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Inservice Test (IST) Program/Preservice Test (Pst) Program
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/08/2014
From: Hruby R
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14133A296 (312)


{{#Wiki_filter:Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Spring City, Tennessee 37381-2000 May 8, 2014 10 cFR 50.4 10 cFR s0.12 10 CFR 50.55(a) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 NRC Docket No. 50-391 Subjecfi WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) UNIT 2 - INSERVICE TEST (rsT) PROGRAiTTPRESERVICE TEST (PST) PROGRAM


1. NRC letter to TVA, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 - NRC Acknowledgement of Withdrawal of Requested Licensing Action Re:

Exemption and Relief Request (TAC Nos. MF3595 and MF3597)," dated April 18, 2014 2 TVA letter to NRC, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant WBN) Unit 2 - American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Transition - Revised Commitment," dated September 1,2011

3. TVA letter to NRC, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant WBN) Unit 2 -

Preservice Test Program Plan," dated March 21,2011

4. Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (SSER) 22, Appendix HH, Item No. 13, dated February 2011
5. TVA letterto NRC,'Watts Bar Nuclear Plant WBN) Unit 2 -

Preservice !nspection Program Plan and Request for Relief No. WBN-2lPDl4," dated October 30, 2008 The purpose of this letter is to provide the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Technical lnstruction (Tl), 0-Tl-100.006, Revision 1, "lnservice Testing Program," for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant WBN) Units 1 and2, including Relief Requests (10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) and 10 CFR 50.55a(0(5Xiii)).

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page2 May 8,2014 The T! is a combined Unit 1/Unit 2 program document and is being submitted for staff review for the licensing of Unit 2. This Tl addresses the initial Unit 2 lnservice Test (lST) Programs, and the Unit 2 Preservice Test (PST) Program for pumps, valves, dynamic restraints (snubbers), and pressure-relief devices. The previously submitted Unit 2, "Preservice Test (PST) Plan," (Reference 3) is superseded in its entirety by the Tl provided in Enclosure 1. The following table summarizes the transitional relationship between the Unit 2 PST Program and the Unit 2 IST Program due to their direct association with Unit 2 project milestones, subsequent program applicability, affected components, and relevant ASME Code (specific Code, Edition, and Addenda). Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 - Preseruice & lnservice Test Program Summary Program Applicability Components ASME Code & Addenda Preservice WBN Construction - Pumps, Valves & OM 2001 Edition through Test Program through Receipt of Pressure-Relief 2003 Addenda, (PSr) Operating License and Devices or Commercial Operation OM 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda lnseruice Test WBN Operation - After Pumps, Valves, OM 2004 Edition through Program (lST) Receipt of Operating Dynamic 2006 Addenda License and Commercial Restraints Operation (Snubbers) & Pressure-Relief Devices Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) and 10 CFR 50.55a(fX5Xiii), this letter also provides four lST Program relief requests needed for Unit 2 that require NRC approval before they can be implemented. The four requests are: (1) IST-RR Pump Vibration Reference Values and Acceptance Criteria, (2) IST-RR ERCW Screen Wash Pump Test Method, (3) IST-RR Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Time Testing, and (4) IST-RR Unit 2 Pressurizer Safety Valve Test before Electric Generation. These relief requests are similar to requests previously approved by the NRC. Each of these requests is discussed in detail in Enclosure 2, with references to precedent provided. TVA requests that these relief requests be reviewed and approved by September 2014. The submittal of the WBN IST Program document, including the WBN2 PST Program (Enclosure 1) and the relief requests (Enclosure 2), described above, will also satisfy SSER 22, Appendix HH, Open ltem No. 13 (Reference 4), and the commitment previously stated in Reference 2. ln addition, ltem B of Reference 1 requested clarification of FSAR Section 3.9.6 by providing the specific code to be used. This clarification will be included in FSAR Amendment 112 scheduled for late May. L--

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 May 8,2014 provides the one commitment made in this letter. lf you have any questions, please contact Gordon Arent at @23) 365-2004. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 8h day of May, 2014. tcuL Respectfully, Raymond A. Hruby, Jr. General Manager, Technical Services Watts Bar Unit 2


1. WBN Technical lnstruction 0-T1-100.006, Revision 1 , "lnservice Testing Program"
2. Relief Requests
3. List of Commitments cc: See page 4

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 4 May 8, 2014 cc (Enclosures): U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region ll Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Resident Inspector Unit 1 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1260 Nuclear Plant Road Spring City, Tennessee 37381 NRC Resident lnspector Unit 2 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1260 Nuclear Plant Road Spring City, Tennessee 37381

ENCLOSURE 1 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 WBN Technical lnstruction, 0-Tl-1 00.006, "lnseruice Testing Program" E1-1

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 0 Technical lnstruction 0-TI-1 00.006 Inservice Testing Program Revision 0001 Quality Related Level of Use: lnformation Use Not applicable to Unit 1 components until Unit 2 declares Commercial Operation Effectirc Date: 05-08-2014 Responsible Organization: PGM, Engineering Programs Group Prepared By: Charlie Driskell Approved By: Keith Dietrich

tlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 2 of 291 Curre nt Revision Description Type of Change: lntent Tracking Number: 002 PCRs: None PERs: None Affected Pages: All . Added 112-FCV-74-16(28). o Changed safety function for 112-FCY-63-63(70X77X87X95X107)(1151(127) from Active to Passive. o Changed safety position tor 112-FCY-1-15(17)(18) from Closed to Open/Closed. o Changed safety position for 1/2-lSV-1-619(620X621)(622) from Closed to Open/Closed. o Changed safety position tor 112-FCY-72-21(221from Closed to Open/Closed. o Changed safety position tor 112-FCY-1-16,112-FCV-63-72(73), and 112-FCV-724(45) from Open to Open/Closed. o Changed safety position for 112-CKV-3-864, 1/2-CKV-63-502, and 112-CKV-72-548(549X562)(563) from Open to Open/Closed. . Added CTV designation to Valve Type table (Section 3.5.H) for Control Valves. o Deleted specific PM schedule from Relief Request IST-RR-O3 to match change in U1 Relief Request PV-03. o Deleted Appendix G Exemption Request. o Revised DrJ-02(07)(24). . UPdated references o Editorialcorrections.

tlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 3 of 291 Table Contents Section Description Page

1. INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Purpose 4 1.2 Scope 4 1.3 Applicability 4 1.4 Owner lnformation and Interval Dates 5 1.5 Regulatory Requirements and WBN Compliance 6
3. PROGRAN4 DEVELOPMENT 10 3.1 Developm ent of Program Scope 10 3.2 Applicable Drawings and System Descriptions 11 3.3 Development of Component Test Requirements 14 3.4 Description of Appendix A, Pump Test Plan 15 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test Plan 18 3.6 Description of Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan 25
4. STRUCTURE OF PRESERVICE/INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAIvI REQUIREMENTS 26 4.1 Upper Tier Requirement for IST Program Scope and Content 27 4.2 Administration and Implementation of the IST Program 28 Appendix A, Pump Test Plan 30 Appendix B, Valve Test Plan 45 Appendix C, Pump Relief Requests 207 Appendix D, Valve Relief Requests 214 Appendix E, Deferred Test Justifications 222 Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan 259

WBN - Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 4 of 291

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This procedure represents the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) lnservice Testing (lST)

Program developed to satisfy the requirements stipulated in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.55a (10CFR50.55a), paragraphs (f) and (g) and Technical Specification This procedure also defines the scope and test requirements for testing required to be performed during the Unit 2 (U2) Preservice Testing (PST) period. U2 pumps, valves, and pressure relief devices not currently in scope of the Unit 1 (Ul) IST Program may be either American Society of lt/echanical Engineers (ASME) Operations and l\Iaintenance (OM) Code, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda, or OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda.U2 Snubbers are in scope of the WBN U2 Preservice lnspection (PSl) Program and not in scope of this procedure during the U2 PST period. 1.2 Scope The IST Program establishes the testing and examination requirement to assess operational readiness of certain ASME Code Class 1,2, and 3 components important to nuclear safety. These requirements apply to: A. Pumps and valves required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor to safe shutdown condition, in maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or in mitigating the consequences of an accident; B. Pressure relief devices that protect systems or portions of systems that perform one or more of these three functions; C. Dynamic restraints (snubbers) used in systems that perform one or more of these three functions, or to ensure the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. Both WBN units are designed as Hot Shutdown (tvlode 3) for the safe shutdown condition. 1.3 Applicability This procedure is not applicable for U1 components until U2 declares commercialoperation. U1 components will be covered by TF100.006 until U2 commercial operation.

lflrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 5 of 291 1.4 Owner lnforrnation and lnterval Dates Pertinent Owner information and dates are provided in the table below. Tenness ee Valley Authority Owner Address of Chattanooga Office Com plex Corporate Office 1101 lvlarket St. Chattanooga, TN 37 402-2801 Narne and Address Watt Bar Nuclear Plant of Power Plant P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, TN 37381-2000 Applicable Nuclear WBN Unit I t rBN Unat 2 Power Units Gonstruction January 23, 1973 January 23, 1973 Permit Date Gomnrercia! [/ay 27 , 1996 TBD Operation Date First 10 year I\4ay 27 , 1996 to May 26, 2007 TBD to TBD plus 10 years IST Interval Second 10 year May 27,2OOT to TBD1 IST lnterval Third 10 1rear TBD 1 to TBD 1 ptus 10 years IST Interval 1 . The Second 10 Year IST lnterval for U1 is being adjusted to coincide with the start of the First 10 Year IST lor U2 (date of initial commercial operation). Revision 0 of this document contained an exemption request for 10CFR50.55a to allow concurrent intervals. The NRC reviewer determined that it was unnecessary and should be removed.

t rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 6 of 291 1.5 Regulatory Requirernents and WBN Compliance 1.5.1 Gode of Record IST Period (Unit I and Unit 2) Licensees of pressurized water reactors are required by 10CFR50.55a(f) and (g) to establish an IST Program for their initial 120 month (10 year) interval based on the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of the I\SME OM Code incorporated by reference in paragraph

        '10CFR50.55a(b) 12 months before issuance of an operating license. Atthe end of this initial interval, and each succeeding interval, they must revise their ET Program to comply with the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of the ASME OM Code incorporated by reference in paragraph 10CFR50.55a(b) 12 months before the start of the 120 month interval, subject to the conditions listed 10CFR50.55a(b).

A request has been submitted to the NRC for exemption from the requirements of 10CFR 50.55a(0( )fii) for Watts Bar Unit 't to allow concurrent interval with Unit 2. This exemption request specifies the code of record for the concurrent IST interval to be the ASME OM Gode, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda. The WBN lST Program presented in this procedure complies with the requirements of this code of record. Preservice Testing (PST) Period (Unit 2 Conponents Only) 10CFR50.55a does not specifically address requirements for PST of pumps, valves, and pressure relief devices. ASME OM Code, ISTA-3200(f)(1) requires that PST shall comply with the edition and addenda that has been adopted by the regulatory authority 36 months prior to the docket date of the unit's construction permit, or subsequent editions and addenda that have been adopted by the regulatory authority. Specific portions of such subsequent editions and addenda may be used, provided all related requirements are met. Therefore, the code of record for the PST period of pumps, valves, and pressure relief devices not currently in scope of the Ul IST Program may be either OM Code,2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda, or OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda. Procedure NETP-116 provides a comparison of the difference between these code editions/addenda. 10CFR50.55a provides an option to perform snubber testing in accordance with ASME OM Code (lST) or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl (lS!). The Unit 2 snubbers are included in scope of ASME Section Xlfor the Preservice lnspection (PSl) period activities.

V\lBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 7 ofi 291 1.5.2 Conditions Applicable to Code of Record The applicable conditions of 10CFR50.55a, paragraph (b)(3) are provided below with an explanation of WBN's method of addressing each condition. A. (bX3Xi)QualityAssurance The quality assurance program implemented by WBN is the TVA Nuclear Quallty Assurance Program Plan (TVANOA-PLN89-A). This program is in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix B. WBN has elected not to use ASME NQA-1, "Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilities,' 1979 Addenda. B. (bx3xii) l/otor Operated Valves Testing Procedure NETP-115, NIOV Program, describes the program used at WBN to ensure that motor operated valves continue to be capable of performing their design basis safety functions. C. (bX3Xv) Subsection ISTD The conditions of paragraph (bX3) and its subparagraphs (bX3XvXA) and (b)(3)(v)(B) for snubbers are incorporated into the WBN preservice and inservice programs for snubbers contained in WBN-2 PSI (U2 preservice inspection) and Tl-203 (U1 and U2 inservice testing). 1.5.3 Code Cases ln accordance with 10CFR50.55a, paragraph (bX6), code cases referenced in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.192, "Operation and ltlaintenance Code Case Acceptability, ASME OM Code," may be used without prior NRC approval subject to the requirements of (b)(6)(i) through (bXOXiii). However, at this time, TVA has not elected to adopt any of the code cases approved for use in RG 1.192tor WBN 1 and2. 1.5.4 Requests for Relief ln accordance with 10CFR50.55a, paragraphs (aX3Xi), (a)(3)(ii), and (0(5Xiv), licensees may submit a request for relief from code requirements. WBN has submitted four relief requests to the NRC for review and approval. The drafts of these are contained in Appendix C, Pump Relief Requests, and Appendix D, Valve Relief Requests. Currently, these relief requests are not approved and will not be implemented at WBN untilthey are approved by the NRC. 1.5.5 Glarification of Test Methods Clarification of test methods is provided in procedure 0-Tl-100.011 (later), lnservice Testing Program Basis Document, to document WBN's position or approach in areas where the Code of Record allows the Owner to speciff requirements, methods, acceptance criteria, or when clarification of WBN's compliance with the code requirements is justified.

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 8 of 291 1.5.6 NUREG-1482

   , The NRC published NUREG-1482, "Guidelines for lnservice Testing at Nuolear Power Plants," to provide guidance and recommendations for developing and implementing IST Programs. Guidance provided was used in the development of the WBN IST Program where applicable.
2. REFERENCES A. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.55a B. ASME OM Code, Code for Operation and [Maintenance of Nuc]ear Power Plants, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda C. NUREG-1482, Revision 2, Guidelines for lnservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants D. Regulatory Guide 1.192, Operation and [Maintenance Code Case Applicability, ASME OM Code E. Regulatory Guide 1.193, ASME Code Cases Not Approved For Use F. A.SME OM Code lnterpretation 98-8 G. ASME OM Code lnterpretation 01-1 H. TVA-NQA-PLN89-A, TVA Nuclear QualityAssurance Program Plan
l. NPG-SPP-O9.1, ASME Code and Augmented Programs J. NETP-111, Snubber Program K. NETP-115, N4OV Program L. NETP-116, lnservice Testing Program Requirements M. NETP-116.1, lnservice Testing Program Evaluations and Reference Values N. NETP-116.2, lnservice Testing Program Trending Requirements O. NETP-116.3, lnservice Testing Program Preconditioning Guidelines P. NETP-116.4, lnservice Testing of Pressure Retief Devices O. NETP-116.5, IST Program Check Valve Condition t\ilonitoring Requirements

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 9 of 291

2. REFERENCES (Continued)

R. NETP-I16.6, IST Program Snubber Test Requirements (later) S. WBN Technical Specifications Unit 1 and Unit 2 (U2 later) T. WBN FinalSafetyAnalysis Report, Section 3.9.6 U. Tl-100.006, lnservice Testing Program V. 1-TRI-0-10.2, ASME Section Xl ISUNDE Program W. WBN-2 PSl, Preservice lnspection Program Plan X. 2-TRl-0-10.1, ASME Section Xl ISUNDE Program (later) Y. Tl-360.01, WBN Containment Leak Rate Programs Z. 2-Tl-360.01, WBN Containment Leak Rate Programs AA. 0-Tl-100.011, lnservice Testing Program Bases Document (later) AB. Tl-100.008, lnservice and Augmented lnservice Testing and System Pressure Test Program lm flem entation ttlatrix AC. 2-Tl-100.008, Unit 2 lnservice and Augmented lnservice testing and System Pressure Test Program lmplementation tUatrix AD. 0-Tl-100.013, Check Valve Condition ttlonitoring Program (later) AE. 0-Tl-100.007, Augmented lnservice Testing Program (later) AF. 1-SF0-902, lnservice Testing of Safety and Relief Valves AG. 2-Sl-0-902, Unit 2 lnservice Testing of Safety and Relief Valves AH. 1-Sl-0-911, Periodic Thermal Relief Valve Replacement Al. 2-Sl-0-91 1, Unit 2 Periodic Replacement of Thermal Relief Valves AJ. Tl-203, Snubber Program

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page {0 of 291

2. REFERENCES (Continued)

AK. 478.21-1 & -1A' ltlechanical Piping Systems Classification AL. Response to NRC RAlregarding the PSlProgram Plan dated October 13, 2010 (RIMS # T02101013001) AM. NUREG-0847 Supplement 23, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2

3. PROGRATYI DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Development of Program Scope The methodology used to develop the scope for the WBN IST Program is described below.

A. TVA upper tier procedures NPG-SPP-09.1 and NETP-116.series (or Code of Record if NETP-116.series not available) were used in development of the WBN IST Program. B. ln accordance with 10CFR50.55a, paragraph (0, the consideration for scope of the lST Program was limited to Code Class 1,2, and 3 components. There are no Code Class lvlC pumps, valves, or pressure relief devices at WBN. C. The WBN drawings listed in Section 3.2 were used to identifythe Code Class 1,2, andS components. D. The FinalSafetyAnalysis Report, TechnicalSpecifications and Bases (Unit 1 and2), and all System Description Documents (SDDs) were reviewed to determine the nuclear safety related functions credited at WBN. E. The function(s) of each component within the Code Class 1, 2, and 3 boundaries shown on the system drawings were reviewed. Based on this review, each component was determined to be "in scope" or "exempt from scope" of the Code of Record (ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda). The component functions and scope determination are documented in 0-Tl-100.011 (in development), lnservice Testing Program Bases Document. F. Pumps, valves, pressure relief devices, and snubbers in scope of the IST Program are shown in Appendix A, Pump Test Plan; Appendix B, Valve Test Plan; and Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan. An explanation of the abbreviations used in these appendices is provided in Section 3.4, Section 3.5, and Section 3.6.

tIlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 11 of 291 3.2 Applicable Drawings and System Descriptions The table below provides a list of the systems in scope of the PST/IST Program along with the applicable drawings and SDDs used in development of the program scope. System Applicable System Applicable System Name No Description Docurnent Drawing 01 Main Steam System N3-1-4002 1-47W 801-1 1-47W 803-2 2-47W801-1 2-47W 803-2 03A tMain Feedwater System N3-3A-4002 1-47W 803-1 2-47W803-1 03B Auxiliary Feedwater System N3-3B -4002 1-47W 803-2 1-47W 803-3 2-47W 803-2 2-47W 803-3 15 Steam Generator Blowdown N3-15-4002 1-47W801-2 SYstem 2-47W801-2 26 High Pressure Fire Protection N3-26-4002 1-47W 850-9 System 2-47W 850-9 30 Reactor Building Ventilation N3-30R8-4002 1-47W 866-1 SYstem 2-47W866-1 31 Control Building HVAC System N3-30C8-4002 1-47W 865-3 Reactor Building HVAC System N3-30R8-4002 1-47W 865-5 Auxiliary Building HVAC System N3-30AB-4001 2-47W 865-5 1-47W 865-7 1-47W 865-8 32 Compressed Air System N3-32-4002 1-47W 848-1 2-47W848-1 33 Compressed Air System N3-32-4002 1-47W846-2 2-47WU6-2 43 Sampling and Water Quality N3-43-4001 1-47W625-1 System 1-47W625-2 1-47W625-7 1-47W625-11 1-47W 625-15 2-47W625-1 2-47W625-2 2-47W625-7 2-47W625-11 2-47W625-15

t rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 12 of 291 3.2 Applicable Drawings and System Descriptions (Continued) System Applicable System Applicable System NarE No Description Docurnent Drawing 52 Loose Parts Monitoring System N/A 47W 331-3 59 D em inerali zed W ater System N/A 1-47W 856-1 2-47W856-1 61 lce Condenser System N3-61-4001 1-47W814-2 2-47W814-2 62 Chemical and Volume Control N3-62-4001 1-47W 809-1 System 1-47W 809-2 1-47W g0g-3 1-47W 809-5 2-47W809-1 2-47W 809-2 2-47W 809-3 2-47W 809-5 63 Safety lnjection System N3-63-4001 1-47W811-1 1-47W 930-6 2-47W811-1 2-47W 830-6 67 Essential Raw Cooling Water N3-67-4002 1-47W 845-1 System 1-47W845-2 1-47W 845-3 1-47W845-4 1-47W 845-5 1-47W845-7 2-47W845-2 2-47W 845-3 2-47W845-7

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 13 of 291 3.2 Applicable Drawings and System Descriptions (Continued) System Applicable System Applicable System Name No Description Document Drawing 68 Reactor Coolant System N3-68-4001 1-47W 625-8 1-47W 813-1 1-47W 830-6 2-47W 625-8 2-47W813-1 2-47W 830-6 70 Com ponent Cooling System N3-70-4002 1-47W 859-1 1-47W 859-2 1-47W 859-3 1-47W 859-4 2-47W859-1 2-47W 859-3 2-47W 859-4 72 Containm ent Spray System N3-72-4001 1-47W812-1 2-47W812-1 74 Residual Heat Removal System N3-74-4001 1-47W 810-1 2-47W810-1 77 Gaseous Waste Disposal N3-77A-4001 1-47W 830-1 System N3-77C-4001 1-47W 851-1 Liquid Waste Disposa! System 2-47W 830-1 2-47W851-1 78 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and N3-78-4001 1-47W 855-1 Cleaning System 2-47W855-1 81 Prim ary Makeup Water System N3-81-4001 1-47W 819-1 2-47W819-1 84 Flood Mode Boration Makeup N3-84-4001 1-47W 809-7 System 2-47W 809-7 90 Radiation Monitoring System N/A 1-47W 610-90-3 2-47W 610-90-3

t lBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 14 of 291 3.3 Developncnt of Component Test Requirernents The methodology used to determine test requirements for components in scope of the WBN IST Program is described below. A. Each component in scope of the program was categorized in accordance with OM Code, ISTB-1300 and ISTC-1300 (NETP-116). B. The test requirements for each pump were determined in accordance with OM Code, Table ISTB-3000-1, ISTB-3100 (NETP-116), ISTB-3200 (NETP-116), and ISTB-3400 (NETP-116) as applicable for the pump group. C. The test requirements for each valve and pressure relief device were determined in accordance with OM Code, Table ISTC-3500-1, ISTC-3100 (NETP-116), ISTC-3200 (NETP-116), and ISTC 3510 (NETP-116). D. ln cases where it is not practicable to perform valve testing on a quarterly frequency, an alternative test frequency is selected in accordance with the OM Code for deferring valve test frequency. E. ln cases where it is not practicable to perform testing in accordance with the OM Code, a request for relief from the code requirements is submitted to NRC for approval. A copy of the relief requests is provided in Appendix C, Pump Relief Requests, and Appendix D, Valve Relief Requests. F. The specific inservice test requirements (test type and frequency) for pumps, valves, pressure relief devices, and snubbers in scope of the IST Program are shown in Appendix A, Pump Test Plan; Appendix B, Valve Test Plan; and Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan. An explanation of the abbreviations used in these appendices is provided in Section 3.4, Section 3.5, and Section 3.6. Specific information regarding test frequency deferrals are provided in Appendix E, Deferred Test Justifications. The Notes column of Appendix A Pump Test Plan; and Appendix B, Valve Test Plan, provides reference to the applicable relief request or deferred test justifi cation. G. The preservice test requirements for U2 valves and pressure relief devices are the first performance of the inservice tests listed in Appendix B. The preservice test requirement for U2 pumps is not the same as the inservice test requirements listed in Appendix A The preservice test establishes a five point pump curve and initial reference values as described in NETP-116. The preservice pump test is not listed in Appendix A because it is a one time only test for each pump

tn BN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 15 of 291 3.4 Description of Appendix A Pump Test Plan Appendix A, Pump Test Plan, provides a complete list of all pumps in scope of the IST Program along with pertinent information such as the associated test requirements and test frequency. A description of each column heading in Appendix A, Pump Test Plan, along with the meaning of abbreviatiqns used therein is provided below: A. Pump ID The pump identification is a shortened version of the TVA UNID as shown in lr/aximo. Specifically, the pump identification is the TVA UNID with the plant designator (WBN) and leading zeros removed. lvhximo is WAs official master equipment list. B. Function Function description of the component as shown in [/aximo. C. Drawing The applicable drawing where the pump is shown. D. Group Pump group as defined in OM Code, Subsection ISTB. Group Abbreviation Description A Pumps that are operated continuously or routinely during normal operation, cold shutdown, or refueling operations. B Pumps in standby systems that are not operated routinelv except for testino.

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 16 of 291 3.4 Description of Appendix A Pump Test Plan (Continued) E. Class ldentifies the Code Class classification of the pump as shown on the applicable system flow drawings. Class Abbreviation Description 1 Code Class 1 2 Code Class 2 3 Code Class 3 F. Type Description Centrifuoal Horizontal- pump and driver are on a horizontal plane (i.e. C-H) Centrifugal Vertica! - pum p and driver are on a vertical plane (i.e. C-V) Vertical Line Shaft pump - a vertically suspended pump where the pump driver and pump element are connected by a line shaft within an enclosed column (i.e. VLS) G. Fixed or Var Fixed or Var Abbreviation Description Fixed Pump speed s fixed Var Pum p speed s variable H. Actual Speed Actual Speed Abbreviation Description GE600 Pump speed is qreater than or equal to 600 rpm LT6OO Pum p speed is less than 600 rpm

WBN - Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 17 of 291 3.4 Description of Appendix A Pump Test PIan (Continued)

l. Test Req ldentifies specific pump test parameters required to be tested.

Test Req Abbreviation Description dP Pum p differential pressure o Pum p flow S Pum p speed V Pump vibration. The actual number of vibration points varies from pump to pump depending on the pump design configuration. The actual pum p vibration points and locations are identified in the procedures which test the pumps. J. Freq ldentifies the test frequency of the associated pum p test. Freq Abbreviation Description 2Y 2Year - this frequency is used for the comDrehensive pump test o Quarterly - this frequency is used for the Group Aor Group B pump test K. Procedure Hentifies the procedure(s) used to perform the associated pump test. The procedures are currently listed in TF100.008 (U1) and 2-T!-100.008 (U2) and will be migrated to this procedure over time. The listings are for information only and are subject to change. L. Notes Hentifies additional pertinent information as applicable. C* designation in the Notes column indicates the pump is Vendor Supplied Safety Related Equipment or included in a limited QA Program that requires testing in accordance with lST. See 47821-1, 47821-1F" and applicable System Description for details.

l/lrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 18 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test Plan Appendix B, Valve Test Plan, provides a complete list of all valves in scope of the IST Program along with pertinent information such as the associated test requirements and test frequency. A description of each column in Appendix B, Valve Test Plan, along with the meaning of abbreviations used therein is provided below: A. Valve lD The valve identification is a shortened version of the TVA UNID as shown in [tlaximo. Specifically, the valve identification is the TVA UNID with the plant designator (WBN) and leading zeros removed. l/aximo is TVAs official master equipment list. B. Function Function description of the component as shown in ltlhximo. C. Drawing / Coord The applicable drawing and drawing coordinate where the valve is shown.

t rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 19 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test PIan (Continued) D. Cat Valve category as defined in OM Code, Subsection ISTC Gat Abbreviation Description A Valves for which seat leakage is limited to a specific maximum amount in the closed position for fulfillment of their required function(s), as specified in ISTA-1 100. A/C Valves which share the characteristics of both Category A and Category C valves. B Valves for which seat leakage in the closed position is inconsequential for fulfillment of the required function(s), AS specified in ISTA-1 100. C Valves that are self-actuating in response to some system characteristic, such as pressure (relief valves) or flow direction (check valves) for fulfillment of the required function(s), as specified in ISTA- 1 100. E. Act/Pass Designates whether the valve performs an active or passive safety function. Act / Pass Abbreviation Description ACT Valves that are required to change obturator position to accomplish a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or mitigating the consequences of an accident. PASS Valves that maintain obturator position and are not required to change obturator position to accomplish the required function(s) in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, maintaining the safe shutdown condition, oI mitigating the consequences of an accident.

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 20 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test PIan (Continued) F. Class ldentifies the Code Glass classification of the valve as shown on the applicable ASME Section X Code Class Boundary Drawing (later). Glass Abbreviation Description 1 Code Class 1 2 Code Class 2 3 Code Class 3 G. Size Nominal valve size in inches. H. Type Tyce Abbreviation Description ANG Angle valve BA Ball valve BF Butterfly valve CK Check valve CTV Control Valve GA Gate valve GL Globe valve PLG Plug valve RV Relief valve TRV Thermal relief valve

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 21 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test PIan (Continued)

l. Act Act Abbreviation Description AO Air operator HO Hydraulic actuator M Manual actuator N40 [tlbtor operator SA Self actuated valve SO Solenoid actuator J. Position - Norm Position(s) of the valve when performing its normal operating function.

Norm Abbreviation Description C Closed LC Locked closed o Open o/c Open I Closed TH Throttled K. Position - Safe Position(s) of the valve when performing its safety related function. Safe Abbreviation Description c Closed o Open o/c Open I Closed L. Position - Fail Fail Abbreviation Description o Open C Closed FAI Fail as is N/A No fail position (valve does not have motive power to fail)

WBN - Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 22 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test PIan (Continued) M. Test Req Identifies specific valve tests required to be performed. Test Req Abbreviation Description BDC Bi-Direction Close test. A close exercise test method for check valves that do not perform a safety function in the closed position. BDO Bi-Direction Open test. The open exercise test method for check valves that do not perform a safety function in the open position. This test only requires the valve to be exercised to the partially open position. CM Condition Monitoring test. This test type is shown for those check valves that are tested in accordance with the Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program as described and controlled in 0-T!-100.013 (later). CVC Check Valve Close exercise test. The close exercise test method for check valves that perform a safety function in the closed position. This test method verifies the obturator travels to the seat. cvo Check Valve Open exercise test. The open exercise test method for check valves that perform a safety function in the open position. This test method verifies the obturator travels to the full open position (e.9. disc on backstop) or position required to fulfill its safety function (e.9. passes maximum accident flow rate). ET Exercise Test. Test method where a valve is full stroke exercised open and closed but stroke timing is not performed. FSC Fail Safe Close test. Test method for valves that have an actuator that causes the valve to fail in the closed position. This test method verifies the valve travels to the closed position upon loss of valve actuatinq power. FSO Fail Safe Open test. Test method for valves that have an actuator that causes the valve to fail in the open position. This test method verifies the valve travels to the open position upon loss of valve actuatinq power. LTJ Seat leakage test in accordance with 10CFR50, App. J. This test type is shown for containment isolation valves that are leak tested in accordance with the requirements of WBN's 10CFR50, Appendix J, Containment Leak Rate Program (Tl-360.01 for U1 and 2-Tl-360.01 for U2). There are no specific IST related requirements for this test type. lt is provided for reference purposes onlv.

tn BN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 23 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test Plan (Continued) M. Test Req (Continued) Test Req Abbreviation Description LTP Seat leakage test for reasons other than 10CFR50, App. J. Test method for those valves that have a specific leakage rate based on requirements other than 10CFR50, App. J. This test method verifies the leakage rate of the valves is within Owner specified limits. MS Manual Stroke test. Test method for manual valves. This test full stroke exercises the valve using the manual actuator. NTR No Test Required. This test designator is used for those valves in which no test is required. Typically, this test designator is applicable to Category B Passive valves which are not equipped with remote position indication. RPI Remote Position lndication test. Test method for valves that are equipped with remote position indication. This test verifies the indicating lights accurately reflect actual valve position. ln most cases, this test is performed by local observation of valve travel as compared to indication lights. Other methods include verification of a change in flow, pressure, temperature, etc. relative to valve obturator position as compared to indicating lights. RRA Relief Request Activities. Specia! activities (e.9., maintenance activities) to be performed for compliance with an approved relief request. RV Relief Valve test. This test method verifies relief valves lift at their specified setpoint (within Owner specified criteria) and verifies other parameters as described and controlled in the Relief Valve Program (112-3l-0-902 and 112-3l-0-91 1). STC Stroke Time Close test. Test method for power operated valves which perform a safety function in the closed position. This test performs a full stroke exercise from open to closed and measures the stroke time closed. STO Stroke Time Open test. Test method for power operated valves which perform a safety function in the open position. This test performs a full stroke exercise from closed to open and measures the stroke time open.

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 24 of 291 3.5 Description of Appendix B, Valve Test PIan (Continued) N. Freq ldentifies the test frequency of the associated valve test. Freq Abbreviation Description 2Y 2Year 10Y 10 Years AppJ Frequency determined and controlled by the 10CFR50, Appendix J, Containment Leak Rate Program (Tl-360.0-l-ilor U1 and 2-Tl-360.01 for U2). CM Frequency determined and controlled by the Check Valve Condition Ittlonitoring Program (0-TI-1 00.01 3, later). CSD Cold Shutdown NTR Frequency assigned to the NTR test type in which no testing is required. o Quarterly RO Refueling Outage RV Frequency determined and controlled by the Relief Valve Program (112-3I-0-902 and 112-3l-0-91 1).

o. Procedures ldentifies the procedure(s) used to perform the associated valve test. The procedures are currently listed in Tl-100.008 (Ul) and 2-Tl-100.008 (U2) and will be migrated to this procedure over time. The listings are for information only and are subject to change.

P. Notes ldentifles pertinent information such as reference to the Deferred Test Justification (Appendix E) associated with specific test. C* designation in the Notes column indicates the valve is Vendor Supplied Safety Related Equipment or included in a limited QA Program that requires testing in accordance with IST. See 478.21-1, 478.21-1Ay and applicable System Description for details.

tn BN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 25 of 291 3.6 Description of Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan, provides a complete list of all snubbers in scope of the IST Program along with pertinent information such as the snubber identification, manufacturer, mode!, and size. Specific snubber test requirements are not listed in Appendix F because the requirements are identical for each component. The U2 snubber list is preliminary until U2 construction is completed. A description of each column heading in Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan, along with the meaning of abbreviations used therein is provided below: A. Snubber lD The snubber identification is a shortened version of the TVA UNID as shown in [Vlaximo. Specifically, the snubber identification is the TVA UNID with the plant designator (WBN) and leading zeros removed. ltrhximo is TVAs official master equipment list. B. Support lD ldentification of the associated support / hanger. This information is provided to assist in location of the snubber and provide a link to the support portion which is in scope of the lSlProgram. C. Type Description Ivhchanical raulic D. Mfg Manufacturer of the snubber E. tr40del It4anufacturer's model number of the snubber F. Size Size of the snubber G. Rated Load (kips) Rated load of the snubber in kips (1 kip = 1000 lbs).

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 26 of 291

4. STRUCTU RE OF PRESERVICE/INSERVIC E T EST ING PROG RATII REQUIREM ENTS The diagram below provides a graphic representation of the hierarchy and structure of various regulations and requirements related to the WBN PST/IST Program. The relationships depicted in this diagram are described in the following subsections.

10CFR5O55a lmFR50.55a(f) and (gl lmFRSO,Appendix B Fedqal Primary containment 6odes and Standards Qua lity Assura nce C;ite ria Reourotions I I

                                   *.k"o r.t,,ng_J                                                                            for N uclea    r Power     lants I                                                                                                                           P TVA  Corpomte                                                                NPG.SPP.O9.1                             NETP-116 series Rquirenents                                                                ASME Code and                           Code Technical and Augmented Programs                         Adnin Requirements Site  Ucensing               Tech nical                      Technical Rquirements               Specification                    Specificdion 5.7.2.L9                        5.7.2.Lr Tl-360 series 0-Tr-100.006                                        0-Tr-100.007 Containnrnt Leak IST Program                                      Aug lSI Program Rate Program Site Specific Requiremen8.

Llz-SF-O-Wz 0-TF100.013(later) TI.1)3 Safety and Relief Valves Check Valve Snubbers v2-Sl-0.911 Condition Monitoring Thermal Relief Vahrcs Plonning and NPG-SPP-o6,92 1/2-Sr-O-gOe kheduling Prxedurcs Surveill m ce Test Program 1/2-Sl{-911. Reli ef Va lve 5c heduli ng Site Specific Surveillance lnstructions, Technical lnstructions, md Maintenance Procedures lmplenrenting Procedura

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 27 of 291 4.1 Upper Tier Requirernents for IST Program Scope and Content 10CFR50.55a requires each licensee of a pressurized water-cooled nuclear power plant to periodically update their ET Program to ensure pumps, valves, pressure relief devices, and snubbers which are classified as Code Class 1,2, and 3 meet the test requirements of the ASME OM Code edition and addenda incorporated by reference. Section 1.5 of this procedure provides the necessary specific information. lt is important to note that 10CFR50.55a restricts the scope of IST Program to include only those Class 1,2, and 3 components in scope of the ASME OM Code. TVA corporate fleet-wide procedure NPG-SPP-O9.1 provides the TVA process for compliance with 10CFR50.55a. The following TVA corporate fleet-wide procedures provide the TVA procedure equivalent of the OM Code applicable to the WBN ET Program. Content of the IST Program (e.9., test type, test frequency, pump and valve test plan tables, test deferraljustifications, etc.) was developed in accordance with these procedures. Procedure Description NETP-1 16 Procedure equivalent of OM Code, Subsections: ISTA - Genera! Requirements ISTB - Pumps ISTC - Valves NETP.116.1 This procedure addresses specific requirements in NETP-1 16 (OM Code Subsections ISTB and ISTC) related to reference values and acceptance criteria. lt provides the technical and adm inistrative process for performing component evaluations and establishing new reference values and associated acceptance criteria. NETP-116.2 This procedure addresses specific requirements in NETP-1 16 (OM Code Subsections ISTB and !STC) related to component trending. lt provides the requirements for periodic component performance trending. NETP -116.3 Provides requirements for evaluation of potential preconditioning activities affecting IST reeuired tests. NETP-116.4 Procedure equivalent of OM Code, Appendix I - Pressure Relief Devices. This procedure also provides requirements for adm inistration of the IST Pressure Relief Device Program as discussed in Section 4.2.1 . NETP -116.5 Procedure equivalent of OM Code, Appendix II - Check Valve Condition l/onitoring Program. This procedure also provides requirements for administration of the IST Check Valve Condition It/onitorinq Proqram as discussed in Section 4.2.2. These procedures should be used in lieu of direct reference to OM Code where possible because they represent TVAs official position for OM Code meaning and implementation requirements. These procedures have been developed to ensure consistent interpretation and implementation of the OM Code requirements at all TVA nuclear plants.

t lBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 28 of 291 4.2 Administration and lmplerrentation of the IST Program TVAfleet-wide procedures NETP-116 through NETP-I16.5 provide specific processes for administration of the IST Program. This includes day-to-day activities such as: A. Evaluation of components which have undergone maintenance and development of new reference values and acceptance criteria (NETP-116.1). A. Perform ing periodic trending of com ponent perform ance (NETP -1 16.2). B. Performing periodic review of online and outage schedules for activities which could lead to unacceptable preconditioning (NETP-1 1 6.3)

         !mplementation of the WBN lST Program is accomplished by performance of site specific test procedures developed to satisff the specific component tests identified in Appendix A B, and F of this procedure. These implementing procedures are also listed in the appendices where possible. Scheduling of the implementing test procedures is controlled by procedure NPG-SPP-06.9.2. Exceptions to this implementation method are described below.

The WBN IST Program is supplemented by three sub-programs: a) IST Pressure Relief Device Program; b) Check Valve Condition [tlonitoring Program, and c) Snubber Program. This approach was taken because these components in these sub-programs have unique test types and test frequencies based on groups of similar components (e.9., design type, service conditions, performance history, etc) rather than an individual components categorization. Accordingly, Appendix B, Valve Test Plan, of this procedure identifies the test type and test frequency for valves included in the sub-programs in general terms such as CM for reference to the Check Valve Condition ttilonitoring Program and RVfor reference to the IST Pressure Relief Device Program. Additional information regarding each of these sub-programs is provided in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. Appendix F, Snubber Test Plan, provides the scope of snubbers in the plan and the associated test requirements are described in Section 4.2.3.

tlrBN - Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 29 of 291 4.2.1 IST Pressure Relief Device Program Technical and administrative requirements for the IST Pressure Relief Device Program are delineated in NETP-1 1 6.4. The IST Pressure Relief Device Program is described in procedures 1-Sl-0-902 and 2-Sl-0-902 for safety and relief valves; and 1-Sl-0-911 and 2-Sl-0-911 for thermal relief valves. These procedures provide a list of the valve groups, valves in each group, and the test frequency for each valve and valve group. 4.2.2 Check Valve Gondition Monitoring Program Technical and administrative requirements for the Check Valve Condition ltilonitoring Program are delineated in NETP-116.5. The Check Valve Condition tttlonitoring Program is described in procedure 0-TF,100.013 (later). This procedure provides a list of the valve groups, valves in each group, condition monitoring activities (e.9., tests, examinations) and frequency for each valve group, and reference to the evaluation prepared to substantiate the condition monitoring activities (Condition [vlonitoring Plan). As described in 0-Tl-100.013 (later) reviews of check valve testing activities associated with condition monitoring should be scheduled and performed. Should a required change to check valve condition monitoring activities conflict with plant Technical Specifications (TS) a TS amendment must be approved in accordance with 1 0CFR50.55a(0(5)(ii) prior to implementation. 4.2.3 Snubber Program Technical and administrative requirements for the Snubber Program will be delineated in NETP-116.6 which is currently under development. This procedure will incorporate the requirements of OMCode, Subsection ISTD.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 30 of 29'l Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 1 of 15 PUi,IP ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REO 0-PMP-31-36/1-A SHUTDOWN BOARD ROOM CW 1-47W86S8 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* PUMP A-A Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.1 o-PMP-3149/1-B SHUTDOWN BOARD ROOM CW 1-47W86$8 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y PUMP B.B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 0-PMP-31-80/1-A MAIN CONTROL ROOM CW 1-47W865-3 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* PUMP A.A Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 31 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 2 of 15 PUMP !D FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 0-PMP-31-96/1-B MAIN CONTROL ROOM CW 1-47W865-3 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* PUMP B-B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR-1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.1 o-PMP-31-12U1-A ELECTRICAL BOARD ROOM CW 1-47W865-7 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y PUMP A.A Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1 o-PMP-31 -',t29t1-B ELECTRICAL BOARD ROOM CW 1-47W865-7 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* PUMP B-B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 32 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 3 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ o-PMP-67-28-A ESSENTIAL RAW COOTING 1-47W845-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP A-A Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 o-PMPS7-32-A ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 1-47W84$1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP B-A Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR.1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.1 o-PMP-67-36-A ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 1-47W845-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP C.A Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 33 of 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 4 of 15 PUi'P ID FUNCTION DRAW!NG/COOR GROUP cl-Ass TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ O.PMP740.A ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 147W8r'.5-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP D.A Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 o-PMP6747-B ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 1{7W84S1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP E.B Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.l o-PMP67-51-B ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 1-47W845-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP F.B Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR-1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1

WBN Unit O 0-T1.100.006 lnservlce Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 34 of 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 5 of 15 PU]IiP ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAT TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ o-PMP$7-55-B ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 1-47W845-'l A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP G-B Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1 O-PMP7.59-B ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING 1-47W84s-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y WATER PUMP H.B Shaft o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 0-PMP-70-51 CCS PUMP C.S 1-47W859-1 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 35 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 6 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 1.PMP.3.1A.S TD AUX FEEDWATER PUMP 1A 1-47W803-2 B 3 Centrifugal Var GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal N 2Y o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 N o o o 1-PMP-3-118-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1A.A 147W803-2 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE600 dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y !ST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 1-PMP-3-128-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1B.B 1-47W803-2 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE600 dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR.1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 36 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 7 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR GROUP cl-Ass TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 1-PMP-62-104-B CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 147W80$,1 A 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 1B.B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 1-PMP-62-108-A CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 147W80$,1 A 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 1A.A Horizonta! o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.I 1-PMP-62-230-A BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 147W80$,5 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 1A.A Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 37 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page I of 15 PUMP !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE F!XED AGTUAL TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 1-PMP-62-232-8 BORIC ACID TMNSFER PUMP 147W809-5 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 1B.B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1 1-PMP63-10-A SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 1A.A 147W811-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE60O dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR-1 o o 1-PMP63-15-B SAFEW INJECTION PUMP 1B-B 147W811-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.l o o 1-PMP-67-431-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 1A- 147W845-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c' A Shaft o 2Y IST.RR.2 V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o IST.RR.2 V o IST.RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 38 of 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page I of 15 PUi'P ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 1-PMP-67440-B ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 1 B. 147W8/-o..'.1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* B Shaft o 2Y IST.RR.2 V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o IST.RR.2 V o IST.RR.1 1-PMP-70-38-B CCS PUMP 1B.B 147W859-1 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o a o V o IST.RR.1 1-PMP-70-46-A CCS PUMP 1A-A 147W859-1 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE60O dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR-1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1 1-PMP-72-10-B CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP 18 147W812-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y

                 -B                                                           Horizontal o   2Y V  2Y                IST-RR.1 o   o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 39 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 10 of 15 PUTUP IO FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAT TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 1-PMP-72-27-A CONTAINMENT SPMY PUMP 1A 147W812-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y

                 .A                                                     Horizontal o   2Y V  2Y                IST.RR.1 o  o 1-PMP-74-10-A   RHR PUMP 1A-A               1-47W810-1   A     2      Centrifugal   Fixed  GE60O   dP  2Y Vertical o   2Y V  2Y                IST.RR.l dP  o o   o V  o                 IST.RR.l 1-PMP-74-20-B   RHR PUMP 1B.B               1-47W810-1   A     2      Centrifugal   Fixed  GE60O   dP  2Y Vertical o   2Y V  2Y                IST.RR.1 dP  o o   o V  o                 IST.RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 40 of 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 11 of 15 PUUP ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 2.PMP-3-2A TD AUX FEEDWATER PUMP 2A 247W803-2 B 3 Centrifugal Var GE60O dP 2Y Horizontal N 2Y o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 N o o o 2-PMP-3-118-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 2A-A 2-47W803-2 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE60O dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 2-PMP-3-128-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 2B.B 247W803-2 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE60O dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST-RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 41 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 12 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REq 2-PMP-62-104-B CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 2-47W809-1 A 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 28..B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 2-PMP-62-108-A CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 2-47W80$,1 A 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 2A-A Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 2-PMP-62-230-A BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 1-47W809-5 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 2A.A Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR-1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1

WBN Unit 0 o-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 42 of 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 13 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP cl-ASs TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 2-PMP-62-232-B BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 1-47W809-5 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y 2B-B Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR-1 dP o o o V o IST-RR-1 2.PMP3.10-A SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 2A.A 247W811-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR.1 o o 2-PMP-63-15-B SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 2B-B 247W811-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST-RR.1 o o 2-PMP-67437-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 24. 147W845-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* A Shaft o 2Y IST.RR.2 V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o IST.RR-2 V o IST-RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 43 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 14 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWlNG/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FIXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 2-PMP-67447-B ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 28- 147W845-1 A 3 Vertical Line Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y c* B Shaft o 2Y IST.RR.2 V 2Y IST.RR-1 dP o o o IST.RR.2 V o IST.RR.1 2-PMP-7G,33-B CCS PUMP 2B.B 1.47W859-1 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR.1 dP o o o V o IST.RR-1 2-PMP-70-59-A CCS PUMP 2A-A 1-47W859-1 A 3 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y Horizontal o 2Y V 2Y IST.RR-1 dP o o o V o IST.RR.1 2-PMP-72-10-B CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP 28 247W812-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE6OO dP 2Y

                 .B                                                     Horizontal o   2Y V  2Y               IST.RR.1 o   o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tt-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 44 ot 291 Appendix A - Pump Test Plan Page 15 of 15 PUMP ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GROUP CLASS TYPE FlXED ACTUAL TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES OR VAR. SPEED REQ 2-PMP-72-27-A CONTAINMENT SPMY PUMP 2A 247W812-1 B 2 Centrifugal Fixed GE60O dP 2Y

