DCL-14-081, Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2, Central Coastal California Seismic Imaging Project (Cccsip) Chapter 12, GEO.DCPP.TR.14.07 R0 Figures 08-01-14

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Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2, Central Coastal California Seismic Imaging Project (Cccsip) Chapter 12, GEO.DCPP.TR.14.07 R0 Figures 08-01-14
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Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/2014
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML14260A106 List: ... further results
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File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-01.mxd; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCIDiabloCoveIntakeCoveLionRock-120°51'-120°51'-120°52'-120°52'35°13.5'35°13.5'35°12.75'35°12.75'Onshore-Offshore Hillshade Imageof the DCPP Area Showing ImprovedCoverage in the Nearshore withthe Kelpfly MBES DataRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY(a) Onshore-offshore hillshade image without Kelpfly MBES dataPacific Gas and Electric CompanyDiabloCoveIntakeCoveLionRock-120°51'-120°51'-120°52'-120°52'35°13.5'35°13.5'35°12.75'35°12.75'(b) Onshore-offshore hillshade image with Kelpfly MBES data01,0002,000ft.05001,000 m1:15,000NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N,Map projection and scale:Figure6-1Base map: Composite DEM, version 7 (DCPPGeodatabase, 2013). Artificial sunlight azimuth and inclination: 315° / 45°.Base map: Composite DEM, version 6 (DCPP Geodatabase, 2011).

Artificial sunlight azimuth and inclination: 045° / 45°.DCPP101Figure extentNote: The Kelpfly data fill in areas between the earlier MBES data and the coast.

File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-02.mxd; Date: 07/31/2014; User: Serkan Bozkurt, LCI





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































!!!!!!!!!!!DiabloCove-120°51'-120°51'35°13'35°13'Locations of Sources and Receivers in theDCPP Area for the 2012 3D Seismic Survey


_DCPPRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYFigurePacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure extent

+/-01,0002,000ft.0250500 mEXPLANATION6-21:12,000 ,NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10NMap projection and scale:Live Sigma locationVibe source locationLive Seistronix locationSource: Fugro (2014a).Live ZLand location RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-3 Figure Interpretation of the Diablo Cove Fault Across the DCPP Site and Diablo Cove from Hamilton (2012c)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-03.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Note: Modified from slide 22 of Dr. Hamilton's presentation at DCPP SSHAC Workshop No. 2 (November 2012). Fault names were added

by PG&E.µHeadland fault Diablo Cove fault RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-4 Figure Interpretation of the Diablo Cove Fault Across the DCPP Site Area and Offshore to the Shoreline Fault Zone from Hamilton (2012c)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-04.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Note: Modified from slide 21 of Dr. Hamilton's presentation at DCPP SSHAC Workshop No. 2 (November 2012). Fault names were added

by PG&E.Diablo Cove fault Shoreline fault afTmorafQmQmQmQafQm Qm QafTmofbQaf Tmor TmofbDiablo Cove fault42°45°45°50°55°40°-60°78°C B AC'B'A'DD'fracture zone12858010133460706665743242467275776065707568606676657073705730 7584352544810355065155025404145352325283255604855172250656823502420127075856075254055554643413327125964554748592064471222311624106025 91714 412File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-05.mxd; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.16-5Geologic Map of the DCPP Site AreaShowing Faults Identified DuringPre-Construction Studies: (a) Jahns et al.(1966-1973) and (b) PG&E (2014b).RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY(a)(b)Note pertaining to panel (a):- Bedding schematically drawn; underlined numbers are elevation in feet.Notes pertaining to panel (b):- See Figure 6-7 for explanation of geologic symbols.- Building footprint from TetraTech (2011), not reviewed by DCPP.Sources: Jahns (1966, 1967a, 1967b, 1968); Jahns et al. (1973);PG&E (2014b).Figure extent 0200400ft.050100 mDCPPFigure extentPacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure1:2,000NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N,Map projection and scale:Map boundaryMap boundaryEXPLANATIONGeologic cross sections shown on Figure 6-9AA' A B CA'B'C'TmorTmorQmQafDiablo Cove fault A B C40°50°55°50°Unit 1containmentstructureUnit 2containmentstructureTurbine building2250°, 3'50°45°55°50°, 2.5'42°, 2'45°A'B'C'fracture zoneTmofbQmQaf 77912118580808080808080807070101331603480 6 9121415828437 485 7 2251060105524701631221234478621641720594837475035246412273348413743467755554025277560857570101213202450236070807565848568655022175548601555322825485323354345414025501565503544357080872832408580 7545270404068435830571040757573627572707370657076676660687570656060777575727245424642326462742535296565656674678270755086626870 8101780File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-06.mxd; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.16-6Geologic Map of the DCPP Site ShowingFaults Identified During Pre-ConstructionStudies: (a) PG&E (1974) and (b) PG&E (2014b).RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY(a)(b)Notes pertaining to panel (b):- See Figure 2.5-12 (PG&E, 1974) for explanation of secondary structural features (e.g., joints) - The number of strikes and dips shown are selected to be representative of those shown in Panel (a), hence the reduced number.- See Figure 6-7 for explanation of geologic symbols.- Building footprint from TetraTech (2011), not reviewed by DCPP.Sources: Jahns (1966, 1967a, 1967b, 1968); Jahns et al. (1973);PG&E (2014b).Figure extent 0100200ft.02040 mDCPPFigure extentPacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure1:1,000NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N,Map projection and scale:EXPLANATIONGeologic cross sections shown on Figure 6-9AA' File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-07.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1Explanation to Accompany Geologic Maps Based on PG&E (2014b) 6-7 FigureRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYPacific Gas and Electric Company 42°, 2'Miocene Neogene Quaternary Geologic Units Geologic Structures Artificial fill:

fill material emplaced locally during construction and improvement activities. Shallow fills not shown; bedrock with trenches and excavation for power block shown; filled with af.

Sand wave deposits , offshore: unlithified sheets of sand that form migrating marine dunes.Alluvial deposits:

unlithified silt, sand, and gravel valley fill deposited during

overbank flooding, channel backfilling, and construction of debris flow levees.Alluvial fan deposits:

unlithified silt, sand, and gravel deposited in fans along

valley margins (only shown near DCPP).Landslide deposits:

unlithified masses of displaced bedrock and/or soil; may be active or inactive.

