RS-12-173, Report No. MPR-3812, Rev. 3, Seismic Walkdown Report in Response to the 50.54(f) Information Request Regarding Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Page C-310 Through Page C-371

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Report No. MPR-3812, Rev. 3, Seismic Walkdown Report in Response to the 50.54(f) Information Request Regarding Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Page C-310 Through Page C-371
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/2012
From: Schlaseman C
MPR Associates
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Exelon Generation Co
RS-12-173 MPR-3812, Rev 3
Download: ML13003A038 (62)


Sheet 1 of 2 Status'N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0AC097 Equip. Class"2 (20) Control Panels & Cabinets Equipment Description Diesel GeneratorOAG12 ControlPanel Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. 127 Room, Area D/G-3 Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y)NE of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y] NEI UE N/A[
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Y[O ND UED N/Al]


4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YP4 NEl UO N/AD
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? Y$ NE UE] N/AU (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)


6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-310

.nrr*, Nn* R.9-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment IoD No. AC097 Equip. Class" (20) Control Panels & Cabinets Equipment Description Diesel GeneratorOA G12 ControlPanel Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? Yo NEI UEI N/A[3
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YKJ] NIl U- N/AL-and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? YK NEl UOI N/AU
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Y NO UU1 of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YW NEI U" adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

C- C , S..n2et- +LcZ Evaluated by:. Date:  ? ,5"//-..

461-1 !!ý 4 41-- /2.5 V Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-311 (fnrrP.nnndpnr.P Nn

  • RR-19-17.1


'-U a.- 0)

0. o
  • 0

- 0 c


-3 CD C) 0 C-)

CC) 4I

Sheet 1 of 2 Status:Q N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. OAGO12 Equip. Class' 2 (17) Engine Generators Equipment Description El Standby Diesel Generator Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. 127 Room, Area D/G-3 Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y[& NEI of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YPI NE UD N/AD
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YO NEI UD- N/AD3 oxidati'on? ,,
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YO ND UDI N/A'-
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YeN U"] N/AD3 (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y$ NO UD3 potentially adverse seismic conditions?

2 1 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-313 f .nrrs nnnHPdnn.P. Nn

  • RR-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. OAGO12 Equip. Class12 (17) Engine Generators Equipment Description El Standby Diesel Generator Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? Y[. NEI U-' N/All
8. re vereadequpmet,celin ties nd ighing istibuionsysems
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YJ2 NOI Urn N/Al]

