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2012 Annual Facility Technical Report for the Buffalo Materials Research Center (Bmrc) at the State University of New York at Buffalo
Person / Time
Site: University of Buffalo
Issue date: 03/29/2013
From: Vasbinder D
University of Buffalo
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML13098A101 (11)


University at Buffalo The State University of New York Environment, Health & Safety Services March 29, 2013 Docket 50-57 License R-77 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Sir or Madam:

Enclosed please find a copy of the 2012 Annual Facility Technical Report for the Buffalo Materials Research Center (BMRC) at the State University of New York at Buffalo. This report is submitted pursuant to Facility Technical Specification Requirement 15.1.

If you have any questions or wish further information, please contact me at (716) 829-3301.

el F '4e David R Vasbinder Director, Buffalo Materials Research Center Cc: Ted Smith, U.S.N.R.C. Project Manager Judith Joustra, U.S.N.R.C. Region 1 Kevin Thompson, Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee Chair Joseph Raab, EH&S Director Laura Hubbard, Vice President for Finance and Administration Jeff Slawson, BMRC Radiation Safety Officer Mark Adams, BMRC Operations Manager 220 Winspear Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215 Office: (716) 829-3301 Fax: (716) 829-2516 Web:


David R. Vasbinder Director March 29, 2013 Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Introduction ............................................................................................. 3 Major M aintenance ....................................................................................... 3 10 CFR 50.59 Reviews or Changes ..................................................................... 3 Pre-Decommissioning Activities ....................................................................... 3 R adioactive Effluents ................................................................................... 3 Environmental Radiation Surveys ............................................................ 4 Radiation Exposures ...................................................... 4 Radiation and Contamination Surveys ......................................... 5 M iscellaneous ............................................................................................. 5 Table I - 2012 Waste Tank Release to Sanitary Sewer .................................. . 6 Table 2 - 2012 Cumulative Summary of Environmental Radiation Dose Equivalent ........ 7 Table 3 - 2012 Cumulative Summary of BMRC Area Dosimeter Results ..................... 8 Table 4 - 2012 Whole Body Deep Dose Equivalent Summary ................................... 9 Table 5 - 2012 Extremity Shallow Dose Equivalent Summary ................................ 9 Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 2

1. INTRODUCTION This report is submitted to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to section 15.1 of Appendix A, of the Technical Specifications (License R-77) for the Buffalo Materials Research Center (BMRC) located at the State University of New York at Buffalo. It summarizes changes to the facility, major maintenance activities, surveillance tests and inspections, radiation surveys, and radioactive effluents for the 2012 calendar year. All required surveillance was completed.
2. MAJOR MAINTENANCE There were no maintenance activities performed in the BMRC during 2012 that would qualify as Major Maintenance. Only routine maintenance activities were undertaken within the BMRC.
3. 10CFR 50.59 CHANGES There were no 50.59 reviews performed during the 2012 calendar year.
4. PRE-DECOMISSIONING ACTIVITIES In 2012, the University continued working with the Decommissioning Project Design Consultant, ENERCON on pre-decommissioning activities. Pre-decommissioning related activities undertaken in 2012 included:

" Loose material clean out in the Lab Wing in preparation for asbestos and lead removal activities.

" Interference removal (asbestos and lead abatement) during June and July.

" Packaging and shipment of these materials.

5. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 4.1 Controlled Discharges to the Sanitary Sewer There was one controlled discharge to the sanitary sewer system in 2012. The total volume of water released was 25,100 liters, containing a total of approximately 0.0017 millicuries of radioactivity. This release was from the 10,000 gallon above ground waste storage tank (referred to as 1OK Tank). Table 1 contains the discharge information specific to the release including comparisons to the monthly average concentration in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 3 "Releases to Sewers" and the sum of the fractions.

4.2 Airborne Releases No airborne radioactive releases, other than natural background resulting from radon and its daughter products, occurred during 2012.

Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 3

5. ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL SURVEYS 5.1 Routine Surveys The direct radiation levels outside the BMRC reactor building are routinely monitored adjacent to the "truck door" access area and on the roof of the liquid waste holding tank vault.

Global Dosimetry Solutions dosimeters were used to monitor integrated radiation levels in six exterior areas around the facility and four locations within the building itself. These dosimeters are replaced with a new badge every month and the previous month's badge is sent to the dosimetry vendor for processing. The vendor is NVLAP certified. The minimum photon sensitivity for the dosimeters is 5 mrem.

Table 2 lists the cumulative annual summary of the environmental radiation dose equivalent from the environmental badges located around the facility. The maximum cumulative annual deep dose equivalent reading was 14 mRem on the dosimeter (# 2116) located by the above ground waste tank vault.

Table 3 lists cumulative annual summary of the radiation dose equivalent frdm the area dosimetry badges located within the building. The maximum cumulative annual deep dose equivalent reading was 193 mRem on the dosimeter (# 335) located by the truck door area.

6. RADIATION EXPOSURES 6.1 External Dosimetry External dosimetry records were maintained for a total of five BMRC staff members, four employees of the Decommissioning Project Design Consultant, three members of contractor staff, and other authorized facility entrants. Film dosimeters provide x-ray, beta, and gamma exposure monitoring.

Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) rings are used to measure extremity dose for selected personnel.

Also, a TLD for neutron detection is available when necessary. All dosimeters are processed by Global Dosimetry Solutions, a NVLAP certified vendor. These dosimeters are replaced on a bi-monthly basis.

The film dosimeters have a minimum sensitivity of 10 mrem for both beta and photon radiation.

During 2012, no individuals received measureable whole body or extremity dose.

University Police Department officers perform routine security tours around the building. The patrol officers wear a University Police dosimeter pack when they enter the building. These dosimeters did not record any dose equivalent during 2012.

Four visitor dosimeter packs are also available. These dosimeters are issued to visitors who may need to enter into areas requiring exposure monitoring. None of these visitor dosimeters recorded any measurable dose equivalent in 2012.

Tables 4 and 5 provide summaries of personnel whole body and extremity dose for 2012.

Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 4

7. RADIATION AND CONTAMINATION SURVEYS 7.1 Exit Monitoring Exit monitoring is required as part of each egress from the reactor containment building and other radioactive materials areas within the BMRC. These surveys occasionally detect radioactive contamination, allowing rapid correction of contamination problems.

7.2 Routine Surveys The BMRC staff performs monthly radiation and contamination surveys of the BMRC building.

Surveys are also performed after work involving the manipulation of potentially contaminated materials. In calendar year 2012, no contamination was detected above action levels during these surveys.


" The Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee convened twice during calendar year 2012. This meets the annual requirement in Facility Technical Specifications for a minimum of two committee meetings.

" The University submitted a license amendment application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to incorporate a Decommissioning Plan on February 17, 2012. This application was supplemented by letters dated June 20, 2012, September 21, 2012, and October 15, 2012. The N.R.C. approved this amendment on November 5, 2012.

" The University undertook a competitive bidding process to hire a Decommissioning &

Dismantlement Contractor. The successful bidder was LVI Services.

" The University held a Community Public Informational Session on the Decommissioning Process on December 6th, 2012.

" Decommissioning activities commenced under the approved Decommissioning plan in December of 2012.

  • The University, in conjunction with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, hosted the IAEA Research Reactor Decommissioning Demonstration (R2D2) Workshop on Project Management and Dismantling on December 3 through 7 th, 2012.

Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 5

University at Buffalo Buffalo Materials Research Center Table 1 -- Waste Tank Release to Sanitary Sewer Release Number: 2012-01 From: 1OK Tank Month: June Volume Released: 6600 gal.

2.51 E+07 ml Date of Release: 6/21/12 TOTAL 6.83 E-08 jtCi/ml CONCENTRATION Total of Limit Released: 7.40 %

Total of Activity Released: 1.71 .tCi Year to Date Activity Released: 1.71 ýtCi Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 6

University at Buffalo Buffalo Materials Research Center University at Buffalo Buffalo Materials Research Center Table 2 -- 2012 Cumulative. Summary of Environmental Radiation Dose Equivalent (mrem)

B C D E G H Monthly Monitoring "* - - >

Period t 0 t* C L CD tj 0

=- CD CD January 0 0 0 0 3 0 15 February 0 0 0 0 1 0 16 March 1 0 1 1 0 0 16 April 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 May 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 June 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 July 0 0 0 0 2 0 12 August 0 0 0 0 1 0 17 September 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 October 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 November 0 0 0 0 3 0 16 December 0 0 0 1 3 0 14 Total 1 0 1 2 14 0 Exposure reported (mR/month) is subtracted from control average.

Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 7

University at Buffalo Buffalo Materials Research Center Table 3 -- 2012 Cumulative Summary of BMRC Area Dosimeter Results Monthly Monitoring Period 0 t M January 15 4 0 15 February 12 3 0 16 March 14 4 2 16 April 18 4. 0 13 May 17 4 0 13 June 16 3 0 13 July 15 3 0 12 August 15 2 0 17 September 15 6 0 15 October 18 2 0 16 November .21 4 0 16 December 17 59 2 14 Total 193 98 3 -1 Exposure reported (mR/month) is subtracted from control average.

Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 8

University at Buffalo Buffalo Materials Research Center Table 4 -- 2012 Whole Body Deep Dose Equivalent Summary Deep Dose Equivalent BMRC University Visitor Fuel Handler Consultant Contractor

. (rem) Staff Police Dosimeter Staff Staff None [ 1 4 1 4 3 Measurable __

Table 5 -- 2012 Extremity Shallow Dose Equivalent Summary Extremity Shallow Dose BMRC Consultant Contractor (rem) Staff Staff Staff None 5 4 3 Measurable Buffalo Materials Research Center 2012 Annual Report Page 9

  • University at Buffalo The State University qf New York Clarence Baker Custodial Supervisor University Facilities 120 Fargo Quad,, Buffalo, NY 14261 Main: (716) 645-2176 Office: (716) 829-3731 Cell: (716) 289 5800 Fax: (716) 645-2686 Email: