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Annual Rept for Wpps 2 for FY87.
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Gire S
Shared Package
ML17289A392 List:
NUDOCS 9203240337
Download: ML17289A394 (14)


ANNUALREPORT OF PUBLIC ELECTRIC UTILITIES IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name of Respondent WaShingtOn PubliC POWer 02 Financial Reporting Year Ending (Mo, Da, YrJ Su 1 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (If name changed during yearJ 04 Address ot Principal Business Office at End of Year (Srreer. City, Stare, Zip CodeJ 3

05 Name of Contact Person 06 Title of Contact Person S.B. Gir 07 Address of Contact Person (Srreer, City, State, Zip CodeJ P

08 Telephone of Contact Person, Including 09 This Report Is 10 Date of Report Area Code Il) to An Original {2) 0 A Resubmission (Mo. Da, YrJ 509 4 12 88 S h CI sses of Utility and Other Services Furnished by Respondent During the Year Wholesale electric energy production CE RTIF ICATION The undersigned certifies that he/she has examined the accompanying report; that to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and belief, all statements of fact contained in the accompanying report are true, and the accompanying report is a correct statement of the business and affairs of the above named respondent in respect to each and every matter set forth therein during the calendar or other established fiscal year stated above.

01 Name 03 Signature 04 Date Signed S.B. Gire (Mo, Da, Yr/

02 Title Manager, Corporate Accounting Title 18, U.S.C. 1001, makes it a crime for ny person knowingly and willinglyto make to any Agency or D part-ment of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its iurisdiction.


C. M. Powers D. L.


Larkin; Manager WNP-2 Plant Manager Engineering Analysis 8 Fuel G. J. Kucera Operations Controller Page 1

~ ~

This report is mandatory under Public Law 93.275. Failure to respond may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as prov) 3 d by law. Data reported on EIA-412 are not considered confidential.

arne of Respondent HaShi ngton Publ iC This Report is: Data of Report Report Year Ending er Supply System Nuclear lt I @An Original IMo, Da', Yrl IMo, Da, Yrl t No. 2- 12) QA Resubmission 4 2

'al I

Some of the accounts listed below are defined on page ii. Refer to the Uniform Systems of Accounts for those other accounts not defined on page ii, na Amount Line Amount Assets and Other Debits Liabilities and Other Credits

o. No.

lal 33 INVESTMENT OF 1 UTILITY PLANT MUNICIPALITY& SURPLUS 2 Utility Plant F 3 429.089.136 34 Investment of Municipality 3 (Less) Accumulated Provision for 35 Constructive Surplus or Deficit Depreciation & Amortization 36 Retained Earninas 4 Electric TOTAL Investment & Surplus Other Utility Department 37 (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 36J 5

(Specifyl J 6 Net Utility Plant (Line 2 less line 4, 5J 3 101 687.817 LONG.TERM DEBT 39 Bonds 7 INVESTMENTS 40 Advances from Municioalit Nonutility Property (Less Accum. 41 Other Long. Term Debt Provision for Depreciation and 42 Unamort. Premium on Long. Term Debt 820 758 Amortization: S ) 43 Unamortized Discount on Long Term Advances to Municipality Debt Debit (64 974 052)

Investments & Special Funds 44 TOTAL Long. Term Debt (Enter Toral TOTAL Investments (Enter Total of lines 39 rhru 43J of lines 8 thru 10J 45 CURRENT AND ACCRUED L I AB ILITIES CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 46 Warrants Payable Cash & Working Funds 1 033 6 47 Notes and Accounts Pavable Temporar Cash Investments 46 Pavables to Municioalit Notes & Accounts Receivable 49 Customer Oeoosits (Less Accum. Provision for 50 Taxes Accrued Uncollected Accounts: S 4 7 51 Interest Accrued Receivables from Munici alit 52 Misc. Current & Accrued Liabilities Materials & Supplies TOTAL Current & Accrued Liabilities Prepa ments 1 851 658 53 (Enrer Toral of lines 46 rhru 52J Misc. Current & Accrued Assets TOTAL Current & Accrued Assets 54 DEFERRED CREDITS (Enter Toral of lines 13 thru 19J 55 Customer Advances for Construction 56 Other Deterred Credits DEFERRED DEBITS 57 Unamonized Gain on Reacouired Debt Unamortized Debt Expense TOTAL Deferred Credits (Enrer Toral Extraordinary Property Losses 58 of lines 55 rhru 57J 1 055 599 15 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits Unamortized Loss on Reacouired Debt 59 OPERATING RESERVES TOTAL Deferred Debits 60 Property Insurance Reserve (Enter Total of lines 22 rhru 25J 3 168 838 61 Injuries and Damages Reserve 62 Pensions and Benefits Reserve 63 Miscellaneous Opera tin Reser ves TOTAL ASSETS & OTHER DEBITS TOTAL Operating Reserves (Enter Toral of lines 6, 1 1, 20, 26J 3 310 441,105 64 (Enter Total of lines 60 thru 63J TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER CREDITS 65 lEnrer Toral of lines, and 641 3,310,441,105 El')2 (6-86) Page 2

