MONTHYEARML24267A2552024-09-23023 September 2024 Change in the NRC Project Manager for the West Valley Demonstration Project IR 05000201/20240012024-05-0808 May 2024 West Valley Demonstration Project - Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report 05000201/2024001 ML23229A4712023-08-17017 August 2023 Change in the NRC Project Manager for the West Valley Demonstration Project IR 05000201/20230012023-03-28028 March 2023 West Valley Demonstration Project - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2023001 ML23038A0402023-03-15015 March 2023 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Results of a Teleconference to Discuss Disposition of Historical Records Related to the Former Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc ML22361A1022023-02-24024 February 2023 Reactor Decommissioning Branch Project Management Changes for Some Decommissioning Facilities and Establishment of Backup Project Manager for All Decommissioning Facilities IR 05000201/20220032022-12-0606 December 2022 West Valley Demonstration Project - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2022003 IR 05000201/20220022022-09-28028 September 2022 West Valley Demonstration Project - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2022002 IR 05000201/20210012022-08-10010 August 2022 West Valley Demonstration Project: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report Nos. 05000201/2021001 and 05000201/2022001 ML22180A1892022-06-21021 June 2022 Notification of Temporary Change in Radiation Safety Officer Position for New York State Energy Research and Development Authoritys Radiation Protection Program for the Retained Premises of the Western New York Nuclear Service Center ML22145A2972022-05-0202 May 2022 Letter from J. Dean to M. Pagels, Et Al., West Valley Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Final Scope Dated 5/2/2022 ML21349B3442021-12-17017 December 2021 U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project - Demolition Readiness of the Main Plant Process Building Decommission and Demolition Plan (Docket No. 50-201 (POOM-032) ML21245A2462021-11-0505 November 2021 NYSERDA Retained Premises Radiation Protection Plan Amendment Package ML21202A2122021-07-15015 July 2021 Response to NRC Letter: Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment to Incorporate Updated Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (EPID L-2020-LLA-0029), Dated June 3, 20 ML21118A0762021-06-0303 June 2021 NYSERDA - Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment to Incorporate Updated Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements ML21126A0232021-04-27027 April 2021 Us Dept. of Energy, West Valley Demonstration Project, Air Dispersion Modeling Performed in Support of West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) Main Plant Process Building (MPPB) Demolition Preparations ML21105A3522021-04-0505 April 2021 Notification of Change in Radiation Safety Officer for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authoritys Radiation Protection Program for the Retained Premises of the Western New York Nuclear Service Center ML21012A3072020-12-15015 December 2020 Responses to NRC Comments on the West Valley Demonstration Project Main Plant Process Building Decommissioning & Demolition Work Plan, Revision 4 ML21012A2992020-12-14014 December 2020 West Valley Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Schedule and Probabilistic Performance Assessment Technical Discussions IR 05000201/20200022020-11-0202 November 2020 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2020002, West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, New York ML20311A2002020-10-28028 October 2020 Response to NRC Letter: Initial Review for NYSERDA Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (LAR-20-001), Dated March 11, 2020 (EPID L-2020-LLA-0023), Dated March 30, 2020 ML20268B2372020-09-24024 September 2020 Change in the NRC Project Manager for the West Valley Demonstration Project ML20261H5452020-09-24024 September 2020 Change in the NRC Project Manager for the West Valley Demonstration Project ML20265A3552020-09-22022 September 2020 Comments on Rev.4 Main Plant Process Building Demolition & Decommissioning Plan ML20115E4972020-04-27027 April 2020 Second Round of Comments on U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Projects Final Study Document: Vitrification Facility Air Emissions During Open-Air Demolition, Measured Vs Predicted, WVDP-579, Rev. 0 (Docket No. 05000201 (Po ML20084G6412020-03-30030 March 2020 Letter, A.Snyder to P. Bembia, NYSERDA, Initial Review for NYSERDA Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (LAR-20-001), Dated March 11, 2020 ML20076C3102020-03-11011 March 2020 Resubmittal of Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements ML20055E0492020-02-19019 February 2020 Response to Comments on U.S. DOE, Wvdp Air Study IR 05000201/20200012020-02-10010 February 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report 05000201/2020001, West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, New York ML20042D4972020-02-0606 February 2020 Western New York Nuclear Service Center - Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (LAR-20-001) ML19319A2932019-12-0404 December 2019 Comments on U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Final Study Document: Vitrification Facility Air Emissions During Open-Air Demolition, Measured Vs Predicted, WVDP-579 