NLS2016049, Revision to Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report

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Revision to Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/2016
From: Limpias O
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16279A421 (5)



Nebraska Public Power District

Always there when you need us" NLS2016049 September 29, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852


Revision to Nebraska Public Power District's Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No 50-298, DPR-46


1. NRC Letter, "Request for Infom~.ation Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," dated March 12, 2012
2. NPPD Letter to NRC, "Nebraska Public Power District's Response to Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Flooding Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," dated February 3, 2015
3. NPPD Letter to NRC, "Addendum to Nebraska Public Power District's Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Flooding Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," dated July 31, 2015
4. NPPD Letter to NRC, "Addendum to Nebraska Public Power District's Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Flooding Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," dated October 29, 2015

Dear Sir or Madam:

On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Reference 1 to all power reactor licensees and holders of construction permits in active or deferred status. Enclosure 2 of Reference 1 requested that each licensee perform a reevaluation of external flooding sources and report the results in accordance with the NRC's prioritization plan. In Reference 2, Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) submitted the flood hazard reevaluation report (FHRR) report for /IO/ 0 COOPER NUCLEAR STATION ./ f... f.._

P.O. Box 98/Brownville, NE 68321-0098 /V Telephone: (402) 825-3811 I Fax: (402) 825-5211 ENCLOSURE 1 TO THIS LETTER CONTAINS SECURITY-RELATED INFORMATION.


SECURITY-RELATED INFORMATION-WITHHOLD UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 NLS2016049 Page 2 of2 Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS). In References 3 and 4, NPPD submitted Addendums A and B to the FHRR as a result of requests for information and the FHRR audit.

The purpose of this submittal is to submit a revised FHRR for CNS as discussed in Reference 4.

This revised FHRR also incorporates the addendums previously submitted. The attachment to this submittal provides a summary description, per section, of the revisions to the FHRR.

NPPD requests Enclosure 1, which contains security-related information, be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. A redacted version of the FHRR is provided as Enclosure 2 and is suitable for public disclosure.

There are no new regulatory commitments contained in this submittal. Should you have any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Jim Shaw, Licensing Manager, at (402) 825-2788.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

q(2-4tJb 0 . Limpias Vice President- Nuclear and Chief Nuclear Officer



Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Revision 1 - Revision Summary Table


1. Cooper Nuclear Station Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Revision 1 (Security-Related Version)
2. Cooper Nuclear Station Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Revision 1 (Redacted Version) cc: Regional Administrator, w/attachment/enclosures NPG Distribution, w/o attachment/enclosures USNRC - Region IV CNS Records, w/attachment/enclosures Director, w/attachment/enclosures USNRC - Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Cooper Project Manager, w/attachment/enclosures USNRC - NRR Plant Licensing Branch IV-2 Senior Resident Inspector, w/attachment/enclosures USNRC-CNS ENCLOSURE 1 TO THIS LETTER CONTAINS SECURITY-RELATED INFORMATION.


NLS2016049 Attachment Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Revision 1 - Revision Summary Table FHRR Section # Description of Revision Section 1.1.1 Capacity of 836 is revised to 835.5 Section 1.2. l Description revised Section Minor text change Section I.2.1.4 Text n_10dified Section I.7 Reference 1.7-4, USAR Revisicm xxvi7 revised to xxvil Section 1.7 References I. 7- I 8 and I .7-19 are added Section 2. I .4.2 Last paragraph "Figure 2. I-8 through Figure 2. I-IO" is revised to "Figure 2.1-8 through Figure 2. I-11" Section First paragraph "Zone B and Zone D" is revised to "Zones B and D" Table 2.1-6 An additional row for Cross-section D1450 added to the table Table 2.I-7 An additional row for Cross-section DI450 added to the table Figure 2.1-5 Figure revised to show addition of building Figure 2.1-7 Figure is revised to show new cross section DI450 Figure 2. I-9 Figure is revised Figure 2.I-10 Figure is revised Figure 2.I-I 1 New figure is added in Revision I Section Section is modified Section 2.2.6 Reference 2.2-13 of previsions version is renumbered as Reference 2.2-4, Reference numbers are revised in the text accordingly Section 2.2.6 New Reference 2.2-35 (AASHTO) added, reference numbers are revised in the text accordingly Table 2.2-2 Reference numbers are updated Table 2.2-2 Reference number is updated Table 2.2-14 Table updated according to revised forces Section 2.3 First paragraph, TUFLOW FV software for 2D analysis is added Section 2.3 .3 Section is revised to include 2D analysis Section 2.3 .3 .2 Section title is revised to identify that it pertains to ID analysis Section Section title is revised to identify that it pertains to ID analysis Section New section added to address 2D analysis using TUFLOW FV Section 2.3.5.I Section is revised to include 2D analysis results Section Section is revised to include 2D analysis results Section Section is revised to include 2D analysis results Section Section is revised to include AASTHO method and 2D analysis results for Debris force Section 2.3.6 New reference for TUFLOW FV software (Reference 2.3-3) is added, reference numbers are revised in the text accordingly

NLS2016049 Attachment Page 2 of3 FHRR Section # Description of Revision Section 2.3.6 New reference for Chow, Open Channel Hydraulics (Reference 2.3-14) is added, reference numbers are revised in the text accordingly Section 2.3.6 New reference for Fred, Danny L., Flood Routing Methods and Manning's n (Reference 2.3-15) is added, reference numbers are revised in the text accordingly Section 2.3 .6 New reference for AASHTO, LRFD Bridge Design Specification (Reference 2.3-27) is added, reference numbers are revised in the text accordingly Table 2.3-7 ,New table for Manning's roughness coefficient is added, table numbers are revised accordingly Table 2.3-9 (Old 2.3- Table is revised according to revised analysis 8)

Table 2.3-9 and These tables are deleted in new Revision 1 of FHRR Table 2.3-10 of Revision 0 Table 2.3-10 New table Model Boundary for TUFLOW is added, table numbers are revised accordingly Table 2.3-11 New table for Upstream boundary sensitivity analysis is added, table numbers are revised accordingly Table 2.3-12 New table Monitoring Point Summary is added, table numbers are revised according! y Table 2.3-'13 New table Monitoring Point Summary is added, table numbers are revised accordingly Table 2.3-14 Table is same as Table 2.3-11 of Revision 0 FHRR Table 2.3-15 Table (Table 2.3-12 ofFHRR, Revision 0) is revised for new water levels using 2D analysis Table 2.3-16 Table (Table 2.3-13 ofFHRR, Revision 0) is revised for new water levels using 2D analysis, some new building locations are also added Table 2.3-17 Table (Table 2.3-14 ofFHRR, Revision 0) is revised for new water levels using 2D analysis, some new building locations are also added Table 2.3-18 Table (Table 2.3-15 of FHRR, Revision 0) is revised for revised hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces Table 2.3-19 Table (Table 2.3-16 of FHRR, Revision 0) is revised for revised forces on Intake Structure Table 2.3-20 Table (Table 2.3-17 of FHRR, Revision 0) is revised for revised debris impact loads Figure 2.3-8 New Figure Land Use Classes for Manning's Roughness Coefficient is added, table numbers are revised accordingly Figure 2.3-9 Figure is same as Figure 2.3-8 of Revision 0 FHRR Figure 2.3-10 Figure is revised Figure of Figure 2.3-9 of Revision 0 FHRR for Peak stage at CNS due to System and Non-System dam failure Figure 2.3-11 Figure is revised Figure of Figure 2.3-10 of Revision 0 FHRR for Peak discharge at CNS due to System and Non-System dam failure

NLS2016049 Attachment Page 3 of3 FHRR Section # Description of Revision Figures 2.3-11 Figures are deleted in Revision 1 of FHRR through 2.3-14 of Revision 0 Figure 2.3-12 New figures based of2D analysis are added through Figure 2.3-25 Figure 2.3-26 Figure is same as Figure 2.3-15 of Revision 0 FHRR Figure 2.3-27 Figure is same as Figure 2.3-16 of Revision 0 FHRR Figure 2.3-28 Figure is same as Figure 2.3-17 of Revision 0 FHAA Figure 2.3-29 Figure is Revised.from Figure 2.3-18 of Revision 0 FHRR Figures 2.3-19 Figures are deleted in Revision 1 ofFHRR through 2.3-22 of Revision 0 Figure 2.3-30 New figure for ground cover is added Figure 2.3-31 Figure is Revised from Figure 2.3-23 of Revision 0 FHRR Figure 2.3-32 Figure is Revised from Figure 2.3-24 of Revision 0 FHRR Figure 2.3-33 Figure is Revised from Figure 2.3-25 of Revision 0 FHRR Figure 2.3-34 Figure is Revised from Figure 2.3-26 of Revision 0 FHRR Section 2.4 Minor revision to the text Section 2.5 Minor modification with one paragraph added Section 2.6 One sentence added after first paragraph Section 2.8.4 Text modified according to updated analysis results Section 2.8.6 Maximum PMF flow revised Section 3.3 Text modified as per revised Section 2.3 Section 3 .10.1 Text modified as per revised Section 2.3 Section 3 .10.2 Text modified as per revised Section 2.3 Section 3 .11.1 Text modified for Reference to updated Tables of Section 2.3 Section 3 .11.3 Text modified for Reference to updated Figure of Section 2.3 Table 3.14-1 Reevaluated flood levels for dam breach are revised Table 3.14-2 Forces in the table are revised