ML12025A302 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 12/28/2011 |
From: | Becker J R Pacific Gas & Electric Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
DCL-12-006, OL-DPR-80, OL-DPR-82 | |
Download: ML12025A302 (109) | |
Enclosure PG&E Letter DCL-12-006 Diablo Canyon Power Plant Inservice Inspection Program Plan Third 10-Year Inspection Interval Revision I h,,j DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT UNIT 1 & 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN THIRD INSPECTION INTERVAL REVISION 1 I Diablo Canyon Power Plant Inservice Inspection Program Plan Third 10-Year Inspection Interval Revision 1 Unit. 1 USNRC Docket: 50-275 Facility Operating License: DPR-80 Commercial Operation Date: May 7, 1985 Third Interval Start Date: January 1, 2006 Unit 2 USNRC Docket: 50-323 Facility Operating License: DPR-82 Commercial Operation Date: March 13, 1986 Third Interval Start Date: July 1, 2006 Controlled Copy , Approval Record Prepared by: Independent Technical Review:/ I,):ýý ýý4 A.Approved by: V -
Due to printer error, table page numbers in this book are incremented by 1 (Page 3 is numbered as 4, etc., and page 408 is numbered as 409)N Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 & 2 ISI Program Plan Third 10-Year Interval, Revision I Index Tab Page 1. Introduction
- 2. Class 1 Systems (Except Piping and Supports)i Category B-A Category B-B Category B-D Category B-F (see also Cati Category B-G-1 Category B-G-2 Category B-J (see CategorýCategory B-K Category B-L-1 and B-L-2 Category B-M-1 and B-M-2 Category B-N-i, B-N-2 and B-N-3 Category B-O Category B-P (see System 1 Category B-Q egory R-A)(R-A)3 9 11 21 22 25 33 34 46 47 49 51 52 55 Pressure Tests)3. Risk Informed ISI (Class 1 and 2 Piping Welds)Category R-A Unit 1 Risk Ranking Tables Unit 2 Risk Ranking Tables 4. Class 2 Systems (Except Piping and Supports)56 75 101 Category C-A Category C-B Category C-C Category C-D Category C-F-1 and C-F-2 Category C-G Category C-H (see S 136 139 142 176 178 179 180 (see Category R-A)ystem Pressure Tests)5. Class 3 Systems Category D-A Category D-B (see Category F-A)(see System Pressure Tests)181 182 Diablo Canyon Power Plant ISI Program Plan Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval, Revision 1 Tab Page 6. Component Supports (All Classes)Category F-A 183 7. Augmented Examinations 398 8. System Pressure Tests 402 9. Unit I Pressure Test Boundary Drawings 102028 '409'10. Unit 2 Pressure Test Boundary Drawings 104628 following 102028-Requests for Alternative (submitted separately) n/a iiI Diablo Canyon Power Plant ISI Program Plan Units 1 & 2 Third i0-Year Interval, Revision 1 Introduction ISI Program Plan The Inservice Inspection Program Plan for Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP)Units 1 and 2 applies to pressure retaining components and their supports which are classified ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3. Components classified Class MC or Class CC are covered under DCPP Units 1 and 2 Containment Inservice Inspection Program (issued separately), developed as required by NRC regulations that became effective September 9, 1996.This ISI Program Plan complies with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2) and 50.55a(g) in effect May 7, 2005, and is based on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda subject to the limitations and modifications stated in 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2), and ASME Code Case N-578 for the inservice examinations conducted during the third 10-year (120-month) inspection interval.The current third inspection interval commenced January 1, 2006 and July 1, 2006, for Units 1 and 2 respectively.
Note that although the third interval had started for Unit 2, two examinations which were completed after June 30, 2006 and before July 27, 2006 are credited in the second interval only. These examinations were completed within the time allowable for completion of second interval exams and will be completed again for credit during this third interval.When conformance with certain Code requirements cannot be achieved, requests for relief and proposed alternatives have been or will be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i), 50.55a(a)(3)(ii) or 50.55a(g)(5)(iv).
These requests are subject to NRC review and approval.The ISI boundary for DCPP is established in conformance with 10 CFR 50.2 and Regulatory Guide 1.26, and is defined on the current revision of DCPP drawings 102028 for Unit 1 and 104628 for Unit 2. All ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 lines subject to inservice inspection are shown on these drawings.