Fluvial terrace deposits:

unlithified silt, sand, and gravel deposited in stream

valleys.Marine terrace deposits:

unlithified to weakly lithified marine sand and gravel

deposited above wave-cut platforms in the Pleistocene and commonly overlain

by alluvial fan and colluvial deposits.

Qsw af Qal Qt Qaf Qls Qm Monterey Formation:

tuffaceous, siliceous, and diatomaceous siltstone and shale, gray and brown (weathers to chalky white), thinly bedded and well-lithified, includes

common chert laminations.

Obispo Formation , undifferentiated:

tuffaceous, dolomitic siltstone and fine sandstone rare diatomaceous siltstone, tuff, and resistant zeolitized tuff.

Obispo Formation , diabase: brown, aphanitic to phaneritic, intrusive in dikes and sills.

Tmm Tmo Tmod Jurassic/Cretaceous Franciscan Complex, undifferentiated Cretaceous Sandstone:

arkosic to lithic sandstone, brown, bedded, well-lithified, fine- to course-grained, includes minor shale.

KJf Ks Obispo Formation, fine-grained member

Bedded tuffaceous to diatomaceous, fine to medium-bedded siltstone, sandstone, and rare shale; commonly dolomitic. Locally includes tuff beds.

?Inclined bedding Inclined bedding Syncline: dashed where approximate, dotted where concealed. Arrow points in direction of plunge.


dashed where approximate, dotted where concealed. Arrow points in direction of plunge.

Fault: solid where well located , long dash where approxi-

mate, short dash where inferred, dotted where concealed, queried where uncertain. Arrow indicates dip direction of

fault or shear surface. Numbers indicate measured dip and

stratigraphic separation in feet where present.

From previous mapping and GMP From GMP From previous mapping

?Contact: solid where well located, long dash where

approximate, short dash where inferred, dotted where

concealed, queried where uncertain.

Boundary (contact) between Obispo diabase and tuffaceous rocks interpreted from helicopter magnetic

survey (PG&E, 2011). Line may not follow exact contact

of rock at surface.

Geographical FeaturesEXPLANATION Inclined fault Vertical fault Roads Buildings Vertical bedding orientation Overturned bedding Coastline (white line) at mean lower low water (approximate sea level)

Zone of blocky fracturing Tmofb Tmofc Tmof Tmor Obispo Formation, fine-grained sub-member b

Bedded tuffaceous,dolomitic, fine to medium-bedded siltstone and fine sandstone.Obispo Formation, fine-grained sub-member c
Bedded shale andsiltstone, very fine bedded silty shale with medium bedded, dolomitic

siltstone interbeds.

Obispo Formation, resistant member

Bedded to massive zeolitictuff, tuff breccia, and tuffaceous sandstone.

26 38 70 60 H M~~































~Note: This explanation is for the larger Irish Hills area hence not all units and symbols apply to Figures 6-5b, 6-6b, 6-13, 6-16, and 6-51.

Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-08.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Photograph of Mouth of Diablo Canyon Creek and Diablo Cove Fault Exposed in the Sea Cliff from Hamilton (2012c)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-8 Note: Modified from slide 16 of Dr. Hamilton's presentation at DCPPSSHAC Workshop No. 2 (November, 2012).

Diablo Cove fault exposed in sea cliff (added by PG&E to this figure).

EXPLANATION RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-9 Figure Diablo Cove Fault as Mapped in the Excavations for the Turbine Building, Unit 1 Containment, and Sea Cliff from Hamilton (2012c)Pacific Gas and El ectric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-09.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 A B C DD'C'B'A'Notes:- Modified from slide 18 of Dr. Hamilton's presentation at DCPP SSHAC

Workshop No. 2 (November 2012). Section line letters were assigned by PG&E.

- Locations of cross sections are shown on Figures 6-5 and 6-6.

Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-10a.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Photographs of Faulting in the Foundation Excavations for Unit 1 from Hamilton (2012c)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-10 Note: Slide 17 of Dr. Hamilton's presentation at DCPP SSHAC Workshop No. 2 (November 2012).

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-11 Figure Interpretation of the Diablo Cove Fault Prior to Offshore Kelpfly Data from Hamilton (2012a)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-11.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Note: Figure 9 from Dr. Hamilton's testimony (February 2012).

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-12 Figure Geologic Cross Section of the Irish Hills from Hamilton (2012c)Pacific Gas and El ectric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-12.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Note: Slide 11 from Dr. Hamilton's presentation at DCPP SSHAC Workshop No. 2 (November 2012).

File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-13.mxd; Date: 07/31/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 H M H M H M H M H M H M H M H M H M H M J J J J J J J JGGGGGGGGGGGGllGllllllGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDiabloCoveH'HF'G'F G40°-60°42°45°45°Diablo Cove faultLine 386Line 395E'ETmodHeadland faultQalTmod 55 48 75 80 85 72 85 50 45 53 64 68 80 60 75 85 85 75 60 85 85 81 80 74 75 85 70 75807088708070666550404575746779458080502532404145721710141214122731253032776070485510225065 868607685808560333850704875608440473570667080808280808070855065807065605024207080858560752555707370434127126059645548593020 7125814 4471212223116758670605065554048256071368531586458385680857568405370403024525448101217171750691010601120101011101118 6 835°13'35°13'Geologic Map of the DCPP Site AreaShowing Locations of Seismic Linesand Shallow Geologic Cross Sections


_DCPPRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYFigurePacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure extent

+/-0400800ft.0100200 m6-131:6,000NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N,Map projection and scale:EXPLANATIONProjection of diabase extent based on 100 ft. thickcontour, queried where extrapolated offshore (see Figure 6-14a); hachures indicate side of boundarywhere diabase is present J JGeologic cross sectionSeismic lines from FCL (2014b)

?Notes:- See Figure 6-7 for explanation of geologic symbols.- See Figures 6-5 and 6-6 for more detailed geologic interpretations of the DCPP site area.Sources: - PG&E (2014b).

