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023_06 Appendix 6A Reactor Building Fan Cooler ASSEMBLY-Figures
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/2016
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16127A520 List: ... further results
Download: ML16127A501 (5)


p.6A.FIG-l TMI Unit-1 Reactor Building Fan Assembly External View Update-1 7/82 Fig.6A-1

-N p.6A.FIG-2

a...0 K Lelend..x--6a (34)(JO)54 (24)78 (30)108 T r I('34) s-lliIt x 4 x)/81..()4)11-2 4)(4" 1)*01

.....-+--,ft9-J 7 O*1-@-c 6)(10.5 Ch.L-,.......

...........--'-204r@-@: 10 x 4 x'lISA.33-Flow wi th 5 x\.plate 6-@: 5)(6.7 en.To center sec tion o l4 Joint no.K...ber no.(34)Lenlth dimensionAccumulated dlstancea Wind (2 psi blast)-All but is Set_Ie-+X,-'I,-.(....-' Nuclear TMI Unit-1 Update-1 7/82 p.6A.FIG-3 Met Ed-End Section (Right End Shown)Adjusted to"Reduce" Number of Members for Computer Program Fig.6A-3 3)(34)(34)....---------.............


--346-4 (34).,---t---t------+--"";

2- 20-l1!, (34 tD_@It x 4 x 3/aA.24-.ill@_It x 4tH 13.0 f34)1J'.6 x 10.5 Ch.26 U/III-@a s x 6.7 Ch.24 (24)48 (24)72 (i4)1..---.2i No-_akin (vall)Wind (2 pat blast)All but+x ,-.S.t**le....-y,-a t+-.-,.+x.-y.-ZI-Y, Lelead, lit Joint no.Ma.ber no.(34) dl..ftlion l!Aeeumulat.d distance.

..r TMI Unite'Update-1 7/82 p.6A.FIG-4 Met Ed-Center Section Adjusted to Correspond With End Sections Fig.6A-4 p.6A.FIG-5 0i!]Nuclear IMI Unit-1 Fan High Pressure Test Duct Update-1 7/82 Fig.6A-5 p.6A.FIG-l TMI Unit-1 Reactor Building Fan Assembly External View Update-1 7/82 Fig.6A-1

-N p.6A.FIG-2

a...0 K Lelend..x--6a (34)(JO)54 (24)78 (30)108 T r I('34) s-lliIt x 4 x)/81..()4)11-2 4)(4" 1)*01

.....-+--,ft9-J 7 O*1-@-c 6)(10.5 Ch.L-,.......

...........--'-204r@-@: 10 x 4 x'lISA.33-Flow wi th 5 x\.plate 6-@: 5)(6.7 en.To center sec tion o l4 Joint no.K...ber no.(34)Lenlth dimensionAccumulated dlstancea Wind (2 psi blast)-All but is Set_Ie-+X,-'I,-.(....-' Nuclear TMI Unit-1 Update-1 7/82 p.6A.FIG-3 Met Ed-End Section (Right End Shown)Adjusted to"Reduce" Number of Members for Computer Program Fig.6A-3 3)(34)(34)....---------.............


--346-4 (34).,---t---t------+--"";

2- 20-l1!, (34 tD_@It x 4 x 3/aA.24-.ill@_It x 4tH 13.0 f34)1J'.6 x 10.5 Ch.26 U/III-@a s x 6.7 Ch.24 (24)48 (24)72 (i4)1..---.2i No-_akin (vall)Wind (2 pat blast)All but+x ,-.S.t**le....-y,-a t+-.-,.+x.-y.-ZI-Y, Lelead, lit Joint no.Ma.ber no.(34) dl..ftlion l!Aeeumulat.d distance.

..r TMI Unite'Update-1 7/82 p.6A.FIG-4 Met Ed-Center Section Adjusted to Correspond With End Sections Fig.6A-4 p.6A.FIG-5 0i!]Nuclear IMI Unit-1 Fan High Pressure Test Duct Update-1 7/82 Fig.6A-5