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ANO2-2012-08 Post Examination Comments
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2012
From: Clyde Osterholtz
Operations Branch IV
Entergy Operations
Download: ML12269A511 (2)


2012 Written Exam Analysis Rev 1 2012 Initial RO/SRO Exam Analysis Comments Exam Q# Bank QID Comment:

17 1836 Question had a 100% (11/11) failure rate. There were no student comments logged for this question during the exam. STM 2-30, Main Generator Construction and Controls, Rev.

9, section 2.8.7 states the concern for rotor overheating. Annunciator 2K02 C-3, Negative Sequence HI, OP-2203.012B, Rev. 036, for the MTG also states concern for rotor overheating. Lesson Plan A2LP-RO-MGEN, Obj. 8, (describe the alarms and Annunciators Corrective Actions for all Main Generator alarms on 2K02. Include in the discussion with the class if a manual trip or Turbine trip is required) covers this condition.

Training Evaluation Action Request (TEAR: ANO-2012-598) was written to evaluate the ILO program.

No changes to this exam will be made.

24 1845 Question had a 55% (6/11) failure rate. There were no student comments logged for this question during the exam. The question relates the fundamentals of reducing the heat load on the RCS (reason/criteria for securing RCPs) during a Primary to Secondary leak event. Covered in Lesson Plan A2LP-RO-APSEC, Objective 3, Discuss the basis / strategy as stated in OP-2203.038 Technical Guidelines, for actions directed by the AOP.

Five of the six students that missed the question selected securing 2 RCPs to minimize RCP differential pressure to minimize leakage (distracter B).

One of the six students that missed the question selected To prevent violating the RCPs minimum NPSH requirements (distracter A).

No changes to this exam will be made.

43 1864 Question had a 73% (8/11) failure rate. There were no student comments logged for this question during the exam. The question relates the fundamentals of a component controller input to the automatic response of the controlling system. System response to this type of failure is covered in STM 2-69, Feedwater Control System Systems Training Manual (STM 2-69) section 2.5.3, the normal operating procedure OP-2106.007, Main Feedwater Pump and FWCS Operations, section 3.0 (description) and in lesson plan A2LP-RO-FWCD, objective 6, Describe the interlocks and automatic actuations of the following components: Condensate pumps, condensate pump recirculation valves, and objective 12, Describe the location, indication, alarm and control functions of: Main feedwater Flow Elements, Main Feedwater Pressure Switches.

Training Evaluation Action Request (TEAR: 2012-599) was written to evaluate the ILO program.

No changes will be made to the exam or QID.

2012 Written Exam Analysis Rev 1 93 1914 Question had a 50% (2/4) failure rate. There were no student comments logged for this question during the exam. The question deals with the loss of the main fire detection panel (which procedure will direct response for the loss) and the administrative requirements needed due to the loss of the fire panel.

The Two students that missed the question choose distracter A (correct procedure but wrong admin requirements).

Lesson Plan A2LP-RO-FPROT, objective 8: Describe the actions taken for a loss of 2C343, covers the correct action that needed to be taken. The failure rate appears to be related to unfamiliarity with the administrative requirements portion associated with the ACA actions.

Recommend reviewing the RO program and adjust as necessary to ensure administrative knowledge for required ACA actions is included in the course at the proper level of detail.

No changes will be made to the exam or QID.

100 1921 Question had a 50% (2/4) failure rate. This question deals with understanding the procedure strategies and prioritizing simultaneous AOP and post trip actions. The two candidates that missed the question both chose distracter B which incorrectly placed continuing actions for a loss of instrument air event after initial post trip actions are complete versus in conjunction with the post trip actions. This strategy is taught primarily in the simulator sessions practicing implementation of the Loss of Instrument Air AOP.

There are also opportunities in the classroom lesson for the AOP.

There doesnt appear to be any gap in the program material for this topic, however, since this question was not specifically debriefed with the class after the exam, a training action has been assigned to ensure that the students that missed the question understand the correct response and also give opportunity for feedback regarding training strategy for this procedure concept. Training tracking action TEAR-ANO-2012-632 submitted.

No changes will be made to the exam or QID.

NO changes to this Exam