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Comment (6) of Unknown Author, on Behalf of First Energy Corp. on Proposed 20-Year Operating Extension for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/2010
United Way of Greater Toledo, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation Corp
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
75FR57299 00006
Download: ML110680510 (2)


United Way of Greater Toledo First Energy's United Way Involvement November 4, 2010 The Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station, and on a larger scale, the First Energy

.Corporation, are a tremendous community partner to the local United Way.

Since 1993, First Energy has contributed more than $13.5 million to United Way of Greater Toledo which serves Ottawa, Wood, and Lucas counties.


$3.1 million came from corporate gifts.


$10.4 million from its incredibly generous employees.

o First Energy has also earned United Way's Pillar Award each year since at least 1992... which means they consistently give more than

$100,000 each year to the greater Toledo' campaign.

V12010_010 Not only does this community consistently get solid financial support from First Energy and its employees, but executive leadership has also demonstrated, exceptional personal commitment to our work.

o In 1993, Don Saunders chaired the local United-Way campaign, raising

$12.5 million.

o In 2005, Jim Murray, now retired, but formerly First Energy President of Ohio Operations, chaired the local United Way campaign. Under Mr.

Murray's leadership, the campaign raised $13.3 million.

We also presented Mr. Murray with our prestigious Spirit of

  • Caring award in 2006 for demonstrating value and concern for our community through vision, leadership, service, and commitment to the people of our community.

o In 2009, Trent Smith, regional president of Toledo Edison/First Energy, became chairman of United Way of Greater Toledo's Board of Trustees and is drawing to a close on his second year of service.

Mr. Smith has gone above and beyond the level of service, dedication, and commitment we typically see from Board chairs.

He has become involved in virtually every level of our work, digging inand helping find real solutions.

o In addition to these executive leaders, numerous upper level management have supported United Way by using their voice and Ll*elationships to help secure financial and volunteer support as well as S-advocating on behalf of United Way and the NW Ohio region.

In addition to Don Saunders, Jim Murray, and Trent Smith, some of these standoutemployees include Debbie Paul, Meg Adams, and Mel Womack.

Additionally, in the 1990s, Jennifer Shriver served five years as LL, the chair of our Community Impact Cabinet, the highest level of G.

'community impact volunteers who decide how money is allocated in the community. Also joining her on the cabinet was Jenny Amidon. Both are now retired.


LJ Z-)


Ly' ca..


Continued on page 2...

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First Energy also demonstrates incredible commitment to the community through sponsorships of or participation in programs and events.

o In 1993 and 1994, Davis Besse sponsored our Loaned Executive, program, a program that provides United Way with temporary campaign employees. First. Energy began sponsoring this program in1996 and continued for 11 years.

o Employees consistently contribute to and participate in Stamp Out Hunger and/or Scouting for Food efforts each year. They were a major sponsor of our Family Food Fund in 2008.

o First Energy was a sponsor. of our Community Building Event in 2005 and was the initiator and sponsor of our Veterans' Appreciation Event in 2006 which continued until 2009.

Davis Besse and First Energy are a valued community partner, both philanthropically and economically. They have been incredible contributors to our community over the past 20 years and we only hope this will continue for at least another 20.