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Report of Impingement of Shortnose Sturgeon
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/2013
From: Wagner L
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13093A249 (8)


PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038-0236 MAR o6 203 0 PSEG Nuclear LLC LR-E13-0027 EPP 5.4.2 Appendix B U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: 7012 1640 0000 4257 4258


REPORT OF IMPINGEMENT OF SHORTNOSE STURGEON SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NO. 50-272 The Nuclear Environmental Event Report, "Report of Impingement of Shortnose Sturgeon" is being submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 5.4.2 of Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan, to the Operating License for the Salem Generating Station, PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG).

Please find enclosed a letter and two attachments with further information regarding this impingement event.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Jeffrey Pantazes, Manager - Nuclear Environmental Affairs at (856) 339-7900.

Sincerely, Lawrence M. Wagner Plant Manager - Salem PSEG Nuclear LLC Attachments (2)

LR-E13-0027 Document Control Desk REPORT OF IMPINGEMENT OF SHORTNOSE STURGEON In accordance with Section 5.4.2 of Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan, to the Operating License for the Salem Generating Station, PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG) hereby transmits notification of a nonroutine event, and documents the occurrence and removal of a shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) from the Salem Generating Station circulating water intake structure trash bars.

Consultation pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) between NRC and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).on the effects of the operation of Salem Station on threatened and endangered species has been ongoing since 1979. The most recent revision to the Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement issued in January 1999 exempts the specified annual take of shortnose sturgeon and sea turtles.

In advance of relicensing for Salem Station, consultation pursuant to Section 7 of the ESA between NRC and NMFS was reinitiated in 2009. On April 6, 2012, the NMFS listed five Distinct Population Segments of Atlantic sturgeon as threatened or endangered under the ESA. In May 2012, NRC requested consultation on the effects of the continued operation of Salem Station on Atlantic sturgeon. The NMFS issued a draft Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement (ITS) in July 2012 that, when finalized, will authorize a specified incidental take of both Atlantic, sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon associated with operation of the Salem Station circulating water intake system.

Pursuant to Section 5.4.2 of the Environmental Protection Plan for Salem Station, nonroutine events which require reporting to other federal agencies shall be reported in accordance with the other agencies' reporting requirements.

Accordingly, enclosed please find two (2) attachments. -Attachment 1 provides the information requested by the NMFS in Appendix II to the current ITS and in Appendix B, Part 2, to the revised draft ITS. Attachment 2 is a copy of a Sturgeon Salvage Form verbally requested by the NMFS.

There are no commitments contained in this letter.

Page 2 of 4

LR-E13-0027 Document Control Desk cc:

Mr. William Dean, Administrator - Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. R. Ennis, Licensing Project Manager - Salem U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 0-4D-3 Rockville, MD 20852 USNRC Senior Resident Inspector - Salem Mail Code X24 Mr. P. Mulligan, Manager Bureau of Nuclear Engineering New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection PO Box 420 Mail Code: 33-01 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Ms. Lynn Lankshear National Marine Fisheries Service Protected Resources Division 55 Great Republic Drive,Suite 04-400 Gloucester, MA 01930 Mr. Michael Ludwig National Marine Fisheries Service 212 Rogers Avenue Milford, CT 06460 Mr. Dave Jenkins

-.Endangered and Nongame Species Program New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 1 Van Syckels Road Clinton, NJ 08809 Salem Commitment Coordinator Mail Code X25 Page 3 of 4

LR-E13-0027 Document Control Desk bc:

Salem Site Vice President Salem Plant Manager Director - Regulatory Affairs Manager - Nuclear Environmental Affairs Regulatory Assurance Manager - Salem Records Management Page 4 of 4

STURGEON SALVAGE FORM For use in documenting dead sturgeon in the wild under ESA permit no. 1614 (version 07-202009)

INVESTIGATORS'S CONTACT INFORMATION Name: First Matthew Last Parris Agency Affiliation Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. (ECSI)

Email Matthew.Parris( Address P.O. Box 236 M/C H18 Hancocks Bridge NJ, 08038 Area code/Phone number (302) 378-9881 ext. 205 UNIQUE IDENTIFIER (Assigned by NMFS)

Abr090012011NJ N


Month: 02 Day:11 DATE EXAMINED:

Month: 02 Day: 11 Year: 2013 Year: 2013 SPECIES: (check one) 0 shortnose sturgeon E1 Atlantic sturgeon 17 Unidentified Acipenser species Check "Unidentified" if uncertain.

