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Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Amendment 27, Appendix C Table - Structural Qualification
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Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/2017
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML18018A778 List: ... further results
Download: ML18024A413 (67)


BFN-27 Table C.2-1 DEFORMATION LIMIT Either One of (Not Both) General Limit

a. Permissible Deformation, DP 0.9 Analyzed Deformation SFmin Causing Loss of Function, DL Permissible Deformation, DP 1.0
b. Experimental Deformation SFmin Causing Loss of Function, DE where DP = permissible deformation under stated conditions of normal, upset, emergency, or faulted DL = analyzed deformation which would cause a system loss of function(1)

DE = experimentally determined formation which would cause a system loss of function(1)

(1) "Loss of Function" can only be defined quite generally until attention is focused on the component of interest. In cases of interest, where deformation limits can affect the function of equipment and components, they will be specifically delineated. From a practical viewpoint, it is convenient to interchange some deformation condition at which function is assured with the loss of function condition if the required safety margins from the functioning condition can be achieved. Therefore, it is often unnecessary to determine the actual loss of function condition because this interchange procedure produces conservative and safe designs. Examples where deformation limits apply are: control rod drive alignment and clearances for proper insertion, core support deformation causing fuel disarrangement, or excess leakage of any component.

BFN-27 Sheet 1 Table C.2-2 PRIMARY STRESS LIMIT Any One of (No More than One Required) General Limit Elastic Evaluated Primary Stresses, PE 2.25

a. Permissible Primary Stresses, PN SFmin Permissible Load, LP 1.5
b. Largest Lower Bound Limit Load, CL SFmin Elastic Evaluated Primary Stress, PE 0.75
c. Conventional ultimate strength SFmin at Temperature, US Elastic Plastic Evaluated
d. Nominal Primary Stress, PE 0.9 Conventional ultimate strength SFmin at Temperature, US Permissible Load, LP 0.9
e. Plastic Instability Load, PL SFmin Permissible Load, LP 0.9
f. Ultimate Load From Fracture Analysis, UF SFmin
g. P erm issible L oad, LP 1.0 U ltim ate Load or Loss of F unction SFmin L oad from T est, LE

BFN-27 Sheet 2 Table C.2-2 (continued)

PRIMARY STRESS LIMIT where PE = Primary stresses evaluated on an elastic basis. The effective membrane stresses are to be averaged through the load carrying section of interest.

The simplest average bending, shear or torsion stress distribution which will support the external loading will be added to membrane stresses at the section of interest.

PN = Permissible primary stress levels under normal or upset conditions under applicable industry code.

LP = Permissible load under stated conditions of emergency or faulted.

CL = Lower bound limit load with yield point equal to 1.5 Sm, where Sm is the tabulated value of allowable stress at temperature of the ASME III code or its equivalent. The "lower bound limit load" is here defined as that produced from the analysis of an ideally plastic (nonstrain hardening) material where deformations increase with no further increase in applied load. The lower bound load is one in which the material everywhere satisfies equilibrium and nowhere exceeds the defined material yield strength using either a shear theory or a strain energy of distortion theory to relate multiaxial yielding to the uniaxial case.

US = Conventional ultimate strength at temperature or loading that would cause a system malfunction, whichever is more limiting.

EP = Elastic-plastic evaluated nominal primary stress. Strain hardening of the material may be used for the actual monotonic stress strain curve at the temperature of loading or any approximation to the actual stress strain curve which everywhere has a lower stress for the same strain as the actual monotonic curve may be used. Either the shear or strain energy of distortion flow rule may be used.

PL = Plastic instability load. The "plastic instability load" is defined here as the load at which any load bearing section begins to diminish its cross-sectional area at a faster rate than the strain hardening can accommodate the loss in area. This type analysis requires a true stress-true strain curve or a close approximation based on monotonic loading at the temperature of loading.

BFN-27 Sheet 3 Table C.2-2 (continued)

PRIMARY STRESS LIMIT UF = Ultimate load from fracture analyses. For components that involve sharp discontinuities (local theoretical stress concentration > 3) the use of a "fracture mechanics" analysis where applicable, utilizing measurements of plain strain fracture toughness may be applied to compute fracture loads. Correction for finite plastic zones and thickness effects as well as gross yielding may be necessary. The methods of linear elastic stress analysis may be used in the fracture analysis where its use is clearly conservative or supported by experimental evidence. Examples where "fracture mechanics" may be applied are for fillet welds or end of fatigue life crack propagation.

LE = Ultimate load or loss of function load as determined from experiment.

In using this method account shall be taken of the dimensional tolerances which may exist between the actual part and the tested part or parts as well as differences which may exist in the ultimate tensile strength of the actual part and the tested parts. The guide to be used in each of these areas is that the experimentally determined load shall use adjusted values to account for material properties and dimension variations, each of which has no greater probability than 0.1 of being exceeded in the actual part.

BFN-27 Table C.2-3 BUCKLING STABILITY LIMIT Any One of (no more than one required) General Limit Permissible Load, LP 2.25

a. Code Normal Event Permissible SFmin Load, PN Permissible Load, LP 0.9
b. Stability Analysis Load, SL SFmin Permissible Load, LP 1.0
c. Ultimate Buckling Collapse Load SFmin from Test, SE where:

LP = Permissible load under stated conditions of emergency or faulted.

PN = Applicable code normal event permissible load.

SL = Stability analysis load. The ideal buckling analysis is often sensitive to otherwise minor deviations from ideal geometry and boundary conditions. These effects shall be accounted for in the analysis of the buckling stability loads. Examples of this are ovality in externally pressurized shells or eccentricity of column members.

SE = Ultimate buckling collapse load as determined from experiment. In using this method, account shall be taken of the dimensional tolerances which may exist between the actual part and the tested part. The guide to be used in each of these areas is that the experimentally determined load shall be adjusted to account for material property and dimension variations, each of which has no greater probability than 0.1 of being exceeded in the actual part.

BFN-27 Table C.2-4 FATIGUE LIMIT General Limit Summation of mean fatigue(1) a. Fatigue cycle usage usage including emergency or from analysis 0.05 faulted events with design and operation loads following b. Fatigue cycle usage Miner hypotheses.... from test 0.33 either one (not both)

(1) Fatigue failure is defined here as a 25% area reduction for a load carrying member which is required to function or excess leakage causing loss of function, whichever is more limiting. In the fatigue evaluation, the methods of linear elastic stress analysis may be used when the 3Sm range limit of ASME Code,Section III has been met. If 3Sm is not met, account will be taken of (a) increases in local strain concentration, (b) strain ratcheting, and (c) redistribution of strain due to elastic-plastic effects. The January 1969 draft of the USAS B31.7 Piping Code may be used where applicable, or detailed elastic-plastic methods may be used. With elastic-plastic methods, strain hardening may be used not to exceed in stress for the same strain the steady-state cyclic strain hardening measured in a smooth low cycle fatigue specimen at the average temperature of interest.

BFN-27 Sheet 1 of 8 TABLE C.3-1A LOAD COMBINATIONS AND ALLOWABLE STRESS CRITERIA FOR CLASS I PIPING AND TUBING (PIPING OTHER THAN RRS, MS, FW AND CRDH SYSTEMS)9 Plant Conditions Moment Constituents2 NC-36521 Concurrent Loads From Load Sources Equations and Stress Limits Eq. No.

Design and Normal Design Pressure + Sustained MA = M(DW)10 (8) 2 P Di 0.75iM A Upset 2 2

+ Sh Do Di Z Max (Peak) Pressure + MBU = M(E1,VT,WH)3,6 Sustained + OBE + Fluid (9U)

Transient Pm Di2 0.75i (M A + M BU )

2 2

+ 12

. Sh Do Di Z Emergency Max (Peak) Pressure + MBE = M(E2,VT,WH,JI)5,6,8,11 Sustained + Fluid Transient 0.75i (9E)

Pm Di2 (M A + MBE )

+ (DBE or Jet Impingement) + 18

. Sh Do 2 Di2 Z

BFN-27 Sheet 2 of 8 TABLE C.3-1A LOAD COMBINATIONS AND ALLOWABLE STRESS CRITERIA FOR CLASS I PIPING AND TUBING (PIPING OTHER THAN RRS, MS, FW AND CRDH SYSTEMS)9 Plant Conditions Moment Constituents2 NC-36521 Concurrent Loads From Load Sources Equations and Stress Limits Eq. No.

Faulted (Max (Peak) Pressure + MBF = M(E2,VT,WH,JI)6,8 (9F)

Sustained + DBE + Fluid Transient + Jet Impingement)

Pm D i 2 0.75i (M A + MBF )

Normal and Upset (Secondary) 2 2

+ 2.4 S h Do Di Z Thermal Expansion + MC = M(Ti,SD,S1)3,4,7 (10)

Thermal Anchor Movement +

Seismic Anchor Movement iM c SA OR Z Design Pressure + Sustained + (11)

Thermal Expansion + Thermal Anchor Movement + Seismic Anchor Movement P Di 2 0.75iM A iMC Differential Settlement 2 2

+ + S A + Sh Do Di Z Z Differential Settlement MD = M(BS) iMD 3S C Z


MAIN STEAM (MS) AND FEEDWATER (FW) SYSTEMS9 Plant Conditions Moment Constituents2 NC-36521 Concurrent Loads From Load Sources Equations and Stress Limits Eq. No.