Additionally, Inservice Inspection isometric drawings have been prepared for ISl Class 1 and Class 2 lines that are subject to volumetric, surface or visual (VT-I1 or VT-3)examination.
Revisions and additions to these drawings are made as necessary but are controlled separately from and will not be issued as part of this ISI Program Plan. Drawings included in this program plan show general pressure test boundaries and are to be considered for information only.Repair/replacement activities within the ISI boundary are conducted in accordance with procedures conforming to Article IWA-4000 of Section XI.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant ISI Program Plan Units I & 2 Third 10-Year Interval, Revision 1 Nondestructive examinations and calibration blocks and standards for the volumetric NDE examinations are controlled by separate DCPP procedures.
Differences between the Code requirements of the 1989 Edition and the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda for pipe support examinations result in some items being inspected for the first time during this Third Interval.
Adoption of the risk-informed selection process for pipe vwelds in the second period of the second interval and continuing through the first period of the Third Interval again introduced components and welds that had not been previously examined.
It is not anticipated that these differences will result in the need for additional relief requests due to inaccessibility.
Examination History Preservice examinations (conducted prior to commercial operation or initial service of a replacement component) and inservice examinations required during the first and second intervals have been completed and the records are on file at the plant site. The first interval examinations conformed to the 1977 Edition with Summer 1978 Addenda of Section XI, except where relief was granted by the NRC. The second interval examinations conformed to the 1989 Edition of Section XI without addenda, except where relief was granted by the NRC. Class 2 pipe weld examinations in Unit 2 followed a single stream schedule based on the Code addenda current during the preservice examinations, and as permitted by an approved request for relief in the first and second intervals.
Beginning with the second period of the second inspection interval, all pipe weld examinations are selected based on a risk informed process in accordance with Code Case N-578 and as approved by the NRC; that schedule is carried forward in this Third Inspection Interval.Ultrasonic examinations conducted through the first period of the second inspection interval were based on the prescriptive methods required by ASME Sections V and XI at the time (through the 1989 editions).
Commencing after the first period of the second inspection interval as required by 10 CFR 50.55a, most ultrasonic examinations have been conducted in accordance with Section Xl, Appendix VIII, 1995 edition with 1996 Addenda, as implemented by the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI). Commencing with the third inspection interval, most ultrasonic examinations will be conducted in conformance with Section XI, Appendix VIII, 2001 Edition without addenda, as implemented by the PDI, and as required and modified by 10 CFR 50.55a.Exemptions For components other than pipe welds, exemptions apply as stated in IWB-1 220, IWC-1220, IWD-1220, IWF-1230, and Tables IWX-2500-1.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 & 2 ISI Program Plan Third 10-Year Interval, Revision 1 ISI Class 1 and Class 2 pipe weld selection and exemptions are based on a risk-informed program in conformance with ASME Code Case N-578. Exempt items are generally not otherwise detailed in the ISI Program Plan.Code Cases ASME Code Cases unconditionally approved in Regulatory Guide 1.147 revisions through Revision 16 and applicable to the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of Section XI rnay be used in the ISI Program. Additionally, Code Cases conditionally approved in RG 1.147 or specifically approved for use at DCPP by written notice from the NRC may also be used. When using these Code Cases, DCPP will observe any modifications, limitations or restrictions imposed within the limits of NRC approval and provide written notice of such use to the NRC.Code Cases that apply to the various Construction Codes, or specific details of repair/replacement activities such as welding, and are similarly approved by the NRC and observed by DCPP, may be used in the course of repair/replacement activities.
