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08 Final Outlines
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/2014
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
laura hurley
50-275/14-08, 50-323/14-08 50-275/OL-14, 50-323/OL-14
Download: ML14279A082 (30)


04/02/2014 Printed:

ES-401 Facility:

DCPP PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 3

3 3

3 3

3 2

2 1

1 1

2 5

5 4

4 4

5 3

2 3

3 2

2 3

1 3

3 3

1 1

1 1

1 1

2 1

0 1

0 4

3 4

4 3

3 5

2 3

4 3

4 2

2 2

RO K/A Category Points Tier Group Total K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 A1 A2 A3 A4 K6 G*


Emergency Abnormal Plant Evolutions 1

1 2

2 Tier Totals Tier Totals 2.

Plant Systems 1

2 3


3. Generic Knowledge And Abilities Categories 2.

The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table.

The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.


Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.


Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems/evolutions that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate K/A statements.


Absent a plant-specific priority, only those K/As having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.


Date Of Exam:

08/08/2014 28 18 9

27 10 38 10 1.

Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable K/A category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each K/A category shall not be less than two).

7.* The generic (G) K/As in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the K/A Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable K/As.

8. On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IRs) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above; if fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.

SRO-Only Points A2 G*

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 3

4 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the K/A catalog, and enter the K/A numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3.

Limit SRO selections to K/As that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.


Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and K/A categories.

N/A N/A Total 0

0 1

04/02/2014 11:19:00 am

04/02/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

ES - 401 Facility:

DCPP E/APE # / Name / Safety Function Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 PWR RO Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 2.1.7 - Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

4.4 1

X 000008 Pressurizer Vapor Space Accident /

3 EK2.03 - S/Gs 3.0 1

X 000009 Small Break LOCA / 3 EK1.01 - Natural circulation and cooling, including reflux boiling 4.1 1

X 000011 Large Break LOCA / 3 AA1.06 - CCWS 3.1 1

X 000015/000017 RCP Malfunctions / 4 2.1.23 - Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.

4.3 1

X 000022 Loss of Rx Coolant Makeup / 2 AK1.01 - Loss of RHRS during all modes of operation 3.9 1

X 000025 Loss of RHR System / 4 2.4.21 - Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc.

4.0 1

X 000027 Pressurizer Pressure Control System Malfunction / 3 EK2.06 - Breakers, relays, and disconnects 2.9*

1 X

000029 ATWS / 1 EA2.01 - When to isolate one or more S/Gs 4.1 1

X 000038 Steam Gen. Tube Rupture / 3 AK3.04 - Actions contained in EOPs for steam line rupture 4.5 1

X 000040 Steam Line Rupture - Excessive Heat Transfer / 4 AA2.05 - Status of MFW pumps, regulating and stop valves 3.5 1

X 000054 Loss of Main Feedwater / 4 EK1.02 - Natural circulation cooling 4.1 1

X 000055 Station Blackout / 6 AA2.04 - Operational status of service water pump 3.5 1

X 000056 Loss of Off-site Power / 6 AA1.06 - Manual control of components for which automatic control is lost 3.5 1

X 000057 Loss of Vital AC Inst. Bus / 6 AA1.01 - Cross-tie of the affected dc bus with the alternate supply 3.4*

1 X

000058 Loss of DC Power / 6 EK3.3 - Manipulation of controls required to obtain desired operating results during abnormal, and emergency situations 3.8 1

X W/E04 LOCA Outside Containment / 3 1

04/02/2014 11:18:29 am

04/02/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

ES - 401 Facility:

DCPP E/APE # / Name / Safety Function Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 PWR RO Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 EK3.2 - Normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures associated with Loss of Secondary Heat Sink 3.7 1

X W/E05 Inadequate Heat Transfer - Loss of Secondary Heat Sink / 4 EK2.1 - Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features 3.6 1

X W/E11 Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirc. /

4 18 3

3 3

3 3

3 K/A Category Totals:

Group Point Total:

2 04/02/2014 11:18:29 am

04/02/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

ES - 401 Facility:

DCPP E/APE # / Name / Safety Function Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 PWR RO Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 AK3.04 - Actions contained in EOP for dropped control rod 3.8*

1 X

000003 Dropped Control Rod / 1 AA2.05 - Amount of boron to add to achieve required SDM 3.3 1

X 000024 Emergency Boration / 1 AK1.01 - Effects of voltage changes on performance 2.7 1

X 000033 Loss of Intermediate Range NI / 7 AK1.02 - Fire fighting 3.1 1

X 000067 Plant Fire On-site / 9 2.4.20 - Knowledge of operational implications of EOP warnings, cautions, and notes.

3.8 1

X 000069 Loss of CTMT Integrity / 5 EK2.01 - RCP 3.6 1

X 000074 Inad. Core Cooling / 4 2.2.44 - Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.