Design and Normal (Primary)

Design Pressure + MA = M(DW)10 P Di 2 0.75iMA (8)

Sustained + Sh Do 2 Di 2 Z Upset (Primary)

Design Pressure + MBU = M(E1,VT,WH)3,6 (9U)

Sustained + Occasional P Di2 0.75i (M A + MBU )

+ 12

. Sh Do 2 Di2 Z Normal (Primary + Secondary)

Design Pressure + M'C = M(Ti,SD) (11)

Sustained + Thermal P Di 2 0.75i M A + iM' C Expansion + Thermal Anchor Movement + S A + Sh Do 2 Di 2 Z


MAIN STEAM (MS) AND FEEDWATER (FW) SYSTEMS9 Plant Conditions Moment Constituents2 NC-36521 Concurrent Loads From Load Sources Equations and Stress Limits Eq. No.

Upset (Primary + Secondary)

Design Pressure + MC = M(Ti,SD,S1)3,4,7 (9U+10)

Sustained + Thermal 2 PD i 0.75i (M A + MBU ) + iM C Expansion & Thermal Anchor + 12. (Sh + S A )

Movement + OBE + SAM Do 2 Di2 Z Emergency (Primary)

Design Pressure + MBE = M(E2,VT,WH,JI)5,6,8,11 (9E)

Sustained + Fluid Transient PD i 2 0.75i (M A + MBE )

+ 18

. Sh

+ (DBE or Jet Impingement) Do 2 Di2 Z 8

Max. (Peak) Pressure + MBE' = M(E1,VT,WH)6, (9E)

Sustained + OBE + Fluid Pm D i 2 0.75i (M A + MBE ')


+ 15

. Sh Do 2 Di2 Z Max. (Peak) Pressure +

Sustained + Fluid Transient (9E)

+ (DBE or Jet Impingement) Pm D i 2 0.75i (M A + MBE )

+ 2.0 S h Do 2 Di2 Z Faulted Primary Max (Peak) Pressure + MBF = M(VT,E2,WH,JI)6,8 Pm D i 2 0.75i (M A + MBF ) (9F)

Sustained + Fluid Transient 2 2

+ 2.4 S h Do Di Z

+ DBE + Jet Impingement

BFN-27 Sheet 5 of 8 TABLE C.3-1C LOAD COMBINATIONS AND ALLOWABLE STRESS CRITERIA FOR CONTROL ROD DRIVE HYDRAULIC PIPING Plant Conditions Moment Constituents2 NC-36521 Concurrent Loads From Load Sources Equations and Stress Limits Eq. No.

Design and Normal (Primary)

Design Pressure + MA = M(DW)10 Sustained PD i 2 0.75i MA (8) 2 2

+ Sh Do Di Z Upset (Primary)

Max Operating Pressure + MBU = M(E1,VT,WH)3,6 (9U)

Sustained + Occasional (9U) 2 PnDi 0.75i(MA + MBU )

2 2

+ 1.2Sh Upset (Primary + Secondary) D o Di Z Max Operating Pressure + MC1 = M(Ti,SD,S1)3,7 OR Sustained + Normal Scram iMc1 (10)

Thermal Expansion and Anchor SA Z

Movement + SAM (OBE)

Pn D i 2 0.75i M A + iMC1 (11) 2 2

+ S A + Sh Do Di Z

BFN-27 Sheet 6 of 8 TABLE C.3-1C LOAD COMBINATIONS AND ALLOWABLE STRESS CRITERIA FOR CONTROL ROD DRIVE HYDRAULIC PIPING Plant Conditions Moment Constituents2 NC-36521 Concurrent Loads From Load Sources Equations and Stress Limits Eq. No.

Max Operating Pressure + MC2 = M(Ti,SD)7 Sustained + Abnormal Scram iM C 2 OR (10)

SA Thermal Expansion and Anchor Z Movement Pn D i 2 0.75i MA + iMC 2 2 2

+ S A + Sh (11)

Do Di Z Emergency (Primary)

Max Operating Pressure + MDE = M(E2,VT,WH,JI)6,8,11 Sustained + Fluid Transient (9E)

+ (SSE or Jet Impingement)5 Pn D i 2 0.75i (M A + MDE )

+ 18. Sh Do 2 Di2 Z Faulted (Primary)

Max Operating Pressure + MDF = M(E2,VT,WH,JI)6,8 Sustained + Fluid Transient (9F)

+ SSE + Jet Impingement Pn D i 2 0.75i (M A + MDF )

+ 2.4S h Do 2 Di2 Z

BFN-27 Sheet 7 of 8 TABLE C.3-1A, 1B, 1C (Cont'd)

Nomenclature P = Design Pressure, psi.

Pm = Max (Peak) Pressure, psi.

Pn = Maximum operational or scram pressure for the Hydraulic System Pump Pressure for CRDH System only.

Do = Outside Pipe Diameter, in.

Di = Nominal Inside Pipe Diameter, in.

i = Stress Intensification Factor from B31.1.0 - 1967.

Sh = Basic material allowable stress at maximum operating temperature.

Sc = Basic Material Allowable Stress at Ambient Temperature.

SA = Allowable expansion stress defined in B31.1.0 - 1967.

U,E,F = Added Suffixes for differentiation between Upset, Emergency, and Faulted.

Z = Pipe section modulus (in3).

DW = Deadweight.

E1 = Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) Inertia Effect.

E2 = Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) Inertia Effect.

WH = Steam/Water Hammer.

Ti = Thermal mode i (i = mode number).

SD = Thermal Anchor Movements.

S1 = OBE Seismic Anchor Movements.

BS = Differential movement between the soil and building structure for buried piping or relative differential building settlement for piping attached to two buildings.

VT = Valve Thrust (Main Steam Relief Valve Actuation).

JI = Jet Impingement.

BFN-27 Sheet 8 of 8 TABLE C.3-1A, 1B, 1C (Cont'd)


1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, 1971 edition, through Summer 1973 Addenda and Code Case 1606-1. Material allowables and SIFs from USAS B31.1.0 -


2. The sequence of events, consistent with the system operational requirements, is considered in establishing which load sources are taken as acting concurrently.
3. Seismic anchor movements are included in the evaluation of either equation (9) or equation (10), but need not be included in both.
4. All secondary load sources resulting from plant normal or upset conditions are identified and evaluated for the limiting operating modes of the system. The effects of these load sources are used in evaluating equipment loading, support loading, and type.
5. The largest loads from either DBE or Jet Impingement are used. Jet impingement loading requirements for piping inside and outside of containment are described in Appendix M.
6. If more than one dynamic load source is involved, such as earthquake, valve thrust, and water hammer, the SRSS method will be used to combine resultant moments from individual load sources. In the event that the dynamic load sources are determined to act nonconcurrently, then they can be considered independently.
7. For Mc, the effects of Ti and corresponding SD are combined algebraically first, and then combined absolutely with S1.
8. Only inertia term of earthquake effect to be considered.
9. Exceptions from the requirements in Table C.3-1A, -1B, and -1C may be allowed with proper justification and NRC concurrence.
10. Additional stresses caused by hydrostatic testing weight are evaluated when applicable.
11. Fire events are evaluated as separate emergency loading conditions. No dynamic loads are postulated to occur simultaneously with these events. Piping is evaluated for pressure plus deadweight effects of the events.

BFN-27 TABLE C.3-2 Sheet 1 of 5 LOAD COMBINATIONS AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR CLASS I PIPE AND TUBING SUPPORTS Support Category Load Condition Direction Design Load Allowable3 Combinations1,2,9 Stresses Linear Type Normal + DW + Ti+ 1.0S AISC Support -

- DW + Ti Hydrotest DW 1.0S AISC Upset + DW + Ti+ + SRSS[VT+, WH+, 1.33S AISC4 E1, S1]

- DW + Ti- - SRSS [VT-, WH-,

-E1, -S1]

Emergency + DW + Ti+ + SRSS [VT+, WH+, 1.5S AISC4 E2, S2]

or DW + Ti+ + SRSS [VT+, WH+]

+ PR+

or DW + Ti+ (fire event)

- DW + Ti- - SRSS [VT-, WH-,

-E2, -S2]

or DW + Ti- - SRSS [VT-, WH-] +

PR-or DW + Ti- (fire event)

Faulted + DW + Ti+ + SRSS [VT+, WH+, 1.5S AISC4 E2, S2] + PR+

- DW + Ti- - SRSS [VT-, WH-,

-E2, -S2] +PR-

BFN-27 TABLE C.3-2 (CONTINUED) Sheet 2 of 5 Support Category Load Condition Direction Design Load Allowable3 Combinations1,2,9 Stresses Snubbers Hydraulic Upset +/- Same as Linear VLR Emergency +/- Same as Linear 1.2 VLR Faulted +/- Same as Linear 1.2 VLR Mechanical Pre-NF Upset +/- Same as Linear VLR Emergency +/- Same as Linear The lesser of 1.33 VLR or LCD Level 'C' Faulted +/- Same as Linear The lesser of 1.33 VLR or LCD Level 'C' Post-NF Upset +/- Same as Linear LCD Level 'B' Emergency +/- Same as Linear LCD Level 'C' Faulted +/- Same as Linear LCD Level 'C'

BFN-27 TABLE C.3-2 (CONTINUED) Sheet 3 of 5 Support Category Load Condition Direction Design Load Allowable Combinations1,2,9 Stresses3,5,6 Standard Support Normal +/- Same as Linear S58 Components Hydrotest Same as Linear 2.0S588 Upset +/- Same as Linear 1.2S58 Emergency +/- Same as Linear (See Note 7)

Faulted +/- Same as Linear (See Note 7)

BFN-27 TABLE C.3-2 (CONTINUED) Sheet 4 of 5 Notes:

1. Signs for Load Evaluation DW - Carries the actual analysis signs.

Ti - Thermal load shall be evaluated for both hot and cold conditions.

2. Design value for (+) direction is the larger of zero and the value calculated; (-) direction is the smaller of zero and the value calculated.
3. S AISC = The basic allowable stresses defined in Part I of the AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, November 1978. (Excluding the 1.33 factor).

S58 = The basic allowable load as defined by the vendor in accordance with MSS SP-58, 1967 edition, Pipe Hangers and Supports.

Fy = The minimum yield stress of support member at elevated sustained temperature (i.e., normal operating temperature exceeds 150°F).

VLR = The basic load rating supplied by the vendor.

LCD = Load capacity data sheet as levels supplied by the vendor.

4. Linear Allowables shall not exceed 0.9Fy for tension or 0.9Fy/3 = 0.52Fy for shear.
5. Load rated allowables established according to ASME section III subsection NF are acceptable using the appropriate load level.
6. Linear support allowables may be used for detailed analysis of standard support components.

BFN-27 TABLE C.3-2 (CONTINUED) Sheet 5 of 5 Notes:

7. Allowable stress shall not exceed the lesser of 2.0558 or the linear support allowance. However, the lesser shall not exceed available LCD Level 'D' limits.
8. Maximum allowable stress for hydrotest condition shall not exceed 0.8Fy.
9. SRSS combinations shall be consistent with the provisions of Section C.3.1.2.


Stabilizer Bracket and Adjacent Shell Primary Stress Limit - ASME Boiler Normal and upset condition loads Membrane and bending 40,000 and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III 1. Operating Basis Earthquake defines primary membrane plus 2. Design pressure primary bending stress intensity limit for SA 302 - Gr. B Emergency condition loads Membrane and bending 60,000

1. Design Basis Earthquake For normal and upset condition 2. Design pressure Stress limit = 1.5 X 26,700 = 40,000 psi Faulted condition loads Membrane and bending 80,000 For emergency condition 1. Design Basis Earthquake Stress limit = 1.5 X 40,000 = 60,000 psi 2. Jet reaction forces
3. Design pressure For faulted condition Stress limit = 2.0 X 40,000 = 80,000 psi Vessel Support Skirt Primary Stress Limit - ASME Boiler Normal and upset condition loads General membrane 26,700 and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III 1. Dead weight defines stress limit for SA 302 2. Operating Basis Earthquake Gr. B Emergency condition loads General membrane 40,000 For normal and upset condition 1. Dead weight SM = 26,700 psi 2. Design Basis Earthquake For emergency condition Faulted condition loads General membrane 53,400 Slimit = 1.5 SM = 1.5 X 26,700 = 1. Dead weight 40,000 psi 2. Design Basis Earthquake
3. Jet reaction forces For faulted condition Slimit = 2.0 SM = 20 X 26,700 = 53,400 psi

BFN-27 Sheet 2 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


Shroud leg Support Primary Stress Limit - ASME Boiler Normal and upset condition loads Tensile 23,300 and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III 1. Operating Basis Earthquake defines allowable primary membrane 2. Pressure drop across shroud stress SB-168 material. (normal)

3. Subtract dead weight
1. Tensile Loads For normal and upset condition Emergency condition loads Tensile 35,000 SM = 23,300 psi 1. Design Basis Earthquake
2. Pressure drop across shroud For emergency condition (normal)

Slimit = 1.5 SM 3. Subtract dead weight

= 1.5 X 23,300 = 35,000 psi Faulted condition loads Tensile 46,600 For faulted condition 1. Design Basis Earthquake Slimit = 2.0 SM 2. Pressure drop across shroud

= 2.0 X 23,300 = 46,600 psi during faulted condition

3. Subtract dead weight
2. Compressive Loads For normal and upset condition Normal and upset condition loads Compressive 14,000 SA = 0.4 Sy 1. Operating Basis Earthquake

= 0.4 X 35,000 = 14,000 psi 2. Zero pressure drop across shroud For emergency condition 3. Dead weight Slimit = 0.6 Sy

= 0.6 X 35,000 = 21,000 psi Emergency condition loads Compressive 21,000

1. Design Basis Earthquake For faulted condition 2. Subtract operating pressure Slimit = 0.8 Sy drop across shroud

= 0.8 X 35,000 = 28,000 psi 3. Dead weight Faulted condition loads Compressive 28,000

1. Design Basis Earthquake
2. Zero pressure drop across shroud
3. Dead weight

BFN-27 Sheet 3 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


Top Guide Longest Beam Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Normal and upset condition loads* General membrane plus 25,388 primary membrane stress plus bending 1. Operating Basis Earthquake bending stress is based on ASME Boiler and 2. Weight of structure Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III for Type 304 stainless steel plate.

For normal and upset condition Emergency condition loads* General membrane plus 38,081 Stress Intensity 1. Design Basis Earthquake bending SA = 1.5 Sm = 1.5 X 16.925 = 25,388 psi 2. Weight of structure For emergency condition Slimit = 1.5 SA = 1.5 X 25,388

= 38,081 psi Faulted condition loads* General membrane plus 50,775 (Same as emergency condition) bending For faulted condition Slimit = 2SA = 2 X 25,388 = 50,775 psi Top Guide Beam End Connections Primary Stress Limit - ASME Boiler Normal and upset condition loads* Pure shear 10,155 and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III 1. Operating Basis Earthquake defines material stress limit for 2. Weight of structure Type 304 stainless steel For normal and upset condition Stress Intensity Emergency condition loads* Pure shear 15,232 SA = 06 Sm = 0.6 X 16,925 = 10,155 psi 1. Design Basis Earthquake

2. Weight of structure For emergency condition Slimit = 1.5 SA

= 1.5 X 10,155 = 15,232 psi Faulted condition loads* Pure shear 20,310 (Same as emergency condition)

For faulted condition Slimit = 2SA = 2 X 10,155 = 20,310 psi

  • Note: Normal, upset, and accident top guide hydraulic loads are upward. These are not included in the stress analysis since they counteract the effect of the structure weight.

BFN-27 Sheet 4 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


Core support (pre-uprate)

Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Normal and Upset condition loads General membrane plus 25,388 primary membrane stress plus bending 1. Normal operation pressure drop bending stress is based on ASME Boiler and 2. Operating Basis Earthquake Pressure Vessel code, Sect. III for Type 304 stainless steel plate Emergency condition loads General membrane plus 38,081

1. Normal operation pressure drop bending For allowable stress see top guide 2. Design Basis Earthquake longest beam above Faulted condition loads General membrane plus 50,275
1. Pressure drop after recircu- bending lation line rupture
2. Design Basis Earthquake Core support (uprate)* Allowable pressure For power uprate the allowable differential differential (psid) loading is based on the ratio of applied pressure to buckling pressure.

For normal and upset: Normal and Upset condition loads Buckling 28.0 allowable ratio = 0.40 1. Normal operation pressure drop

2. Operating Basis Earthquake For emergency: Emergency condition loads Buckling 42.0 allowable ratio = 0.60 1. Normal operation pressure drop
2. Design Basis Earthquake For faulted: Faulted condition loads Buckling 56.0 allowable ratio = 0.80 1. Pressure drop after main steam line rupture.
2. Design Basis Earthquake Allowable Stress (psi)

Core Support Aligners Primary Stress Limit - ASME Boiler Normal and upset condition load Pure shear 10,155 and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III 1. Operating Basis Earthquake defines material stress limit for Type 304 stainless steel Emergency condition load Pure shear 15,232

1. Design Basis Earthquake For allowable shear stresses, see top guide beam end connections Faulted condition load Pure shear 20,310 above 1. Design Basis Earthquake
  • The component did not change as a result of increasing power but represents the parameters that were reevaluated as part of the power uprate analysis.

BFN-27 Sheet 5 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


Fuel Channels Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Normal and Upset condition loads Membrane and bending 28,230 Sm for Zircaloy determined according 1. Operating Basis Earthquake to methods recommended by ASME 2. Normal pressure load Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect. III. Allowable moment Emergency condition loads Membrane and bending 42,350 determined by calculating limit 1. Design Basis Earthquake moment using Table C.2-2 2. Normal pressure load equation (b), then applying SFmin for applicable loading conditions. Faulted condition loads Membrane and bending 56,500

1. Design Basis Earthquake
2. Loss-of-coolant accident (Sm = 9,270 psi, 1.5 Sm = 13,900 psi) pressure Emergency limit load = 1.5 X Normal limit load calculated using 1.5 Sm = yield

BFN-27 Sheet 6 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


RPV Stabilizer Primary Stress Limit - AISC specification Upset condition Rod 130,000 for the construction, fabrication 1. Spring preload Bracket 22,000 and erection of structural steel for 2. Operating Basis Earthquake 14,000 buildings Emergency condition Bracket 33,000 For normal and upset conditions 1. Spring preload 21,000 AISC allowable stresses, but without 2. Design Basis Earthquake the usual increase for earthquake loads Faulted condition Bracket 36,000 For emergency conditions 1. Spring preload 21,500 1.5 X AISC allowable stresses 2. Design Basis Earthquake

3. Jet reaction load For faulted conditions Material yield strength RPV Support (Ring Girder)

Primary Stress Limit - AISC specification Normal and upset condition Top flange 27,000 for the design, fabrication and erection 1. Dead loads of structural steel for buildings 2. Operating Basis Earthquake Bottom Flange 27,000

3. Loads due to scram Vessel to girder bolts 60,000 For normal and upset conditions 22,500 AISC allowable stresses, but without the usual increase for earthquake loads For faulted conditions Faulted condition Top flange 45,000 1.67 X AISC allowable stresses for 1. Dead loads Bottom flange 45,000 structural steel members 2. Design Basis Earthquake Vessel to girder bolts 125,000 Yield strength for high strength 3. Jet reaction load 75,000 bolts (vessel to ring girder)

BFN-27 Sheet 7 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


CRD Housing Support "Shootout Steel" Primary Stress Limit - AISC specification Faulted Condition loads Beams (top cord) 33,000 for the design, fabrication 1. Dead weight 33,000 and erection of structural steel 2. Impact force from failure Beams (bottom cord) 33,000 for buildings of a CRD housing 33,000 For normal and upset condition (Dead weights and earthquake Grid structure 41,500 Fa = 0.60 Fy (tension) loads are very small as 27,500 Fb = 0.60 Fy (bending) compared to jet force.)