Use of such Code Cases will be documented in the outage reports for the outages in which the Code Cases are used, if any.The following ASME Code Cases are approved for use in RG 1.147, Revision 16, and may be used in conjunction with the DCPP ISI Program in the third inspection interval: N-460 N-629 N-697 N-494-4 N-641 N-700 N-526 N-643-2 N-705 N-532-4 N-658 N-706-1 N-534 N-663 N-712 N-537 N-665 N-722-1 (mandatory)
N-566-2 N-683 N-729-1 (mandatory)
N-567-1 N-685 N-731 N-586-1 N-686-1 N-735 N-600 N-695 N-753 N-613-1 N-696 N-770-1 (mandatory)
N-624 The following ASME Code Cases are approved with specific conditions on their use in RG 1.147, Revision 16, and may be used under those specific conditions in conjunction with the DCPP ISI Program in the third inspection interval: N-513-3 N-597-2 N-648-1 N-528-1 N-639 N-661-1 N-552 III Diablo Canyon Power Plant ISI Program Plan Units I & 2 Third 10-Year Interval, Revision 1 Augmented Inspection The reactor coolant pump flywheels are examined as required by Regulatory Guide 1.14, modified by Westinghouse WCAP-14535A, "Topical Report on reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Inspection Elimination" as approved in NRC safety evaluation transmitted by letter of 9/12/96 from B. W. Sheron, NRC, to S.C. Jain, Duquesne Light Company, for which Beaver Valley Power Station was the pilot plant. This modification results in the reduction of flywheel inspections to once in 10 years for the inner portion of the flywheels, as scheduled herein.Reactor top and bottom head and, penetrations, and dissimilar metal welds, visual and volumetric inspections required byCode Cases N-722-1, N-729-1 and N-770-1, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a, are also scheduled here.Pressure Tests Pressure tests are scheduled for the ISI boundary as detailed here and are performed at the normal system operating pressure.Pressure tests following repair/replacement activities are performed at normal system operating pressure and are scheduled in conformance with Code requirements as implemented by the applicable repair/replacement procedures.
Plant Modifications During this Third Interval, several major changes were made to plant systems.During the first period, the original steam generators were replaced with models that contain no Alloy 600 materials and have reconfigured shell geometry to eliminate welds at structural discontinuities.
The original positive displacement charging pumps were replaced with centrifugal pumps. At the beginning of the second period, the reactor heads were replaced with new one-piece forgings that eliminate a number of welds in the old design, and eliminate all Alloy 600 materials.
Centrifugal charging pumps 1-1 and 2-2 were changed from carbon steel with stainless steel clad casings having a welded suction end plate to an integrally formed stainless steel casing that eliminated the suction end plate weld. Charging pumps 1-2 and 2-1 had received these new casings previously.
A modest number of other smaller scope modifications were also made.This plan revision incorporates plant modifications through the 2R1 5 and 1 R1 6 refueling outages, including both reactor head replacements.
Newly installed equipment assumes the ongoing inspection schedule established for the original equipment to the extent applicable and practicable.
iv This page intentionally left blank ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-A ISI PR GAMLA NA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B 1. 11 Shell Welds -Circumferential Shell Welds -Circumferential Shell Welds -Circumferential B 1.12 Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal RPV I Upper-Intermed RPV I Intermed-Lower RPV I Lower-Bottom Hd RPV I Upper Course RPV I Upper Course RPV I Upper Course RPV 1 Intermed.
Course RPV I Intermed.
Course RPV I Intermed.
Course RPV I Lower Course RPV I Lower Course RPV I Lower Course 8-442 Upper-Intermed 9-442 Intermed-Lower 10-442 Lower-Bottom Hd 1-442A 247 degrees 1-442B 7 degrees 1-442C 127 degrees 2-442A 300 degres 2-442B 60 degrees 2-442C 180 degrees 3-442A 345 degrees 3-442B 105 degrees 3-442C 225 degrees UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 Ul: 1.1-1 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT See Note Core support lugs limitation expected Page 4 ASME Sec. XlQCategory B-A IS RGA PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG.NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B 1.21 Head Welds -Circumferential Head Welds -Circumferential B1.22 Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional RPV I Bottom Head RRVCH 1 Top Head RPV I Bottom Head RPV I Bottom Head RPV I Bottom Head RPV I Bottom Head RPV I Bottom Head RPV I Bottom Head RRVCH I Top Head 4-443 Bottom Head None 1-443A 270 degrees 1-443B 330 degrees 1-443C 30 degrees 1-443D 90 degrees 1-443E 150 degrees 1-443F 210 degrees None Ut: 1A-1A UI:I.I-IA UI: 1.1-IA Ut: i.l-IA Ut: I.I-IA