                 -A                                                     Horizontal o   2Y V  2Y                IST.RR.1 o   o 2-PMP-74-10-A   RHR PUMP 2A.A               247W81U1     A      2     Centrifugal   Fixed  GE60O   dP  2Y Vertical o   2Y V  2Y                IST-RR-1 dP  o o   o V  o                 IST.RR-1 2-PMP-74-20-8   RHR PUMP 2B.B               247W81G1     A      2     Centrifugal   Fixed  GE6OO   dP  2Y Vertical o   2Y V  2Y                IST-RR.1 dP  o o   o V  o                 IST.RR.1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 45 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 1 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAI'VING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 0-RFV-31-2210 MCR SURGE TANK A.A 147W865-3 / C-8 C ACT 3 1 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV c* RELIEF 0-RFV-31-2252 MCR SURGE TANK B-B 1.47W865-3 / C-3 c ACT 3 I RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV c' RELIEF 0-RFV-31-2326 ELEC BD RM SURGE 147W865-7 I D-8 c ACT 3 I RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV c* TANK A RELIEF 0-RFV-31-2383 ELEC BD RM SURGE 147W865-7 I O-3 c ACT 3 I RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV c' TANK B RELIEF 0-RFV-31-2623 SD BD RM SURGE TANK 147W865-8 / D-10 c ACT 3 I RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV A.A RELIEF 0-RFV-31-2665 SD BD RM SURGE TANK 1-47W86$8 / D4 c ACT 3 1 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV c* B.B RELIEF 0-Fcv-67-144 CCS HX C OUTLET ERCW 147W8/.$2 t C-6 B ACT 3 16 GL MO o c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL BYP STC o 0-FCV-67-152-B CCS HX C OUTLET ERCW 147WU5-2 t C-6 B ACT 3 24 BF MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y HDR B FLOW CNTL STC o STO o 0-Fcv-67-205-A STA AIR COMPR ERCW 147W8/.$5 tH-2 B ACT 3 4 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 1A ISOL STC o 0-Fcv-67-208-B STA AIR COMPR ERCW 147W845-5 / H-3 B ACT 3 4 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 1B ISOI STC o 0-cKV-67-5024-A ERCW PUMP A.A AIR 147W845-1 / E-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o 0-c1c/-67-5028-A ERCW PUMP B.A AIR 147W845-1 / E-6 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o 0-c]ry-67-502C-A ERCW PUMP C.A AIR 147WU*1 lF-6 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 46 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 2 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CIASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 0-ct$/-67-502D-A ERCW PUMP D.A AIR 1-47W8/,5-1 tF-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o 0-cKV-67-502E-B ERCW PUMP E.B AIR 147W845-1 tF4 C ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o 0-ory-67-502F-B ERCW PUMP F.B AlR 1-47W845-1 / F-6 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE GHECK cvo o 0-cK/-67-502G-B ERCW PUMP G.B AIR 1-47W845-1 / E-6 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o 0-c10-67-502H-B ERCW PUMP H-B AIR 147W845-1 tE-4 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CVC o VENT LINE CHECK cvo o 0-clry-67-503A-A ERCW PUMP A.A DISCH 1-47W845-1 / E-8 c ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o CHECK cvo o 0-cK/-67-503B-A ERCW PUMP B.A DISCH 1-47W845-1 tD-7 C ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CVC o CHECK cvo o 0-c[(/-67-503c-A ERCW PUMP C.A DISCH 147W845-1 tF-7 c ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o CHECK cvo o 0-c1ry-67-503D-A ERCW PUMP D-A DISCH 1-47WU5-1 lF-8 c ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o CHECK cvo o 0-cKV-67-503E-B ERCW PUMP E.B DISCH 147W845-1 tF4 c ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CVC a CHECK cvo o 0-c1ry.67-503F-B ERCW PUMP F-B DISCH 1-47WM5-1 tF-5 C ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o CHECK cvo o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 47 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 3 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS srzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi,l SAFE FAIL 0-ct(/-67-503G-B ERCW PUMP G.B DISCH 147W845-1 / E-5 c ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o CHECK cvo o 0-c1(/-67-503H-B ERCW PUMP H.B DISCH 147W845-1 tE4 c ACT 3 20 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o CHECK CVO o 0-RFV-67-550-B CCS HX C ERCW OUT 147WUs-2 tC-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 0-RFV-67671-A AUX CNTL AIR COMPR A 1-47W845-4 / B-10 C ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 0-RFV-67-672-8 AUX CNTL AIR COMPR B 1-47W845-7 lB-12 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 0-RFV-67-1021A-A MCR WTR CHLR A.A 1-47W845-21 A-10 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 0-RFV-67-10218-B MCR VWR CHLR B.B 147W845-2 tB-9 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 0-RFV-67-1039A-A ELEC BD RM A/C COND A 147W8p.5-4 tH-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV

                  .A ERCW RELIEF 0-RFV-67-10398-8  ELEC BD RM A/C COND B 1-47W845-4 / H-6   c   ACT   3     0.75  TRV    SA   c       o/c   N/A    RV  RV
                  .B ERCW RELIEF 0-FCV-70-194-B   SFP HEAT EXCHANGER B   147W859-1 tB.4    B   ACT   3      20     BF   MO   o        c     FAI  RPI  2Y CCS SUPPLY STC  o 0-Fcv-70-197-A   SFP HEAT EXCHANGER A  147W859-1 / B-5    B   ACT   3      20     BF   MO   o        C    FAI   RPI  2Y CCS SUPPLY STC  o 0-c](\/-70-5M  CCS PUMP C.S          147W859-1 lD-7     c   ACT   3      16    CK    SA  o/c      otc   N/A   cvc  o DISCHARGE CHECK cvo   o 0-RFV-70 -527 A SFP HEAT EXCHANGER A  1-47W859-1  lH4    C   ACT   3     0.75  TRV    SA   c       o/c   N/A    RV  RV CCS OUT RELIEF 0-RFV-70 -5278  SFP HEAT EXCHANGER B  147W859-1 / H-6    c   ACT   3     0.75  TRV    SA   c       o/c   N/A    RV  RV CCS OUT RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 48 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 4 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ clAss stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-1-4-T MAIN STEAM ISOL VALVE 1-47W801-1 / C-3 B ACT 2 32 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LOOP 1 FSC RO DTJ-o1 STC RO DTJ.O1 1-PCV-I-$T MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 1-47W801-1 I C-2 B ACT 2 6 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y PORV FSC RO STC RO STO RO 1-FCV-1-7-B STEAM GENEMTOR 1 147W801-21 D4 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-1-11-T MAIN STEAM ISOL VALVE 147W801-1 / E-3 B ACT 2 32 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y LOOP 2 FSC RO DTJ.O1 STC RO DTJ.O1 1-PCV-1-12-T MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 147W801-1 I D-2 B ACT 2 6 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y PORV FSC RO STC RO STO RO 1-FCV-I-14-A STEAM GENERATOR 2 1-47W801-2 lE4 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-I-1$A MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 TD 147W803-2 t C-8 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y AUX FWP SUP STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseryice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 49 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan

                                                                 '  Page 5  of 162 VALVE ID            FUNCTION      DRAWING/COOR      CAT ACT/   GLASS slzE  TYPE  ACT      POSITION      TEST  FREO PROCEDURE       NOTES PASS                                             REO NORM   SAFE   FAIL 1-FCV-1-16-A   MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 TD 147W803-2 t A-8    B   ACT     2     4    GA    MO   C     o/c    FAI   RPI   2Y AUX FWP SUP STC     o STO     o 1-FCV-I-17-A   MAIN STEAM AUX FWP   1471 /803-2 t C-7  B   ACT     3     4    GA    MO   o     o/c    FAI  RPI    2Y HDR SUPPLY ISOL STC  CSD               DTJ-02 STO  CSD               DTJ-02 1-FCV-I-1&B    MAIN STEAM AUX FWP   1-4nil80$2 t C-7   B   ACT     3     4    GA    MO   o     o/c    FAI  RPI    2Y HDR SUPPLY ISOL STC  CSD               DTJ.O2 STO  CSD               DTJ-02 1-FCV-I-22-T   MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV  147W801-l / F-3    B   ACT     2    32    GL    AO   o      c      c   RPI    2Y LOOP 3 FSC   RO               DTJ.O1 STC   RO               DTJ.O1 1-PCV-1-23-T   MAIN STEAM LOOP 3    147W801-1 I F-2    B   ACT     2     6    GL    AO   c     o/c     c   RP!    2Y PORV FSC   RO STC   RO STO  RO 1-FCV-1-2SB    STEAM GENEMTOR 3     1-47W801-2 I  G4   B   ACT     2     4    GL    SO   o      c      c   RPI   2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC   o STC   o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 50 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 6 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWlNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtri SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-I-29-T MAIN STEAM ISOL VALVE 1-47W801-1 / A-3 B ACT 2 32 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LOOP 4 FSC RO DTJ-o1 STC RO DTJ.O1 1-PCV-I-30-T MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 147W801-1 I A-2 B ACT 2 6 GL AO c o/c C RPI 2Y PORV FSC RO STC RO STO RO 1-FCV-1-32-A STEAM GENERATOR 4 147W801-2 tB.4 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-I-51-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 147W803-2 tH-6 B ACT 3 4 GA MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y c* PMP TRIP & THROTTLE VALVE STC o STO o 1-FCV-I-147-A MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 147W801-1 I C-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LOOP 1 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ-03 STC CSD DTJ-03 1-FCV-1-14&B MAIN STEAM ISOL VtV 1-47W801-1 tE-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y LOOP 2 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ.O3 STC CSD DTJ.O3

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 51 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 7 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTI,I SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-I-149-A MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 1-47W801-l / F-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y LOOP 3 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ-03 STC CSD DTJ-03 1-FCV-I-150-B MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 147W801-1 / A-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y LOOP 4 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ.O3 STC CSD DTJ-03 1-FCV-I-181-A STEAM GENEMTOR 1 1-47W801-2 t D-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-1-182-B STEAM GENEMTOR 2 147W801-2 t F-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-I-183-A STEAM GENERATOR 3 14nV801-21 H-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-I-184-B STEAM GENERATOR 4 1-47W801-2lB-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 1-SFV-1-512 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 147W801-1 I F-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-I-513 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 1.47W801-1 lF-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEry VALVE

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 52 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page I of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORltl SAFE FAIL 1-SFV-1-514 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 147W801-1 I F-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-5't5 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 147W801-1 I F-2 c ACT 2 o RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-516 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 147W801-1 I F-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-I-517 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 147W801-1 I D-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 1-SFV-I-51 I MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 147W801-1 t D-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 1-SFV-I-51 I MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 147W801 -1 I D-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 1-SFV-1-520 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 1-47W801-1 I D-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-521 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 147W801-1 I D-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-522 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 1-47W801-1 lB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEry VALVE 1-SFV-1-523 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 147W801-1 tB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-s24 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 147W801-1 lB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-525 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 147W801-1 tB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-I-526 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 1.47W801-1 lB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-527 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 147W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 1-SFV-1-528 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 147W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 1-SFV-1-529 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 147W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-530 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 147W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 b RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 1-SFV-1-531 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 1-47W801-',t I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 1-tsv-l-619 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 147W801-l lC,-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOISTION 1-lsv-1-620 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 1-47W801-1 I D-2 B AGT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOLATION

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 53 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 9 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-tsv-1-621 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 1-47W801-1 lF-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOI.ATION 1-tsv-1-622 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 147W801-1 I A-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/G N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOLATION 1-C]ry-1-891-S MS SUPPLY FW TURB 147W803-21 C-8 c ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CHECK 1-Cl(/-1-892-S MS SUPPLY FW TURB 147W803-2 t A-8 c ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CHECK 1-FCV-3-33-A STEAM GENEMTOR 1 147W803-1 / C-3 B ACT 2 16 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y MFW ISOL FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-3-35 STEAM GENERATOR 1 1-47W803-1 lC4 B ACT 3 16 ANG AO o c C RP! 2Y c* MFW REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.O6 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-3-35A STEAM GENEMTOR 1 147W803-1 t C4 B ACT 3 6 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y c' MFW BYPASS REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-347-B STEAM GENEMTOR 2 147W803-1 / E-3 B ACT 2 16 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y MFW ISOL FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ-06 1-FCV-3-48 STEAM GENERATOR 2 147W803 -1 I E4 B ACT 3 16 ANG AO o C c RPI 2Y C* MFW REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ-06

WBN Unlt 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testlng Program Rev. 0001 Page 54 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 10 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORirl SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-348A STEAM GENEMTOR 2 1-47W803-1 I D4 B ACT 3 b GL AO o c c RPI 2Y c* MFW BYPASS REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-3-87-A STEAM GENERATOR 3 147W803-1 tF-3 B ACT 2 16 GA MO o c FA! RPI 2Y MFW ISOL FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ-06 1-FCV-3-90 STEAM GENERATOR 3 147W803-1 tF4 B ACT 3 16 ANG AO o c c RPI 2Y c' MFW REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.O6 1-FCV-3-9oA STEAM GENERATOR 3 147W803-1 tF4 B ACT 3 6 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y c* MFW BYPASS REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-3-100-B STEAM GENERATOR 4 1-47W803-1 / B-3 B ACT 2 16 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y MFW ISOL FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-3-103 STEAM GENEMTOR 4 147W803-1 tB.4 B ACT 3 16 ANG AO o c c RPI 2Y c* MFW REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ.06

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 55 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 11 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG'GOOR CAT ACT' ct-Ass SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTUI SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-3-103A STEAM GENERATOR 4 1-47W803-1 I A4 B ACT 3 o GL AO o c c RPI 2Y C* MFW BYPASS REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.O6 STC RO DTJ-06 1-FCV-3-116A-A ERCW HEADER A AFW 147W803-2 tF-5 B ACT 3 4 GA MO c o FAI RP! 2Y PUMP 1A.A SUCTION STO o 1-FCV-3-1168-A ERCW HEADER A AFW 147W803-2 tF-5 B ACT 3 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 1A.A SUCTION STO o 1-PCV-3-122 AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2lF-s B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o c FSC o 1A-A DISCHARGE PRESS CONTROL STO o 1-FCV-3-1264-8 ERCW HEADER B AFW 147W803-2 tF-7 B ACT 3 4 GA MO c o FA! RPI 2Y PUMP 1B-B SUCTION STO o 1-FCV-3-1268-8 ERCW HEADER B AFW 147W803-2 tF-7 B ACT 3 4 GA MO C o FA! RPI 2Y PUMP 1B.B SUCTION STO o 1-PCV-3-132 AUX FEEDWATER PMP 147W803-21F-6 B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o c FSC o 1B.B DISCHARGE PRESS CONTROL STO o 1-FCV-3-136A-A ERCW HEADER A TD 14n /803-21 H4 B ACT 3 6 GA MO C o FAI RPI 2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO o 1-FCV-3-1368-A ERCW HEADER A TD 14n /803-2 t H4 B ACT 3 6 GA MO C o FAI RPI 2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO o

WBN Unit 0 0.Tl-{ 00.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 56 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 12 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' cl-Ass stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-LCV-3-1484-8 SG 3 AUX FEEDWATER 1 147W803-2 tGA B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y 1CV.3.148 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-148-B MD AFW PUMP 1B.B SG 3 147W803-2 t G-8 B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO a STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-156-A MD AFW PUMP 1A.A SG 2 1.47W803-2 lE-g B ACT 3 4 GL AO C o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-156A-A SG 2 AUX FEEDWATER 1 147W803-2 tE-8 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y 1CV.3.156 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-164-A MD AFW PUMP 1A.A SG 1 1-47W803-21 D-8 B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 57 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 13 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ GIASS slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NOR rt SAFE FAIL 1-LCV-3-164A-A SG 1 AUX FEEDWATER 1 1.47W803-2lC-g B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LCV.3-164 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-171A-B SG 4 AUX FEEDWATER 1 1-47W803-2lB-B B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y 1CV.3.171 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-171-B MD AFW PUMP 1B.B SG 4 147W803-2 tB-8 B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-172-A TD AFW PUMP SG 3 1-47W803-2 tF-8 B ACT 3 3 GL AO c o/c C RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-173-B TD AFW PUMP SG 2 1-47W803-2 lE-8 B ACT 3 3 GL AO C o/c c RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 58 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 14 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CIASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-LCV-3-174-B TD AFW PUMP SG 1 147W803-21 C-8 B ACT 3 3 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o 1-LCV-3-175-A TD AFW PUMP SG 4 147W803-2 tB-8 B ACT 3 3 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o 1-FCV-3-179A-B ERCW HEADER B TD 1-47W803-21 H4 B ACT 3 o GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO o 1-FCV-3-1798-8 ERCW HEADER B TD 1-47W803-21 H4 B ACT 3 6 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO o 1-FCV-3-236 STEAM GENEMTOR 1 147W803-1 / C-3 B ACT 2 6 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y MFW BYPASS LINE ISOI. FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ-06 1-FCV-3-239 STEAM GENERATOR 2 147W803-1 / D-3 B ACT 2 6 GA AO o c C RPI 2Y MFW BYPASS LINE ISOL FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ-06

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 59 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 15 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-3-242 STEAM GENERATOR 3 147W803-1 / E-3 B ACT 2 6 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y MFW BYPASS LINE ISOL FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 1-FCV-3-245 STEAM GENERATOR 4 1.47W803-1 / A-3 B ACT 2 6 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y MFW BYPASS LINE ISOL FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ-06 1-FCV-3-355 AUX FEEDWATER PMP 147W803-2 lE-s B ACT 3 2 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y 1A.A RECIRC FLOW FSC o STC o 1-FCV-3-359 AUX FEEDWATER PMP 147W803-2 tE-6 B ACT 3 2 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y 1B-B RECIRC FLOW FSC o STC o 1Ct$/-3-508 STEAM GENEMTOR 3 1-47W803-1 tF-2 C ACT 2 16 CK SA o c N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ.O5 1-Cl(\/-3-509 STEAM GENERATOR 2 147w803-1 tE-2 c ACT 2 16 CK SA o c N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ.O5 1-Cl(\/-3-510 STEAM GENERATOR 1 147W803-1 I C-2 c ACT 2 16 CK SA o C N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ.O5 1-Cl(/-3-511 STEAM GENERATOR 4 1-47W803-1 lB-2' c ACT 2 16 CK SA o C N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ.O5

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 60 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 16 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' cl-Ass SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-CKV-3-638 STEAM GENERATOR 4 147W803-l / A-3 C ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-CK/-3-644 STEAM GENERATOR 4 147W803-1 / A-1 C ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-CK/-3-645 STEAM GENEMTOR 4 147W803-1 / A-1 C ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-Cl0-3-652 STEAM GENERATOR 1 147W803-1 tC-2 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-Ct0-3-655 STEAM GENERATOR 1 147W803-1 I C-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-CKV-3-656 STEAM GENEMTOR 1 1-47W803-1 lC-1 c ACT 2 b CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1Clry-3-669 STEAM GENERATOR 2 1-47W803-1 I D-2 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-C1ry-3-670 STEAM GENERATOR 2 147W803-1 / D-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-C1ry-3-678 STEAM GENERATOR 3 147W803-1 tE-2 C ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 1-CKV-3-679 STEAM GENERATOR 3 147W803-1 I F-1 C ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK l.CIO/-3-80$A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 147W803-2 lF-5 C ACT 3 I CK SA o/c o/c N/A CVG RO DTJ.O7 1A.A SUCTION CHECK CVO RO DTJ.O7 1-CKV-3-806-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2lF-6 c ACT 3 I CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.O7 1B.B SUCTION CHECK cvo RO DTJ.O7

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 61 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 17 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NOR[,1 SAFE FAL 11ry-3-810-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 1-47W803-2 t G-3 c ACT 3 10 CK SA otc o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ{7 PUMP SUCTION CHECK cvo RO DTJ{7 1.ct(/-3{1+A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-21 G-5 C ACT 3 1.5 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o 1A.A RECIRC CHECK cvo o 1-Cr(/-3-815-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2 t G-6 c ACT 3 1.5 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o 1B.B RECIRC CHECK cvo o 1,Cl(/-3-818-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 1-47W803-2 t G-6 C ACT 3 1.5 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o PUMP RECIRC CHECK cvo o lCKV-3-830-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-21 G$ c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1B.B SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 1C1(/-3-831-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47VV803-2lE-g c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1A.A SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 1-Ct(\/-3-832-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 147W803-2 tD-8 C ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1A.A SG 1 SUPPLY CHECK 1-C]$/-3-833-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2 lB-B c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c otc N/A CM CM 1B.B SG 4 SUPPLY CHECK 1-C1(/-3-861-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 147W803-2 t G-10 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1B.B SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 1-CK/-3-862-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2 tE-10 C ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1A.A SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 1-Cl(/-3-864-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 1-47W803-2lH-G c ACT 3 6 CK SA c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ{7 PUMP DISCHARGE CHECK cvo RO DTJ.O7

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 tnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 62 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 18 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORlrl SAFE FAIL 1-Ctry-3-871-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 1-47W803-21 F-8 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 1-C[fl-3-872-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 147W803-2 tE-8 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 1-Ct(/-3-873-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 1-+7W803-21 C-8 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 1 SUPPLY CHECK 1-Cl(/-3-87+S TD AUX FEEDWATER 1-47W803-2 t A-8 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 4 SUPPLY CHECK 1-Clry-3-921-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2 I G-10 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1B.B SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 1-Ctry.3-922-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 1-47W803-2 tF-10 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 1A.A SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 1-FCV-26-240-A REACTOR BLDG 1-47W850-9 / B-9 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y STANDPIPE ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-26-243-A REACTOR COOLANT 147W850-9 / B-3 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y PUMP SPRINKLER HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-Cl(/-26-1260 REACTOR BLDG HPFP 147W850-9 / B-9 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c c N/A LTJ AppJ SUPPLY HDR CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-26-1296 REACTOR COOIANT 147W850-9 / B-3 NC ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c C N/A LTJ AppJ PUMP SPRINKLER HDR ISOL CHK CM CM


WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 64 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 20 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NOR rI SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-30-15-B CNTMT LOWER 147W866-1 tE-2 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-30-16-8 CNTMT LOWER 147W866-1 lE-1 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c C C RP! 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-30-17-A CNTMT LOWER 147W866-1 lE-2 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC a 1-FCV-30-19-B CNTMT INCORE INSTR 1-47W86&1 / G-l A ACT 2 12 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ROOM PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-30-20-A CNTMT INCORE INSTR 1-47W866-1 I G-2 A ACT 2 12 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ROOM PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o


WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 66 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 22 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/GOOR CAT ACT/ clAss SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi' SAFE FAIL 1-FCV.30-52 CNTMT UPPER 1.47W866-1 / C-9 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT EXHAUST ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o sTc o 1-FCV-30-53 CNTMT UPPER 1-47W866-1 / C-10 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT EXHAUST ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-30-56 CNTMT LOWER 147W866-1 / E-9 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c C c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT EXHAUST ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-30-57 CNTMT LOWER 147W866-1 / E-10 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c C c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT EXHAUST ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o


WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 68 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 24 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'GOOR CAT ACT/ CIASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORII SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-31-305-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W86s-5 tB-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y 1A CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-31-306-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-5 tB-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 1A CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-31-308-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-5 I C-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y 1A CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-31-309-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147VV865-5 lC-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 1A CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-31-326-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-5 tE-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 1B CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program ReY. 0001 Page 69 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 25 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORlrl SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-31-327-B INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-5 tE-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y 18 CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-31-329-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 1-47W8 $5 lF-l A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 18 CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-31-330-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 1-47W865-5lF-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y 18 CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-C](\/-31378 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-5 tF-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 18 CWS LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM 1-Cr0-31-3392 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 1-47W865-5lE-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 1B CWR LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM 1-Ct(/-31-3407 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-51 C-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 1A CWS LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 70 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 26 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSTTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtri SAFE FAIL 1-CKV-31-3421 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 147W865-5 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 1A CWR LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM 1-FCV-32-80-A ESSENT CONTROL AIR 147W8/,8-1 / C-9 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y TR A CNTMT ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC csD DTJ-09 STC CSD DTJ.O9 1-FCV-32-102-B ESSENT CONTROL AIR 147W8/,8-l / D-9 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y TR B CNTMT ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC CSD DTJ-09 STC CSD DTJ-09 1-FCV-32-110-A CONTROL AIR CNTMT 147W848-1 / A-9 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC CSD DTJ.O9 STC CSD DTJ.O9 1-BW-32-288 CONTROL AlR 1.FCV.32- 147WU8-1 / A-9 A PASS 2 2 GL M c c N/A LTJ AppJ 1 10 BYPASS 1-C[ry-32-293 CONTROL AIR CNTI\47 147W8/.8-1 / A-9 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o C N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-09 CVC CSD DTJ-09 1-BW-32-298-A ESSENT CONTROL AIR 1 14nV848-1 / C-9 A PASS 2 2 GL M c C N/A LTJ AppJ FCV.32.8O BYPASS

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 71 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 27 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1]ry-32-303-A ESSENT CNTL AIR 147W8/,8-'t / C-9 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CNTMT CHECK BDO CSD DTJ.O9 cvc CSD DTJ.O9 1-BW-32-308-B ESSENT CONTROL AIR 1 147W8/.8-1 / D-9 A PASS 2 2 GL M C C N/A LTJ AppJ FCV.32.102 BYPASS 1-C1(/-32-313-B ESSENT CNTL AIR 147W8/.8.1 / D-9 fuC ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CNTMT CHECK BDO CSD DTJ.O9 cvc CSD DTJ-09 1-tsv-33-713 SERVICE AIR U1 RX 1-47W846-2 I F-5 A PASS 2 2 DIA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ BLDG HDR ISOL 1-tsv-33-714 SERVICE AlR Ul RX 1-47WM6-2lF-6 A PASS 2 2 DIA M c C N/A LTJ AppJ BLDG HDR ISOL 1-FCV-43-2-B PRESSURIZER GAS 147W625-1 / D-3 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c C c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-3-A PRESSURIZER GAS 147W62*1 / D-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-11-B PRESSURIZER LIQUID 147W625-1 tB-2 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 72 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 28 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV43-12-A PRESSURIZER LIQUID 147W62s-1 tB.4 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RP! 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-22-g HOT LEGS 1/3 SAMPLE 147W62*1 lF-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y

                 !SOL LTJ AppJ FSC  o STC  o 1-FCV43-23-A   HOT LEGS 1/3 SAMPLE 147W62*1 / D-5  A   ACT   2     0.375   GL   AO  o/c     c     C    RPI  2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC  o STC  o 1-FCV43-34-B   ACCUM TANK SAMPLE   147W625-2 lB-2  A   ACT   2     0.375   GL   SO  o/c     c     c    RPI  2Y HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC  o STC  o 1-FCV-43-3$A   ACCUM TANK SAMPLE   147W625-2 t C4  A   ACT   2     0.375   GL   AO   o      C     C    RPI   2Y HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC   o STC   o 1-FCV-43-54D-B  STEAM GEN 1         147W625-21 C-7  B   ACT   2     0.375   GL   AO   o     c      c    RPI   2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 73 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 29 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ clAss stzE TYPE ACT POSTTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV43-55-A STEAM GEN 1 147W625-2 t C-6 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y DRUMIBLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-43-56D-B STEAM GEN 2 147W625-2 t C-7 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RP! 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-43-58-A STEAM GEN 2 147W625-2 t C-6 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-43-59D-B STEAM GEN 3 147W625-2 t D-8 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y DRUMIBLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV-43-61-A STEAM GEN 3 147W625-2 t D-7 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-63D-B STEAM GEN 4 147W625-2 tE-9 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-&[-A STEAM GEN 4 147W62s-2 tE-8 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 74 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 30 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ cr.Ass SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NOR]UI SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-43-75-B DS EXCESS LTDN HX 147W62s-7 tE-7 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-77-A EXCESS LTDN HX 1.47W625 -7 I E-8 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV.43-201-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W625-11 / F-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c C c RP! 2Y MONITOR INLET ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-202-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W625-11 tF-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR OUTLET ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43-207-B LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W625-11 / D-6 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR INLET ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 75 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 31 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV43-208-B LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W625-1 1 / C-b A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR OUTLET ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FSV43-250-A PAS HOT LEG 1 SAMPLE 147W625-15 / D-l A PASS 2 0.37s GL SO c C c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV.43-251-A PAS HOT LEG 1 SAMPLE 147W625-15 / C-1 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO C c c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV43-287-A PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 147W625-15 / B{ A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c c c RPI 2Y SUPPLY ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV-43-288-A PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 147W625-15 / B A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c c c RPI 2Y SUPPLY ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV43-307-A PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 147W625-15 / B-9 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c C c RPI 2Y RETURN ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV-43-309-B PAS HOT LEG 3 SAMPLE 147W625-15 tO-2 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c c c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV43-310-B PAS HOT LEG 3 SAMPLE 147W625-151C-2 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO C c c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV43-318-B PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 1-47W625-15 / B-9 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c c c RPI 2Y SUPPLY ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV-43-319-B PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 147W625-15 / B-9 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO C c c RPI 2Y SUPPLY ISOI LTJ AppJ

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 76 of 29{ Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 32 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ crAss stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi'I SAFE FAIL 1-FSV43-325-B PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 1-47W625-15 / B- A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c c c RPI 2Y RETURN ISOL 10 LTJ AppJ 1-FSV43-341-B PAS WASTE TO CNTMT 147W625-15 / H-6 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO c c c RPI 2Y SUMP ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FSV-43-3r2-A PAS WASTE TO CNTMT 147W625-15 / G-6 A PASS 2 0.375 GL SO C c c RPI 2Y SUMP ISOL LTJ AppJ 1-FCV-43433-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W62s-11 tF4 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR U/S SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-43434-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 147w625-'.t1 lF4 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c G c RPI 2Y MONITOR D/S SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV43435-B LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W625-11 / D-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR U/S SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-43436-B LOCA H2 CNTMT 147W625-11 / C-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR D/S SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-Clry-43-834 PAS WASTE TO CNTMT 147W625-15 / H-5 A/C PASS 2 0.375 CK SA c C N/A LTJ AppJ SUMP CHECK

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 77 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 33 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ clAss slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTti SAFE FAIL 1-C1(/43A41 PAS WASTE TO CNTMT 147W625-15 / A- A/C PASS 2 0.375 CK SA c c N/A LTJ AppJ SUMP CHECK 10 1-CK/43S83 PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 147W625-15 / G-s A/C PASS 2 0.375 CK SA c c N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN CHECK 1-CK/43S84 PAS CONTAINMENT AIR 147W625-15 / A-9 A/C PASS 2 0.375 CK SA C c N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN CHECK 1-tsv-52-500 PENETRATION 268 ILRT 1.47W331-3 I H-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c C N/A LTJ AppJ OUTSIDE 1-tsv-52-501 PENETRATION 26A ILRT 1-47W331-3 I H-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ OUTSIDE 1-tsv-52-502 PEN 964 INTERGRATED 147W331-3 tH-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST OUTSIDE 1-rsv-52-503 PEN 968 INTERGRATED 147VV331-3 t H-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST OUTSIDE 1-tsv-52-504 PENETMTION 268 ILRT 147W331-3 I H-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ INSIDE 1-tsv-52-505 PENETRATION 26A ILRT 147W331-3 tH-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ INSIDE 1-rsv-52-506 PEN 96A INTERGMTED 14nA'331-3 I H-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c C N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST INSIDE 1-rsv-52-507 PEN 968 INTERGRATED 147VV331-3 I H-2 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST INSIDE 1-rsv-59-s22 UNIT 1 RB DI WATER 147W856-1 tF-2 A PASS 2 2 D!A M C c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER ISOLATION 1-rsv-59-698 UNIT 1 RB DI WATER 1-47W856-1 I F-2 A PASS 2 2 DIA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER ISOLATION 1-FCV-61-9&A GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 147W814-2 tE-1'l A ACT 2 2 DIA AO o C C RPI 2Y SUPPLY HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o


WBN Unlt 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 79 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 35 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-61-192-B GLYCOL SUPPLY TO 147W814-2 I A-7 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y AHUS CONTAINMENT ISOI.ATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-61-193-A GLYCOL RETURN AUX 147W814-2 t8.-6 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y BLDG ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-61-194-B GLYCOL RETURN 147W814-2 tB-7 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y CONTAINMENT ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-Ct(/-61-533 GLYCOL SUPPLY 147W814-2 lB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER BYPASS CHECK CM CM 1-CK/-61-658 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2lD-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 1 cvo RO DTJ-10 1-C1(/-61659 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 2 CVO RO DTJ-10 1-CK/-61660 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ-I0 DRAIN GATE 3 cvo RO DTJ.IO

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 80 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 36 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR GAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-Cl(/-61661 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t O-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.IO DRAIN GATE 4 cvo RO DTJ.IO 1-CKV-61-662 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-21 D-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 5 cvo RO DTJ.1O 1-CtO/-61663 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 6 cvo RO DTJ-I0 1-CK/-616&[ ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 7 cvo RO DTJ.1O 1-Cl(/-61-665 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 1.47W814-21 D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.IO DRAIN GATE 8 cvo RO DTJ.IO 1-Cl(\/.6166 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 9 CVO RO DTJ-I0 1-CKV-61-667 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 10 cvo RO DTJ.IO 1-CKV-61-668 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 11 cvo RO DTJ.1O 1-Cl(/-61.669 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 12 cvo RO DTJ.1O 1-CKV-61-670 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 13 CVO RO DTJ.1O 1-Cl(/-61671 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 14 GVO RO DTJ.1O

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 81 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 37 of 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT' crAss stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-C1ry-61-672 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2lD-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 15 cvo RO DTJ-I0 1-CKV-61-673 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-21 D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ-10 DRAIN GATE 16 CVO RO DTJ-I0 1-Ctry-61674 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.IO DRAIN GATE 17 cvo RO DTJ.IO 1-Cl(/-61-675 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2 tD-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ-I0 DRAIN GATE 18 cvo RO DTJ.IO 1-Ct(/-61676 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 1-47W814-2lD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ-I0 DRAIN GATE 19 cvo RO DTJ-10 1-Ct(\/-61677 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 147W814-2lD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ-10 DRAIN GATE 20 cvo RO DTJ.1O 1-Cl(\/-61.680 GLYCOL RETURN 147W814-2 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER BYPASS CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-61-692 GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 147W814-2 I F-11 A/C ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ SUPPLY BYPASS CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-61-745 GLYCOL COOTED FLOOR 147W814-2 tG-9 NC ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN BYPASS CHECK CM CM 1-FCV-62-61-B CVCS SEAL WATER 1-47W809-1 lB-7 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.14



WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-{ 00.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 84 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 40 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT AGT' cl-Ass slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORiI SAFE FAIL 1-LCV62-135-A RWST CVCS SUPPLY 147VV809-l / H-10 B ACT 2 8 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y HDR ISOLATION STO CSD DTJ.16 1-LCV62-136-8 RWST CVCS SUPPLY 147W809-1 / H-l0 B ACT 2 I GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y HDR ISOLATION STO CSD DTJ.16 1-FCV-62-138-B EMERGENCY BORATION 147W809-2 I A-4 B ACT 3 3 GL MO c o FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL STO a 1-C1(/-62-504-S RWST TO CVCS CHG 14n /809-1 / H-l0 C ACT 2 I CK SA C o/c N/A CVC RO DTJ.I1 PUMP SUCTION CHECK cvo RO DTJ-I1 1-RFV-62-505-S CHARGING PUMP 147VV809-1 / F-10 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUCTION HDR RELIEF 1.cK/62-523-A CCP 1A.A MINIFLOW 1-47W809-1 / G-9 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc o cvo o 1-Clry-62-525-A CCP 1A-A DISCHARGE 147W809-1 / G-9 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA o o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ-I1 1.ctry62-530-B CCP 1B.B MINIFLOW 1-47W809-l / F-9 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc o cvo o 1-CK/62-532-B CCP 1B-B DISCHARGE 1-47W809-1 / F-9 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA o o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.11

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 85 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 41 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtrl SAFE FAIL 1-Ctry62-560-S RCP 1 SEAL WATER 1-47W809-1 / F-6 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 1-C1ry62-561-S RCP 2 SEAL WATER 1-47W809-1 / F-6 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 1-C1(/62-562-S RCP 3 SEAL WATER 147W809-1 / H-6 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 1-C1(/62-56$S RCP 4 SEAL WATER 147W809-1 / H-6 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 1-CKV-62-576-S RCP 1 SEAL WATER 1-47W809-1 lE-4 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK 1-Ct(/-62-577-S RCP 2 SEAL WATER 147W809-1 tE-2 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK 1-Clry-62-578-S RCP 3 SEAL WATER 1-47W809-1 I G-2 C ACT 1 2 CK SA o C N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK lCK/-62-579-S RCP 4 SEAL WATER 147W80$1 tG4 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A GM CM INJECTION CHECK 1-RFV-62636-S CVCS SEAL WTR 1-47W809-1 / 8-6 c ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RETURN HEADER RELIEF 1-C1(/-62-63&S CVCS NORM CHARGING 147W809-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o C N/A CM CM CHECK 1-CKV-62-63$,S CVCS SEAL \A'TR I-FCV- 147W809-1 tC-7 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 62.61 EQL CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-62-640-S CVCS ALT CHARGING 147W809-1 / A-1 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o c N/A CM CM CHECK 1-RFV-62-649 CVCS SEAL WATER HX 1-47VV809-1 / C-9 c ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-C1ry62-6s9-S CVCS NORM CHARGING 147W809-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o C N/A CM CM CHECK 1-Crry62-660-S CVCS ALT CHARGING 147W809-1 I A-1 C ACT 1 3 CK SA o c N/A CM CM CHECK 1-Cl(/S2-661-S CVCS CHARGING TO RCS 1.47W809-1 I B-2 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o/c c N/A CM CM SPRAY CHECK 1-RFV-6262 CVCS LETDOWN HEADER 147W809-1 / A-3 A/C ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RELIEF RV RV 1-RFV-62675-S CVCS LETDOWN RELIEF 1-47W809-1 / B-10 c ACT 2 2 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 86 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 42 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWlNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cLAss SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-CK/-62-930 EMERGENCY BORATION 1-47W809-2 lB.4 C ACT 3 3 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.I3 CHECK cvo RO DTJ.I3 1-RFV-62-955 HOLDUP TANK A PRESS 147W809-3 / C-11 c ACT 3 3 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-CKV-62-1052-A BA XFER PUMP 1A.A 147W809-5 / F-8 C ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o DISCH CHECK cvo o 1-Ctry-62-1052-8 BA XFER PUMP 1B.B 147W809-5 tF-7 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o DISCH CHECK cvo o 1-RFV-62-1079 HOLDUP TANK A 1-47W809-3 I C-12 c ACT 3 4 RV SA c o/c N/A RV 10Y DTJ-29 VACUUM RELIEF 1-Rflt-62-1221 CCP 1A.A SUCTION 1-47W809-1 / G-l0 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RW-62-1222 CCP 1B.B SUCTION 1-47W809-1 / E-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-FCV62-1228-A CCP SUCTION TO VCT 1-47W809-1 / C-10 B ACT 2 I GL AO o c c RPI 2Y VENT HDR ISOL FSC CSD DTJ.16 STC CSD DTJ.I6 1-FCV-62-1229-B CCP SUCTION TO VCT 147W809-1 / C-10 B ACT 2 1 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y VENT HDR ISOL FSC CSD DTJ.16 STC CSD DTJ.16 1-FCV-63-1-A RWST TO RHR SUCTION 147W811-1 / E-10 B ACT 2 14 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.19 1-FCV-63-3-A SI PUMP MINI FLOW 147W811-1 / E-8 B ACT 2 2 GL MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RECIRC HDR TO RWST ISOL STC CSD DTJ.2O

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 87 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 43 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-63-4-B SI PUMP 1A-A MINI FLOW 147W811-1 / E-8 B ACT 2 2 GL MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RECIRC TO RWST ISOL STC o 1-FCV63-5-B RWST TO SI PUMP 1-4n /811-1 / D-l0 B ACT 2 6 GA MO o c FAI RP! 2Y SUCTION ISOL STC CSD DTJ-19 1-FCV63-6-B RHR HX A OUTLET TO SI 14n /81 1-1 / F-10 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PUMP SUCTION STO o 1-FCV63-7-A RHR HX 1A.A OUTLET TO 147W811-1 / F-10 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y SI PUMP 1A.A SUCT STO o 1-FCV63-&A RHR PMP 1A.A TO CHG 147W811-1 / H-9 B ACT 2 I GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PMP & SlP 1A-A SUCT ISOL STO RO DTJ.21 1-FCV-63-11-B RHR HX 1B.B OUTLET TO 1-47W811-1 / H-9 B ACT 2 I GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y SIP 1B.B SUCT ISOL STO RO DTJ.21 1-FCV-63-22-B SI PUMPS TO COLD LEG 147W811-l / E-6 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y INJECTION STC CSD oTJ-22 1-FCV-63-23-B COLD LEG 147W811-1 tE-7 A ACT 2 1 GL AO o c G RPI 2Y ACCUMULATOR FILL FROM SIP 1A-A ISV LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 88 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 44 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSTTTON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-63-25-B SIS BORON INJ TANK 147W811-1 tB-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOLATION STO CSD DTJ.23 1-FCV-63-26-A SIS BORON INJ TANK 147W811-1 lB-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOIATION STO CSD DTJ.23 1-RFV63-28 PENET X.3O PRESSURE 147W811-1 / D-6 A/C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c arc N/A LTJ AppJ RELIEF RV RV 1-FCV-6347-A SAFETY INJ PUMP 1A.A 147W811-l / E-10 B ACT 2 6 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUCTION ISOLATION STC o 1-FCV-6348-B SAFEW INJ PUMP 1B-B 1-47W811-1 / E-10 B ACT 2 6 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y SUCTION ISOLATION STC o 1-FCV63-63 SIS GOLD LEG ACCUM 4 147W81 1-1 / A-5 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP 1-FCV-6364-A SIS ACCUM N2 HDR 147W8306 / 8-6 A ACT 2 1 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y INLET VLV LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-6367-B SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 147W81 1-1 / B-5 B PASS 1 10 GA MO o o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOLATION 1-FCV-63-70 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 147W811-1 / 8-6 B PASS 2 1 GL AO C c c RPI 2Y MAKEUP

WBN Unit 0 0.Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 89 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 45 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ GLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi/l SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-63-71-A SIS CHECK VLV TEST 147W811-1 / D-6 A ACT 2 0.75 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LINE HOLDUP TANK ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-63-72-A CONTAINMENT SUMP TO 147W811-1 lH-7 B ACT 2 18 GA MO C o/c FAI RPI 2Y RHR PUMP 1A-A ISOL STC RO DTJ.24 STO RO DTJ.24 1-FCV-63-73-B CONTAINMENT SUMP TO 147W811-1 lH-7 B ACT 2 18 GA MO C o/c FAI RPI 2Y RHR PUMP 1B.B ISOL STC RO DTJ-24 STO RO DTJ.24 1-FCV-63-77 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 147W811-1 tB.4 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c C c RP! 2Y MAKEUP 1-FCV-63-80-A SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 147W811-1 lB.4 B PASS 1 10 GA MO o o FA! RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOI.ATION 1-FCV-63-84-B SIS CHECK VLV LEAK 147W811-1 / C-6 A ACT 2 0.75 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y TEST HOLDUP TANK ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-63-87 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 147W811-1 I A4 B PASS 2 1 GL AO C c C RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 90 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 46 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ cl.Ass stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-63-93-A RHR TO COLD LEG 2 & 3 1-47W811-1 I G-T B ACT 2 8 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y INJECTION ISOLATION STC CSD DTJ.25 1-FCV-63-94-B RHR TO COLD LEG 1 & 4 147W811-1 I G-7 B ACT 2 I GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y INJECTION ISOLATION STC CSD DTJ.25 1-FCV-63-95 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 1-47W811-1 / B-3 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y MAKEUP 1-FCV-63-98-B SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 1-47W811-l / B-3 B PASS 1 10 GA MO o o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOLATION 1-FCV63-107 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 1-47W811-1 I A-2 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP 1-FCV-63-115 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 1-47W811-1 lB-2 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y MAKEUP 1-FCV-63-1 18-A SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 1-47W811-1 / B-1 B PASS 1 10 GA MO o o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOLATION 1-FCV-63-127 SlS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 147W811-1 I A-1 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP 1-FCV-63-152-A SIP 1A.A COLD LEG INJ 1-47W811-1 lF-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL STC o 1-FCV-63-153-B SIP 1B.B COLD LEG lNJ 1.47W811-1 lE-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL STC o 1-FCV-63-156-A SI PUMP 1A.A HOT LEG 1 147W811-1 / F.6 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y

                 & 3 INJECTION STO    o 1-FCV-63-157-B  SI PUMP 1B.B HOT LEG 2    147W811-l / D-6   B   ACT    2      4     GA   MO   C     o     FAI   RPI   2Y
                 & 4 INJECTION STO     o

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 91 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 47 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS srzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORil SAFE FA!L 1-FCV-53-172-8 RHR TO HOT LEG 1 & 3 147W811-1 / F-6 B ACT 2 12 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y

                 !NJECTION ISOLATION STO CSD               DTJ.25 1-FCV-63-175-B  SI PUMP 1B.B MINI FLOW  147W81 1-1 / E-8  B   ACT   2       2     GL   MO   o     c      FAI  RPI  2Y RECIRC TO RWST STC  o 1-FCV63-177    RHR HX 1A.A OUTLET TO  147W811-1 / F-10   B  PASS   2       4     GA   MO   o     o      FAI  RPI  2Y SIP 1A.A SUCT ISOL 1-FCV63-185    RHR SUPPLY 1.FCV.74-2   147W811-l / E-6   B   ACT   2     0.75    GL   AO  o/c    c       C   RPI   2Y LEAK TEST LINE ISOL FSC    o STC    o 1-CK/63-502-S   RWST TO RHR SUCTION    147W811-1 / F-10   c   ACT   2      12     CK   SA   c    o/c    N/A   cvc  RO               DTJ.I8 CHECK cvo  RO               DTJ.18 1-Cl(/63-510-S  RWST TO SAFETY INJ     147W811-1 / D-10   c   ACT   2       B     CK   SA   c    o/c    N/A   cvc  RO               DTJ-11 PUMP SUCTION CHECK cvo  RO               DTJ-I1 1-RFV-63-51 1-S SAFEW INJECTION        147W811-1 / E-10   C   ACT   2     0.75    RV   SA   C    o/c    N/A    RV   RV PUMP 1A.A RELIEF 1-C1ry63-524-A  SAFETY INJ PUMP 1A-A    1.47W811-1 / F-8 A/C  ACT   2       4     CK   SA   C    o/c    N/A    LT  2Y DISCHARGE CHECK CVC  RO               DTJ.11 cvo  RO               DTJ.11

WBN Unit 0 0.Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 92 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 48 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-C]$/63-526-B SAFEW INJ PUMP 1B.B 147W811-1 / D-8 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y DISCHARGE CHECK cvc RO DTJ-I1 CVO RO DTJ.11 1C1(/63-528-A SI PUMP 1A.A MINI FLOW 147W811-1 / F-8 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y RECIRC CHECK cvc o cvo o 1C]$/S3-530-B SI PUMP 1B.B MINI FLOW 147W811-1 / D-8 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y RECIRC CHECK CVC o CVO o 1-RFV-63-534-A SI PUMP 1A.A HOT LEG 147W811-1 lE-7 C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE DISCH RELIEF 1-RFV-63-535-S SI PUMP COLD LEG INJ 147W81 1-1 I E-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV L!NE DISCH RELIEF 1-RFV-63-536-B SI PUMP 1B.B HOT LEG 147W811-1 I D-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE DISCH RELIEF 1-C1ry63-543-A HOT LEG 1 SAFEW INJ 147W811-1 / F-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 CVO RO DTJ.11 1.c1ry63-545-A HOT LEG 3 SAFEW INJ 1-47W811-1 lF-g A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.I1