Fv = 0.40 Fy (shear)

For faulted conditions Fa limit = 1.5 Fa (tension)

Fb limit = 1.5 Fb (bending)

Fv limit = 1.5 Fb (shear)

Fy = Material yield strength Recirculating Pipe and Pump Pipe Rupture Restraints Primary Stress Limit - Structural Faulted condition loads Brackets on 28 in. pipe 33,000 Steel: AISC specification for the 1. Jet force from a complete design, fabrication and erection circumferential failure Cable on pump restraints 99,000 of structural steel for buildings. (break) of recirculation line For normal or upset conditions Fa = 0.60 Fy (tension)

For faulted conditions Fa limit = 1.5 Fa (tension)

Fy = yield strength Cable (wire rope)

For faulted conditions Fa = 0.80 Fu (tension)

Fu = ultimate strength

BFN-27 Sheet 8 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


Control Rod Drive Housing Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Normal and upset condition loads Maximum membrane 16,925 primary membrane stress is based on 1. Design pressure stress intensity occurs the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 2. Stuck rod scram loads at the tube to tube Code Sect. III, for Class A vessels 3. Operating Basis Earthquake weld near the center of for Type 304 stainless steel the housing for normal upset and emergency For normal and upset condition conditions o

Sm = 16,925 psi at 575 F For emergency conditions Emergency condition loads 25,100 Slimit = 1.5 Sm = 1.5 X 16,925=25,400 psi 1. Design pressure

2. Stuck rod scram loads
3. Design Basis Earthquake Control Rod Drive Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Normal and upset condition loads Maximum stress intensity 26,060 primary membrane stress plus Maximum hydraulic pressure occurs at a point on the bending stress is based on ASME from the control rod drive Y-Y axis of the indicator Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Supply pump. tube Sect. III for SA-212 TP 316 NOTE - Accident conditions tubing do not increase this loading Earthquake loads are negligible For normal and upset condition SA = 1.5 Sm = 1.5 X 17.375 = 26,060 psi

BFN-27 Sheet 9 Table C.4-1 (Continued)


Control Rod Guide Tube (pre-uprate)

Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Faulted condition loads The maximum bending 25,400 primary membrane stress plus 1. Dead weight stress under faulted bending stress is based on the ASME 2. Pressure drop across guide loading conditions Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code tube due to failure of occurs at the center of Sect III for Type 304 stainless steam line the guide tube steel tubing 3. Design Basis Earthquake For normal and upset conditions Sm = 16,925 psi For faulted condition Slimit = 1.5 Sm = 1.5 X 16,925 - 25,400 Control Rod Guide Tube (uprate)* Allowable loads (lbs) Pressure differential (psi)


The allowable loading is based on Faulted condition loads The maximum loading 35,200 84 the ratio of applied load to bucklling 1. Dead weight conditions occur at the load 2. Pressure drop across guide center of the guide tube tube due to failure of length For normal and upset: steam line allowable ratio = 0.40 3. Design Basis Earthquake For faulted:

allowable ratio = 0.80 Incore Housing Allowable Stress (psi)

Primary Stress Limit - The allowable Emergency condition loads Maximum membrane 25,400 primary membrane stress is based on 1. Design pressure stress intensity occurs ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 2. Design Basis Earthquake at the outer surface of Code, Sect. III, for Class A vessels the vessel penetration for Type 304 stainless steel For normal and upset conditions o

Sm = 16,925 psi at 575 F For emergency condition (N + AM)

Slimit = 1.5 Sm = 1.5 X 16,925 = 25,400 psi

  • The component did not change as a result of increasing power but represents the parameters that were reevaluated as part of the power uprate analysis.


1. Body Minimum Wall Thickness Minimum wall thicknesses in the cylindrical Body wall thickness portions of the valve shall be calculated Loads: using the following formula: t = 1.83 in. at 23-in. diameter Design pressure and temperature Pd t = 15 . + C Primary Membrane Stress Limit: 2S 12

. P S = 7,000 lb/in.2 per ASA B16.5 where:

S = allowable stress of 7000 psi P = primary service pressure, 655 psi d = Inside diameter of valve at section being considered, in.

C = corrosion allowance of 0.12 in.

2. Cover Minimum Thickness 1/ 2 Valve cover thickness CP 178

. WhG t = d + + C1 S Sd 3 Loads: where: t = 4.888 in.

t = minimum thickness, inches Design pressure and temperature d = diameter or short span, in.

Design bolting load C = attachment factor Gasket load S = allowable stress, psi W = total, bolt load, lb hG = gasket moment arm, in.

Ci = corrosion allowance, in.

Primary Stress Limit:

Allowable working stress per ASME Section VIII

BFN-27 Sheet 2 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Allowable Stress or Criteria Method of Analysis Actual Dimension

3. Cover Flange Bolt Area Loads: Total, bolting loads and stresses shall be Flange Bolt Stress calculated in accordance with "Rules for 2

Loads: Bolted Flange Connections" - ASME Boiler S = 30,900 lb/in.

and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, at 575°F Design pressure and temperature Appendix II, except that the stem operational Gasket load load and seismic loads shall be included in Stem operational load the total load carried by bolts. The Seismic load-Design Basis Earthquake horizontal and vertical seismic forces shall be applied at the mass center of the valve Bolting Stress Limit: operator assuming that the valve body is rigid and anchored.

Allowable working stress per ASME Nuclear Pump & Valve Code, Class I

4. Body Flange Thickness and Stress Flange thickness and stress shall be calcu- Body Flange Stress lated in accordance with "Rules for Bolted Loads: Flange Connections" = ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Appendix II, except 2

Design pressure and temperature that the stem operational load and seismic SH = 26,700 lb/in.

2 Gasket load loads shall be included in the total load SR = 26,700 lb/in.

2 Stem operational load carried by the flange. The horizontal and ST = 26,700 lb/in.

Seismic load - Design Basis vertical seismic forces shall be applied at Earthquake the mass center of the valve operator assum-ing that the valve body is rigid and anchored.

Flange Stress Limits:

S H, S R, S T 1.5 Sm per ASME Nuclear Pump and Valve Code, Class I.

BFN-27 Sheet 3 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

5. Valve Disc Thickness 3( 3 + v)PR2 Sr = St =

8t 2 2

Loads: where: S = 17,800 lb/in Sr = radial stress, psi Design pressure and temperature St = tangential stress Primary bending stress limit: v = Poisson's ratio P = design pressure, psi Allowable working stress per R = radius of disc, inches ASME Section VIII t = thickness of disc, inches

6. Valve Operator Supports The valve assembly shall be analyzed assuming that the rigid mass and that the valve body Loads: is an anchored, rigid mass and that the specified vertical and horizontal seismic 2

Design pressure and temperature forces are applied at the mass center of the S = 18,000 lb/in Stem operational load operator assembly, simultaneously with Equipment dead weight operating pressure plus dead weight plus Seismic load-Design Basis operational loads. Using these loads, stresses and deflections shall be determined Support Rod Stress Limit: for the operator support components.

Allowable working stress per ASME ASME Section VIII

BFN-27 Sheet 4 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Main Steam Safety Valves Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Dimension Required

1. Inlet Nozzle Wall Thickness Loads: PR t = 0.183 in.


twhere: + C SE 0.6P 1.1 X Design pressure at 600°F T = min. required thickness, in.

S = allowable stress, lb/in.2 Primary Membrane Stress Limit: P = 1.1 X design pressure, lb/in.2 R = internal radius, in.

Allowable stress intensity as defined E = joint efficiency by ASME Standard Code for Pumps and C = corrosion allowable, in.

Valves for Nuclear Power

2. Valve Disc Thickness Loads: where: W PA1 Ss= 20,190 lb/in.2 Ss = =

1.1 X Design pressure at 600°F A W = shear load, lbA A = shear area, in.2 Diagonal Shear Stress Limit: P = 1.1 X design pressure, lb/in.2 A1 = disc area, in.2 0.6 x allowable stress intensity and:

as defined by ASME Standard Code A = S (R + R1) for Pumps and Valves for Nuclear S = slope of frustrum of shear cone, in.

Power R1 = radius at base of cone, in.

R = radius at top of cone, in.

3. Inlet Flange Bolt Area Total bolting loads and stresses shall be calculated in accordance with procedures of Loads: Para. 1-704.5.1 Flanged Joints, of B31.7 Sb = 27,700 lb/in.2 Nuclear Piping Code.

Design pressure and temperature Gasket load Operational load Design Basis Earthquake Bolting Stress Limit:

Allowable stress intensity, Sm, as defined by ASME Standard Code for Pumps and Valves for Nuclear Power

BFN-27 Sheet 5 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress 2

4. Inlet Flange Thickness Flange thickness and stresses shall be SH= 27,300 lb/in.

2 calculated in accordance with procedures of SR= 27,300 lb/in.

2 Loads: Para. 1-704.5.1 Flanged Joints, of B31.7 ST= 27,300 lb/in.

Nuclear Piping Code.

Design pressure and temperature Gasket load Operational load Seismic load-Design Basis Earthquake Flange Stress Limits:

S H, S R, S T 1.5 Sm per ASME Nuclear Pump and Valve Code 8PD 4C 1 0615

. Set Point

5. Valve Spring-Torsional Stress Smax = +

d 3 4C 4 C 2

S = 82,500 lb/in Loads: where:

2 Smax = torsional stress, lb/in Maximum Lift W1 = Set point load P = W1 or W2 = spring load, 2

W2 = Spring load at maximum D = means diameter of coil, in. S = 112,500 lb/in.

lift, lb d = diameter of wire, in.