Ut: 1.1-IA Ut: 1I-1A UI: I.I-IA UI:I.I-IA UT N/A UT UT UT 3 Replacement RV Closure Head Installed I RI6 (Interval 3, Period 2)3 3 3 UT 3 UT UT N/A 3 3 Replacement RV Closure Head Installed I R16 (Interval 3, Period 2)Page 5 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-A S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMPILINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES BI.30 Shell to Flange Weld (1/2)(from flange)Shell to Flange Weld (1/2)(from flange)Shell to Flange Weld (from RPV wall)B1.40 Head to Flange Weld BI.50 Repair Welds RPV I Shell-Flange 50%RPV I Shell-Flange 50%RPV 1 Shell-Flange RRVCH I Top Head RPV I 7-442 from flange 50%7-442 from flange 50%7-442 from shell None None UI: 11-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UT UT UT N/A N/A 3 3 3 See Note Thickness transition above weld expected to limit. Better exam using PDI.Replacement RV Closure Head Installed IR16 (Interval 3, Period 2)Page 6 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-A S PRGAM PAN DibloCn r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B1 .11 Shell Welds -Circumferential Shell Welds -Circumferential Shell Welds -Circumferential B1.12 Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal Shell Welds -Longitudinal RPV 2 Upper-Intermed RPV 2 Intermed-Lower RPV 2 Lower-Bottom Hd RPV 2 Upper Course RPV 2 Upper Course RPV 2 Upper Course RPV 2 Intermed.
Course RPV 2 Intermed.
Course RPV 2 Intermed.
Course RPV 2 Lower Course RPV 2 Lower Course RPV 2 Lower Course 8-201 Upper-Intermed 9-201 Intermed-Lower 10-201 Lower-Bottom Hd 1-20 1A 42 degrees 1-20 1B 162 degrees 1-201C 282 degrees 2-201A 0 degrees 2-201B 120 degrees 2-201C 240 degrees 3-201A 60 degrees 3-201B 180 degrees 3-201C 300 degrees U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT See Note Core support lugs limitation expected Core support lugs limitation expected Core support lugs limitation expected Core support lugs limitation expected See Note See Note See Note Page 7 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-A II PRGA PLA NA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES BI.21 Head Welds -Circumferential Head Welds -Circumferential BI.22 Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional Head Welds -Meridional RPV 2 Bottom Head RRVCH 2 Top Head RPV 2 Bottom Hd RPV 2 Bottom Hd RPV 2 Bottom Hd RPV 2 Bottom Hd RPV 2 Bottom Hd RPV 2 Bottom Hd RRVCH 2 Top Head 4-202 Bottom Head None 1-202A 30 degrees 1-202B 90 degrees 1-202C 150 degrees 1-202D 210 degrees 1-202E 270 degrees 1-202F 330 degrees None U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 N/A U2: 1.1-I UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 N/A Replacement RV Closure Head Installed 2R1 5 (Interval 3, Period 1)Replacement RV Closure Head Installed 2R1 5 (Interval 3, Period 1)Page 8 ASME Sec. XleCategory B-A PS PR G AMLA NA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B1.30 Shell to Flange Weld (1/2)(from flange)Shell to Flange Weld (1/2)(from flange)Shell to Flange Weld (from RPV wall)B 1.40 Head to Flange Weld B150 Repair Welds RPV 2 Shell-Flange 50%RPV 2 Shell-Flange 50%RPV 2 Shell-Flange RRVCH 2 Top Head RPV 2 7-201 from flange 50%7-201 from flange 50%7-201 from shell None None U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 11-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 UT U2: 1.1-1 N/A U2: 1.1-1 N/A 3 3 See Note Thickness transition above weld expected to limit. Better exam using PDI.Replacement RV Closure Head Installed 2R1 5 (Interval 3, Period 1)Page 9 ASME Sec. X1 Code Category B-B S PRGAM PAN Dibo3no r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B2.11 Shell to Bottom Head Circ Weld Shell to Upper Head Circ Weld B2.12 Shell to Bottom Head Long'l Weld (12")Shell to Upper Head Long'l Weld (12")B2.20 (Pressurizer Head Welds)None B2.1 I Shell to Bottom Head Cire Weld Shell to Upper Head Circ Weld B2.12 Shell to Bottom Head Long'l Weld (12")Shell to Upper Head Long'l Weld (12")B2.20 (Pressurizer Head Welds)None Pressurizer 1 Pressurizer I Pressurizer 1 Pressurizer I (Pressurizer 1)Pressurizer 2 Pressurizer 2 Pressurizer 2 Pressurizer 2 (Pressurizer 2)Girth I Girth 5 Long'l 6 -twelve inches Long'I 9 -twelve inches UI: 1.2-1 UT UI: 1.2-1 UT UI: 1.2-1 UT UI: 1.2-1 UIT 2 2 Scheduled per IWB-2412 Scheduled per IWB-2412 None Girth 1 Girth 5 Long'l 6 -twelve inches Long'l 9 -twelve inches None U2: 1.2-1 UT U2: 1.2-1 UT U2: 1.2-1 UT U2: 1.2-1 UT 2 2 Scheduled per IWB-2412 Scheduled per IWB-2412 Page 10 o ASMVE Sec. Xl Code Category B-B S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES B2.30 (Steam Gen Hd Welds Prim)None (Unit 1)B2.40 RSG Tubesheet to Head Weld (R Steam Gen. 1-1)Repi Steam Gen. 1-I None FW-33.01.01 Ut: 1.3-1 UT 2 Scheduled per IWB-2412.
Replacement Steam Generators installed 1R15 (Interval 3, Period 1)B2.30 (Steam Gen Hd Welds Prim)None (Unit 2)B2.40 RSG Tubesheet to Head Weld (R Steam Gen. 2-1)RepI Steam Gen. 2-1 None FW-33.01.01 U2: 1.3-1 UT 2 Scheduled per IWB-2412.