4.2 1

X W/E02 SI Termination / 3 EK2.2 - Facility's heat removal systems, including primary coolant, emergency coolant, the decay heat removal systems, and relations between the proper operation of these systems to the operation of the facility 3.6 1

X W/E08 RCS Overcooling - PTS / 4 EA1.1 - Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features 3.1 1

X W/E13 Steam Generator Over-pressure / 4 9

2 2

1 1

1 2

K/A Category Totals:

Group Point Total:

1 04/02/2014 11:18:35 am

04/02/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

K4 K5 A3 K6 A4 ES - 401 Sys/Evol # / Name Facility:

DCPP PWR RO Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 / Group 1 Form ES-401-2 A1.07 - RCS temperature and pressure 3.4*

1 X

003 Reactor Coolant Pump A4.01 - Boron and control rod reactivity effects 3.8 1

X 004 Chemical and Volume Control K2.01 - RHR pumps 3.0 1

X 005 Residual Heat Removal 2.1.20 - Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps.

4.6 1

X 006 Emergency Core Cooling K1.03 - RCS 3.0 1

X 007 Pressurizer Relief/Quench Tank K1.05 - Sources of makeup water 3.0 1

X 008 Component Cooling Water K5.01 - Determination of condition of fluid in PZR, using steam tables 3.5 1

X 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control K4.01 - Trip logic when one channel OOC or in test 3.7 1

X 012 Reactor Protection K2.01 - RPS channels, components, and interconnections 3.3 1

X 012 Reactor Protection K3.03 - Containment 4.3 1

X 013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation K6.01 - Sensors and detectors 2.7*

1 X

013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation 2.4.46 - Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant conditions.

4.2 1

X 022 Containment Cooling A1.02 - Containment pressure 3.6 1

X 022 Containment Cooling K4.01 - Source of water for CSS, including recirculation phase after LOCA 4.2 1

X 026 Containment Spray A2.04 - Malfunctioning steam dump 3.4 1

X 039 Main and Reheat Steam 2.1.31 - Ability to locate control room switches, controls, and indications, and to determine that they correctly reflect the desired plant lineup.

4.6 1

X 059 Main Feedwater A3.04 - Automatic AFW isolation 4.1 1

X 061 Auxiliary/Emergency Feedwater K5.02 - Decay heat sources and magnitude 3.2 1

X 061 Auxiliary/Emergency Feedwater A4.07 - Synchronizing and paralleling of different ac supplies 3.1*

1 X

062 AC Electrical Distribution K1.03 - Battery charger and battery 2.9 1

X 063 DC Electrical Distribution 1

04/02/2014 11:18:42 am

04/02/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

K4 K5 A3 K6 A4 ES - 401 Sys/Evol # / Name Facility:

DCPP PWR RO Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 / Group 1 Form ES-401-2 A4.03 - Battery discharge rate 3.0*

1 X

063 DC Electrical Distribution K6.08 - Fuel oil storage tanks 3.2 1

X 064 Emergency Diesel Generator K4.10 - Automatic load sequencer: blackout 3.5 1

X 064 Emergency Diesel Generator K3.01 - Radioactive effluent releases 3.6 1

X 073 Process Radiation Monitoring A3.02 - Emergency heat loads 3.7 1

X 076 Service Water K3.01 - Closed cooling water 3.4*

1 X

076 Service Water A3.01 - Air pressure 3.1 1

X 078 Instrument Air A1.01 - Containment pressure, temperature, and humidity 3.7 1

X 103 Containment 28 3

2 3

3 1

3 K/A Category Totals:

3 2

2 3

3 Group Point Total:

2 04/02/2014 11:18:42 am

04/02/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

K4 K5 A3 K6 A4 ES - 401 Sys/Evol # / Name Facility:

DCPP PWR RO Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 / Group 2 Form ES-401-2 K3.01 - CVCS 3.2*

1 X

011 Pressurizer Level Control K5.01 - Reasons for differences between RPIS and step counter 2.7 1

X 014 Rod Position Indication K1.02 - Vital ac systems 3.4 1

X 015 Nuclear Instrumentation A2.03 - Interruption of transmitted signal 3.0 1

X 016 Non-nuclear Instrumentation K6.01 - Sensors and detectors 2.7 1

X 017 In-core Temperature Monitor A1.01 - Hydrogen concentration 3.4 1

X 028 Hydrogen Recombiner and Purge Control K4.03 - Automatic purge isolation 3.2*

1 X

029 Containment Purge A1.01 - Radiation levels 3.4 1

X 072 Area Radiation Monitoring K2.03 - Emergency/essential SWS pumps 2.6*

1 X

075 Circulating Water A4.05 - Deluge valves 3.0 1

X 086 Fire Protection 10 1

1 1

2 1

0 K/A Category Totals:

1 1

1 0

1 Group Point Total:

1 04/02/2014 11:18:48 am


DCPP Generic Category KA KA Topic Imp.

Points Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)

Form ES-401-3 04/02/2014 Printed:

PWR RO Examination Outline 2.1.1 Knowledge of conduct of operations requirements.

3.8 1

Conduct of Operations 2.1.15 Knowledge of administrative requirements for temporary management directives, such as standing orders, night orders, Operations memos, etc.

2.7 1

2.1.19 Ability to use plant computers to evaluate system or component status.

3.9 1

2.1.32 Ability to explain and apply system limits and precautions.

3.8 1

4 Category Total:

2.2.2 Ability to manipulate the console controls as required to operate the facility between shutdown and designated power levels.

4.6 1

Equipment Control 2.2.13 Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures.