C = D = correction factor d

Torsional Stress Limit 0.67 X torsional elastic limit when subjected to a load of W1.

0.90 X torsional elastic limit when subjected to a load of W2.

BFN-27 Sheet 6 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Dimension Required

6. Yoke Rod Area F A =

Loads: 2Sm where:

2 2 Spring load at maximum lift A = required area per rod, in A = 0.852 in.

F = total spring load, lb 2

Primary Stress Limit: Sm = allowable stress, lb/in.

Allowable stress intensity, Sm, as defined by ASME Standard Code for Pumps and Valves for Nuclear Power.


7. Yoke Bending and Shear Stresses M V Sb = 18,200 lb/in.

Sb = , Ss =

Z A 2

Loads: where: Ss = 10,900 lb/in.

2 Spring load at maximum lift Sb = bending stress, lb/in.

2 Ss = shear stress, lb/in.

Bending and Shear Stress Limits: M = bending moment, in.-lb 3

Z = section modulus, in.

Bending-allowable stress intensity, V = vertical shear, lb 2

Sm, per ASME Nuclear Pump and Valve A = shear area, in.

Code Shear - 0.6 X allowable stress intensity, 0.6 Sm, per ASME Nuclear Pump and Valve Code.

8. Body Minimum Wall Thickness Pd t = 15 . + C Loads: where: 2S 1.2P Body Bowl t = required thickness, in 2 t = 0.3312 in Primary service pressure S = allowable stress, 7,000 lb/in. 2 P = primary service pressure, 150 lb/in Inlet Nozzle Primary Stress Limit: d = inside diameter of valve at t = 0.231 in.

2 section being considered, in.

Allowable stress, 7,000 lb/in , Outlet Nozzle in accordance with USAS B16.5. t = 0.2823 in.

BFN-27 Sheet 7 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Main Steam Safety Valves Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Load Limit

9. Inlet Nozzle Combined Stress F1 + F2 M1 + M2 S = 27,300 lb/in.2 S = +

A Z Loads: where:

S = combined bending and tensile 2

Spring load at maximum lift stress, lb/in.

Operational load F1 = maximum spring load, lb Seismic load-Design Basis Earthquake F2 = vertical component of reaction thrust, lb Combined Stress Limit:

2 A = cross section area of nozzle, in.

1.5 X allowable stress intensity, M1 = moment resulting from horizontal 1.5 Sm, per ASME Code for Pumps component of reaction, lb-in.

and Valves for Nuclear Power. M2 = moment resulting from horizontal seismic force, in.-lb

10. Spindle Diameter 2EI Load limit (0.2Fc)

Fc =

L2 Loads: where: F = 30,210 lb Spring load at Maximum lift Fc = critical buckling load, lb 2

E = modulus of elasticity, lb/in.

4 Spindle Column Load Limit: I = moment of inertia, in.

L = length of spindle in compression, in.

0.2 X critical buckling load F

Ss = 2

11. Spring Washer Shear Area A Ss = 15,960 lb/in.

Loads where:

2 Spring load at maximum lift Ss = shear stress, lb/in.

F = spring load, lb 2

Shear Stress Limit: A = shear area, in.

0.6 X allowable stress intensity, 0.6Sm, per ASME Nuclear Pump and Valve Code.

BFN-27 Sheet 8 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Main Steam Relief Valves Criteria Method of Analysis Minimum Dimension Required

1. Body Minimum Wall Thickness PD Main Body:

t = 1.5 + C 2S 1 2P Loads: where: t = 0.625 in.

Design pressure and temperature t = minimum required thickness, in. Bonnet:

2 S= allowable stress, 7,000 lb/in.

Primary Membrane Stress Limit: P= primary service pressure, 655 t = 0.287 in.

d= inside diameter of valve at section Allowable working stress as being considered, in.

defined by USAS B16.5 (7,000 C = corrosion allowance, 0.12 in.

psi at primary service pressure).

2. Bonnet Cap and Pilot Base Bonnet Cap:

1/ 2 CP 178 . WhG Minimum Thickness t=d + + C1 t = 0.612 in.

Sm Sm d 3 Loads: where:

t = minimum required thickness, in. Pilot Base:

Design pressure and temperature d = diameter or short span, in.

Gasket load C = attachment factor, ASME t = 2.117 in.

Section VIII 2

Primary Stress Limit: P = design pressure, lb/in.

2 Sm = allowable stress, lb/in.

Allowable stress intensity, Sm, W = total bolt load, lb as defined by ASME Standard hg = gasket moment arm, in.

Code for Pumps and Valves C1 = corrosion allowance, 0.12 in.

for Nuclear Power.

BFN-27 Sheet 9 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Dimension Required

3. Flange Bolt Area - Inlet Flange, Total bolting loads and stresses shall be Body to Base:

Outlet Flange, Body to Bonnet, calculated in accordance with procedures 2 2 Bonnet to Base of Para. 1-704.5.1 Flanged Joints, of Ab = 10.26 in Ab = 2.854 in.

B31.7 Nuclear Piping Code Loads: Bonnet to Cap:

2 2 Design pressure and temperature Ab = 1.452 in. Ab = 0.995 in.

Gasket load Operational load Inlet Flange Design Basis Earthquake 2 2 Ab = 13.9 in. Ab = 6.25 in.

Bolting Stress Limit:

Outlet Flange:

2 Allowable stress intensity, Sm as Ab = 12.2 in 2

defined by ASME Standard Code for Ab = 5.5 in.

Pumps and Valves for Nuclear Power.

4. Flange Thickness - Inlet, Outlet, Flange thickness and stresses shall be 2

Bonnet Flanges calculated in accordance with procedures SH = 26,250 lb/in.

2 of Para. 1-704.5.1 Flanged Joints, of SR = 26,250 lb/in.

2 Loads: B31.7 Nuclear Piping Code ST = 26,250 lb/in.

Design pressure and temperature Gasket load Operational load Design Basis Earthquake Flange Stress Limits:

S H, S R, S T 1.5 Sm per ASME Nuclear Pumps and Valve Code.

BFN-27 Sheet 10 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

5. Valve Disc. Thickness and Stress Disc Stress:

3(3 + v) PR 2 Sr = St =

8t 2 2

Loads: where: Sm = 15,800 lb/in 2

Design pressure and temperature Sr = radial stress, lb/in 2

St = tangential stress, lb/in Primary Stress Limit: v = Poisson's ratio 2

P= design pressure, lb/in Allowable stress intensity, Sm R= radius of disc, in.

as defined by ASME Standard Code for t = thickness of disc, in.

Pumps and Valve for Nuclear Power.

F1 + F2 M1 + M2 Inlet Nozzle Diameter Thickness S = +

and Stress A Z Inlet Nozzle Stress:

2 Loads: where: S = 26,250 lb/in S = combined bending and tensile 2

Design pressure and temperature stress, lb/in Operational load F1 = vertical load due to design pressure, lb Design Basis Earthquake F2 = vertical component of reaction thrust, lb 2

Primary Stress Limit: A = cross section area of nozzle, in M1 = moment resulting from horizontal 1.5 X allowable stress intensity, reaction, in.-lb 1.5 Sm as defined by ASME M2 = moment resulting from horizontal Standard Code for Pumps and seismic force at mass center of Valves for Nuclear Power. valve, in.-lb

BFN-27 Sheet 11 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Recirculation Pumps Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Dimension Required

1. Casing Minimum Wall Thickness t = 2.68 in.

PR t = + C Loads: Normal and Upset Condition where:SE-06P Design pressure and temperature t = minimum required thickness, in.

P = design pressure, psig Primary Membrane Stress Limit: R = maximum internal radius, in.

S = allowable working stress, psi Allowable working stress per E = joint efficiency ASME Section III, Class C C = corrosion allowance, in.

4 4 2 2

2. Casing Cover Minimum Thickness 3W 2 2 b (m 1 ) 4b (m + 1 ln a /b + a b m + 1

) ( )

Loads: Normal and Upset Condition Sr = a 2b +

2 2 2 4t a (m 1 ) + b (m + 1 )

Design pressure and temperature 2 2 3W 2m b 2b (m + 1 ln a / b


+ 1 Sr = 15,075 psi 2 2 2 2pt a ( m 1 ) + b ( m + 1 )

Primary Bending Stress Limit: 2 4 4 2 2 3W m ( 1 a b 4a b ln a /b

= +



2 2 2 4mt a 1 + b +

(m ) (m

1) 1.5 Sm per ASME code for 2 2 2 2 Pumps and Valves for ma 1 mb + 1 2 m 1 a ln a / b St = 15,075 psi 3W (m ) (m ) ( )

Nuclear Power Class I 1 +

2 2 2 2pm t a (m 1 ) + b (m + 1 )


Sr = radial stress at outer edge, psi St = tangential stress at inner edge, psi w= pressure load, psi W= uniform load along inner edge, lb t= disc thickness, in.

m= reciprocal of Poisson's ratio a= radius of disc, in.

b= radius of disc hole, in.

BFN-27 Sheet 12 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Dimension Required

3. Cover and Seal Flange Bolt Areas Bolting loads, areas and stresses shall be calculated in accordance with "Rules for Loads: Normal and upset conditions Bolted Flange Connections" - ASME 20,000 psi Section VIII, Appendix II Design pressure and temperature Design gasket load 20,000 psi Bolting Stress Limit:

Allowable working stress per ASME Section III, Class C

4. Cover Clamp Flange Thickness Flange thickness and stress shall be Flange Thickness calculated in accordance with "Rules 8.9 in.

