related structures is a risk- informed graded approach to achieve the reasonable assurance of safety. In lieu of the safety review of a large number of structural component designs, the staff performs a detailed review of a limited number of critical sections described in Section 3.8 of the DCD that contributed to the overall risk significance of the structures. This approach provides the staff with reasonable assurance of the overall safety performance of the structures based on the successful performance of these limited but critical risk significant locations. However, even minor changes to these critical sections could, when applied to the entire safety-related structure, result in significant changes to the overall performance of the structure, and therefore, invalidate the basis for the staffs approval.

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 2 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP Therefore, the applicant is requested to incorporate as DCD Tier 1 Design Descriptions, certain characteristic of the seismic analysis and design of critical sections for seismic Category I structures. This information needs to be designated as Tier 1 information to support the staffs reasonable assurance finding. The additional information to be included in APR1400 DCD Tier 1, based on DCD Tier 2, Rev. 1, is given below. This list provides examples and does not constitute a complete set of items to be included in DCD Tier 1. The information to be included in DCD Tier 1 may be in the form of text, tables, and/or figures, which are based on the design presented in DCD Tier 2.

Identification of the ASME Code(s), Concrete Code, and Structural Steel Code with editions used in the design of safety related structures (e.g., ASME Section III, Division 1, Subsection NE and Division 2, Subsection CC; ACI-349, and ANSI/AISC- 690; with the applicable editions/dates identified).

Key dimensions of seismic Category I structures (e.g., for the containment - DCD Figures 3.8-1, 2, 4, and 5).

Design details for critical sections corresponding to reinforced concrete members and structural steel members for safety-related structures (e.g., reactor building, auxiliary building, and emergency diesel generator building). For critical sections, the information to be included is essentially the list of critical sections, locations of the critical sections, and the design details showing what design parameters are provided. An example of design parameters for concrete members is the reinforcement (either the location, direction, size, and spacing; or area of steel per unit length), concrete compressive strength, and wall/floor thickness. For structural steel members, this would typically consist of either the type and size (e.g., W21 X 147) or the equivalent steel member properties. For connections, this would typically consist of key details of the welds or bolts, and if applicable, plate/stiffening elements). The information on demand forces (e.g., FX, MX, etc.) calculated for the design of the sections, calculated stresses, and the available margins are not required. What is required is the design that is provided as described above. Examples of design parameters for critical sections of reinforced concrete and steel members in DCD Tier 2, Rev. 1, to be included in DCD Tier 1 may be obtained from the following:

o For reinforced concrete members - Tables 3.8A-3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 33, 36, 37, and 44, or alternatively, comparable design parameters presented in Figures 3.8A-6 through 10, 15 through 17, 25 through 28, 36 through 39, and 40 through 57.

o For structural steel members - steel beams and connections supporting the concrete slabs inside containment as shown in the markups for DCD Figure 3.8A-60.

o Along with the above information, the material types/designations should be provided (e.g., for concrete - the compressive strength and for steel - the type and grade).

A summary description of the seismic analysis method(s) (e.g., equivalent static, response spectra, time history) that was used for each of the seismic Category I

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 3 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP structures. In addition, DCD Tier 1 should identify the in-structure response spectra for the key locations that would be needed by a COL applicant if a site-specific dynamic analysis evaluation is required.


NRC Item 1 KHNP Original Response The APR1400 is designed to meet the current NRC approved applicable codes and standards, including ASME, concrete, and structural steel codes. Any deviation from the current approved code or standards will be documented in the Design Report (Table 2.2.1-2 Item No. 5 [RCB and AB], Table 2.2.2-2 Item No. 4 [EDGB]) as described in Attachment 1 and noticed to the NRC through the approved design change process. This change process, as stated in 10 CFR Part 50.59, is summarized below:

(2) A licensee shall obtain a license amendment pursuant to Sec. 50.90 prior to implementing a proposed change, test, or experiment if the change, test, or experiment would:

(viii) The source terms in Table 11.1-2 are used in calculation of the normal TIDs for equipment qualification. These source terms are the design basis source terms based upon 1.0% failed fuel with continuous gas stripping operation. This description will be updated for clarification in DCD Subsection, as indicated in the markups attached to this response, Attachment 4.

This regulation would govern any applicable changes to the design basis and their applicable codes and /or standards. This regulation is applicable to the technical analyses summarized in Tier 2, rather than the Tier 1 summary information, which is based on this same Tier 2 information.

NRC Feedback 3/05/2018

1. As discussed in the February 23, 2018 public meeting, using the 50.59 Like Process, is not appropriate for screening information that is already in Tier 1 (e.g., the ASME code).

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback Reference to the 50.59 process has been deleted.

2. As agreed to by both the NRC staff and the applicant during the February 23, 2018 public meeting, the phrase, The APR1400 is designed to meet the current NRC approved applicable codes and standards, is broad and needs to be more specific. To help bridge the gap, the NRC RAI identified the addition of the following specific codes and standards that should be include in DCD Tier 1 which would be acceptable to the staff:

ASME Section III, Division 1, Subsection NE, Class MC Components, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 4 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP ASME Section III, Division 2, Code of Concrete Containments, Subsection CC, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the 2001 Edition with the 2003 Addenda ACI 349, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute, 1997.

ANSI/AISC N690 including Supplement 2 (2004), Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Steel Safety-Related Structures for Nuclear Facilities, American Institute of Steel Construction, 1994.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback The principal design codes with applicable editions/dates used in the design of safety related structures will be added as Table 2.2.1-5 in Tier 1, as shown in Attachment 1.

3. KHNP is requested to provide markups in DCD Tier 1 (e.g., Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2) with this information KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback Related markups in DCD Tier 1 are provided as Attachment 1.