and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

A'e ceU,/,i 1 oes or rntitnr>. 6 IoWe,$,.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? YA NEI Ul] N/Al]
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free YQý NEI UF of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YPO NOI U--1 adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) 5e75,,c re-e/,-,A & V-eenp aVV /6 Me #uv ,4 //-e e,/ V

~~~~1F4~l .4e;< / Av i4e il, /'~ '

Evaluated by: Date; )-?/

'000Y ,;ý/zq of& -

< C-4 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-314 rnrrPmsnnnr1iP.ln Nn

  • RRA-1-17


-. 03

'3 z 0n CA c

m 30 CD C)




  • ý 0

- CD 0

z '



-*0 CD 53

-3 0

  • 0 (A

m CD 2*


K -0C O D

~CD 0 3u C.) C 0

m 30 CD

-. 1 5-

-0 Dý 0 3) 0 M"

m 3o CD C)

Sheet 1 of 2 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. OAP060 Equip. Class"2 (05) Horizontal Pumps Equipment Description El DIG Fuel Oil TransferPump Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. ,2aoIi/ia..Room, Area D/G-3 Building 2"- t78,r-Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional'but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


I. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YONM of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y1A NO UOI- N/AE
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Yf NEI UO N/AE oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YI* NEI' UE N/AE 1V0 rh~..~ otm vcre-e-,


5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YE NE UE N/AI (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YNLIuEl potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >.

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-320

(.nrrP.nnndlnr.P. Nn RR-1 9-173

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. OAP060 Equip. Class" (05) Horizontal Pu s Equipment Description El DIG Fuel Oil TransferPump Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? Y4 NE UD N/AO
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Y[INUI UI N/Al and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
  • %.") oe~bttr Or 4OvSCtr( --
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Y$ NE UO N/AD
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free YP NO U[-]

of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could . YN NEI UD adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added, as necessary)


ft Evaluated by: L**#4EEZ Date: _____ ____.

'1 .Z) /2-

< C-4 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-321 CnrrP.-nnnr-nr*. Nn

  • RR-19-17.T

- u 0

  • 0 0~C cn CD 3


0 0


Sheet Iof 2 Status:0 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0AP163 Equip. Class 2 (05) Horizontal Pumps Equipment Description Emergency Service Water Booster Pump A Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. ik211z_ p1 iWRoom, Area DIG-i Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record theresults ofjudgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YO NJ9 of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YIr NE UE N/AO
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YE4 NEI Ul N/AL oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Ypa NEI UL N/AL
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YE NEI UE N/AI9 (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YN NEI UE potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-323 rnrrmnnnr1Pnrn Nn - RR-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0AP163 Equip. Class12 (05) Horizontal Pumps Equipment Description Emergency Service Water Booster Pump A Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? Y, NO UO N/AD
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YW NEI UL N/AD and masonry block walls not. likely to collapse onto the equipment?

tL(? Al, 1 tFq ct/eSsV ev ecvre,/y 4tfida6 /VO Me- cet/,r11 AD

,~C49e o-, Hkib~'~ ri not- ec~4 c&v-~ t~4e-It( i4:) 0/b f-a l bio

/. 4 "--./S 'Ni -e 'entL, cei/at lh.oo* .. son1

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? P4 NEI U! N/A1
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free ANEIUO of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YR NEI U-adversely affect the safety. functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: Date: 9 '2 -

Q= ýAb V

<C-4 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-324 rnrrPnnndPneP Nn

  • R,-19-17.

~~U)fl 0


-4 0 3.



.0 c


3 CD C)

- o

  • 0


m 3o CD 0)


Sheet 1 of 2 Status:@ N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

OA-TO010 Equipment ID No. 4AT-W IA T */;i/i 2- Equip. Class". (21) Tanks or Heat Exchangers (Vertical)

Equipment Description E1 Diesel GeneratorFuel Oil Day Tank Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. 127 Room, Area. D/G-3 Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist fordocumenting other comments.


  • 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y[ NEI of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y[9 NEI UI N/A-
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Y[K NEI U- N/ADl oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YK NEI UD- N/AD
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YJK NEI U-- N/ADl (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for, which an anchorage configuration verification is required.) 3 i/40-4n~4c~'(~~tf~v~ei 4 '~-Irs ,
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y)NU potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

< C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-327 r.nrrPqnnndn1n'.P Nn

  • RR-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. OAT40 Equip. Class 12 (21) Tanks or Heat Exchangers (Vertical)

Equipment Description El Diesel GeneratorFuel Oil Day Tank Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? YM NE Ur N/AEl
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YP4 NE UD N/AD and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

,0o 0qAf5bnPX r~ ct-i7 0.,415 ,e

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? YVI NO UO N/AU
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free YX NEI UD of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y, NO UE" adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: M -r,*.

5t Date: A"/ zaY/4-Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-328

.nrri-nnndPnr.P Nn

  • RR-19-17R

z U) 0 m

30 CD

Sheet 1 of 2