Loads: Normal and upset condition for Bolted Flange Connections" -ASME Section VIII, Appendix II Design pressure and temperature Design gasket load Design bolting load Tangential Flange Stress Limit:

Allowable working stress per ASME Section III, Class C

5. Pump Nozzle Stress Pipe Stress is compared to allowable 21,708 psi of 0.9 (Yield stress of pump nozzle)

Loads: Normal, Upset and Faulted Condition Sheet 13 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

6. Mounting Bracket Combined Stress Bracket vertical loads shall be determined

BFN-27 summing the equipment and fluid weights Loads: and vertical seismic forces. Pump Lug Bracket horizontal loads shall be determined Flood weight by applying the specified seismic force at 17,280 psi Design Basis Earthquake mass center of pump-motor assembly (flooded).

Combined Stress Limit: Horizontal and vertical loads shall be applied simultaneously to determine Yield Stress tensile, shear and bending stresses in Motor Lug the brackets. Tensile shear, and bending stress shall be combined to determine 21,000 psi maximum combined stresses.

BFN-27 Sheet 14 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

7. Stresses Due to Seismic Loads The flooded pump-motor assembly shall Motor Bolt Tensile Stress:

be analyzed as a free body supported by Loads: constant support hangers from the pump 11,200 psi brackets. Horizontal and vertical seismic Operating pressure and forces shall be applied at mass center of Pump Cover Bolt Tensile Stress:

temperature assembly and equilibrium reactions shall Design Basis Earthquake be determined for the motor and pump 32,000 psi brackets. Load, shear, and moment Combined Stress Limit: diagrams shall be constructed using live Motor Support Barrel loads, dead loads, and calculated snubber Combined Stress:

Yield stress reactions. Combined bending, tension and shear stresses shall be determined 22,400 psi for each major component of the assembly including motor, motor support barrel, bolting and pump casing. The maximum combined tensile stress in the cover bolting shall be calculated using tensile stresses determined from loading diagram plus tensile stress from operating pressure.

BFN-27 Sheet 15 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Stresses due to normal, upset, or emergency Emergency condition At column to base welds 11,000 psi loading shall not cause the racks to fail "A" loads (2) so as to result in a critical fuel array 1. Dead loads At base hold down lug 20,000 psi

2. Full fuel load in rack (casting)
3. Design Basis Earthquake Primary Stress Limit-Paper numbers 3341 and 3342, Proceedings of the ASCE, Journal Emergency condition of the Structural Division, December 1962 "B" loads (see below)

(task committee on lightweight alloys)


Emergency Conditions Stress limit = yield strength at 0.2% offset.

(1) Load testing shows that the structure will not yield when subjected to simulated emergency condition "A" loads.

Strain gages mounted on the welds show that calculated stresses are conservative.

(2) Calculated stresses compare very well with test results.

Emergency Condition "B" Loading In addition to the loading conditions given above, the racks are tested and analyzed to determine their capability to safely withstand the accidental, uncontrolled drop of the fuel grapple from its full retracted position into the weakest portion of the rack.

Method of Analysis The displacement of the vertical columns at the ends of the racks is determined by considering the effect of the grapple kinetic energy on the upper structure. The energy absorbed shearing the rack longitudinal structural member welds is determined.

The effect of the remaining energy on the vertical columns is analyzed. Equivalent static load tests are made on the structure to assure that the criteria are met.

BFN-27 Sheet 16 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be 25,000 psi contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the pump casing without exceeding for Bolted Flange Connections," ASME the allowable stress of the bolting Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, material. Allowable stresses at Section VIII, Appendix II.

design temperature shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pump Design Pressure 450 psig pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Maximum Design Temperature 350°F

2. The minimum wall thickness of the 2. Stress in the pump casing shall be 14,000 psi pump shall limit stress to the calculated at the point of maximum allowable stress when subjected to internal pump diameter by the formula design pressure and temperature.

Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. P(D + 0.2 t )

Sc =

where 2t Sc = calculated stress, psi P = pump design pressure, psi D = maximum pump internal diameter t = actual minimum metal thickness less corrosion allowance, 0.080 in.

BFN-27 Sheet 17 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

3. Application of forces and moments by 3. Stresses will not be excessive if the attaching pipe on pump nozzles under maximum resultant force when taken with combined maximum thermal expansion the maximum resultant moment falls below and Operating Basis Earthquake the line.

loading reaction plus load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and torsional stress in the nozzles in excess of the allowable stress as defined by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Suction OBE DBE Fintercept 88,000 lb 146,000 lb (M=0)

For Design Basis Earthquake stress Mintercept 1,200,000 in.-lb 1,800,000 in.-lb shall be less than 1.5 of allowable (F=0) stress.

Discharge Fintercept 68,000 lb 126,000 lb (M=0)

Mintercept 760,000 in.-lb 1,300,000 in.-lb (F=0)

Pipe Design Pressure Suction = 150 psig Discharge = 450 psig

BFN-27 Sheet 18 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be 20,000 psi contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the pump casing without exceeding for Bolted Flange Connections," ASME the allowable stress of the bolting Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section material. Allowable stresses at VIII, Appendix II.

design temperature shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pump Design Pressure 500 psig Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Maximum Design Temperature 210°F

2. The minimum wall thickness of the 2. Stress in the pump casing shall be 14,000 psi pump shall limit stress to the allow- calculated at the point of maximum able stress when subjected to design internal pump diameter by the formula pressure and temperature. Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

P(D + 0.2 t )

Sc =

2t where Sc = calculated stress, psi 17,500 psi allowable for 216 WCB X P = pump design pressure, psi 0.8 (quality factor) = 14,000 psi D = maximum pump internal diameter t = actual minimum metal thickness less corrosion allowance, 0.080 in.

BFN-27 Sheet 19 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads Representative Results

3. Application of forces and moments by 3. Stresses will not be excessive if the attaching pipe on pump nozzles under maximum resultant force when taken with the combined maximum thermal expansion maximum resultant moment falls below the line.

Operating Basis Earthquake loading reaction plus load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and torsional stress in the nozzles in excess of the allowable stress as defined by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Suction OBE DBE Fintercept 66,686 lb 104,955 lb (M=0)

For Design Basis Earthquake stress Mintercept 564,193 in.-lb 880,105 in.-lb shall be less than 1.5 of allowable (F=0) stress.

Discharge Fintercept 35,105 lb 65,982 lb (M=0)

Mintercept 266,479 in.-lb 463,492 in.-lb (F=0)

Pipe Design Pressure Suction = 125 psig Discharge = 500 psig

BFN-27 Sheet 20 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be Main Pump contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the pump casing without exceeding for Bolted Flange Connections," ASME 20,000 psi the allowable stress of the bolting Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section material. Allowable stresses at VIII, Appendix II. Boost Pump design temperature shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Main Pump Design Pressure 1500 psig 20,000 psi Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Boost Pump Design Pressure 450 psig
2. The minimum wall thickness of the 2. Stress in the pump casing shall be Main Pump pump shall limit stress to the allow- calculated at the point of maximum able stress when subjected to design internal pump diameter by the formula 14,000 psi pressure and temperature. Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. P(D + 0.2 t )

Sh =

2ET Volute stress shall be calculated by the Boost Pump following formula 14,000 psi The maximum stress in the pump Roark casing when subjected to design p. 307 Case 26 Pb R + a pressure shall not exceed the allow- Sv =

able working stress of the material. 2 t R The allowable stress shall be in and R = a - 0.5b accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III.

BFN-27 Sheet 21 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

3. Application of forces and moments by 3. Stresses will not be excessive if the attaching pipe on pump nozzles under maximum resultant force when taken with the combined maximum thermal expansion maximum resultant moment falls below the line.

and Operating Basis Earthquake loading reaction plus load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and torsional stress in the nozzles in excess of the allowable stress as defined by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Suction OBE DBE Fintercept 33,000 lb 43,000 lb (M=0)

For Design Basis Earthquake stress Mintercept 500,000 in.-lb 700,000 in.-lb shall be less than 1.5 of allowable (F=0) stress.

Discharge Fintercept 32,000 lb 47,000 lb (M=0)

Mintercept 250,000 in.-lb 460,000 in.-lb (F=0)

Pipe Design Pressure Suction = 150 psig Discharge = 1500 psig

BFN-27 Sheet 22 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the pump casing without exceeding for Bolted Flange Connections," ASME 20,000 psi the allowable stress of the bolting Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section material. Allowable stresses at VIII, Appendix II.

design temperature shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pump Design Pressure 1500 psig Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

2. The minimum wall thickness of the 2. Stress in the pump casing shall be 14,000 psi pump shall limit stress to the allow- calculated at the point of maximum able stress when subjected to design internal pump diameter by the formula pressure and temperature. Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. P(D+.02 t )

Sc =

2 tE SC = 0.8Sa The maximum stress in the pump Volute stress shall be computed by the 14,000 psi casing when subjected to design following formula:

pressure shall not exceed the allowable working stress of the Roark p.

material. The allowable stress 225 Case No. 36 shall be in accordance with ASME Pb 2 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sb =

t2 Section III. = factor from Roark a = volute length b = volute width

BFN-27 Sheet 23 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

3. Application of forces and moments by 3. Stresses will not be excessive if the attaching pipe on pump nozzles under maximum resultant force when taken with the combined maximum thermal expansion maximum resultant moment falls below the line.

and Operating Basis Earthquake loading reaction plus load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and torsional stress in the nozzles in excess of the allowable stress as defined by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII. Suction OBE DBE Fintercept 9,000 lb 13,500 lb (M=0)

For Design Basis Earthquake stress Mintercept 54,000 in.-lb 69,000 in.-lb shall be less than 1.5 of allowable (F=0) stress.