NRC Item 2 KHNP Original Response Dimensions of seismic Category I structures (e.g., Reactor Containment Building, Auxiliary Building, Emergency Diesel Generator Building), represented as plan and section views at several levels, are included in Tier 1 Figures 2.2.1-2 through 2.2.1-13 (RCB and AB) and Figures 2.2.2-1 through 2.2.2-2 (EDGB). Tier 1 Table 2.2.1-2 Item No. 4 (RCB and AB) and Tier 1 Table 2.2.2-2 Item No. 3 (EDGB) references key building information and dimensions. Further detail is provided in Tier 2 DCD Section 3.8. Note that these figures as shown in the Attachment 2 have been revised to reflect the appropriate level of information and precision for Tier 1.

In Tier 1, key dimensional information or reference dimensions are provided representing an accumulation of other dimensions. These dimensions state either the mean or nominal dimension and are not relied on for construction, manufacturing or inspection purposes to ensure as-built configurations. Individual tolerances which are adopted in the generic APR1400 DCD comply with the plants licensing design basis.

The tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 117 for the dimensions of concrete structures, and ASME Section III, Division 2, CC-4522 & Appendix F (see DCD Tier 2 for containment shell

& dome). As-built dimensions will be evaluated to verify compliance with the design bases and applicable codes and standards. Where a tolerance is exceeded, the structure may be accepted if it meets one of the following criteria: a) exceeding the tolerances does not affect the structural integrity, legal boundaries, or architectural requirements of the element; or b) the element or total erected assembly can be modified to meet all structural and architectural requirements.

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 5 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP Tolerance deviations may be acceptable, subject to regulatory approval, in part because of the general purpose tolerances serve: Tolerances are a means to establish permissible variation in dimension and location, and they are the means by which the designer conveys to the contractor the performance expectations upon which the design is based or that the project requires. Such specified tolerances should reflect design assumptions and project needs, being neither overly restrictive nor lenient. Thus, tolerances are not absolute requirements (See LBP-16-05, April 29, 2016).

For clarity purposes, the following general statements will be added to Subsection 1.2.1.

Dimensions used to describe a reference elevation, length, thickness, etc., are in nominal values, and a dimension should always be considered to mean dimension with appropriate tolerance as specified in the NRC approved code and standards in the Design Certification.

Deviation from identified dimensions and tolerance requirements is permissible when an adequate justification or analysis is provided demonstrating structural integrity and radiation protection margin exists within the plants licensing design bases.

NRC Feedback 3/05/2018

1. As discussed in the public meeting in relation to the NRC RAI, additional information to be included in DCD Tier 1 includes generic dimensions of seismic Category I structures as shown in the following figures:

Figure 3.8-1, Typical Section of Containment Structures (Looking North)

Figure 3.8-2, Typical Section of Containment Structures (Looking East)

Figure 3.8-4, Arrangement of Containment Post-Tensioning System Figure 3.8-5, Liner Plate and Anchorage System Also, dimensional information, such as between column lines on some of the figures that were removed, should be reinserted into DCD Tier 1. Apparently, these were removed because of concerns about construction tolerances; however, those concerns can now be addressed by Item 2 below.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback The above suggested figures have not been added to Tier 1. They are part of Tier 2. Any changes to the key dimensions in these figures will be addressed through the 50.59 change process.

2. In view of the agreement during the public meeting on February 23, 2018 to include a paragraph on tolerances, the staff concludes that the proposed paragraph provided in the RAI response, as modified below, would be acceptable for inclusion in an applicable section of the Tier 1 document.

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 6 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP The tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 117 [Edition/Date XXXX] for concrete structures, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges [Edition/Date XXXX], and ASME Section III, Division 2, Subsection CC & applicable appendices related to tolerances [Edition/Date XXXX] for containment. As-built dimensions will also be evaluated to verify compliance with the design bases and applicable codes and standards.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback The following general statements will be added to Subsection 1.2.1 as shown in the Attachment 2:

Dimensions used to describe a reference elevation, length, thickness, etc., are in nominal values, and a dimension should always be considered to mean dimension with appropriate tolerance as specified in the NRC approved code and standards in the Design Certification.

Deviation from identified dimensions and tolerance requirements is permissible when an adequate justification or analysis is provided demonstrating structural integrity and radiation protection margin exists within the plant's licensing design bases.

The following paragraph will be added to Tier 1 sections and as shown in the Attachment 2:

The tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 117(2010 edition) for concrete structures, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges(2010 edition),

and ASME Section III, Division 2, Subsection CC & applicable appendices related to tolerances(2001 edition with 2003 Addenda) for containment. As-built dimensions will also be evaluated to verify compliance with the design bases and applicable codes and standards. Where a tolerance is exceeded, the structure may be accepted if it meets one of the following criteria: a) exceeding the tolerances does not affect the structural integrity, legal boundaries, or architectural requirements of the element; or b) the element or total erected assembly can be modified to meet all structural and architectural requirements.

3. KHNP is requested to provide markups in DCD Tier 1 with this information.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback Related markups in DCD Tier 1 are provided as Attachment 2.

NRC Item 3 KHNP Original Response The principal critical structural sections and material identification for seismic Category I structures will be added in Tier 1 Table 2.2.1-4, as described in the Attachment 3. Also, an ITAAC governing critical sections will be added to Table 2.2.1-2 Item No.6 and Table 2.2.2-2 Item No.5, as shown in the Attachment 3.

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 7 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP DCD section for detailed design information. Any change to the design basis would be governed under 10 CFR 50.59 process, as discussed in Item No. 1 above. Tables and figures in DCD Tier 2 Section 3.8A summarize the detailed design information for the critical section.

NRC Feedback 3/05/2018

1. In the February 23, 2018 public meeting with the applicant, the staff discussed in great detail the pertinent information regarding the critical sections that would be acceptable to the staff. The applicant was presented with two options which list the critical sections and the design attributes: Option A, in the case of concrete members, includes the minimum area of reinforcement per unit length provided in the design and Option B includes the ratio of demand to capacity. The demand to capacity ratio for concrete members can be defined as the ratio of required reinforcement obtained from the demand loads to the provided reinforcement. This ratio is a measure of the design margin to be maintained for the critical sections. Thus, any design changes made in the future would need to demonstrate that the ratio is equal to or less than () the DCD Tier 1 design ratios. Both options were provided to the applicant by the NRC Project Manager. The applicant is requested to choose the option thats best suitable for its design of the APR1400 plant.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback The principal critical sections and design attributes for seismic Category I structures will be added in Tier 1 Table 2.2.1-4, as described in Attachment 3. The design attribute is defined as the ratio of demand/capacity. The design attributes may be modified, based on site-specific details, by the COL Applicant. However, this ratio must always be equal to or less than the values stated in Table 2.2.1-4 in order to maintain the structural integrity of seismic Category I structures.

2. Feedback for acceptable tabulation of material types/designations was explained to the applicant during the February 23, 2018 public meeting and also provided subsequent to this meeting by the NRC Project Manager as discussed in Item 1 above.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback See KHNP Revised Response above.

3. In ITAAC 5, Attachment 1 (2/4); ITAAC 4, Attachment 1 (4/4); ITAAC 5, Attachment 3 (4/9) and ITAAC 4, Attachment 3 (9/9), the applicant used the phrase, designed in accordance with the NRC approved code and standards in the design certification. Given that the staff only certifies the Tier 1 information, the phrase seems to be contradictory to the information presented. The staff considers the phrase to be adequate only if the codes identified in the staff feedback to Item 1 above are Tier 1 information and reference is made only to these codes and standards within DCD Tier 1.

KHNP Revised Response to NRC Feedback See KHNP Revised Response for Item 1.

NRC Item 4

Non-Security-Related Information 03.08.05 8 / 8 KEPCO/KHNP KHNP Original Response A description regarding the seismic analysis methods used for seismic Category I structures will be added to DCD Tier 1 Section 2.2.10 as shown in the Attachment 4.

NRC Feedback 3/05/2018 The staff reviewed the applicant response and considered the information provided to be adequate.

Impact on DCD DCD Tier 1, Subsections 1.2.1,,, 2.2.10, Tables 2.2.1-1, 2.2.1-2, 2.2.1-4, 2.2.1-5, 2.2.2-2, 2.2.10-1, Figures 2.2.1-4 through 2.2.1-11, and Figures 2.2.2-1 through 2.2.2-2 will be revised or added, as described in the attachments associated with this response.

Impact on PRA There is no impact on the PRA.

Impact on Technical Specifications There is no impact on the Technical Specifications.

Impact on Technical/Topical/Environmental Reports There is no impact on the Technical/Topical/Environmental Report.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (1/8)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 personnel air locks and an equipment hatch. Penetrations are provided for electrical and mechanical components and for the transport of nuclear fuel.

The containment internal structures consist of reinforced concrete and structural steels that support reactor vessel and reactor coolant system. The primary shield wall supports and laterally surrounds the reactor vessel. The secondary shield wall laterally surrounds the primary shield wall and is structurally connected to the primary shield wall by reinforced concrete slabs, beams, and walls. The secondary shield wall supports steam generators and pressurizer. The containment internal structures enclose a reactor cavity area below the reactor vessel which can be flooded during a postulated accident. An indirect gas vent path is provided between the reactor cavity and the free volume of the containment.

The reactor cavity has a corium debris chamber. And the reactor cavity floor is constructed with a fill concrete on steel liner plate. The reactor cavity floor area is free from obstructions to corium debris spreading.

The AB is a reinforced concrete structure which consists of the electrical and control area, the fuel handling area, the chemical and volume control system area, the main steam valve house, and the emergency diesel generator area. The AB laterally surrounds the RCB and is divided by divisional walls.

The NI structures are seismic Category I, and are designed and constructed to withstand the design basis loads associated with:

1. Normal plant operation (including dead loads, live loads, lateral earth pressure loads, hydrodynamic loads, and equipment loads, including the effects of temperature and equipment vibration)
2. External events (including rain, snow, wind, flood, tornado or hurricane, tornado or hurricane generated missiles, and earthquake)
3. Internal events (including flooding, pipe rupture, equipment failure, and equipment failure generated missile)

Seismic classification of the building is shown in Table 2.2.1-3.

1. The basic configuration of the NI structure is as shown in Figure 2.2.1-1 through Figure 2.2.1-13.

The NI structures are designed in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section III Div.2 CC, ASME Section III Div.1 NE, ACI 349 and ANSI/AISC N690 as described in the Table 2.2.1-5.

2.2-2 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (2/8)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 2.a The containment is designed and constructed to meet the requirements of ASME Section III, Div. 2.

2.b The containment penetrations are designed and constructed to meet ASME Section III.

2.c The containment and its penetrations retain their pressure boundary integrity associated with the design pressure.

2.d The containment and its penetrations maintain the containment leakage rate less than or equal to the maximum allowable leakage rate associated with the peak containment pressure for the design basis accident.

3. The NI structures are seismic Category I, and are designed and constructed to withstand the design basis loads.
4. The key dimensions of the NI structures are described in Table 2.2.1-1. Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria The inspections, tests, analyses, and associated acceptance criteria for nuclear island structures are specified in Table 2.2.1-2.

5. Nuclear Island (NI) Structures are designed in accordance with the NRC approved code and standards in the design certification.

2.2-3 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (3/8)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.2.1-2 (2 of 2)

Design Commitment Inspections, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria

3. The NI structures are 3. A structural analysis will be 3. A report exists and seismic Category I, and are performed to reconcile the concludes that the NI designed and constructed to as-built NI structures with structures can withstand the withstand the structural the structural design basis design basis loads.

design basis loads. loads.

4. The key dimensions of the 4. Inspection will be performed 4. A report exists and NI structures are described to verify that the as-built concludes that the NI in Table 2.2.1-1 and Figures wall and slab thickness structure as-built wall and 2.2.1-1 through 2.2.1-13. conform with the structural slab thickness conform with configuration. the structural configuration as described in Table 2.2.1-1 and Figures 2.2.1-1 through 2.2.1-13.

Add item 5 in next page 2.2-46 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (4/8)

5. Nuclear Island (NI) 5. An inspection for any 5. A reports existsand Structures are designed in deviation from the concludes that the as-built accordance with the NRC approved codes and NI structures conform to approved code and standards will be the NRC approved codes standards in the design performed. and standards.


Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (5/8)

Table 2.2.1-5 Principal Design Codes Document Edition Document Tit1e Designation ASME CC 2001 with Code for Concrete Containment 2003 Addenda ACI 349 1997 Code requirements for nuclear safety related concrete structure AISC N690 1994 including Specification for the Design, Supp. 2(2004) Fabrication and Erection of Steel SafetyRelated Structures for Nuclear Facilities ASME NE 2007 with Class MC Components 2008 Addenda Abbreviation ACI American Concrete Institute AISC American Institute of Steel Construction ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Add new Table

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (6/8)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 2.2.2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Design Description The emergency diesel generator (EDG) building block is located adjacent to east side of the Nuclear Island with seismic isolation gap, and comprises two buildings, one that houses additional two generators and the other for the diesel fuel oil tank (DFOT). Both EDG and DFOT buildings are single-story structures which are composed of reinforced concrete basemat, shearwalls and slabs. The two basemats are horizontally separated by seismic isolation gap. The EDB building block is designed in accordance with the requirements of ACI 349 and ANSI/AISC N690 as described in the Table 2.2.1-5.

The EDG building block is designed and constructed to withstand the structural design basis loads associated with:

1. Normal plant operation (including dead loads, live loads, lateral earth pressure loads, and equipment loads, including the effects of temperature and equipment vibration)
2. External events (including rain, snow, wind, flood, hurricane generated missiles, and earthquake)
3. Internal events (including flooding, pipe rupture, equipment failure, and equipment failure generated missile) a) The basic configuration of the EDG building block is as shown in Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2.

b) The EDG building block is designed and constructed to withstand the structural design basis loads.

c) The key dimensions of the EDG building block are described in Table 2.2.2-1. Inspection, Test, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria The inspections, tests, analyses, and associated acceptance criteria for the EDG building block are specified in Table 2.2.2-2.

4. The EDG building block is designed in accordance with the NRC approved code and standards in the design certification.

2.2-61 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (7/8)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.2.2-2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Block (1) ITAAC Design Commitment Inspections, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria

1. The basic configuration of the 1. Inspection of the basic 1. The EDG building block EDG building block is as shown configuration of the as-built conforms with the basic in Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2. EDG building block will be configuration as shown in conducted. Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2.
2. The EDG building block is 2. A structural analysis will be 2. A report exists and concludes designed and constructed to performed to reconcile the as- that the EDG building block can withstand the structural design built EDG building block withstand the structural design basis loads. structure with the structural basis loads.

design basis loads.

3. The key dimensions of the EDG 3. Inspection will be performed to 3. A report exists and concludes building block are as described verify that the as-built wall and that the EDG building block as-in Table 2.2.2-1, Figure 2.2.2-1, slab thickness conform to the built wall and slab thickness and Figure 2.2.2-2. structural configuration. conform with the structural configuration as described in Table 2.2.2-1, Figure 2.2.2-1, and Figure 2.2.2-2.

(1) EDG building block includes EDG building and DFOT building.

Add item 4 in next page 2.2-63 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 1 (8/8)

4. The EDG building block is 4. An inspection for any 4. A reports exists and designed in accordance deviation from the concludes that the as-built with the NRC approved approved codes and NI structures conform to code and standards in the standards will be the NRC approved codes design certification. performed. and standards.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (1/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 1.2 General Provisions The following general provisions are applicable to the Design Descriptions and the associated ITAAC:

1.2.1 Treatment of Individual Items The absence of any discussion or depiction of an item in the Design Description or accompanying Figures shall not be construed as prohibiting a licensee from utilizing such an item, unless it would prevent an item from performing its safety function as discussed or depicted in the Design Description or accompanying Figures.

When the term operate, operates, or operation is used with respect to an item discussed in the Acceptance Criteria, it refers to the actuation and running of the item.

When the term exist, exists, or existence is used with respect to an item discussed in the Acceptance Criteria, it means that the item is present and meets the Design Description.

Many of the Acceptance Criteria include the words A report exists and concludes that When these words are used, it indicates that the ITAAC for that Design Commitment will be met when it is confirmed that appropriate documentation exists and the documentation shows that the Design Commitment is met. Appropriate documentation can be a single document or a collection of documents that show that the stated acceptance criteria are met.

Examples of appropriate documentation include data reports, test reports, inspection reports, analysis reports, evaluation reports, design and manufacturing procedures, certified data sheets, commercial dedication procedures and records, quality assurance records, calculation notes, and equipment qualification data packages.

Add "A" in next page 1.2.2 Implementation of ITAAC The ITAAC are provided in tables with the following three column format:

Design Commitment Inspection, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria Each Design Commitment in the left-hand column of the ITAAC tables has an associated Inspections, Tests, or Analyses (ITA) requirement specified in the middle column of the tables.

1.2-1 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (2/28)

"A" Dimensions used to describe a reference elevation, length, thickness, etc., are in nominal values, and a dimension should always be considered to mean dimension with appropriate tolerance as specified in the NRC approved code and standards in the Design Certification.

Deviation from identified dimensions and tolerance requirements is permissible when an adequate justification or analysis is provided demonstrating structural integrity and radiation protection margin exists within the plant's licensing design bases.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (3/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 personnel air locks and an equipment hatch. Penetrations are provided for electrical and mechanical components and for the transport of nuclear fuel.

The containment internal structures consist of reinforced concrete and structural steels that support reactor vessel and reactor coolant system. The primary shield wall supports and laterally surrounds the reactor vessel. The secondary shield wall laterally surrounds the primary shield wall and is structurally connected to the primary shield wall by reinforced concrete slabs, beams, and walls. The secondary shield wall supports steam generators and pressurizer. The containment internal structures enclose a reactor cavity area below the reactor vessel which can be flooded during a postulated accident. An indirect gas vent path is provided between the reactor cavity and the free volume of the containment.