r Da!e of Report Report Year Ending Name of Respondent Was hi 11g tOn Publ iC This Report Is.'l IMo, Ds, Yrl IMo, Da, Yr)

I g3An Origins!

Power Supply System Nuclear (21 DA Resubmission ne Item Amount No. (ai (a)


1 Electric Utilit 0 eratin Income Operating Revenues S 4 Operation Expenses See F Maintena'nce Expenses Depreciation and Amortization Taxes and Tax Equivalents Contributions and Services,,

TOTAL Electric Operating Expenses (Enrer Total oi lines 3 fhru 7J Net Operating Income 10 Income from Plant Leased to Others 11 Total Electr! c Utility Operating Income (Enrer Toral of lines 9 rhru 10) 12 Other Utility Operating Income IUtlllty Departments Other than Electric) 13 " TOTAL Utility Operating Income (Enrer Toral of lines 11 rhru 12) 199 45 14 Other Income (Explain si nificant amountsin a footnote) 15 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 16 Gross Income (Enrer Total of lines 13 thru 15) 17 Income Deductions 18 Interest on Long Term Debt 19 Other Income Deductions (See pg. 4) (Explain significant amounfsin a footnote) 20 TOTAL Income Deductions (Enter Total of lines 18 and 19J 21 Income Before Extraordinary Items (Enter Total of line 16 less line 20J 22 Extraordinary Income (See definition (fJ. page iiJ 23 Extraordinary Deductions (See definition (f); page iiJ Net Income (Enter Total f I 2 0 PART III: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Line I!em Oprrarrun Marnrenance Total No. lal fbi Ic I (df Production Ex enses Steam Power Generation Nuclear Power Generation 76 Hydraulic Power Generation Other Power Generation (Specily:)

Purchased Power Other Production Expenses TOTAL Production Expenses Transmission Expenses Distribution Expenses 10 Customer Accounts Expenses Sales Expenses 12 Administrative 5 General Expenses 13 TOTAL ELECT. OPERATION 8r MAINT. EXPENSES EIA412 (6-86) ~ Page 3

sterne of Respondent aS 1 ngton U 1 C This Report Is: Date of Report Report Year Ending Power Supply System Nuclear lt) E)An Original IMo, Da, Yr) IMo, Da, Yr)

E ~ Plant No. 2 I2) PA Resubmission 4/12/88 6/30/87 PART IV: UTILITYPLANT Balance Transfers lne Additions Retirements Balance Item Beginning and

o. During Year During Year End ol Year of Year Adjustmems

/aJ QJ /eJ feJ Biectric Utilit Pfant Electric Plant in Service Intangible Plant Production Plant Steam Production

.3 Nuclear Production 3 357 890 064 '4 311 262 7 774.704 (12 M5 139j 3 372;321 483 Hydraulic Production Other Production (Specrfy/J TOTAL Production Plant Transmission Plant 4 923 092 4 923 092 Distribution Plant General Plant 20 447 324 9 314 881 (404 925 22 /37.281 51.844 561 10 TOTAL Electric Plant in Service 3 378 337 3$ 43 626 143 8 179 629 15 X5 234 3 429 089 136 Electric Plant Leased to Others 12 Construction Work in Progress-Electric 13 Electric Plant Held for Future Use 14 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments (See defini /ion (eJ, page iiJ 15 TOTAL Electric Plant 3 429 089 136 16 Plant of Other Utility Depts. (Specify/J 17 18 TOTAL Utility Plant 3.394 567 553 43,626 143 (8 179 629 15 305,234 3,429,089,136 PART V: SALESOF ELECTRICITY fOR RESALE

1. Report below the information called for concerning sales dur- FPIP). Ior firm power supplementing customer's own generation or ing year to other electric utilities and cooperatives, and to cities or other purchases; 0, for other power. Inbiude in the 0 classification other public authoritieq for distribution to ultimate consumers. sales in which the power delivered cannot be classified under either
2. For each sale, designate statistical classifications in column lh) of the above definitions.

as follows: FP, for firm power supplying total system requirements 3. For column le), enter the quantities shown on the bills of customer or total requirements at a specific poir.t ol delivery; rendered.