See reverse side of this form for aid in identification.


E]Offshore (Atlantic or Gulf beach)

]lnshore (bay, river, sound, inlet, etc)

River/Body of Water Delaware River City Hancocks Bridge State NJ Descriptive location (be specific): Removed from Circulating Water Intake System (CWIS)

Intake trash racks during routine rack cleaning at the Salem Generating Station, PSEG Nuclear LLC.

Latitude 39'27'38.17 N (Dec. Degrees)

Longitude 75°32'10.08 W (Dec. Degrees)

CARCASS CONDITION at time examined: (check one)

E 1 = Fresh dead


2 = Moderately decomposed L

3 = Severely decomposed F1 4 = Dried carcass E] 5 = Skeletal, scutes & cartilage SEX:

0 Undetermined Lj Female El Male How was sex determined?


Necropsy U Eggs/milt present when pressed U Borescope MEASUREMENTS:

Circle unit Fork length 802 mm Total length 871 mm Length E actual Ej estimate Mouth width (inside lips, see reverse side) not measured cm Interorbital width (see reverse side) not measured cm Weight Uj actual E] estimate not weighed kg/ lb TAGS PRESENT? Examined for external tags including fin clips? E Yes E] No Scanned for PIT tags? r-Yes E No Tag #

Tag Type Location of tag on carcass CARCASS DISPOSITION: (check one or more)

Ell = Left where found 17712 = Buried 113 = Collected for necropsy/salvage 14 = Frozen for later examination 0]5 = Other (describe)Specimen collected alive, released back to the Delaware River at an off-site location, upstream of the SGS Circulating Water Intake Structure Carcass Necropsied?


L-Yes ZNo Photos/video taken? N Yes L-No Date Necropsied:

Disposition of Photos/Video: Attached Necropsy Lead:


-] Yes 0 No Sample How preserved Disposition (person, affiliation, use)

Comments: The shortnose sturgeon was collected at 13:10 in the location of the 22A intake during routine trash rack cleaning. The specimen was inspected for external tags but none were found. The sturgeon was released into the Delaware River at an off-site location upstream of the Salem Generating Station.

ATTACHMENT 1 (Sturgeon)

Observer's full name:Matthew Parris Reporter's full name:Matthew Parris Species Identification (Key attached):shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)

Site of Impingement (Unit I or 2, CWS or DWS, Bay #, etc.):CWIS Bay 22B Date animal observed: 2 /1 1/ 1 3 Time animal observed: 13:10 Date animal collected: 2/ 1 1/ 1 3 Time animal collected: 1 3:10 Date rehab facility contacted: N/A Time rehab facility contacted: N/A Date animal picked up: N/A Time animal picked up: N/A Environmental conditions at time of observation (i.e., tidal stage, weather):

Ebb Stage 1 (92.5 ft)

Date and time of last inspection of screen:2/8/ 13 @ 08:30 Water temperature (°C) at site and time of observation: 3 degrees Celsius Number of pumps operating at time of observation: Unit 1 5

Unit 2 6

Average percent of power generating capacity achieved per unit at time of observation:

Unit 1 100 Unit 2 100 Average percent of power generating capacity achieved per unit over the 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> previous to observation:

Unit 1 100 Unit 2 100 Sturgeon Information:

Species shortnose sturgeon Fork length (or total length) 802 mm (fork length)

Weight not weighed Condition of specimen/description of animal The shortnose sturgeon was collected at 13:10 in the location of the 22A intake during routine trash rack cleaning. The sturgeon was recovered alive with some external injuries to the mid-dorsal region. These were old injuries and, as such, did not occur as a result of an interaction with the site.

Fish Decomposed:

NO SLIGHTLY MODERATELY SEVERELY Fish tagged: YES Please record all tag numbers. Tag #

Photograph attached:

)E / NO (please label species, d~aý, geographic site and vessel name on back of photograph)

ATTACHMENT 1 (Sturgeon) continued Photographs (if available)

ATTACHMENT 1 (Sturgeon) continued Draw wounds, abnormalities, tag locations on diagram and briefly describe below L

R Description of fish condition:

The shortnose sturgeon was recovered alive. Some external injuries were observed to the mid-dorsal region. These abrasions were determined to be old and therefore did not occur as a result of an interaction with the site