The reactor cavity has a corium debris chamber. And the reactor cavity floor is constructed with a fill concrete on steel liner plate. The reactor cavity floor area is free from obstructions to corium debris spreading.

The AB is a reinforced concrete structure which consists of the electrical and control area, the fuel handling area, the chemical and volume control system area, the main steam valve house, and the emergency diesel generator area. The AB laterally surrounds the RCB and is divided by divisional walls.

Add "B" in next page The NI structures are seismic Category I, and are designed and constructed to withstand the design basis loads associated with:

1. Normal plant operation (including dead loads, live loads, lateral earth pressure loads, hydrodynamic loads, and equipment loads, including the effects of temperature and equipment vibration)
2. External events (including rain, snow, wind, flood, tornado or hurricane, tornado or hurricane generated missiles, and earthquake)
3. Internal events (including flooding, pipe rupture, equipment failure, and equipment failure generated missile)

Seismic classification of the building is shown in Table 2.2.1-3.

1. The basic configuration of the NI structure is as shown in Figure 2.2.1-1 through Figure 2.2.1-13.

2.2-2 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (4/28)

"B" The tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 117(2010 edition) for concrete structures, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges(2010 edition), and ASME Section III, Division 2, Subsection CC & applicable appendices related to tolerances(2001 edition with 2003 Addenda) for containment. As-built dimensions will also be evaluated to verify compliance with the design bases and applicable codes and standards. Where a tolerance is exceeded, the structure may be accepted if it meets one of the following criteria: a) exceeding the tolerances does not affect the structural integrity, legal boundaries, or architectural requirements of the element; or b) the element or total erected assembly can be modified to meet all structural and architectural requirements.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (5/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.2.1-1 (32 of 32)

Applicable Radiation Wall or Section Floor Elevation or Concrete Shielding Wall Description Column Lines Elevation Range Thickness (1) (Yes/No)

Floors From AB to AD 213'-0" 1'-6" No From 15 to 16 Floors From AI to AK 215'-0" 2'-0" Yes From 20 to 22 Floors From AF to AK 215'-0" 1'-6" Yes From 23 to 26 Floors From AI to AJ 226'-6" 1'-6" Yes From 22 to 23 (1) Tolerance for the thickness of the walls and slabs is -1/4 inch and + 1 inch. deleted (2) Reduction of the basemat thickness is less than - 5 % of specified thickness.

2.2-35 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (6/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-4 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 1 Replaced by next page 2.2-51 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (8/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-5 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 2 Replaced by next page 2.2-52 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (10/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-6 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 3 Replaced by next page 2.2-53 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (12/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-7 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 4 Replaced by next page 2.2-54 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (14/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-8 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 5 Replaced by next page 2.2-55 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (16/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-9 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 6 Replaced by next page 2.2-56 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (18/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-10 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Level 7 Replaced by next page 2.2-57 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (20/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Figure 2.2.1-11 Nuclear Island Structure Plan at Roof Replaced by next page 2.2-58 Rev. 2

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Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (22/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 2.2.2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Design Description The emergency diesel generator (EDG) building block is located adjacent to east side of the Nuclear Island with seismic isolation gap, and comprises two buildings, one that houses additional two generators and the other for the diesel fuel oil tank (DFOT). Both EDG and DFOT buildings are single-story structures which are composed of reinforced concrete basemat, shearwalls and slabs. The two basemats are horizontally separated by seismic isolation gap.

Add "C" in next page The EDG building block is designed and constructed to withstand the structural design basis loads associated with:

1. Normal plant operation (including dead loads, live loads, lateral earth pressure loads, and equipment loads, including the effects of temperature and equipment vibration)
2. External events (including rain, snow, wind, flood, hurricane generated missiles, and earthquake)
3. Internal events (including flooding, pipe rupture, equipment failure, and equipment failure generated missile) a) The basic configuration of the EDG building block is as shown in Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2.

b) The EDG building block is designed and constructed to withstand the structural design basis loads.

c) The key dimensions of the EDG building block are described in Table 2.2.2-1. Inspection, Test, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria The inspections, tests, analyses, and associated acceptance criteria for the EDG building block are specified in Table 2.2.2-2.

2.2-61 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (23/28)

"C" The tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 117(2010 edition) for concrete structures. As-built dimensions will also be evaluated to verify compliance with the design bases and applicable codes and standards. Where a tolerance is exceeded, the structure may be accepted if it meets one of the following criteria: a) exceeding the tolerances does not affect the structural integrity, legal boundaries, or architectural requirements of the element; or b) the element or total erected assembly can be modified to meet all structural and architectural requirements.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (24/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.2.2-1 Definition of Wall and Floor Thicknesses for Emergency Diesel Generator Building Applicable Radiation Floor Elevation or Shielding Wall Wall or Section Description Column Lines Elevation Range Concrete Thickness (1) (Yes/No)

EDG Building Basemat Not Applicable 100'-0" 4'-0" No Column Line 26.1 Wall From AC.8 to AH.2 From 100'-0" to 135'-0" 3'-0" No Column Line 28 Wall From AC.8 to AH.2 From 100'-0" to 135'-0" 3'-0" No Column Line AC.8 Wall From 26.1 to 28 From 100'-0" to 135'-0" 3'-0" No Column Line AF Wall From 26.1 to 28 From 100'-0" to 135'-0" 2'-6" No Column Line AH.2 Wall From 26.1 to 28 From 100'-0" to 135'-0" 3'-0" No Floors Not Applicable 121'-6" 2'-0" No Floors Not Applicable 135'-0" Variable From 1'-6" to 3'-0" No DFOT Building Basemat Not Applicable 63'-0" 4'-0" No Column Line 26.1 Wall From AA.1 to AC.6 From 63'-0" to 100'-0" 2'-6" No Column Line 27 Wall From AA.1 to AC From 63'-0" to 97'-6" 2'-6" No Column Line 28 Wall From AA.1 to AC.6 From 63'-0" to 100'-0" 4'-0" No Column Line AA.1 Wall From 26.1 to 28 From 63'-0" to 97'-6" 4'-0" No Column Line AC.6 Wall From 26.1 to 28 From 63'-0" to 100'-0" 4'-0" No Floors Not Applicable 97'-6" 2'-0" No Floors Not Applicable 100'-0" 3'-0" No (1) Tolerance for the thickness of the walls and slabs is -1/4 inch and + 1 inch.

deleted 2.2-62 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (25/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Figure 2.2.2-1 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Block Section Replaced by next page 2.2-64 Rev. 2

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Figure 2.2.2-1 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Block Section

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (27/28)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Figure 2.2.2-2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Block Plan Replaced by next page 2.2-65 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 2 (28/28)

Figure 2.2.2-2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Block Plan

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (1/11)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 personnel air locks and an equipment hatch. Penetrations are provided for electrical and mechanical components and for the transport of nuclear fuel.