Discharge Fintercept 9,000 lb 13,500 lb (M=0)

Mintercept 54,000 in.-lb 69,000 in.-lb (F=0)

Pipe Design Pressure Suction = 150 psig Discharge = 1500 psig

BFN-27 Sheet 24 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be Stuffing Box Bolts contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the pump without exceeding the for Bolted Flange Connections," ACME 25,000 psi allowable working stress of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section bolting material. Allowable stresses VIII, Appendix II. Cylinder Head Bolts shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 25,000 psi
2. The maximum stress in the pump 2. Stress in the pump fluid cylinder shall be 16,500 psi fluid cylinder when subjected to calculated at the point of maximum stress design pressure shall not exceed by the pressure area method.

the allowable working stress of the material. The allowable stress Pump Design Pressure 1400 psig shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

3. The stresses in the motor mounting 3. The seismic forces acting on the motor to Tension bolts when the motor is subjected subject the bolting to shear or tension to the Design Basis Earthquake shall are considered. The motor is isolated 16,500 psi not exceed 0.9 of yield stress and from the pump and nozzle forces by the twice the allowable shear stress for flexible coupling. Shear bolting material in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 10,000 psi Code,Section VIII.

BFN-27 Sheet 25 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

4. The stresses in the pump mounting bolts 4. The maximum force taken with the maximum due to the combination of Operating resultant moment shall fall below the line on the Basis Earthquake acting on the flooded force-moment diagram:

pump plus the attaching pipe reactions under combined maximum thermal expan-sion plus Operating Basis Earthquake shall not exceed the allowable shear and tensile stresses for the bolting material in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code,Section VIII. The attaching pipe reaction plus the load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and torsional stress in OBE nozzles in excess of the allowable Discharge M = 2.3 (342-F) stress. not to exceed 283 ft-lb The stresses in the pump mounting bolts Suction M = 4.59 (711-F) due to the combination of the Design not to exceed 1385 ft-lb Basis Earthquake acting on the flooded DBE pump plus the attaching pipe reactions Discharge M = 2.3 (684-F) under combined maximum thermal expan- not to exceed 444 ft-lb sion plus Design Basis Earthquake shall Suction M = 4.59 (1422-F) not exceed 0.9 times the yield stress not to exceed 2060 in tension and twice the allowable shear stress for the bolting material Where M is maximum moment (ft-lb) in in accordance with the ASME Boiler and any direction and F is maximum force Pressure vessel Code,Section VIII. (lb) in any direction.

The attaching pipe reaction plus the load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and tor-sional stress in nozzles in excess of 1.5 times allowable stress.

BFN-27 Sheet 26 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES RHR Service Water Pumps A2, A3, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

1. Application of forces and moments by 1. Stresses will not be excessive if the attaching pipe on pump nozzles under loads on the pump nozzles do not combined maximum thermal expansion exceed the following values:

and Operating Basis Earthquake loading reaction plus load due to Condition F(Axial) F(Vertical) F(Lateral) M(Torsion) M(Vertical) M(Laterial) internal pressure shall not produce Normal 6,211 lb 6,888 lb 3,882 lb 5,552 ft-lb 17,499 ft-lb 10,419 ft-lb an equivalent bending and torsional Upset 9,110 lb 8,970 lb 5,103lb 8,790 ft-lb 19,218 ft-lb 13,006 ft-lb stress in the nozzles in excess of Emergency 12,010 lb 11,052 lb 6,984 lb 12,047 ft-lb 30,527 ft-lb 15,593 ft-lb the allowable stress as defined b BFN-50-C-7106 Table 3.1-1 for Active Pumps.

BFN-27 Sheet 26A Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES RHR Service Water Pumps A1, B1, D1, D2, D3 Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

1. Application of forces and 1. Stresses will not be excessive if the maximum moments by attaching pipe resultant force when taken with the maximum on pump nozzles under resultant moment falls below the line.

combined maximum thermal expansion and Operating Basis Earthquake loading reaction plus load due to internal pressure shall not produce an equivalent bending and torsional stress in the nozzles in excess of the allowable stress as defined by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

Pump is a vertically mounted deep-well type with submerged suction.

Discharge OBE DBE Fintercept 45,200 lb 73,000 ob (M=0)

Mintercept 336,000 in.-lb 536,500 in.-lb For Design Basis Earthquake (F=0) stress shall be less than 1.5 of allowable stress.. Pipe Design Pressure Discharge = 185 psig

BFN-27 Sheet 27 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be 20,000 psi contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the turbine casing without for Bolted Flange Connections," ACME exceeding the allowable working Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section stress of the bolting material. VIII, Appendix II.

Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

2. The maximum wall thickness of the 2. Stresses in the various pressure contain- 17,500 psi turbine casing shall be based on ing portions of the turbine casing shall that to limit stress to the allowable be calculated according to the rules of working stress when subjected to Part UG,Section VIII, of the ASME Boiler design pressure plus corrosion and Pressure Vessel Code.

allowance. Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

BFN-27 Sheet 28 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

3. The forces and moments imposed by the 3. The total resultant of the forces and the total attached piping on the turbine inlet resultant of the moments on both the inlet and and exhaust connections shall satisfy the exhaust connections of the turbine shall the following conditions: satisfy the following equations:
a. The resultant force and moment For the combination of dead weight and maximum from the combination of dead thermal expansion, weight, and thermal expansion shall be less than that stipulated Inlet F = (2620-M)/3.0 by the equipment vendor. Exhaust F = (6000-M)/3.0
b. The resultant force and moment For the combination of dead weight, maximum from the combination of dead thermal expansion, and Operating Basis Earth-weight, thermal expansion, and quake.

Operating (or Design) Basis Inlet F = (3000-M)/2.5 Earthquake shall be less than Exhaust F = 3.0 (6000-M), but not that demonstrated acceptable to exceed 8,370 lb by detailed seismic analysis of the equipment. For the combination of dead weight, maximum thermal expansion, and Design Basis Earthquake Inlet F = (4500-M)/2.5 Exhaust F = 3.0 (9000-M), but not to exceed 12,555 lb Where "F" is the resultant force in lb and "M" is the resultant moment in ft-lb Typical acceptable area on the force-moment diagram is indicated below:

BFN-27 Sheet 29 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis

4. The stresses in the turbine anchor 4. Vertical forces on the anchor bolts shall be bolts (turbine to baseplate) due to the sum of the following:

the combination of the Operating Basis Earthquake acting on the a. Weight of the turbine assembly times the turbine while running plus the total vertical component of acceleration, piping loads (weight, thermal & OBE) b. The vertical pipe force reactions, shall not exceed the allowable tensile c. The pipe moment reactions tending to tip the stress nor the allowable shear stress turbine and subject the bolting to tension.

for the bolting materials as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Horizontal forces on the anchor bolts, Vessel Code,Section VIII. subjecting them to shear, shall be the sum of the following:

a. Weight of the turbine assembly times the horizontal component of acceleration,
b. The horizontal pipe force reactions,
c. The effect of pipe moment reactions causing horizontal loading at the anchor bolts NOTE: Friction shall not be considered to be restrictive
5. The stresses in the turbine anchor 5. Same as analysis under 4, above.

bolts (turbine to baseplate) due to the combination of Design Basis Earthquake acting on the turbine in standby plus the total piping loads (weight, thermal, and DBE) shall not exceed 0.9 times the yield stress in tension, nor twice the allowable shear stress for the bolting materials as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

BFN-27 Sheet 30 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


1. Closure bolting shall be designed to 1. Bolting loads and stresses shall be 20,000 psi contain the internal design pressure calculated in accordance with the "Rules of the turbine casing without for Bolted Flange Connections," ASME exceeding the allowable working Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section stress of the bolting material. VIII, Appendix II.

Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code,Section VIII.

2. The minimum wall thickness of the 2. Stresses in the various pressure 17,500 psi turbine casing shall be based on that containing portions of the turbine casing to limit stress to the allowable work- shall be calculated according to the rules ing stress when subjected to design of Part UG,Section VIII, of the ASME pressure plus corrosion allowance. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

Allowable stresses shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

BFN-27 Sheet 31 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis and Allowable Nozzle Loads

3. The forces and moments imposed by the 3. The total resultant of the forces and the total attached piping on the turbine inlet of the moments on both the inlet and and exhaust connections shall satisfy the connections of the turbine shall the following conditions: satisfy the following equations:
a. The resultant force and moment For the combination of dead weight and from the combination of dead maximum thermal expansion, weight and thermal expansion shall be less than that stipulated Inlet F = (7570-M)/3.0 by the equipment vendor. Exhaust F = (9930-M)/3.0
b. The resultant force and moment For the combination of dead weight, maximum from the combination of dead thermal expansion, and Operating Basis Earthquake weight, thermal expansion, and Inlet F = (20,000-M)/2.5 but not Operating (or Design) Basis to exceed 5000 lb Earthquake shall be less than Exhaust F = (20,000-M)/0.8, but not that demonstrated acceptable to exceed 11,500 lb by detailed seismic analysis of the equipment For the combination of dead weight, maximum thermal expansion, and Design Basis Earthquake, Inlet F = (30,000-M)/2.5, but not to exceed 17,250 lb Exhaust F = (30,000-M)/0.8, but not to exceed 17,250 lb Where "F" is the resultant force in lb and "M" is the resultant moment in ft-lb Typical acceptable area on the force-moment diagram is indicated below:

BFN-27 Sheet 32 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis

4. The stresses in the turbine anchor 4. Vertical forces on the anchor bolts shall be the bolts (turbine to baseplate) due to sum of the following:

the combination of the Operating Basis Earthquake acting on the turbine while a. Weight of the turbine assembly times the running plus the total piping loads vertical component of acceleration, (weight, thermal and OBE) shall not b. The vertical pipe force reactions, exceed the allowable tensile stress c. The pipe moment reactions tending to tip the nor the allowable shear stress for turbine and subject the bolting to tension.

the bolting materials as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Horizontal forces on the anchor bolts, subjecting Vessel Code,Section VIII. them to shear, shall be the sum of the following:

a. Weight of the turbine assembly times the horizontal component of acceleration,
b. The horizontal pipe force reactions,
c. The effect of pipe moment reactions causing horizontal loading at the anchor bolts NOTE: Friction shall not be considered to be restrictive
5. The stresses in the turbine anchor 5. Same as analysis under 4, above.

bolts (turbine to baseplate) due to the combination of Design Basis Earthquake acting on the turbine in standby plus the total piping loads (weight, thermal and OBE) shall not exceed 0.9 times the yield stress in tension, nor twice the allowable shear stress for the bolting materials as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII.

