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Comment (18) of Michael Leonardi on License Renewal Application for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/21/2014
From: Leonardi M
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Administrative Services
79FR13079 00018, NRC-2010-0298
Download: ML14122A026 (1)


Page 1 of 1 RULEU*iA.1..


,(IVES As of: April 24, 2014 Received: April 21, 2014 Status: Pending_Post PUBLIC SUBMISSION No ljy-8bo2-h39q Comments Due: April 21, 201z Submission Type: Web Docket: NRC-2010-0298 2 F Receipt and Availability of Application for License Rnea

-T\\/'D Comment On: NRC-2010-0298-0033 License Renewal Application for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1; Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement Document: NRC-2010-0298-DRAFT-0041 Comment on FR Doc # 2014-05021 1.

Submitter Information Name: Michael Leonardi Address:

2486 Robinwood C Toledo, OH, 43620 General Comment It goes without saying that in the dismal oligarchy that we find ourselves living in: -- the studies were cited in newspapers across the globe -- exercises like these are a completely futile waste of time and energy. I have.seen several of the other comments that have been submitted and they have already covered much of what I see as important. I especially refer you to the comments of Joseph Demare regarding medical studies on the harmful effects of radiation, especially from aging nuclear reactors and the studies of Joe Mangano. I did want to point you to the studies on Uranium and Tritium by Canadian Doctor, Gordon Edwards: His organization's website is a wealth of information on the harmful health effects of radiation on human beings and provides in-depth detail on how, exactly, this radiation enters the human body and effects human health., l.html. Do what you will with them and even if you do your jobs well, which would mean NEVER recommending another license renewal of any existing nuclear, power plant and the revocation of all previously granted, rest assured that the political hacks appointed to the commission will dismiss your work as irrelevant and you may go on pushing paper on the taxpayer's dime.

SUNSI Review Complete Template = ADM - 013 E-RIDS= ADM-03 1 6c03 1 2&for... 04/24/2014