The containment internal structures consist of reinforced concrete and structural steels that support reactor vessel and reactor coolant system. The primary shield wall supports and laterally surrounds the reactor vessel. The secondary shield wall laterally surrounds the primary shield wall and is structurally connected to the primary shield wall by reinforced concrete slabs, beams, and walls. The secondary shield wall supports steam generators and pressurizer. The containment internal structures enclose a reactor cavity area below the reactor vessel which can be flooded during a postulated accident. An indirect gas vent path is provided between the reactor cavity and the free volume of the containment.

The reactor cavity has a corium debris chamber. And the reactor cavity floor is constructed with a fill concrete on steel liner plate. The reactor cavity floor area is free from obstructions to corium debris spreading.

The AB is a reinforced concrete structure which consists of the electrical and control area, the fuel handling area, the chemical and volume control system area, the main steam valve house, and the emergency diesel generator area. The AB laterally surrounds the RCB and is divided by divisional walls.

The NI structures are seismic Category I, and are designed and constructed to withstand the design basis loads associated with: , including the critical sections and design attributes listed in Table 2.2.1-4,

1. Normal plant operation (including dead loads, live loads, lateral earth pressure loads, hydrodynamic loads, and equipment loads, including the effects of temperature and equipment vibration)
2. External events (including rain, snow, wind, flood, tornado or hurricane, tornado or hurricane generated missiles, and earthquake)
3. Internal events (including flooding, pipe rupture, equipment failure, and equipment failure generated missile)

Seismic classification of the building is shown in Table 2.2.1-3.

1. The basic configuration of the NI structure is as shown in Figure 2.2.1-1 through Figure 2.2.1-13.

2.2-2 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (2/11)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 2.a The containment is designed and constructed to meet the requirements of ASME Section III, Div. 2.

2.b The containment penetrations are designed and constructed to meet ASME Section III.

2.c The containment and its penetrations retain their pressure boundary integrity associated with the design pressure.

2.d The containment and its penetrations maintain the containment leakage rate less than or equal to the maximum allowable leakage rate associated with the peak containment pressure for the design basis accident.

3. The NI structures are seismic Category I, and are designed and constructed to withstand the design basis loads.
4. The key dimensions of the NI structures are described in Table 2.2.1-1. Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria The inspections, tests, analyses, and associated acceptance criteria for nuclear island structures are specified in Table 2.2.1-2.

6. The critical sections and design attributes of the NI structures are described in Table 2.2.1-4.

2.2-3 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (3/11)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 critical section layout and Table 2.2.1-2 (2 of 2) elevations, including wall and slab thickness Design Commitment Inspections, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria

3. The NI structures are 3. A structural analysis will be 3. A report exists and seismic Category I, and are performed to reconcile the concludes that the NI designed and constructed to as-built NI structures with structures can withstand the withstand the structural the structural design basis design basis loads.

design basis loads. loads.

4. The key dimensions of the 4. Inspection will be performed 4. A report exists and NI structures are described to verify that the as-built concludes that the NI in Table 2.2.1-1 and Figures wall and slab thickness structure as-built wall and 2.2.1-1 through 2.2.1-13. conform with the structural slab thickness conform with configuration. the structural configuration as described in Table 2.2.1-1 and Figures 2.2.1-1 through 2.2.1-13.

Add item 6 in next page critical section layout , Table 2.2.1-4, and elevations, including wall and slab thickness 2.2-46 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (4/11)

6. The critical sections and 6. Inspection will be 6.i A reports exists and design attributes of the NI performed to verify that the concludes that the as-built structures are described in as-built NI structural NI structural design Table 2.2.1-4. design, including critical conform with the critical sections and design sections and design attributes are in accordance attributes as described in with codes and standards Table 2.2.1-4.

approved in the design 6.ii A report exists which certification. Deviations reconciles deviations during from the design due to as- construction and concludes built conditions will be that as-built NI structures, reconciled for the design including the critical basis loads. sections and design attributes, conform to the approved design in the design certification and will withstand the design basis loads.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (5/11)

Table 2.2.1-4 (1 of 4)

Critical Sections and Design Attributes Design Attributes Critical Sections R(1),(2),(3),(4),(5) (as appropriate) D/C

{Maximum} Ratio Demand/Capacity Containment Wall and Dome 0.80 (Inside Layers)

Meridional Direction 0.99 (Outside Layers)

Cylindrical Wall-Basemat Junction Area 0.60 (Inside Layers)

Hoop Direction 0.96 (Outside Layers)

Shear Reinforcement 0.79 0.73 (Inside Layers)

Meridional Direction 1.00 (Outside Layers)

Thickened Sections Around Large Penetrations 0.60 (Inside Layers)

(Equipment Hatch and Personnel Airlocks) Hoop Direction 0.96 (Outside Layers)

Shear Reinforcement 0.85 0.51 (Inside Layers)

Meridional Direction 0.88 (Outside Layers)

Polar Crane Brackets Area Level and Springline 0.80 (Inside Layers)

Hoop Direction 0.81 (Outside Layers)

Shear Reinforcement 0.79 0.09 (Inside Layers)

Meridional Direction 0.93 (Outside Layers)

Containment Dome 0.37 (Inside Layers)

Hoop Direction 0.94 (Outside Layers)