4.1 1

2 Category Total:

2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.

3.2 1

Radiation Control 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.

3.8 1

2 Category Total:

2.4.6 Knowledge of EOP mitigation strategies.

3.7 1

Emergency Procedures/Plan 2.4.12 Knowledge of general operating crew responsibilities during emergency operations.

4.0 1

2 Category Total:

10 Generic Total:

1 04/02/2014 11:18:55 am

Rev 0 ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Tier / Group Randomly Selected K/A Reason for Rejection T1/G1 000065 AA1.04 DCPP does not have emergency air compressors.

Randomly replaced with: APE 027 G2.4.21 T1/G1 EPE 055 G2.2.22 Unable to write to RO level question. Would require Tech Spec bases knowledge.

Randomly replaced with: EPE 055 EK1.02 T1/G2 APE 028 AA2.11 Very close to 000008 Pressurizer Vapor Space G2.1.7.

Randomly replaced with E08 EK2.2 T1/G2 WE016 EK3.3 Not able to write test question to KA. DCPP has no testable action in the procedure to reduce containment radiation. Randomly replaced with APE003 AK3.04 T2/G1 026 A2.02 DCPP does not have auto recirculation transfer.

Randomly replaced with: 026 K4.01 T2/G1 103 A2.05 Rejected, DCPP does not have emergency cont. entry. Unable to write to RO level.

Randomly replaced with 103 A1.01 T2/G2 055 A3.03 KA A3.03 states: Ability to monitor automatic operation of the CARS, including:

Automatic diversion of CARS exhaust.

Not applicable to DCPP.

Randomly selected: 014 K5.01 T2/G2 086 A4.06 Not applicable at DCPP, randomly replaced with 086 A4.05

07/28/2014 Printed:

ES-401 Facility:

DCPP PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

RO K/A Category Points Tier Group Total K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 A1 A2 A3 A4 K6 G*


Emergency Abnormal Plant Evolutions 1

1 2

2 Tier Totals Tier Totals 2.

Plant Systems 1

2 3


3. Generic Knowledge And Abilities Categories 2.

The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table.

The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.


Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.


Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems/evolutions that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate K/A statements.


Absent a plant-specific priority, only those K/As having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.


Date Of Exam:

08/08/2014 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable K/A category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each K/A category shall not be less than two).

7.* The generic (G) K/As in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the K/A Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable K/As.

8. On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IRs) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above; if fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.

SRO-Only Points A2 G*

3 3

2 2

5 5

3 2

2 1

3 2

2 2

1 1

2 3

4 10 4

6 5

3 8

7 9.

For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the K/A catalog, and enter the K/A numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3.

Limit SRO selections to K/As that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.


Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and K/A categories.

N/A N/A Total 0

5 1

07/28/2014 11:24:04 am

07/28/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

ES - 401 Facility:

DCPP E/APE # / Name / Safety Function Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 PWR SRO Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 AA2.01 - Whether charging line leak exists 3.8 1

X 000022 Loss of Rx Coolant Makeup / 2 2.4.21 - Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc.

4.6 1

X 000040 Steam Line Rupture - Excessive Heat Transfer / 4 2.1.28 - Knowledge of the purpose and function of major system components and controls.

4.1 1

X 000054 Loss of Main Feedwater / 4 2.4.4 - Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters that are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

4.7 1

X 000056 Loss of Off-site Power / 6 AA2.04 - The normal values and upper limits for the temperatures of the components cooled by SWS 2.9*

1 X

000062 Loss of Nuclear Svc Water / 4 EA2.1 - Facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operations 4.3 1

X W/E04 LOCA Outside Containment / 3 6

0 0

0 0

3 3

K/A Category Totals:

Group Point Total:

1 07/28/2014 11:23:32 am

07/28/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

ES - 401 Facility:

DCPP E/APE # / Name / Safety Function Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 PWR SRO Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 AA2.09 - System status, using independent readings from redundant Condensate air ejector exhaust monitor 3.4*

1 X

000037 Steam Generator Tube Leak / 3 2.2.25 - Knowledge of the bases in Technical Specifications for limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

4.2 1

X 000069 Loss of CTMT Integrity / 5 2.4.18 - Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs.

4.0 1

X W/E03 LOCA Cooldown - Depress. / 4 EA2.2 - Adherence to appropriate procedures and operation within the limitations in the facility's license and amendments 3.9 1

X W/E10 Natural Circ. / 4 4

0 0

0 0

2 2

K/A Category Totals:

Group Point Total:

1 07/28/2014 11:23:39 am

07/28/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

K4 K5 A3 K6 A4 ES - 401 Sys/Evol # / Name Facility:

DCPP PWR SRO Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 / Group 1 Form ES-401-2 A2.01 - Problems with RCP seals, especially rates of seal leak-off 3.9 1

X 003 Reactor Coolant Pump A2.03 - Boundary isolation valve leak 4.2 1

X 004 Chemical and Volume Control 2.4.47 - Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate control room reference material.

4.2 1

X 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control A2.01 - LOCA 4.8 1

X 013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation 2.4.30 - Knowledge of events related to system operation/status that must be reported to internal organizations or external agencies, such as the State, the NRC, or the transmission system operator.

4.1 1

X 073 Process Radiation Monitoring 5

0 0

0 0

3 2

K/A Category Totals:

0 0

0 0

0 Group Point Total:

1 07/28/2014 11:23:46 am

07/28/2014 K1 KA Topic Imp.

K2 K3 A1 A2 G

Points Printed:

K4 K5 A3 K6 A4 ES - 401 Sys/Evol # / Name Facility:

DCPP PWR SRO Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 / Group 2 Form ES-401-2 A2.01 - Dropped fuel element 4.4 1

X 034 Fuel Handling Equipment 2.3.14 - Knowledge of radiation or contamination hazards that may arise during normal, abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.

3.8 1

X 041 Steam Dump/Turbine Bypass Control A2.04 - Failure of automatic isolation 3.3 1

X 068 Liquid Radwaste 3

0 0

0 0

2 1

K/A Category Totals:

0 0

0 0

0 Group Point Total:

1 07/28/2014 11:23:52 am


DCPP Generic Category KA KA Topic Imp.

Points Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)

Form ES-401-3 07/28/2014 Printed:

PWR SRO Examination Outline 2.1.2 Knowledge of operator responsibilities during all modes of plant operation.

4.4 1

Conduct of Operations 2.1.29 Knowledge of how to conduct system lineups, such as valves, breakers, switches, etc.

4.0 1

2 Category Total:

2.2.6 Knowledge of the process for making changes to procedures.

3.6 1

Equipment Control 2.2.14 Knowledge of the process for controlling equipment configuration or status.

4.3 1

2 Category Total:

2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.

3.7 1

Radiation Control 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.

4.3 1

2 Category Total:

2.4.12 Knowledge of general operating crew responsibilities during emergency operations.

4.3 1

Emergency Procedures/Plan 1

Category Total:

7 Generic Total:

1 07/28/2014 11:23:58 am

ES-401 SRO - Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Tier / Group Randomly Selected K/A Reason for Rejection T1/G1 APE027 AA2.17 KA statement states: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions: Allowable RCS temperature difference vs. reactor power No plausible tie to PWR design to test PPC malfunction to temperature/reactor power difference.

Randomly replaced with APE 040 G2.4.21 T1/G1 APE065 G2.4.31 Knowledge of annunciators alarms and alarm respone procedures as they apply to IA malfunctions is RO knowledge. Not able to write to SRO level.

Randomly replaced with APE056 G2.4.4 T1/G2 APE003 G2.1.30 Ability to operate controls is RO knowledge.

Randomly replaced with E10 EA2.2 T1/G2 APE059 AA2.05 Similar KA tested in level 2 (068 A2.04)

Randomly replaced with E03 G2.4.18 T2/G1 003G2.4.31 Knowledge of alarm response for RCP is RO knowledge.

Randomly replaced with 073 G2.4.30 T2/G1 004A2.15 RO knowledge, unable to write to SRO level Randomly replaced with 004 A2.03 T2/G2 033 G2.4.50 Alarm response and operation of controls is RO knowledge.

Randomly replaced with 041 G2.3.14 T1/G1 059 A2.12 Unable to write question to SRO level.

Randomly replaced with 003 A2.01

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Diablo Canyon Date of Examination: 08/11/2014 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: L121 Administrative Topic (See Note)

Type Code*

Describe activity to be performed Conduct of Operations (NRCL121-A1)

M, R Determine Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature 2.1.23 Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of operation (4.3)

(modified from bank LJACO-02R)

Conduct of Operations (NRCL121-A2)

M, R Determine Boration/Dilution Req for Power Rise 2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc.


(modified from L081 NRC ADMRO1)

Equipment Control (NRCL121-A3)

D, R Perform Outage Safety Checklist 2.2.37 Ability to determine operability and/or availability of safety related equipment.


(bank: LJAEC-01R ; previously used in L061C NRC ADM02)

Radiation Control (NRCL121-A4)

M, R Review Liquid Radwaste Discharge Checklist 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.


(modified from L061C NRC ADM04)

Emergency Procedures/Plan NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria:

(C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (< 3 for ROs; < 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)

ES 301, Page 22 of 27 Rev 0 Rev 0: Initial Submittal

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Diablo Canyon Date of Examination: 08/11/2014 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: L121 Administrative Topic (See Note)

Type Code*

Describe activity to be performed Conduct of Operations (NRCL121-A5)

M, R Verify Determination of Ultimate Heat Sink Temp 2.1.23 Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of operation (4.4)

(modified from LJACO-02S)

Conduct of Operations (NRCL121-A6)

M, R Determine Boration/Dilution Req for Power Rise 2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc.


(modified from L081 NRC ADMRO1)

Equipment Control (NRCL121-A7)

M, R Verify Outage Safety Checklist 2.2.37 Ability to determine operability and/or availability of safety related equipment.


(modified from bank LJAEC-01R ; previously used in L061C NRC ADM02)

Radiation Control (NRCL121-A8)

M, R Review Liquid Radwaste Discharge Checklist 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.


(modified from L061C NRC ADM04)

Emergency Procedures/Plan (NRCL121-A9)

D, R Classification of a FH Accident in Containment 2.4.41 Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications.