Replacement Steam Generators installed 2R1 4 (Interval 3, Period I)B2.50 (Ht. Exchr. Hd. Welds)None (Units I & 2)B2.60 (Ht. Exchr. Tubesht. Welds)None (Units I & 2)B2.70 (Ht. Exchr. Long'l. Welds)None (Units I & 2)B2.80 (Ht. Exchr. TS.-Shl. Welds)None (Units 1 & 2)N/A N/A N/A N/A None None None None Page 11 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-D S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMPALINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B3.10 through 133.80 do not apply (Inspection Program A) Units I & 2 B3.90 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop I Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop I Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 2 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 2 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 3 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 3 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 4 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 4 RPV I to*I1-29SPL RPV 1 to*l-29SPL RPV I to*2-29SPL RPV I to*2-29SPL RPV I to*3-29SPL RPV I to*3-29SPL RPV I to*4-29SPL RPV Ito*4-29SPL 3380 (from Bore)3380 (from Shell)220 (from Bore)22' (from Shell)158* (from Bore)1580 (from Shell)2020 (from Bore)2020 (from Shell)UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-I UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT See Note See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note See Note Page 12 ASME Sec. X1 Code Category B-D S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B3.90 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Contd Loop I Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop I Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 2 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 2 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 3 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 3 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 4 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 4 RPV I to*9-27,5SPL RPV 1 to*9-27.5SPL RPV I to*10-27.5SPL RPV 1 to*10-275SPL RPV I to*11-27.5SPL RPV 1to*11-27.5SPL RPV I to*12-27,5SPL RPV I to*12-27.5SPL 2930 (from Bore)2930 (from Shell)67' (from Bore)670 (from Shell)113* (from Bore)113' (from Shell)247' (from Bore)2470 (from Shell)UI: 1.1-1 U1: 1.1-1 Ul: 1.1-1 U1: 1.1-1 U1: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 U1: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UT 3 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Page 13 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-D S PRGAM PLANA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG.NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B3.100 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loopl Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop2 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop3 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop4 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -LoopI Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop2 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop3 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop4 RPV I to*l-29SPL RPV I to*2-29SPL RPV Ito*3-29SPL RPV 1 to*4-29SPL RPV I to*9-27.5SPL RPV I to*10-27.5SPL RPV I to*11-27.5SPL RPV I to*12-27.5SPL 3380 220 1580 2020 2930 670 1130 247'Ut: 1.1-1 Ut: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 Ut: 1.1-1 Ut: 1.1-1 Ut: 1.1-1 Ut: 1.1-1 Ut: 1.1-1 VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-1 VT-1 Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, RI4 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, RI4 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, RI4 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Page 14 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-D II PRGAM PLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES 133.I10 through B3.80 do not apply (Inspection Program A) Units I & 2 B3.90 Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop I 2*1-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 1 2* 1-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 2 2*2-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 2 2*2-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 3 2*3-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 3 2*3-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 4 2*4-29SPL Outlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -RPV 2 to Loop 4 2*4-29SPL 2020 (from Bore)2020 (from Shell)158' (from Bore)1580 (from Shell)220 (from Bore)220 (from Shell)3380 (from Bore)338' (from Shell)U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2:1L1-] UT 3 U2: 1.1-I UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 U2: 1.1-1 UT 3 See Note See Note See Note See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Page 15 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-D