- FCL (2014b).

G J JJ JFile path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-14.mxd; Date: 07/31/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1FigurePacific Gas and Electric Company"eJ JGeologic cross section E-E', seismic line CL 3951:10,000NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N,Note pertaining to panel b:- Vp above 11.5 kft/s may represent diabase; Vp between 9.5 and 11.5 kft/s may represent alteration zones.Source: FCL (2014b)

+/-05001,000ft.0200400 m^


(b) Geologic Data and Interpretation(a) Seismic Reflection Profile CL 395 and Tomography (FCL, 2014b)Seismic Profile CL 395 and Geologic Interpretation, Cross Section E-E' 6-15RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY FigurePacific Gas and Electric CompanyFile path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\MXD_for_AI\Figure_6-15.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 0 200-200-400020040060080010001200140016001800200022002400 400-600


-1200 Tmo Tmo Tmor(?)Tmor(?)Tmo Qm Qaf Qm Qal Qm Tmofc(?)Qaf Tmor Horizontal Distance (ft.)

Elevation (ft.)

Tmod E'???????????Approximate limit of Tmodprojected 82 m east from CL 386using 11.5 kft/s velocity contourApproximate limit of Tmodprojected 82 m east from CL 386using 11.5 kft/s velocity contour 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 12.0020040060080010001200140016001800200022002400 Horizontal Distance (ft.)

0 200-200

-400 400-600


-1200 Elevation (ft.)

Vp (kft/s) 5 1 0 1 5 20 E South E South E'North E'North E South E South E'North E'NorthCL 395CL 395EXPLANATION Note: See Figure 6-17 for explanation of geologic symbols used on cross section.

Tmor Obispo Formation, resistant tuff Tmo Obispo Formation, tuffaceous siltstone

and sandstone Qaf Alluvial fan deposits Qm Marine terrace

deposits Alluvial deposits Qal Obispo Formation, intrusive diabase Tmod Obispo Formation, tuffaceous siltstone

and shale Tmofc File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-16.mxd; Date: 07/31/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1DiabloCoveH'HF'G'F G40°-60°42°45°45°Diablo Cove fault803460807066653550746515502532404142464572352320251328325575776060657075485517102250656868606676857080828070658070652350242012708080758085607525405555707370464341332712475748593020 712581464 4474312122231168686687040406065106025Geologic Map of the DCPP Site AreaShowing Shallow Locations of GeologicCross Sections F-F', G-G', and H-H'DCPPRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYFigurePacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure extent 0200400ft.050100 m6-16Notes:- See Figure 6-7 for explanation of geologic symbols.- See Figures 6-5 and 6-6 for more detailed geologic interpretations of the DCPP site area.Source: PG&E (2014b).1:3,000,NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10NMap Projection:EXPLANATIONProjection of diabase extent based on 100 ft. thickcontour, queried where extrapolated offshore (see Figure 6-14a); hachures inidicate side of boundarywhere diabase is presentGeologic cross section


Pacific Gas and Electric Company 6-17RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY File Path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-17.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar Figure Shallow Geologic Cross Sections F-F', G-G', and H-H'Approximate direction of north F'0 100-100-200



-500 0 100-100-200



-500 0 100-100-200



-500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10001100 1200 1300 1400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10001100 1200 1300 1400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10001100 1200 1300 1400 Depth (ft.)

Depth (ft.)

Depth (ft.)

0 30-30

-61 122

-152 Approximate Depth (m) 0 30-30

-61 122

-152 Approximate Depth (m) 0 30-30

-61 122

-152 Horizontal Distance (ft.)

Horizontal Distance (ft.)

Horizontal Distance (ft.)

F G'G H'H????Location of geologic cross sectionsEXPLANATION Fault: solid where well located, dashed where approximately located, dotted where

concealed, queried where uncertain.

Transparent shade represents fault plane

and continuity along strike.

Apparent dip

?Form line Geologic Units TmorObispo Formation, resistant tuff TmofbObispo Formation, tuffaceous siltstone and sandstone Qaf Alluvial fan deposits Qm Marine terrace deposits Lithologic contact Artificial fill af Landslide deposits Qls Obispo Formation, intrusive diabase TmodObispo Formation, tuffaceous siltstone and shale Tmofc Diablo Cove Fault Tmofb af Tmofb Tmofb Tmod Tmor Qm Qaf Qaf Qaf Qaf Qm Through turbine building East of Unit 1 containment structure Through sea cliff File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-18.mxd; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI

?35°12.75'35°12.75'MBES-LiDAR Hillshade Image of DiabloCove: (a) Uninterpreted and (b) Showingthe Diablo Cove and Headland FaultsRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY(a) UninterpretedPacific Gas and Electric Company35°12.75'35°12.75'(b) PG&E Interpretation 0400800ft.0100200 m1:3,500NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N,Map projection and scale:Figure6-18Base map: Composite DEM, version 7 (DCPPGeodatabase, 2013). Artificial sunlight azimuth and inclination: 000° / 45°. Vertical exaggeration: 10XHeadland faultLineaments interpreted to beextension of the 'headland fault'Lineaments from differential erosion along strata-possible locations of the Diablo Cove faultDiablo Cove faultZone of short discontinuous lineaments in strata on strike projection of Diablo Cove fault File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-19.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI-120°52'-120°52'35°12.75'35°12.75'-120°52'-120°52'35°12.75'35°12.75'MBES-LiDAR Hillshade Image of the DCPPand Offshore Area: (a) Uninterpreted and (b) Showing the Diablo Cove, Headland, and Shoreline FaultsRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY (a) UninterpretedPacific Gas and Electric Company (b) PG&E interpretation

µ0 1,000 2,000 ft.0 400 800 m 1:10,000 NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N, Map projection and scale:

Figure 6-19 Base map: Composite DEM, version 7 (DCPPGeodatabase, 2013). Artificial sunlight azimuth and inclination: (000° / 45°). Vertical exaggeration: 10X Shoreline fault Diablo Cove fault Lineament identified by Hamilton as exension of

the Diablo Cove fault Faults not mapped

in headland Lineament -

interpreted to be extension

of the 'headland fault' Lineaments from differential

erosion along strata- possible locations

of the Diablo Cove fault Zone of short discontinuous

lineaments in strata on strike

projection of Diablo Cove fault Headland fault 206 952 196 541 400110 790 985 198 950 238 396 167 389 904 971 165 733 998 510 900 035 601 604 235 603 871 206 790 985 733 389 235 165 087 760 604 603 601 035 510 396 167 971 904 952 541 998 900 400 238 198 049 35°16'35°12'-120°50'-120°50'35°12'File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-20.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Serkan Bozkurt, LCI; Rev.1 6-20 Seismicity Cross Sections Drawn Perpendicular to the Shoreline FaultRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYPacific Gas and Electric Company Figure NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N, Map projection and scale:

950 196 206 790 985 733 389 235 165110 087 760 604 603 601 035 510 396 167 971 904 952 541 998 900 400 238 198 049 35°16'35°12'-120°50'-120°50'35°12'0 5,000 10,000 ft.01,0002,000 m 952 541 206 400 790 985 871 396 198 165 238 900 510 998 167 904 971 389 235 733 035 603 601 604 (a) Seismicity from Hardebeck (2010)(c) Seismicity from Hardebeck (2014a)

+/-(b) Seismicity from Hardebeck (2010)

+/-(d) Seismicity from Hardebeck (2014a)

SeismicityEXPLANATION H H Depth in km Number refers to last three digits of event ID per Hardebeck (2010, 2014a)

< 2 ###

2 - 4 ###

4 - 6 ###

6 -9 ###

9 - 12 ###

> 12 ###

H###Earthquakes noted by Hamilton (2012a) 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 6 4 2 0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 6 4 2 0 Distance (km)

Distance (km)

Depth (km)

Depth (km)

Diablo Cove fault Hamilton (2012a)

Diablo Cove fault

Hamilton (2012c)

Shoreline fault Shoreline faultApparent dip 40° shown (for true dip 45°-50°)

Diablo Cove fault as postulated

by Hamilton (2012c)

Diablo Cove fault

inferred from Hamilton (2012a)

Earthquakes that plot north of inferred Diablo Cove fault offshore (red outline)

Earthquakes that plot north of inferred Diablo Cove fault offshore (red outline)

Shoreline fault Shoreline fault San Luis Range/Inferred Offshore faultas postulated by Dr. Hamilton San Luis Range/Inferred Offshore faultas postulated by Dr. Hamilton NE SW NE SW1 km depth below DCPP, 35° dip (Hamilton, 2012a)~2.5 km depth below DCPP, 30° dip (Hamilton, 2012c)Apparent dip 43° shown (Hamilton, 2012c)

Fault: solid where well located

, dashed where approximate 1:60,000 Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-21.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1Faults in the Irish Hills and Adjacent Area from Hamilton (2012a), with San Luis Range/IOF Thrust and Shoreline Fault Highlighted RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-21Notes: Yellow highlight on San Luis Range / IOF thrust herein referred to as the San Luis Range fault (SLRF) and blue highlight on Shoreline fault added

by PG&E to original figure. SLRF thrust interpreted

to impinge on the Shoreline fault where the yellow

and blue highlights are adjacent.

Source: Figure 3 of Hamilton (2012a).

Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-22.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Map of Seismic Sources from PG&E (2011)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-22 Source: Figure 5-1 of PG&E (2011).

(a) Figure 1 from Vittori et al. (1994)(b) Figure 2 from Nitchman and Slemmons (1994)(c) Figure 10 from Nitchman (1988)(d) Figure 31 from Nitchman (1988)Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-23.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Previous Interpretations of the Inferred Offshore Fault (IOF)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-23 (b) From PG&E (1990)(a) From PG&E (1988)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-24 Figure Onshore Faults Comprising the San Luis Bay Fault Zone and Offshore Faults and Folds East of the Hosgri Fault ZonePacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-24.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Source: Figure 3 of Hanson et al. (1994).Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-25.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Map of Coastal Uplift Rates as DeterminedDuring the LTSP from Hanson et al. (1994)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-25 Source: Figure 9 of Lettis et al. (1994).Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-26.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Map of the San Luis Bay Fault Zone from Lettis et al. (1994)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-26 (a) From Plate Q16-1A (PG&E, 1990)(b) 2010 MBES bathymetric image Source: PG&E (2011).

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-27 FigureMap of Available Bathymetry (a) Duringthe LTSP and (b) During the Shoreline Fault InvestigationPacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-27.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Location of Shoreline fault mapped by PG&E (added to the original figure).

Inshore limit of marine geophysical data coverage.


RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-28 Figure Maps and Profiles of the Central Segmentof the Shoreline Fault from PG&E (2011)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-28.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Source: Figure 4-13 of PG&E (2011).

Source: Figures 4-16 and 4-12 of PG&E (2011).(a) Figure 4-16 (b) Figure 4-12Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-29.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Maps Showing the Shoreline and N40W Faults with Bathymetric and other Geophysicaland Geomorphic Data from PG&E (2011)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-29 RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-30 Figure Maps and Profiles of the N40W Fault, Later Renamed the East Branch of thePoint Buchon Fault, from PG&E (2011)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-30.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Source: Figure 4-9 of PG&E (2011).

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-31 Figure Geologic Cross Sections Showing the Interpreted San Luis Range/IOF Thrust from Hamilton (2012c)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-31.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Source: Figure 4 of Hamilton (2012c).

Source: Figure 7 of Hamilton (2012a).Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-32.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Earthquake Focal Mechanisms, Epicenters, and Seismicity Profile Locations from Hamilton (2012a)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-32 Source: Figure 8 of Hamilton (2012a).Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-33.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Seismicity Cross Sections from Hamilton (2012a)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-33 Source: Figure 13 of Hamilton (2012c).Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-34.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Earthquakes Epicenters, Focal Mechanisms, and Locations of Seismicity Profiles from Hamilton (2012c)

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-34 File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-35.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Serkan Bozkurt, LCI; Rev.1 6-35 Seismicity Cross Sections from Hamilton (2012c)RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYPacific Gas and Electric Company Figure Source: Figure 14 of Hamilton (2012c).