Shear Reinforcement N/A 0.87 (Inside Layers)

Meridional Direction 0.85 (Outside Layers)

Mid-Height of Wall 0.73 (Inside Layers)

Hoop Direction 0.93 (Outside Layers)

Shear Reinforcement 0.74 Liner Plate 1.00 Containment Liner Plate/Anchorage Liner Anchorage 0.33 Containment Internal Structures Meridional Direction 0.87 North wall of Primary Shield Wall Hoop Direction 0.80 Shear Reinforcement 0.92 Meridional Direction 0.75 East wall of Primary Shield Wall Hoop Direction 0.89 Shear Reinforcement 0.65 Add new Table

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (6/11)

Table 2.2.1-4 (2 of 4)

Design Attributes Critical Sections R(1),(2),(3),(4),(5) (as appropriate) D/C

{Maximum} Ratio Demand/Capacity Containment Internal Structures (cont.)

Meridional Direction 0.83 South wall of Primary Shield Wall Hoop Direction 0.79 Shear Reinforcement 0.19 Meridional Direction 0.86 Secondary Shield Wall Hoop Direction 0.92 Shear Reinforcement 0.72 Meridional Direction 0.88 Refueling Pool Wall (S/N & W Wall) Hoop Direction 0.89 Shear Reinforcement 0.91 Meridional Direction 0.78 Steam Generator Enclosure Wall (Circular & Straight Wall) Hoop Direction 0.9 Shear Reinforcement 0.85 Meridional Direction 0.82 Pressurizer Enclosure Wall Hoop Direction 0.76 Shear Reinforcement 0.91 Meridional Direction 0.94 Top Slab and Outer Wall in IRWST Hoop Direction 0.68 Radial Direction 0.85 (at SSW Area)

Operating Floor Slab at Elevation 156 ft 0 in Radial Direction 0.98 (at Central Area)

Tangential Direction 0.93 Nuclear Island (NI) Common Basemat Tendon Gallery Outside Area of RCB Basemat Flexural Rebar 0.91 (Section-01) Shear Reinforcement 0.84 Tendon Gallery Upper Area of RCB Basemat Flexural Rebar 0.81 (Section-02) Shear Reinforcement 0.73 Tendon Gallery Below Area of RCB Basemat Flexural Rebar 0.42 (Section-03) Shear Reinforcement 0.46 R = 63.25 to 70.5 at El. 45 to El. 78 of RCB Basemat Flexural Rebar 0.73 (Section-04) Shear Reinforcement 0.1 R = 42.5 to 63.25 exclude Design Sections -06, -07, -08 Flexural Rebar 0.99 (Section-05) Shear Reinforcement 0.53 Cavity Area at El. 55 to 66 of RCB Basemat Flexural Rebar 0.57 (Section-06) Shear Reinforcement 0.9 x = 22 to 39 and y = 0 to 18.75 at El. 55 to 76 Flexural Rebar 0.67 of RCB Basemat (Section-07) Shear Reinforcement 0.74 x,y = 0 to 42.5 exclude Design Sections -06, 07 Flexural Rebar 0.95 of RCB Basemat (Section-08) Shear Reinforcement 0.81 Add new Table

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (7/11)

Table 2.2.1-4 (3 of 4)

Design Attributes Critical Sections R(1),(2),(3),(4),(5) (as appropriate) D/C

{Maximum} Ratio Demand/Capacity Nuclear Island (NI) Common Basemat (cont.)

EW Direction 0.93 (Top Layer) of Each Element Set (15) 0.93 (Bottom Layer)

NI Basemat Below Auxiliary Building NS Direction 0.94 (Top Layer) of Each Element Set (15) 0.94 (Bottom Layer)

Shear Reinforcement 0.97 Auxiliary Building (AB)

Horizontal Direction 0.98 Nort+A59:C63h wall of north MSIV house of Each Zone (column line AK, column line 17 to 20), Vertical Direction 0.85 Elevation 55 ft. to 174 ft. of Each Zone Shear Reinforcement 0.74 Horizontal Direction 0.76 North wall of north AFWST of Each Zone (column line AJ, column line 15 to 22), Vertical Direction 0.71 Elevation 100 ft. to 137.5 ft. of Each Zone Shear Reinforcement N/A Horizontal Direction 0.91 West wall of MCR of Each Zone (column line AE to AG, column line 12), Vertical Direction 0.87 Elevation 55 ft. to 195 ft. of Each Zone Shear Reinforcement 0.71 Horizontal Direction 0.80 West wall of SFP of Each Zone (column line AF to AH, column line 23), Vertical Direction 0.77 Elevation 114 ft. to 156 ft. of Each Zone Shear Reinforcement 0.61 Horizontal Direction 0.81 East wall of FHA of Each Zone (column line AF to AK, column line 26), Vertical Direction 0.63 Elevation 156 ft. to 213 ft. 6 in of Each Zone Shear Reinforcement 0.20 0.54 (Top Layer)

EW Direction 0.59 (Bottom Layer)

Floor slab of EDG-1 room at Elevation 100 ft.

0.82 (Top Layer)

NS Direction 0.44 (Bottom Layer) 0.78 (Top Layer)

EW Direction 0.99 (Bottom Layer)

Floor slab of EDG-2 room at Elevation 100 ft.

0.78 (Top Layer)

NS Direction 0.78 (Bottom Layer)

Add new Table

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (8/11)

Table 2.2.1-4 (4 of 4)

Design Attributes Critical Sections R(1),(2),(3),(4),(5) (as appropriate) D/C

{Maximum} Ratio Demand/Capacity Auxiliary Building (AB) (cont.)

0.94 (Top Layer)

EW Direction 0.94 (Bottom Layer)

Bottom Slab of SFP at Elevation 114 ft.

1.00 (Top Layer)

NS Direction 1.00 (Bottom Layer) 0.75 (Top Layer)

EW Direction 0.46 (Bottom Layer)

Floor slab of MSE at Elevation 137 ft. 6 in 0.49 (Top Layer)

NS Direction 0.68 (Bottom Layer)

Emergency Diesel Generator Building (EDGB)

Horizontal Direction 0.75 West wall, Elevation 100 ft. to 135 ft.