(direct from bank - LJE-017)

NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria:

(C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (< 3 for ROs; < 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)

ES 301, Page 22 of 27 Rev 0 Rev 0: Initial Submittal

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Diablo Canyon Date of Examination: 08/11/2014 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: L121 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code*

Safety Function

a. (S1) (001.A2.03) Verify Misaligned Rod Is Not Stuck (LJC-066)

D,S 1

b. (S2) (013.A4.01) Manually Isolate Phase A Components (LJC-026)

A,D,EN,L,S 2

c. (S3) (055.EA1.07) Energize Vital Busses From 230 KV System A,L,N,S 6
d. (S4) (022.A4.01) Respond to High CFCU Vibration A,N,S 5
e. (S5) (073.A4.01) Respond to High Radiation on RE-17A/B N,S 7
f. (S6) (002.A4.02) Initiate a Nat Cir Cooldown (LJC-046)

M,L,S 4P

g. (S7) (059.A2.07) Perform Immediate Actions for MFW Pump Trip (NRCLJC051051)

A,M,S 4S

h. (S8) (006.A4.05) Align RHR for Hot Leg Recirc (NRCL081LJC-S3)

A,L,D,S 3

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. (P1) (067.AA1.08) Manually Operate the Cardox System (LJP-138A)

A,D,E 8

j. (P2) (068.AA1.21) Align 480V Bus G for Control from HSDP (LJP-007)

D,E,L 6

k. (P3) (061.A2.04) Align Alternate AFW from the FWST (LJP-104A)

D,E,L,R 4S All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (EN)gineered safety feature (L)ow-Power / Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)

(P)revious 2 exams (R)CA (S)imulator 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3

< 9 / < 8 / < 4

> 1 / > 1 / > 1

- / -

/ > 1 (control room system

> 1 / > 1 / > 1

> 2 / > 2 / > 1

< 3 /

< 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)

> 1 / > 1 / > 1 ES-301, Page 23 of 27 Rev 2 Rev 2: Revs follow initial submittal

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Diablo Canyon Date of Examination: 08/11/2014 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: L121 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code*

Safety Function

a. (S1) (001.A2.03) Verify Misaligned Rod Is Not Stuck (LJC-006)

D,S 1

b. (S2) (013.A4.01) Manually Isolate Phase A Components (LJC-026)

A,D,EN,L,S 2

c. (S3) (055.EA1.07) Energize Vital Busses From 230 KV System A,L,N,S 6
d. (S4) (022.A4.01) Respond to High CFCU Vibration A,N,S 5
e. (S5) (073.A4.01) Respond to High Radiation on RE-17A/B N,S 7
g. (S7) (059.A2.07) Perform Immediate Actions for MFW Pump Trip (NRCLJC051051)

A,M,S 4S

h. (S8) (006.A4.05) Align RHR for Hot Leg Recirc (NRCL081LJC-S3)

A,L,D,S 3

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. (P1) (067.AA1.08) Manually Operate the Cardox System (LJP-138A)

A,D,E 8

j. (P2) (068.AA1.21) Align 480V Bus G for Control from HSDP (LJP-007)

D,E,L 6

k. (P3) (061.A2.04) Align Alternate AFW from the FWST (LJP-104A)

D,E,L,R 4S All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (EN)gineered safety feature (L)ow-Power / Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)

(P)revious 2 exams (R)CA (S)imulator 4-6 /

4-6 / 2-3

< 9 /

< 8 / < 4

> 1 /

> 1 / > 1

- /

/ > 1 (control room system

> 1 /

> 1 / > 1

> 2 /

> 2 / > 1

< 3 /

< 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)

> 1 /

> 1 / > 1 ES-301, Page 23 of 27 Rev 1 Rev 1: Revs follow initial submittal

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Diablo Canyon Date of Examination: 08/11/2014 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: L121 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code*

Safety Function

b. (S2) (013.A4.01) Manually Isolate Phase A Components (LJC-026)

A,D,EN,L,S 2

c. (S3) (055.EA1.07) Energize Vital Busses From 230 KV System A,L,N,S 6
e. (S5) (073.A4.01) Respond to High Radiation on RE-17A/B N,S 7

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. (P1) (067.AA1.08) Manually Operate the Cardox System (LJP-138A)

A,D,E 8

k. (P3) (061.A2.04) Align Alternate AFW from the FWST (LJP-104A)

D,E,L,R 4S All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (EN)gineered safety feature (L)ow-Power / Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)

(P)revious 2 exams (R)CA (S)imulator 4-6 /

4-6 / 2-3

< 9 /

< 8 / < 4

> 1 /

> 1 / > 1

- /

/ > 1 (control room system

> 1 /

> 1 / > 1

> 2 /

> 2 / > 1

< 3 /

< 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)

> 1 /

> 1 / > 1 ES-301, Page 23 of 27 Rev 1 Rev 1: Rev follows initial submittal

Appendix D (rev 9)

Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Facility:

Diablo Canyon (PWR)

Scenario No:

1 Op-Test No:

L121 NRC Examiners:


Initial Conditions:

10E-8 with AFW in service, MOL, 1660 ppm boron Turnover:

At OP L-2, step 6.1.25, ready to raise power to 2%. Continue to raise power, and stabilize at 2%.