S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.1Sl DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B3.90 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Cont'd Loop I Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop I Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 2 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 2 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 3 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 3 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 4 Inlet Nozzle to Vessel Weld -Loop 4 RPV 2 to 2*9-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*9-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*10-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*10-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*1 1-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*1 1-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*12-27.5SPL RPV 2 to 2*12-27.5SPL 2470 (from Bore)247' (from Shell)1130 (from Bore)1130 (from Shell)670 (from Bore)670 (from Shell)2930 (from Bore)2930 (from Shell)U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: LI-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit See Note Adjacent nozzle bores expected to limit Page 16 ASME Sec. X Category B-D pSI .O A LA N Dial s avo 3r InevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REO.NOTES B3. 100 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loopl Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop2 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop3 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop4 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loopl ---Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop2 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop3 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius -Loop4 RPV2 to 2*1-29SPL RPV2 to 2*2-29SPL RPV2 to 2*3-29SPL RPV2 to 2*4-29SPL RPV2 to 2*9-27.5SPL RPV2 to , 2*10-27.5SPL RPV2 to 2*1 1-27.5SPL RPV2 to 2*12-27.5SPL 2020 1580 220 3380 2470 1130 67'2930 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 VT-i VT-1 VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-i VT-I VT-1 Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, RI4 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, RI 4 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Code Case N-648-1 with RG 1.147, R14 conditions Page 17 ASME Sec. Xli Category B-D1 PS PR G AMLA NA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG.NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES 133.110 B3.120 NOTE: Unit 1 Pressurizer nozzles integrally cast Pzr I Spray Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr I Safety Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr I Safety Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr I Safety Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr I Relief Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr I Surge Line Nozzle Inside Radius (Pressurizer I Noz.-VsI. Welds)Pzr I to S6-15-4SPL Pzr Ito$6-727-6SPL Pzr I to S6-728-6SPL Pzr I to$6-729-6SPL Pzr Ito$6-730-6SPL Pzr Ito*I6-14SPL None Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section UI: 1.2-1 UI: 1.2-1 UI: 1.2-1 UI: 1.2-1 UI: 1.2-1 UI: 1.2-1 UI: 1.2-1 N/A UT UT UT UT UT UT 2 3 2 3 Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per 1OCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Page 18 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-D S PRGAM PAN DiaboCno r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B3.110 Pzr 2 Spray Line Nozzle to Vessel Weld Pzr 2 Safety Line Nozzle to Vessel Weld Pzr 2 Safety Line Nozzle to Vessel Weld Pzr 2 Safety Line Nozzle to Vessel Weld Pzr 2 Relief Line Nozzle to Vessel Weld Pzr 2 Surge Line Nozzle to Vessel Weld B3.120 Pzr 2 Spray Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr 2 Safety Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr 2 Safety Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr 2 Safety Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr 2 Relief Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr 2 Surge Line Nozzle Inside Radius Pzr 2 to 2S6-15-4SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-727-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-728-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-729-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-730-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2*16-14SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-15-4SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-727-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-728-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-729-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2S6-730-6SPL Pzr 2 to 2*16-14SPL WIB-346 (N-V)WIB-358 (N-V)WIB-422A (N-V)WIB-368 (N-V)WDB-379 (N-V)WlB-439A (N-V)Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section U2:1.2-1 U2:1.2-1 U2: 1.2-1 U2:1.2-1 U2:1.2-1 U2:1.2-1 U2:1.2-1 U2:1.2-1 U2: 12-1 U2: 1.2-I U2: 1,2-I U2: 1.2-1 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 2 3 2 Submittal Pending 85% accessible (2R14).Heater penetrations limit. Verify heaters are cleared prior to work.