Vertical Direction 0.86 Horizontal Direction 0.42 Center wall, Elevation 100 ft. to 135 ft.

Vertical Direction 0.91 (1) Provided Reinforecement vs Required Reinforcement (2) Allowable Stress vs Rebar Stress (3) Allowabe Stress vs Maximum Stress (4) Allowabe Stress vs Concrete Stress (5) For Liner/Anchorage: Allowable Stress vs Maximum Stress / Allowable Displacement vs Maximum Displacement Add new Table

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (9/11)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 2.2.2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Design Description The emergency diesel generator (EDG) building block is located adjacent to east side of the Nuclear Island with seismic isolation gap, and comprises two buildings, one that houses additional two generators and the other for the diesel fuel oil tank (DFOT). Both EDG and DFOT buildings are single-story structures which are composed of reinforced concrete basemat, shearwalls and slabs. The two basemats are horizontally separated by seismic isolation gap. , including the critical sections and design attributes listed in Table 2.2.1-4, The EDG building block is designed and constructed to withstand the structural design basis loads associated with:

1. Normal plant operation (including dead loads, live loads, lateral earth pressure loads, and equipment loads, including the effects of temperature and equipment vibration)
2. External events (including rain, snow, wind, flood, hurricane generated missiles, and earthquake)
3. Internal events (including flooding, pipe rupture, equipment failure, and equipment failure generated missile) a) The basic configuration of the EDG building block is as shown in Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2.

b) The EDG building block is designed and constructed to withstand the structural design basis loads.

c) The key dimensions of the EDG building block are described in Table 2.2.2-1. Inspection, Test, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria The inspections, tests, analyses, and associated acceptance criteria for the EDG building block are specified in Table 2.2.2-2.

5. The critical sections and design attributes of the EDG building block are described in Table 2.2.1-4.

2.2-61 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (10/11)

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.2.2-2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building Block (1) ITAAC Design Commitment Inspections, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria

1. The basic configuration of the 1. Inspection of the basic 1. The EDG building block EDG building block is as shown configuration of the as-built conforms with the basic in Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2. EDG building block will be configuration as shown in conducted. Figures 2.2.2-1 and 2.2.2-2.
2. The EDG building block is 2. A structural analysis will be 2. A report exists and concludes designed and constructed to performed to reconcile the as- that the EDG building block can withstand the structural design built EDG building block withstand the structural design basis loads. structure with the structural basis loads.

design basis loads.

3. The key dimensions of the EDG 3. Inspection will be performed to 3. A report exists and concludes building block are as described verify that the as-built wall and that the EDG building block as-in Table 2.2.2-1, Figure 2.2.2-1, slab thickness conform to the built wall and slab thickness and Figure 2.2.2-2. structural configuration. conform with the structural configuration as described in Table 2.2.2-1, Figure 2.2.2-1, and Figure 2.2.2-2.

(1) EDG building block includes EDG building and DFOT building.

Table 2.2.1-4, Add item 5 in next page critical section layout and elevations, critical section layout and including wall and slab elevations, including wall thickness and slab thickness 2.2-63 Rev. 2

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 3 (11/11)

5. The critical sections and 5. Inspection will be 5.i A reports exists and design attributes of the performed to verify that the concludes that the as-built EDG building block are as-built EDG Building EDG building block described in Table 2.2.1-4. block, including critical structural design conform sections and design with the critical sections attributes are in accordance and design attributes as with codes and standards described in Table 2.2.1-4.

approved in the design 5.ii A report exists which certification. Deviations reconciles deviations during from the design due to as- construction and concludes built conditions will be that as-built EDG building reconciled for the design block structures, including basis loads. the critical sections and design attributes, conform to the approved design in the design certification and will withstand the design basis loads.

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 4 (1/2) 2.2.10 Seismic Analysis Methods The seismic Category I safety-related structures of the APR1400 standard plant design are modeled as three-dimensional finite element models to perform seismic analyses for the safe shutdown earthquake. The structures for which seismic analyses are performed are as follows:

The time-history analyses with complex frequency response method considering the soilstructure interaction effects for the generic site conditions are performed to generate the seismic responses of above structures such as story shear forces and in-structure response spectra (ISRS). For structural design of the reactor containment building containment structure and internal structure, the response spectrum analyses with ISRS at the reactor containment building El. 78-0 are performed to determine design member forces and moments due to seismic loads. For structural design of the auxiliary building, emergency diesel generator building and diesel fuel oil storage tank room, the equivalent static analyses to story shear forces are performed to determine design member forces and moments due to seismic loads.

Table 2.2.10-1 shows the key locations where comparisons of ISRS are needed by a COL applicant if a site-specific seismic analysis evaluation is required. The key locations are locations that are expected to represent the minimum and maximum seismic responses in the structure and include the basemat and roof slab elevations and the support elevation of the major equipment.

Add Tier 1, Subsection 2.2.10

Non-Security-Related RAI 557-9199 - Question 03.08.05-20 Information Attachment 4 (2/2)

Table 2.2.10-1 ISRS Output Locations Structures Elevation Remarks Reactor Containment Building 78'-0" Basemat elevation Internal Structure for primary 100'-0" Support elevation of major shield wall and secondary shield 156'-0" equipment wall Operation floor elevation 191'-0" Top of internal structure Reactor Containment Building 104'-0" Ground floor elevation Containment Structure 160'-0" Operation floor elevation 332'-0" Top of dome Auxiliary Building 55'-0" Basemat elevation 100'-0" Ground floor elevation 156'-0" Main control room floor elevation 213'-0" Roof of auxiliary building (1) Roof 216'-9" of auxiliary building (2)

Emergency Diesel Generator 100'-0" Basemat elevation Building 135'-0" Roof slab elevation Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank 63'-0" Basemat elevation Room 100'-0" Roof slab elevation Add Tier 1, Subsection 2.2.10