Annual Revenues Siaiis. Number of Maximvm Line Sales Made To iical Point ol Delivery Amount of Kilowaiihours Demand Per No. /Enrer name/ Classili ~

ISiare, city, etc.) Voltage Sold /Specify kStr Amount kWh cation or kVeJ Iln Cents fai //rI /N feJ f/J /gi f/rJ Bonneville Parer Adrrinistra- FP(P) Richland, N 540 kv 5,519,482,0CO 1,090, S 7.8 tion kll 32,270,435 3


1. Report below the information called for concerning powei pur. 3. Report interchange transactions as net whether the net is a I

chased for resale during the year. receipt or a delivery by respondent. Indicate such transactions with

2. For column (d), enter the quantities shown on the bills an asterisk.


Annual Cost Number of h1aximvm Line Purchased From Point of Receipi Amount of Kllowauhovrs 'Demand Per No. /Enrer name/ IState. city. eic.l Voltage Purchased /Spec'i fy kyy Amount kwh or kVaJ lln Cents)

/aJ rc) fel /gJ 1 S 2

3 4

Page 4 EIA-412 (6-86)

Marner Respondent Wash1ngton Publi c>>is Report ls: Date of Report Rcport Year E<idina Power Supply System Nuclear (>> W<<ilo'>>I (Mo, De, Yr) IMo, De, Yr)


1. Report below the information called for on contributions and operating expenses, etc. Show in column (e) amounts which are not services to the municipality or other government units by the electric accounted for in respondent's financial statements. For those utility and, conversely, by those bodies to the electric utility. Do not amounts not included in respondent's financial statements, explain include: (a) loans and advances which are subject to repayment or in a footnote the reason for their omission.

which bear interest, (b) payments in retirement ot loans or advances 3..Repon below only taxes that are chargeable to operations of previously made, (c) contributions by the municipality of funds or the electric utilitydepaqment. Exclude gasoline and other sales taxes property which are of the nature of investment in the electric utility which are included in the cost of transportation and materials.

department. 4. Report as tax equivalents only those amounts which are

2. Enter in column (c) the total contributions made or received. understood to constitute payments equivalent to or in lieu of Show in column (d) amounts included in column (c) which have amounts which would be paid if the electric utility department were been accounted for in the respondent's financial statements, i.e., subject to local tax levies.'

balance sheet,'income account, earned surplus, operating revenues. 5. For Other (Specify), use a supplemental page if the lines pro.

vided are not sufficient.

Amount of Contribution or Value ol Service Line kwh Included in Noi Included hem No. (1,000's) Total Financial in Financial Statements Sraieinenis lel lcl ldl lel By the Electric Utility to the Municipality or Other Government Units Taxes S Tax Equivalents Total (Lines 1 & 2)

To General Funds of the Municipality Other (Specify: )

TOTAL Contributions (Toral of lines 4 rhru 5) 1 966 649 1 966 649 Street and Highway Lighting Municipal Pumping Other Municipal Li ht and Power 10 Other Electric Service Nonelectric Service (Specify: )

12 13 TOTAL Services (Toral of lines 7 thru 12) 14 TOTAL Contributions and Services by the Electric Utility (Total of lines 6and 13)

By the Municipality or Other Government Units to the Electric Utility 15 For Operations and Property Maintenance 16 Other (Specify: )

17 1B TOTAL Contributions (Total of lines 15 rhru 17) 19 Office Space 20 Water 21 Engineering Service 22 Legal Service 23 Other Service (Specifyr) 24 25 TOTAL Services (Total of lines 19 thru 24)

TOTAL Contributions and Services by the Municipality (Toral of lines 18 and 25)

Net Contributions and Services by the Electric Utility to the Municipality or Other Government Units (Total of line 14 less line 26) 1,966,649 1 966,649 Page 5 EIA-412 (6-86)

Name of Respondent Washington Public This Report Is: Oate of Report 9'er Supply System Nuclear (1) @An Original (Mo, Oe, Yrl Report Year Ending IMo, Oa, Yrl (2) PA Resubmission 4/12/88 6/30/87 PART Vill: LARGE-ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANTS USING FUEL

1. Large plants are plants of 25,000 kW or more of installed capacity 4. It net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give that which is (name plate rating). Include gas turbine and internal combustion plants of available, specifying period in a footnote.