Event No Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1


Raise reactor power from 10E-8 to 2% per OP L-2, sec 6.1 2

XMT_RCS6_3 SRO PT-403, RCS Wide Range Pressure Transmitter, fails low (TS 3.3.3.A, ECG 7.8) (Used for SRO TS/ECG Only) 3 PMP_CCW2_MTRF C (BOP, SRO)

Component Cooling Water Pump 1-2 (CCW Pp 1-2) overcurrent trip.


Thermal overload of AC Bearing Oil Pump (AP-29).


PT-507, Steam Generator Header Pressure Transmitter, slow failure low causing Group I dumps to close. (AP-5) 6 MAL_RCS3A 0.06 C (ALL)

RCS leak ramps in over 1 minute. Leak is within the capacity of charging (60 gpm), but requires second pump to be started. (AP-1, TS 3.4.13.A) 7 MAL_RCS3A 0.75 M (ALL) 700 gpm SBLOCA requiring Safety Injection (SI) - (Auto SI failed; manual SI is required CT).


ATWS, Both manual trip and 13D/E fail.


On SI, running CCPs trip on OC, standby pump fail to autostart - CT )

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor L121 NRC ES-D-1-01 r2.doc Page 1 of 3 Rev 2

Appendix D (rev 9)

Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.5.d) (from form ES301-4)

Actual Attributes

1. Total malfunctions (5-8) (Events 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 8
2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) (Events 8&9) 2
3. Abnormal events (2-4) (AP-11,29,5,1) 4
4. Major transients (1-2) (Events 7&8) 2
5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) (E-1) 1
6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) (FR-S.1) 1
7. Critical tasks (2-3)(See Scenario Summary) 2 L121 NRC ES-D-1-01 r2.doc Page 2 of 3 Rev 2



- NRC #1


Control rods are used to raise power from 10E-8 Amps (IR) to 2% per OP L-2, Hot Standby to Startup Mode, step 6.1.25.


PT-403, RCS Wide Range Pressure Transmitter, fails low. Crew responds to PK05-07, Subcooling Margin Lo/Lo-Lo and PK05-09, RVLIS Lo Lvl RVLIS/SCMM Trouble and identifies affected instrumentation. Shift Foreman addresses TS 3.3.3.A, Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation and ECG 7.8, Accident Monitoring Instrumentation.


Component Cooling Water Pump CCW 1-2 trips on overcurrent and CCW 1-3 must be started manually (auto-start blocked) per direction in PK01-09 or as directed by OP AP-11, Malfunction of Component Cooling Water System, Section A. T.S. 3.7.7, Vital Component Cooling Water (CCW) System, is entered for one loop of CCW inoperable.


AC Lube Oil Pump trips on thermal overload. Crew responds to PK12-16, Turbine Lube Oil System and is directed to OP AP-29, Main Turbine Malfunction to start the DC Backup Pump (autostart failed).


PT-507, Steam Generator Header Pressure Transmitter, slowly fails low causing Group I dumps to close.

Crew diagnoses the failure and takes manual control of Hand Controller HC-507. OP AP-5, Malfunction of Eagle 21 Protection or Control Channel is used to address the failure and return primary and secondary to normal bands.


60 gpm RCS leak develops on Loop 1, ramping in over 1 minute. Crew evaluates plant symptoms and enters OP AP-1, Excessive Reactor Coolant System Leakage, which directs starting of a second charging pump to maintain pressurizer level. Shift Foreman enters T.S. 3.4.13.A, RCS Operational Leakage based on the estimated leak size.


700 gpm SBLOCA on Loop 1 cold leg. Auto Safety Injection (SI) fails to actuate, requiring manual SI (Critical Task E-0D: Manually initiate Safety Injection before transitioning to any E-1, E-2, or E-3 series procedure)**.


Crews attempt to trip reactor from the control room is unsuccessful. Shift Foreman enters EOP E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) and transitions to EOP FR-S.1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation



On SI, running CCPs trip on overcurrent. Remaining ECCS CCP fails to autostart, but can be started manually. (Critical Task E-0I: Establish flow from at least one high-head ECCS pump before transition out of E-0)**.


After addressing ATWS condition, crew transitions through E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) and E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant) to E-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization).

The scenario is terminated at entry into E-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

L121 NRC ES-D-1-01 r2.doc Page 3 of 3 Rev 2


RequiredOperatorActions FormESD1

L121NRCESD103r2.doc Page1of3 Rev2





OpTestNo.: L121NRC






BusHWorkWeek:AFW12OOS,D/G11OOS MaintenanceinprogressonPCV20.


Event No Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

MAL_NIS6D200(ramp inslowly)


NI44,PowerRangeNuclearInstrument,slowlyfailshighcausing unwarrantedrodmotion(TS3.3.1.D,E,S,T;ECGs37.2,37.3)(AP 5) 2 PMP_CND2 BLOCK_AUTO_STRT PMP_CND3_MTRF15.0 C(SRO, BOP)

CondensateBoosterPump13Tripsonovercurrent.Standbyfails toautostart(AP15).