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per I0CFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Verify heaters cleared.Page 19 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-D S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES B3.130 NOTE: UI Stm Generator nozzles integrally cast (UI Steam Gen.Nozzle Welds)None UI: 1.3-1 N/A B3.140 SG I-I Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG I-I Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-2 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-2 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-3 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-3 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-4 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-4 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 1-1 to*1-29SPL SG 1-1 to*5-31SPL SG 1-2 to*2-29SPL SG 1-2 to*6-331SPL SG 1-3 to*3-29SPL SG 1-3 to*7-31SPL SG 1-4to*4-29SPL SG 1-4 to*8-31SPL Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section UI: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*UI: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*UI: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*UI: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*UI: 1.3-1 VT-I 2 UI: 1.3-1 VT-I 2 UI: 1.3-1 (VT-I) 1*(OSG)UI: 1.3-1 (VT-I) 1*(OSG)Use 1998 Edition per I0CFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT asoect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT asoect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu ofUT asoect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT asoect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Exam performed I R16 (Period 2). For VT performed in.lieu ofUT asoect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Exam performed I R 6 (Period 2). For VT performed in.lieu of UT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.OSG's Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Period I Removed requirement applied to old SG's. New SG I-Period 1 4* will be scheduled in Interval 4 Period 1.OSG's Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Period I Removed requirement applied to old SG's. New SG I-Period 1 4* will be scheduled in Interval 4 Period 1.* Schedule shown is representative.
Generators may be selected arbitrarily.
- I or 2 new SG's may be examined in periods 2 and 3 such that 2 or 3 new generators are examined this interval.
The remaining generator(s) will carry over to be examined in Interval 4 Period 1.B3.150 (Ht. Exchr. N-V Welds)None (Unit 1)B3.160 (Ht. Exchr. Noz. Ins. Rad.)None (Unit 1)N/A N/A None None Page 20 ASME Sec. IO eCategory 5-0 IS PROGRA PAN DiboCno r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B3.130 NOTE: U2 Stm Generator nozzles integrally cast (U2 Steam Gen.Nozzle Welds)None U2: 1.3-1 N/A B3.140 SG 2-1 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 2-1 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 2-2 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 2-2 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 2-3 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 2-3 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 24 Inlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 24 Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius SG 2-1 to 2*1-29SPL SG 2-1 to 2*5-31SPL SG 2-2 to 2*2-29SPL SG 2-2 to 2*6-31SPL SG 2-3 to 2'3-29SPL SG 2-3 to 2*7-31SPL SG 2-4 to 2*4-29SPL SG 24 to 2*8-31SPL Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section Inside Radius Section U2:1.3-1 VT-I 2*U2: 1.3-1 VT-I 2*U2: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*U2: 1.3-1 VT-1 3*U2: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*U2: 1.3-1 VT-I 3*U2: 1.3-1 (VT-1) I*(OSG)U2: 1.3-1 (VT-I) I*(OSG)Limitation Expected Limitation Expected Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per 10CFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams, For VT performed in-lieu ofUT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu ofUT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Schedule concurrent with ET exams. For VT performed in-lieu of UT aspect ratio of 0.5 must be used.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Period I requirement applied to old SG's. New SG 2-4* will be scheduled in Interval 4 Period I.Use 1998 Edition per IOCFR 50.55a. Period I requirement applied to old SG's. New SG 2-4* will be scheduled in Interval 4 Period 1.* Schedule shown is representative.
Generators may be selected arbitrarily.
OSG's Removed Period I OSG's Removed Period I* I or 2 new SG's may be examined in periods 2 and 3 such that 2 or 3 new generators are examined this interval.