File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-36.mxd; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 SALINAS RIVER Estero Bay Islay Shelf Santa Rosa Reef Shelf San Luis Bay-120°50'-120°50'35°25'35°25'35°0'35°0'Los Angeles San Francisco DCPPEXPLANATION Quaternary Faults and SedimentaryBasins in the Vicinity of the San Luis RangeRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYPacific Gas and Electric Company Figure+/-0 4 8 mi.0 6 12 km Map projection and scale: WGS 84 / UTM Zone 10N, 1:200,000^_DCPP Contours on top of Pre-Quaternary Rock Meters below sea level Contours on early-late Pliocene unconformity (ELP) Meters below sea level Quaternary fault: solid where well located, dashed where approximately located, dotted

where concealed, short dashed where inferred, queried where existence uncertain. Heavy

lines are traces of the Hosgri fault zone.

?Quaternary sedimentary basins 6-36 0.05-0.2 Range of late Quaternary vertical separation rates (m/kyr). Arrow indicates downthrown


0.11 Late Quaternary uplift rate in m/kyr (modified

from Hanson et al. (1994))


- Selected offshore faults compiled from PG&E (2011, 2013, and 2014).

- Separation rate data modified from PG&E (2013, 2014)

- Contours on ELP from Willingham et al. (2013)

Measurement location, arrow head indicates

downthrown direction.

Figure extent

????Approximate Location of Figure 6-38 Approximate Location of Figure 6-28 Approximate Location of Figure 6-39San LuisObispoDCPP-50-50-50-100-50-200-150-100-100-150-200-250-150-100-100-50-50-200-750-400-350-900-500-550-600-650-700-750-800-850-900-1000-950-300-350-400-450-600-150-650-300-250-200-250-300-350-350-800-850PointBuchonPointSan LuisPointEstero Approximate Location of Figure 6-30 Shoreline Fault Zone Point Buchon fault zone Los Osos fault zone San Luis Bay fault Los Berros fault Oceano faultWilmar Avenue fault Casmalia fault zone Hosgri Fault Zone Santa Maria Basin 0.1 - 0.4 m/kyr Down to East 0.05 - 0.2 m/kyrDown to West Mixed Separation Sense 0.05 - 0.2 m/kyr Dominantly Down to East 0.19 0.14 0.06 0.11 0.12 0.20 0.23~0.0~0.0

-120°45'-120°45'-121°0'-121°0'Uplift Rate Contour Map of the San Luis Range Area Arroyo Grande Santa Barbara DCPPRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY FigurePacific Gas and Electric Company Figure extent 048 mi.081 6 km 6-371:250,000, NAD 83 / UTM Zone 10N Map Projection:File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-37.ai; Date: 07/31/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1San LuisObispo DCPP Point Buchon Point San Luis<0.0 m/kyr

<0.0 m/kyr

<0 m/kyr<0 m/kyr<0 m/kyr<0 m/kyr<0 m/kyr<0 m/kyr<0 m/kyr~0.05 m/kyr

~0.05 m/kyr

~0.1 m/kyr

~0.1 m/kyr

~0.2 m/kyr

~0.2 m/kyr 0 m/kyr 0 m/kyr 0 m/kyr 0 m/kyr 0 m/kyr 0 m/kyr 0.1 m/kyr 0.1 m/kyr 0.1 m/kyr 0.1 m/kyr 0.1 m/kyr 0.1 m/kyr 0.18 m/kyr 0.18 m/kyr 0.18 m/kyr 0.18 m/kyr

<0.05 m/kyr

<0.05 m/kyr

~0.05 m/kyr

~0.05 m/kyr

>0.05 m/kyr

>0.05 m/kyr

????????????LO LO LO LO LO LO SH SH PB PBWA WA LB LB OC OC EPB EPB PE PE H H H H SLB SLB Fault interpreted from USGS seismic profiles, solid where well located, dashed where

approximately located, dotted where inferred, queried where existence uncertain. Heavy

lines are traces of the Hosgri fault zone.Note: Approximately located contours of constant late Quaternary uplift rate, in m/kyr, based on information from PG&E (1988, 2013, 2014c) and AMEC (2012).EXPLANATION Uplift rate contours (m/kyr) location approximate Uplift rate areas (m/kyr)

??0.18 0.1 0> 0.18> 0.1 to 0.18 0 to 0.1

< 0 Fault Abbreviations EPB H LB LO OC PB PE SH SLB WA East Branch, Point Buchon

Hosgri Los Berros

Los Osos Oceano Point Buchon

Pecho Shoreline

San Luis Bay Wilmar Avenue RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-38 Figure Maps and Profiles of the Shoreline FaultSouth of Point San Luis from PG&E (2011)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-38.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Source: Figure 4-15 of PG&E (2011).

South segment Shoreline fault zone wave-cut platform PacificGasandElectricCompanyFilepath:S:\13800\13838\13838.002\Figures\20101112_Report\Appendi x_B\Fi gure_B-5-6.m xd;Dat e:[12/20/2010];User:S.Bozkurt A A'In DCPP EntrancetakeCove B B'05001,000Feet Comparison of (a) MBES bathymetry with (b) interpreted geology and (c) paleostrandlines across the Central segment (C-2) Shoreline fault zone southwest of DCPP entrance 4-110100200300MetersMapscale:Mapprojection:NAD1983,UTMZone10North1:12,000Tmod Ks Tmor KsKJfmv?QswKJf TmodKJfmvTmod?KJfm?TmorSHORELINEFAULTZONE STUDYDCPPMaplocation-16B-29B-31C-40D-28.5C-20.5A-16C21C-20.5B-16A-37B21B-25C-26C-20.5C-14A-26.5D-40C-34.5B-13B21C21C32+/-130+/-211+/-111+/-211+/-111+/-111+/-111+/-111+/-111+/-1-40-25-20-35-30-20-25-25-28-24-27-26-23-29PBS-53TPBS-25TPBS-24PBS-48 A A'Central segment Shoreline fault zone (C-2)

B B'Central segment Shoreline fault zone (C-2)

-21 m shoreline angle

-21 m shoreline angle 15-.C-2Lineament of the Centralsegment Shoreline fault zone (C-2) a) MBES bathymetric image c) Paleostrandlines from Appendix I b) Geology from Plate B-1B b) Geology from Plate B-1B C-2 C-2 Lineament of the Central segment Shorelinefault zone (C-2)Note: See legend on Plate 1 for geology and Appendix I Plate I-1A for paleostrandlines FigureShoreline Fault Zone Report, Section 4 Shoreline Fault Zone Page 4-36 RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-39 Figure Maps and Profiles of the Shoreline FaultSoutheast of the DCPP from PG&E (2011)Pacific Gas and Electric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-39.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Source: Figure 4-11 of PG&E (2011).