\ ~Status:@xY N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)U Equipment ID No. 0AT096 Equip. Class"2 (21) Tanks or Heat Exchangers (Horizontal)

Equipment Description El Diesel GeneratorLube Oil Storage Tank Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. 127 Room, Area D/G-3 Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YDN) of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y; NEI U-' N/ADl
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YJI NDI- UD N/AED oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Ypk NDI UD- N/ADl:
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YDI NDI UD- N/As4.

(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

I /7' .1 A e."r~~ 21  % ~ ,i A IL- ftv' AtOf e 60 n h PVP -0'0 - 0 " W. el 7

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of ND UD potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

4C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-330 r.nrrmqnnndrnr.P.* Nn

  • RR-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0AT096 Equip. Class12 (21) Tanks or Heat Exchangers (Horizontal)

Equipment Description El Diesel GeneratorLube Oil Storage Tank Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? YX* NO UO N/AU
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Y[M Nol UOi. N/AU and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Yo NEI UO N/AU
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Y5 NE UO of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YA NOl UU adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: 44~z Date:

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-331 rTnrrP.AnnnrlAnr. Nn

  • RR-19-173

-~0 z*0

  • 0

'33 cn m

n CD 0) co

Sh t1of2 Status N U Seismic WalkdownClieck1ist-(SWC)

Equipment ID No. A 030 Equipment Description C.go vfr.e Equip. Classt 60h (P) F-.*

  • '*_Vi,* .t t7,/z ,-*

Lcto:Bldg. 18 Floor El. 1Z (0S Rot'-A'ra "

Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This chekdlist. may-,be uised tp document the results of the Seismic Walkdownof an item Of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the folloviing 4ueistlns may'be used to recordtthe results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for docudtlenting -othercomments.

1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YANI-of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

44ýI'd PVJr 0 (o2,00'V"-5"-

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YKQNI UF N/AO t-5k 4AA44 10." t 4 ic f/t
3. Is the ancShorage free of codrosion that is more than mild surface Y_.NI" UDI N/AD' oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YA'[3IUQI N/AQ
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?- Yý N[3 UF3 N/A[r (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YXN[ UQ potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

% C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 C-333 MPR-3812, Revision 3

(-nrr~mnnnrfP.nrýn Nn* R-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. .(

Equipment Description Interaction Effects . -

7. Are soft targets free. frn- immpactý by nearby equipmejit or structures?. Yg NO3 UQ N/AO
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Y[O NQ3 U[3 NIAOI and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto t e equip ent?
9. Do attachedlines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? yZ 41i U-I N/AO q -

1.0. based on the aboveseismic interaction evaluatioos, is'equiplnent free. -, NO UOi of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

I.. . ",.'," . ......" _. S,. *: , '1 ,'--.'z Mk I, .

  • t'i( i ." .')

Other Adverne Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YJI'-NO UOI adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: Date: I -

( C4 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 rnrr(mnnndPnr.P Nn RR-19-17C- C-334

0 z 'o

  • 0

. cn m

"0° 3


0CA) 0 0

-~0 z*0 Z ;a

-3 CD 0 cn C.)

"0 m

CD 3

C 2

0 0*


Sheet 1 of 2 Status:0 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0AV036 Equip. Class"2 (09) Fans Equipment Description Battery Room Exhaust FanA Location: Bldg. Radwaste Floor El. 165 Room, Area R/W-32 Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YJMNEI of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YX NO ULI N/All
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YXNO U!] N/Al]


4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? NO U! N/Al-
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YV NO" ULI N/AL]

(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

COi-(,tR4eamna tr~ae-Me t>,46 62ý'O-s-q-eO,IZLV.6

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YENO UO potentially adverse seismic conditions?

32Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<KC-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-337 rnrrmnnndn-nrP Nn" RR-19-173

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0AV036 Equip. Class12 (09) Fans Equipment Description Battery Room Exhaust FanA Interaction Effects

7. Are softt by nearby equipment or structures? YXND UQ N/AD
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YtKND U- N/AD and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

YNearAY 6048cI'l- olejidte ly Vlo4A.



9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Y)(NL- UD N/AE`
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free YX ND Ur of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y NEI U adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?O Ie' or* .eac4 V'i viesul u ofpw 7T ent 1 M-Comments .(Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: Date: __. /

o._I _ I-'0X

!3-/ IZ

< C-4 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-338 rlnrrinnnrPnr.P NKn* R-1 9-171

-~0 z 0 3

  • 0

~~T-S CCD 00

- CD z ~3 0

c m

-5" 3CD

-C C) 0 0


-ý 02 z 0 CD 0 si >

0. 3 on, 5


0 m

30 CD 0)

D3 3 CD 0

c m

30 CD CA 0)

Sheet 1 of 2 Status:) N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0AV064 Equip. Class12 (09) Fans Equipment Description DIG Building Vent Supply Fan Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. 151 Room, Area D/G-P g Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended) :Amtifl, OLOW1aR *T*N 13L Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YT(NE of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YZIND UE" N/AD