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 93 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 49 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-C}O/-63-547-B HOT LEG 2 SAFETY INJ 147W811-1 / E-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 CVO RO DTJ.I1 1-Clry-63-549,8 HOT LEG 4 SAFETY INJ 147W811-1 / E-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CVC RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 1C1ry-63-55't-S COLD LEG 1 SAFEW INJ 1-47W811-1 tH-1 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.I1 1-C1ry63-553-S COLD LEG 2 SAFETY INJ 147W811-1 / H-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 1-CK/S3-555-S COLD LEG 3 SAFETY INJ 147W811-1 / G-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 1-CKV-63-557-S COLD LEG 4 SAFETY INJ 147W811-1 I G-2 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.11 1-CKV-63-558-B HOT LEG 4 SAFEW CHECK INJ 1-47W811-1 lE-2 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP x CVC RO DTJ-I1 cvo RO DTJ.I1

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 94 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 50 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORIII SAFE FAIL 1-Cl(/-63-559-B HOT LEG 2 SAFETY INJ 147W811-1 lE-1 NC ACT 1 6 CK SA c otc N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ-11 1CK/63-560-S COLD LEG 1 INJ HEADER 147W81 1-1 tF-1 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 1-c1(\/63-561-S COLD LEG 2 INJ HEADER 147W811-1 I D-1 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 1-Clry-ffi-562-S COLD LEG 3 INJ HEADER 1-47W811-1 lE-2 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-63-563-S COLD LEG 4 INJ HEADER 147W811-1 tF-2 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 1-RFV-63-577-S SIS BORON INJECTION 147W811-1 I A-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV TNK OUTLET RELIEF 1-CKV-63-581-S BORON INJ LINE CHECK 147W811-1 / C-6 A/C ACT 1 3 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y cvc RO DTJ-I1 CVO RO DTJ-I1 1.c1ry63-586-S COLD LEG 1 BORON INJ 147W811-1 tE-1 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 1-C]O/-63-587-S COLD LEG 2 BORON lNJ 147W811-1 lD-2 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CVC RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 95 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 51 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT' cr-ASs stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORM SAFE FAIL 1-Clry-63-588-S COLD LEG 3 BORON INJ 1-47W811-1 lE-2 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CVC RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.11 1CK/63-589-S COLD LEG 4 BORON lNJ 1-47W811-1 lF-2 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.I1 1-RFV-63602-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 1-47W811-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-63S03 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 1 47VV81 1-1 / A-3 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-63-604 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 1-47W811-1 I A-4 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-63-605 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 1-47W811-1 / A-6 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c otc N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-Cl(/-63-622-S SlS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 147VV811-1 / D-1 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 11ry63-623-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 147W811-1 I D-1 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 1-CK/-63-624-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 1-47W811-1 / D-3 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 1-Clry-m-625-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 147W811-1 / D-3 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 1-RFV-63626-A RHR TO COLD LEG 2 & 3 147W811-1 tG-7 C ACT 2 2 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE RELIEF 1-RFV-63627-B RHR TO COLD LEG 1 & 4 1-47W811-1 lF-7 c ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 96 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 52 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-Ct(/-63-632-A COLD LEG 2 RHR lNJ 1-47W811-1 lH-2 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA C otc N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK CVC RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ.I8 1-C[(\/-63-633-B COLD LEG 1 RHR INJ 147W811-1 / G-1 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ.18 1-C1ry63-634-A COLD LEG 3 RHR INJ 147W811-l / G-3 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK CVC RO DTJ.I8 cvo RO DTJ.18 1-Ctry63-63$B COLD LEG 4 RHR INJ 147W811-l / G-l A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I8 cvo RO DTJ-18 1-RFV-63637-S RHR TO HOT LEG 1 & 3 147W811-1 I F-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE RELIEF 1-C]ry-63-640-S HOT LEG 1 RHR INJ LINE 1-47W811-1 / G-3 A/C ACT 1 I CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I8 cvo RO DTJ-18 1-c](/63-641-S 1-ClO/-63-641HOT LEG 1 147W811-1 I F-1 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y INJ HEADERCHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 CVO RO DTJ.I8 1-CKV-63-643-S HOT LEG 3 RHR INJ LINE 147W811-1 / F-3 A/C ACT 1 I CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ-18

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 97 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 53 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POSTTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-C1(/63-644-S HOT LEG 3 INJ HEADER 147W81 1-1 tD-2 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I8 cvo RO DTJ.18 1-Ct$/-63-725 SIS RELIEF VALVE 1-,47W811-1 / E-8 c ACT 2 2 CK SA C o/c N/A CM CM DISCHARGE HEADER CHECK 1-RFV63-&15 RHR HX 1B.B OUTLET TO 1-47W811-1 lE-14 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SI PUMP SUCTION RELIEF 1-Cl(/-63-868 1K/-63-868 147W830-6 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 1 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CONTAINMENT N2 HEADER CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-28 cvc CSD DTJ.28 1-FCV-67-9A-A ERCW STRAINER 1A.A 1-47W845-1 / G-9 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o BACKWASH 1-FCV-67-98-A ERCW STRAINER 1A.A 147WU*1 / H-9 B ACT 3 4 BA MO C o FAI STO a FLUSH CONTROL 1-FCV67-10A-B ERCW STMINER 1B.B 147W84$1 / F.3 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o BACKWASH 1-FCV67-108-B ERCW STRAINER 1B.B 147W84$1 tF-3 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o FLUSH CONTROL 1-FCV-67-6$B DG HX 181/182 ERCW 147W845-1 I C-5 B PASS 3 8 BF MO c c FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 2A ISOL 1-FCV-6766-A DG HX 1A1I1A2 ERCW 147W8/.5-1 / C-10 B ACT 3 8 BF MO c o FAI RP! 2Y SUP HDR 1A ISOL STO o 1-FCV-67-67-B DG HX 181/182 ERCW 147WU*1 / C-6 B ACT 3 8 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 18 ISOL STO o 1-FCV-67-68-A DG HX 1A1I1A2 ERCW 147W845-1 / C-10 B PASS 3 I BF MO c C FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 28 ISOL



WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 100 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 56 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-67-107-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 147W845-3 / E-8 A ACT 2 b BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y D ERCW SUP ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 1-FCV-67-1 1 1-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 147W845-3 t D-7 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y D ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 1-FCV-67-112-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 147W84S3 / D-8 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y D ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 1-FCV-67-1 13-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 147W84s-3 tE-7 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y D ERCW SUP ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 1-FCV-67-123-B CNTMT SPRAY HX 1B.B 1.47W845-21 D-g B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y ERCW SUPPLY STO CSD DTJ.12 1-FCV-67-124-B CNTMT SPRAY HX 1B.B 147W845-2 lE-8 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y ERCW RETURN STO CSD DTJ.12 1-FCV-67-125-A CNTMT SPMY HX 1A.A 147W84$2 t C-9 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y ERCW SUPPLY STO CSD DTJ.12 1-FCV-67.126-A CNTMT SPRAY HX 1A.A 147WM$2 tD-7 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y ERCW RETURN STO CSD DTJ.12

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 101 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 57 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWlNG/COOR CAT ACT' cl-Ass SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-67-130-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 1-47W845-3 / C-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1A ERCW SUP HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-131-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 1-47W845-3 / C-B A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1A ERCW RET HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-133-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / B-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o C FAI RPI 2Y 1C ERCW SUP HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-134-B UPPER CNTtvlT VENT CLR 147W8/.$3 / C-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o C FAI RPI 2Y lC ERCW RET HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-138-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / B-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1B ERCW SUP HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 102 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 58 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSTTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-67-139-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 1-47W845-3 / B-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RP! 2Y 18 ERCW RET HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-141-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / A-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1D ERCW SUP HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-142-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147WM5-3 /A-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1D ERCW RET HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 1-FCV-67-143-A CCS HX A OUTLET ERCW 1-47WM$21 C-8 B ACT 3 12 GL MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL BYP STC o STO o 1-FCV-67-146-A CCS HX A OUTLET ERCW 1-47W845-2 t C-7 B ACT 3 24 BF MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 103 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 59 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAW!NG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTI'I SAFE FAIL 1-FCV67-162 CCS/AFW PMP SPACE 1.47W84541 B-4 B ACT 3 2 GL AO c o o RP! 2Y CLR 1A.A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV7-164 CCS/AFW PMP SPACE 147W845-4 / 8-6 B ACT 3 2 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y CLR 1B.B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV-67-176 SIP ROOM COOLER 1A.A 147W8/.'-4 tD,4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV-67-182 SIP ROOM COOLER 1B.B 147]N8/.5.4 / D-6 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO C o o RPI 2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV-67-184 CSP ROOM COOLER 1A-A 147W845-4 t D-4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV67-186 CSP ROOM COOLER 1B.B 147W845-4 / D-6 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 104 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 60 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SIZE TYPE AGT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV67-213 SFPffBBP SPACE CLR 1A 147W8454 I A-4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y

                 .A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO    o STO    o 1-FCV67-215    SFP/TBBP SPACE CLR 18 147W84s-4 / 8-6   B   ACT   3      1.5     GL  AO   c     o     o    RPI   2Y
                 .B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO   o STO   o 1-FCV-67-295-A  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR  147W845-3 t C-7   A   ACT   2       2     PLG  MO   o     c    FAI   RPI  2Y 1A ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  a 1-FCV-67-296-A  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR  1-47W845-31 C-7   A   ACT   2       2    PLG   MO   o     C    FAI   RPI  2Y lC ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  o 1-FCV-67-297-B  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR  147W845-3 tB-7    A   ACT   2       2    PLG   MO   o     c    FAI   RPI  2Y 1B ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  o 1-FCV-67-298-B  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR  1-47W845-3 I A-7  A   ACT   2       2    PLG   MO   o     c    FAI   RPI  2Y 1D ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 105 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 61 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ clAss SIZE TYPE ACT POSTTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV$7-U:2 PIPE CHASE COOLER 1A- 147W8/.54 tG4 B ACT 3 2 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV-67-344 PIPE CHASE COOLER 1B. 'l47WUU / G B ACT 3 2 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV-67-346 PENT ROOM COOLER 1A. 147WU* tF4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV67-348 PENT ROOM COOLER 18. 147W8/-54 lF-6 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO C o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV67-350 PENT ROOM COOLER 14. 1-47W8454 tF4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 106 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 62 of 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV67-352 PENT ROOM COOLER 18. 147W8/}54 tF-6 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV67-354 PENT ROOM COOLER 1A- 1-47W8/.5-4 tG4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-FCV-67-356 PENT ROOM COOLER 18. 1-47W845-4 / G-6 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 1-CI(/-67-508A-A DG HX 1A1I1M ERCW 147W845-1 / C-10 c ACT 3 8 CK SA C o/c N/A CM CM SUP HDR 1A CHECK 1-Cl(\/-67-5088-B DG HX 1B1I1B2 ERCW 147W845-1 / C-5 c ACT 3 I CK SA C o/c N/A CM CM SUP HDR 18 CHECK 1-RFV67-509A-A DG HX 1A2 ERCW RELIEF 1.47W845 -1 I B-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1-RFV67-5098-B DG HX 1B2 ERCW RELIEF 147W845-1 lB.4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1-CK/-67-5134-A DG HX 1A1I1Aa ERCW 147W845-1 / C-10 c PASS 3 8 CK SA c c N/A NTR NTR SUP HDR 28 CHECK 1-Clry-67-5138-B DG HX 1B1I1B2 ERCW 147W845-1 / C-5 c PASS 3 I CK SA c c N/A NTR NTR SUP HDR 2A CHECK 1-RFV-67-514A-A DG HX 1A1 ERCW RELIEF 147W84s -1 I B-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1-RFV67-5148-B DG HX 181 ERCW RELIEF 147w845-1 tB-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 107 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 63 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-tsv67-523B-B LOWER CNTMT VENT 147W8/,5-21 F-10 B ACT 3 10 BF M o c N/A MS 2Y CLR 18 & 1D ERCW SUP ISOL 1-RFV67-539A-A CS HX 1A ERCW RET 147W845-2 t D-8 c ACT 3 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV HDR RELIEF 1-RFV67-5398-B CS HX 1B ERCW RET 147W84s-2 tD-8 C ACT 3 2 RV SA c atc N/A RV RV HDR RELIEF 1-RFVS7-550 CCS HX A ERCW OUT 147WU5-2 t C-7 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV67-566A-A RCP/CRD VENT CLR A 147w8r',5-3 / H-5 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-RFV67-5668-B RCP/CRD VENT CLR B 1-47W845-3 / F-5 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-RFV-67-566C-A RCP/CRD VENT CLR C 147w8r'.5-3 / G-5 c ACT 3 0.7s TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-RFV67-566D-B RCP/CRD VENT CLR D 147W845-3 / E-5 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-RFV-67-573A-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 1-47W845-3 / G6 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV A ERCW RET RELIEF 1-RFV67-5738-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 1-47W845-3 / E-6 c ACT 3 0.7s TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV B ERCW RET RELIEF 1-RFV-67-573C-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 1-47W845-3 / F-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV C ERCW RET RELIEF 1-RFV67-573D-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 147'N8/i5-3 / D-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV D ERCW RET RELIEF 1-Cl$/-67-57sA-A 1.FCV.67.87 BYPASS 147W8/.s-3lH-7 NC ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CK/-67-5758-B 1.FCV.67-103 BYPASS 147W845-3 tE-7 NC ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CI$/-67-575C-A 1.FCV-67.95 BYPASS 1-47WU5-3 t G-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CK/-67-575D-B 1-FCV.67.111 BYPASS 147w8r',5-3 / D-7 NC ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-{ 00.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 108 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 64 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR CAT ACT' GLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NOR rt SAFE FAIL 1-C}O/-67-5804-A UPPER CNTT\/IT VENT CLR 1-47W845-3 I C-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ 1A ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o cvc o 1-Clry-67-580B-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 1-47W845 -g I B-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ 18 ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o cvc o 1-CKV-67-580C-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ lC ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o CVC o 1-C}$/-67-580D-B UPPER CNTITIT VENT CLR 147W845-3 I A-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o C N/A LTJ AppJ 1 D ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o CVC o 1-RFVS7-582A-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / C-3 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1A ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-RFV67-5828-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W84s-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1B ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-RFV$7-582C-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV lC ERCW SUP HDR REL!EF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inseryice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 109 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 65 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-RFVS7-582D-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / A-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1 D ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 1-C1ry-67-585A-A 1-FCV-67-295 BYPASS 1-47W845-3 / D-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-67-585B-B 1-FCV-67-297 BYPASS 147W845-3 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-67-585C-A 1-FCV-67-296 BYPASS 147W845-3 t C-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-Clry-67-58sD-B 1.FCV.67-298 BYPASS 147W845-3 I A-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-67-940A-A ERCW SCRN WASH PMP 147WU5-1 / H-6 c ACT 3 3 CK SA C o N/A CM CM 1A.A DISCH CHECK 1-RFV-67-1020A-A INSTR RM WATER CLR 1A 147W8/.5-21F{ c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10208-8 INSTR RM WATER CLR 18 147W845-2 tE-8 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV 1022-A SD BD RM WTR CLR A-A 147W845-2 lB-11 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV 10224-A CRD VENT COOLER 1A.A 147W845-3 / H-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV EROW RELlEF 1-RFV 1422B.B. CRD VENT COOLER 1B-B 1-47W845-3 tF4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV.67-1022C-A CRD VENT COOLER 1C.A 147W845-3 / G4 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV67-1022D-B CRD VENT CLR 1D-B 147W845-3 / D-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1024A-A RCP MTR CLR 1 ERCW 147W845-3 / H-3 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10248-8 RCP MTR CLR 2 ERCW 1-47W845-3 / F-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1024C-A RCP MTR CLR 3 ERCW 1-47W845-3 / G-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 110 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 66 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-RFV-67-1024D-B RCP MTR CLR 4 ERCW 147W84S3 / D-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10254-A LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 1-47W845-3 / H-6 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1A-A ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10258-8 LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 1-47W845-3 / F-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1B.B ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV67-1025C-A LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / G-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1C.A ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1025D-B LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 147VV84$3 / D-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1D.B ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10264-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W84$3 / C-3 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1A ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10268-8 UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1B ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV67-1026C-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W845-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1C ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV67-1026D-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 147W84s-3 / A-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1D ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1027A-A SPF/TBBP SPACE CLR 1A 1.47W8454 lB-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV

                  -A ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10278.-8 SFP/TBBP SPACE CLR 1B 1-47W8454 lB-7    c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV
                  .B ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10284-A  CCS/AFW PMP SPACE     1.47W8454 / B-3   c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV CLR 1A.A ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10288-8  CCS/AFW PMP SPACE     147W845-4 I C-7   C   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV CLR 1B-B ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10294-A  CVCS CCP ROOM CLR 1A  1-47W845-4 I C-2  c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV
                  .A ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10298-8  CVCS CCP ROOM CLR 1 B 147W845-4 I C-8   C   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV
                  .B ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10308   PDP ROOM CLR   lC     147WUil    / C-8  c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10314-A  SIS PMP RM CLR 1A.A   1-47W84e4 I D-2   c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELlEF 1-RFV-67-1031B-B  SIS PMP RM CLR 1B.B   147W845-4 / D-6   c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c    o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1032A-A  CS PMP RM CLR 1A.A    147W845-4 I D-2   c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   C    o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1032B-B  CS PMP RM CLR 1B-B    147w84il   / D-8  c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   C    o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 111 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 67 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-RFV-67-10334-A RHR PMP RM CLR 1A.A 147W8454 tE-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10338-B RHR PMP RM CLR 1B-B 147W8454 tE-8 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1034A-A PENT ROOM CLR 1A.A 147W8/.5-4 tF-2 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10348-8 PENT ROOM CLR 1B.B 147w8/.il tF-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1035A-A PENT ROOM CLR 1A.A 147W84s-4 tF-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10358-8 PENT ROOM CLR 1B.B 1-47W84s4 lF-8 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1036A-A PENT ROOM CLR 1A.A 147WUil tF-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10368-8 PENT ROOM CLR 1B.B 1-47W845-4 / G-B c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1038A-A PIPE CHASE CLR 1A.A 1-47WU5-4 t G-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-10388-8 PIPE CHASE CLR 1B.B 147WUU / G-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1042A-A STRAINER 1A.A ERCW 147W845-1 lB-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-67-1042B-B STRAINER 1B.B ERCW 147W845-1 lB-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c otc N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-CKV-67-1054A-A 1.FCV.67.89 BYPASS 147W8/.$3 tH-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-Clry-67-1054B-B 1.FCV.67.105 BYPASS 147W845-3 tE-7 NC ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-67-1054C-A 1.FCV.67.97 BYPASS 147W845-3 I G-7 NC ACT 2 0.s CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-CKV-67-1054D-B 1.FCV-67.113 BYPASS 1-47W845-3 lD-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testi ng Program Rev. 0001 Page 112 ot 291 Appendix B Valve Test Plan Page 68 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-68-22 REACTOR VESSEL 147W813-1 / B-8 B PASS 2 0.375 GL AO o o o RPI 2Y FLANGE LEAKOFF 1-FCV-68-305-A PRESSURIZER RELIEF 147W830-6 / G-7 A ACT 2 0.75 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y TANK NITROGEN SUP FLOW CNTL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-68-307-A PRESSURIZER REL!EF 147W62*8 tG-2 A ACT 2 0.375 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y TAhIK GAS ANALYZER SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-68-308-B PRESSURIZER RELIEF 147W625-8 / F-1 A ACT 2 0.375 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y TAI{K GAS ANALYZER SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-68-332-B PRESSURIZER PORV 147W813-1 I C-2 B ACT 1 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y BLOCK VALVE STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 113 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 69 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ GLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FA!L 1-FCV-68-333-A PRESSURIZER PORV 147W813-1 tB-2 B ACT 1 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y BLOCK VALVE STC o STO o 1-PCV68-334-B PRESSURIZER PORV 147W813-1 / C-1 B ACT 1 3 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y FSC RO STC RO STO RO 1-PGV-68-340A-A PRESSURIZER PORV 147W813-1 / B-1 B ACT 1 3 GL SO c o/c C RPI 2Y FSC RO STC RO STO RO 1-FSV-68-394-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 147W813-1 lF-7 B ACT 2 1 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y VENT FSC CSD DTJ.26 STC CSD DTJ.26 STO CSD DTJ.26 1-FSV68-395-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 1-47W813-1 I G-7 B ACT 2 1 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y VENT FSC CSD DTJ.26 STC CSD DTJ-26 STO CSD DTJ.26 1-FSVS8-396-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 1-47W813-1 / F-5 B ACT 2 1 GL SO C o/c c RPI 2Y VENT ET CSD IST-RR.3 FSC CSD IST.RR.3 RRA RO IST.RR-3

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 114 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 70 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/GOOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE AGT POSITION TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FA!L 1-FSV68-397-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 'r47W813-1 / G6 B ACT 2 1 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y VENT ET CSD IST-RR.3 FSC CSD IST.RR.3 RRA RO IST-RR-3 1-C1ry68-559-S SAFEW INJ SYS RELIEF 147W813-1 tH4 c ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM DISCH CHECK 1-RFV-68-563-S PRESSURIZER SAFEW 147W813-1 / A-3 C ACT 1 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV VALVE 1-RFV-68-564-S PRESSURIZER SAFETY 147W813-',t lA-2 c ACT 1 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV VALVE 1-RFV-68-565-S PRESSURIZER SAFETY 147W813-1 I A-2 C ACT 1 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV VALVE 1-CK/-6849 PRESSURIZER RELIEF 147W830-6 / G-7 A/C ACT 2 1 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ TANK N2 SUP HDR CHECK BDO CSD DTJ.28 CVC CSD DTJ-28 1-FCV-70-66 UNIT 1 CCS SURGE TANK 147W859-1 tE-3 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO o C C RPI 2Y VENT FSC o STC o 1-FCV-705-B EXCESS LETDOWN HX 147VV859-2 tD4A A ACT 2 6 BF AO o C c RPI 2Y CCS OUTLET LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-70-87-B THERMAL BARRIER CCS 147W859-2 tH-9 A ACT 2 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 115 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 71 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-70-89-B RCP OIL COOLER CCS 1-47W859-2 lE-9 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RET HDR LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 1-FCV-70-90-A THERMAL BARRIER CCS 1-47W859-2 tF-10 A ACT 2 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN LTJ AppJ STC CSD oTJ-27 1-FCV-70-92-A RCP OIL COOLER CCS 1-47W859-2 tE-10 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 1-FCV-70-100-A RCP OIL COOLERS CCS 1-47W859-2 t G-3 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o C FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 1-FCV-70-133-A THERMAL BARRIER CCS 1-47W859-21 H-3 B ACT 3 3 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY STC CSD DTJ.27 1-FCV-70-134-B THERMAL BARRIER CCS 1.47W859-21 H-3 A ACT 2 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 1-FCV-70-140-B RCP OIL COOLER CCS 1-47W859-2 t G-3 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 1-FCV-70-143-A EXCESS LETDOWN HX 147W859-2 tE-3 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y CCS SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC o

WBN UnIt O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 116 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 72 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORlri SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-70-1s3-B RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1-47W8594 lF-3 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y 1 B CCS OUTLET STO o 1-FCV-70-156-A RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1.47W8594 lF4 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y 1A CCS OUTLET STO o 1-FCV-70-183-A SAMPLE HEAT 147W859-2 t C-9 B ACT 3 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y EXCHANGER CCS OUTLET STC o 1-FCV-70-215-A SAMPLE HEAT 147W859-2 t A-8 B ACT 3 3 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y EXCHANGER CCS INLET STC o 1-C[$/-70-504A-A CCS PUMP 1A.A 147W859-1 tB-7 c ACT 3 16 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o DISCHARGE CHECK cvo o 1-C](/-70-504B CCS PUMP 1B.B 1-47W85$,1 I C-7 C ACT 3 16 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o DISCHARGE CHECK cvo o 1-lsv-70-516 REACTOR BUILDING CCS 147W859-1 / B-5 B ACT 3 8 BF M o C N/A MS 2Y SUPPLY ISOLATION 1-RFV-70-521 WASTE GAS COMPR A 1-47W859-1 / A-10 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV HX CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-538-S UNIT 1 CCS SURGE TANK 1-47W859-1 / E-3 c ACT 3 3 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 1-RFV-70-539 UNIT 1 CCS SURGE TANK 1-47W859-1 / E-3 c ACT 3 3 RV SA c o/c N/A RV 10Y DTJ-29 RELIEF 1-RFV-70-551A-A RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 147W8594 / E-5 c ACT 3 1.5 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 1A.A CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-5518-B RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 147W8594 tE-2 c ACT 3 1.5 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1B.B CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-556A-A CCP 1A-A OIL COOLERS 147W8594 I A4 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-556B-B CCP 1B-B OIL COOLERS 147W8594 I A-2 C ACT 3 0.7s RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 117 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 73 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-RFV-70-561A-A SI PUMP 1A.A LUBE OIL 147W8594 tB.4 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV COOLER CCS OUT RELIEF 1-RFV-70-5618-B SI PUMP 1B.B LUBE OIL 1-47W8594 lB-g c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV COOLER CCS OUT RELIEF 1-RFV-70-565A-A RHR PMP 1A.A SEAL 147W8594 tC4 C ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV WATER HX CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-5658-B RHR PMP 1B.B SEAL 147W85H tC-2 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV WATER HX CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-5704-A CS PUMP 1A-A OIL HX 147W8594 tD4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-5708-B CS PUMP 1B.B OlL HX 147W8594 / D-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-578 CVCS LETDOWN HX 1A 1.47W859-21 N7 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-RFV-70-584 CVCS SEAL WATER HX 147W859-2 tB.6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 1A CCS OUTLET RELIEF 1-C1(/-70679 RCP THERMAL BARRIER 1-47W859-21 H-3 A/C ACT 2 3 CK SA o C N/A LTJ AppJ CCS SUP HDR CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-31 CVC CSD DTJ-31 1-CKV-70-681A RCP 1 THERMAL 147W859-2 t G-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 1-CKV-70-681B RCP 2 THERMAL 147W859-2 tF-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 1-CKV-70681C RCP 3 THERMAL 147W859,21F-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 1-CKV-70-681D RCP 4 THERMAL 147W859-2 t H-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 1-CKV-70-6824 RCP 1 THERMAL 147W859-2 t G-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 118 of 291 Appendlx B - Valve Test Plan Page 74 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-Cl(/-70-6828 RCP 2 THERMAL 1-47W859-2 I F-8 C ACT 3 2 CK SA o C N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 1-CK/-70-682C RCP 3 THERMAL 1-47W859-2 lE-8 C ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 1-Cl$/-70.682D RCP 4 THERMAL 1-47W85$'2lH-9 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CGS SUPPLY CHECK 1-RFV-70683A RCP 1 THERMAL 147W859-21 G-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF 1-RFV-706838 RCP 2 THERMAL 147W85$,2 tF{ C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF 1-RFV-70-683C RCP 3 THERMAL 147W859-2 tE-8 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN REL!EF 1-RFV-70683D RCP 4 THERMAL 147W859-2 tH-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF 1-CK/-70-687 1.FCV.7O-87 BYPASS 147W859-2 tH-9 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-RFV-70-694 RCP OIL COOLER CCS 147W85$2 tF4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUPPLY RELIEF 1-Cl(/-70-698 1.FCV.7OA9 BYPASS 147W859-2 tE-9 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 1-lsv-70-700 RCP OIL COOLER CCS 147W859-2 lE-11 B ACT 3 6 BF M o c N/A MS 2Y RETURN ISOISTION 1-RFV-70-703 EXCESS LETDOWN HX 1-47W859-2 lE-s A/C ACT 2 3 RV SA c otc N/A LTJ AppJ CCS OUT RELIEF RV RV 1-CKV-70-790 RCP OIL CLR HDR SUP 147W859-2 t G-3 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ BYPASS CHECK CM CM 1-RFV-70-835 RCP THERMAL BARRIER 147W859-2 tH-6 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS SUP HDR RLF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 119 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 75 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNGTION DRAWlNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cLAss stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-72-2-8, CNTMT SPMY HDR B 147W812-1 / A-3 A ACT 2 't0 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC o STO o 1-FCV-72-1$B CNTMT SPRAY PUMP 18. 147W812-1 / 8-6 B ACT 2 2 GL MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y B MINIFLOW STC o STO o 1-FCV-72-21-B RWST TO CNTMT SPRAY 147W812-1 / B-10 B ACT 2 12 GA MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 1B.B SUCTION STC o STO o 1-FCV-72-22-A RWST TO CNTMT SPRAY 147W812-1 / C-10 B ACT 2 12 GA MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 1A.A SUCTION STC o STO o 1-FCV-72-34-A CNTMT SPRAY PMP 1A.A 147W812-1 I C-6 B ACT 2 2 GL MO C o/c FAI RPI 2Y MINIFLOW STC o STO o 1-FCV-72-39-A CNTMT SPRAY HDR A 147W812-1 I C-3 A ACT 2 1o GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC o STO o 1-RFV-7240 1-FCV-7240 BONNET 147W812-1 tF-3 A/C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ PRESS RELIEF RV RV

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 120 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 76 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORTI,I SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-7240-A RHR SPMY HDR A 147W812-1 / F-3 A ACT 2 8 GA MO C o/c FAI RPI 2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC RO DTJ{4 STO RO DTJ.O4 1-RFV-7241 1-FCV-7241 BONNET 147w812J1 lE-3 A/C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ PRESS RELIEF RV RV 1-FCV-7241-B RHR SPRAY HDR B 147W812-1 / E-3 A ACT 2 I GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC RO DTJ.O4 STO RO DTJ.O4 1-FCV-7244-A CNTMT SUMP TO CS 147W812-1 / G-3 B ACT 2 12 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 1A.A SUCTION STC RO DTJ.24 STO RO DTJ-24 1-FCV-724$.8 CNTMT SUMP TO CS 147W812-1 / H-3 B ACT 2 12 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 1B.B SUCTION STC RO DTJ.24 STO RO DTJ.24 1-Ct<\t-72-50&A CNTMT SPRAY PMP 1A.A 147W812-1 I C-10 c ACT 2 12 CK SA c o/c N/A cvc o SUCTION CHECK cvo o 1-Cj<V-72-507-8 CNTMT SPRAY PMP 1B.B 147W812-1 / B-10 C ACT 2 12 CK SA C o/c N/A GVC o SUCTION CHECK cvo o 1-RFV-72-508-A CNTMT SPMY PMP 1A.A 147W812-1 / C-9 C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUCTION RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 121 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 77 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-RFV-72-509-B CNTMT SPRAY PMP 1B-B 147W812-1 / A-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUCTION RELIEF 1-Cj<\t-72-524-A CNTMT SPRAY PMP 1A.A 147W812-1 / D-6 c ACT 2 10 CK SA C o N/A BDC o DISCH CHECK cvo o 1-Cl(lt-72-525-8 CNTMT SPMY PMP 1B-B 147W812-1 / A-6 c ACT 2 10 CK SA c o N/A BDC o DISCH CHECK cvo o 1-Cl(]'t-72-548-A CNTMT SPRAY HDR A 147W812-1 lD-2 C ACT 2 10 CK SA C o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE 1-CKV-72-3[9-8 CNTMT SPRAY HDR B 147W812-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 10 CK SA C o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE 1-CKV-72-562-A RHR SPRAY HDR A 147W812-1 lF-2 c ACT 2 I CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE 1-CKV-72-563-8 RHR SPRAY HDR B 147W812-1 tE-2 c ACT 2 I CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE 1-FCV-74-1-A LOOP 4 HOT LEG TO RHR 147W810-1 lG-2 A ACT 1 14 GA MO C o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.17 1-FCV-74-2-B LOOP 4 HOT LEG TO RHR 1-47W810-1 / G-3 A ACT 1 14 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.17 1-FCV-74-3-A RHR PUMP 1A-A 1-47W810-1 / F-9 B ACT 2 14 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUCTION STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 122 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 78 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' clAss SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-74-8-A 1-FCV.74-2 BYPASS RHR 147W810-1 / G-3 A ACT 1 10 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ-17 1-FCV-74-9-B 1.FCV.74.1 BYPASS RHR 147W810-1 tG-2 A ACT 1 10 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.I7 1-FCV-74-12-A RHR PUMP 1A.A 't47W810-1 / G-7 B ACT 2 3 GL MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y MINIMUM FLOW STC o STO o 1-FCV-74-16 RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 147W810-1 tF4 B ACT 2 8 CTV AO o/c o o RPI 2Y A OUTLET FLOW CONTROL FSO o 1-FCV-74-21-B RHR PUMP 1B.B 147W810-1 / C-9 B ACT 2 14 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y SUCTION STC o

 't-Fcv-74-24-8  RHR PUMP 1B-B         147W810-1 / 8-6   B   ACT   2       3     GL   MO   o     o/c   FAI   RPI   2Y MINIMUM FLOW STC   o STO   o 1-FCV-74-28   RHR HEAT EXCHANGER    1-47W810-1 / C4   B   ACT   2      I     CTV   AO  o/c     o      o   RPI    2Y B OUTLET FLOW CONTROL FSO    o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 123 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 79 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-74-33-A RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1-47W810-1 tE4 B ACT 2 I GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1A OUTLET CROSSTIE STC CSD DTJ.25 1-FCV-74-3SB RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1-47W81}-'.t I C4 B ACT 2 I GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 1B OUTLET CROSSTIE STC CSD DTJ.25 1-RFV-74-505 RHR PUMP SUCTION 147W810-1 / H-3 c ACT 2 3 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV HDR RELIEF 1-Clry-74-514-A RHR PUMP 1A.A 147W810-1 / F-8 c ACT 2 I CK SA C o/c N/A CVC RO DTJ.I8 DISCHARGE CHECK cvo RO DTJ.18 1-Cl(/-74-51$B RHR PUMP 1B.B 147W810-1 / C-8 c ACT 2 8 CK SA c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.I8 DISCHARGE CHECK cvo RO DTJ.I8 1-C1ry-74-il4-A RHR HEADER 1A 147W810-1 / F-5 C ACT 2 8 CK SA c o/c N/A CVC RO DTJ.3O MTNTMUM FLow bHecx cvo RO DTJ.3O 1-C](/-74-54$B RHR HEADER 1 B 1-47W810-1 / C-5 c ACT 2 I CK SA c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ-30 MINIMUM FLOW CHECK cvo RO DTJ.3O 1-FCV-77-9-B RCDT PUMP DISCHARGE 147W830-1 / D-l A ACT 2 3 DIA AO o C c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-77-10-A RCDT PUMP DISCHARGE 147W830-1 lE-l A ACT 2 3 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0.Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 124 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 80 of 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAW!NG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-77-16-8 RCDT TO GAS ANALYZER 1-47W830-1 / B-5 A ACT 2 0.75 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-77-17-A RCDT TO GAS ANALYZER 147W830-l / 8-6 A ACT 2 0.75 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-77-18-B RCDT TO VENT HDR 1-47W830-1 / B-5 A ACT 2 1 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-77-19-A RCDT TO VENT HDR 147W830-1 / B-5 A ACT 2 1 DIA AO o c C RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-77-20-A RCDT N2 SUPPLY FLOW 147W830-1 / C-5 A ACT 2 1 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 125 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 81 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CTASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-77-127-B RB SUMP DISCHARGE 1-47W851-1 lF-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o' 1-FCV-77-128-A RB SUMP DISCHARGE 1-47W851-1 I F-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG AO o c C RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-RW-77-2875 RB SUMP DISCH RLF 1-47W851-1 tF-7 A/C ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RV RV 1-lsv-78-557 UNIT 1 REFLG CAVIW 147W855-1 I G:7 A PASS 2 4 DIA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ SUP HDR ISOL 1-tsv-78-558 UNIT 1 REFLG CAVITY 147W85$1 / G-8 A PASS 2 4 DIA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ SUP HDR ISOL 1-tsv-78-560 UNIT 1 REFLG CAVITY 147W85$1 / H-8 A PASS 2 6 DIA M C C N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN HDR ISOL 1-!SV-78-561 UNIT 1 REFLG CAVITY 147W85$,1 lH-7 A PASS 2 6 DIA M C C N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN HDR ISOL 1-FCV-81-12-A PRIMARY WATER TO PRT 1-47W819-1 I F4 A ACT 2 3 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y AND RCP STANDPIPES LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-Clry-81-502 PRIMARY WATER CNTMT 1-47W819-1 I F4 NC ACT 2 3 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ HDR CHECK VLV CM CM 1-lsv-84-530-S RCDT PMPS DISCH ISOL 1-47W809-7 tF-7 A PASS 2 1 GL M c c N/A LTJ AppJ TO FLOOD MODE AUX BORATIO

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 126 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 82 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTII SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-90-107-A CNTMT BLDG LOWER 147W610-90-3 / A A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -9 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-108-B CNTMT BLDG LOWER 1-47W610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -8 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-109-B CNTMT BLDG LOWER 147W610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -8 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-110-B CNTMT BLDG LOWER 1-47W610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -8 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 127 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 83 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAU'ING/COOR CAT ACT/ CIASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-90-111-A CNTMT BLDG LOWER 1-4n /610-90-3 / D A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AlR RAD MON -9 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-1 13-A CNTMT BLDG UPPER 1-47W610-90-3 / A A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -5 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-114-B CNTMT BLDG UPPER 14n /610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y COMPT AlR RAD MON 4 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-1 15-B CNTMT BLDG UPPER 1-47VV610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON 4 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 128 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 84 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORlll SAFE FAIL 1-FCV-90-116-8 CNTMT BLDG UPPER 147W610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON 4 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 1-FCV-90-117-A CNTMT BLDG UPPER 147W610-90-3 / D A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -5 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC a STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 129 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 85 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-1.4-T MAIN STEAM ISOL VALVE 247W801-1 I C-3 B ACT 2 32 GL AO o C c RP! 2Y LOOP 1 FSC RO DTJ.O1 STC RO DTJ-o1 2-PCV-1-5-T MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 247W801-1 I Q-2 B ACT 2 6 GL AO c o/c C RPI 2Y PORV FSC RO STC RO STO RO 2-FCV-1-7-B STEAM GENERATOR 1 247W801-2 t C4 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o C C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV-1-1 1-T MAIN STEAM ISOL VALVE 247W801-1 / E-3 B ACT 2 32 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LOOP 2 FSC RO DTJ.O1 STC RO DTJ-o1 a-PCV-1-12-T MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W801-1 tD2 B ACT 2 6 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y PORV FSC RO STC RO STO RO 2-FCV-1-14-A STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W841-2 tE4 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o C C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o a-FCV-1-15-A MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 TD 2-47W803-21 C-2 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y AUX FWP SUP STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 130 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 86 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ cIASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi' SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-1-16-A MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 TD 2-47W803-2 I A-2 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y AUX FWP SUP sTc o STO o

  ?-FCV-1-17-A   MAIN STEAM AUX FWP   247W803-21B,4     B   ACT    3      4     GA   MO  o     o/c     FAI  RPI   2Y HDR SUPPLY ISOL STC CSD               DTJ.O2 STO CSD               DTJ-02 2-FCV-1-1&B    MAIN STEAM AUX FWP   247W803-21B.4     B   ACT    3      4     GA   MO  o     o/c     FAI  RPI   2Y HDR SUPPLY ISOL STC CSD               DTJ-02 STO CSD               DTJ.02 2-FCV-1-22-T   MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV  247W801-1 / F-3   B   ACT    2     32     GL   AO  o      c       c   RPI   2Y LOOP 3 FSC  RO               DTJ-o1 STC  RO               DTJ.O1 2-PCV-1-23-T   MAIN STEAM LOOP 3    247W801-1 tF-2    B   ACT    2      6     GL   AO  c     o/c      C   RPI   2Y PORV FSC  RO STC RO STO RO 2-FCV-1-2$B    STEAM GENEMTOR 3     247W801-2 t G4    B   ACT    2      4     GL   SO  o      c       c   RPI  2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC  o STC  o

WBN Unlt 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 131 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 87 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' cl-Ass stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi,l SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-1-29-T MAIN STEAM ISOL VALVE 2-47W801-1 / A-3 B AGT 2 32 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LOOP 4 FSC RO DTJ.O1 STC RO DTJ-o1 2-PCV-1-30-T MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W801-1 I A-2 B ACT 2 6 GL AO c o/c C RPI 2Y PORV FSC RO STC RO STO RO 2-FCV-1-32-A STEAM GENEMTOR 4 247W801-2 tB.4 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV-1-51-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 247W803-2 t8.-6 B ACT 3 4 GA MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y PMP TRIP & THROTTLE VALVE STC o STO o 2-FCV-1-147-A MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 247W801-1 / C-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y LOOP 1 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ.O3 STC CSD DTJ.O3 2-FCV-1-148-B MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 247W801-1 / E-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y LOOP 2 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ-03 STC CSD DTJ.O3

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 132 ot 291 Appendix B Valve Test Plan Page 88 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-1-149-A MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 247W801-1 / G-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y LOOP 3 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ.O3 STC CSD DTJ.O3 2-FCV-1-150-B MAIN STEAM ISOL VLV 247W801-l / B-3 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RP! 2Y LOOP 4 BYP WARMING VLV FSC CSD DTJ-03 STC CSD DTJ-03 2-FCV-1-181-A STEAM GENERATOR 1 247W801-2 tO-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV-1-182-B STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W801-2 tF-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c C RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV-1-183-A STEAM GENEMTOR 3 247W841-2 tH-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o c c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV-1-184-B STEAM GENERATOR 4 247W801-2 lB-2 B ACT 2 4 GL SO o C c RPI 2Y BLOWDOWN ISOL FSC o STC o 2-SFV-1-512 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 247W841-1 lF-2 C ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2FV-1-513 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 247W801-1 tF-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 133 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 89 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' cl-Ass SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-SFV-1-514 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 247W801-1 tF-2 c ACT 2 b RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-51 5 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 247W801-1 tF-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-51 6 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 247W801-1 tF-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-517 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W841-1 tW2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-5't8 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W801-1 tD.2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-5't9 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W801-1 tD-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-520 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W801-1 tD-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-s21 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W801-1 tD-2 c ACT 2 o RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-522 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 247w80',t-1 tB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-'l-523 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 247W801-1 tB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-524 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 247W801-1 tB-2 C ACT 2 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-52s MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 247W801-1 tB-2 c ACT 2 o RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-526 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 247W801-1 tB-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-527 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W801-1 I A-2 C ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-528 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-529 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W8414 tA-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFETY VALVE 2-SFV-1-530 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-SFV-1-531 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W801-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SAFEW VALVE 2-tsv-1-619 MAIN STEAM LOOP 1 2-47W801-1 I C-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOLATION 2-tsv-1-620 MAIN STEAM LOOP 2 247W801-1 tD-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOLATION

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 000{ Page 134 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 90 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CIASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORM SAFE FAIL 2-rsv-1-621 MAIN STEAM LOOP 3 247W801-',1 tF-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOLATION 2-tsv-1-622 MAIN STEAM LOOP 4 247W801-1 I A-2 B ACT 2 6 GA M o o/c N/A MS 2Y PORV ISOLATION 2-Ct$/-1-891-S MS SUPPLY FW TURB 247W803-2 t ?-3 c ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CHECK 2-C1ry-1-892-S MS SUPPLY FW TURB 2-47W803-2 I A-g c ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CHECK 2-FCV-3-33-A STEAM GENEMTOR 1 247W803-1 / C-3 B ACT 2 16 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y MFW ISOL FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ-06 2-FCV-3-35 STEAM GENEMTOR 1 247W803-1 I C4 B ACT 3 16 ANG AO o c c RPI 2Y c* MFW REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.O6 2-FCV-3-354 STEAM GENERATOR 1 247W803-1 tC4 B ACT 3 6 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y c* MFW BYPASS REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 2-FCV-347-B STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W803-1 / E-3 B ACT 2 16 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y MFW ISOI FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 2-FGV-3-48 STEAM GENERATOR 2 2-47W803-1 lE4 B ACT 3 16 ANG AO o c c RPI 2Y c* MFW REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06


WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 136 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 92 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ C1ASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORTt/ll SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-3-103A STEAM GENERATOR 4 247W803-1 tA4 B ACT 3 6 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y cr MFW BYPASS REG VALVE FSC RO DTJ46 STC RO DTJ.O6 2-FCV-3-116A-A ERCW HEADER A AFW 2-47W803-2 tE-6 B ACT 3 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 2A.A SUCTION STO o 2-FCV-3-1168-A ERCW HEADER A AFW 247W803-2 tE-6 B ACT 3 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 2A.A SUCTION STO o

   ?-PCV-3-122   AUX FEEDWATER PMP    2-4n4r803-21 D-5  B   ACT   3       4     GL   AO   c        o      c    FSC   o 2A.A DISCHARGE PRESS CONTROL STO   o 2-FCV-3-1264-8  ERCW HEADER B AFW    247W803-2 tE-7    B   ACT   3       4     GA   MO   c        o     FAI   RPI    2Y PUMP 2B.B SUCTION STO    o 2-FCV-3-1268-8  ERCW HEADER B AFW    247W803-2 tE-7    B   ACT   3      4      GA   MO   c        o     FAI   RPI   2Y PUMP 2B-B SUCTION STO    o 2-PCV-3-132   AUX FEEDWATER PMP    247W803-2 t D-6   B   ACT   3      4      GL   AO   c        o      c    FSC   o 2B-B DISCHARGE PRESS CONTROL STO   o 2-FCV-3-136A-A  ERCW HEADER A TD     247VV803-21  C4   B  ACT    3       o     GA   MO   c        o     FAI   RPI   2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO     o 2-FCV-3-1368-A  ERCW HEADER A TD     247W843-2 t C4    B  ACT    3      6      GA   MO   c        o     FAI   RPI   2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO     o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 137 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 93 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cr-Ass stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtU SAFE FAIL 2-LCV-3-148A-B SG 3 AUX FEEDWATER 2- 2-47W803-21 G-3 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LCV-3-148 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-148-B MD AFW PUMP 2B.B SG 3 247W803-2 tG-3 B ACT 3 4 GL AO C o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-156-A MD AFW PUMP 2A-A SG 2 247W803-2 lE-3 B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-156A-A SG 2 AUX FEEDWATER 2. 2-47W803-2lE-3 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y 1CV.3.156 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-164-A MD AFW PUMP 2A.A SG 1 24TW803-21 C-3 B ACT 3 4 GL AO C o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 138 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 94 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORlrl SAFE FAIL 2-LCV-3-144A-A SG 1 AUX FEEDWATER 2. 247W803-2 t D-3 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c c RPI 2Y 1CV.3.164 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-171A-B SG 4 AUX FEEDWATER 2. 247W803-2 tB-3 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO c o/c C RPI 2Y 1CV.3.171 BYPASS FSC o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-171-B MD AFW PUMP 2B.B SG 4 247W803-2 tB-3 B ACT 3 4 GL AO c o/c o RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSO o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-172-A TD AFW PUMP SG 3 2-47W803-21 G-3 B ACT 3 3 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-173-B TD AFW PUMP SG 2 247W803-2 tE-3 B ACT 3 3 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 139 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 95 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CI.ASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi,l SAFE FAIL 2-LCV-3-174-B TD AFW PUMP SG 1 247W803-2 t C-3 B ACT 3 3 GL AO c o/c c RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o 2-LCV-3-175-A TD AFW PUMP SG 4 247W803-2 t A-3 B ACT 3 3 GL AO C o/c C RPI 2Y LEVEL CONTROL FSC o STC o STO o 2-FCV-3-179A-B ERCW HEADER B TD 2.47W803-21 C4 B ACT 3 o GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO o 2-FCV-3-1798-8 ERCW HEADER B TD 247W803-2 t C4 B ACT 3 6 GA MO C o FAI RPI 2Y AFW PMP SUCT STO o 2-FCV-3-185 STEAM GENEMTOR 1 247w803J1 lC-2 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y MFW BACKFLUSH WARMING FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 2-FCV-3-186 STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W803-1 tE-2 B ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y MFW BACKFLUSH WARMING FSC RO DTJ-06 STC RO DTJ.06


WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 141 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 97 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSmON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-3-245 STEAM GENEMTOR 4 247W803-1 / A-3 B ACT 2 o GA AO o c c RPI 2Y MFW BYPASS LINE ISOL FSC RO DTJ.06 STC RO DTJ.06 2-FCV-3-355 AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 tE4 B ACT 3 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 2A.A RECIRC FLOW FSC o STC o 2-FCV-3-359 AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 lE-7 B ACT 3 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 2B-B RECIRC FLOW FSC o STC o 2-CtO/-3-508 STEAM GENERATOR 3 247W803-1 tF-2 c ACT 2 16 CK SA o c N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ.O5 2-Clv-3-s09 STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W803-1 lE-2 C ACT 2 16 CK SA o c N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ-05 2-Ctry-s10 STEAM GENERATOR 1 247W803-1 tC-2 c ACT 2 16 CK SA o c N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ-05 2-Clry-3-511 STEAM GENERATOR 4 247W803-1 tB-2 C ACT 2 16 CK SA o c N/A BDO CSD DTJ.O5 MFW CHECK cvc CSD DTJ.O5 2-Ctry8-638 STEAM GENERATOR 4 247W803-1 / A-3 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-C10-3-644 STEAM GENEMTOR 4 247W803-1 I A-1 c ACT 2 o CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK\/-3-At5 STEAM GENERATOR 4 247W803-1 I A-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 142 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 98 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSIflON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi,l SAFE FAIL 2.cK/-3-652 STEAM GENERATOR 1 247VV803-1 tC-2 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-CK/-3-655 STEAM GENEMTOR 1 247W803-1 I C-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-Clry-3-656 STEAM GENERATOR 1 2-47W803-1 lC-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o C N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-Ctry-3-669 STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W803-1 lD-2 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-C1(/-3-670 STEAM GENERATOR 2 247W803-1 tE-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-Ct(\/-3-678 STEAM GENERATOR 3 2-47W803-1 lE-2 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o c N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-Cl(/-3-679 STEAM GENERATOR 3 2-47W803-1 tF-1 c ACT 2 6 CK SA o C N/A CM CM MFW BYPASS LINE CHECK 2-CKV-3-80s-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 t D-5 c ACT 3 8 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ-07 2A.A SUCTION CHECK cvo RO DTJ.O7 2-C]ry-806-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-21 D-7 c ACT 3 I CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.O7 2B.B SUCTION CHECK cvo RO DTJ.O7 2-C]0-3-810-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 2-47W803-21 C-4 c ACT 3 10 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.O7 PUMP SUCTION CHECK cvo RO DTJ-07 2-CKV-3-814-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 2-47W803-2 tE-5 C ACT 3 1.5 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o 2A.A RECIRC CHECK cvo o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseryice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 143 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 99 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-CK/-3-815-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 tE-6 c ACT 3 1.5 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CVC o 2B.B RECIRC CHECK cvo o 2-Ct(\/-3-8't8-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 247W803-2 t8,-6 c ACT 3 1.5 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o PUMP RECIRC CHECK cvo o 2-C!ry-3A3GB AUX FEEDWATER PMP 2-47W843-2 t G-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2B.B SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 2-C1(\/-3-831-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 tE-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2A.A SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 2-C1ry-3-832-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 t C-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2A.A SG 1 SUPPLY CHECK 2-CK/-3-833-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 tB-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2B.B SG 4 SUPPLY CHECK 2-CKV-3-861-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 24TW803-2 t G-1 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2B-B SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 2-CKV-3-862-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 tE-1 c AGT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2A.A SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 2-Cl(\/-3-864-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 247W803-2 t C-6 c ACT 3 6 CK SA c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.O7 PUMP DISCHARGE CHECK CVO RO DTJ-07 2-C1ry-3-871-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 2-47W803-2 t G-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 2-ClO/-3-872-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 2.47W803 -2 I E-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK 2-C1(\/-3-873-5 TD AUX FEEDWATER 2-47W803-21 C-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 1 SUPPLY CHECK

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page lM ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 100 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTI,I SAFE FAIL 2.cK/-3-874-S TD AUX FEEDWATER 2-47W803-2 I A-2 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM PUMP SG 4 SUPPLY CHECK 2Cl0-3-921-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-2 t G-1 c ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2B.B SG 3 SUPPLY CHECK 2-Cl(/-3-922-A AUX FEEDWATER PMP 247W803-21 F-1 C ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CM CM 2A.A SG 2 SUPPLY CHECK a-FCV-26-240-A REACTOR BLDG 2.47W850-9 / B-9 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y STANDPIPE ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o a-FCV-26-243-A REACTOR COOTANT 247W850-9 / C-3 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP SPRINKLER HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC a 2-Ct<\t-26-1260 REACTOR BLDG HPFP 247W850-9 / B-10 NC ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c C N/A LTJ AppJ SUPPLY HDR CHECK CM CM 2-CKV-26-1296 REACTOR COOLANT 247W850-9 / C4 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA o/c C N/A LTJ AppJ PUMP SPRINKLER HDR ISOL CHK CM CM 2-FCV-30-7-A CNTMT UPPER 247W866-1 I C-1 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 145 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 101 of 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSTTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORI' SAFE FA!L 2-FCV-30-8-B CNTMT UPPER 247W866-1 I C-2 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c C c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-$,8 CNTMT UPPER 2.47W86&1 I C-1 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-10-A CNTMT UPPER 247VV866-1 tC-2 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-14-A CNTMT LOWER 247W866-1 tE-1 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC a STC o 2-FCV-30-1SB CNTMT LOWER 2-47W866-1 lE-2 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c C RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 146 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 102 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAL 2-FCV-30-16-8 CNTMT LOWER 247W866-1 lE-1 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-17-A CNTMT LOWER 247W866-1 tE-2 A ACT 2 24 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-1$,8 CNTMT INCORE INSTR 2-47W866-1 / G-1 A ACT 2 12 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ROOM PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-20-A CNTMT INCORE INSTR 247W866-1 tG-2 A ACT 2 12 BF AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ROOM PURGE SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-30-37-B CNTMT LOWER 247W866-1 / D-10 A ACT 2 I BF AO o c C RPI 2Y COMPARTMENT PURGE EXH PRESS RELIEF LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o



WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 149 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 105 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' GLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAL 2-FCV-30-59 CNTMT INSTRUMENT 247W866-1 / G-10 A ACT 2 12 BF AO otc G c RPI 2Y ROOM EXHAUST ISO1ATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-31-305-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-5 / 8-6 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 2A CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-31-306-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-5 tB-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 2A CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-31-308-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-s t C-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y 2A CWS ISOL tTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-31-309-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-7 lC-6 A ACT 2 4 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y 2A CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 150 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 106 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-31-326-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-5 / E-6 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y 28 CWR ]SOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-31.3.27-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-5 tE-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 28 CWR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o sTc o 2-FCV-31-329-8 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W86S51F-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 28 CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-31-330-A INCORE INSTR RM AHU 2-47W865-5 / F-6 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y 28 CWS ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-CK/-31-3378 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 2-47W865-5 tF-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 28 CWS LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM 2-Crry-31-3392 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-5 tE-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 28 CWR LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 151 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 107 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ ctAss stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORM SAFE FAIL 2-Cl(\/-31-3/;A7 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247VV86s-s tD-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 2A CWS LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM 2-Cj$l-3'.1-u21 INCORE INSTR RM AHU 247W865-5 lB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 2A CWR LEAK RATE CHECK CM CM a-FCV-32-81-A ESSENT CONTROL AIR 247W8/.8-1 / G-9 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y TR A CNTMT ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC CSD DTJ.O9 STC CSD DTJ.O9

 ?-FCV-32-103-B     ESSENT CONTROL AIR    247WU8-1 / E-9    A   ACT   2       2    GL    AO   o      c     c    RPI  2Y TR B CNTMT ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC CSD               DTJ-09 STC CSD               DTJ{9 2-FCV-32-1   1 1-B CONTROL AIR CNTMT     247WU8-1 / H-9    A   ACT   2       2    GL    AO   o      c     c    RPI  2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC CSD               DTJ{9 STC CSD               DTJ{9 2-BW-32-318-B      ESSENT CONTROL AIR 2- 247WU8-1 tF-9     A  PASS   2       2    GL     M   c      c    N/A   LTJ AppJ FCV.32.103 BYPASS

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 152 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 108 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ cI.ASS stzE TYPE ACT POSlTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-C?N0'l-32-323-8 ESSENT CNTL AIR 247W8/,8-1 / E-10 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CNTMT CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-09 cvc cso DTJ-09 2-BW-32-328-A ESSENT CONTROL AIR 2. 247WU8-1 / G-9 A PASS 2 2 GL M c c N/A LTJ AppJ FCV.32.81 BYPASS z-CKIt-32-333-A ESSENT CNTL AIR 247WU8-1 / G-10 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CNTMT CHECK BDO CSD DTJ.O9 cvc GSD DTJ-09 2-BW-32-338 CoNTROL AIR 2-FCV 247WUU1 / H-9 A PASS 2 2 GL M c c N/A LTJ AppJ 1 1 1 BYPASS 2-C]$/-32-343 CONTROL AIR CNTMT 247WW8-1 / H-10 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-09 cvc CSD DTJ.O9 2-tsv-33-732 SERVICE AIR U2 RX 247WU6-2 tF4 A PASS 2 2 DIA M C c N/A LTJ AppJ BLDG HDR ISOL 2-lsv-33-733 SERVICE AIR U2 RX 247WUG2 tF4 A PASS 2 2 DIA M c C N/A LTJ AppJ BLDG HDR ISOL 2-FCV43-2-8 PRESSURIZER GAS 247W625-1 / D-3 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o/c c c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-43-3-A PRESSURIZER GAS 247W6251 / D-s A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-T1.100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 153 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 109 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SlZE TYPE ACT POSTTTON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV43-1'l-B PRESSURIZER LIQUID 247W62c--1 tC-2 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o/c C c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV43-12-A PRESSURIZER LIQUID 247W62$1 tC4 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-43-22-B HOT LEGS 1I3 SAMPLE 247W62$1 lF-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-43-23-A HOT LEGS 1/3 SAMPLE 247W625-1 / D-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV43-34-B ACCUM TANK SAMPLE 247W625-2 tB-2 A ACT 2 0.375 Gt AO o c c RPI 2Y HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 154 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve. Test Plan Page 110 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cl.Ass slzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL

  ?-FCV43-35-A   ACCUM TANK SAMPLE 247W62s-21 C4    A   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o      c     c    RPI  2Y HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC   o STC   o
 ?-FCV43-54D-B   STEAM GEN 1       247W625-2 t C-7  B   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o      c     C    RPI  2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o 2-FCV43-55-A   STEAM GEN 1       247W625-21 C-6   B   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o      c     c    RPI  2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o 2-FCV43-56D-B   STEAM GEN 2       247W625-2 t C-7  B   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o      C     c    RPI  2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o a-FCV43-58-A   STEAM GEN 2       247W625-21 C-6   B   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o     c      C    RPI  2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o 2-FCV-43-59D-B  STEAM GEN 3       247W62s-2lD-8    B   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o     c      c    RPI  2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o 2-FCV43-61-A   STEAM GEN 3       247W625-2 tD-7   B   ACT    2    0.375   GL    AO   o     c      C    RPI  2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL                                                                                    FSC   o STC   o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservlce Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 155 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 111 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV43-63D-B STEAM GEN 4 247W625-2 tE-9 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV4344-A STEAM GEN 4 247W625-2 tE-8 B ACT 2 0.375 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y DRUM/BLDN SAMPLE ISOL FSC o STC o 2-FCV43-201-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 247W625-11 / H-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c C c RPI 2Y MONITOR INLET ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV43-202-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 247W62.o-.11 tF-5 A ACT 2 0.37s GL SO o/c c c RP! 2Y MONITOR OUTLET ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV43433-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 247W625-11 tH4 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c c RPI 2Y MONITOR U/S SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV43434-A LOCA H2 CNTMT 247W625-11 tF4 A ACT 2 0.375 GL SO o/c c C RPI 2Y MONITOR D/S SAMPLE ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-tsv-52-500 PENETRATION 268 ILRT 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ OUTSIDE

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 156 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 112 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtri SAFE FAIL 2-rsv-s2-501 PENETRATION 26A ILRT 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ OUTSIDE 2-tsv-52-502 PEN 964 INTERGMTED 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST OUTSIDE 2-lsv-52-503 PEN 968 INTERGRATED 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST OUTSIDE 2-rsv-52-s04 PENETRATION 268 ILRT 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c G N/A LTJ AppJ INSIDE 2-tsv-52-505 PENETRATION 26A ILRT 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M C C N/A LTJ AppJ INSIDE 2-tsv-52-506 PEN 96A INTERGRATED 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST INSIDE 2-lsv-52-507 PEN 968 INTERGRATED 47W331-3 / H-1 A PASS 2 0.75 GA M C C N/A LTJ AppJ LE AK RATE TEST INSIDE 2-1SV-59-522 UNIT 2 RB DI WATER 247W856-1 tG3 A PASS 2 2 DIA M C c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER ISOLATION 2-rsv-59698 UNIT 2 RB DI WATER 2-47W856-1 / C-3 A PASS 2 2 DIA M C c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER ISOLATION 2-FCV-61-96-A GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 247w8',t4-2 tE-9 A ACT 2 2 DIA AO o C c RPI 2Y SUPPLY HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC a STC o 2-FCV-61-97-B GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 247W814-2 lE-9 A ACT 2 2 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y SUPPLY HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STG o

WBN Unit 0 0.Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 157 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 113 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CIASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORi' SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-61-1 10-A GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 247W814-2 t G-8 A ACT 2 2 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y RETURN HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-61-122-8 GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 247W814-21 G-8 A ACT 2 2 DIA AO o C C RPI 2Y RETURN HE'OER ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-61-l 91-A GLYCOL SUPPLY TO 247W814-2l8.6 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o C c RPI 2Y AHUS CONTAINMENT tsolSTloN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-61-192-B GLYCOL SUPPLY TO 247W814-2 lB-7 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o c C RPI 2Y AHUS CONTAINMENT ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 158 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 114 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CIASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-61-193-A GLYCOL RETURN AUX 247W814-2 t8.6 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o C c RPI 2Y BLDG ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-61-194.B GLYCOL RETURN 247W814-2 tB-7 A ACT 2 4 DIA AO o C c RPI 2Y CONTAINMENT ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-C10/-61-533 GLYCOL SUPPLY 247W814-2 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER BYPASS CHECK CM CM 2-C](/-61S58 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 1 cvo RO DTJ-10 2-CK/-61-659 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tO-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 2 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-Cl$/-61660 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 3 CVO RO DTJ.1O 2-Clry-6161 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tD-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 4 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-CKV-61-662 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 5 cvo RO DTJ-10 2-Crry-61-663 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2lO-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 6 cvo RO DTJ.1O

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 159 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 115 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POS!TION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORI,l SAFE FAIL 2-C[ry-61664 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 7 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-C1(/-61S6s ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DMIN GATE 8 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-CK/-61666 lCE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ-10 DRAIN GATE 9 CVO RO DTJ.1O 2-CK/-61-667 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 10 cvo RO DTJ-10 2-CKV-61-668 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 24TW814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC, RO DTJ-10 DRAIN GATE 11 CVO RO DTJ.1O 2-CKV-61-669 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 24TW814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ-10 DMIN GATE 12 CVO RO DTJ.1O 2-C1ry-61-670 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DMIN GATE 13 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-CtU-61-671 lCE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 14 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-Cl(1't-61-672 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tD-12 C ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 15 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-Cl(/- 1673 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 16 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-Ctry-61-674 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-21 D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 17 cvo RO DTJ-10

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 000{ Page 160 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 116 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORM SAFE FAIL 2-ClW-61675 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA C o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 18 cvo RO DTJ.1O 2-CK/-61676 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 tD-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DMIN GATE 19 cvo RO DTJ-10 2-CKV-61-677 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR 247W814-2 t D-12 c ACT 3 12 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.1O DRAIN GATE 20 cvo RO DTJ-10 2-C1(/-61-680 GLYCOL RETURN 247W814-2 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ HEADER BYPASS CHECK CM CM 2-C1(\/-61692 GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 247W814-2 tF-9 A/C ACT 2 0.37s CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ SUPPLY BYPASS CHECK CM CM 2-CK/-61-745 GLYCOL COOLED FLOOR 247W814-2lG4 A/C ACT 2 0.375 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN BYPASS CHECK CM CM 2-FCV-621-B CVCS SEAL WATER 247W809-1 / 8-6 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.14 2-FCV-62-6$A CVCS SEAL WATER 247w809-',t tB-7 A ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN HEADER ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.14 2-FCV-6269-S CVCS LETDOWN 247W809-1 tA-2 B ACT 1 3 GL AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ISOLATION FSC CSD DTJ.15 STC CSD DTJ.15

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 161 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 117 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FA!L 2-FCV-62-70-S CVCS LETDOWN 247W809-1 I A-2 B ACT 1 3 GL AO o/c c c RPI 2Y ISOLATION FSC CSD DTJ-15 STC CSD DTJ.15 2-FCV-62-72-A CVCS LETDOWN ORIFICE 247W809-1 I A-4 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y A ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-62-73-A CVCS LETDOWN ORIFICE 2-{7W809-1 I A4 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y B ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o a-FCV-62-7+A CVCS LETDOWN ORIFICE 247W809-1 / A-3 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y C ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-62-76-A CVCS LETDOWN ORIFICE 2.47W809-1 / A-5 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-62-77-B CVCS LP LETDOWN ISOL 247W809-1 I A-7 A ACT 2 2 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y LTJ AppJ FSC CSD DTJ.15 STC CSD DTJ.15


WBN Unlt 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 163 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 119 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ cr.Ass srzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-Cl(}t{.2-504-S RWST TO CVCS CHG 247W809-1 / G-9 c ACT 2 I CK SA c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.11 PUMP SUCTION CHECK GVO RO DTJ.I1 2-RFV-62-505 CHARGING PUMP 247W849-1 / G-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUCTION HDR RELIEF z-Cl(}lS2-52$A CCP 2A.A MINIFLOW 247W809-1 / G-8 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc o cvo o 2-CKV-62-525-A CCP 2A.A DISCHARGE 247W809-1 / G-8 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA o o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ-11 cvo RO DTJ.11 2{l(1't6.2-530-8 CCP 2B.B MINIFLOW 247wffi9-1 tF-8 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc o CVO o 2-CKV-62-532-B CCP 2B.B DISCHARGE 247W809-1 / F-8 A/C ACT 2 4 CK SA o o/c N/A LT 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.I1 z-Cl<\ts2-560-S RCP 1 SEAL WATER 247W809-1 / F-6 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 2-Cl(/62-561-S RCP 2 SEAL WATER 247W849-1 / F-6 c AGT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 2-c]ry62-562-S RCP 3 SEAL WATER 247W809-1 / H-5 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK 2.c,J<\ts.2-56$S RCP 4 SEAL WATER 247W809-1 / H-5 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o C N/A CM CM INJECTION CHK z.c.l<\ls2-576-S RCP 1 SEAL WATER 2-47W809-1 lE4 C ACT 1 2 CK SA o C N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK 2-C1(/S2-s77-S RCP 2 SEAL WATER 2.47W809-1 lE-2 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseryice Testing Program ReY. 0001 Page 164 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 120 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT' c1-ASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-CKV-62-578-S RCP 3 SEAL WATER 2-47W809-1 I G-2 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK 2-CKV-62-57$,S RCP 4 SEAL WATER 2-47W809-1 t G4 c ACT 1 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM INJECTION CHECK 2-RFV-62$36S CVCS SEAL WTR 247W809-1 / 8-6 c ACT 2 2 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RETURN HEADER RELIEF 2-CKV-62-638-S CVCS NORM CHARGING 2-47\ 409-1 t A-1 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o c N/A CM CM CHECK z.c,t<\t-62-639-5 CVCS SEAL WTR 2.FCV. 2-47W809-1 / C-6 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ 62.61 EQL CHECK CM CM z-Cl()'t-62-640-S CVCS ALT CHARGING 247W809-1 t A-1 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o c N/A CM CM CHECK 2-RFV-62649 CVCS SEAL WATER HX 247W809-1 tC-8 c ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-C]ry6259-S CVCS NORM CHARGING 247W809-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o c N/A CM CM CHECK 2-Cl(/62-660-S CVCS ALT CHARGING 247W809-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 3 CK SA o c N/A CM CM CHECK 2-CKl-62-661-S CVCS CHARGING TO RCS 247W809-1 lB-2 C ACT 1 3 CK SA o/c c N/A CM CM SPRAY CHECK 2-RFV-62662-S CVCS LETDOWN HEADER 247W809-1 / A-3 A/C ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RELIEF RV RV 2-RFV-62-675 CVCS LETDOWN RELIEF 2-47W809-1 / B-9 C ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2-C1(/-62-930 EMERGENCY BORATION 2-47W809-2 tB-4 c ACT 3 3 CK SA c o N/A BDC RO DTJ.13 CHECK cvo RO DTJ.13 2-RFV-62-955 HOLDUP TANK B PRESS 't47W809-3 t C-7 C ACT 3 3 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-CK/62-1052-A BA XFER PUMP 2A.A 1-47W809-s / F-5 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o/c o/c N/A CVC o DISCH CHECK cvo o 2-Clr}t-62-1052-8 BA XFER PUMP 2B.B 1-47W80$,5 I F4 c ACT 3 2 CK SA otc o/c N/A cvc o DISCH CHECK cvo o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 165 ot 291 Appendix B Valve Test Plan Page 121 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-RFV-62-1079 HOLDUP TANK B 147W809-3 tC-7 c ACT 3 4 RV SA C o/c N/A RV 10Y DTJ.29 VACUUM RELIEF 2-RFV-62-1221 CCP 2A.A SUCTION 247W809-1 / G-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-62-1222 CCP 2B-B SUCTION 2-47W809-1 / G-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-FCV-62-1228-A CCP SUCTION TO VCT 2-47W809-1 / C-10 B ACT 2 1 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y VENT HDR ISOL FSG CSD DTJ.16 STC CSD DTJ.16 2-FCV-62-1229-8 CCP SUCTION TO VCT 247w849-'.1 lCJl0 B ACT 2 1 GL AO o C c RPI 2Y VENT HDR ISOL FSC CSD DTJ.16 STC CSD DTJ.16 2-FCV-63-1-A RWST TO RHR SUCTION 247W811-1 / E-10 B ACT 2 14 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ-19 2-FCV6$$A SI PUMP MINI FLOW 247W811-1 tE-7 B ACT 2 2 GL MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RECIRC HDR TO RWST ISOL STC CSD DTJ-20 2-FCV-63-4-B SI PUMP 2A-A MINI FLOW 247W811-1 / E-8 B ACT 2 2 GL MO o C FA! RPI 2Y RECIRC TO RWST ISOL STC o 2-FCV-63-5-B RWST TO S! PUMP 247W811-1 / D-9 B ACT 2 6 GA MO o c FAI RP! 2Y SUCTION ISOL STC CSD DTJ.19 2-FCV-63-6-8 RHR HX A OUTLET TO SI 247W811-1 tF-9 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PUMP SUCTION STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 166 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 122 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ clAss srzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV63-7-A RHR HX 2A.A OUTLET TO 247W811-1 / F-9 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y SI PUMP 2A.A SUCT STO o 2-FCV-63-8-A RHR PMP 2A.A TO CHG 247W811-1 / G-9 B ACT 2 8 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y PMP & SIP 2A.A SUCT ISOL STO RO DTJ.21 2-FCV-63-11-B RHR HX 2B.B OUTLET TO 247W81't-1 / F-9 B ACT 2 I GA MO C o FAI RPI 2Y SIP 2B.B SUCT ISOL STO RO DTJ.21 2-FCV-63-22-B S! PUMPS TO COLD LEG 247W811-1 / E-6 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y INJECTION STC CSD DTJ.22 2-FCV-63-23-B COLD LEG 247W811-1 tE-6 A ACT 2 1 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y ACCUMULATOR FILL FROM SIP 2A-A ISV LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-63-25-B SIS BORON INJ TANK 247W811-1 lB-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO C o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOLATION STO CSD DTJ.23 2-FCV-63-26-A SIS BORON INJ TANK 247W811-1 tB-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO c o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOLATION STO CSD DTJ-23 2-RFV-63-28 PENET X.3O PRESSURE 247W811-1 / D-6 A/C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RELIEF RV RV

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 167 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 123 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCT!ON DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ cIASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORI'I SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-6347-A SAFEW INJ PUMP 2A.A 247W811-1 / E-9 B ACT 2 6 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y SUCTION ISOLATION STC o 2-FCV-634&B SAFEW INJ PUMP 2B-B 247W811-1 / E-9 B ACT 2 o GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y SUCT]ON ISOLATION STC o 2-FCV$3-63 SlS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 247W811-1 / A-5 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP 2-FCV-6364-A SIS ACCUM N2 HDR 247W830-6 / 8-6 A ACT 2 1 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y INLET VLV LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

                                                                   ,l 2-FCV-63-67-B   SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4  247W811-1 / B-5  B  PASS          10    GA    MO   o        o    FAI   RPI   2Y OUTLET ISOLATION 2-FCV-63-70    SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4  247W811-1 / 8-6  B  PASS    2      1    GL    AO   c        c      c   RPI    2Y MAKEUP 2-FCV-63-71-A   SIS CHECK VLV TEST    247W811-1 / D-5  A   ACT    2    0.75   GL    AO   o        C      c   RP!    2Y LINE HOLDUP TANK ISOL LTJ  AppJ FSC    o STC    o 2-FCV-63-72-A   CONTAINMENT SUMP TO   247W811-1 tH-7   B  ACT    2      18    GA    MO  c        o/c   FAI   RPI   2Y RHR PUMP 2A.A ISOL STC   RO                DTJ.24 STO   RO                DTJ.24

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 168 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 124 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cl-ASs SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtU SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-63-73-B CONTAINMENT SUMP TO 247W811-1 tG-7 B ACT 2 18 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y RHR PUMP 2B.B ISOL STC RO DTJ.24 STO RO DTJ.24 2-FCV$3-77 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 247W811-1 t84 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y MAKEUP 2-FCV-63-80-A SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 247w811Jt tB.4 B PASS I 10 GA MO o o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOISTION 2-FCV-63-84-B SIS CHECK VLV LEAK 247W811-1 / D-6 A ACT 2 0.75 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y TEST HOLDUP TANK ISOL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-63-87 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 247W811-1 tA4 B PASS 2 1 GL AO C c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP 2-FCV-63-93-A RHR TO COLD LEG 2 & 3 247W811-1 / G-6 B ACT 2 I GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y INJECTION ISOLATION STC CSD DTJ.25 2-FCV-63-94-B RHR TO COLD LEG 1 & 4 247W811-1 / G-6 B ACT 2 8 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y INJECTION ISOIATION STC CSD DTJ-25 2-FCV63-95 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 247W811-1 / B-3 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y MAKEUP 2-FCV-63-98-B SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 247W811-1 / B-3 B PASS 1 10 GA MO o o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOI.ATION 2-FCV63-107 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 247W811-1 I A-2 B PASS 2 1 GL AO C c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 169 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 125 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS srzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTI,I SAFE FAIL 2-FCV63-1 1s SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 247W811-1 tB-2 B PASS 2 1 GL AO C c c RPI 2Y MAKEUP 2-FCV-63-1 18-A SlS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 247W811-1 / B-1 B PASS 1 10 GA MO o o FAI RPI 2Y OUTLET ISOIATION 2-FCVS3-127 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 247W811-1 tA-1 B PASS 2 1 GL AO c c c RPI 2Y N2 MAKEUP 2-FCV-63-152-A SIP 2A.A COLD LEG INJ 247W811-1 tE-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL STC o 2-FCV-63-153-B SIP 2B.B COLD LEG INJ 247W811-1 lE-7 B ACT 2 4 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL STC o 2-FCV-63-'156-A SI PUMP 2A.A HOT LEG 1 247W811-1 / F-6 B ACT 2 4 CaA MO c o FAI RP! 2Y

                 & 3 INJECTION STO    o 2-FCV-63-157-B  SI PUMP 2B.B HOT LEG 2    247W811-1 / D-6   B   ACT   2       4     GA   MO   c         o     FAI  RPI   2Y
                 & 4 INJECTION STO    o 2-FCV-63-172-8  RHR TO HOT LEG 1 & 3       247W811-1 / F-6  B   ACT   2      12     GA   MO   c         o     FAI  RPI   2Y INJECTION ISOLATION STO CSD               DTJ.25 2-FCV-63-175-B  SI PUMP 2B-B MINI FLOW    247W811-1 / E-8   B   ACT   2       2     GL   MO   o         C    FAI   RPI  2Y RECIRC TO RWST STC  o 2-FCV-63-177   RHR HX 2A.A OUTLET TO     247W811-1 I F-10  B  PASS   2       4     GA   MO   o         o    FAI   RPI  2Y SIP 2A.A SUCT ISOL 2-FCV-63-185   RHR SUPPLY 2.FCV-74.2     247W811-1 I F-10  B   ACT   2     0.75    GL   AO  o/c        c      c   RPI   2Y LEAK TEST LINE ISOL FSC   o STC   o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 170 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 126 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cl-Ass stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 21w63-502-S RWST TO RHR SUCTION 247w81',t-1 tF-9 c ACT 2 12 CK SA c o/c N/A CVC RO DTJ-I8 CHECK cvo RO DTJ-I8 21(/63-510-S RWST TO SAFEW INJ 24VN811-1 / D-9 C ACT 2 8 CK SA c o/c N/A cvc RO DTJ.I1 PUMP SUCTION CHECK CVO RO DTJ.11 2-RFV-63-511-S SAFEW INJECTION 247W811-1 / E-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV PUMP 2A.A RELIEF 2-Cl(/3-524-A SAFEW lNJ PUMP 2A.A 247W811-1 / E-8 NC ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y DISCHARGE CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ-11 2-Cl(\/63-526-B SAFETY INJ PUMP 2B.B 247W811-1 / D-8 NC ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y DISCHARGE CHECK cvc RO DTJ-I1 cvo RO DTJ.I1 2-C]ry63-52&A SI PUMP 2A.A MINI FLOW 247W811-1 lE-8 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LT 2Y RECIRC CHECK CVC o cvo o 2-C[(/S3-530-B SI PUMP 2B.B MINI FLOW 24TN811-1 / D-8 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA C o/c N/A LT 2Y RECIRC CHECK cvc o cvo o 2-RFV-63-534-A SI PUMP ZA-AHOT LEG 247W811-1 lE-7 C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE DISCH RELIEF 2-RFV-63-535-S SI PUMP COLD LEG INJ 247w81',t-1 lE-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV LINE DISCH RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 171 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 127 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCT!ON DRAWlNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORttl SAFE FAIL 2-RFV-63-536-B SI PUMP 2B.B HOT LEG 247W811-1 tD-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE DISCH RELIEF 2-CKV-63-543-A HOT LEG 1 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 tF-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 2-C]$/63-545-A HOT LEG 3 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 lF-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 2-CKV-63-il7-B HOT LEG 2 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 / E-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 2.c1ry63-549-B HOT LEG 4 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 / E-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ-I1 cvo RO DTJ-I1 2-CK/-63-5s1-S COLD LEG 1 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 tH-1 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 CVO RO DTJ.11 2-CKV-63-553-S COLD LEG 2 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 / H-3 NC ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CVC RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ-I1 2-CKV63-555-S COLD LEG 3 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 / G-3 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.I1 CVO RO DTJ.I1

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 172 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 128 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-CKV-63-557-S COLD LEG 4 SAFEW INJ 247W811-1 I G-2 A/C ACT 1 2 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ-11 cvo RO DTJ.11 2-C1ry-63-558-B HOT LEG 4 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 tE-2 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ-11 cvo RO DTJ.11 2-CK/63-559-B HOT LEG 2 SAFETY INJ 247W811-1 tE-1 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CVC RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ-,I1 2C](\/63-560-S COLD LEG 1 INJ HEADER 247W811-1 tE-1 A/C ACT I 1o CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 2-Cl(/63-561-S COLD LEG 2 INJ HEADER 247W811-1 tD-1 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 2K/63-562-S COLD LEG 3 INJ HEADER 247W811-1 tE-2 A/C ACT ,l 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 2-CtC/$3-s63 COLD LEG 4 INJ HEADER 2-47W811-1 lF-2 A/C ACT I 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK CM CM 2-RFV-63-577-S SIS BORON INJECTION 247W811-1 I A-7 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV TNK OUTLET RELIEF 2-Cl(/63-581-S BORON INJ LINE CHECK 247W811-1 / C-6 A/C ACT 1 3 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y cvc RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.11

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 173 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 129 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAW!NG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-C]ff63-586-S COLD LEG 1 BORON INJ 247W811-1 tE-1 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 cvo RO DTJ.11 2K/63-587-S COLD LEG 2 BORON INJ 247W811-1 tD-2 NC ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ-I1 cvo RO DTJ.11 2-C1ry63-588-S COLD LEG 3 BORON INJ 247W811-1 te-2 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ-11 cvo RO DTJ-I1 2-CtO/63-589-S COLD LEG 4 BORON INJ 2-47W811-1 I F-2 A/C ACT 1 1.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.11 CVO RO DTJ.I1 2-RFV-63602 SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 247W811-1 I A-2 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-63-603-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 247W811-1 / A-3 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-63-604-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 247w8',t1-1 I A-4 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-63$05-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 247W811-1 / A-6 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-Clry-ffi-622-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 1 247W811-1 tD-1 NC ACT 1 10 CK SA C o/G N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 2-CKV63-623-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 2 247W811-1 tD-2 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 2-CKV-63-624-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 3 247W811-1 / D-3 NC ACT 1 10 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 174 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 130 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ clAss stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2.cK/63-625-S SIS COLD LEG ACCUM 4 247W811-l / D-3 A/C ACT 1 10 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y OUTLET CHECK CM CM 2-RFV-6326-A RHR TO COLD LEG 2 & 3 247W811-1 I G-7 C ACT 2 2 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV INJ LINE RELIEF 2-RFV-63{,27-B RHRTO COLD LEG 1 &4 247W811-1 lF-7 c ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV lNJ LINE RELIEF 2-Cl(\/63-632-A COLD LEG 2 RHR INJ 247W811-1 I G-2 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ-18 2-C1fl63-633-B COLD LEG 1 RHR INJ 247W811-1 t G-1 NC ACT 1 6 CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK CVC RO DTJ-18 cvo RO DTJ.18 2-CKV-63-634-A COLD LEG 3 RHR lNJ 247W811-1 / G-3 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ.18 2-CKV-63-635-B COLD LEG 4 RHR INJ 247W811-1 / G-1 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y LINE CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ-18 2-RFV-63637 RHR TO HOT LEG 1 & 3 247W811-1 tF-7 C ACT 2 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV lNJ LINE RELIEF 2-C1ry63-&t0-S HOT LEG 1 RHR INJ LINE 247W811-1 / G-3 A/C ACT 1 I CK SA C o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ.18

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 175 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 131 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWTNG'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NOR[,1 SAFE FAIL 2-Cl(/63-&t1-S 2-CK/-63641 HOT LEG 1 247W811-1 I F-1 tuc ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y INJ HEADER CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ-18 2-Cl(/63-643-S HOT LEG 3 RHR INJ LINE 247W811-1 lF-3 A/C ACT 1 I CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ.18 2-CK/63-644-S HOT LEG 3 INJ HEADER 247W811-1 tD-2 A/C ACT 1 6 CK SA c o/c N/A LTP 2Y CHECK cvc RO DTJ.18 cvo RO DTJ.18 2-CKV-63-725 SIS RELIEF VALVE 247W811-1 tE-7 c ACT 2 2 CK SA c otc N/A CM CM DISCHARGE HEADER CHECK 2-RFV-63-835 RHR HX 1B.B OUTLET TO 247W811-1 / E-10 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SI PUMP SUCTION RELIEF 2-CK/-63-868 2-C10/-63-868 247W830-6 lB-7 A/C ACT 2 1 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CONTAINMENT N2 HEADER CHECK BDO CSD DTJ.28 cvc CSD DTJ.28 2-FCV-67-94-A ERCW STRAINER 2A.A 147WU5-1 / G-9 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o BACKWASH 2-FCV-67-98-A ERCW STRAINER 2A.A 147WU5-1 / F-9 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o FLUSH 2-FCVS7-10A-B ERCW STRAINER 2B.B 1-47W845-1 / G-3 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o BACKWASH 2-FCV-67-108-B ERCW STMINER 2B-B 147W845-1 / H-3 B ACT 3 4 BA MO c o FAI STO o FLUSH

WBN UnIt O 0-Tl-{ 00.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 176 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 132 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORI,l SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-6765-B DG HX 2B1I2B2 ERCW 147W8/l5-1 / C-3 B PASS 3 I BF MO c C FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 2A ISOL 2-FCV- 766-A DG HX 2A1I2M, ERCW 1-47W845-1 / C-9 B ACT 3 8 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 1A ISOL STO o 2-FCV-67-67-B DG HX 2B1I2B2 ERCW 147WU5-1 tC-4 B ACT 3 I BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 18 ISOL STO o z-FCV-6768-A DG HX 2A1I2M ERCW 1-47W845-1 / C-8 B PASS 3 8 BF MO c c FAI RPI 2Y SUP HDR 28 ISOL 2-FCV-67-83-8 LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247W8/.5-3 / H-8 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 2-FCV-67-87-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247WU5-3 tH-7 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y A ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 2-FCV-67-88-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247W8/,5-3 / H-8 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y A ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 a-FCV-67-8$,A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247W845-3 tH-7 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o C FAI RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP ISOL LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27



WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 179 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 135 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTU SAFE FAIL

 ?-FCV-67-124-B  CNTMT SPRAY HX 2B.B  247WUs-2 tE-3     B   ACT   3      't8      BF MO    c      o      FAI  RPI   2Y ERCW RETURN STO CSD               DTJ.12 2-FCV-67-125-A  CNTMT SPRAY HX 2A.A  247WU5-2 tC-3     B   ACT   3      18       BF MO    c      o      FAI  RPI   2Y ERCW SUPPLY STO CSD               DTJ.12 2-FCV-67-126-A  CNTMT SPRAY HX 2A-A  247WU5-2    tD4   B   ACT   3      18       BF MO    c      o     FAI   RPI   2Y ERCW RETURN STO CSD               DTJ-.I2 2-FCV-67-130-A  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WUS3 / C-8     A   ACT   2       2      PLG MO    o      c     FAI   RP!  2Y 1A ERCW SUP HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  o 2-FCV-67-131-B  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WU5-3 / D-8    A   ACT   2       2      PLG MO    o      c     FAI   RPI  2Y 1A ERCW RET HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  o 2-FCV-67-133-A  UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/.5-3 / B-8  A   ACT   2       2     PLG  MO    o      c     FA!   RPI  2Y 1C ERCW SUP HDR ISOL LTJ AppJ STC  o


WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 181 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 137 of 162 VALVE ID FUNGTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-67-143-A CCS HX B OUTLET ERCW 147WUs-2 tB.4 B ACT 3 12 GL MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL BYP STC o STO o 2-FCV-67-146-A CCS HX B OUTLET ERCW 147W845-2 t C4 B ACT 3 24 BF MO o/c o/c FAI RPI 2Y FLOW CNTL STC o STO o a-FCV-67-176 SIP ROOM COOLER 2A-A 247WU5-7 lD-5 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o a-FCV-67-182 SIP ROOM COOLER 2B.B 247WU5-7 lD-7 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o

  ?-FCV-67-18/. CSP ROOM COOLER 2A-A 247WU5-7 lE-5   B   ACT   3      1.5     GL  AO   c      o      o   RPI   2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO    o STO    o 2-FCV-67-186   CSP ROOM COOLER 2B.B 247WU5-7 tE-7   B   ACT   3      1.5     GL  AO   C      o      o   RPI   2Y ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO    o STO    o a-FCV-67-217   BA XFER/AFW PMP      147W84$7  tC4   B   ACT   3       2      GL  AO   c      o      o   RPI   2Y SPACE CLR 2A.A ERCW SUPPLY FSO    o STO    o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 182 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 138 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' cIASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtI SAFE FAIL 2-FCV$7-219 BA XFER/AFW PMP 147W84S7 tC-6 B ACT 3 2 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y SPACE CLR 2B-B ERCW FLOW CNT FSO o STO o 2-FCV-67-295-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WUs-3 tO-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FA! RPI 2Y 2A ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 2-FCV-67-296-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/.$.3 tC-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o C FAI RPI 2Y 2C ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 2-FCV-67-297-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/,5-3lB-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 28 ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 2-FCV-67-298-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WU5-3 I A-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG MO o c FAI RPI 2Y 2D ERCW RET ISOL LTJ AppJ STC o 2-FCV67-336 EGTS ROOM COOLER 2A- 147W845-7 I A-4 B ACT ,3 1 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 183 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 139 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-67-338 EGTS ROOM COOLER 28. 1-47W845-7 I A-6 B ACT 3 1 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 2-FCV$7-U2 PIPE CHASE COOLER 24. 247W845-7 lH-5 B ACT 3 2 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o

  ?-FCV-67-344   PIPE CHASE COOLER 28. 247W845-7 tH-7    B   ACT   3       2      GL  AO   c      o     o    RPI  2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO   o STO   o 2-FCV-67-346   PENT ROOM COOLER 2A. 247WU5-7 tF-5     B   ACT   3      1.5     GL  AO   c      o     o    RPI  2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO   o STO   o 2-FCV-67-348   PENT ROOM COOLER 28. 247WUr7 lF-7      B   ACT   3      1.5     GL  AO   C      o     o    RPI  2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO   o STO   o

WBN Unit O 0.TI-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 184 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 140 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSTTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV67-350 PENT ROOM COOLER 2A. 2-47WU5-7 lG-s B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 2-FCV-67-352 PENT ROOM COOLER 28. 247WU5-7 tG-7 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO C o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 2-FCV-67-354 PENT ROOM COOLER 1A- 1-47W845-7 lF4 B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO c o o RPI 2Y A ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 2-FCV67-356 PENT ROOM COOLER 18. 1-47WM5-7 tF$ B ACT 3 1.5 GL AO C o o RPI 2Y B ERCW SUP FLOW CNTL FSO o STO o 2-Cl(/-67-508A-A DG HX 2A1I2M ERCW 1-47WM5-1 / C-5 c ACT 3 I CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM SUP HDR 1A CHECK 2-ClV-67-5088-B DG HX 2B1I2B2 ERCW 1-47W845-1 / C-10 c ACT 3 I CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM SUP HDR 18 CHECK 2-RFV-67-509A-A DG HX 2A2 ERCW RELIEF 1-47W845-1 lB-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2-RFV.67-5098-B DG HX 2B2 ERCW RELIEF 147W845-1 lB.4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 185 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 141 of 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-C1ry-67-513A-A DG HX 2A1I2M ERCW 147W845-1 / C-8 C PASS 3 I CK SA c c N/A NTR NTR SUP HDR 28 CHECK 2-C]ry-67-5138-B DG HX 2B1I2B2 ERCW 147W845-1 tC4 c PASS 3 8 CK SA C c N/A NTR NTR SUP HDR 2A CHECK 2-RFV-67-514A-A DG HX 241 ERCW RELIEF 147W845-1 tB,4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 2-RFV-67-5148-B DG HX 281 ERCW RELIEF 147W845-1 tB-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 2-tsv67-5238-B LOWER CNTMT VENT 2-47WU5-21 F-2 B ACT 3 10 BF M o c N/A MS 2Y CLR 28 & 2D ERCW SUP ISOL 2-RFV-67-539A-A CS HX 2A ERCW RET 247WU5-2 tD-3 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV HDR RELIEF 2-RFV-67-5398-B CS HX 28 ERCW RET 247WU5-2 tD-3 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV HDR RELIEF 2-RFV-67-550-A CCX HX B ERCW RELIEF 147WU5-2lB-5 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2-RFVS7-566A-A RCP/CRD VENT CLR A 247W8/.5-3 / H-5 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV67-566B-B RCP/CRD VENT CLR B 2-47W8//5-3 / F-5 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV-67-566C-A RCP/CRD VENT CLR C 247W8/,5-3 / G-5 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV-67-566D-B RCP/CRD VENT CLR D 247W845-3 / E-5 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV-67-573A-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247W8/,s-3 / G-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV A ERCW RET RELIEF 2-RFV-67-573B-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247W845-3 / E-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV B ERCW RET RELIEF 2-RFV67-573C-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 2-47w8r'i5-3 / F-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV C ERCW RET RELIEF 2-RFV67-573D-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR 247W8/,s-3 / D-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV D ERCW RET RELIEF 2-CKV-67-575A-A 2.FCV.67.87 BYPASS 247WU5-3 tH-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-GK/-67-5758-B 2-FCV-67-103 BYPASS 247W845-3 tE-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 186 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 142 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITtON TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORlyl SAFE FAIL 2-C1ry-67-575C-A 2.FCV.67.95 BYPASS 247WU5-3 t G-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-C1(/-67-575D-B 2-FCV-67-111 BYPASS 247WU5-3 tD-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-Cl(/-67-580A-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WU5-3 tC-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o C N/A LTJ AppJ 2A ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o cvc o 2-Clry-67-5808-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/]5-3 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ 28 ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o cvc o 2-CKV-67-580C-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WU5-3 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ 2C ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o CVC o 2-CKV-67-s80D-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W845-3 I A-7 A/C ACT 2 2 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ 2D ERCW SUP HDR CHECK BDO o CVC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 187 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 143 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POSlTION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-RFV67-582A-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/,5-3 / C-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2A ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV67-5828-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W845-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 28 ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV67-582G4 UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W845-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2C ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-RFV67-582D-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W845-3 / A-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 2D ERCW SUP HDR RELIEF 2-CKV-67-585A-A 2-FCV-67-295 BYPASS 247W8/,s-3 tD-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-Ctry-67-5858-B 2-FCV-67-297 BYPASS 247W845-3 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-CKV-67-585C-A 2-FCV-67-296 BYPASS 247WU5-3 tC-7 NC ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-CKV-67-585D-B 2-FCV-67-298 BYPASS 247W845-3 tB-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-CKV-67-935B-B ERCW SCRN WASH PMP 147W845-1 / H-6 C ACT 3 3 CK SA c o N/A CM CM 2B.B DISCH CHECK 2-RFV-67-1020A-A INSTR RM WATER CLR 2A 2-47W845-2 lF-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10208-B INSTR RM WATER CLR 28 247W845-2 tE-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67 -1022A-A CRD VENT COOLER 2A-A 2-47W845-3 / H-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67 -1022B.-B, CRD VENT COOLER 2B.B 2-47W845-3 tF4 G ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV67-1022C-A CRD VENT COOLER 2C.A 2-47W845-3 / G-4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV67-1022D-B CRD VENT COOLER 2D.B 247W845-3 tD4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 188 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 144 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-RFV-67-1024A-A RCP MTR CLR 1 ERCW 247W8/5-3 / H-3 c ACT 3 o.7s TRV SA G o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-67-'10248-B RCP MTR CLR 2 ERCW 2-47W8/.s-3 / F-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV67-1024C-A RCP MTR CLR 3 ERCW 247WU*3 / G-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV67-1024D-B RCP MTR CLR 4 ERCW 247WU*3 / D-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c otc N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10254-A LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 247WU5-3 / H-6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2A.A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1025B-B LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 2-47W8/.s-3 / F-6 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2B-B ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV67-1025C-A LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/.$3 / G6 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2C.A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV67-1025D-B LWR CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/.$3 / D-6 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2D-B ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1026A-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247WU*3 / C-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10268-8 UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W845-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 28 ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV67-1026C-A UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W8/.5-3 / B-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV 2C ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV67-1026D-B UPPER CNTMT VENT CLR 247W845-3 / A-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 2D ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10294-A CVCS CCP ROOM CLR 2A 247WU*7 tC-2 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV

                  -A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10298-8  CVCS CCP ROOM CLR 28 247W8/.3..7 tC-8   C   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   C     o/c   N/A    RV  RV
                  .B ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1031A-A  SIS PMP RM CLR 2A.A  247WU*7 tD-2       c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c     o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10318-B  SIS PMP RM CLR 2B.B  247WU5-7 tD-6      c   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c     otc   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10324-A  CS PMP RM CLR 2A.A   247WU5-7 tD-2      C   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c     o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10328-8  CS PMP RM CLR 2B.B   247WU5-7 lD-8      C   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   C     o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10334-A  RHR PMP RM CLR 2A.A  247W845-7 tE-2     C   ACT   3     0.75   TRV   SA   c     o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10338-8  RHR PMP RM CLR 2B.B  247W845-7 lE-8     c   ACT   3     0.7s   TRV   SA   c     o/c   N/A    RV  RV ERCW RELIEF

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 189 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 145 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG/COOR CAT ACT' CLASS srzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-RFV-67-1034A-A PENT ROOM CLR 2A.A 2-47WU5-7 lF-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1034B-B PENT ROOM CLR 2B.B 2-47WU5-7 tF-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1035A-A PENT ROOM CLR 2A-A 2-47WU5-7 tG-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10358-8 PENT ROOM CLR 2B.B 2-47WU5-7 lF-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10374-A PENT ROOM COOLER 24. 1-47W845-7 tG-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10378-8 PENT ROOM COOLER 28. 1-47W845-7 / G-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV B ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1038A-A PIPE CHASE CLR 2A-A 247WU5-7 lH-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10388-8 PIPE CHASE CLR 2B-B 247WU5-7 lH-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1040A-A BA XFER/AFW PMP 147W845-7 tB-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SPACE CLR 2A.A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-'t0408-8 BA XFER/AFW PMP 147W845-7 tB-7 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SPACE CLR 2B.B ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10414-A EGTS ROOM COOLER 2A. 147W845-7 I A-2 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV A ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10418-B EGTS ROOM COOLER 28. 147W845-7 I A-8 C ACT 3 0.7s TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV B ERCW RELIEF 2-RFV-67-1 0434-A ERCW STRAINER 2A.A 1-47W845-1 / F-9 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-67-10438-8 ERCW STRAINER 2B.B 1-47WU5-1 tG4 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV REL!EF 2-RFV-67-1044-8 SD BD ROOM A/C CHLR B 147W845-2 tB-3 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV

                  .B ERCW RELIEF 2-CKV-67-1 0544-A 2-FCV-67.89 BYPASS    247WU5-3 tH-7    NC   ACT   2      0.5   CK    SA   C     o/c   N/A   LTJ AppJ CHECK CM  CM 2-CKV-67-1054B-B  2-FCV-67-10s BYPASS   247W845-3 tE-7   A/C  ACT   2      0.5   CK    SA   c     o/c   N/A   LTJ AppJ CHECK CM  CM

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 190 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 146 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REO NORltl SAFE FAIL 2-Cl(\/-67-1054C-A 2.FCV.67.97 BYPASS 247WU5-3 tG-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-Cl(/-67-1054D-B 2-FCV-67-1 13 BYPASS 247WU5-3 tD-7 A/C ACT 2 0.5 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM GM a-FCVS&22 REACTOR VESSEL 247W813-1 / B-8 B PASS 2 0.375 GL AO o o o RPI 2Y FLANGE LEAKOFF 2-FCV-68-305.A PRESSURIZER RELIEF 247W830-6 t c-7 A ACT 2 0.75 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y TANK NITROGEN SUP FLOW CNTL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-68-307-A PRESSURIZER RELIEF 247W625-8 tB-7 A ACT 2 0.375 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y TANK GAS ANALYZER SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-68-308-B PRESSURIZER RELIEF 247W625-8 / B-5 A ACT 2 0.375 GA AO o c c RPI 2Y TANK GAS ANALYZER SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 191 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 147 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SlZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-68-332-B PRESSURIZER PORV 247W813-1 lB-2 B ACT 1 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y BLOCK VALVE STC o STO o 2-FCV-68-333-A PRESSURIZER PORV 247W813-1 tB-2 B ACT 1 3 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y BLOCK VALVE STC o STO o 2-PCV68-334-B PRESSURIZER PORV 247W813-1 lB-1 B ACT 1 3 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y FSC RO STC RO STO RO 2-PCV-68340A-A PRESSURIZER PORV 247W813-1 tB-1 B ACT 1 3 GL SO c otc c RPI 2Y FSC RO STC RO STO RO 2-FSV-68-394-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 247W813-1 tF-7 B ACT 2 1 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y VENT FSC CSD DTJ.26 STC CSD DTJ.26 STO CSD DTJ-26 2-FSV68-395-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 247w8',13-1 tF-7 B ACT 2 1 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y VENT FSC CSD DTJ-26 STC CSD DTJ.26 STO CSD DTJ.26

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 192 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 148 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCT!ON DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FSV68-396-8 REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 247W813-1 / F-5 B ACT 2 1 GL SO c o/c c RPI 2Y VENT ET CSD IST-RR-3 FSC CSD IST.RR-3 RRA RO IST.RR-3 2-FSV-68-397-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD 247W813-1 / F6 B ACT 2 1 GL SO C o/c c RPI 2Y VENT ET CSD IST.RR-3 FSC CSD IST.RR-3 RRA RO IST-RR.3 2-CK/68-559-S SAFETY INJ SYS RELIEF 247W813-1 / H-3 c ACT 2 4 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM DISCH CHECK 2-RFV-68-563-S PRESSURIZER SAFETY 247W813-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 6 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV IST-RR4 VALVE 2-RFV-68-58$-S PRESSURIZER SAFETY 247W813-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV IST-RR4 VALVE 2-RFV- 8-565-S PRESSURIZER SAFEW 247W813-1 I A-2 c ACT 1 6 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV IST-RR4 VALVE 2-Clry-6849 PRESSURIZER RELIEF 2-47W830-6 / G-8 A/C ACT 2 1 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ TANK N2 SUP HDR CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-28 cvc CSD DTJ.28 2-FCV-70-66 UNIT 2 CCS SURGE TANK 1-47W8s9-1 tE-3 B ACT 3 2 ANG AO o c c RPI 2Y VENT FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 193 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 149 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL a-FCV-70-85-8 EXCESS LETDOWN HX 247W859-3 / D-10 A ACT 2 6 BF AO o c c RPI 2Y CCS OUTLET LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-7047-B THERMAL BARRIER CCS 2-47W859-3 / H-9 A ACT 2 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 2-FCV-70-89-B RCP OIL COOLER CCS 247W859-3 / E-9 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RET HDR LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 2-FCV-70-90-A THERMAL BARRIER CCS 247W859-3 / F-10 A ACT 2 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 2-FCV-70-92-A RCP OIL COOLER CCS 247W859-3 / E-10 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y RETURN LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 2-FCV-74-100-A RCP OIL COOLERS CCS 2-47W859-3 / G4 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 2-FCV-70-133-A THERMAL BARRIER CCS 247wgs9-g I r-r-s B ACT 3 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY STC CSD DTJ-27

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 194 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 150 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ GLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROGEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORItl SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-70-134-B THERMAL BARRIER CCS 247W859-3 / H-3 A ACT 2 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ.27 2-FCV-70-140-B RCP OIL COOLER CCS 247W859-3 / G-3 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC CSD DTJ-27 2-FCV-70-143-A EXCESS LETDOWN HX 247W859-3 / E-3 A ACT 2 6 BF MO o c FAI RPI 2Y CCS SUPPLY LTJ AppJ STC o 2-FCV-74-153-B RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 247W85$,4 / F-8 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y 28 CCS OUTLET STO o 2-FCV-70-156-A RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 247W85W lF-10 B ACT 3 18 BF MO c o FAI RPI 2Y 2A CCS OUTLET STO o z-FCV-70-183-A SAMPLE HEAT 247W859-3 / C-9 B ACT 3 3 GA MO o c FAI RPI 2Y EXCHANGER CCS OUTLET STC o 2-FCV-70-215-A SAMPLE HEAT 247W859-3 / A-8 B ACT 3 3 GA MO o C FAI RPI 2Y EXCHANGER CCS INLET STC o 2-CK/-70-504A-A CCS PUMP 2A.A 147W85$,1 tF-7 c ACT 3 16 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o DISCHARGE CHECK CVO o 2-Cl(tt-70-5048 CCS PUMP 2B.B 147W859-1 I E-7 c ACT 3 16 CK SA o/c o/c N/A cvc o DISCHARGE CHECK cvo o 2-tsv-70-516 REACTOR BUILDING CCS 247W859-1 / B-3 B ACT 3 8 BF M o c N/A MS 2Y SUPPLY ISOLATION

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 195 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 151 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORITi SAFE FAIL 2-RFV-70-521 WASTE GAS COMPR B 147W859-1 I A-1 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV HX CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-538-S UNIT 2 CCS SURGE TANK 247W859-1 lE-1 c ACT 3 3 RV SA G o/c N/A RV RV RELIEF 2-RFV-70-539-S UNIT 2 CCS SURGE TANK 247W859-1 lE-1 c ACT 3 3 RV SA c o/c N/A RV 10Y DTJ.29 RELIEF 2-RFV-70-5514-A RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1-47W8594 lE-11 C ACT 3 1.5 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 2A.A CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-5518-B RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 247W859-4 / E-8 c ACT 3 1.5 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV 2B.B CGS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-556A-A CCP 2A-A OIL COOLER 147W8594 tH-11 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-5568-B CCP 2B.B OIL COOLERS 247W8594 / A-8 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-561A-A SI PUMP 2A.A LUBE OIL 2-47W859-4 / B-10 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV COOLER CCS OUT RELIEF 2-RFV-70-5618-B SI PUMP 2B-B LUBE OIL 247W859-4 / B-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV COOLER CCS OUT RELIEF 2-RFV-70-565A-A RHR PMP 2A.A SEAL 247W8594 t C-10 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV WATER HX CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-5658-B RHR PMP 2B.B SEAL 2-47W859-4 I C-8 C ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV WATER HX CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-5704-A CS PUMP 2A-A OIL HX 2-47W8594 / D-10 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-570B-B CS PUMP 2B.B OIL HX 2-,+7W859-4 / D-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-578 CVCS LETDOWN HX 2A 247W859-3 I A-7 C ACT 3 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV CCS OUTLET RELIEF 2-RFV-70-584 CVCS SEAL WATER HX 247W859-3 / 8-6 C ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA .c o/c N/A RV RV 2A CCS OUTLET RELIEF

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 196 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 152 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ cIASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-CK/-70679 RCP THERMAL BARRIER 247W859-3 / H-4 A/C ACT 2 3 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ CCS SUP HDR CHECK BDO CSD DTJ-31 cvc CSD DTJ-3.I 2-Ct<\t:70-681A RCP 1 THERMAL 247W859-3 / G-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o C N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK z-Cl<\l-70-6818 RCP 2 THERMAL 247W859-3 / F-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o C N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-CKV-70-681C RCP 3 THERMAL 247W859-3 / F-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-CK/-70-681D RCP 4 THERMAL 247W859-3 / H-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-Ct$/-70-682A RCP 1 THERMAL 247W859-3 / G-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-CK/-70-6828 RCP 2 THERMAL 247W859-3 / F-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-CKV-70-682C RCP 3 THERMAL 247W859-3 / E-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-CKV-70682D RCP 4 THERMAL 2-47W859-3 / H-8 c ACT 3 2 CK SA o c N/A CM CM BARRIER CCS SUPPLY CHECK 2-RFV-7083A RCP 1 THERMAL 247W859-3 / G-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF 2-RFV-706838 RCP 2 THERMAL 247W859-3 / F-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA C o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF 2-RFV-70683C RCP 3 THERMAL 247W859-3 / E-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF 2-RFV-70683D RCP 4 THERMAL 247W859-3 / H-8 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV BARRIER CCS RETURN RELIEF

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 197 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 153 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-Cl(\/-70687 2.FCV-7087 BYPASS 2-47W859-3 / H-9 A/C ACT 2 0.7s CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-RFV-70-694 RCP OIL COOLER CCS 2-47W859-3 lF4 c ACT 3 0.75 TRV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUPPLY RELIEF 2-C}(\/-70-698 2-FCV.7O-89 BYPASS 247W859-3 / E-9 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CHECK CM CM 2-rsv-70-700 RCP OIL COOLER CCS 2-47W859-3 / E-11 B ACT 3 6 BF M o c N/A MS 2Y RETURN ISOLATION 2-RFV-70-703 EXCESS LETDOWN HX 247W859-3 / E-5 A/C ACT 2 3 RV SA C o/c N/A LTJ AppJ CCS OUT RELIEF RV RV 2-C1(/-70-790 RCP OIL CLR HDR SUP 2-47W85$3 / G4 A/C ACT 2 0.75 CK SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ BYPASS CHECK CM CM 2-RFV-70-835 RCP THERMAL BARRIER 2-47W859-3lH-4 c ACT 3 0.75 RV SA C o/c N/A RV RV CCS SUP HDR RLF 2-FCV-72-2-8 CNTMT SPMY HDR B 247W812-1 / A-3 A ACT 2 10 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC o STO o 2-FCV-72-13-B CNTMT SPMY PUMP 28. 247W812-1 / 8-6 B ACT 2 2 GL MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y B MINIFLOW STC o STO o z-FCV-72-21-8, RWST TO CNTMT SPMY 2-47W812-1 / B-10 B ACT 2 12 GA MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 2B.B SUCTION STC o STO o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 198 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test PIan Page 154 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-72-22-A RWST TO CNTMT SPMY 247W812-1 / C-10 B ACT 2 12 GA MO o o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 2A-A SUCTION STC o STO o 2-FCV-72-34-A CNTMT SPRAY PMP 2A.A 247W812-1 / C-6 B ACT 2 2 GL MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y MINIFLOW STC o STO o

  ?-FCV-72-39-A  CNTMT SPRAY HDR A    247W812-1 / D-3   A   ACT   2      10     GA   MO   C     o/c    FAI  RPI  2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC  o STO  o 2-RFV-7240    2-FCV-7240 BONNET     247W812-1 tF-3  A/C  ACT   2     0.75    RV   SA   c     o/c   N/A   LTJ AppJ PRESS RELIEF RV  RV a-FCV-724&,A   RHR SPRAY HDR A       2-47w812:t lF4   A   ACT   2       8     GA   MO   c     o/c    FAI  RPI  2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC  RO               DTJ.04 STO  RO               DTJ-04 2-RFV-7241    2-FCV-7241 BONNET    247W812-1 lE-3   A/C  ACT   2     0.75    RV   SA   c     o/c   N/A   LTJ AppJ PRESS RELIEF RV  RV 2-FCV-7241-B    RHR SPRAY HDR B      247W812-1   tE4   A   ACT   2       8     GA   MO   C     o/c   FAI   RPI  2Y ISOLATION LTJ AppJ STC  RO               DTJ.O4 STO  RO               DTJ.O4

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 199 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 155 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS slzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-7244-A CNTMT SUMP TO CS 247W812-1 / G-3 -B ACT 2 12 GA MO C o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 2A.A SUCTION STC RO DTJ.24 STO RO DTJ.24 2-FCV-7245-8 CNTMT SUMP TO CS 247W812-1 / H-3 B ACT 2 12 GA MO c o/c FAI RPI 2Y PUMP 2B.B SUCTION STC RO DTJ.24 STO RO DTJ.24 2-CKl-72-50GA CNTMT SPRAY PMP 2A.A 247W812-1 / C-10 c ACT 2 12 CK SA c o/c N/A CVC o SUCTION CHECK cvo o z-Cl<V-72-507-8 CNTMT SPRAY PMP 2B.B 247W812-1 / B-10 c ACT 2 12 CK SA C o/c N/A CVC o SUCTION CHECK cvo o z-RF'l-72-508-A CNTMT SPRAY PMP 2A-A 247W812-1 / C-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUCTION RELIEF z-RF/-72-509-8 CNTMT SPRAY PMP 2B.B 247W812-1 / A-9 c ACT 2 0.75 RV SA c o/c N/A RV RV SUCTION RELIEF 2-CKl-72-524-A CNTMT SPRAY PMP 2A-A 247W812-1 / D-6 c ACT 2 10 CK SA C o N/A BDC o DISCH CHECK cvo o z-Cl<\l-72-525-B CNTMT SPMY PMP 2B-B 247W812-1 / A-6 c ACT 2 10 CK SA c o N/A BDC o DISCH CHECK CVO o 2-Cl(1't-72-s48-A CNTMT SPRAY HDR A 247W812-1 lD-2 c ACT 2 10 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE z-CJ<\t-72-549-B CNTMT SPRAY HDR B 247W812-1 t A-2 c ACT 2 10 CK SA C o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE 2-Cj<\l-72-562-A RHR SPRAY HDR A 247W812-1 tF-2 c ACT 2 8 CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE z-Cj<V-72-56$8 RHR SPRAY HDR B 247W812-1 lE-2 c ACT 2 I CK SA c o/c N/A CM CM CNTMT CHECK VALVE

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 200 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 156 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ GLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORTII SAFE FAIL a-FCV-74-1-A LOOP 4 HOT LEG TO RHR 247W810-1 lG-2 A ACT 1 14 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.17 a-FCV-74-2-B LOOP 4 HOT LEG TO RHR 247W810-1 / G-3 A ACT 1 14 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.17 2-FCV-74-3-A RHR PUMP 2A.A 247W81G,1 / F-9 B ACT 2 14 GA MO o c FAI RP! 2Y SUCTION STC o 2-FCV-74-8-A 2.FCV.74.2 BYPASS RHR 247W810-1 / H-3 A ACT 1 10 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.17 2-FCV-74-9-B 2-FCV.74.1 BYPASS RHR 247W81U1 tG-2 A ACT 1 10 GA MO c o/c FAI LTP 2Y SUCTION RPI 2Y STC CSD DTJ.17 STO CSD DTJ.17 a-FCV-74-12-A RHR PUMP 2A-A 247W810-1 tG-7 B ACT 2 3 GL MO o o/c FA! RPI 2Y MINIMUM FLOW STC o STO a 2-FCV-74-16 RHR HEAT EX A OUTLET 247W810-1 lF4 B ACT 2 I CTV AO o/c o o RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL VLV FSO o

WBN Unit O 0.Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 201 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 157 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG/COOR CAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL

  ?-FCV-74-21-B  RHR PUMP 2B-B        247W810-1 / c-9  B   ACT   2      '14   GA    MO   o      c     FAI  RP!   2Y SUCTION STC    o
  ?-FCV-74-24-8  RHR PUMP 2B-B        247W810-1 / 8-6  B   ACT   2       3    GL    MO   o     o/c    FAI  RPI  2Y MINIMUM FLOW STC  o STO  o
   ?-FCV-74-28   RHR HEAT EX B OUTLET 247W810-1 / C-4  B   ACT   2       I   CTV    AO  o/c     o      o   RPI   2Y FLOW CONTROL VLV FSO   o 2-FCV-74-33-A  RHR HEAT EXCHANGER   247W810-1  lE4   B   ACT   2       8    GA    MO   o      c    FAI   RPI  2Y 2A OUTLET CROSSTIE STC CSD               DTJ.25 2-FCV-74-35-8  RHR HEAT EXCHANGER   247W810-1  tC4   B   ACT   2       I    GA    MO   o      c    FAI   RPI  2Y 28 OUTLET CROSSTIE STC CSD               DTJ-25 2-RFV-74-505   RHR PUMP SUCTION     247W810-1 / H-3  c   ACT   2       3    RV    SA   c     o/c   N/A    RV  RV HDR RELIEF a-CKl-74-514-A  RHR PUMP 2A.A        247W810-1 / F   c   ACT   2       8    CK    SA   c     o/c   N/A  cvc  RO                DTJ.18 DISCHARGE CHECK CVO  RO                DTJ.18 zcl<\t-74-515.8 RHR PUMP 2B.B        247W810-1 / C-8  C  ACT    2       8    CK    SA   c     o/c   N/A  cvc  RO                DTJ.18 DISCHARGE CHECK cvo  RO                DTJ.18 2-CKl-74-s44-A  RHR HEADER 2A        247W810-1 / F-5  c  ACT    2       8    CK    SA   c    o/c    N/A  cvc  RO                DTJ-30 MINIMUM FLOW CHECK cvo  RO                DTJ.3O 2.ct<\t-74-54$8 RHR HEADER 28        247W810-1 / C-5  c  ACT    2      8     CK    SA   C    o/c    N/A  CVC  RO                DTJ.3O MINIMUM FLOW CHECK cvo  RO                DTJ.3O

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 202 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 158 ot 162 VALVE !D FUNCTION DRAWING/COOR GAT ACT/ CLASS stzE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAL 2-FCV-77-9-8 RCDT PUMP DISCHARGE 247W830-1 I D-1 A ACT 2 3 D!A AO o C c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-77-10-A RCDT PUMP DISCHARGE 247W830-1 tE-1 A ACT 2 3 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o a-FCV-77-16-8 RCDT TO GAS ANALYZER 2-47W830-1 / B-5 A ACT 2 0.75 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC a 2-FCV-77-17-A RCDT TO GAS ANALYZER 2-47W830-1 / 8-6 A ACT 2 0.75 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-77-1&B RCDT TO VENT HDR 2-47W830-1 / B-5 A ACT 2 1 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program ReY. 0001 Page 203 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 159 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWING'COOR CAT ACT' cI.ASS srzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-77-19-A RCDT TO VENT HDR 247W830-1 / 8-6 A ACT 2 1 DIA AO o c G RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o a-FCV-77-20-A RCDT N2 SUPPLY FLOW 2-47W830-1 / C-6 A ACT 2 1 DIA AO o c c RPI 2Y CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-77-127-B RB SUMP DISCHARGE 2-47W851-1 lF-7 A ACT 2 2 PLG AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-77-128-A RB SUMP DISCHARGE 247W851-1 tF-8 A ACT 2 2 PLG AO o c c RPI 2Y FLOW CONTROL LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o z-RF/-77-2875 RB SUMP DISCH RLF 247W851-1 tF-7 A/C ACT 2 2 RV SA c o/c N/A LTJ AppJ RV RV 2-lsv-78-557 UNIT 2 REFLG CAVITY 2-47W855-1 I G4 A PASS 2 4 DIA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ SUP HDR ISOL 2-tsv-78-558 UNIT 2 REFLG CAVITY 2-47W855-1 I G4 A PASS 2 4 DIA M C c N/A LTJ AppJ SUP HDR ISOL 2-lsv-78-560 UNIT 2 REFLG CAVITY 2-47W855-1 t G4 A PASS 2 6 DIA M c c N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN HDR ISOL 2-lsv-78-561 UNIT 2 REFLG CAVITY 247W855-1 I G4 A PASS 2 6 DIA M c C N/A LTJ AppJ RETURN HDR ISOL

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 204 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 160 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAU'ING'COOR GAT ACT/ CLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POStTtON TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORtul SAFE FA!L 2-FCV-81-12-A PRIMARY WATER TO PRT 247W819-1 / B-4 A ACT 2 3 DIA AO o C C RPI 2Y AND RCP STANDPIPES LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-C1(\/-81-502 PRIMARY WATER CNTI\,7 247W819-1 / B-4 A/C ACT 2 3 CK SA o c N/A LTJ AppJ HDR CHECK VLV CM CM 2-tsv-84-530-S RCDT PMPS DISCH ISOL 2-47W809-7 tF-3 A PASS 2 1 GL M c c N/A LTJ AppJ TO FLOOD MODE AUX BORATIO 2-FCV.90-107-A CNTIT4T BLDG LOWER 247W610-90-3 / B A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -8 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-108-B CNTMT BLDG LOWER 24VN610-90-3 / C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -7 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 205 ot 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 161 of 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAwlNG'COOR CAT ACT/ cIASS stzE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREO PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-90-109-B CNTMT BLDG LOWER 247wil4-90-3 /C A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y COMPT AIR R/O MON -7 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-1 10-B CNTMT BLDG LOWER 247VV610-90-3 / D A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -7 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-1 1 1-A CNTMT BLDG LOWER 247W610-90-3 / D A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -8 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-1 13-A CNTMT BLDG UPPER 247W610-90-3 / D A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o C C RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -3 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 206 of 291 Appendix B - Valve Test Plan Page 162 ot 162 VALVE ID FUNCTION DRAWNG'COOR CAT ACT/ GLASS SIZE TYPE ACT POSITION TEST FREQ PROCEDURE NOTES PASS REQ NORM SAFE FAIL 2-FCV-90-114-B CNTMT BLDG UPPER 247W610-90-3 / E A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -2 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-115-B CNTMT BLDG UPPER 247W610-90-3 / E A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -2 SUPPLY LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-116-8 CNTMT BLDG UPPER 247wil4-90-3 / E A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c C RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -2 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o 2-FCV-90-117-A CNTMT BLDG UPPER 247W610-90-3 / F A ACT 2 1.5 GL AO o c c RPI 2Y COMPT AIR RAD MON -3 RETURN LTJ AppJ FSC o STC o


t rBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Pa 208 of 291 Appendix C - Pump Relief Requests Page 2 of 7 IST.RR-1 Pump Mbration Reference Values and Acceptance Criteria ASME Gode Component(s) Affected (continued) 2-PMP-3-1 28-B AUX FEEDWATER PMP 2B.B A GH 2-PMP-62-104-8 CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 2B-B A C-H 2-PMP-62-108-A CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 2A-A A GH 2-PMP$2-230-A BORIC ACID TMNSFER PUMP 2A-A A GH 2-PMP$2-232-8 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 2B-B A GH 2-PMP3-10.A SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 2A-A B GH 2-PMP3.15-B SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 2B.B B GH 2-PMP$7437-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2A-A A VLS 2-PMP-6747-B ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2B-B A VLS 2-PMP-70-33-B CCS PUMP 2B-B A GH 2-PMP-70-59-A CCS PUMP 2A.A A GH 2-PMP-72-10-8 CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP 2B-B B GH 2-PMP-72-27-A CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP 2A-A B GH 2-PMP-74-10-A RHR PUMP 2A.A A GV 2-PMP-74-20-8 RHR PUMP 2B-B A GV See Section 3.4 of this Tlfor additionalinformation for pump group and type.

Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME OM Code,2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda Applicable Code Requirernent ISTB-3300 Reference Values (a) lnitial reference values shall be determined from the results of testing meeting the requirements of ISTB- 3100, Preservice Testing, or from the results of the first inservice test.

Reason for Request

Relief is being requested for establishing Mbration reference value (V1) solely on the basis of the data collected during preservice or inservice testing for those vibration points that have unusually low levels of vibration. This request applies only to values for V1 associated with vibration testing. Smallvalues for Vp result in smallacceptable ranges for pump operation. The acceptable range defined in Table ISTB-5121-1 and Table ISTB-5221-1 is less than or equalto 2.5V. Based on a small acceptable range, a smooth running pump could be subject to unnecessary corrective action caused by numerically small changes in vibration levels.

t rBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Paqe 209 of 291 Appendix C - Pump Relief Requests Page 3 of 7 pump Mbration n"r"r"nJllrIf;: and Acceptance Griteria Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use Proposed Afternative Pumps with a measured Vp less than or equalto 0.05 inches per second (ips) for a particular vibration measurement location shall have subsequent test results for that location compared to an acceptable range based on 0.05 ips. ln addition to the applicable ASME OM Code requirements, allpumps in the IST Program will be included in and will remain in the Predictive ltlhintenance Program regardless of their smooth running status. When new reference values are established, the measured parameters will be evaluated for each location to determine if the provisions of this relief request still apply. lf the measured V1 is greater than 0.05 ips, the requirement of ISTB-3300 will be applied. Conversely, if the measured V1 is less than or equal to 0.05 ips, a minimum value of 0.05 ips will be used in determining the acceptable, alert, and required action ranges. Basis for Use For very small reference values, hydraulic noise and instrument error can be a significant portion of the vibration reading and affect the repeatability of subsequent measurements. Also, experience gathered from the Unit 1 preventive maintenance program has shown that changes in vibration levels in the range of 0.05 ips do not normally indicate significant degradation in pump performance. To avoid unnecessary corrective action, a minimum Vp of 0.05 ips is being established for velocity measurements. This minimum value will be applied to individualvibration locations for the pumps listed in the above table where the measured reference value is less than 0.05 ips. The Predictive [trhintenance Program currently employs the following predictive monitoring techniques on an as applicable and as needed basis: A Mbration monitoring and analysis beyond that required by ISTB, B. Oilsampling and analysis, and C. Thermographic Analysis. Bearing temperature trending is available for a number of the components through the plant process computer system.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Paqe 210 of 291 Appendix C - Pump Relief Requests Page 4 of 7 IST.RR.1 Pump Mbration Reference Values and Acceptance Criteria Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use (continued) lf the measured parameters are discovered to be outside the normal operating range or to be trending toward an unacceptable degraded state, appropriate actions are taken that may include: A lncreased monitoring to establish rate of change, B. Review of component specific information to identify cause, and C. Removalof the pump from seMce to perform maintenance. This alternative to the requirements of ISTB-3300 provides an acceptable level of quality and safety. Duration of Proposed Aternative This request is for the duration of the Unit 2 PST period and for the duration of the first concurrent Unit 1 / Unit 2 IST 120-month interval (third intervalfor Unit 1 and first intervalfor Unit 2). Precedents The following NRC accepted precedent submittals are noted for similar relief requests: WBN Unit 1 second IST interval, which was applicable to Unit 1 and common Unit 1 and Unit 2 pumps (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1- Reguesfs for Relief forthe Second 10-Year Pump and Valve lnservice Testing Program, ADAIvIS Accession Number ML0700905O4, dated Jvlarch 9, 2007). Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and2 and WBN Units 1 and2 are very similar in design with identical pump manufacturer/model applications in many cases. SQN was granted a similar relief request for their third lST interval (Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Request for Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, ADAI\4S Accession Number ML061790733, dated July 27,20061. Beaver Valley Powr Station, Unit No. 2 - Relief Request Nos. PRR7, PRR2, PRR3, PRR4, PRR5, PRR6, PRR7, PRR9, PRR9, and VRR? Regarding the Third 10-Year lnseruice Testing Program Relief Requesfs, (ADAMS Accession Number ML080140299, dated February 14, 2008). James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Povver Plant - Relief Requesfs for the Fourth lnterual lnseruice Testing Program, (ADAIUS Accession Number ML072910422,dated November 27,20071. North Anna Porrer Station, Units 1 and 2 RE: lnseruice Testing Program for Pump and Valves, Third Ten Year lnterual Update, (ADAI\4S Accession Number ML020280439, dated January 28, 2002).

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 211 of 291 Appendix C - Pump Relief Requests Page 5 of 7 tsT-RR-2 ERGWScreen Wash Pump Test Method Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(06)(iii) I nseru ice Testing I m practicality ASME Code Gomponent(s) Affected Pump Pump Pump ID Pump De*ription Group Type 1-PMP$7431-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 1A-A A VLS 1-PMP-67440-8 ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 1B-B A VLS 2-PMP-67437-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2A-A A VLS 2-PMP4747-B ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2B.B A VLS See Section 3.4 of this Tlfor additional information for pump group and type. Applicable Gode Edition and Addenda ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda Applicable Code Requirencnt ISTB-521 0 Preservice Testing (a) ln systems where resistance can be varied, flow rate and differential pressure shall be measured at a minimum of five points. tf practicable, these points shall be from pump minimum flow to at least pump design flow. A pump curve shall be established based on the measured points. At least one point shall be designated as the reference point(s). Data taken at the reference point will be used to compare the results of inservice tests. A pump curve need not be established for pumps in systems where resistance cannot be varied. ISTB-5221 Group ATest Procedure (b) The resistance of the system shall be varied until the flow rate equals the reference point. The differential pressure shallthen be determined and compared to its reference value. Alternatively, the flow rate shall be varied until the differential pressure equals the reference point and the flow rate determined and compared to the reference flow rate value. ISTB-5223 Comprehensive Test Procedure (b) The resistance of the system shall be varied until the flow rate equals the reference point. The differential pressure shallthen be determined and compared to its reference value. Alternatively, the flow rate shall be varied untilthe differential pressure equals the reference point and the flow rate determined and compared to the reference flow rate value.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Paqe 212 of 291 Appendix G - Pump Relief Requests Page 6 of 7

                                              !sT-RR-2 ERCWScreen Wash Pump Test Method lmpracticality of Compliance The configuration of the ERCW Screen Wash Pump discharge piping system does not provide straight lengths of piping that will support the installation of a permanent flow measuring deMce or the utilization of a portable flow measuring device capable of providing accurate flow rate measurements. The lack of permanent or temporary flow instrumentiation makes it impractical to adjust pump flow to specific value(s) and measure the associated dffierential pressure as required for performance of Preservice, Group A, and Comprehensive pump tests.

Burden Caused by Compliance Significant system modifications, such as piping rerouting and support redesign, would be required to obtain a configuration that would provide reliable flow readings. Refer to Basis for Use section for further details. Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative Testing will be performed by setting the system resistance to the same point for each test with the throttle valves fullopen. Flow will not be measured. The remaining variable that could affect system resistance is the spray nozzles. The condition of the spray nozzles will be inspected during each test performance with corrective actions initiated as necessary, thus providing assurance that the spray nozzle condition will not affect flow rate. With system resistance maintained constiant for each test, pump degradation would be identified through changes in dffierential pressure. Differential pressure is calculated using inlet (based on lake levelor suction pressure) and discharge pressure. The pump will be trended for degradation based on differential pressure at this point. Mbration readings will also be taken at this reference point. The pumps will be tested in this manner for the Preservice Test Program, the quarterly Group A, and the biennial Comprehensive inservice tests. lnstrument accuracy and acceptance criteria for pump differential pressure and vibration will meetthe requirements of Table ISTB-3510-1 and Table ISTB-5221-1, respectively. Preservice test data for differential pressure and vibration data will be evaluated to verify it represents acceptable pump operation and will be used as reference values for subsequent quarterly Group A and Comprehensive inservice tests.

t rBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Paqe 213 of 291 Appendix G - Punp Relief Requests Page 7 of 7 IST.RR.2 ERCW Screen Wash Pump Test Method Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use (continued) Basr.s for Use The piping design does not provide permanent in-line instrumentation to measure flow. The pump design (vertical line shaft) and discharge piping do not allow the use of portable flow measuring equipment such as ultrasonic flow meters. These pumps take suction from the pump pit directly below the pump deck and are positioned on the deck adjacent to the traveling screens. The discharge piping for each pump is short and open ended, containing several elbows, reducers, and valves prior to entering the traveling screen enclosure. The configuration of this piping system does not provide straight lengths of piping that will support the installation of a permanent flow measuring device or the utilization of a portable flow measuring device capable of providing accurate flow rate measurements. Signlficant system modifications, such as piping rerouting and support redesign, would be required to obtain a conflguration that would provide reliable flow readings. Flow is not the critical parameter for these pumps. The nature of their operation is to ensure that sufficient pressure is maintained at the spray nozzles during flushing operations of the traveling water screens to ensure that sufficient force is exerted on the debris accumulated on the screen to remove it. This can be verified by visual observation veriffing the effectiveness of the flushing operation. lvlaintenance history was reviewed for spray nozzle plugging and it was determined that nozzle plugging is infrequent. The spray nozzles are inspected by operations personnel during spray operation with corrective maintenance initiated as required. Based on the information provided above, compliance with the Code requirements is impractical and the proposed alternative provides reasonable assurance of the operational readiness of the ERCW Screen Wash Pumps. Duration of Proposed Aternative This request is for the duration of the first concurrent Unit 1 / Unit 2 IST 120-month lnservice Testing interval (third intervalfor Unit 1 and first intervalfor Unit 2). Precedents This relief request was granted for the WBN Unit 1 second interval (Wafts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 - Reguesfs for Relief for the Second 10-Year Pump and Valve lnseruice Testing Program, ADAMS Accession Number ML070090504, dated ltlarch 9,2007 and Wafts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 - Safety Evaluation of Relief Reguesf PV-02, Revision 1, For the Second 10-Year lnterual of the lnseruice Testing Program, ADAMS Accession Number ML102360191, dated A.rgust 30, 2010). l Asimilarrelief requestwas grantedforSequoyah Units and2third interval(Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Reguesf for Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, ADAI\4S Accession Num ber ML061790733, dated July 27, 2006).

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Pa 214 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 1 of 8 tsT-RR-3 Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Tirne Testing Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(0Q)0ii) I nseru ice Testing I m practicality ASME Code Component(s) Affected Valve !D Function Drawing /Coor Cat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act 1-FSV-68-396-8 REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 1-47W81 3-1 I F-5 B Actirc 2 1 GL SO 1-FSV-68-397-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 1-47W81 3-1 / G-6 B Actiw 2 1 GL SO 2-FSV-68-396-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 2-47W813-1 / F-5 B Actirc 2 1 GL SO 2-FSV-68-397-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 2-47W81 3-1 / F-6 B Actirc 2 1 GL SO See Section 3.5 of this Tlfor additional information for valve category, type, and actuator. Referenced Drawings are not needed for review but are available upon request. Appticable Code Edition and Addenda ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda Applicable Code Requirernent ISTC-3300 Reference Values Reference values shall be determined from the results of preservice testing or from the results of inservice testing. These tests shall be performed under conditions as near as practicable to those expected during subsequent inservice testing... ISTC-3310 Effects of Valve Repair, Replacement, or [Vlaintenance on Reference Values When a valve or its controlsystem has been replaced, repaired, or has undergone maintenance that could affect the valve's performance, a new reference value shall be determined or the previous value reconfirmed by an inservice test run before the time it is returned to service or immediately if not removed from service... ISTC-3S1 0 Exercising Test Frequency Active Category A, Category B, and Category C check valves shall be exercised nominally every 3 months,... ISTC-3560 Fail-Safe Valves Valves with fail-safe actuators shalt be tested by observing the operation of the actuator upon loss of valve actuating power in accordance with the exercising frequency of ISTC-3510.

t rBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 215 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 2 of 8 rsr-RR-3 Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Tirne Testing Applicable Code Requirement (continued) ISTC-S151 Valve Stroke Testing (a) Active valves shall have their stroke times measured when exercised in accordance with rsTc-3500. (b) The limiting value(s) of full-stroke time of each valve shall be specified by the Owner. (c) Stroke time shall be measured to at least the nearest second. (d) Any abnormality or erratic action shall be recorded (see ISTC-9120), and an evaluation shall be made regarding need for corrective action. ISTC-5152 Stroke Test Acceptance Criteria Test results shall be compared to reference values established in accordance with !STC-3300, ISTC-331 0, or ISTC-3320. (a) Valves with reference stroke times of greater than 10 sec shall exhibit no more than *25% change in stroke time when compared to the reference value. (b) Valves with reference stroke times of less than or equalto 10 sec shallexhibit no more than x50o/o change in stroke time when compared to the reference value. (c) Valves that stroke in less than2 sec may be exempted from ISTC-5152(b). ln such cases the maximum limiting stroke time shall be 2 sec. ISTC-S153 Stroke Test Corrective Action (a) lf a valve fails to exhibit the required change of obturator position or exceeds the limiting values of full-stroke time [see ISTC-5151(b)], the valve shall be immediately declared inoperable. (b) Valves with measured stroke times that do not meet the acceptance criteria of ISTC-SI52 shall be immediately retested or declared inoperable. lf the valve is retested and the second set of data also does not meet the acceptance criteria, the data shall be ana[rzed within gG hr to veriff that the new stroke time represents acceptable valve operation, or the valve shall be declared inoperable. lf the second set of data meets the acceptance criteria, the cause of the initialdeviation shall be anallged and the results documented in the record of tests (see rsTc-g120).

t rBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Pa 216 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 3 of 8 IST.RR.3 Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Tirne Testing lmpractica! ity of Gompliance Relief is being requested from measuring stroke times, establishing reference values, comparing stroke times to acceptance criteria / limiting values, and taking corrective action related to stroke time acceptiance criteria / limiting values for the Reactor Vessel Head Vent throttle valves. ln addition, tail safe testing of these valves will be performed at the same time and frequency as the proposed alternative exercise testing. These valves are totally enclosed [sealwelded bonnet], one-inch Target Rock solenoid valves, with thumb wheelactuated controllers that permit remote positioning of the valves. Valve opening and closing speed, and consequently valve opening and closing stroke time, is controlled by the rate at which the thumbwheel controller is moved and is not representative of valve condition. Burden Caused by Compliance Significant system modifications, such as alteration of the valve's control circuit to provide a separate handswitch to permit instantaneous valve operation, would be required solely to allow for the performance of valve stroke time testing. Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use Proposed Afternative TVA proposes to utilize an enhanced maintenance program based on the following attributes: A Periodic replacement of critical valve parts [i.e., the linear voltrage differential transformer (LVDT) that provides valve position indication feedback, the coilthat operates the valve, and the valve's electricalterminal boardl in accordance with TVAs environmential qualification binder for the valve. B. Calibration of the valve's position controlsystem each refueling outage. This calibration involves utilizing the valve controller to position the valve at various positions and utilizing the LVDT to determine the valve stem position. These are compared to ensure valve operation is as expected.

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Paqe 217 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 4 of 8 IST.RR-3 Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Tirne Testing Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use (continued) ln addition to the enhanced maintenance program, tests will be conducted as follows to provide positive verification of the valve's ability to fulfill its specific function: A Full stroke exercise of each valve will be performed during shutdowns. The test will consist of cycling the valve controller through one complete cycle and veriffing (using the valve position indicator operated by the LVDT attached to the valve stem) that the valve cycles through one full cycle in response to the valve controller. This action also simulates loss of power and satisfies the fail safe close test requirement. B. During refueling outages, in addition to cycling the controller through one complete cycle and using the valve position indicator to veriff valve travel, the valve travel will be verified by (a) ensuring no detectable flow is present through the valves with the valves closed, (b) ensuring flow is present when each valve is opened, and (c) ensuring that when each valve is returned to the closed position no detectable flow is present. The presence or absence of flow will be verifled by monitoring a change in a process parameter, either the valve tail pipe temperature for an increase/decrease or the pressurizer relief tank for a temperature increase/decrease or level increase/no change. This additionalveriflcation which is consistent with ISTC-3520 ensures the valve disk is still attached to the stem and is capable of controlling flow. Basrs for Use The Reactor Vessel Head Vent valves are throttled open manually by main control room operator action to (1) provide a reactor vessel head vent path; (2) vent non-condensables from the head during an accident to promote naturalcirculation; and (3) prevent gases from impeding reactor coolant circulation flow through the core. These valves are totally enclosed (sealwelded bonnet), one-inch Target Rock solenoid valves with thumbwheel actuated controllers that permit remote positioning of the valves. Valve opening and closing speed, and consequenfly valve opening and closing stroke time, is controlled by the rate at which the thumbwheel controller is moved, and is not representative of valve condition. Design requirements impose a minimum stroke time limitation on these valves of not faster than 5 seconds. Restricting the stroke time to not less than 5 seconds effectively prohibits stroke timing the valve because the valve is capable of stroking considerably faster than the 5 second limit. Even if the 5 second limit did not exist, stroke timing of the valve using its thumb-wheel actuated controller would result in timing the ability of the operator to turn the thumb-wheel and not the ability of the valve to move.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 218 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 5 of 8

                                              !ST.RR.3 Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Tirne Testing Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use (continued)

An enhanced maintenance program of disassembly and inspection of valve internal parts was evaluated. This method was not considered appropriate for the following reasons: A Frequent disassembly can lead to distortion of the valve parts caused by the repetitive welding process to reinstallthe sealweld. This distortion could cause unacceptable operational seat leakage, binding of internal parts, and other operational problems. B. The physica! appearance of the internal parts does not always provide clear and evident verification of acceptable valve operation. Based on the information provided above, compliance with the Code requirements is impractical and the proposed alternative provides reasonable assurance of the operational readiness of the Reactor Vessel Head Vent valves. Duration of Proposed Aternative This request is for the duration of the Unit 2 PST period and for the duration of the first concurrent Unit 1 / Unit 2 IST 12O-month lnservice Testing interval (third intervalfor Unit 1 and first intervalfor Unit 2). Precedents A similar relief request was granted for the Unit 1 second interval (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 7 - Reguesfs for Relief for the Second l}-Year Pump and Valve lnseruice Testing Progrdm, ADAI\4S Accession Number ML070090504, dated [\Iarch 9,2007). Sequoyah Units 1 and2 and WBN Units 1 and2 are very closely related in design. Sequoyah was granted a similar relief request for their third interval (Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Reguesf for Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, ADAIUS Accession Number M1061790733, dated July 27,2006).

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Pa 219 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 6 of 8 IST.RR4 Pressurizer SafetyValve Test Before Electric Generation Proposed Alternative in Accordance urth 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii) Hardship or UnusualDifficufty urthout Compensating lncrease in Levelof Quality and Safety ASME Code Component(s) Affected Valve lD Function Drawing /Coord Cat AcUPass Class Size Tvpe Act 2-RFV-68-563 PRESSU R IZER SAFEry VALVE 247W813-1 I N2 C Actirc 1 1 RVL SA 2-RFV-68-564 PRESSU RIZER SAFEW VALVE 247W813-1 I N2 C Actiw 1 1 RVL SA 2-RFV-68-565 PRESSU R IZER SAFEry VALVE 247W813-1 I k2 c Actiw 1 1 RVL SA See Section 3.5 of this Tlfor additional information for valve category, type, and actuator. Referenced Drawings are not needed for review but are available upon request. Applicable Gode Edition and Addenda ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda Applicable Code Requirernent 17210 Class 1 SafetyValves Within 6 months before initial reactor criticality, each valve shall have its set-pressure verified. Set-pressure verification shall be determined by pressurizing the system up to the valve set-pressure and opening the valve, or the valve may be tested at or below normal system operating pressure with an assist device.

Reason for Request

Relief is being requested from veriflTing set-pressure white the vatves are instatled in the plant using system pressure or reduced system pressure with an assist device. These test methods would require personnel entry into a confined space at high ambient temperatures to install/remove the lift assist device on the PSVs or require plant operators to raise RCS pressure to the overpressure condition necessary to open the PSVto meet ASME OM Code l-7210 with 2 out of 3 PSVs gagged and repeat this evolution three times in succession, once for each PSV. Therefore, these in-situ conditions represent a hardship in performing the test and unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use Proposed Afternative TVA proposes to perform set-pressure testing of the pressurizer safety valves (PSVs) at an approved vendor test facility within 6 months prior to initial reactor criticality.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Paqe 220 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 7 of 8

                                               !ST-RR-,0 Pressurizer SafetyValve Test Before Electric Generation Proposed Aternative and Basis for Use (continued)

Basis for Use There are a number of issues that make testing in the installed configuration a hardship without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. The following problems would be encountered: A Raising RCS pressure to the overpressure condition necessary to open the valve to meet ASME OM Code 17210 with 2 out of 3 valves gagged would create an undesirable operating condition. This condition would have to be repeated three times in succession, once for each PSV. B. While an assist device is available, it is generally used on other valve installations (i.e., the lt/ain Steam Safety Valves) in less restrictive locations. Testing with the assist device necessitates that test personnel are in close proximity to the valves in a confined space (the pressurizer enclosure) with temperatures above 160 oF, which represents a potential safety hazard. These temperatures would increase with the lifting of the valves during testing. Extraction of test personnel should they become incapacitated by injury or illness would be difficult. C. The rupture pressure of the pressurizer relief tank rupture disk is 88 to 100 psig. !t is possible that the amount of discharge that would result from testing the PSVs in-situ could cause the rupture disk to rupture and discharge the contents of the tank into the containment building, resulting in personnel hazards and equipment damage. D. lnstruments, including those on the assist device, used during testing would have to be qualified for the high ambient temperature which is not feasible, thereby potentially reducing the accuracy of testing with the assist device. E. The accuracy of the testing performed using the assist device is, in general, not as good as that of the test facility. F. Controlling the RCS pressure to support the in-situ PSVtesting would be difficult. The proposed alternative is essentially the same test method used during the IST interval, which is performed in conjunction with refueling outages where one or more PSVs are either (a) removed, tested at a vendor facility, and reinstalled, or (b) replaced with valve(s) that were pretested at a vendor facility. Based on the information provided above, compliance with the Code requirements represents a hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in level of quality and safety. The proposed alternative provides reasonable assurance of the operational readiness of the PSVs.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Pa 221 of 291 Appendix D - Valve Relief Requests Page 8 of 8 lST-RR-4 Pressurizer Safety Valve Test Before Electric Generation Duration of Proposed Aternative This request is for the duration of the Unit 2 Preservice Test period. Precedents A similar relief request was granted for Unit 1 (Watts Bar Unit 1 - Relief from ASME Section Xl Regarding Pressurizer Safety Valve Testing, ADAI\4S Accession Numbers ML073200567 and M1073200570, dated September 5, 1995).

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 222 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 1 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-01 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV-1-11-T MA;N STEAM ;SOL VALVE LOOp 2 1-47W801-1 / E-3 B Active 2 32 GL AO 1-FCV-1-22-T MA;N STEAM ;SOL VLV LOOp 3 14TWBO1_1 lF-g B Active 2 32 GL AO 1-FCV-1-29-T MA;N STEAM ;SOL VALVE LOOp 4 1.47W901-1 / A-3 B Active 2 32 GL AO ,f

  -FCV-1-4-T MA1N STEAM ;SOL VALVE LOOp I               147WBO1-1 l9-g      B       Active      2      32 cL          AO 2-FCV-1-11-T MA;N STEAM ;SOL VALVE LOOp 2                24TWBO1_1 I E_3 B           Active      2      32 cL          AO 2-FCV-1-22-7       MA;N STEAM ;SOL VLV LOOp   3          24TWBO1-1  t F-g    B       Active      2      32     cL      AO 2-FCV-1-29-T       MA;N STEAM ;SOL VALVE LOOp    4       247\NAO1-1 t A-g    B       Active      2      32     GL      AO 2-FCV-14-T         MA;N STEAM ;SOL VALVE LOOp    1       24TWBO1_1 t1_g      B       Active      2      32 cL          AO Required    Test   Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency Frequency:         FailSafe Close (FSC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency Deferred   Test    Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency Frequency:         Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency Justification for Closing these valves cruses a loss of main steam flow from one steam generator which in turn Deferred   Test    cruses a steam generator level transient, either of which could cause a unit trip and safety injection.

Frequency: Valves are equipped with part stroke capability, however, even a part stroke exercise increases the risk of an inadvertent valve closure when the unit is operating (Reference NUREG-1482, Revision 1, Section 4.2.6, Note 1). ln accordance with the manufacture/s recommendation, these valves should only be stroke time tested with steam on the valve. Therefore, stroke time testing can only be performed during MODE 3 operation, which is during the startup or shutdown sequence.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 223 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 2 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -02 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act 1-FCV-1-17-A MA1N STEAM AUX FWp HDR SUppLy 147WgOg-2 tC-7 B Active 3 4 cA MO tsoL 1-FCV-1-1&B MA1N STEAM AUX FWp HDR SUppLy 147WgOg-2 tc-t B Active 3 4 cA MO ISOL 2-FCV-1-17-A MA1N STEAM AUX FWp HDR SUppLy 24TWAO1-2 lB4 B Active 3 4 cA MO ISOL 2-FCV-1-.I8-B MAIN STEAM AUX FWp HDR SUppLy 24tWBOg-2 lB4 B Active 3 4 cA MO ISOL Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Stroke time testing these valves to the close position or closing the valves to facilitate the stroke time Deferred Test open test completely isolates the steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump from its source of steam. Frequency: Failure of either valve to reopen will cause a complete loss of auxiliary feedwater for the loss of all AC power or station blackout accidents.

WBN Unit O 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 224 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 3 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-03 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1_FCV_1_147_A MA;N STEAM ;SOL VLV LOOp 1 Byp 147WgO1_1 lC_3 B Active 2 2 et AO WARMINGVLV 1-FCV-1-148-B MAIN STEAM 1SOL VLV LOOp 2 Byp 147W801_.t / E_3 B Active 2 2 At AO WARMINGVLV 1-FCV-1-149-A MA1N STEAM ;SOL VLV LOOp 3 Byp 147WBO1-1 I F-g B Active 2 2 ct AO WARMINGVLV 1-FCV-1-1SO-B MA;N STEAM ;SOL VLV LOOp 4 Byp 1.47W801-1 / A-3 B Active 2 2 ct AO WARMINGVLV 2-FCV-1-147-A MA;N STEAM 1SOL VLV LOOp I Byp 247WBO1_1 tC_S B Active 2 2 Gt AO WARMING VLV 2-FCV-1-148-B MA1N STEAM 1SOL VLV LOOp 2 Byp 24TWBO1_1 tE_3 B Active 2 2 Gt AO WARMING VLV 2-FCV_1_149_A MA;N STEAM 1SOL VLV LOOp g Byp 247WBO1_1 I c_3 B Active 2 2 GL AO WARMING VLV 2-FCV-1-1 SO-B MA;N STEAM ;SOL VLV LOOp 4 Byp 24TW1O1_1 t B_g B Active 2 2 Cl AO WARMING VLV Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quarter[ (a) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for The control circuitry for these valves has been modified to require the valves to be de-energized Deferred Test when unit startup is complete. The valves are maintained in the de-energized and closed condition Frequency: during power operation. This modification was made to alleviate 10CFR50 Appendix R fire interactions from causing the valves to come open in a spurious fashion. Since the only time period in which these valves serve an active function is during startup, it is NOT prudent to restore power to the valve and place the valve, which is normally maintained in its fail safe condition, in other than its safe condition.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 225 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 4 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-04 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV-72-40-A RHR SpRAy HDRA ;SOLAT;ON 14TWg12-1 tF-g A Active 2 I cA MO 1-FCV-7241-B RHR SpRAy HDR B ;SOLAT1ON 14TWg12-1 tE-A A Active 2 I GA MO 2-FCV-7240-A RHR SpRAy HDRA ;SOLAT;ON 247W912-1 lF4 A Active 2 I cA MO 2-FCV-7241-B RHR SpRAy HDR B 1SOLAT1ON 24TWB12-1 tE4 A Active 2 I cA MO Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for These valves are electrically interlocked with containment sump valves 1(2)-FCV-63-72-Aand 1(2)- Deferred Test FCV-63-73-B in such a manner that the sump valves must be opened to allow the spray valves to Frequency: open. Opening the containment sump valves during operation requires either draining an extensive portion of the RHR system or allowing it to drain to the containment sump. Draining and refilling these lines requires a considerable amount of time and could extend forced outage duration. Allowing the affected piping to drain to the sump requires extensive cleanup time. Therefore testing during forced outages is NOT practical.

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 226 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 5 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-05 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act 1_Ct4y_3_508 STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW CHECK l4TWBOg_1 tF_2 C Active 2 16 CK SA 1-Ct(/_3_509 STEAM GENERATOR 2 MFW CHECK l47,NBOg_1 lE-2 C Active 2 '16 CK SA i-Ct(/_3_slg STEAM GENERATOR ,t MFW CHECK 147wBOg-1 tC-2 C Active 2 16 CK SA 1-Ct(/-3-S11 STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW CHECK 14VNBOS-1 I B_2 C Active 2 '16 CK SA 2-C11y-g-SO8 STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW CHECK 24TWAO3-1 lF-2 C Active 2 16 CK SA 2-Clry-3-sog STEAM GENERATOR 2 MFw CHECK 24TWAO1-1 tE-2 C Active 2 '16 CK SA 2-C11y-3-S1O STEAM GENERATOR 1 MFW CHECK 24TWAOZ-1 lC-2 C Active 2 16 CK SA 2_Ctff_g_S1l STEAM GENEMTOR 4 MFW CHECK 24TWAOg-,t lB-2 C Active 2 16 CK SA Required Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quartedy (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Quartedy (O) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Exercising these valves during power operation causes a loss of feedwater to the Steam Generator Deferred Test they supply which in tum causes a steam generator level transient, either of which could result in Frequency: unit trip and safety injection.

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 227 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 6 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ46 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV-3-1OO-B STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW ;SOL 147W803-1 / B-3 B Active 2 16 GA MO 1-FCV-3-103 STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW REG 147'NWA-1 lB4 B Active 3 16 ANG AO VALVE 1-FCV-3-103A STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW BypASS 147WBO3-,1 / A.4 B Active 3 6 ct_ AO REG VALVE 1-FCV-3-236 STEAM GENEMTOR ,t MFW BypASS ,t.47W803-1 / C-3 B Active 2 6 OR AO LINE ISOL 1-FCV-3-239 STEAM GENERATOR 2 MFW BypASS 1.47W803-1 / D-3 B Active 2 6 eR AO LINE ISOL 1-FCV-S-242 STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW BypASS 1.47WBO3-1 / E-3 B Active 2 6 ee AO LINE ISOL 1-FCv-g-245 STEAM GENEMTOR 4 MFW BypASS 1.47W803-1 / A-3 B Active 2 6 Gn AO LINE ISOL 1-FCV-3-33-A STEAM GENEMTOR 1 MFW ;SOL 1.47W803-,t / C-3 B Active 2 16 GA MO 1-FCV-3-3S STEAM GENEMTOR 1 MFW REG 147WBOg-,t tC4 B Active 3 16 ANG AO VALVE 1_FCV_3_3SA STEAM GENEMTOR 1 MFW BypASS 147WBO1-1 lC4 B Active 3 6 Gt AO REG VALVE .f

  -FCV-9.47-B     STEAM GENEMTOR 2 MFW  ;SOL      1-4ZWBO3-1 /  E-3   B      Active 2     16 cA       MO 1-FCV-9.48         STEAM GENEMTOR  2 MFW REG       1.47W903-1 / E.4    B      Active 3     16 ANG      AO VALVE 1-FCV-348A         STEAM GENEMTOR 2 MFW  BypASS    1.47WBO1-1   tD4    B      Active 3     6    G1     AO REG VALVE 1-FCV347-A         STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW ;SOL      147WBO3-1 /   F-3   B      Active 2     16 cA       MO 1-FCV-3-90         STEAM GENEMTOR  3 MFW REG        147tNBOg-1 tF4     B      Active 3     16 ANG      AO VALVE


  -FCV-3-gOA      STEAM GENEMTOR 3 MFW  BypASS    1.4ZWB01-1  tF4     B      Active 3     6    G1     AO REG VALVE 2-FCV-3-'lOO-B     STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW ISOL      247\N803-1   lB-3   B      Active 2     16   GA     MO 2-FCV-3-,103       STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW REG       24vryg1g-1   lB4    B      Active 3     16 ANG      AO VALVE 2-FCV-3-103A       STEAM GENEMTOR 4 MFW  BypASS    241WAO34 I    A4    B      Active 3     6 O1        AO REG VALVE 2-FCV-3-185        STEAM GENERATOR 1 MFW           247WgOg-1   tC-2 B         Active 2     2    Ot     AO BACKFLUSH WARMING 2-FCV-3-186        STEAM GENERATOR 2 MFW           24TWBO3-1   I E-2   B      Active 2     2    et     AO BACKFLUSH WARMING 2-FCV-3-187        STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW           24TWAO1-1    lc-2   B      Active 2     2    ct     AO BACKFLUSH WARMING 2-FCV-3-1BB        STEAM GENERATOR 4 MFW           24TWBO}-1    tB-2   E      Active 2     2    GL     Ao BACKFLUSH WARMING 2-FCV-3-296        STEAM GENEMTOR  I MFW BypASS    2-47W803-1  /C-g B         Active 2     6    cR     AO LINE ISOL 2-FCV-3-299 STEAM GENEMTOR 2 MFW BypASS 2.47W803-1 / D-g B                    Active 2     6    cR     AO LINE ISOL 2-FCV-S-242 STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW BypASS 24ZWBO3-1 / FA B                     Active 2     6    GA     AO LINE ISOL

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 228 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 7 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-06 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 2_FCV_3_245 STEAM GENERATOR4 MFW BypASS 24TWBO1-1 I A-g B Active 2 6 cA AO LINE ISOL 2-FCV-3-93-A STEAM GENEMTOR 1 MFW ;SOL 247\NBO3-1 l9-g B Active 2 16 GA MO 2-FCV-3-3S STEAM GENERATOR 1 MFW REG 24TWBO3-1 lC4 B Active 3 16 ANG AO VALVE 2-FCV-3-35A STEAM GENERATOR 1 MFW BypASS 2-47VVgOg-,t lC4 B Active 3 6 GL AO REG VALVE 2-FCV-147-B STEAM GENEMTOR 2 MFW ISOL 24vgg1g-1 tE-g B Active 2 16 GA MO 2-FCV-3.48 STEAM GENERATOR 2 MFW REG 24VNBO3-1 lE4 B Active 3 16 ANG AO VALVE 2-FCV-348A STEAM GENERATOR 2 MF1 / BypASS 24TWBO1-1 lD4 B Active 3 6 GL AO REG VALVE 2-FCV-37-A STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFw 1SOL 247WBO3-1 / F-3 B Active 2 16 cA MO 2_FCV_3_90 STEAM GENEMTOR 3 MFW REc 24TWAO3_1 tF4 B Active 3 16 ANG AO VALVE 2-FCV-3-9OA STEAM GENERATOR 3 MFW BypASS 24TWBO1-1 lF4 B Active 3 6 cL AO REG VALVE RequiredTest AllValves Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Valves 1(2)-FCV-3-35, 1(2)-FCV-3-35A, 1(2)-FCV-348, 1(2)-FCV-348A, 1(2)-FCV-3-90 1 (2)-FCV-3-90A, 1 (2)-FCV-3-1 03, 1 (2)-FCV-3-1 03A, 2-FCV-3-1 85, 2-FCV-3-186 , 2-FCV-3-187 , 2

                 -FCV-3-188, 1(2)-FCV-3-236, 1(2)-FCV-3-239, 1(2)-FCV-3-242,1(2)-FCV-3-245 Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency.

DeferredTest AllValves Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Valves 1(2)-FCV-3-35, 1(2)-FCV-3-35A, 1(2)-FCV-348, 1(2)-FCV-348A, 1(2)-FCV-3-90 1(2)-FCV-3-90A, 1(2)-FCV-3-103, 1(2)-FCV-3-103A, 2-FCV-3-185, 2-FCV-3-186,2-FCV-3-187,2

                 -FCV-3-188, 1(2)-FCV-3-236, 1(2)-FCV-3-239, 1(2)-FCV-3-242,',t(2)-FCV-3-245 Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency.

Justification for Exercising these valves during power operation causes a change of feedwater flow to the Steam Deferred Test Generator they supply which in tum causes a steam generator level transient, either of which could Frequency: result in unit trip and safety injection. Stroke time testing of the FCVs is normally performed in mode 3 during shutdown for a refueling when isolation of feedwater is performed. The test procedure is written to allow performance during modes 5 and/or 6, but performance in these modes requires extensive lifting/reJanding of permanent wiring and installation/removal of jumpers and test switches to allow testing of individual valves. Modes 5 and 6 performance is only used for Post Maintenance Testing purposes on a valve-by-valve bases. Therefore, testing during forced outages is NOT practical.

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 229 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page I of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -07 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1_C1$_305_A AUX FEEDWATER pMp 1A_A SUCTTON 147WOO1_21F_S C Active 3 8 CX SA CHECK 1_CKV_3-8OO:B AUX FEEDWATER pMp 1B_B SUCTTON l4TWBOg_2 tF-6 C Active 3 I CX SA CHECK 1-Ctry-3-810-S TD AUX FEEDWATER pUMp SUCTTON 1-47W8Og-2 I G-3 C Active 3 10 CK SA CHECK 1-CKV-3-864-S TD AUX FEEDWATER pUMp 1471NBO1-2 lH$ C Active 3 6 CK SA DISCHARGE CHECK 2-Clry-3OS-A AUX FEEDWATER pMp 2A-A SUCTTON 24TWBO1-2 tD-s C Active 3 8 Cr SA CHECK 2-CKV-306-B AUx FEEDWATER PMP 2B-B SUcIoN 247\N803-2 tD-7 c Active 3 8 cK sA CHECK 2-Cl1y-g10-S TD AUX FEEDWATER pUMp SUC1ON 247VVBO3-2 tC4 C Active 3 10 CK SA CHECK 2-C10-3{64 TD AUX FEEDWATER pUMp 247wBOg-2lC$ C Active 3 O CK SA DISCHARGE CHECK Required Test AllValves Frequency: Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Quartedy (a) frequency. Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test AllValves Frequency: Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Check Valve Close (CVC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Valves 1 (2)-CKV-3-805, 1 (2)-Ct0-3-806, 1 (2)-C1ry-3-81 0 Check Valve Close (CVC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Valves 1(2)-CKV-3-864 Check Valve Bi-directional Close (BDC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for Exercising these valves to their safeguard position requires operating the AFW pumps at full flow to Deferred Test the steam generators while the steam generators are pressurized. The resulting intrpduction of cold Frequency: water into the steam generator will cause undesirable thermal fatigue cycles on the feedwater piping and SG feedwater nozzles and will cause level transients due to SG shrink that could result in unit trip and unnecessary actuation of the safety injection system. Testing the valves during retum to power operation during mid cycle shutdowns would delay startup of the plant because the test is performed in mode 3 in order to flow to the steam generators at full steam generator pressure. The close test will be performed at the same frequency as the open test as allowed by ISTC-3522(a).

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 230 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page I of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-08 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV2{4-A pZR AUX;LARy SpRAy L;NE 14TWBO9.1 lB-2 B Active 1 3 cL ISOLATION 2-FCV$2-g4-A pZRAUXtLARySppayLtNE 24TNBO9-1 lB-2 B Active 1 3 ct AO ISOLATION Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Exercising this valve during power operation results in initiation of auxiliary RCS spray. This causes Deferred Test a quenching effect on the Pressurizer steam volume, resulting in a drop in RCS pressure and an Frequency: increase in Pressurizer level. Actuation of auxiliary spray flow also adversely impacts the fatigue evaluation, which accounts for and limits the number of thermal stress cycles to be experienced by the nozzles associated with auxiliary spray.

WBN Unit O 0-T!-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 231 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 10 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-09 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-CKV-32-293 CONTROL AtR CNTMT CHECK 14TN8'4,A_1 I A_g A/C Active 2 2 CK SA 1-Ct67-92-gO3-A ESSENT CNTL AIR CNTMT CHECK 1.47W84&1 / C-9 NC Active 2 2 CK S 1-Ctry-92-g1g-B ESSENTCNTLATRCNTMTCHECK 147ryg4,g_1tD_g NC Active 2 2 CK SA 1-FCV-12-102-B ESSENT CONTROL AtR TR B CNTMT 147W848_i / D_9 A Active 2 2 GL AO ISOL 1-FCV-32-110-A CONTROLATRCNTMTTSOL 147w848-1/A_9 A Active 2 2 Ga --TO 1-FCV-92-BG.A ESSENT CONTROL AIR TR A CNTMT 1.42W848-1 / C-9 A Active 2 2 cL AO ISOL 2-C16t-32-g2g-B ESSENT CNTL AtR CNTMT CHECK 247Wg4B_1 lE-10 A/C Active 2 2 CK SA 2-CKV-92-333-A ESSENT CNTL AtR CNTMT CHECK 24TwU&1 I G_10 A/C Active 2 2 CK SA 2-CKV-32-349 CONTROL AtR CNTMT CHECK 247Wg.4,A_1 lH_10 NC Active 2 2 aK JA 2-FCV-92-103-B ESSENT CONTROL AtR TR B CNTMT 24TWA4A-,1 lEg A Active 2 2 GL AO ISOL 2-FCV-92-111-B CONTROL AtR CNTMT 1SOL 247W8.4;g_1 t+_g A Active 2 2 ca jO-2-FCV-32-g1-A ESSENT CONTROL AtR TR A CNTMT 247Wg4,B_1 I G_9 A Active 2 2 GL AO ISOL Required Test Valves 1-CKl-32-293, 1-CKV-32-303-A, 1-CKV-32-313-B, 2-CI0-32-343,2-CKV-32-333-A, 2-C1(/- Frequency: 32-323-8 Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Valves 1-CKl-32-293, 1-C1(/-32-303-A, 1-CKV-32-313-8, 2-Cl(/-32-343,2-CKV-32-333-A, 2-Clry-32-323-B Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Valves 1-FCV-32-80-A, 1 -FCV-3 2-102-8, 1-FCV-32-11 0-A, 2-FCV-32-81-A, 2-FCV-}2-103-8, 2

                -FCV-32-111-B Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency Valves 1-FCV-32-80-A, 1-FCV-32-102-8, 1-FCV-32-11 0-A, 2-FCV-32-81 -A, 2-FCV-32-103-8, 2
                -FCV-32-111-B Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 232 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 11 of 37 Deferred Test Valves 1-CKl-32-293, 1-C1(/-32-303-A, 1 -CKV-32-31 3-B, 2-CK/-32-343, 2-C!<V-32-333-A, 2-Cl0-Frequency: 32-323-8

            '    Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency.

Valves 1-CKl-32-293, 1-CKV-32-303-A, 1-CKV-32-313-B, 2-C1(/-32-343,2-CKl-32-333-A, 2-C1(/- 32-323-B Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Valves 1-FCV-32-80-A, 1-FCV-32-102-B,1-FCV-32-110-A,2-FCV-32-81-A,2-FCV-32-103-8,2

                 -FCV-32-111-B Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency.

Valves 1-FCV-32-80-A, 1-FCV-32-102-B' 1-FCV-32-110-A, 2-FCV-32-81 -A, 2-FCV-32-103-8, 2

                 -FCV-32-111-B Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency.

Justificatlon for Exercising these valves to the closed position intenupts the air supply to a number of critical Deferred Test instruments and valves inside containment. Failure of these valves to reopen could cause unstable Frequency: operation and unit trip by allowing all of the valves and instruments to assume their failed condition.

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 233 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 12 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 0 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-C1ry61658 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 14tWB14-2 to-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 1 1-CKV{1{59 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 14t\N914-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 2 1-CKV-61660 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 14TWg14-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 3 1-C1ry61661 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp,q;N GATE 141\N814_2 tD_,t2 C Active 3 12 CK SA 4 1-CKV$1662 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp4;N GATE 14TWg14-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 5 1-CKV-61663 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp7q;N GATE 147W914-2 lO-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA b 1-CKV6164 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 147W814-2 lO-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 7 1-CKV-61{6S tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 147W814-2 lD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 8 1-Clry-61666 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 147W814-2 lD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA I 1-CKV-6167 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 14twg14-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA t0 ,1-CKV-61668 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 14twg14-2 lD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 11 1-CKV{1669 tCE CON9ENSER FLOOR Dp,q;N GATE 14VNg14-2lO-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 12 1-CKV1470 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp1q1N GATE 147ryg,t4-2 lD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 13 1-Ct(/-61671 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 14TWg14-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 14 1-CKV-61672 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp1q;N GATE 147W814-2 lD_12 c Active 3 12 CK SA 15 ,f

  -CKV61{73       tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN  GATE  147W814-2  tD-12 C        Active 3     12     CK     SA 16 1-CKV-61674        tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN  GATE ,t4tWB14-2 lD-12 C         Active 3     'l'2   CK     SA 17 1-CKV-6167S        ICE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN  GATE  147W914-2  tD-.t2 C       Active 3     12 CK         SA 18 1-CKV61676         tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN  GATE  147W814-2  tD-12 C        Active 3     12     CK     SA 19 1-Ct0-61-677       tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp1q;N GATE  14VNg14-2  lD-12 C        Active 3     12     CK     SA 20 2-CKV-61{S8        tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp7q;N GATE 24VNg14-2   tD-12 C        Active 3     12     CK     SA 1

2-CKV516S9 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DM1N GATE 247W814-2 tD-12 c Active 3 12 CK SA 2 2-C61/4,t60 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 241W814-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 3 2-C14y61661 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR D3,4;N GATE 24tWB14-2 tD-,12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 4 2-CKV-61662 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DMlN GATE 2471NA14-Z tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 5

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseryice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 234 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 13 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 0 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 2_CKV_61463 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 247W914-2 lO-,t2 C Active 3 12 CK SA 6 2-CKV-61$64 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 247W914-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 7 2-CKV-616S tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 247W914-2 tD-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA I 2-CKV-6166 ICE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 24TwA14-2 to-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA I 2-CKV-61667 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR Dp1;N GATE 24TWA14_2 lD_12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 10 2-CKV{1{68 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 24TWB14-2 lO-12 C Active 3 12 CK SA 11 2-CKV61669 tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN GATE 24VNg,t4_2 tD_12 C Active 3 12 CK SA

                 't2 2-Ctry-61670      tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DpaIN       GATE   24TNB14-2   lO-12 C        Active       3     12    CK       SA 13 2-CKV-61671       tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE   2471N814-2  lD-12 C        Active       3     12    CK       SA 14 2-C;y6t-61412     tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE   247WA,6-2   tD_12 C        Active       3     '12 CK         SA 15 2-CKV-61{73       tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE   247W814-2   tD-12 C        Active       3     12    CK       SA 16 2-CKV-61624       ICE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE   247W814-2   tD-12 C        Active       3     12    CK       SA 17 2-CKV-61,67S      tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE   247W814_2   lD_12 C        Active       3     12    CK       SA 18 2-CKV-61S76       tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE   2471N814-2  lD-12 C        Active       3     12    CK       SA 19 2-C36t$,1517      tCE CONDENSER FLOOR DRATN       GATE 24VNg,t4-2 tD-12 C           Active       3     '12 CK         SA 20 Required   Test   Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency.

Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Close (BDC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Close (BDC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justiftcation for Valves are installed on the end of the ice condenser drains inside the polar crane wall in the lower Deferred Test compartment. Radiation levels in this area during operation prevent entry. The drains are located Frequency: some distance from the floor, requiring the construction of scaffolding to reach. Therefore it is impractical to try to test the valves during a cold shutdown.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 235 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 14 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 1 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-CKV62-5M RWST TO CVCS CHG pUMp SUCTTON 1-47WBO9-1 / H-10 C Active 2 8 CX SA CHECK 1-CKVS2-52$A CCp 1A-A DTSCHARGE CHECK 1.47W009-.t / G-9 A/C Active 2 4 CK SA .f

  -Cl0-62-532-B   CCp 1B-B DTSCHARGE    CHECK           147W809-1 /    F_g A/C    Active  2     4    CK     SA 1-CKV63-510       RWST TO SAFETy tNJ pUMp   SUCTTON 14TWB11-1        lD-10 C      Active  2     I    CK     SA CHECK

,1-CKVS3-524-A SAFETy tNJ pUMp 1A-A DTSCHARGE 147WA11-1 IFA A/C Active 2 4 CK SA CHECK 1-CKV63-526-B SAFETy tNJ pUMp 1B-B DTSCHARGE 14TwB11-1 tD4 A/C Active 2 4 CK SA CHECK 1-CKV-63-54&A HOT LEG 1 SAFETy tNJ CHECK 1-47W911-1 / F-3 NC Active 1 2 CK SA 1-CKVS3-54SA HOT LEG 3 SAFETy tNJ CHECK 147WA11-1 lF-3 A/C Active 1 2 CK SA 1-CKV-69-S47-B HOT LEG 2 SAFEry tNJ CHECK 1-47W811-1 / E-3 A/C Active 2CKSA 1-CKV63-S49-B HOT LEG 4 SAFETy tNJ CHECK 147W811-1 / E-3 A/C Active 1 2 CK SA 1-CKV$3-SS1-S COLD LEG 1 SAFETy tNJ CHECK ,t47WA11-1 lH-1 A/C Active 1 2 CK SA 1-CKV63-5slS COLD LEG 2 SAFEW tNJ CHECK 1.47w8't1-1 / H-3 A/C Active 2CKSA 1-CKV,63-5S5-S COLD LEG 3 SAFEW tNJ CHECK .t47W811-1

                                                                     / G-3  A/C   Active  1     2    Cf     SA


  -CKV-63-SS7-S COLD LEG 4 SAFETy tNJ CHECK             147W811-1 t c_2     A/C   Active  1     2    CK     SA

,I-CKV,53-SS8-B HOT LEG 4 SAFETy tNJ CHECK 1471N91,1-1 tE-2 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 1-CKV63.SS$B HOT LEG 2 SAFETy tNJ CHECK 14TWB11-1 lE-1 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 1.CKV-63-581-S BORON INJ LINE CHECK 147W8 11-1l C-6 A/C Active 1 3 CK SA 1-C11y-6&SS6-S COLD LEG 1 BORON tNJ CHECK 14TWB11-1 tE-1 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA i-CKV$g-587 COLD LEG 2 BORON tNJ CHECK 147WA11-1 lD-2 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA 1-C1ry63-588-S COLD LEG 3 BORON tNJ CHECK 147\N811-1 lE-2 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA 1-CKV{3-589 COLD LEG 4 BORON tNJ CHECK 141\NA11-1 lF-2 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA 2-CKV-62-SO4-S RWST TO CVCS CHG pUMp SUC1ON 247WOO9-1 / c-9 C Active 2 8 CK SA CHECK 2-CKV-62-S25.A CCp 2A-A DTSCHARGE CHECK 2.47W909-1 / c NC Active 2 4 CK SA 2-CK1-62-532-B CCp 2B-B DTSCHARGE CHECK 2-47W809-1 / F{ NC Active 2 4 CK SA 2-CKV-63-S1O-S RWST TO SAFETy tNJ pUMp SUCTTON 247W811-1 tD-9 c Active 2 I Cf SA CHECK 2-CKV-63-524-A SAFEry tNJ pUMp 2A-A DTSCHARGE 247W811-1 IEA A/C Active 2 4 CK SA CHECK 2-CKV-63-526-B SAFEW tNJ pUMp 2B-B DTSCHARGE Z4tWB11-t tD4 Nc Active 2 4 CK SA CHECK 2-CKV-63-S43-A HOT LEG 1 SAFEW tNJ CHECK 247tryg,t1-1 lF-g A/C Active 1 2 CK SA 2-CKV{3-54SA HOT LEG g SAFETy tNJ CHECK 24TNA11-1 lF-g A/C Aclive 1 2 CK SA 2-Ct06g-S47-B HOT LEG 2 SAFEW tNJ CHECK 24TINB11-1 lE-S A/C Active 1 2 CK SA 2-CKV63-549-B HOT LEG 4 SAFEW tNJ CHECK 24TwB11-1 tE-g A/C Active 1 2 CK SA

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 236 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 15 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 1 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Cat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act 2-CKV-63-SS1-S COLD LEG I SAFEry tNJ CHECK 2471NA11-1 l1-,t A/C Active 'l 2 Cf SA 2_CKV{3_ss3_S COLD LEG 2 SAFEry tNJ CHECK 247W911_1 tH_g A/C Active 1 2 Cr SA 2-CKV3-OS+S COLD LEG g SAFEry tNJ CHECK 247W911-1 lc-g A/c Active 't 2 CK SA 2-CKVS3-557-S COLD LEG 4 SAFETy tNJ CHECK 247W911-1 tc-2 NC Active 1 2 CK SA 2-C16/69-5s&B HOT LEG 4 SAFEW tNJ CHECK 24TWA11-1 I E-2 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 2-CKV63-ss$B HOT LEG 2 SAFETY tNJ CHECK 247\N811-1 lE-1 A/c Active 't 6 CK SA 2-CKV-63-S81-S BORON tNJ L;NE CHECK 247WA,11-1 lC6 A/C Active 1 3 CK SA 2-CKV63-58&S COLD LEG 1 BORON tNJ CHECK 241ryg,t,t-1 tE-1 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA 2-CKV-63-SB7-S COLD LEG 2 BORON tNJ CHECK 24twg11-1 to-2 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA 2-CKV63-SB&S COLD LEG 3 BORON tNJ CHECK 241\NA11-t lE-2 A/C Active 1 1.5 CK SA 2-CKV63-58$S COLD LEG 4 BORON tNJ CHECK 24TNg11-t I F-2 A/c Active 1 1.5 CK SA Required Test Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for The centrifugal charging pumps cannot be run at full flow through their associated valves without Deferred Test causing undesirable RCS temperature and/or boron concentration changes resulting in changes in Frequency: reactivity during operations which could result in a plant trip and subsequent safety injection actuation or causing undesirable thermal cyclic stresses which would eventually use all of the design basis for thermal cycles due to a Safety lnjection. The safety injection pumps do NOT develop sufficient head to deliver flow to the reactor vessel during normal operation. Letdown capacity precludes testing during MODE 5 without compromising cold over pressure protection provisions. Full stroke exercising 1(2)-CK/-62-504-S or 1(2)-C1(\/63-510-S to the closed position renders both trains of their respective systems inoperable.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 237 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page ie of gl Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -12 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV47_123_B CNTMT SpRAy HX 1B_B ERCW SUppLy 147WB4S-2 lD_g B Active 3 18 BF MO 1_FCVS7_124_B CNTMTSpMyHXIB-BERCW 147W8'4,S_21E4 B Active 3 .t8 gp li-RETURN 1-FCV7-12S-A CNTMTSp3ayHXIA_AERCrySUppLy 147Wg4,S_zlC-g B Active 3 18 EF MO 1-FCV67_126_A CNTMT SpRAy HX 1A_A ERCW 147Wgp,S_2 lO_7 B Active 3 18 BF MO RETURN 2_FCV$7_129-B CNTMT SpRAy HX 2B_B ERCW SUppLy 24TWUS_2 lO_2 B Active 3 18 BF MO 2-FCV$7-12+B CNTMT SpRAy HX 2B_B ERCW 24 Ng7,S_2 tE_3 B Active 3 18 gp li-RETURN 2_FCV$7_125_A CNTMTSppayHX2A_AERCWSUppLy 247Wgp,S_2 lc_g B Active 3 18 BF MO 2-FCV$T-126-A CNTMT Spp,qy HX 2A-A ERCW 247Wg'4,S_2 lD4 B Active 3 18 BF MO RETURN Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Opening these valves allows river water from ERCW to enter the heat exchangers. As a result, the Deferred Test lay-up water chemistry [such as chloride content] cannot be maintained without dr:aining and refilling Frequency: the heat exchangers followed by recirculating the water through a portable demineralizer.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 238 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 17 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 3 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1.CKV-62-930 EMERGENCY BORATION CHECK 147W809-2 IB.4 33cK 2-C11y62-930 EMERGENCy BOp;qTTON CHECK 247WgO9-2 tg.4 C Active 3 3 Cr Required Test Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Close (BDC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Retueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Close (BDC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for Passing emergency boration flow through this valve during operation results in undesirable boration Deferred Test of the RCS. This could cause undesirable changes in rod position to compensate for the negative Frequency: reactivity insertion. Testing during cold shutdown would also cause a negative reactivity insertion which could adversely affect the length of time required to dilute to an operating boron concentration or adversely impact the reactivity balance during shutdown conditions.

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnservice Testi ng Program Rev. 0001 Page 239 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 18 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -14 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV62-61-B CVCS SEAL WATER RETURN HEADER l4TWBOg-1 lB-7 A Active 2 4 cA MO ISOL 1-FCV62-63-A CVCS SEAL WATER RETURN HEADER 1.47W809-i / B{ A Active 2 4 GA MO ISOL 2-FCV{2-61-B CVCS SEAL WATER RETURN HEADER 247WBO9-1 / B{ A Active 2 4 cA MO ISOL 2-FCV-62-69-A CVCS SEAL WATER RETURN HEADER 24VNBO9-1 tB-7 A Active 2 4 cA MO ISOL Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Exercising valves during operation would cause loss of seal water retum to and potentially damage Deferred Test the reactor coolant pump seals, resulting in high seal losses with resultant maintenance, Frequency: contamination and clean up problems.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 240 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 19 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 5 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV629-S CVCS LETDOWN ;SOLAT1ON 14VNBO9-1 t A-2 B Active 1 3 cL AO 1-FCV2-70-S CVCS LETDOryN ;SOLAT;ON ,14TWBO9-1 I A-2 B Active 1 3 Cl AO 1-FCV-62-77.8 CVCS LP LETDOWN ISOL 14ZWBO9-1 lA-T A Active 2 2 GL AO 1-FCV62-90-A CVCS CHARGTNG HEADER 1SOLAT1ON 1.47W809-1 / D-g B Active 2 3 GR MO 1-FCV2-91-B CVCS CHARGTNG HEADER ;SOLAT;ON 1-47W809_1 / D B Active 2 3 GA MO 2-FCV62$9*S CVCS LETDOWN ;SOLAT;ON 24VNBO9-1 lA-2 B Active 1 3 cL AO 2-FCV62-70 CVCS LETDOWN 1SOLAT;ON 24TNBO9_1 I A_2 B Active 1 3 GL AO 2-FCV-62-77.8 CVCS LP LETDOWN ISOL 24TW1O9-1 tA-T A Active 2 2 GL AO 2-FCV62-90-A CVCS CHARGTNG HEADER 1SOLAT;ON 24TWBq19.-1 lD:t B Active 2 3 cA MO 2-FCV62-91-B CVCS CHARGTNG HEADER ;SOLAT;ON 2471ry9g1g.-1 tD-7 B Active 2 3 GA MO RequiredTest AllValves Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Va I ves 1 (2)-F CV 69, 1 (2 )- FCV 7 O, 1 (2)-F CV 7 7 Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. DeferredTest AllValves Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Va lves 1, (2)-F CV 6 9, 1 (2 )- F C V 7 O,'l (2)-F CV 77 Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Exercising these valves to the position required to fulfill their safety function causes a loss of flow in Deferred Test either the charging or letdown portions of the Chemical and Volume Control System. As described in Frequency: the Westinghouse letter to TVA, WAT D 8347 (RIMS T33 911231 810), isolation of the charging and letdown lines during operation can result in a thermal transient at the charging nozzle of from 500 degrees F to 70 degrees F in a two to five minute period. This results in an increase in the fatigue

        ,        usage factor beyond that assumed for the original design analysis of these systems.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 241 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 20 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I 6 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV$2-1228-A CCp SUCTTON TO VCT VENT HDR 1SOL 147W809-1 / C-10 B Active 2 1 GL AO 1_FCV$2_1229_B CCp SUCTTON TO VCT VENT HDR ;SOL 147WOO9_1 / C_10 B Active 2 1 Gl AO 1_LCV42_132_A VOLUME CONTROL TANK OUTLET 147WgO9_1 / D_10 B Active 2 4 GR MO ISOljTION 1-LCV-62-133-B VOLUME CONTROL TANK OUTLET .t-47w809-1 / D-10 B Active 2 4 GR MO ISOLATION .f

  -LCV42-13S-A RWST CVCS SUppLy HDR ;SOLAT;ON             1-47W809.1 / H-10 B          Active       2     8      GA     MO 1-LCV62-136-B RWST CVCS SUppLy HDR ;SOLAT;ON               1-47W80$,1 / H-10 B          Active       2     8      cA     MO 2-Fcv$2-1228-A ccp sucloN To vcr yENT HDR tsoL             24vrygo9-1  tc-'to B         Active 2           1      cL     Ao 2-FCV$2-1229-B     CCp SUCTTON TO VCT VENT HDR      1SOL 24TW1O9_1 tC-10      B         Active       2     1      Gt     AO 2-LCV-62-192-A     VOLUME CONTROL TANK      OUTLET         2.+ZW8O9.1 /  E-9 B          Active       2     4      el     MO ISOLATION 2-LCV62-139-B      VOLUME CONTROL TANK      OUTLET          2471N909-1  lE-g  B         Active       2     4      Cl     MO ISOLATION 2-LCV62-135-A      RWST CVCS SUppLy HDR     ;SOLAT;ON      2.47W909-1 /  H-9 B          Active       2     8      Cn     MO 2-LCV-62-1A6-B     RWST CVCS SUppLy HDR     ;SOLAT;ON 247W809{         / H_9 B          Active       2     8      Ge     MO Required    Test   Valves 1(2)-FCV-62-1228, 1(2)-FCV-62-1229,1(2)-LCV-62-132, 1(2)-LCV-62-133 Frequency:         Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency.

Valves 1 (2)-FCV-62 -1 228, 1 (2lF CV 1 229 Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Valves 1 (2)-LCV-62-1 35, 1 (2)-LCV-62-1 36 Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Valves 'l(2)-FCV-62-1228, 1(2)-FCV-62-1229, 1(2)-LCV-62-'132, 1(2)-LCV-62-133 Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Valves 1 (2)-F CV 1 228,'l (2)-F CV 1 229 Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Valves 1 (2)-LCV-62-1 3s, 1 (2)-LCV-62-1 36 Fullstroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Cycling these valves during operation results in the charging pumps taking suction from the RWST Deferred Test for normal charging requirements. This will result in addition of borated water which has a different Frequency: boron concentration than that in the reactor coolant system since the likelihood of both the RWST and the RCS being at the same boron concentration at the same time is very small. The change in boron concentration in the RCS caused by charging from the RWST during testing would cause unstable unit operation, especially if any of the valves fail to retum to their normal position. The FCVs are electrically interlocked with the LCVs in such a manner that if they are stroked independently of the LCVs, position indication and consequently the ability to time the valves is lost.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 242 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 21 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -17 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV-74-1-A LOOp 4 HOT LEG TO RHR SUCTTON 147Wg1O_1 I G_2 A Active 1 14 cA MO 1_FCV_74_2_B LOOp 4 HOT LEG TO RHR SUCTTON j-47W810-.1 / G_3 A Active 1 14 cA MO 1-FCV-74-&A 1-FCV-74-2 BypASS RHR SUCTTON 1-47W810-1 / G-3 A Active 1 10 GA MO 1-FCV-74-$B 1,-FCV-74-,1 BypASS RHR SUC1ON 147W91U1 I G_2 A Active 1 10 cA MO 2-FCy-74-1-A LOOp4 HOT LEG TO RHR SUCTTON 24tryg16-1 lG-2 A Active 1 14 GA MO 2_FCV_74_2_B LOOp4 HOT LEG TO RHR SUCTTON 247Wg1O_1 tc-g A Active 1 14 cA MO 2-FCV-74-g.A 2-FCV-74-2 BypASS RHR SUCTTON 247WB1O_,1 tH_3 A Active 1 10 cA MO 2-FCV-74-*B 2-FCV-14-1 BypASS RHR SUCTTON 247W91g-1 I c_2 A Active 1 10 cA MO Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Exercising the valve during operation would result in over pressurizing the RHR piping, causing a Deferred Test loss of both trains of a safety system. Frequency:

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 243 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 22 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-1 8 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-Ctry-ffi-Sg2 RWST TO RHR SUCTTON CHECK 14VNB11-1 tF_10 C Active 2 't2 CK SA 1_C1117_6g"6g2_A COLD LEG 2 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 147W811_1 lH_2 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 1-Ctry436gg-B COLD LEG 1 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 14TWB11-1 I G_1 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 1-C1ry63434-A COLD LEG 3 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 1-47W81 l_i / c_3 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 1-Ctry.6g"63$B COLD LEG 4 RHR tNJ L1NE CHECK 14tWA114 I eA NC Active 1 6 CK SA 1-C11y{3{40 HOT LEG 1 RHR INJ L;NE CHECK 147W811-1 lcyg A/C Active 1 I CK SA 1-Ct0-6341-S 1-CI0{3{41HOT LEG 1 tNJ 147W811-1 lF-1 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA HEADERCHECK 1-CKV3643-S HOT LEG 3 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 1471N911-1 lF-3 A/C Ac{ive 1 8 CK SA 1-CKV"63A14-S HOT LEG 3 tNJ HEADER CHECK 147WA11-1 lD-2 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 1-Cl(V-74-5.t4-A RHR pUMp 1A-A DTSCHARGE CHECK 1.47W810-1 / F C Active 2 I CK SA 1-CKV-74-51S-B RHR pUMp 1B-B DTSCHARGE CHECK 1.47WB1O-1 / C{ C Active 2 8 Cr SA 2-CKV63-S02-S RWST TO RHR SUCTTON CHECK 24TWB11-1 lF-g C Active 2 12 CK SA 2-CKV3{32-A COLD LEG 2 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 247W811-1 lG-2 A/C Active I 6 CK SA 2-C14y{3"633-B COLD LEG 1 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 247WA11-1 lc_,t A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 2-C1ry63694-A COLD LEG 3 RHR tNJ LINE CHECK 24TWA11-1 lG-3 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 2-C1417{g{3$B COLD LEG 4 RHR tNJ L1NE CHECK 247WA11-1 I G-1 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 2-ClryS364O-S HOT LEG .t RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 24tryg11-1 tc-g A/C Active 'l 8 CK SA 2-CKV-6341-S 21ry63641 HOT LEG 1 tNJ HEADER 24TWB11-1 lF-1 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA CHECK 2-CKV-63643-S HOT LEG 3 RHR tNJ L;NE CHECK 247W811-1 tF-g A/C Active 1 8 CK SA 2-CKV63644-S HOT LEG 3 tNJ HEADER CHECK 247W811-1 lD-2 A/C Active 1 6 CK SA 2-CKt-74-5,t4-A RHR pUMp 2A-A DTSCHARGE CHECK 24TWB1O-1 tFA C Active 2 I CK SA 2-Ct(/-74-515.B RHR pUMp 2B-B DTSCHARGE CHECK 2.47W8.t0-1 / C4 C Active 2 8 Cr SA Required Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for The RHR pumps do NOT develop sufficient head to open the valves during power operation. With Deferred Test the RHR pump suction being supplied from the normal loop 4 suction path during shutdown and Frequency: discharging to a closed vessel, the pumps cannot develop sufficient flow to satisfu the full flow requirements for the check valves. ln order to achieve full flow, the vessel must be open and the pump suction taken from the RWST. Valves 1(2)-Cl<\l-74-514-A and 1(2)-CKV-74-515-B cannot be exposed to the pressure of a running RHR pump during plant operation without opening 1(2)-HCV-74-36 and 1(2)-HCV-74-37. Opening these valves or back seating 1(2)-CKV-63-502S adversely affects both trains of a safety system.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 2M of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 23 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-I I Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV,63-1-A RWST TO RHR SUCTTON 1'47WB,t1_1 tE_10 B Active 2 14 cA MO 1-FCV3_5_B RWST TO St pUMp SUCTTON ;SOL 147W811_1 tD_10 B Active 2 6 GA MO 2-FCVS3-1-A RWST TO RHR SUC1ON 247W811_1 lE_10 B Active 2 14 GA MO 2_FCV63_$B RWST TO St pUMp SUCTTON ;SOL 247W911_1 tD_g B Active 2 6 Cl MO Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Exercising valve during operation results in losing suction from RWST to both trains of a safety Deferred Test system. lf valve fails to reopen both trains of the affected safety system would be made inoperable. Frequency:

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 245 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 24 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-20 Valve lD Func{lon Drawlng / Coor Cat AcUPass Glass Slze Type Act 1-FCV63-3-A St pUMp MtNt FLOW RECTRC HDR TO 14TWB11_1 tEA B Active 2 2 Gt M RWST ISOL 2-FCV63-3-A St pUMp MtNt FLOW RECTRC HDR TO 247\N811-1 lE-7 B Active 2 2 GL MO RWST ISOL Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Exercising valve during operation results in isolating the recirculation line to both trains of safety Deferred Test injection pumps. Failure of the valve to reopen would make both trains of a safety system Frequency: inoperable.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 246 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 25 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-21 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV63-11-B RHRHXIB-BOUTLETTOStpIB-B 1-47W811-1/H-9 B Active 2 8 GR MO sucT tsoL 1-FCV3{_A RHR pMp 1A_ATO CHG pMp & Stp tA_ 147W811_1 / H_9 B Active 2 I cA MO A SUCT ISOL 2_FCV$.1 1_B RHR HX 2B_B OUTLET TO Stp 2B-B 24TWB11_1 t F_9 B Active 2 I cA MO SUCT ISOL 2-FCV3{-A RHR pMp 2A-A TO CHG pMp & Stp 2A- 247W811-1 t c-9 B Active 2 8 cA MO A SUCT ISOL Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Both valves are electrically interlocked with the safety injection pump recirculation isolation valves Deferred Test 1(2)-FCV-63-3-A, 1(2)-FCV-63-4-B and 1(2)-FCV-63-175-B in such a manner that both trains of the Frequency: Safety lnjection System will have their minimum flow recirculation path isolated to cycle either valve. lsolation of these recirculation paths adversely affects both trains of a safety system and could cause failure of both trains. Additionally, the valves are interlocked with the containment sump suction valves in such a manner that they must be fully open to allow these valves to operate. Opening the containment sump valves during operation requires either draining an extensive portion of the RHR system or allowing it to drain to the containment sump. Draining and refilling these lines requires a considerable amount of time and could extend forced outage duration. Allowing the affected piping to drain to the sump requires extensive cleanup time. Therefore testing during forced outages is NOT practical. [See also DfJ-241

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 247 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 26 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -22 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV63-22-B Sl PUMPS TO COLD LEG INJECTION 1.47W811-1 / E6 t' Acuve 2_FCV$g_n-B St pUMpS TO COLD LEG ;NJECT1ON 24VNB11-1 tE$ B Active 2 4 cR MO Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Fullstroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Exercising valve during operation isolates both trains of safety injection from their normal flow path Deferred Test to the cold legs. Failure of the valve to reopen results in total loss of system function. Frequency:

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 248 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 27 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -23 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV3-25-B StS BORON tNJ TANK OUTLET 14TWB11-1 lB_7 B Active 2 4 cR MO ISOLATION 1-Fcv3-26-A sts BoRoN tNJ TANK ourLET 14TNB11-1 lB-7 B Active 2 4 GR Mo ISOLATION 2-FCV6g-2s-B StS BORON tNJ TANK OUTLET 247\N911-1 tB-7 B Active 2 4 eR MO ISOLATION 2-FCV63-26-A StS BORON tNJ TANK OUTLET 2471N911-1 tB-7 B Active 2 4 Ol MO ISOLATION Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Justification for Charging header pressure during normal operation exceeds the pressure downstream of the check Deferred Test valves associated with these FCVs. lf the FCVs are opened for testing, the pressure in the charging Frequency: header will initiate flow through the high head safety injection system piping. This will:

1) Cause Pressurizer level transients, due to the additional water being added to the RCS, which will cause unstable operation and may result in unit trip and subsequent initiation of the entire safety injection system.
2) Cause a thermal stress transient in the associated piping which will have to be counted as one of the limited number of safety injection system actuations permitted during the design life of the plant.