3 MAL_RCS4F35delay=0 ramp=120 C(ALL)

R(ATC) 35gpmtubeleakrampsinover2minutesonS/G12,requiring powerreduction.(TS3.4.15.A)(AP3) 4 MAL_CWS2C1.3 delay=0ramp=2 C(SRO, BOP)

CondenserinleakageinSWquadrantrequiring25MW/minramp (AP20) 5 MAL_RCS4F400 delay=0ramp=120 M(ALL)


6 VLV_SIS3_11 VLV_SIS4_11 C(BOP)

ChargingInjectionOutletValves8801A/BfailtoopenonSI, requiringmanualopeningtoestablishhighheadECCSinjection (CT) 7 insertMAL_MSS1B 3500000.0cd='fnisprlt 5.0'delay=0ramp=60 M(ALL)

MainSteamLineBreakonS/G12insidecontainment downstreamofflowrestrictoronRxTripresultingin faulted/rupturedS/G(CT) 8 insertVLV_MSS7_21.0 insertVLV_MSS8_21.0 delIAVLV_MSS7_22 delIAVLV_MSS8_22 C(BOP)

MainSteamIsolationValvessonleads1&2failtocloseinauto, butcanbeclosedmanually

  • (N)ormal,(R)eactivity,(I)nstrument,(C)omponent,(M)ajor


RequiredOperatorActions FormESD1

L121NRCESD103r2.doc Page2of3 Rev2



1. Totalmalfunctions(5-8)(Events1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 8
2. MalfunctionsafterEOPentry(1-2)(Events6,8) 2
3. Abnormalevents(2-4)(AP5,AP15,AP3,AP20) 4
4. Majortransients(1-2)(Event5,7) 2
5. EOPsentered/requiringsubstantiveactions(1-2)(E2,E3) 2
6. EOPcontingenciesrequiringsubstantiveactions(0-2)(terminate@ECA3.1entry) 0
7. Criticaltasks(2-3)(SeeScenarioSummary) 2

L121NRCESD103r2.doc Page3of3 Rev2 SCENARIO




PowerRangeNuclearInstrumentNI44slowlyfailshighcausinginwardrodmotion.Crewdiagnoses failure,andoncemotionisdeemedunwarranted,takesrodstomanual.FailureisaddressedperOP AP5,MalfunctionofEagle21ProtectionorControlChannel,whichremovesthefailedchannel fromserviceanddirectstheShiftForemantoaddressTechSpecs3.3.1.D,E,S,TReactorTripSystem Instrumentation;ECG37.2AxialFluxDifference(AFD)monitoring,andECG3.73(QuadrantPower TiltRatioAlarms).


CondensateBoosterPump13tripsandstandbypumpfailstoautostart.Crewrespondsbymanually startingstandbypumpandfollowingguidanceofOPAP15,LossofFeedwaterFlow.


S/G12developsa35gpmtubeleakoveratwominuteperiod.Crewdeterminesleakrateand entersOPAP3,SteamGeneratorTubeFailure.LeakisalsoevaluatedperOPO4,Primaryto SecondarySteamGeneratorTubeLeakDetection,whichdirectscrewtoreducepowerby50%in thenexthourandbeinMode3withintwohours.ShiftForemandeterminesTS3.4.13.A,RCS OperationsLeakageapplies.


AsaltwaterleakdevelopsintheSWquadrantofthecondenser,requiringthecrewtoraisetheramp rateto25MW/minperOPAP20,CondenserTubeLeak.


S/G12rupturesduringramp,requiringcrewtoinitiateaSafetyInjectionandenterEOPE0, ReactorTriporSafetyInjection.


OntheSI,twoofthecharginginjectionisolationvalvesfailtoopen,butareopenedmanuallyin ordertosupplyhighheadECCSinjection.(CriticalTaskE0D:EstablishhighheadECCSflowprior toexitingEOPE0)**


OntheReactorTrip,aMainSteamLineBreakoccursonS/G12insidecontainment,downstreamof theflowrestrictor,resultinginafaulted/rupturedcondition.TheS/GwillbeisolatedperEOPE2, FaultedS/GIsolation(CriticalTaskE2A:IsolationofFaultedS/Ginitiatedbeforetransitionout ofEOPE2)**


MainSteamIsolationValvesonsteamleads1and2failtoisolateandareclosedmanuallybythe crew.ThecrewwillcontinuetomitigatethecasualtyfollowingtheguidanceofEOPE3,Steam GeneratorTubeRupture,andtransitiontoEOPECA3.1,SGTRwithLossofReactorCoolant-SubcooledRecoveryDesired.

ThescenarioisterminatedoncecrewtransitionstoECA3.1,SGTRwithLossofReactor Coolant-SubcooledRecovery.


RequiredOperatorActions FormESD1

L121NRCESD104r2.doc Page1of3 Rev2












BusHWorkWeek:AFW12OOS,D/G11OOS MaintenanceinprogressonPCV20.


Event No Malf No.


Event Description 1


VCTleveltransmitterLT114graduallyfailshighcausing letdownflowtodiverttotheLHUTs.Automakeup commenceswhenactuallevelfallsto14%(AP19);

2 MAL_SEI1.15delay=0ramp=5 VLV_PZR5_20.25delay=0 ramp=5 C(SRO,BOP)

PressurizerPressureControlValvePCV456slowlydrifts openfollowingsmallseismicandcannotbeclosed.


(TS3.4.11.B,CT) 3


CallfromGridControlCenterforUnit1backdownorderto shed350MWwithin10minutesduetogriddisturbance (AP25) 4 MAL_ROD3A_RODB10 MAL_ROD3ASTATIONARY C(ALL)

Droppedrodandurgentfailureat855MWinhibitsautorod motionandrequiresrodstobetakentomanual(AP12C)


5 MAL_SEI1.17delay=0ramp=6 MAL_SYD356delay=3 ramp=30 M(ALL)

Secondseismicresultsinfullloadrejection.Rodsarestillin manualandcrewmusttripRxbasedonfirststepofAP2.

6 MAL_SEI1.3delay=0ramp=6 MAL_SYD20 C(SRO,BOP)

LossofStartupimmediatelyfollowingRxTrip.D/G13fails toautostartbutcanbemanuallystarted.

7 MAL_RCS1D50%_dba MTRF15cd='jpplsiaorjpplsib' PMP_SIS1_MTRF15.0 cd='jpplsiaorjpplsib' M(ALL)

StrongaftershockresultsinLBLOCA.ECCSChargingpumps andSafetyInjectionPump11triponovercurrentreducing theamountofhighheadinjection.


ResidualHeatRemovalPump11andContainmentSpray Pump11failtoautostart,butmaybemanuallystarted (CTs).


RequiredOperatorActions FormESD1

L121NRCESD104r2.doc Page2of3 Rev2

  • (N)ormal,(R)eactivity,(I)nstrument,(C)omponent,(M)ajor



1. Totalmalfunctions(5-8)(Events1,2,4,5,6,7,8) 7
2. MalfunctionsafterEOPentry(1-2)(Events6,7,8) 3
3. Abnormalevents(2-4)(AP19,AP25,AP12C,AP2) 4
4. Majortransients(1-2)(Events5&7) 2
5. EOPsentered/requiringsubstantiveactions(1-2)(E0.1,E1) 2
6. EOPcontingenciesrequiringsubstantiveactions(0-2)(ECA0.3) 1
7. Criticaltasks(2-3)(SeeScenarioSummary) 3

L121NRCESD104r2.doc Page3of3 Rev2 SCENARIO





AutomaticreactormakeupwillmaintainVCTlevelabove14%.Thecrewdiagnosesthelevelchannel failurebycomparingotherVCTparameters,andaddressesissuefollowingOPAP19,Malfunctionofthe ReactorMakeupControlSystemguidance.LCV112AcontrolissettotheVCTposition.


SmallseismiccausesPressurizerPressureControlValvePCV456toslowlydriftopenandmustbe isolatedusingtheassociated8000Cblockvalve.ShiftFormanentersTS3.4.11.BPressurizerPower OperatedReliefValves(PORVs).(CriticalTask:IsolatePORVpriortopressurizerpressureloweringto 1950psig(lowpressurizerpressureRxtripsetpoint)).


GridControlCenter(GCC)callswithabackdownorderforDCPPduetogriddisturbance.ShiftManager directsUnit1toshed350MWinthenext10minutes.CrewcommencesrampusingguidanceofOPAP 25,RapidLoadReductionorShutdowntoreduceload.


At855MW,aRodControlUrgentFailureoccursandrodB10isdrops.Crewplacesrodcontrolinmanual andentersOPAP12C,DroppedControlRod.TurbineisusedtoreturnTavetoTref.ShiftForeman entersTS3.1.4.BRodGroupAlignments.


Alargeseismiceventoccurs,resultingina500kVgridinstability/underfrequencycondition.Unit separatesfromthegrid.CrewentersOPAP2,FullLoadRejection,andtripsthereactorsbasedon unavailabilityofautorodcontrol.


CrewentersE0,ReactorTriporSafetyInjection,andtransitionsintoE0.1,ReactorTripResponseto stabilizetheplant.StartuppowerislostandD/G13failstoautostartduetoashutdownrelay,reducing vital4kVpowertoasinglebus(D/G11outofservicefrominitialconditions).ECA0.3,Restore4kV BusesisimplementedinparallelwithE0.1.D/G13shutdownrelayisresetfromthecontrolroomand thedieselstartedinmanual.


AlargeaftershockoccursresultinginaLBLOCA.ECCSCCPs(HighHeadInjection)andSIP11 (IntermediateHeadInjection)alltriponovercurrent.CrewreentersE0,ReactorTriporSafety Injection,andtransitionstoE1,LossofReactororSecondaryCoolant.


RHRP11(LowHeadInjection)andCSP11(ContainmentSpray)failtoautostart,butmaybemanually started(CriticalTaskE0H:ManuallystartatleastonelowheadECCSpumpbeforetransitionoutof E0andCriticalTaskE0E:Manuallyactuateatleasttheminimumrequiredcomplementof containmentcoolingequipmentbeforeanextreme(redpath)challengedevelopstothecontainment criticalsafetyfunction.)

ThescenarioisterminatedoncecrewhascompletedactionsofEOPE1andiswaitingtotransitionto ColdLegRecirc.