DCPP-120°40'-120°40'-120°45'-120°45'-120°50'-120°50'-120°55'-120°55'35°20'35°20'35°15'35°15'35°10'35°10'P:\Projects\Nuclear\79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing\04_GIS\MXD\Figures\PGE_R\DCPP_PGE_Gravity_Seismicity_EQDifference.mxd; ticci; 07.31.14 Selected epicenter (Hardebeck, 2014a)

Selected epicenter (Hardebeck, 2010) 2010-2014 epicenter vector South margin of blind north-dipping faults

below the Pismo syncline Shoreline fault, tomo DD Shoreline fault, hypo DD

Seismicity analysis area

Fault, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertainRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY Difference Between Hardebeck (2010) and Hardebeck (2014a) Epicenter Locationsin the Vicinity of the Irish Hills 012 mi.012 kmMap projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V, 1:100,000EXPLANATION Figure 6-40 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 101 1 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYLos OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo Figure extent Point San Luis Hosgri fault zone L o s O s o s f a u l t z o n e Edna fault zone Edna fault zone San Luis Bay fault I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t S a n M i g u e l i t o f a u l t z o n e Point BuchonShoreline fault zone Los Osos San Luis Obispo Pismo Beach Notes: Gravity data from Langenheim (2014). Faults from PG&E (2011, 2014b).

Complete BouguerGravity Anomaly (mGal) 17 to 19 15 to 17 13 to 1511 to 139 to 11 7 to 9 5 to 7 3 to 5 1 to 3-1 to 1-3 to 5 to 7 to 9 to 11 to 13 to -11

-15 to -13

-17 to -15

-19 to -17

-21 to -19

-23 to -21

-25 to -23

-27 to -25

-29 to -27

-32 to -29

-34 to -32

-36 to -34

-38 to -36

-40 to -38

-42 to -40

-44 to -42

-46 to -44


Distribution of 2014 through 2010 Epicentral Distance Differences0. Horizontal distance difference (km) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Relative density Mode = 0.23 km Median = 0.29 km

Minimum = 0.03 km Distribution of Azimuths from 2010 to 2014 Epicenters 0 100 200 300 Azimuth from 2010 to 2014 location (degrees) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Relative density Mode = 238 degrees

Median = 236 degrees Distribution of 2014 through 2010 Depth Differences-10-5 0 5 10 15 Depth difference (km) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Relative density Mode = 0.21 km

Median = 0.47 km 84th percentile 16th percentile 84th percentile 84th percentile Earthquake Location Difference Statistics Between Hardebeck (2010) and Hardebeck (2014a) fwla-lk-file/DATA/Projects/79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing/05_Graphics, 07.30.14 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Figure 6-41 (a)(b)(c)RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY

101 1 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYLos OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo Figure extent DCPP-120°35'-120°35'-120°40'-120°40'-120°45'-120°45'-120°50'-120°50'-120°55'-120°55'-121°0'35°25'35°20'35°20'35°15'35°15'35°10'35°10'P:\Projects\Nuclear\79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing\04_GIS\MXD\Figures\PGE_R\DCPP_PGE_Gravity_Seismicity_Overview.mxd; ticci; 07.31.14 Overview of Irish Hills SeismicityMap projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V, 1:150,000 Figure 6-42 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Shoreline fault zone Hosgri fault zone L o s O s o s f a u l t z o n e Edna fault zone Edna fault zone San Luis Bay fault I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l tRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY San Luis Obispo Los Osos Pismo Beach Morro Bay Point San Luis S a n M i g u e l i t o f a u l t z o n e Point Buchon Notes: Gravity data from Langenheim (2014). Faults from PG&E (2011, 2014b).

Epicenter (Hardebeck, 2014a)

South margin of blind north-dipping faults

below the Pismo syncline Complete BouguerGravity Anomaly (mGal) 17 to 19 15 to 17 13 to 1511 to 139 to 11 7 to 9 5 to 7 3 to 5 1 to 3-1 to 1-3 to 5 to 7 to -5?-9 to 11 to 13 to -11

-15 to -13

-17 to -15

-19 to -17

-21 to -19

-23 to -21

-25 to -23

-27 to -25

-29 to -27

-32 to -29

-34 to -32

-36 to -34

-38 to -36

-40 to -38

-42 to -40

-44 to -42

-46 to -44EXPLANATION Shoreline fault, vertical plane Shoreline fault, tomo DD Shoreline fault, hypo DD Seismicity analysis area Fault, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain 012 mi.012 km Figure 6-43 Pacific Gas and Electric Company DCPP-120°35'-120°35'-120°40'-120°40'-120°45'-120°45'-120°50'-120°50'-120°55'-120°55'35°20'35°20'35°15'35°15'35°10'35°10'P:\Projects\Nuclear\79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing\04_GIS\MXD\Figures\PGE_R\DCPP_PGE_Gravity_Seismicity_North.mxd; ticci; 7.3`.14RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYMap projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V, 1:125,000 101 1 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYLos OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo Figure extent Northern Zone Seismicity Northern zone Shoreline fault zone Hosgri fault zone L o s O s o s f a u l t z o n e Edna fault zone Edna fault zone San Luis Bay fault I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l tNotes: Gravity data from Langenheim (2014). Faults from PG&E (2011, 2014b).