WBN Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 249 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 28 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -24 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1_FCV3_72_A CONTATNMENT SUMp TO RHR pUMp 147W811_1 tH_7 B Active 2 18 GA MO 1A-A ISOL 1-FCV!73_B CONTATNMENT SUMp TO RHR pUMp 14tWB11_1 tH_7 B Active 2 18 GA MO 1B-B lSOL 1-FCV-1244-A CNTMT SUMp TO CS pUMp 1A-A 14tWB12-1 lc-g B Active 2 12 GA MO SUCTION 1-FCV-7245-B CNTMT SUMp TO CS pUMp 1B-B 14tWA12-1 l1-g B Active 2 12 cA MO SUCTION 2-FCV$T72-A CONTATNMENT SUMp TO RHR pUMp 247WA11-,t tH-7 B Active 2 18 GA MO 2A-A lSOL 2-FCV63-73-B CONTATNMENT SUMp TO RHR pUMp 247W811-1 lc-T B Active 2 .18 cA MO 2B-B ISOL 2-FCV-7244-A CNTMT SUMp TO CS pUMp 2A-A 247W812-,t I G-Z B Active 2 12 GA MO SUCTION 2-FCV-1245-B CNTMT SUMp TO CS pUMp 2B-B 24tWB12-1 l1-g B Active 2 12 cA MO SUCTION Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for Opening the containment sump isolation valves during operation requires either draining an Deferred Test extensive portion of the RHR and CS systems or allowing it to drain to the containment sump. Frequency: Draining and refilling these lines requires a considerable amount of time and could extend forced outage duration. Allowing the affected piping to drain to the sump requires extensive cleanup time. Therefore testing during forced outages is NOT practical. [See also DTJ-21]

WBN Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 250 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 29 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -25 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act ,t-FCV$g-172-B RHR TO HOT LEG 1 & 3 ;NJECT;ON 147WA,t1-1 tF-6 B Active 2 12 cA MO ISOLATION 1-FCV{3-93-A RHRTOCOLDLEG2&3;NJECT1ON 147W811-1lc-7 B Active 2 8 eR MO ISOLATION 1-FCV$3-94-B RHRTOCOLDLEGl&41NJECT;ON 147W811-1 tG-Z B Active 2 8 OR MO ISOLATION 1-FCV-74-39-A RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1A OUTLET 14TWB1O-1 tE4 B Active 2 I GA MO CROSSTIE 1-FCV-7/1-35-B RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 18 OUTLET 147WB1O-1 tC4 B Active 2 8 GA MO CROSSTIE 2-FCV$1-172-B RHR TO HOT LEG 1 & 3 1NJECT;ON 24I\N811-1 lF$ B Active 2 12 cA MO ISOLATION 2-FCV6!93-A RHRTOCOLDLEG2&3;NJECT;ON 247W8.11_1/GS B Active 2 I GA MO ISOLATION 2-FCV3-94-B RHRTOCOLDLEGl&41NJECT;ON 247W811-1/G-6 B Active 2 8 Ol MO ISOLATION 2-FCV-7+39-A RHR HEAT E1CHANGER 2A OUTLET 24VNO1O_1 tE4 B Active 2 8 Ge MO cRossTlE 2-FCV-7+1S-B RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 28 OUTLET 247WB1O_1 lC4 B Active 2 8 GR MO CROSSTIE Required Test Valves 1(2)-FCV-63-172 Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Valves 1 (2 )-FCV-63-93, 1 (2)-FCV-63-94, 1 (2)-F CV -7 4-33, 1 (2 )-FCV -7 4-35 Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Valves'l(2)-FCV-63-172 Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Valves 1 (2)-FCV-63-93, 1 (2)-FCV-63-94, 1 (2)-F CV -7 4-33, 1 (2 )- FCV -7 4-35 Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Closing any one of the four normally open valves causes operation in an unanalyzed condition by Deferred Test isolating two of the four cold legs from the RHR pumps. Opening 1(2)-FCV-63-172-8 would require Frequency: closure of 1(2)-FCV-74-33-Aand 1(2)-FCV-63-35-B to avoid having RHR aligned to hot leg injection and cold leg injection simultaneously. Since these valves cannot be closed without affecting both trains of RHR, 1(2)-FCV-63-172-B cannot be opened.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 251 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 30 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-26 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FSV-68-994-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 14T1NB11-1 I F-7 B Active 2 1 cL SO 1-FSV-68-39S-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 147W81T1 I G-7 B Active 2 'l cL SO 2-FSV-68-gg4-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 24T1NB11-1 t F-7 B Active 2 1 GL SO 2-FSV-68-39S-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 247\NB11-1 lF-7 B Active 2 1 cL SO Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Quartedy (a) frequency. Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time open (STO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Fail Safe Close (FSC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for These valves are solenoid to open and spring to close. With any single valve open for stroke time Defered Test testing, the remaining valves are required to seat against full RCS pressure upstream with the Frequency: downstream pressure at Pressurizer Relief Tank pressure. lf the valves that remain closed are NOT well seated, stroking of a single valve to the open position while at power could result in leakage from the RCS in exoess of the TS limits or depressurization of the RCS. Failure of any single valve to reclose would leave a single valve to prevent leakage from the RCS.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 252 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 31 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -27 Valve !D Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FCV7-103-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW RET 14TNS7,S-1 lE-T A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV67-104-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW RET 147W84S-3 / E A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1_FCV67_,105_B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW SUp 14VN8.4;5.i3 tF_7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV67-107-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW SUp 1.47W84S-3 / E A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV6Z-111-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW RET 147W845A / D-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 1-FCV$7-112-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW RET 147W845_3 / D A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 1_FCV67_113_B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW SUp 14TNgp,S_3 lE-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV7{3-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW SUp 147W845-3 / H{ A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1_FCV677_A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDRA ERCW RET 147Wgp,S_3 tH_7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV478-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW RET 1.47W84S-3 / H A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV6749-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW SUp 147rygp,s_3 tH_7 A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 1-FCV7-91-B LOWERCNTMTCLRHDRCERCWSUp 1.47W845.3/c4 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV$7-9S-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR C ERCW RET 14VNgp,53 t F_7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 1-FCV67-96-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR C ERCW RET 1471ryg'4,5..g I FA A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL .f_FCV67_97_A LOWERCNTMTCLRHDRCERCWSUp 14trygp,5'.gtc_7 A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL ,f

  -FCV67-99-A     LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW  SUp   1-47W84S-3      /  FA  A  Active  2     6    BF     MO ISOL 1-FCV-70-1OO-A     RCp OtL COOLERS CCS SUppLy        1-47W85S.2 /       c-3 A  Active  2     6    BF     MO 1-FCV-70-133-A THERMAL BARRTER CCS SUppLy            147W859-2       / H-g  B  Active  3     3    GA     MO 1-FCV-70-134-B     THERMAL BARRTER CCS SUppLy        147WBS9-2 /        H-3 A  Active  2     3    GA     MO 1-FCV-70-140-B     RCp OtL COOLER CCS SUppLy         1-47WBS9_2      /  G_3 A  Active  2     6    BF     MO 1_FCV_70_87_B      THERMAL BARRTER CCS RETURN        147W8S9_2       / H-9 A   Active  2     3    cA     MO 1-FCV-70-89-B      RCp OtL COOLER CCS RET HDR        147W859-2 / E-9        A  Active  2     6    BF     MO


  -FCV-70-90-A    THERMAL BARRTER CCS RETURN        147WAS9-2 lF-10 A         Active  2     3    cA     MO 1-FCV-70-92-A      RCp OtL COOLER CCS RETURN        1-47WBS9-2 / E-jO A        Active  2     6    BF     MO 2-FCV47-103-B      LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW RET 24TWUS-S tE-T A              Active  2     6    BF     MO tsoL 2-FCV67-1M-A       LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW  RET   247\Ng7,S4       IEA   A  Active  2     6    BF     MO tsoL 2-FCV67-1OS-B      LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW  SUp   24T1Ngp,5-13     tF-7  A  Active  2     6    BF     MO ISOL

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 253 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 32 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -27 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 2-FCV67-107-A LOWERCNTMTCLRHDRDERCWSUp 247rygp,S-glE-g A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 2-FCV$7-111-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW RET 247WB4S-1 lD-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO rsoL 2-FCV$7-112-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW RET 247WA4S-y tD4 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV67-1 j 3-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR D ERCW SUp 247Wgp,S-1 I E-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV7-93-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW SUp 247Wg4;S-1 tHA A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 2-FCV4Z-87-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW RET 247W945-g tH-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV67-BB-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW RET 247WUS-7 tH-A A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 2-FCV47-89-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR A ERCW SUp 247Wg4,S-1 lH-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV47-91-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR C ERCW SUp 247ryg4s-g t c-g A Active 2 6 BF MO tsoL 2-FCV67-9S-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR C ERCW RET 247Wg7,53 I F-t A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV67-96-B LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR C ERCW RET 247Wg4,53 tFA A Active 2 6 BF MO rsoL 2-FCVS7-92-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR C ERCW SUp 247rygp,53 I c-7 A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV67-99-A LOWER CNTMT CLR HDR B ERCW SUp 24tryg4,53 tF-B A Active 2 6 BF MO ISOL 2-FCV-70-1OO-A RCp OtL COOLERS CCS SUppLy 247W8S$,9 / c4 A Active 2 6 BF MO 2-FCV-70-133-A THERMAL BARRTER CCS SUppLy 2.47W8s9-3 / H-3 B Active 3 3 GA MO 2-FCV-70-,134-B THERMAL BARRTER CCS SUppLy 2-47W8S9-3 / H-3 A Active 2 3 GA MO 2-FCV-70-140-B RCp OtL COOLER CCS SUppLy 2-47W85S3 / c-3 A Active 2 6 BF MO 2-FCV-70-A7-B THERMAL BARRTER CCS RETURN 247W8S9-3 / H-9 A Active 2 3 GA MO 2-FCV-70-89-B RCp OtL COOLER CCS RET HDR 2.47W859-3 / E-9 A Active 2 6 BF MO 2-FCV-70-90-A THERMAL BARRTER CCS RETURN 24TNAA9-1 tF-10 A Active 2 3 cA MO 2-FCV-7U92-A RCp OtL COOLER CCS RETURN 2-47W859-3 / E-jO A Active 2 6 BF MO Required Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Full stroke exercise with stroke time closed (STC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency:

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 254 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 33 of 37 Justification for Exercising these valves during operation causes a loss of flow to the associated equipment (Lower Deferred Test Compartment Coolers, Control Rod Drive Mechanism Coolers, Reactor Coolant Pump [RCP] Motor Frequency: Coolers, RCP oil coolers, and/or RCP Thermal Banier Coolers). ln many cases [i.e., RCP Pump Oil Coolers or RCP Thermal Barrier Coolersl loss of flow to the associated equipment for even a brief period of time could easily result in failure of the associated equipment, unit trip, and potentially even a safety injection. Failure of the remaining valves to reopen would cause a sustained loss of flow to the associated equipment and would result in the same consequences.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 255 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 34 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -28 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-CKV{3{68 1-Clfl{3{68 CONTATNMENT N2 1.47W830 / B-7 A/C Active 2 1 CK SA HEADER CHECK 1-CKV-68{49 pRESSURTZER RELTEF TANK N2 SUp 1-4ZW83O / G-7 A/C Active 2 1 CK SA HDR CHECK 2-CKV-63{68 2-C1(/6368 CONTAINMENT N2 2471N830$ lB-7 NC Active 2 1 CK SA HEADER CHECK 2-CKV-68{49 pRESSUR17ER RELTEF TANK N2 SUp 2-42W8306 / Gg A/C Active 2 1 CK SA HDR CHECK Required Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directionalOpen (BDO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Cycling these valves closed during power operation intemrpts the nitrogen supply inside Deferred Test containment to a number of components and systems. Additionally personnel radiation exposure Frequency: and valve inaccessibility prohibit quarterly exercising of these valves. ISTC-3522(a) permits scheduling both the open and the close tests at the same frequency.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 256 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 35 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ -29 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Gat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act 1-RFV62-1079 HOLDUpTANKAVACUUM RELTEF 147WBO9-gtC_12 C Active 3 4 RV SA 1-RFV-7G539 UN;T 1 CCS SURGE TANK RELTEF 1-47W859-1 / E-g C Active 3 3 Rv SA 2-RFV$2-1079 HOLDUp TANK B VACUUM RELTEF 147WAO9-1 lC-7 C Active 3 4 RV SA 2-RFV-7GS39 UN1T2 CCS SURGE TANK RELTEF 24VNgs9-1 lE-l C Active 3 3 RV SA Required Test Vacuum Relief Valve test (set pressure, seat leakage) on a biennial (2Y) frequency. Frequency: Deferred Test Vacuum Relief Valve test (set pressure, seat leakage) on an lnterval (10Y) frequency. Frequency: Justification for As permitted by Mandatory Appendix l, Subparagraph l-1380, Class 2 and 3 vacuum relief valves Deferred Test shall be tested every 2 years, unless performance data suggests the need for a more appropriate Frequency: test interval. During the First Unit 1 lnservice lnterval, these valves were tested by the IST Program on a once per 120 month test interval. Actual test data ranged from a minimum of six months between test performances to a maximum of 109 months between test performan@s, with no as-found setpoint failures. The only failure encountered was failure of a valve to reseat upon reinstrallation following testing. No as found seat leakage failures or as found set pressure failures were encountered. This provides a basis for continuing to test these vacuum relief valves at a once per 120 month frequency.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 257 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 36 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-30 Valve lD Function Drawing / Goor Cat AcUPass Glass Size Type Act 1-Ct1y-74-544-A RHR HEADER 1A M;N;MUM FLOW 1.47W81G.1 / F-S C Active 2 I CK SA CHECK 1-C10-74-54SB RHR HEADER 18 M1N1MUM FLOW 147WB1O-1 lC-S C Active 2 I CK SA CHECK 2-CK1-14-544-A RHR HEADER 2A M;N;MUM FLOW 24TWA1O-1 lF-S C Active 2 8 CK SA CHECK 2-C1q1y-14-54*B RHR HEADER 28 M;N;MUM FLOW 247wB1O-1 lC-S C Active 2 I CK SA CHECK Required Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Open (CVO) on a Refueling Outage (RO) frequency. Justification for The RHR pumps do not develop sufficient head to open the valves during power operation. With the Deferred Test RHR pump suction being supplied from the normal loop 4 suction path during shutdown and Frequency: discharging to a closed vessel, the pumps cannot develop sufficient flow to satisfy the full flow requirements for the check valves. ln order to achieve full flow, the vessel must be open and the pump suction taken from the RWST or from loop 4. These valves can only be closure tested during operation. While in shut down conditions, the valve alignments necessary to closure test these valves adversely affects both trains of a safety system. Full open test of the check valves is performed during refueling outages. The first quarterly pump test after each refueling outage is the only closure test that can be credited. All other quarterly tests only part stroke open the valves.

WBN Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 258 of 291 Appendix E - Deferred Test Justifications Page 37 of 37 Deferred Test Justification: DTJ-31 Valve lD Function Drawing / Coor Cat AcUPass class Size Type Act 1_CKV_70{79 RCp THERMAL BARRTER CCS SUp 147WgS9_2 lH_A A/C Active 2 g CK HDR CHECK 2-CKV-70679 RCp THERMAL BARRTER CCS SUp 247WgS9_3 tH4 A/C Active 2 g CK HDR CHECK Required Test Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Quarterly (Q) frequency. Deferred Test Check Valve Bi-directional Open (BDO) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Frequency: Check Valve Closure (CVC) on a Cold Shutdown (CSD) frequency. Justification for Exercising these valves during operation causes a loss of flow to the associated equipment (RCP Deferred Test Thermal Barrier Coolers). Loss of flow to the associated equipment for even a brief period of time Frequency: could easily result in failure of the associated equipment, unit trip, and potentially even a safety injection. Testing of these check valves requires manipulation of the associated power operated valves. Testing of the power operated valves has been defened to the CSD frequency as described in DTJ-

27. ISTC-3522(a) permits scheduling both the open and the close tests for check valves at the same frequency.

tflrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 259 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 1 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support ID Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-OO1.1SG1A 1-SG-1-A Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1.SNUB-OO1.1SG1 B 1-SG-1-B Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-001-1SG1C 1-SG-1-C Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1.SNUB-OO1-1SG1 D 1-SG-1-D Hydraulic PMH PMH.12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG1 E 1-SG-1-E Hydraulic PMH PMH.12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG2A 1-SG-2"A Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG2B 1-SG-2-B Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1.SNUB-OO1-1SG2C 1-SG-2-C Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG2D 1-SG-2-D Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG2E 1-SG-2-E Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG3A 1-SG-3-A Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1 SG3B 1-SG-3-B Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-001-1SG3C 1-SG-3-C Hydraulic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1.1SG3D 1-SG-}D Hydrau ic PMH PMH.12 12 1 000 1-SNUB.OO1.1SG3E 1-SG-3-E Hydrau ic PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-OO1-1SG4A 1-SG4-A Hydrau ic PMH PMH.12 12 1 000 1.SNUB-OO1-1SG4B 1.SG4-B Hydrau rc PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-001-1SG4C 1-SG4-C Hydrau tc PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1.SNUB-OO1-1SG4D 1-SG4-D Hydrau rc PMH PMH.12 12 1 000 1.SNUB.OO1-1SgE 1-SG-4-E Hydrau rc PMH PMH-12 12 1 000 1-SNUB-001-01A303N 1-01A-303N Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A303S 1-014-3035 Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A307 1-01A-307 Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A312 1-01 A-312 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001-01A313 1-01A-313 Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A317 1-01 A-317 Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-001-01A340 1-01A-340 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001-01A343N 1-01A-343N Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A343S 1-01A-343S Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 s0 1-SNUB-001-01A348 1-01A-348 Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A349 1-01A-349 Mechan cal PSA PSA.I OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001 -01A350 1-014-350 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A355 1-01A-3s5 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-001-01A380 1-01A-380 Mechan cal PSA PSA.IOO 100 120 1-SNUB-001-01A383N 1-01A-383N Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 s0 1-SNUB-001-01A383S 1-01A-383S Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A389 1-01A-389 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A391 1-01A-391 Mechanical PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001-01A392 1-01A-392 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A397 1-01A-397 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-001-01A423N 1-01A423N Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A423S 1-01A423S Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 260 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 2 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support ID Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-001 -01A424 1-01 4424 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001 -01A428 1-01 4428 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001 -01A429 1-01 p.429 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001 -01A43/. 1-01 A43/; Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-001-01A435 1-01A435 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-001-01A439 1-01A439 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00$03A200 1-03A-200 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-00$03A201 1-03A-201 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-00&03A205 1-03A-205 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-003-03A240 1-03A-240 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A241 1-034-241 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-003-03A244 1-034-244 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-003-03A248 1-03A-248 Mechanical PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-003-03A280 1-03A-280 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-00$03A281 1-03A-281 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A285 1-03A-285 Mechanical PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-003-03M89 1-034-289 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-003-03A320 1-03A-320 Mechanical PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-003-03A321 1-03A-321 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-003-03A323 1-03A-323 Mechan cal PSA PSA.IOO 100 120 1-SNUB-00$03A328 1-03A-328 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-00$03A369 1-03A-369 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-00$03A370 1-03A-370 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00$03A373 1-03A-373 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-00$03A374 1-03A-374 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00&03A377 1-03A-377 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A402 1-03A402 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A405 1-034405 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A409 1-03A409 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-00$03A41 1 1-03A41 1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A426 1-03A426 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A449 1-03A449 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A450 1-03A450 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A4531 1-03A4531 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00$03A453U 1-03A453U Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A455 1-03A455 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A466 1-03A466 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A468 1-03A468 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-00$03A480 1-03A480 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A4821 1-03A482L Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A482U 1-03A482U Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A483 1-034483 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-00$03A485 1-03A485 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15

WBN - Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 261 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 3 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfu Model Size Load ftips) 1-SNUB-00$03A487E 1-03A487E Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A487W 1-03A487W Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A4% 1-03A4% Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03A497 1-03A497 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-003-03A501 1-03A-501 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-003-03B3 1-038-3 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-003-03835 1-038-35 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003-03B79 1-038-79 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003401730 A401-7-30 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-003401731 E A401 31E Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003401731W A401-7-31W Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003401732 A401 32 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003401735 A401-7-35 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-00340181 L A401-11 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00340181 U A401+1 U Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00340192 A401 2 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-00340195 A401-9-5 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-003427110 4427-1-10 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00342712 4427-1-2 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00342713 4427-1-3 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00342715N 4427-1-5N Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-003427155 4427-1-5S Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-00342716 4427-1-6 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-00342717 4427-1-7 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-00342719 4427-1-9 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-003427310 4427-3-10 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-003427311 A427-*11 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-003427338 4427-U38 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-003427339 4427-}39 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00342733N A427-$3N Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-00342733S A427-&3S Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-003427U0 4427-}4l0 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-003427U1 A427-U1 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00342735N A427-$5N Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-00342735S A427-&55 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-00342752 4427-'2 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-003427il 4427-il, Mechanica! PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00342755 4427-.$l5 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00342761 4427-6-1 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-00342774 4427-74 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-00342778 4427-7-8 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-00342781 4427-8-1 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-00342782 4427-8-2 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 262 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 4 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type ME Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-003-427820 4427-8-20 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-003427829 4427-8-29 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-00342783 4427-&3 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-003-427855 4427-8-55 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-003427856 4427-8-56 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-003427857 4427-08-57 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-OO&AFWR2O9E O3B-1AFW-R2OgE Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-OO3-AFWR2O9W O3B-1AFW-R2OgW Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-003-AFWP212 038-1AFW-R212 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-OO3-AFWM13 038-1AFW-R213 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-OO3-AFWR214 038-1AFW-R214 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB.OO&AFWR216 038-1AFW-R216 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-OO}AFWM17 O3B.1AFW-M17 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1.SNUB.OO&AFWR219 O3B-1AFW-M19 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-OO3-AFWR236N O3B-1AFW.M36N Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-OO3-AFWR236S O3B-1AFW-R236S Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-OO3-AFWR237 038-1AFW-R237 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-OO}AFWR238 O3B-1AFW-M38 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-OO}AFWR239E O3B-1AFW-R239E Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1.SNUB-OO}AFWR239W O3B-1AFW-R239W Mechan ca! PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-OO}AFWR86 O3B-1AFW-R86 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1$4001 1109 A40G.1 1-109 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il001 123 A40G,1 1-23 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il001 1il A40G.1 1-il Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1H001 155 A400-1 1-55 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1$4006100 A400-6-100 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006101 A400-6-101 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006102 A400-6-102 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006103 A400-G103 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il0061M A400-6-1c/i Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006106 A400-6-106 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006108 A400-6-108 Mechanlcal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006109 A400-6-109 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006111 A400-6-111 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006112 A400-6-112 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006114 A400-G114 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1H0061 15 A400-6-115 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il0061 18E 4400-6-1 18E Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1540061 18W A400-6-1 18W Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il0061 19 A400-&1 19 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006122 A4006-122 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006123 A400-G123 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006126 4400-6-126 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6

V\IBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 263 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 5 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-o154006127 A400-6-127 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006128 44006-128 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006132 A400-6-132 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006133 A400-6-133 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1S400613/iE 4400-6-13/lE Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-o1il006134W 4400-G134W Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-o1il006135 A400-G135 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1 54006137 A400-6-137 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006149 A400-6-149 Mechanica! PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006151 4400-6-151 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006173 A400-6-173 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006179 4400-6-179 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1S4006181 4400-G181 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1$4006182 A400-G182 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006183 4400-G183 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-01il00618/, A400-6-18/i Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006186 A400-G186 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006188 A400-G188 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1$4006190 A400-G190 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il0061W+ 44006-1yli Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006196 A400-6-196 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006198 A400-G198 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006199 A400-G199 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006201 A400-6-201 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006202 A400-6-202 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006203 A400-6-203 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1$4006207 A400-6-207 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-01$4006218 A400-6-218 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006220 A400-6-220 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006233 A400-6-233 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006235 4400-6-235 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1$4006237 A400-6-237 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006238 A400-G238 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006248 A400-G248 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o154006259 A400-6-259 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006260 A400-G260 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il006261 A400-G261 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006262 A400-&262 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006265 A40G,6-265 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006268 A40G,G268 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.6s 1-SNUB-o1$4006271E A400-G,271E Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006271W A400-6-271W Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il006273 A400-6-273 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65

V\lBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 264 ot 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 6 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-o1il006274 A400-G274 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006275s A400-G275S, Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il006277 A400-6-277 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il006281 A400-6-281 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1S400666 A4006-66 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00669 4400-6-69 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00671 A400-6-71 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-01 ili00672 440G6-72 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-01il00673 A400-6-73 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o15400675 A400-6-75 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il00676 A400-6-76 Mechanica! PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1$400678 A400-6-78 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00679 A400-6-79 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1$400680 A40o-ffi0 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1H00683S A400-6-83S Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il00683w A400-&83W Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-o1il00685 A400-G85 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00686 A4OG,G86 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00691 A400-G91 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00692 A400-G92 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o15;400694 A400-G94 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-o1il00699 A400-6-99 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00710 4400-7-10 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1 il00712 4400-7-12 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-o1il00746 A400-746 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1il00812L A400-&12L Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-o1$400812U A400-8-12U Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-030-91531 A91$3-1 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-030-915313 4915-3-13 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-030-915333 A91S3-33 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-030-915371 E 491$3-71 E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-030-915371W A91$,3-71W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-031 -9201165 A920-31-1 165 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031 -920116W A920-31-116W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031 -920117E A920-31-117E Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031 -920117N A920-31-1 17N Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031 -920118E A920-31-1 18E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031 -920118S A920-31-1 185 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031-92053E' A920-39.53E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-031-92053N 4920-39-53N Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 462122E 4462-12-2E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 462122W 4462-12-2W Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 462126E 4462-12-6E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35

WBN - Unit 0 0-T!-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 265 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 7 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support ID Type ME Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-061 462126W 4462-12-6W Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 462132E 4462-1}l2E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 4621325 4462-13-2S Mechanica PSA PSA:1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 462136E 4462-13-6E Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 4621365 A462-13-6S Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 462138 4462-13-8 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-061 46289 4462-&9 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-0624061018 A406-10-18 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062406109E A406-10-9E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406109W A406-10-9W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06240616 A406-1-6 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062406182 A406-1 8-2 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06240623 A40G2-3 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06240633 A40G&3 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062406U2 A.4063r'l2 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-0624067125 A40G7-125 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-A624067126 A406-7-126 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067128 A406-7-128 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067129 A40G7-129 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067130 440G7-130 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067131 4406-7-131 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067132 A40G7-132 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067133N 440G7-133N Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067133S A406-7-133S Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406713/. 4406-7-13/, Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067135 4406:7-135 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0624067136 A406-7-136 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06240671371 A406-7-137L Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-0624067137U A406-7-137U Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-06240671 41E 4406-7-141E Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0624067141W A406-7-141W Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0624067142L A406-7-142L Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0624067142U A40G7-142U Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062406720 4406-7-20 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06240673N A406-7-3N Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06240673W A406-7-3W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06240676 A40G7-6 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06240681 A40G&1 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406810 A40G&10 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406812N A40G&12N Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06240681 2W A406-&12W Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.3s 1-SNUB-062406815 A406-8-15 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406818E 440G8-18E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnseruice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 266 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page I of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type ME Mode! Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-062406818N A406-8-18N Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406821 4406-8-21 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406825 A406-8-25 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406821 A406-8-2L Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06240682U A406-8-2U Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406833 A406-8-33 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406834 A406-8-3/i Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.3s 1-SNUB-062406835 4406-8-35 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06240684 A406-84 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406856 A406-8-56 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062406858 A406-8-58 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06240686 440&&6 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406860E A40G&60E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062406860N A40&&60N Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-A62406865 A406-&65 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406868 A406-8-68 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406869 A406-8-69 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406871 A406-8-71 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062406872 4406-8-72 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062406879E 4406-8-79E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.6s 1-SNUB-062406879W A406-8-79W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062406881 A406-8-81 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06U0689N A406-8-9N Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-06240689W A4OG&9W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406913 A40G9-13 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406918E A40G$,18E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406918W A406-9-18W Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406919 A406-9-19 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406928 A406-9-28 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062406930 A406-9-30 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-062406931 A406-9-31 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062406950 A406-9-50 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06240695N A406-9-5N Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-40699 A406-9-9 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A101 1-6?A-101 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06262A102 1-6?A-102 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A105 1-624-105 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A1 10 1-6?A-1 10 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A114 1-624-114 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A152 1-624-152 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06262A153 1-624-153 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A171 1-624-171 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A183 1-6?A-183 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5

tn BN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 267 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page I of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support ID Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-062-62A1U 1-624-1U Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A186 1-624-186 Mechan ical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-624188 1-624-188 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A190 1-624-190 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6242 1-6?A-2 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-624201 1-624-201 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-624203 1-624-203 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A207 1-62A-207 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6?421 1-624-21 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6?4240 1-62A-240 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A242 1-6?A-242 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A247 1-624-247 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-6?A2il 1-624-2il Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6?A262 1-624-262 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A269 1-624-269 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-6A291 1-624-291 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06262A292 1-6?A-292 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06262A2W+ 1-62A-2gt Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06262431 1-62A-31 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A311 1-6?A-31 1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A317 1-624-317 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-624318 1-6?A-318 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A319 1-624-319 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A32 1-624-32 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6?4320 1-62A-320 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A322 1-624-322 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-624325 1-64-325 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A33 1-62A-33 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6AU 1-62/.-3/l Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6?AU2 1-624-U2 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62AU' 1-624-345 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A349 1-624-349 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A353 1-624-353 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A355 1-6?A-355 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A3571 1-6?A-3571 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A357U 1$24-357U Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A358 1-624-358 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A360 1-6,24-360 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-6?A362 1-6?A-362 Mechan ca! PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A363 1-624-363 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A364 1-624-364 Mechani cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06262A366 1-624-366 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A369 1-624-369 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35

V\IBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 268 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 10 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-062-62A371 1-62A-371 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A374 1$24-374 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A377 1-624-377 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A379 1$24-379 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A380 1-624-380 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A382 1-6?A-382 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6^\4 1-6?A4 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6^\402 1-62A.402 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A406 1-62A406 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A407 1-6?A407 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6^ \430 1-62A430 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6^\431 1-62A431 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06262A4U 1-62443/l Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-6A461 1-624461 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A466E 1-6?A466E Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6^ r466W 1-6?4466W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6^\49 1-62A48 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6?A491 1-62A491 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6^ \495 1-62A495 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06262A499 1-62A499 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A533 1$24-533 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A5U 1$2A-534 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A538 1-624-538 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A555 1-624-555 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A556 1-624-556 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A557 1-624-557 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A559 1-62A-559 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A560 1-6?A-560 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A561 1-624-561 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-6?A562 1-624-562 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-62A563 1-6?A-563 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A565 1-62A-565 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A582 1-624-582 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A583 1-624-583 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A6 1-62A-6 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A624 1-6?A-624 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A625 1-6?A-625 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A630 1-62A-630 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A632 1-6?A-632 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A6U 1-62A-634 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A635 1-624-635 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-6?AU 1-624-6/, Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A65 1-62A-65 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35

V\IBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 269 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 11 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support ID Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-06262A670 1-6?A-670 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06262A671 1-624-671 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0622A680 1-624-680 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A702 1-624-702 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A714 1-62A-714 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A722 1-62A-722 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A802 1-6?A-802 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A806 1-624-806 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A808 1-62A-808 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A809 1-62A-809 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-62A810 1-624-810 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A821 1-624-821 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A834 1-624-834 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A835 1-624-835 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A865 1-62A865 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A866 1-62A-866 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A873 1-624-873 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A9 1-62A-9 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A906 1-6?A-906 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-62A95 1-62A-95 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-62A97 1-624-97 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-CVCR15L 62-1CVGR15L Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-CVCRI sU 62-1CVGR15U Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-CVCM09 62-1CVGR209 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-CVCR2OL 62-lCVGR2OL Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB.O62-CVCMOU 62-1CVGR2OU Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-062-CVCP224 62-1CVGiP224 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-CVCR275 62-1CVGR275 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-CVCM76 62-1CVGR276 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-CVCR5O 62.1CVGR5O Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-O62.CVCR52N 62-1CVGR52N Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-CVCR52S 62-1CVGR52S Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-CVCR61 L 62-1CVGR61 L Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-CVCR61 U 62-1CVGR61 U Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-062-CVCR62L 62-1CVGR62L Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-O62.CVCR62U 62-1CVGR62U Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB.O62-CVCR89 62-1CVGR89 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-LCVR105 62-1LCV-R105 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-O62.LCVR125N 62-1LCV-R125N Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB.O62.LCVR125S 62-1LCV-R125S Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-O62.LCVR126N 62-1LCV-R126N Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-LCVR126S 62-1LCV-R1265 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-062-LCVP222 62-1LCV-R222 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5

lrlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 270 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 12 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfg Mode! Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB.O62-LCVR244L 62-1LCV-R2441 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1.SNUB-062-LCVM44U 62-1LCV-R244U Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB.O62.LCVR42L 62-1LCV-R421 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-O62.LCVR42U 62-1LCV-R42U Mechan ca PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-062-LCVR47 62-1LCV-R47 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1.SNUB-062-LCVR92 62-1LCV-R92 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-06il351013 A43$10-13 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351014N A43$10-14N Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351014W A43S10-14W Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351015E A43S10-15E Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351015N A43$10-15N Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351 022E A43S1 0-22E Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351 022W A435-1 0-22W Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-,4351 028 A43$10-28 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351 02E A43$1 GzE Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435102N 443$1G.2N Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351031 A43$1G.31 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351033 A43$1G,33 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351036 A43S10-36 Mechanica! PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06il351041N A43$1041 N Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351041S A43S1041S Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351 M4 A43$1 044 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351046 A43$1046 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-4351M9 A43$1G48 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634351MS 443$104S Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435104W A43$104W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435145 A43$1 45 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063435171 443]-tr1-71 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063435172 A43$1 -72 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06343519 A43$1-9 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-0634353141 A43$3-14L Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063435314U A43$3-14U Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063435315N A43S3-15N Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-0634353155 A43S3-155 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-063-43533 A43$3-3 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-0634356100 A43ffi-100 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-0634356101S A43S6-101S Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634356101W A43$G101W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634356102 A43$6-102 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-0634356103 A435-6-103 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-0634356108 443$G108 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435610N A43$G10N Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435610W A43SG10W Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35

I rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 271 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 13 of 33 Rated Snubber !D Support lD Type Mfu Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-063435&+5N A43S645N Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06il35M5W A43S645W Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$435674 A43ffi-74 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06il3s677 A43ffi-77 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$43567S A43S6-7S Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634356nru A43$6-7W Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435683 443ffi-83 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06H35684E A4356-84E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06H35684N 443$6-MN Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063435689E A43S6-89E Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06il35689S A43S6-89S Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435760 443].7-60 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 1-SNUB-06il35823 443$8-23 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-063435835 A43$8-35 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063435836 A43$8-36 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063435838 A43S8-38 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-063435840 A435-840 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-435874 443S8-74 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0634358761 A43$8-761 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&435876U A435-8-76U Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435884 443S8-84 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435888 A43$8-88 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-063"435923E A43S9-23E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063"435923W A43S9-23W Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435932E A43S9-32E Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435932W A43S9-32W Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063.435933 A43S9-33 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435976 A43S9-76 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063435978 A43S9-78 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-063435980 14744350980 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063435981 147A4350981 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06343599N 443$9-9N Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06il3599S A43$9-9S Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063437152 4437-1-52 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06M37153 4437-1-53 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&631 1-63-1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-06&63106 1-63-106 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&631 1 1-63-1 1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06&631 16 1-63-1 16 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&63121 1-63-121 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-6314 1-6$14 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&63156 1-63-156 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$631&+ 1-63-164 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35

V\IBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 272 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 14 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support !D Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-063-63169 1-63-169 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-063317 1-63-17 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06363172 1-63-172 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-0636318 163-18 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$63185 1-63-185 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063-63187 13-187 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06&6319 1-63-19 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&63202 1-63-202 Mechan ca! PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06$6321 1-63-21 Mechan ca! PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$6322 1-63-22 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-63224 1-63-224 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06$63228 1-6*228 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&6323 1-6&23 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$63236 1-63-236 Mechanica PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06&6324 1-63-24 Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06363285 1-63-285 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-6329 1-63-29 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-6330 1-63-30 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$6331 1-63-31 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&6332 1-63-32 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0636334 1-63-34 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$63340 1-63-340 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-06$63341 1-6&341 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-06&63344 1-63-344 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$6335 1-63-35 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63365 1-63-365 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063-63366 1-63-366 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06$63368 1-63-368 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063-63371 1-63-371 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$6338 1-63-38 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$63383 1-63-383 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063-6339 1-63-39 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&63398 1-63-398 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063U11L 1-6341 1L Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-6341 1U 1-6341 1U Mechanica PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-6U2 1-6342 Mechanica PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06$63415 1-63445 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.3s 1-SNUB-06&63446 1-63446 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-6U52 1-63452 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06363453 1-63-453 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-063-63454 1-634il Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&63458 1-63458 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-06&63459 1-63459 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6

l/\rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 273 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 15 of 33 Rated Snubber !D Support lD Type Mfs Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-063-6U62 1-63462 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&63465 1-63465 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06$6U67 1-63467 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$6%75 1-63-475 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$6%76 1-63476 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$63480 1-63480 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06$63491 1-63491 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06$63494 1-634% Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06$634961 163-4961 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06$63496U 1-63496U Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-06$63520 16$520 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63523 16$523 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06&63526 163-526 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63527 1$y527 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63528 163-528 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63il7 1$3-il7 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63548 1-63-548 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63549 1-63-549 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-6355 1-63-55 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-63571 1-63-571 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063-63572 1-63-572 Mechanica! PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063-63573 1-63-573 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06363584 1-63-584 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06363585 1-63-585 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&63589 1-63-589 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-63590 1-63-590 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-63591 1-63-591 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-0633592 1-63-592 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063-63593 1-63-593 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-63596 1-6$596 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063-63597 1-63-597 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63598 1-6$598 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063-63599 1-63-599 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-063-63600 1-63-600 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63601 1-63-601 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-63602 1-63-602 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063-6362 1-63-62 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063-63il 1-63-64 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-6365 1-63-65 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-6366 1-63-66 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&6373 1-63-73 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&6378 1-63-78 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&6379 1-63-79 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inservice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 274 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 16 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-063638 1-6$8 Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-063-6381 1-6$81 Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-0636394 1-63-% Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&6396 1-63-96 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}SISR1 OO 63-1S!S-R100 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB.O6}S!SR109 63-1SlS-R109 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1.SNUB-06}S!SR1 12 63-1S!S-R1 12 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1.SNUB-O63.SISR1 14 63-1SIS-R1 14 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1 -SNUB-063.S ISR142 63-1SIS-R142 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-O63.SISR146 63-1SrS-R146 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06}S SR147 63-1SlS-R147 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-063.S SR148 6&1SIS-R148 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06}S SR149 63-1SrS-R149 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-S SR151 63-1StS-R151 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1.SNUB-O63.SISR155 63-1SIS-R155 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-063-StSR168 63-1SlS-R168 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1.SNUB-063-SISR170 63-1SlS-R170 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063-SrSR173 63-1SlS-R173 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1.SNUB-063-SISR174N 6$1SlS-R174N Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-06}SISR174S 63.1SrS-R174S Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1.SNUB-06}SISR17E 6}1SIS-R17E Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06}SISR17W 6}1SIS.R1TW Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06}S!SR183 63-1SlS-R183 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.6s 1-SNUB-063-StSR192 63-1SlS-R192 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-StSR19+ 63-1S s-R194 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0,35 1-SNUB-063-S SR195 63-1S s-R195 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063.S SR21 1 63-1S s-R21 1 Mechanica PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-063.S SR214 63-1S s-R214 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1.SNUB-063-S SR21 5 63-1S s-R215 Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-S SR221 63-1S s-R221 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06}S SR226 63-1S s-R226 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-S SR228 63-1S s-R228 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-StSR230 63-1S s-R230 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-SISR24ON 63-1S S-R24ON Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-SISR24OS 63-1S!S-R240S Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-O63.SISR242 6&1SIS-R242 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-063-SISM45 6&1SlS-R245 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-063-StSR246 6$1SlS-R246 Mechani cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1.SNUB-O63.SISR248N 6&1SlS-R248N Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-SISR248S 63-1SlS-R248S Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}SISR2sO 63-1SlS-R250 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-063-StSR251 63-1SIS-M51 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-063-SrSR254 63-1SrS-R254 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35

t rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 275 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 17 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support lD Type Mfg Mode! Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-063-S SR26O 63-1SlS-R260 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}S SR263 63-1SlS-R263 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}S SR2&+ 63-1SlS-R264 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}S SR265 63-1S!S-R265 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}SISM68 63-1SlS-R268 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06}SISR273 63-1SIS-R273 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1.SNUB-06}SISR275 63-1SrS-R275 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1.SNUB-06}S!SR276 63-1S!S-R276 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1.SNUB-06}SISR31 63-1SrS-R31 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1.SNUB-06}SISR51 63-1S!S-R51 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06}SISR85 63-1SrS-R85 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-067-2061 224 A206-1 2-24 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-2061 225 M06-1 2-25 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-2061 226 A20G1 2-26 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-067-2061 227 A20G1 2-27 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-067-2061 229 A206-1 2-29 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-2061 230 A206-1 2-30 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-06745031 10 A450-3-1 10 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-067-4503160 A450-3-160 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-4503162 A450-3-162 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-0674503163 A450-3-163 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0674503177 4450-3-177 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-4503861 4450-361 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-450386U 4450-3-86U Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-450387 A450-3-87 Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-067450399 A4s0-&99 Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06745M25 445cMr25 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-0674504537 A4504-537 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06745%il1 47A4504-il1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-ERCW128 67-1ERCW-R128 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-ERCW213 67-1ERCW-R213 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-ERCW365E 67-1ERCW-R365E Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-067-ERCW365W 67-1ERCW-R365W Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-067-ERCW410 67-1ERCW-R410 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-ERCW459 67-1ERCW-R459 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-ERCW466 67-1ERCW-R466 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-067-ERCW468 67-1ERCW-R468 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-O67.ERCW567N 67-1ERCW-R567N Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB.O67-ERCW567S 67-1ERCW-R567S Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-067-ERCW595 67-1ERCW-R595 Mechan ca PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-0684651 101 L 446S1-101 L Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-068.4651 101 U A46$1-101 U Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06M651 1041 A46S1-1041 Mechan GA PSA PSA-3 3 6

V\lBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 276 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 18 of 33 Snubber !D Rated Support !D Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-0684651 104U A46S1-104U Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0684651 1051 A46$1-1051 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0684651 105U A46$1-105U Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068465121 N A46S1-21 N Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068465121S 446S1-21S Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068465131 A46$1-31 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-068465132 A46$1 -32 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-06M65165 A465-1-65 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068465166 A4651-66 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068465215 446*2-15 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068465228 446*2-28 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068465237 446*2-37 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068465238 446*2-38 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068465239 A46$2-39 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068465240 446U240 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068465266 446S2-66 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068-465267 4465-2$7 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0684653481 A46$il81 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068465348U A46$348U Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068465879 A46$&79 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-068465882 A46$&82 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&465883 A46$8-83 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068465885 A46$8-85 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1.SNUB-068465991 A46$&91 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&68117 1-68-117 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&68120 1-68-120 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&68231 1-68-231 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-068-6823U 1-68-23U Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-0686831 1-68-31 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-068-6832 1-68-32 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1-SNUB-06&6833 1-6&33 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068-6834 1-68-34 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068-6836 1-68-36 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-068-68363 1-6&363 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-068-683651 1-6&3651 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068-68365U 1-68-365U Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&68366 1-6&366 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068-68370 168-370 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-068-68404N 1-6&4MN Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-06&68404S 1-684045 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-068-68405N 1-68405N Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&68405S 1-684055 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&684061 1-684061 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15

t\rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 277 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 19 of 33 Rated Snubber !D Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-06&68406U 1-6&406U Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06&6U07E 1-68r'l07E Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&6&40n / 1-68407W Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&68408E 1-68408E Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&68408W 1-68408W Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&684091 1-684091 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&68409U 1-68-409U Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&68410N 1-68410N Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-06&68410S 1-68410S Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-068-68412N 1-68412N Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-068-684125 1-68412S Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&684151 1-684151 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-068-68415U 1-68415U Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06&68418E 1-68418E Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-06&68418W 1-68-418W Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-06&6U2 1-68-4'2 Mechanica PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06&6U24E 1-6U24E Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-068-6U24W 1-6U24W Mechan ca PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-068-6U27 1-6U27 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068-68428N 16&428N Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-068-68428S 1-68-4285 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-068-684291 1$8429L Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-0686U29U 1-68429U Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-068-68444 1-68 414 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06868445 1-6845 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068-684461 1-684461 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-06868446U 1-68-446U Mechan ca PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-068-68447 1-6847 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-06&6853 1-68-53 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-06&6873 1-68-73 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-06&6880 1-68-80 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068-6893 1-68-93 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-068-6896 1-68-96 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0704U2015 A4M-20-15 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-0704M2021 A46/.2G21 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-0704U213 A4U-2-13 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-070-7012 1-70-12 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-07G,7014 1-70-14 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-070-7016 1-7U16 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-070-70282 1-70-282 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-070-70329 1-70-329 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-070-CCR106N 70-1CGR106N Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-070-CCR1065 70-1CGR1065 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Prog ram Rev. 0001 Page 278 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 20 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support ID Type ME Model Size Load (kips) 1-SNUB-070-CCR46 70-2CGR46 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-07GCCR634 70-1CGR634 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-O7G.CCRil 7A-1CGRil Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-O7G.CCR654 7U1CC-R654 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-07G,CCR770 7U1CC-R770 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-O7GCCR7g 70-1CC-R79 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-O7G,CCR9ON 70-1CGR90N Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-070-CCR90S 7O-1CGR9OS Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-07243751 4437-'-1 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-07243752 4437-j'2 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-07243753 A437-S3 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-O72.CSR1 72-1CS-R1 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-072-CSR1 12 72-1CS-R1 12 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 1-SNUB-072-CSR149 72-1CS-R149 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-072-CSR16 72-1CS-R16 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-072-CSR18 72-1CS-R18 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-072-CSR3 72-1CS-R3 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-072-CSR36 72-1CS-R36 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-072-CSR37 72-1CS-R37 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-072-CSR48 72-1CS-R48 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-072-CSR54 72-1CS-R54 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-072-CSR55 72-1CS-R55 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 1-SNUB-072-CSR61 72-1CS-R61 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-072-CSR68 72-1CS-R68 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-074432131 4432-1-31 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 1-SNUB-A7443215 4432-1-5 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-07443221 A432-2-1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-07443233N A432-3-3N Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-07443233S A432-3-3S Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-07M3261 A432-6-1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-074-7411 1-74-11 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 1-SNUB-074-7414 1-74-14 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-074-7415 1-74-15 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 1-SNUB-074-7417 1-74-17 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 1-SNUB-074-7420 1-74-20 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-074-747 1-74-7 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 1-SNUB-074-748 1-74-8 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 1-SNUB-074-RHR17 74-1RHR-R17 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 1-SNUB-074.RHR172 74-1RHR-R172 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 1.SNUB-074-RHR174 74-1RHR-R174 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-074-RHR188 74-1RHR-R188 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1.SNUB-074-RHR1gOL 74-1RHR-R1901 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 1-SNUB-074-RHR1gOU 74-1RHR-R190U Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35

l rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 279 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 21 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type ME Model Size Load (kips)