10,000 kW and n:ore on this page. Include also nuclear plants. 5. If a group of employees attends more than one generating plant, report

2. If any plant is equipped with, combinations ot steam, hydro, internal on line 10 the approximate average number of employees assignabie to each combustion or gas turbine equipment, report each as a separate plant. plant.

However, if a gas.turbine unit functions in a combined cycle operation with a 6. It gas is used and purchased on a therm basis, give the Stu content of conventional steam unit, include the gas turbine with the steam plant. the gas and the quantity ot tuel burned, convened to Mcf h (14.73 psia at

3. Iridtcate with asterisks and footnotes if any pTant is leased or operated 60OFI.

as a joint facility. 7. The tigure entered on line 20 (Fuell should be consistent with the Plant Name: Plant Name Line No. Item Nuclear Plant No. 2 NA lal Ifrt tcl 1 Kind of Plant (Steam, Internal Comb., Gas Turb., or Nuclear) Nuclear 2 Year Originally Constructed 1984 3 Year Last Unit Was Installed 1984 4 TOTAL Inst. Capacity (Max. Gen. Name Plate Ratings in kW) 1 200 000 5 Net Peak Demand on Plant (kW for 60 Minutes) 6 Plant Hours Connected to Load 7 Net Continuous Plant Capability (kW)

When Not Limited by Condenser Water When Limited by Condenser Water 10 Average Number of Employees 11 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use 12 Cost of Plant 13 Land and Land Rights 43 14 Structures and Improvements Equipment Costs Cost per kW of Installed Capacity (Line 4) 18 Production Expenses 19 Operation Supe~vision and Engineering 20 Fuel 21 Coolants and Water (Nuclear Plants Only)

Steam Expenses 23 Steam trom Other Sources 24 Steam Transferred (Cr.)

25 Electric Expenses 26 Misc. Steam Power Expenses (or Nuclear) 27 Rents 28 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering Maintenance of Structures 30 Maintenance of Boiler Plant {or Reactor Plant) 31 Maintenance of Electric Plant 32 Maintenance of Misc. Steam Plant (or Nuclear) 4 823 486 33 TOTAL Production Expenses 34 Expenses per Net kWh (Mills-2 Places) 35 Fuel: (Kind) Coal Gas 'Oil Coal Gas. Oil 36 Unit: (Coal-Tons ot 2,000 Lb.) (Oil-Barrels of 42 Gals.)

(Gas-Mcf) (Nuclear Indicate) N clear 37 Quantity {Units) of Fuel Burned 38 Average Heat Content of Fuel Burned (Btu per Lb. of Coal, per Gal. of Oil, or per Cu. Ft. of Gas) 39 Average Cost of Fuel per Unit, as Delivered F.O.B.

Plant During Year Average Cost of Fuel per Unit Burned Average Cost of Fuel Burned per Million Btu 49.60 42 Average Cost of Fuel Burned per kWh Net Generation 43 Average Btu per kWh Net Generation 10 552 EIA412 (6-86) Page 6

Name of Respondent Wash1ngton Publ i c Poyfdr Supply SyStem NuClear This Report Is.'ate (I) IXIAnOrifensf (Mo, of Report Ds, Yr)

Report Year Endmg (Mo, Oa, Yr) lant No. 2 l2) QA Resubmission 4 RT VIII. L GE ELECTRIC GFNERATING PLANTS USING FUEL (Continued) es entered on line 37 (Quantity of Fuel Burned), line 38 (Avg. Heat Con- snd 554) on line 31 "Maintenance of Eldctric Plant." Indicate plants designed nt), line 40 IAvg. Cost of. Fuel) and line 41 IAvg. Cow, of. Fuel Burned).. tor peek load serv(ce. Designate with sn asterisk automatically operated B.lf more than one fuel is.burned in a plant, furnish only the cornposite.-

hest rate for all fue(s burned. 11. If the respondent operates a nuclear power generating plant, attach

9. The items under Cost of Plant, line 12, represent accounts or combina- (a) a brief explanation accounting for the cost ot power generated, including tions of accounts prescribed by the Uniform Sysrem of Accounts. Produc. any anribution ot excess costs to research and development expenses; (b) a tion expenses do not include Purchased Power, System Control and Load brief explanation of the fuel accounting, specifying the accounting methods Dispatching, and Other Expenses classified as "Other Power Supply Ex. and types of cost units under with respect to the various components ot the penses." fuel cost; snd (c) additional information as may be informative concerning
10. For I.C. end G T. plants, report Operating Expenses (account nos. 548 the type of plant, kind of fuel used, snd other physical and operating and 549) on line 25 "Electric Expenses," and Maintenance (account nos. 553 characteristics of the plant.