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YE(NE] UD N/AD oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Y[f NDI UD' N/ADl
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? Ye/ND- UEI N/AD (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y~dN[D ULI potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

'C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-343 rnrrm..qnnnHP-nr.ý- Nn " RR-19-171

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0AV064 Equip. Class12 (09) Fans Equipment Description DIG Building Vent Supply Fan Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? YdfN5 UE] N/Al]

A)O ,Mr-v TARO67,TS.

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Yff NEl UL- N/Al]

and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

kIO 0v~

V6ZML2'OMC l6i5'

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Y[N'NOI UI0 N/Al]
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Y[aNEI UE" of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y[A' NEl U--

adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

VIA Evaluated by:. Date: AbOW

-1IZ8f/261 -

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-344 (lnrrm.*nnndHnr.P Nn - RR=19-171

j3 0 z o~

  • 0 0

c m




-. 0 0




.0 C

2 CD


0 0


Sheet 1 of 2 Status: )N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0BK032 Equip. Class1 2 (09) Fans Equipment Description Emergenc Cooling Tower Fan B Location: Bldg. Emergency Floor El. 195 Room, Area ECT-6 Cooling Towers Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y4 NEI of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YRj NEI U' N/AEl
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Y[K NEI UI] N/Al]


4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Y/9] NEIl UI' N/ALl
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YI/"NOl UI- N/AU (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchora econfiguration verification is required.)

r4otr Anrtvra Iv~ -oA~

M4 ~ /r-

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y1. NEI UEl potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

"C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-347 Cnrrqnnnr1PnrP. Nn ' Rq-19-173

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0BK032 Equip. Class'2 (09) Fans Equipment Description Emergenc Cooling Tower FanB Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by, nearby equipment or structures? YMNEI Ur- N/AEl
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Yý(NO U-1 N/AU and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

LC.ceA C. 6ý, .. L ldO E rT. Tlvvm'Cýrt, no ove, 44Se"le--6'4 J 1 b t4te Syst-,C4

.L"40 Vti -S Xt ý-Z3-A

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Y7(NEI Ur' N/A[l
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free YpqNEIUUO of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YL NO Url adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

L41A4ý 0, l-.y Moa'1,~r ynot'W/ (e,(fryv /D L6M/t4~ g ~ t Evaluated by: &-?,ja C-Jr k1or Date: 2-/2-Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-348 rnrrmnnndrInri. Nn" R,-19-17.1

S~0 3

z o*

0 3) 0~

0 S

c) m CD CI

Sheet 1 of 2 Status: )N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0BP057 Equip. Class12 (06) Vertical Pumps P.niiinmr~iit Th ~rint~nn Rmi~rcpnri, S'orui,'o Wator Pmnn R A A.( A/%(IAAI~A Location: Bldg. Pump Structure Floor El. 112 Room, Area P/H-* Vg.--

Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YIIN5 of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y' NE UD N/AE
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YXNO UO N/Aii oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YW NE UE N/AD (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.).
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YNEI UE potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<ýC-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-350 C.nrrP.nnndlPnrP. Nn - R.-19-17.1

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0BP057 Equip. Class 12 (06) Vertical Pumps Equipment Description Emergency Service Water Pump B Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? Y<NLI- UFII N/Af

,No 5'~OnA

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YR NEI U[t N/Al and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines.have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? YX Nil U-1 N/All
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free YX NO UD of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yd ND U'

. N ,U" adversely affect the safety functions of the equýipment?,

Comments.(Additional pages may be added as necessary) .

C GIC- ,-P._Fpoop Evaluated by:. I"r - -4 Date: q/11 /


< C-4>

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-351 Nn

  • PS-19-171

I z oD 0~ 0

  • 0 M

cD m

.M C.

-D CD 0


CO 03 0


Sheet 1 of 2 Status.*1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. OBV030 Equip. Class"2 (09) Fans Equipment Description ControlRoom Emergeny Ventilation Supply Fan B Location: Bldg. Turbine Floor El. liJf .* Room, Area"?f2.- Fi-It Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment. on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Yý§NEj of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y,% NEI UE N/A[l
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YýO NEI UO N/Af]


4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YIN NEI UO N/AEJ
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? Ypn NEI UEI N/AE]

(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

a nd t oraqe 6,sx/'oo' /b 5-- ~779--0 5k/-Jeef /taA-- 0

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YO NEI E potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-354 (ThrrPýnnnrinýnp- Nn

  • R.q-12-17.*l

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. OBV030 Equip. Class"2 (09) Fans Equipment Description ControlRoom Emergency Ventilation Supply FanB Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? /ZNEI UEJ N/AEI AID' 6 0 F&- kuyelt

-8. Are-overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, N] UEi N/A[ -'


and masonry block walls not likely to collaps onto the equipment? /-


/~4 VV ~ coJ~ D~,~~~e "Iv1 d/ue 7')Gdýr

9. Do attached lines have adequate avoid damage? Y$M N[l UrI N/AEI
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations,. is equipment free YM NINUUE of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y[X NEI UE]

adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

.rj, 4..r_/ r' far Flow, 5 /uv ,4-OA F5-* f" dy /e '/,' ,

ai4k Fa.  ?~k 0-9 1 eead,,61/f fv- yesWO~ 4 61-es-~/ t'e/

-mA-Date: ?12h-


V Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-355 rnrrm'qnnn'in.P Nn

  • RR-19-1773

- w



-J cn m

-o 2

3 CD C,,


., w


~ CA




z ~* ~



~ -u CD

'3 -



~ ~r 0



CA m

.0 C


~6-5 0

w 0



A =r z ~


m CD C) 3 0


-. 0 0

< >u 0

CA m

-D 0



Sheet 1 of 2 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

Equipment ID No. 0BV035 Equip. Class12 (09) Fans Equipment Description Emergenc Switchgear Ventilation ExhaustFan B Location: Bldg. Radwaste Floor El. 165 Room, Area R/W-32 Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YI4NO of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? Y)'ND UD N/AD
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Y NI- UEI N/AD.


4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? NA NEUI DN/A[1
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? Y*f NEI UEI N/AE.

(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

eOJJFi6'4UA'noN M-1-CHes I)YC 62 ý6 - -ý q7 S&-d izt>,/. d

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y~f NEI UED potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

  • C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-360 r.nrrmqnnndPnc. In

  • R-12-17.

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. 0BV035 Equip. Class1 2 (09) Fans Equipment Description Emergenc Switchgear Ventilation ExhaustFan B Interaction Effects.

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? XjNEI U" N/AU 8.: Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YX NEl U- N/AUl and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
  • . 5::..J~45 i~~r~ be+ ol w/
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Y)NI- UEJ N/AU
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Y)*N U..

of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YP(NE U --

adversely affiet the safety. functions of the equipment?

%Ile3O~f/-O I9Ydwn Ov'ej 5 sWcoc

  • , ,,'(n .5 0/ .A *olj TbreotleAJ~ Ao* VI"OJ Ve - 'Q

~~A r-e~ Af


Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) 4l/A Evaluated by: Date: (_6/N_1WI__

4-301-zo(z Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-361

( Nn

  • RR-19-171

OD j3 0 0

~ 3 z 0 M -0 0

-4 L43 m

.0 3C)

C) w 0C,

StatttýJYN U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC).

A Equipment IDNo. C, VO / 3 A, Equip. Class'2 .. (4 07) 15014ývlr Equipment Description 6 t9'414( ROO& P A!2,,-f Location: Bldg. -' Floor El. L&T Room, Area 'FA,' Oe0A (A. a/s coss'e,'/ h Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (op tional but recommended) / /*//:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings. Additionil space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y NiNO of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YJANO UI- N/A-5gea C49 Isthanc4
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface YRNO UCr N/A-oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? UCI N/Ar-YANOI
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? YAjNC UI- N/A['

(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of V4ýNO UO potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

< C-3>

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 C-363 MPR-3812, Revision 3 rnrrPfqnnnlAinr.f Nn ' RR-19-A7.

Sheet 2 of 2 Equipment ID No. t?6V OS Equip. Classi2W .L+/-

Equipment Descript ion t, F4c-Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by Rearby equipment or structures? Y%9-r[l U- N/ACI NO
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Yr-NOI UO N/ACI and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment? hoo0.6 No~Pi 604'  :- ,le. Is
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? Y5E4O UQI N/ACI
10. Baseo on the above seismic 'interaction evaluations, is'eqtuipment free Y~fNC Urj of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y5,,N-J Ur adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated Date: q//( 2- .

21& 1ZZ L -- -

,< C-4 )>

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 r.nrrPqnnnrI~nr.P n Rn.-1-9-171- C-364


  • 0 z 0g 0

CD 0,

m 1.0

-o 3

CD 2


'-4 5*

- fl jý 0~

z 04!

  • 0 T-m C

m CD 0


Sheet 1 of 2 Status:&N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)

  • Equipment ID No. 0DE377 Equip. Class"2 (21) Tanks or Heat Exchangers L t (I4r, o'20,-0 Equipment Description E4 Diesel GeneratorLube Oil Cooler Location: Bldg. Diesel Generator Floor El. 127 Room, Area . ()/6 Building Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.


1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YX NEI of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware? YI?1'N- ULI N/AD
3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Y[E/NI- UED N/AD oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? YENI- U00 N/AD
5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? Y1 NDI Ui N/ADl (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verificatin required.)

dw%,cv1 1 >1-. colcu(&o-w Alo. 6

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YX NDI UD-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

< C-3 >

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-367 CnrrmP.nnndPnr'.P Nn" PW-R -17.

Sheet 2 of 2 EquipmentI No. 0DE377 Equip. Class12 (21) Tanks or Heat Exehangers! ( ,0 Equipment Description E4 Diesel GeneratorLube Oil Cooler Interaction Effects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures? YIE1'NO UO N/AO 00 ,'919OT,
8. Are overhead equipment,, ceiling tiles and lighting, -YE 4 U UI" N/A5.

and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

U qlA36n.

f -

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? YE3"NE] UD N/AEl
10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Yg NE ULI of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?

Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y[R(NU UU adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)


Evaluated by: Date: 9(h*hQ)1-fUlva Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 MPR-3812, Revision 3 C-368 r.nrrP.nnndi-nrP Nn

  • RR-19-17.1


.-3 0 z *0 0



-D C

2 CD


.- 4.

0 m




o C',

00 Cý a.-

m 3a CD C) 0 m


.-. 0 0

-. 0 cn a

0O m