                                                      .PSA 1.SNUB-07+RHR1 92L      7+1RHR-R192L         Mechan ca         PSA-1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-07+RHR1 92U      74-1RHR-R192U        Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-07+RHR194L        74-1RHR-R1941       Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-07+RHR194U       7+1RHR-R194U         Mechan ca  PSA    PSA.1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-07+RHR196L        7+1RHR-R1961        Mechan ca  PSA    PSA.1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-07+RHR196U        74-1RHR-R196U       Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-07+RHR197         74-1RHR-R197        Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-1    1       1.5 1-SNUB-07+RHMOO          74-1RHR-R200        Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/2  112     0.65 1-SNUB-07+RHR37          74-1RHR-R37         Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-3    3        6 1-SNUB-07+RHR4           74-1RHR.R4          Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-3    3        6 1-SNUB-07+RHR48          74-1RHR-R48         Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-3    3        6 1-SNUB-07+RHR58N         74-1RHR-R58N        Mechan ca  PSA     PSA.1    1       1.5 1.SNUB-07+RHR58S         74.1RHR-R58S        Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-1    1       1.5 1-SNUB-07+RHR96          74-1RHR-R96         Mechan ca  PSA     PSA.3    3        6 1-SNUB-077-,5601835     A560-18-35           Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-0784il12M         A4il-1-2M           Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-1    1       1.5 1-SNUB-07&FPCR21         78-1FPGM1           Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-3    3        6 1-SNUB-07&FPCR28         78-1FPGR28          Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-1    1       1.5 1.SNUB-07&FPCR31         78.1FPGR31          Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-1    1       1.5 1.SNUB.O7&FPCR43         78.1FPGR43          Mechan ca  PSA     PSA.3    3        6 1.SNUB.O7&FPCR6OL        78.1FPGR6OL         Mechan ca  PSA    PSA.1O   10       15 1-SNUB-07&FPCR6OU        78-1FPGR6OU         Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-10   10       15 1-SNUB-07&FPCRTO         78-1FPGR7O          Mechan ca  PSA     PSA-3    3        6 1-SNUB-07&FPCR8          78-1FPGR8           Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/4  114     0.35 1-SNUB-090-60010N       A600-105-10N         Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/2  112     0.6s 1-SNUB-090-60010S       A600-10$10s          Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/2  112     0.65 1-SNUB-09G,6001 1N      A600-10s1 1N         Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/2  112     0.65 1-SNUB-090-6001 1S      A600-10$1 1S         Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/2  112     0.65 1-SNUB-090-60012N       A600-10$12N          Mechan ca  PSA    PSA.1/2  112     0.65 1-SNUB-090-60012S       A600-10s12S          Mechan ca  PSA    PSA-1/2  112     0.65

WBN - Unit 0 0-TI-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 280 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 22 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support ID Type Mfu Model Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB-0014001-N 2.o1A-303 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB-0014001-S 2-o1A-303 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-0014002-E 2-o1A-304 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-001-0002-W 2-O1A-304 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB401{003-N 2-01A-307 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB{014003-S 2-01A-307 Mechan ca! PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB{01-0004 2-01A-308 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB401-0005 2-01A-312 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001{006 2-01A-313 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-001-0007 241A-317 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-001-0008-N 2.o1A-343 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-001-0008 2{1A-343 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-001-0009 2{1A-349 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001-0010 2.o1A-350 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB-001-001 1 241A-348 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB-001 -0012 2-01A-355 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-001-0013 2-01A-380 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001-0014-N 2-01A-383 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-001-0014-S 2-01A-383 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 s0 2-SNUB-001-001s-N 2-01A-389 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-001-0015-S 2-01A-389 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-001-0016 2-01A-391 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001-0017 2-01A-392 Mechan cal PSA PSA5 35 50 2-SNUB-0014018 2-01A-397 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB401-0019-N 2-014423 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-0014019 2-01A.423 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-001-0020 2-014428 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001-0021-N 2-014429 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-001-0021-S 2-014429 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-001-0023 2-01A435 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001 -0024 241A439 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-001-0026 474400-1 1-82 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-001 -0027 474400-1 1-87 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-001-0028-N 474400-1 1-77 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-001-0028-W 474400-1 1-77 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-001-0408 2-01A-301 Mechan cal PSA PSA.IOO 100 120 2-SNUB-001-0409 2-01A-340 Mechan cal PSA PSA5 35 50 2-SNUB{01-0410 2-01A-381 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-001 &11 2-o1A-387 Mechan cal PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB401 -M12 2-o14424 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB401-0413 474400-1 1-76 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 STM GEN #1 2-SNUB-OO1-2SG1-A SNUBBER A Hvdraulic PMH 1 000

lrlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 281 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 23 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support ID Type Mfg Mode! Size Load (kips) STM GEN #1 2-SNUB-OO1-2SG1-B SNUBBER B Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #1 2-SNUB401-2SG1-C SNUBBER C Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #1 2-SNUB-OO1.2SG1-D SNUBBER D Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #1 2.SNUB4O1-2SG1.E SNUBBER E Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #2 2.SNUB-OO1-2SG2-A SNUBBER A Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #2 2-SNUB4O1-2SG2-B SNUBBER B Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #2 2.SNUB-OO1.2SG2-C SNUBBER C Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #2 2-SNUB-OO1.2SG2-D SNUBBER D Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #2 2.SNUB-OO1-2SG2-E SNUBBER E Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #3 2-SNUB-OO1-2SG3-A SNUBBER A Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #3 2-SNUB{01-2SG3-B SNUBBER B Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #3 2-SNUB{01-2SG3C SNUBBER C Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #3 2-SNUB-OO1.2SG3-D SNUBBER D Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #3 2-SNUB.OO1-2SG3.E SNUBBER E Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #4 2-SNUB4O1-2SG4.A SNUBBER A Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #4 2-SNUB-OO1.2SG4-B SNUBBER B Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #4 2-SNUB-001-2SG4 SNUBBER C Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #4 2.SNUB.OO1-2SG4-D SNUBBER D Hydraulic PMH 1 000 STM GEN #4 2.SNUB-OO1.2SG4.E SNUBBER E Hvdraulic PMH 1 000 2-SNUB-003-0031 2-03A-205 Mechanica PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB{03-0034 2-03A-^44 Mechanica PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB-003{035 2-03A-248 Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB{03{038 2-03A-285 Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-003-0039 2-03A-289 Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-003-0040 2-03A-320 Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-0034M1 2-03A-321 Mechanica PSA PSA-35 35 50

t rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 282 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 24 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support ID Type Mfu Model Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB-003-0042 2-03A-323 Mechanica PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB{034043-N 2-03A-328 Mechanica PSA PSA-1OO 100 120 2-SNUB{03-0046 2-03A-s63 Mechanica PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB{034048 2-038-35 Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{03-0049 2-03B-39 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{03-0050 2-03A.49 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-0034053 2-03A455 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-0034054 2-03A468 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0057 474427-7-9 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-003-0058 474427-7-11 Mechanlcal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-003-0063 038-2AFW-R226 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-00&r 038-2AFW-R228 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-003-0065 03B-2AFW-R229 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0066 03B-2AFW-R233 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0034067 2-03A-369 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-0034068 2-034-370 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0070-E 2-03A-374 Mechan ca! PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{03-0070-W 2-03A-374 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-0071 2-03A-377 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB403-0072 038-2AFW-R155 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-0073-B 2-03B.71 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-0073-T 2.c,3B,-71 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{03-0074 2-038-82 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB403-0075 2-03A401 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{03-0076 2-03p.402 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB403-0077 2-03p.4M Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNU84034078 2-03p.411 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-003-0079 2-034423 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB{03-0080 2-03p.426 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 474401-8-20 2-SNUB-003-0082-8 (BOTTOM) Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 47A401A-20 2-SNUB-003-0082-T ffoP) Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0087 2-03A-527 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB403-0088 243A-582 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-003-0089 2-03A-584 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-M14 2-03A400 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0415 2-03A415 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-003-M20-B 47A427-7-1 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB403-M20:l 474427-7-1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB4O3.M21-B 038-2AFW-R213 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB4O3-M21-T 038-2AFW-R213 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB403-M22 038-2AFW-R087 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-0034423 038-2AFW-R09+ Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-0424-N O3B-2AFW.RgO Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5

lrlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 283 ot 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 25 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB-003-M24-S 03B-2AFW-RgO Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-U26 038-2AFW-R232 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-003 01 r7-E 038-2AFW-R171 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB403 0 t r7-W 03B-2AFW-R171 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB4034448 038-2AFW-P242 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU84034449 2-03A480 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{034450-B 24,34482 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{03-@50-T 2-c,3A482 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB403-0451 2-03A483 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-003-0452-H 2-03A485 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{03-M52-V 2-03A485 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB403-0453 2-03A497 Mechanical PSA 10 15 2-SNUB403-0454 2-03A-503 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0455-E 4744018-21 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB{034455-W 474401.8.-21 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-0034456-B 2474427-3-57 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0456-T 247A427-3-57 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-003-0513 2474401-9-15 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-003-0522 2{38-037 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-003-0523 24,3A.45 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-o15-0091 474400-7-93 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-o1S0093-E 474400-306 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-o15-0093-W 474400-306 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.6s 2-SNUB41m095 4744006-310 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-01ffi096 2-018-003 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-01m100 2-018-095 Mechanica! PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-01ffi101 2-018-097 Mechanical PSA 114 0.35 2-SNUB-01 ffi102 474400-6-356 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-015-0103 474400-6-321 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-015-0104 474400-6-322 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-01S0105 474400-6-324 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-015-0106 474400-6-328 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-015-0107 47A400-6-329 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-015-0108 2-01B,-123 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB415-0109-L 2-01B,-128 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-0154109-U 2-01B,-128 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-015-01 10 2418,-129 Mechan cal PSA 1 1.5 2-SNUB-015-01 11 2418-130 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-01 *0112 2418-131 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-015-01 13 2-o1B.-251 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-01 5-0114 241B,-2il Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-01 54117 47A400-6-3&$ Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-015-01 19 474400-6-394 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-01 5&74 2-018-099 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-01 54475 2-018-086 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 284 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 26 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support lD Type Mfg Mode! Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB-015-0476 47A400-6-357 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{154514 2474400-6413 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{15-0515 247A400-6406 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{62-0120 2S2A-101 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{62-0122 2-64-1 10 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB462-0123 2-6?A-291 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{62-0124 2-68-365 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0126 2474406-1 4$7 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0127 2$?A-589 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0128 2$24-630 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0129 2$?A-802 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0130 2$24-808 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0131 2$24-809 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0132 2S2A-810 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0133 474406-13-56 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0134 2$24-680 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{624135 2474406-13-90 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNU84624136 247A406-13-91 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-0624137-E 47A406-13-36 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB462-0137-W 47A406-13-36 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0138-E 2474406-137 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0138-N 2474406-13-87 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0139 47M06-1446 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0141 2-6244W+ Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{62-0142 474406-13-2 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0146 47A406-14-16 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0147 47A406-14-23 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB{62-0148 474406-14-25 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{624149-N 474406-14-26 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0149 47A406-14-26 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0150 47A406-14-35 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB462-0151 47A406-14-37 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0152-E 47A406-14-38 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0152-W 47A406-14-38 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB462-0154 47A406-1440 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0157 2$24-247 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0158-N 2.6?A-256 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0158-S 2-624-256 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0158-V 2-624-256 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0159 247A406-1 2-101 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0161 2$2A-269 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{62-0162-E 2.6?A-271 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0162-W 2$2A-271 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0166 2$2A-531 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB462-0167 2$2A-538 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 285 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 27 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support !D Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB-062-0169 2-6?A-624 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0170-N 47A406-12-79 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{62-0170-S 474406-12-79 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB462{170-W 474406-12-79 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0171 474406-12-82 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0172 474465-3-52 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0178 2$24-382 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062{180 2$24-358 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0182 2$24-369 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-0624183 2S2A-371 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0184 2$24-377 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0185 2$24-557 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0186 2$?A-559 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB462-0187 2S2A-561 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{62-0188 2$24-360 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0624189 2$?A-362 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-0624191 2-624-363 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{62-0192 2-624-148 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0193 2-624-152 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-019l 2-6?A-153 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-06241gSN 2-624-1il Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-0624195-S 2-624-1il Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{62-0196 2-624-171 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0197 2-6?A-174 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{62-0198 2-6?A-702 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0199 2$?A-707 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{62-0200 2-624-714 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0201 2-624-720 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.3s 2-SNUB-0624202 2$24-722 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-06242M 474406-14-59 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.3s 2-SNUB-062-0207 62-2CVGR50 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0208 62-2CVGR209 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-M14 2$?4463 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-M17 2S2A-563 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0418 2$?A-366 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0419 2$24-320 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-M20 2S2A-357 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-M28 2$24-536 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-M29 2.6?A-2il Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNU8-062-0430 2S2A-533 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0431 2S?A-262 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB,4/62-c/'32 2-6?A-625 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{624433 2$24-250 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNU84624434-E 2474406-1 2-93 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0624434-W 2474406-12-93 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6

tnlBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 286 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 28 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB{62-0435 2474406-1 2{,9 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-062-0436-E 2474406-1 2-W+ Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0436-E 2474406-1 2-W+ Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0436-W 2474406-1 2-g+ Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0436-W 247A406-1 2-W+ Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0438 474406-12-97 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0624438-B 2474406-1 2-97 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB{62-0438-T 2474406-1 2-97 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0624439-N 247A406-12-98 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-M39 247A406-1 2-98 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0466 2S?A-186 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0505 2$24-29/+ Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0506 2474560-38-2 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-062-0507 247A406-3-57 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0508 2474406-3-58 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0509-B 62-2CVGR62 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0509-T 62-2CVGR62 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-062-0510-B 62-2CVGR61 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-0510-T 62-2CVGR61 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-062-051 1 2474406-2-55 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB462-0512 2474406-13-106 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB463-0209 2-63-001 Mechanical PSA  ?  ?  ? 2-SNUB{63{210 2-63-005 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB463-0211 2-63-008 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-0634212 2-63-01 1 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB463-0213 2-63-014 Mechanica! PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB463-0214 2-63-018 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0634215 2-63-019 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNU8-063-0216 2$3-022 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNU8-063-0217 243-023 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-A218 253-024 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0220 253-029 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0221 23-030 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0222 263-031 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0223 253-032 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0225 263-035 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0226-E 263-038 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0226-W 23-038 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0228 263453 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-063{229 23458 Mechanical PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-0634230 23459 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0634235 474435-12-62 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-063-0236 47A435-129 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB463-0237 474435-13-60 Mechanica! PSA  ?  ? 2 2-SNUB{63-0239-N 474435-140 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 Inse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 287 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test Plan Page 29 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support !D Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips1 2-SNUB463-0239-5 474435-140 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 2-SNUB{634242 474435-15-70 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0246 253-M2 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{63{247 2-63-043 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{63-0248 2-63-055 Mechanica! PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB{634249 2-63-062 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0634250 2-63-0M Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-063-0253 253-072 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-06342il 253-478 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0258-N 263-095 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0260 263-169 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-02U 24,3-528 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB463-0265 263-185 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0266 2$3-526 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNU8-063-0267 2$3-s20 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNU8-063-0268 23-156 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0269 263-161 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0270 2-63-163 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0271 2-63-16/, Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0272-N 474435-162 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{63-0272-S 47443s-1662 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB463-0273 474435-16.66 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB463-0274-E 474435-16.65 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0277-E 474435-16-55 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0277-S 474435-16-55 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0278 474435-16-51 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463-0279-N 474435-16-50 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-063-0279 474435-16-50 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.6s 2-SNUB-063-0280-E 474435-16-21 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0280-W 47A435-16-21 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0282-N 474435-16-34 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0282 474435-16-34 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0283 47A435-16-31 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-028/, 474435-1647 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0286-N 474435-16-33 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-06s-0286 474435-16-33 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-063-0289 263-365 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0290 253-592 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0291-V 474432-3-6 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0292 474432-3-8 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0293 2-63-236 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-063-0295 474437-2-24 Mechan ca! PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-0634298 63-25lS-R216 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0299 63-25tS-R214 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB463-0300 63-25lS-R21 1 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15

tlrBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 288 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 30 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load ftips) 2-SNUB-063-0301 63-2S s-R245 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0302 63-2S s-R242 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB463-0303-N 63-2S s-R240 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{63-0303-S 63-2S s-R240 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0304 63-2S s-R276 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0305 63-2S s-R155 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB{634306-N 63-2S s-R142 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB463-0306-S 63-2S s-R142 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-0307 63-2S s-R170 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-063-0308-8 47A432-1-8 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNU8-063-0308-T 474432-1-8 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0309 474432-2-2 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0310 474437-2-22 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{63-0418-N 63-2SIS-R168 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-U18-S 63-2SrS-R168 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-U40 247M35-1 2$ Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0M1 2474435-1 2-93 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{63-M42 247A435-16-73 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0443 247M35-1 6-77 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB463 0 r [4 2474435-16-76 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNU84634446 474435-16-17 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-063-0468 2474437-1$2 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-063-M79 2474435-16-78 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB463-0480 474435-3-8 Mechanical PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB-063-M81 474437-24 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB463-0484-S 263-095 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0488 2474435-1 4-107 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-063-0489 474435-15-79 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-0634490 47A435-15-97 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0492 2474432-6-17 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0634493-B 2474435-3-18 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0493-T 2474435-3-18 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0494 2-63-584 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-063-M95 2474432-3-13 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-063-0496 247A432-3-14 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-063-0497 2474432-3-15 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-063-0498 247A432-3-16 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-063-0499 2474435-1 3-117 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB{63-0500 2474435-13-1 18 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{634502 247435-14-109 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-063-0503 2$3-285 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-063-0504 2$3-573 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-0634519 2-63-069 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-068-031 1 2-68-030 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0313 2-68-023 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65

t\lBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 289 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 31 of 33 Rated Snubber ID Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips1 2NUB-068-0314 2$8-024 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2NUB-068-0315 258-021 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 2NUB468-0316 2-68-020 Mechan ca PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684317 28-031 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB4684318 2-68-032 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB4684319 2-68-033 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{684320-E 2-68-036 Mechan GA PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-068-0321 268-050 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB{684322 268-053 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-068-0323 2$8-U4 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-068-0324 2$8-U2 Mechanica PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNU8-068-0326 2$8-073 Mechanica PSA  ?  ?  ? 2-SNU8-068-0328 28-093 Mechanica PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0329 268-096 Mechanica PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0330-N 28-100 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-068-0330-W 268-100 Mechanical PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-068-0331 2474465-269 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684332 2$8-111 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-068-0333 248-117 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684334 2-68-120 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB468-0335-E 2-68406 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0335-W 2-68-406 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB468-0336-E 2-68407 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0336-W 2-68407 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB{68-0337-E 268408 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0337-W 2-68408 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684338-E 2-68409 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684338-W 28409 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU84684339-E 2$8410 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-0684339-W 2.f,8410 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-0684340-N 2$8415 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNU8-068-0340 2$8415 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-068-0g1 2$8416 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0U2-E 2$8418 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0342-W 2$8418 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0343-E 2-68424 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0343-W 2$8424 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNU8-068-0344 2$8427 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0345-N 2.6,8428 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-068-0345-S 2$8428 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0346-E 2$8429 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{68-0346-W 2$8429 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-03p.7 2-6,8431 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB{684348 2-68 ilr Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{68-0349 2$845 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-3 3 6

WBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 290 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 32 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support lD Type Mfg Model Size Load ftips) 2-SNUB-068-0350-N 2474465-2-23 Mechanlcal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB{68{350 2474465-2-23 Mechanica! PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684355-B 247A465-2-32 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0355-T 2474465-2-32 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB{68{356-B 2474465-2-33 Mechanical PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-068-0356-T 2474465-2-33 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNU84684357 474465-8-63 Mechanical PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB{68-0359-E 474465-1-69 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0359-W 474465-1-69 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0360 474465-1-71 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-068-0361 47446*1-73 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0362-E 47A46$1-81 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0362-W 474465-1-81 Mechanical PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0363-E 47446*1-82 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0363-W 47446*1-82 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU8-068-0365 47446}241 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNU8-068-0366 474465-246 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-068-0457 268-105 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684458-E 2.6,8422 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684458-W 2$8422 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0460-N 2$8405 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0684460 28405 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0461-E 2$849 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0461-W 2-6849 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0462 2-6847 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0463-E 2$840/. Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50 2-SNUB-0684463-W 2$8404 Mechan ca! PSA PSA-35 35 50 2-SNUB-068-04&+-N 2-,8412 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0464-S 24,8412 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB468-0465 2474465-1-108 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-068-0469 2-68-034 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-068-M70 474465-860 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-068-M77 474465-8-61 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-068-M78 247446*8-72 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-068-0520-E 4744654-7 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-068-0520-W 47A'46$4.-7 Mechanical PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-070-0368 2-70-800 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0704369 2-70-801 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-070-0370-N 2-70-803 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-070-0370-S 2-70-803 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-070-0371 2-70-822 Mechan ca PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUBQ72-0372 72-2CS-R112 Mechan ca PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB..{.724373 72-2CS-R54 Mechan ca PSA PSA.1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-0724374 72-2CS-R149 Mechan ca PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-072{,375 72-2CS-R1 19 Mechan cal PSA PSA.35 35 50

t rBN - Unit 0 0-Tl-100.006 lnse rvice Testing Program Rev. 0001 Page 291 of 291 Appendix F - Snubber Test PIan Page 33 of 33 Rated Snubber lD Support !D Type Mfg Model Size Load (kips) 2-SNUB-072-0376 72-2CS-R9 Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-072-0516 2474437-2-36 Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-0724517 247A437-11-1 Mechanica PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNU84724518 2474437-163 Mechanica PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNUB-0744378 2-74-008 Mechanica PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB474{379 2-74-011 Mechanica PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB,{74-0,380 2-74-015 Mechanica PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB474-0381 2-74-017 Mechanica! PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-074-0382 474432-34 Mechanical PSA PSA.1O 10 15 2-SNUB-074{383 74-2RHR-R96 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-074-0384 74-2RHR-R37 Mechanical PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB474-038$E 74-2RHR.R3 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB474-0385-W 74-2RHR-R3 Mechanical PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB474-0386-E 74-2RHR-R6 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0386-W 74-2RHR-R6 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0387-N 74-2RHR-R14 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-074-0387 74-2RHR-R14 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 1t2 0.65 2-SNUB-074-0388 74-2RHR-R58 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0389 74-2RHR-R28 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-074-0390 74-2RHR-R216 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0391 74-2RHR-R220 Mechan cal PSA PSA-10 10 15 2-SNUB-074-0392 74-2RHR-R230 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB,{744393 74-2RHR-R232 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB4744394 474435-2-25 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB,4744396-N 74-2RHR-R155 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB4744396-5 74-2RHR-R155 Mechan cal PSA PSA.3 3 6 2-SNU84744398 63-2SIS-R192 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/2 112 0.65 2-SNUB-074-0399 63-2SIS-R194 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 1t4 0.35 2-SNUB-074-M00 63-25IS-R195 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1/4 114 0.35 2-SNUB-074-0401 47A4A6-3-19 Mechan cal PSA 2  ?  ? 2-SNUB-074-M02-B 47A432-1-19 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-c/l02-T 474432-1-19 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0403 74-2RHR-R174 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0404 74-2RHR-R185 Mechan cal PSA PSA-1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-0405 74-2RHR-R197 Mechan cal PSA PSA.1 1 1.5 2-SNUB-074-M85 2474435-2-28 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-074-0486 2474435-1-5 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6 2-SNUB-074-0501 2-74-010 Mechan cal PSA PSA-3 3 6


ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No.50-391 IST-RR-I - Pump Vibration Reference Values and Acceptance Criteria Page 2 of 4 Pump Pump Pump ID Pump Description Group Tvpe 2-PMP-62-104-B CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 2B.B A C.H 2-PMP-62-1 08-A CENTRIFUGAL CHARGING PUMP 2A-A A C.H 2-PMP-62-230-A BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 2A.A A C-H 2-PMP-62-232-8 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 2B-B A C-H 2-PMP-63-10-A SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 2A.A B C-H 2-PMP-63-15-B SAFETY INJECTION PUMP 2B-B B C-H 2-PMP-67-437-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2A-A A VLS 2-PMP-67-447-B ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2B-B A VLS 2-PMP-7A-33-B CCS PUMP 2B-B A C-H 2-PMP-70-59-A CCS PUMP 2A-A A C-H 2-PMP-72-1 0-B CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP 2B-B B C-H 2-PMP-72-27-A CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP 2A-A B C-H 2-PMP-74-1 0-A RHR PUMP 2A-A A C-V 2-PMP-74-20-8^ RHR PUMP 2B-B A C-V See the program document contained in Enclosure 1 for additional information for pump group and type. Applicable Gode Edition and Addenda ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda

Applicable Code Requirement

ISTB-3300 Reference Values (a) lnitial reference values shall be determined from the results of testing meeting the requirements of ISTB- 3100, Preservice Testing, or from the results of the first inservice test.

Reason for Request

Relief is being requested from establishing a vibration reference value (V,) based solely on data collected during preservice or inservice testing for those vibration points that have unusually low levels of vibration. This request applies only to values for V, associated with vibration testing. I I I I Small values for V, result in small acceptable ranges for pump operation. The acceptable range defined in Table ISTB-5121-1 and Table ISTB-5221-1 is less than or equal to 2.5V,. Based on a small acceptable range, a smooth running pump could be subject to unnecessary corrective action caused by numerically small changes in vibration levels. E2-2

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 IST-RR-I - Pump Vibration Reference Values and Acceptance Criteria Page 3 of 4 Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative Pumps with a measured V, less than or equalto 0.05 inches per second (ips) for a particular vibration measurement location shall have subsequent test results for that location compared to an acceptable range based on 0.05 ips. ln addition to the applicable ASME OM Code requirements, all pumps in the IST Program will be included in and will remain in the Predictive Maintenance Program regardless of their smooth running status. When new reference values are established, the measured parameters will be evaluated for each location to determine if the provisions of this relief request still apply. lf the measured V, is greater than 0.05 ips, the requirement of ISTB-3300 will be applied. Conversely, if the measured V is less than or equal to 0.05 ips, a minimum value of 0.05 ips will be used in determining the acceptable, alert, and required action ranges. Basrs for Use For very small reference values, hydraulic noise and instrument error can be a significant portion of the vibration reading and affect the repeatability of subsequent measurements. Also, experience gathered from the Unit 1 preventive maintenance program has shown that changes in vibration levels in the range of 0.05 ips do not normally indicate significant degradation in pump performance. To avoid unnecessary corrective action, a minimum V,value of 0.05 ips is being established for velocity measurements. This minimum value will be applied to individual vibration locations for the pumps listed in the above table where the measured reference value is less than 0.05 ips. The Predictive Maintenance Program currently employs the following predictive monitoring techniques on an as applicable and as needed basis: A. Vibration monitoring and analysis beyond that required by ISTB, B. Oilsampling and analysis, and C. Thermographic Analysis. Bearing temperature trending is available for a number of the components through the plant process computer system. E2-3

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 IST-RR-I - Pump Vibration Reference Values and Acceptance Criteria Page 4 ot 4 lf the measured parameters are discovered to be outside the normal operating range or to be trending toward an unacceptable degraded state, appropriate actions are taken that may include: A. lncreased monitoring to establish rate of change, B. Review of component specific information to identify cause, and C. Removal of the pump from service to perform maintenance. This alternative to the requirements of ISTB-3300 provides an acceptable level of quality and safety. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the Unit 2 PST period and for the duration of the first concurrent Unit 1 / Unit 2 IST 120-month interval (third intervalfor Unit 1 and first intervalfor Unit 2). Precedents The following NRC accepted precedent submittals are noted for similar relief requests: WBN Unit 1 second IST interval, which was applicable to Unit 1 and common Unit 1 and Unit 2 pumps (Wafts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 - Reguesfs for Relief for the Second 1}-Year Pump and Valve lnseruice Testing Program, ADAMS Accession Number ML070090504, dated March 9, 2007). Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and 2 and WBN Units 1 and 2 arevery similar in design with identical pump manufacturer/modelapplications in many cases. SQN was granted a similar relief request for their third IST interval (Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Reguesf for Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, ADAMS Accession Number ML061790733, dated July 27,2006). Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2 - Relief Request Nos. PRR7, PRR2, PRR3, PRR4, PRR5, PRR6, PRR7, PRR8, PRR9, and VRR1 Regarding the Third 1O-Year lnservice Testing Program Relief Requesfs (ADAMS Accession Number ML080140299, dated February 14, 2008). James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant - Relief Requesfs forthe Fourth lnterual lnservice Testing Program (ADAMS Accession Number M107291 0422, dated November 27 ,2007). North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2 RE: lnseruice Testing Program for Pump and Valves, Third Ten Year lnterual Update (ADAMS Accession Number M1020280439, dated January 28, 2002). E2-4

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 IST-RR ERCW Screen Wash Pump Test Method Page 1 of3 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(5)(iii) I n se rv i ce Te sti n g I m p racti cal ity ASIUE Code Component(s) Affected Pump Pump Pump ID Pump Description Group Type 1-PMP-67-431-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 1A-A A VLS 1-PMP-67-440-E- ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 1B-B A VLS 2-PMP-67-437-A ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2A-A A VLS 2-PMP-67-447-B ERCW SCREEN WASH PUMP 2B.B A VLS See the program document contained in Enclosure 1 for additional information for pump group and type.

Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda

Applicable Code Requirement

ISTB-521 0 Preservice Testing (a) ln systems where resistance can be varied, flow rate and differential pressure shall be measured at a minimum of five points. lf practicable, these points shall be from pump minimum flow to at least pump design flow. A pump curve shall be established based on the measured points. At least one point shall be designated as the reference point(s). Data taken at the reference point will be used to compare the results of inservice tests. A pump curve need not be established for pumps in systems where resistance cannot be varied. !STB-5221 Group A Test Procedure (b) The resistance of the system shall be varied until the flow rate equals the reference point. The differential pressure shallthen be determined and compared to its reference value. Alternatively, the flow rate shall be varied untilthe differential pressure equals the reference point and the flow rate determined and compared to the reference flow rate value. ISTB-5223 Comprehensive Test Procedure (b) The resistance of the system shall be varied until the flow rate equals the reference point. The differential pressure shallthen be determined and compared to its reference value. Alternatively, the flow rate shall be varied until the differential pressure equals the reference point and the flow rate determined and compared to the reference flow rate value. E2-5

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No.50-391 IST-RR ERCW Screen Wash Pump Test Method Page 2 of 3 Impracticality of Compliance The configuration of the ERCW Screen Wash Pump discharge piping system does not provide straight lengths of piping that will support the installation of a permanent flow measuring device or the utilization of a portable flow measuring device capable of providing accurate flow rate measurements. The lack of permanent or temporary flow instrumentation makes it impractical to adjust pump flow to specific value(s) and measure the associated differential pressure as required for performance of Preservice, Group A, and Comprehensive pump tests. Burden Caused by Gompliance Significant system modifications, such as piping rerouting and support redesign, would be required to obtain a configuration that would provide reliable flow readings. Refer to Basis for Use section for further details. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative Testing will be performed by setting the system resistance to the same point for each test with the throttle valves full open. Flow will not be measured. The remaining variable that could affect system resistance is the spray nozzles. The condition of the spray nozzles will be inspected during each test performance with corrective actions initiated as necessary, thus providing assurance that the spray nozle condition will not affect flow rate. With system resistance maintained constant for each test, pump degradation would be identified through changes in differential pressure. Differential pressure is calculated using inlet (based on lake level or suction pressure) and discharge pressure. The pump will be trended for degradation based on differential pressure at this point. Vibration readings will also be taken at this reference point. The pumps will be tested in this manner for the PST Program, the quarterly Group A, and the biennial Comprehensive inservice tests. lnstrument accuracy and acceptance criteria for pump differential pressure and vibration will meet the requirements of Table ISTB-3510-1 and Table ISTB-5221-1, respectively. PST data for differential pressure and vibration data will be evaluated to verify it represents acceptable pump operation and will be used as reference values for subsequent quarterly Group A and Comprehensive inservice tests. E2-6

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear PIant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391

                      !ST-RR ERCW Screen Wash Pump Test Method Page 3 of 3 Basrs for Use The piping design does not provide permanent in-line instrumentation to measure flow. The pump design (vertical line shaft) and discharge piping do not allow the use of portable flow measuring equipment such as ultrasonic flow meters. These pumps take suction from the pump pit directly below the pump deck and are positioned on the deck adjacent to the traveling screens. The discharge piping for each pump is short and open ended, containing several elbows, reducers, and valves prior to entering the traveling screen enclosure. The configuration of this piping system does not provide straight lengths of piping that will support the installation of a permanent flow measuring device or the utilization of a portable flow measuring device capable of providing accurate flow rate measurements. Significant system modifications, such as piping rerouting and support redesign, would be required to obtain a configuration that would provide reliable flow readings.

Flow is not the critical parameter for these pumps. The nature of their operation is to ensure that sufficient pressure is maintained at the spray nozzles during flushing operations of the traveling water screens to ensure that sufficient force is exerted on the debris accumulated on the screen to remove it. This can be verified by visual observation of the flushing operation. Maintenance history was reviewed for spray nozzle plugging and it was determined that nozzle plugging is infrequent. The spray nozzles are inspected by operations personnel during spray operation with conective maintenance initiated as required. Based on the information provided above, compliance with the Code requirements is impractical and the proposed alternative provides reasonable assurance of the operational readiness of the ERCW Screen Wash Pumps. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the first concunent Unit 1 / Unit 2 IST 120-month lnservice Testing interval (third intervalfor Unit 1 and first intervalfor Unit 2). Precedents This relief request was granted for the WBN Unit 1 second interval (Wafts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1- Reguesfs for Relief forthe Second 10-Year Pump and Valve lnseruice Testing Program, ADAMS Accession Number ML070090504, dated March 9,2007 and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unrt 1 - Safety Evaluation of Relief Request PV-02, Revision 1, Forthe Second 10-Year lnterual of the lnseruice Testing Program, ADAMS Accession Number ML102360191, dated August 30, 2010). A similar relief request was granted for Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 third interval (Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unrts 1 and 2 - Reguesf for Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, ADAMS Accession Number ML061790733, dated July 27,2006). E2-7

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-39{ Page I of5 IST-RR Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Time Testing Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(0$)0ii) I nservice Testing I m practical ity ASME Gode Component(s) Affected Valve ID Function Drawing /Goord Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 1-FSV-68-396-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 1-47W813-1 I F-5 B Act VE 2 1 GL SO 1-FSV-68-397-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 1-47W813-1 / G-6 B Act VE 2 1 GL SO 2-FSV-68-396-B REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 2-47W813-1 t F-5 B Act VE 2 1 GL SO 2-FSV-68-397-A REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 2-47W813-1 I F-6 B Active 2 1 GL SO See the program document contained in Enclosure 1 for additional information for valve category, type, and actuator. Referenced Drawings are not needed for review but are available upon request.

Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda

Applicable Code Requirement

ISTC-3300 Reference Values Reference values shall be determined from the results of preservice testing or from the results of inservice testing. These tests shall be performed under conditions as near as practicable to those expected during subsequent inservice testing... ISTC-3310 Effects of Valve Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance on Reference Values When a valve or its control system has been replaced, repaired, or has undergone maintenance that could affect the valve's performance, a new reference value shall be determined or the previous value reconfirmed by an inservice test run before the time it is returned to service or immediately if not removed from service... ISTC-351 0 Exercising Test Frequency Active Category A, Category B, and Category C check valves shall be exercised nominally every 3 months,... E2-8

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No.50-39{ IST-RR Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Time Testing Page 2 ot 5 ISTC-3560 Fail-Safe Valves Valves with fail-safe actuators shall be tested by observing the operation of the actuator upon loss of valve actuating power in accordance with the exercising frequency of ISTC-3510. ISTC-S151 Valve Stroke Testing (a) Active valves shall have their stroke times measured when exercised in accordance with lsTc-3500. (b) The limiting value(s) of full-stroke time of each valve shall be specified by the Owner. (c) Stroke time shall be measured to at least the nearest second. (d) Any abnormality or erratic action shall be recorded (see ISTC-9120), and an evaluation shall be made regarding need for corrective action. ISTC-5152 Stroke Test Acceptance Criteria Test results shall be compared to reference values established in accordance with ISTC-3300, ISTC-331 0, or ISTC-3320. (a) Valves with reference stroke times of greater than 10 sec shall exhibit no more than x25o/o change in stroke time when compared to the reference value. (b) Valves with reference stroke times of less than or equal to 10 sec shall exhibit no more than t50% change in stroke time when compared to the reference value. (c) Valves that stroke in less than 2 sec may be exempted from ISTC-5152(b). ln such cases the maximum limiting stroke time shall be 2 sec. ISTC-S153 Stroke Test Corrective Action (a) lf a valve fails to exhibit the required change of obturator position or exceeds the limiting values of full-stroke time [see ISTC-5151(b)], the valve shall be immediately declared inoperable. (b) Valves with measured stroke times that do not meet the acceptance criteria of ISTC-S152 shall be immediately retested or declared inoperable. lf the valve is retested and the second set of data also does not meet the acceptance criteria, the data shall be analyzed within 96 hr to verify that the new stroke time represents acceptable valve operation, or the valve shall be declared inoperable. lf the second set of data meets the acceptance criteria, the cause of the initial deviation shall be analyzed and the results documented in the record of tests (see rsTc-g120). E2-9

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No.50-391 IST-RR Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Time Testing Page 3 of 5 Impracticality of Compliance Relief is being requested from measuring stroke times, establishing reference values, comparing stroke times to acceptance criteria / limiting values, and taking corrective action related to stroke time acceptance criteria / limiting values for the Reactor Vessel Head Vent throttle valves. ln addition, fail safe testing of these valves will be performed at the same time and frequency as the proposed alternative exercise testing. These valves are totally enclosed (sealwelded bonnet), one-inch Target Rock solenoid valves, with thumb wheel actuated controllers that permit remote positioning of the valves. Valve opening and closing speed, and consequently valve opening and closing stroke time, is controlled by the rate at which the thumbwheel controller is moved and is not representative of valve condition. Burden Caused by Compliance Significant system modifications, such as alteration of the valve's control circuit to provide a separate handswitch to permit instantaneous valve operation, would be required solely to allow for the performance of valve stroke time testing. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative TVA proposes to utilize an enhanced maintenance program based on the following attributes: A. Periodic replacement of critical valve parts [i.e., the linear voltage differential transformer (LVDT) that provides valve position indication feedback, the coilthat operates the valve, and the valve's electrical terminal boardl in accordance with TVA's environmental qualification binder for the valve. B. Calibration of the valve's position control system each refueling outage. This calibration involves utilizing the valve controller to position the valve at various positions and utilizing the LVDT to determine the valve stem position. These are compared to ensure valve operation is as expected. E2-10

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391

                    !ST-RR Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Time Testing Page 4 of 5 ln addition to the enhanced maintenance program, tests will be conducted as follows to provide positive verification of the valve's ability to fulfill its specific function:

A. Full stroke exercise of each valve will be performed during shutdowns. The test will consist of cycling the valve controller through one complete cycle and verifying (using the valve position indicator operated by the LVDT attached to the valve stem) that the valve cycles through one full cycle in response to the valve controller. This action also simulates loss of power and satisfles the fail safe close test requirement. B. During refueling outages, in addition to cycling the controller through one complete cycle and using the valve position indicator to verify valve travel, the valve travel will be verified by (a) ensuring no detectable flow is present through the valves with the valves closed, (b) ensuring flow is present when each valve is opened, and (c) ensuring that when each valve is returned to the closed position no detectable flow is present. The presence or absence of flow will be verified by monitoring a change in a process parameter, either the valve tail pipe temperature for an increase/decrease or the pressurizer relief tank for a temperature increase/decrease or level increase/no change. This additional verification which is consistent with ISTC-3520 ensures the valve disk is still attached to the stem and is capable of controlling flow. Basrs for Use The Reactor Vessel Head Vent valves are throttled open manually by main control room operator action to (1) provide a reactor vessel head vent path; (2) vent non-condensables from the head during an accident to promote natural circulation; and (3) prevent gases from impeding reactor coolant circulation flow through the core. These valves are totally enclosed (seal welded bonnet), one-inch Target Rock solenoid valves with thumbwheel actuated controllers that permit remote positioning of the valves. Valve opening and closing speed, and consequently valve opening and closing stroke time, is controlled by the rate at which the thumbwheel controller is moved, and is not representative of valve condition. Design requirements impose a minimum stroke time limitation on these valves of not faster than 5 seconds. Restricting the stroke time to not less than 5 seconds effectively prohibits stroke timing the valve because the valve is capable of stroking considerably faster than the 5 second limit. Even if the 5 second limit did not exist, stroke timing of the valve using its thumb-wheel actuated controller would result in timing the ability of the operator to turn the thumb-wheel and not the ability of the valve to move. E2-11

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear PIant, Unit 2 Docket No.50-391 IST-RR Reactor Head Vent Valve Stroke Time Testing Page 5 of 5 An enhanced maintenance program of disassembly and inspection of valve internal parts was evaluated. This method was not considered appropriate for the following reasons: A. Frequent disassembly can lead to distortion of the valve parts caused by the repetitive welding process to reinstallthe sealweld. This distortion could cause unacceptable operational seat leakage, binding of internal parts, and other operational problems. B. The physical appearance of the internal parts does not always provide clear and evident verification of acceptable valve operation. Based on the information provided above, compliance with the Code requirements is impractical and the proposed alternative provides reasonable assurance of the operational readiness of the Reactor Vessel Head Vent valves. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the Unit 2 PST period and for the duration of the first concurrent Unit 1 / Unit 2 IST 120-month lnservice Testing interval (third intervalfor Unit 1 and first interval for Unit 2). Precedents A similar relief request was granted for the Unit 1 second interval (Wafts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 - Requests for Relief for the Second l0-Year Pump and Valve lnseruice Testing Program, ADAMS Accession Number ML070090504, dated March 9,2007). Sequoyah Units 1 and2 and WBN Units 1 and2 are very closely related in design. Sequoyah was granted a similar relief request for their third interval (Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Request for Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, ADAMS Accession Number ML061790733, dated July 27,2006). E2-12

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391

           !ST-RR,{ - Unit 2 Pressurizer Safety Valve Test Before Electric Generation Page 1 of3 Proposed Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii)

Hardship or Unusual Difficulty without Compensating lncrease in Level of Quality and Safety ASIUIE Code Component(s) Affected Valve lD Function Drawing /Coord Cat AcUPass Class Size Type Act 2-RFV-68-563 PRESSU RIZER SAFETY VALVE 2-47W813-1 I A-2 C Active 1 1 RVL SA 2-RFV-68-564 PRESSU RIZER SAFETY VALVT 2-47W813-1 I A-2 C Active 1 1 RVL SA 2-RFV-68-565 PRESSU RIZER SAFETY VALVT 2-47W813-1 I A-2 C Active 1 1 RVL SA See the program document contained in Enclosure 1 for additional information for valve category, type, and actuator. Referenced Drawings are not needed for review but are available upon request.

Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition through 2006 Addenda

Applicable Code Requirement

l-721O Class 1 Safety Valves Within 6 months before initial reactor criticality, each valve shall have its set-pressure verified. Set-pressure verification shall be determined by pressurizing the system up to the valve set-pressure and opening the valve, or the valve may be tested at or below normal system operating pressure with an assist device.

Reason for Request

Relief is being requested from verifying set-pressure while the valves are installed in the plant using system pressure or reduced system pressure with an assist device. These test methods would require personnel entry into a confined space at high ambient temperatures to insta!!/remove the lift assist device on the pressurizer safety valves (PSVs) or require plant operators to raise RCS pressure to the overpressure condition necessary to open the PSV to meet ASME OM Code l-7210 with 2 out of 3 PSVs gagged and repeat this evolution three times in succession, once for each PSV. Therefore, these in-situ conditions represent a hardship in performing the test and unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. E2-13

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear PIant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 IST-RR.{ - Unit 2 Pressurizer Safety Valve Test Before Electric Generation Page 2 of 3 Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative TVA proposes to perform set-pressure testing of the PSVs at an approved vendor test facility within 6 months prior to initial reactor criticality. Easr's for Use There are a number of issues that make testing in the installed configuration a hardship without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. The following problems would be encountered: A. Raising RCS pressure to the overpressure condition necessary to open the valve to meet ASME OM Code l-7210 with 2 out of 3 valves gagged would create an undesirable operating condition. This condition would have to be repeated three times in succession, once for each PSV. B. While an assist device is available, it is generally used on other valve installations (i.e., the Main Steam Safety Valves) in less restrictive locations. Testing with the assist device necessitates that test personnel are in close proximity to the valves in a confined space (the pressurizer enclosure) with temperatures above 1600 F, which represents a potential safety hazard. These temperatures would increase with the lifting of the valves during testing. Extraction of test personne! should they become incapacitated by injury or illness would be difficult. C. The rupture pressure of the pressurizer relief tank rupture disk is 88 to 100 psig. lt is possible that the amount of discharge that would result from testing the PSVs in-situ could cause the rupture disk to rupture and discharge the contents of the tank into the containment building, resulting in personnel hazards and equipment damage. D. lnstruments, including those on the assist device, used during testing would have to be qualified for the high ambient temperature which is not feasible, thereby potentially reducing the accuracy of testing with the assist device. E. The accuracy of the testing performed using the assist device is, in general, not as good as that of the test facility. F. Controlling the RCS pressure to support the in-situ PSV testing would be difficult. The proposed alternative is essentially the same test method used during the IST interval, which is performed in conjunction with refueling outages where one or more PSVs are either (a) removed, tested at a vendor facility, and reinstalled, or (b) replaced with valve(s) that were pretested at a vendor facility. E2-14

ENCLOSURE 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 IST-RR4 - Unit 2 Pressurizer Safety Valve Test Before Electric Generation Page 3 of 3 Based on the information provided above, compliance with the Code requirements represents a hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in level of quality and safety. The proposed altemative provides reasonable assurance of the operational readiness of the PSVs. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the Unit 2 PST period. Precedents A similar relief request was granted for Unit 1 (Wafts Bar Unit 1 - Relief from ASME Section Xl Regarding Pressurizer Safety Valve Testing, ADAMS Accession Numbers ML073200567 and ML073200570, dated September 5, 1995). E2-15

ENCLOSURE 3 Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-391 List of Commitments

1. ltem B of Reference 1 requested clarification of FSAR Section 3.9.6. This clarification will be included in FSAR Amendment 112 scheduled for late May.
