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Commemt (25) of Nathan J. Young on Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Renewal, Ottawa County, Ohio
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/28/2014
From: Young N
State of OH, Historic Preservation Office
To: Cindy Bladey
Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch
009-OTT-9417-2, 79FR13079 00025
Download: ML14162A224 (1)



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In reply refer to 2009-OTT-9417-2 May 28, 2014 Cindy Bladey Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch Office of Administration, Mail Stop: 3WFN-06-44M U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Ms. Bladey:

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mýC-Re:.Davis-BePse' Nuclear Power Station Renewal, Ottawa County, Ohio This is in response to correspondence, received on March 10, 2014 regarding the renewal of the operating, license for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Ottawa County, Ohio. My comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as ameq,,ded, and the associated regulations at 36 CFR Part 800.

Based on the information-inicliided in ydoSubmission, theprd6pdsed license renewal, as the only action being reviewed, odoes not appear to have a high probability effecting historic properties. It is my opinion that tgie pto ed fici~ese renewal will n6t affect historic properties.

No further coordination with this office is necessary unless there is a change in the project.

Additionally, any future improvements or earthmoving activities at the Davis-Besse facility requiring review under the regulations at 36 CFR 800 Will need to be coordinated with this office. If new or additiona. h istoric properties are discovered during implementation of this

.prpject, this ofýf6ceshould t*

iotified as required b' 36 CFR'800.13.


.5 If you have ahy questions reai;ding'this imatfter, please call mn,(at (6i4),298-2000. Thank you

.for y ouyqIcooperation..

.:SUNSI Review Complete Nathan J, Youmg, Project Reviews Manager TUmIleve CoMplete Resource Prbtectioii and Rei" Template = ADM - 013 AAAL.

800 E.17th Avei, Columbus, OH 43211-2474

  • 614.297.2300 9