BFN-27 Sheet 33 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Recirculation Valves - Units 1 and 2 Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Dimension Required

1. Body Minimum Wall In Pipe Run Codes and Standards 2 in. (Equalizer Bypass Valve)
1. USAS B31.1.0 1967 t = 0.253 in.

2 in. Equalizer Bypass Valve 2. Manufacturers Standards 4 in. (Discharge Bypass Valve) 4 in. Discharge Bypass Valve Society MSS-SP.66 t = 0.405 in.

22 in. Equalizer Valve 28 in. Suction Valve 22 in. (Equalizer Valve) 28 in. Discharge Valve t = 1.520 in.


. Pd t = + 0.1 Loads: where:2S 2P(1 y)

Design Pressure t = minimum wall thickness, in. 28 in. (Suction Valve)

Design Temperature P = design pressure, psig t = 1.938 in.

d = minimum diameter of flow passage, but not less than 28 in (Discharge Valve)

Primary Membrane Wall 90% of inside diameter at t = 1.938 in.

Thickness welding end, in.

S = allowable working stress, psi y = plastic stress distribution factor, 0.4

2. Body-to-Bonnet Bolt Area Loads ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 2 in. (Equalizer Bypass Valve)

Code,Section VIII, Appendix II, 2

2 in. Equalizer Bypass Valve 1968 Edition. Sallow = 29,000 lb/in.

4 in. Discharge Bypass Valve Loads: Total bolting loads and stresses 4 in. (Discharge Bypass Valve) shall be calculated in accordance 2

Design pressure and temperature with "Rules for Bolted Flange Con- Sallow = 29,000 lb/in.

Gasket load nections," ASME Boiler and Pressure Stem operational load Vessel Code,Section VIII, Appendix Design Basis II, except that the stem operation-Earthquake al load and seismic loads shall be included in the total load carried by bolts. The horizontal and vertical seismic forces shall be applied at the mass center of the valve operator assuming that the valve body is rigid and anchored.

BFN-27 Sheet 34 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

3. Flange Stress ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 2 in. (Equalizer Bypass)

Code,Section VIII, Appendix II, 2 in. Equalizer Bypass Valve 1968 Edition. SH SR ST 4 in. Discharge Bypass Valve 20,100 3,426 13,426 Loads: Flange thickness and stress shall be calculated in accordance with 4 in. (Discharge Bypass)

Design pressure and temperature "Rules for Bolted Flange Connec-Gasket load tions," ASME Boiler and Pressure 20,100 13,426 13,426 Stem operational load Vessel Code,Section VIII, Appen-Seismic load - dix II, except that the stem Design Basis operational load and seismic loads Earthquake shall be included in the total load carried by the flange. The horizontal and vertical seismic forces shall be applied at the mass center of the valve operator assum-ing that the valve body is rigid.

4. (A) Body and Bonnet Flange ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Primary Stresses Stress Code,Section III, Article 4 Membrane Stress Allowable =

(B) Body Neck Wall Stress Primary, secondary, and peak 15,800 psi stresses were analyzed in accordance 22 in. Equalizer Valves with ASME Section III using finite Local Membrane Stress Allowable =

28 in. Suction Valves element computer analysis. The 23,700 psi 28 in. Discharge Valves model was verified by strain gage Primary Plus Secondary Stresses tests Loads: Code Allowable - 3Sm =

Design pressure and 47,400 psi Design temperature

BFN-27 Sheet 35 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Recirculation Valves - Units 1 and 2 Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

5. Body to Bonnet Bolting Under operating conditions Loads: 67,000 psi Design Pressure Maximum conditions Design Temperature 100,500 psi 2
6. Valve Operator Support Bolting The valve assembly is analyzed Sb allowable = 20,000 lb/in.

assuming that the valve body is an 2 in Equalizer Bypass Valve anchored, rigid mass and that the 4 in. Discharge Bypass Valve specified vertical and horizontal 22 in. Equalizer Valve seismic forces are applied at the 28 in. Suction Valve mass center of the operator assembly, 28 in. Discharge Valve simultaneously with operating pres-sure plus dead weight plus opera-Loads: tional loads. Using these loads, stresses and deflections are deter-Design Pressure and Temperature mined for the operator support Stem operational load components.

Equipment dead weight Seismic load Design Basis Earthquake

BFN-27 Sheet 36 Table C.4-2 (Continued)

PRIMARY SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ALLOWABLES Recirculation Valves - Unit 3 Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress Minimum Required Dimension

1. Body Minimum Wall In Pipe Run 22 in. Valve - t = 1.52 in.

Loads: 1.5 Pd 4 in. Valve - t = 0.405 in.

t =

2S 2P 1 y

( ) + 0.1 Design pressure and temperature where: 2 in. Valve - t = 0.253 in.

t = minimum wall thickness, in.

Primary Membrane Stress Limit: P = design pressure, psig 28 X 24 X 28 in. Valve -

d = minimum diameter of flow t = 1.677 in. (Suction)

Allowable working stress per passage but not less than 90%

ASME Section 1 of inside diameter at welding 28 X 24 X 28 in. Valve -

end, in. t = 1.938 in. (Discharge)

S = allowable working stress, psi y = plastic stress distribution factor, 0.4

2. Body-to-Bonnet Bolt Area Total bolting loads and stresses Flanged Bolt Stress shall be calculated in accordance Loads: with "Rules for Bolted Flange Sallow = 29,000 lb/in.2 Connections," ASME Boiler and Design pressure and temperature Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Gasket load Appendix II, except that the stem Stem operational load operational load and seismic loads Seismic load - shall be included in the total load Design Basis Earthquake carried by bolts. The horizontal and vertical seismic forces shall Bolting Stress Limit: be applied at the mass center of the valve operator assuming that Allowable working stress per the valve body is rigid and anchored.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Appendix II, 1968 Edition.

BFN-27 Sheet 37 Table C.4-2 (Continued)


Criteria Method of Analysis Allowable Stress

3. Flange Stress Flange thickness, and stress shall be SH: 20,100 lb/in.2 (Hub Stress) calculated in accordance with "Rules SR: 13,426 lb/in.2 (Radial Stress)

Loads: for Bolted Flange Connections"-ASME ST: 13,426 lb/in.2 (Tangential Stress)

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Design pressure and temperature Section VIII, Appendix II, except Gasket load that the stem operational load and Stem operational load seismic loads shall be included in Seismic Loads - the total load carried by the flange.

Design Basis The horizontal and vertical seismic Earthquake forces shall be applied at the mass center of the valve operator as-Flange Stress Limits; suming that the valve body is rigid.


Sm per ASME Boiler and Pres-sure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Appendix II, 1968 Edition.

4. Valve Operator Support Bolts The valve assembly is analyzed assum- Sb allowable = 20,000 lb/in.2 ing that the valve body is an anchored, Loads: rigid mass and that the specified vertical and horizontal seismic forces Design pressure and temperature are applied at the mass center of the Stem operational load operator assembly, simultaneously with Equipment dead weight operating pressure plus dead weight Seismic load - plus operational loads. Using these Design Basis loads, stresses and deflections are Earthquake determined for the operator support components.

Yoke and Yoke Bolt Stress Limits:

Allowable working stress per ASME Section VIII.

BFN-27 Sheet 1 of 1 TABLE C.5-1 DRYWELL-LOADING CONDITIONS AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES Loading Allowable Stress Intensity (ksi)

Condition Loading Components (Notes 1 and 2)

Initial and Final Dead Loads Pm < Sm = 17.5 Test Condition Test Pressure PL < 1.5 Sm = 26.3 Vent Thrusts PL + Pb < 1.5 Sm = 26.3 OBE PL + Pb + Q < 3.0 Sm = 52.5 Normal and Upset Dead Loads Pm < Sm = 17.5 Operating Condition Vent Thrusts PL < 1.5 Sm = 26.3 OBE PL + Pb < 1.5 Sm = 26.3 Accident Temperature PL + Pb + Q < 3.0 Sm = 52.5 Accident Pressure Emergency Condition Dead Loads Region not Backed by Concrete (Note 3) Accident Pressure Pm < 0.9 Sy = 30.3 Accident Temperature PL < 0.9 Sy = 30.3 Vent Thrusts OBE Region Backed by Concrete Jet Loads Pm < Sy = 33.7 PL < 1.5Sy = 50.6 Flooded Condition Dead Loads Pm < Sy = 38.0 Hydrostatic Pressure PL < Sy = 38.0 From Flooded DryWell PL + Pb < Su = 70.0 DBE PL + Pb + Q < Su = 70.0 NOTE: 1. Stress intensities are based on ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection B of Reference 17.

2. Definition of symbols are as follows:

Pm = Primary membrane stress, PL = Primary local membrane stress, Pb = Primary bending stress, Q = secondary stress.

3. The 1965 ASME Code does not address accident conditions. Therefore, this design criteria utilizes the 1968 ASME Code with addenda through the summer of 1969 to establish design allowables for the accident condition for that portion of the vessel backed by concrete.