Epicenter (Hardebeck, 2014a)

Epicenter inside zone (Hardebeck, 2014a)

South margin of blind north-dipping faults

below the Pismo syncline Complete BouguerGravity Anomaly (mGal) 17 to 19 15 to 17 13 to 1511 to 139 to 11 7 to 9 5 to 7 3 to 5 1 to 3-1 to 1-3 to 5 to 7 to -5?-9 to 11 to 13 to -11

-15 to -13

-17 to -15

-19 to -17

-21 to -19

-23 to -21

-25 to -23

-27 to -25

-29 to -27

-32 to -29

-34 to -32

-36 to -34

-38 to -36

-40 to -38

-42 to -40

-44 to -42

-46 to -44EXPLANATION Shoreline fault, vertical plane Seismicity zone extent Fault, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain 012 mi.012 km San Luis Obispo Los Osos Pismo Beach Point San Luis S a n M i g u e l i t o f a u l t z o n e Point Buchon Figure 6-44 Pacific Gas and Electric Company DCPP-120°35'-120°35'-120°40'-120°40'-120°45'-120°45'-120°50'-120°50'-120°55'-120°55'35°20'35°20'35°15'35°15'35°10'35°10'P:\Projects\Nuclear\79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing\04_GIS\MXD\Figures\PGE_R\DCPP_PGE_Gravity_Seismicity_North.mxd; ticci; 07.31.14RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYMap projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V, 1:125,000 101 1 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYLos OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo Figure extent Central Zone Seismicity Central zone Shoreline fault zoneHosgri fault zone L o s O s o s f a u l t z o n e Edna fault zone San Luis Bay fault I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t Notes: Gravity data from Langenheim (2014). Faults from PG&E (2011, 2014b).

Epicenter (Hardebeck, 2014a)

Epicenter inside zone (Hardebeck, 2014a)

South margin of blind north-dipping faults

below the Pismo syncline Complete BouguerGravity Anomaly (mGal) 17 to 19 15 to 17 13 to 1511 to 139 to 11 7 to 9 5 to 7 3 to 5 1 to 3-1 to 1-3 to 5 to 7 to -5?-9 to 11 to 13 to -11

-15 to -13

-17 to -15

-19 to -17

-21 to -19

-23 to -21

-25 to -23

-27 to -25

-29 to -27

-32 to -29

-34 to -32

-36 to -34

-38 to -36

-40 to -38

-42 to -40

-44 to -42

-46 to -44EXPLANATION Shoreline fault, vertical plane Seismicity zone extent Fault, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain 012 mi.012 km San Luis Obispo Los Osos Pismo Beach Point San Luis S a n M i g u e l i t o f a u l t z o n e Point Buchon Figure 6-45 Pacific Gas and Electric Company DCPP-120°35'-120°35'-120°40'-120°40'-120°45'-120°45'-120°50'-120°50'-120°55'-120°55'35°20'35°20'35°15'35°15'35°10'35°10'P:\Projects\Nuclear\79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing\04_GIS\MXD\Figures\PGE_R\DCPP_PGE_Gravity_Seismicity_North.mxd; ticci; 07.31.14Map projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V, 1:125,000 101 1 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYLos OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo Figure extent Southern Zone Seismicity Southern zone Shoreline fault zoneRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYHosgri fault zone L o s O s o s f a u l t z o n e Edna fault zone San Luis Bay fault I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t Notes: Gravity data from Langenheim (2014). Faults from PG&E (2011, 2014b).

Epicenter (Hardebeck, 2014a)

Epicenter inside zone (Hardebeck, 2014a)

South margin of blind north-dipping faults

below the Pismo syncline Complete BouguerGravity Anomaly (mGal) 17 to 19 15 to 17 13 to 1511 to 139 to 11 7 to 9 5 to 7 3 to 5 1 to 3-1 to 1-3 to 5 to 7 to -5?-9 to 11 to 13 to -11

-15 to -13

-17 to -15

-19 to -17

-21 to -19

-23 to -21

-25 to -23

-27 to -25

-29 to -27

-32 to -29

-34 to -32

-36 to -34

-38 to -36

-40 to -38

-42 to -40

-44 to -42

-46 to -44EXPLANATION Shoreline fault, vertical plane Seismicity zone extent Fault, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain 012 mi.012 km San Luis Obispo Los Osos Pismo Beach Point San Luis S a n M i g u e l i t o f a u l t z o n e Point Buchon Northern zone Central zone 0 5 10 15 Distance NE from the Shoreline fault (km) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0Depth (km)

Pismo syncline, Edna, and Los Osos faults Shorelinefault 0 5 10 15 Distance NE from the Shoreline fault (km) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0Depth (km)

Pismo syncline, Edna, and Los Osos faults Shoreline fault 0 5 10 15 Distance NE from the Shoreline fault (km) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Depth (km)

Pismo syncline, Edna, and Los Osos faults Shorelinefault Fault Association Southern Central Northern Within fault zone Outside fault zone 80 45 80

20 2 1 One earthquake in the southern zone is at 17.26 km depth, approximately

2 km below the plot.

Seismicity from Hardebeck (2014a).

Notes:)Southern zone Number of Earthquakes in Zone Figure 6-46 Seismicity Cross Sections Perpendicular to the Shoreline Fault Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONYfwla-lk-file/DATA/Projects/79_225400_PGE_WE2_Onshore_2011_Ph1_Processing/05_Graphics/07.31.14 RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-47 Figure OADC-FM Solution Planes Fit to Seismicity from Hardebeck (2014b)Pacific Gas and El ectric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-47.ai; Date: 07/31/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Notes:- Image from slide 15 of Hardebeck's

presentation at SSHAC Workshop No. 3, 2014.

- Labels and tabulated data added by PG&E to

this figure based on data provided by

Hardebeck (personal communication, 2014).

NIH 1 NIH 1 NIH 2 NIH 2 NIH 4 NIH 4 NIH 3 NIH 3NameStrikeStrike +/-DipDip +/-NIH 1N78°W18°40°N5°NIH 2N74°W18°45°N9° NIH 3N47°W11°65°NE7° NIH 4N70°W11°60°N6° RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-48 Figure Structural Interpretation of OADC-FM Solution, Scenario 1, from Hardebeck (2014b)Pacific Gas and El ectric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_7-48.ai; Date: 06/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Notes:- Image from Slide 21 of Hardebeck's presentation

at SSHAC Workshop No. 3, 2014.