lent Name Plant Name Plant Name Line NA NA Item No.

ro7 tef Kind of Plant Year Constructed Year Last Unit TOTAL Installed Capacity Net Peak Demand Plant Hours Net Capability Not Limited Limited Employees 10 Net Generation Cost of Plant 12 Land 13 Structures 14 Eouipment 15 TOT L Cost per kW 17 Production Expenses 18 Operation Supervision 19 Fuel 20 Coo)ants 21 S earn Exoen es 22 Steam Other Sources 23 Steam Transferred 24 E(ectnc Expenses 25 Misc. Expenses 26 Rents 27 Maintenance'Supervision 28 Maint. ot Structures 29 Maint. of Boiler Maint. of Electric Plant 31 Maint. of Misc. Steam 32 AL roduction 33 Expenses 34 Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil Fuel: (Kind) 35 Unit 36 Quantity 37 Avg. Heat Content Avg. Cost F.O.B. 39 Avg. Cost Btu 41 Avg. Cost kWh 42 Avg. Btu per kWh Page 7 ElA412 (6-86), ~

e me of Respondent NaShington Publ iC This Report Is: Date ol Report Report Year Ending wer Supply System Nuclear It) @An Original IMo, Da, Yr) IMo, Da, Yr) ant No. 2 (2) QA Resubmission 4/12/88 6/30/87


1. Larg piants are hyoro plants of 10,000 kW or more of 3. For line 5, it net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, installed capacity (name plate ratings). give that which is available, specifying period.
2. Indicate by an asterisk and explain in a footnote if any plant is 4. For line 10, if a group of employees attends more than one leased, operated under a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory generating plant, report the approximate average number of Commission, or operated as a joint facility. If a licensed project, give employees assignable to each plant.

project number.

FERC Licensed Project No. and Plant Name: FERC Licensed Project No, F ERG Licensed Project No.

Line and Plant Name: and Plant Name:


NA NA 1 Kind of Plant (Run of. River or Storage) 2 Year Originally Constructed 3 Year Last Unit was Installed 4 TOTAL Installed Capacity (Generator Name Plate Ratings in kW) 5 Net Peak Demand on Plant (Kilowatts for 60 Minutes) 6 Plant Hours Connected to Load 7 Net Plant Capability (Kilowatts) 3 Under the Most Favorable Operating Conditions 9 Under the Most Adverse Operating Conditions Avera e Number of Employees Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use Cost of Plant

'l3 Land and Land Rights 14 Structures and Improvements 15 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways 16 Equipment Costs 17 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges 18 TOTAL Cost fEnrer 7oral of lines 14 rhriJ 17J 19 Cost per kW of Installed Capacity Line 18 :line4J 20 Production Expenses 21 Operation Supervision and Engineering 22 Water for Power 23 Hydraulic Expenses 24 Electric Expenses 25 Misc. Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses 26 Rents 27 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering

'23 Maintenance of Structures 2g Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams. and Waterways 30 Maintenance of Electric Plant 31 Maintenance of Misc. Hydraulic Plant 32 TOTAL Production Expenses iToral of lines 21 rhru 31) 33 Expenses per Net kWh (Mills-2 Places)

EIA412 (646) Page 8

Report Year Ending Name of Respondent . Hash> ngton Public This Report ls: Oats of Report P<<er SuPPly System Nuclear

" It)QAn origin'al- -. IMo, Oa, Yr) (hsp, Oa. Yi).

Plant No. 2 I2) QA Resubmission PART IX: HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) (Continued)

5. The items under Coat'of Plant represent accounts or combina- as "Other Power Supply Expenses."

tiona of accounts prescribed by the Uniform System of Accounts. 6. If any plant is equipped with combinations of steam, hydro, in-Under Production Expenses, do not include Purchased Power, ternal combustion engine, or gas turbine equipment, report each as System Control, and Load Dispatching, or Other Expenses classified a separate plant.

FERC Licensed Project No. FERC Licensed Project No. F ERG Licensed Project No.

FERC Licensed Project No. Line and Plant Name: and Plant Name: and Flam Name:

and Plant Name: No.