ML19267A2102019-09-12012 September 2019 U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Main Plant Process Building Decommissioning & Demolition Plan, WVDP-586, Revision 3 ML20265A3952019-06-19019 June 2019 June 19, 2019 Letter from Brian C. Bower to Amy Snyder, West Valley Main Plant Process Building, Rev. 3 IR 05000201/20190012019-06-18018 June 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report 05000201/2019001, West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, Ny ML19149A2362019-05-30030 May 2019 NRC Response Letter to DOE-WVDP on the Main Process Plant Demolition Work Plan ML19149A5552019-05-28028 May 2019 Vaughan Letter on CSM Corrections Needed - 5-28-19 ML18282A5232018-11-0707 November 2018 NRC Response to Nyserda'S Requests for Clarification of License Responsibility ML18290A5662018-11-0101 November 2018 Response to NYSERDA 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation IR 05000201/20180022018-10-25025 October 2018 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2018002, West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, New York ML18262A2542018-09-12012 September 2018 NYSERDA Letter Dated September 12, 2018 Requesting Clarification License Responsibility ML18236A3882018-08-27027 August 2018 U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Main Plant Process Building Decommissioning & Demolition Plan, WVDP-586, Revision 1, Dated February 27, 2017 ML18179A3992018-07-26026 July 2018 Response Letter - the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District Design - Level Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan - Springville Dam and Cattaraugus Creek Sediment Sampling, Dated April 2018 ML18222A2192018-06-19019 June 2018 NRC Solar Letter IR 05000201/20180012018-06-0707 June 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2018001. West Valley, Demonstration Project, West Valley, New York ML18192C1592018-05-0202 May 2018 May 2, 2018 Letter from NYSERDA Regarding Conforming CSF-1 to Current Site Conditions ML18087A6662018-04-0909 April 2018 Cover Letter TER for Wvnsnsc Off-Site Evaluation IR 05000201/20170012018-02-22022 February 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monitoring Visit Report No. 05000201/2017001, West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, New York ML18092A0562018-02-0505 February 2018 U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project (DOE-WVDP) Responses to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Comments on DOE-WVDP Main Plant Process Building (Mppb) Decommissioning & Demolition (D&D) Plan ML17347A1252018-01-16016 January 2018 Letter to Us Army Corps of Engineers - NRC Comments on Springville Dam Sampling and Analysis Plan ML17270A1192017-09-28028 September 2017 NRC Comments on the U.S. DOE West Valley Demonstration Project Main Plant Process Building Decommissioning & Demolition Plan, WVDP-586, Revision 1 (Docket No. 05000201 (POOM-032) 2024-09-23
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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 January 11, 2017 Mr. Paul J. Bembia, Director West Valley Site Management Program New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 9030-B Route 219 West Valley, NY 14171-9500
Dear Mr. Bembia:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received the New York State Energy Research and Development Authoritys (NYSERDAs) letters, dated October 13, 2016, (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System [ADAMS] Accession No. ML16305A184) and October 26, 2016, (ADAMS Accession No. ML16305A051), providing two 30-day notices of the activities that NYSERDA is planning to undertake at the Western New York Nuclear Service Center (WNYNSC)-retained premises (sometimes referred to as the NYSERDA-retained premises) in areas or portions of those areas that NYSERDA has indicated are radiologically impacted or may be potentially impacted with NRC licensed material.
In its October 13, 2016, letter (ADAMS Accession No. ML16305A184), NYSERDA describes three proposed activities as 1) preparation work for Cattaraugus County culvert replacement along Rock Springs Road; 2) grass cutting and brush clearing to improve sight-lines along Rock Springs Road, and 3) barbed-wire fence repair at the north end of the WNYNSC. Also, NYSERDA states that The radiological hazards associated with these non-soil disturbing work activities before the end of the year will be minimal but identifies several of these activities as time-critical in nature because they impact health and safety. Attached to NYSERDAs October 13, 2016 letter is a map, titled, Map of the Time-Critical Work Activities in the Areas of the Western New York Nuclear Service Center (Center) Retained Premises. Additionally, NYSERDA states that The replacement of the culverts in 2017 will include significant soil disturbance, and NYSERDA will request further discussions with the NRC later this year as to how the county can proceed with this work during the 2017 construction season. In NYSERDAs October 26, 2016 letter (ADAMS Accession No. ML16305A051), NYSERDA describes tree cutting and brush-hogging, as depicted in an attached map, titled, Map of the New National Grid Right-of-Way. This map shows a legend denoting Potential Radiological Contamination and Potential Shine Area. In both letters, NYSERDA asks whether the NRC has any questions or concerns regarding NYSERDA proceeding with these work activities.