- Dashed green line and yellow triangles on map, and magenta star on map and Profile C added

by PG&E to this figure.

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-49 FigurePacific Gas and El ectric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-49.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Structural Interpretation of OADC-FM Solution, Scenario 2, from Hardebeck (2014b)

Note: Image from slide 22 of Hardebeck's presentation at SSHAC Workshop No. 3, 2014.

RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 6-50 FigurePacific Gas and El ectric Company File path: S:\1005\051\Figures\Response_Figures\Figure_6-50.ai; Date: 07/30/2014; User: Alex Remar, LCI; Rev.1 Structural Interpretation of OADC-FM Solution, Scenario 3, from Hardebeck (2014b)

Note: Image from slide 24 of Hardebeck's presentation at SSHAC Workshop No. 3, 2014.

Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Tm Tmo Tmo Tmo Tmo Tmo Tmo Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks Qsw Qs w KJf KJf KJf KJf KJf KJf KJf KJfm KJfm KJfm KJfm KJfm KJfm KJfm KJfm KJfm af Qu Qu Qcs Qm Qm Qm Qm Tmm Tmm Tmpm Tmpe KJfo Qal Qal Qal Qal Tppg Tppg Tppg Tppg Tpps Tpps Tpps Tpps Tpps Tpps Tppb Tppb Tppb Tppb Tppb TppTovTov TovTovTov Tmod ch Qt Qt s Tmr Tmr Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qal Qs Qu Qls Qls Qls Qal Qls Qls Qls Tmo Qls Qls Qt Qt Tmm Ks s Tmod Qs-120°44'-120°46'-120°46'-120°48'-120°48'35°12'35°12'35°10'35°10'Los OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo 101 1 San Luis Obispo County A B B'A'S a n M i g u e l i t o f a u l t z o n e I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t S a n L u i s B a y f a u l t S h o r e l i n e f a u l t z o n e A W D 1 1 2-1 4 0 Point San Luis Tpps Figure extent Seismic Reflection Profile Explanation Geologic data from PG&E (2014b).

Shaded relief from LiDAR and multibeam

data, PG&E (2014b).

See Figure 6-7 for explanation of geologic

units and symbols.AWD 112-140AA'Line from 2011 2D survey (Fugro 2014b;

PG&E, 2014d)Arbritary line from 2011 Vibroseis volume (Fugro, 2014b)Evaluated subset of the 2011 3D Vibroseis data02,0004,000 ft05001,000 mMap projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V, 1:28,000 Notes: Figure 6-51 Geologic Map of the Point San Luis Area with Seismic Profile LinesPacific Gas and Electric Company RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY

-120°44'-120°44'-120°46'-120°46'-120°48'-120°48'35°12'35°12'3 5°1 0'35°10'02,0004,000 ft05001,000 m-1 2 0°4 4'-1 2 0°4 4'--1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0°°°°°°4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6'-1 2 0°4 6'-1 2 0 0°4 8 8-1 2 2 0 0°4 4 8 8 8'3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5°1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2'3 5°1 2'3 5°1 1 1 0'3 5°°1 0'Map projection and scale: NAD 83 State Plane CA Zone V,1:28,000Los OsosAvila Beach San Luis Obispo 101 1 San Luis Obispo County A B B'A'A W D 1 1 2-1 4 0 I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t Coastline I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t I r i s h C a n y o n f a u l t Figure extent Magnetic data from Langenheim et al. (2012)

Fault traces from PG&E (2014b)AWD 112-140AA'Line from 2011 2D survey (Fugro, 2014b)Arbritary line from 2011 Vibroseis volume (Fugro, 2014b; PG&E, 2014d)EXPLANATION Seismic Reflection Profile Nanoteslas 47,872 47,834 47,804 47,789 47,779 47,767 47,750 47,731 (nT)Notes: Figure 6-52 Total Magnetic Field Anomaly, Helicopter Magnetic Survey, Point San Luis AreaPacific Gas and Electric CompanyRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY Point San Luis Elevation (feet)

Distance (feet)

AA'05000100001500017046 Elevation (feet)

Distance (feet)

AA'0 2,000 0-2,000-4,000-6,000



-24,000-26,000-28,000 2,000-2,000-4,000-6,000



-24,000-26,000-28,00005000100001500017046 Explanation Fault, solid where certain, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain Seismic reflection domain (See Figure 6-51 for location of profile.)

Elevation (kilometers) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Elevation (kilometers) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 North South North South San Luis Bay fault Irish Canyon fault 1A 1B 2 Uninterpreted Interpreted

??1A Area of SLRF interpreted

by Dr. Hamilton Seismic Reflection Profile, Line A-A' Pacific Gas and Electric Company Figure 6-53RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY 0 0-1 0-2-3-4-5-6-7-2,000-4,000






-20,000-22,000-24,000 0 100001500016890 5000 100001500016890 5000 Elevation (kilometers)

Elevation (feet)

Elevation (feet)

Distance (feet)

Distance (feet)

-1 0-2-3-4-5-6-7 Elevation (kilometers)

Explanation Fault, solid where certain, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain Seismic reflection domain (See Figure 6-51 for location of profile.)

North South North South San Luis Bay fault Irish Canyon fault 1A 1B 2 Uninterpreted Interpreted B B'B B'????1A Area of SLRF interpreted

by Dr. Hamilton Seismic Reflection Profile, Line B-B' Pacific Gas and Electric Company Figure 6-54RESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY DCPP Note: Horizontal offsets are shown along a topographic profile above the seismic line.Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyFigure 6-55Seismic line in redFault; solid where well located,dashed where approximately locatedTop of Monterey FormationTop of Obispo FormationTop of Mesozoic BasementTmmTmoKJf(a)Uninterpreted(b)Interpreted EXPLANATION Irish Canyon fault Seismic Reflection Profile, Line AWD 112-140 Arrow marking offset or truncated reflectors Horizontal distance along seismic line, 2,000-foot incrementRESPONSE TO DR. HAMILTON'S TESTIMONY