NA NA NA Kind of Plant Year Constructed Year Last Unit TOTAL Installed Capacity Net Peak Demand Plant Hours Net Caoabilit Most Adverse Emolovees 10 Net Generation Cost of Plant 12 Land 13 Structures 14 Reservoirs Etc. 15 Equipment 16 Roads, Ftc. 17 TOTAL 18 Cost per kW 19 Production Expenses 20 Operation Supervision 21 Water for Po.ver 22 Hydraulic Expenses 23 Electric Expenses 24 Misc. Expenses 25 Rents 26 Maintenance Supervision 27 Maintenance Structures 28 Maint.'Reservoirs, Etc. 29 Maint. Electric Plant 30 Maint. Hydraulic Plant 31 TOTAL 32 Expenses per Net kWh 33 Page 9 EIA-412 (646)


>>me of Respon<<<<Washington Publ i c This Report lst Date of Report Report *Year Ending Power Supply System Nuclear (l I @An Original IMo, Da, Yr) IMo, Da, Yrl (2) PA Resubmission 4 12/88 6/30 87 5 STATIST

....1, peportbelow Infortnation requested concerning each transmis- .," ..the respondent is not the sole owner. If such property is leased fron; sion line. Show highest voltages first. If more space is required, use another, give name of lessor.

supplemental page usirig the column headings shown on this page. 4 Designate in a footnote any transmission line leased to another


2. Indicate in column (d) whether the type of supporting structure and give name of lessee.

is: (1) single pole, wood, or steel; (2) M-frame, wood, or steel poles; 5. For column (c), if the voltage usedis different from operating, (3) tower; or (4) underground construction. -

report the difference in a footnote.

3. Designate any transmission line or portion thereof for which Designation LENGTH IPole Miles)

(Name of Terminal Station) Size of Type of On Conductor Number Line On Operating Supporting of No. Structures Structures and From To Voltage Structure Circuits of Line of Another Material Designated Line Icl Iel III Igl 1 NA 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10 11 12 3

14 15 16 17 18

]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 9

1 42 43 E(AQ) 2 (6-86) Page 10

Report Year Fndinff Name of Respondent aS i ngtOn Pub iC This Report Is: Date of Report IMo, Da, Yr)

IMo, Da, Yrl Power Supply System Nuclear {1) QAn Original nt No. 2 l2I QA Resubmission 4/12/88 6/30/87 Qe i Number Part Number..

Line Number Column Numfset ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~e u4 e a Comments



> ~ ~ ) .~. ~,,(, ~

(aJ (frj (cJ (dI 6 b Plant 8 Equip. in Service 3,243,637,011 Less Accum. Depreciation (270,080,867) 2,973,556.144 Const. Work in Progress . 7,268,265 Nuclear Fuel 157,139,729 Less Accum: Amortization (53,032,031) 104,107,698 General Plant Bldgs. 8 Equip. 21,044,131 Less Accum. Depreciation (4,288,421) 16,755,710 Net Utility Plant 3,101,687,817 peration xpenses inc ude:

Operation 47,245,861 Fuel Burnup 23,387,320 Waste Disposal 5;499,168 Decommissioning 941,242 AEG 28,416,380 105,489,9 1 14 ther Income inc udes:.

'nvestment Income 16,681,006 Revaluation of Investments (41,457) 16,639,549 19 ther Income De uctions inc u e:

Amortization of Debt Discount 8'Expense 2,692,884 24 e prospect has no equity and, there ore, no retained earnings.

ut net-billing agreements with the project participants allow or complete recovery of project costs including debt service.

he participants are billed for project costs based on a budge-ed amount with an adjustment to actual each year.

Page 3 , Part II - ge 6, ene its accrued rec assi ied rom operation and maintenance Part V III ategories to administrative and general.

VIII 11 o he a The cost o power is equal to total expenses divided by the instru tions net generation:

Total Expenses (Pg. 3, Line 2) $ 432,270,435 Net Generation (Pg. 6, Line 11) 5,519,482,000 Net Cost of Power 78.32 Hills/kw b) The Fuel Accounting System uses cost principles of the public utility industry as given under. the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chart of Uniform Accounts.

This includes recording of the acquisition and manufacturing cost of fuel and the amortization of the capitalized fuel cost based on heat production. In addition to the amortiza-tion of fuel burnup, the current period nuclear fuel operat-ing expense includes a charge for future spent nuclear fuel

,storage and disposal to be provided by the Department of Energy. This charge is based on a one mill per kilowatt hour of energy generated.

EIA412 (6-86) ~

Page ll