P. Bembia Thank you for keeping the NRC appraised of activities that you are planning to conduct on the NYSERDA retained-premises that are under NRC regulatory oversight. These activities are subject to NRC inspection. If the NRC chooses to inspect these activities, the NRC will coordinate with you in advance of the inspection. The NRC understands that NYSERDA will conduct activities in the areas or portions of areas that NYSERDA described in its October 13 and 26, 2016 letters and any other area on the NYSERDA retained-premises under NRC regulatory oversight in a manner that is in compliance with NYSERDAs license and the applicable regulations.
If NYSERDA does not plan to do the work under its license in restricted areas or potential radiological areas then the other available options were discussed with NYSERDA previously in 2015 and 2016 teleconferences. During these teleconferences, the NRC clarified for NYSERDA its options to conduct work on the NYSERDA retained premises in areas that NYSERDA believes to be contaminated or potentially contaminated from material from operations of the reprocessing plant under NRC license No. CSF-1. These options are documented in the Enclosure as options 2 through 4.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Agency Rules of Practice and Procedure, a copy of this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records component of NRCs ADAMS. ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Amy Snyder, Senior Project Manager. She can be reached at (301) 415-6822 or Amy.Snyder@nrc.gov.
Theodore Smith, Acting Chief Materials Decommissioning Branch Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery, and Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 050-00201 License No. CSF-1 cc: w/enclosure:
B. Bower, DOE-WV A. Iglesias, EPA T. Rice, NYSDEC D. Samson, NYSDOH
ML16315A395 OFC DUWP DUWP DUWP OGC DUWP NAME ASnyder CHolston DMisenheimer (Acting) SClark TSmith DATE 11/21/16 11/22/16 11/21/16 12/06/16 01/11/17 Options for Performing Work on the Western New York Nuclear Service Center/NYSERDA-Retained Premises in Contaminated or Potentially Contaminated Areas
- 1. If the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) proposes to use its U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license CSF-1:
NYSERDA has the option to voluntarily request the pre-amendment or readiness review process, if the NYSERDA wishes to pursue an amendment. Meetings in this process would be publicly noticed; and An opportunity for hearing would be noticed in the Federal Register upon submittal of the amendment application.
- 2. If the NYSERDA elects to use a New York State Service Provider Licensee to perform the proposed work in radiologically contaminated or potentially radiologically contaminated areas on site, the NRC Region I staff would perform a reciprocity review of the New York State Department of Health license to ensure that it covers such things as the scope of work (trenching, foundation, or pole removal and installation), possession of the appropriate type material (radionuclides likely to encounter), sampling, analysis, and waste management controls (radiological controls). Also, the NRC Region I staff would need to know the duration of the proposed work. The NRC Region I staff would confer with the NRC Project Manager for West Valley.
- 3. If the NYSERDA elects to use a NRC Service Provider Licensee to perform the proposed work, the NRC Region I staff would review the license for the same items identified above but there is a time constraint for the NRC Service provider contractor to contact the NRC. A licensed contractor has 14 days to notify the NRC before performing such work.
- 4. NYSERDA proposed a different option in which NYSERDA would basically be responsible for industrial hygiene health and safety and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) perform radiological monitoring coverage for the work on the NYSERDA-retained premises in radiologically contaminated or potentially radiologically contaminated areas.
NRC informed NYSERDA that this option proposed by NYSERDA would only be acceptable if the DOE would take all responsibility for the work activity and the associated radioactive material under the West Valley Demonstration Project or under Section 4.12 of the Cooperative Agreement between DOE and NYSERDA for any radiologically impacted or potentially impacted areas of property.