The remaining generator(s) will carry over to be examined in Interval 4 Preiod 1.B3.150 (Ht. Exchr. N-V Welds)None (Unit 2)13.160 (Ht. Exchr. Noz. Ins. Rad.)None (Unit 2)N/A N/A None None Page 21 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-F IS PRGAMA PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK NOTES TOTL-% REQ.Category B-F welds containing Alloy 600/82/182 material are examined as required by Code Cases N-722-1 and N-770-1.Note: Tables B-F, B-J, C-F-i, and C-F-2 have been replaced by RI-ISI Program located under Tab-3 of this Program Plan.Page 22 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-G-1 S PRGAM PLANA Dial aio 3r ne alRNI ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL.-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B6.10 RPVI Closure Head Nuts RPVI Closure Head Nuts RPVI Closure Head Nuts B6.20 RPVI Closure Head Studs (Removed)RPVI Closure Head Studs (Removed)RPVI Closure Head Studs (Removed)B6.40 RPVI Threads in Flange (1/2)Ligamants RPVI Threads in Flange (1/2)Ligamants B6.50 RPVI Closure Washers RPV1 Closure Washers RPV1 Closure Washers RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting 50%> 2" diam.RPV Bolting 50%> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2' diam.RPV1 Nuts I to 18 RPVI Nuts 19 to 36 RPVI Nuts 37 to 54 RPVI Studs I to 18 RPVI Studs 19 to 36 RPV1 Studs 37 to 54 RPVI Ligament 28 to 54 CW RPVI Ligament I to 27 CW RPVI Washer I to 18 RPV1 Washer 19 to 36 RPVI Washer 37 to 54 UI: IlI-IB UI: 1.1-lB UI: 1.1-1B UI: 1.1-1B UI: 1.1-1B UI: 1.1-1B UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1 UI: 1.1-1B UI: Il.-lB UI: II-lB VT-I VT-I VT-I UT UT UT UT UT VT-1 VT-1 VT-I B6.60 through B6.170 None (Unit I)None (Unit I)None (Unit 1)N/A N/A N/A Page 23 ASME Sec. XI e Category B-G-1 IS~ PRGAM PLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B6.10 RPV2 Closure Head Nuts RPV2 Closure Head Nuts RPV2 Closure Head Nuts B6.20 RPV2 Closure Head Studs (Removed)RPV2 Closure Head Studs (Removed)RPV2 Closure Head Studs (Removed)B6.40 RPV2 Threads in Flange (1/2)Ligamants RPV2 Threads in Flange (1/2)Ligamants B6,50 RPV2 Closure Washers RPV2 Closure Washers RPV2 Closure Washers RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting 50%> 2" diam.RPV Bolting 50%> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV Bolting> 2" diam.RPV2 Nuts I to 18 RPV2 Nuts 19 to 36 RPV2 Nuts 37 to 54 RPV2 Studs I to 18 RPV2 Studs 19 to 36 RPV2 Studs 37 to 54 RPV2 Ligament 42 to 14 CW RPV2 Ligament 15 to 41 CW RPV2 Washer I to 18 RPV2 Washer 19 to 36 RPV2 Washer 37 to 54 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1I-1 U2: 11-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1-1 U2: 1.1 -1 U2:1. 1 -1 VT-I VT-I VT-I UT UT UT UT UT VT-I VT-I VT-1 B6,60 through B6.170 None (Unit 2)None (Unit 2)None (Unit 2)N/A N/A N/A Page 24 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-G-1 PS PRGAM PLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B6.180 RCP 1-2 Main Flange Studs RCP 1-3 Main Flange Bolts B6.190 RCP Flange Surface, If Disassembled B6.200 RCP 1-2 Main Flange Nuts, (Bushings, Washers)Pump Bolting> 2" diam.Pump Bolting> 2" diam.Pump Bolting> 2" diam.Pump Bolting> 2" diam.RCP 1-2 Studs 1-24 RCP 1-3 Bolts 1-24 RCP 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 or 1-4 if disassembled RCP 1-2 Nuts 1-24 RCP 2-1 Bolts 1-24 RCP 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 or 2-4 if disassembled None UI: 1.5-1 UI: 1.5-1 UI: 1.5-I UI: 1.5-1 U2:1.5-1 U2: 1.5-1 UT UT VT-I VT-I 3 2 1,2,3 3 Scheduled per IWB-2412.
RCP 1-1, 1-3 and 1-4 have bolts. RCP 1-2 has studs.Scheduled per IWB-2412.
RCP I-1, 1-3 and 1-4 have bolts. RCP 1-2 has studs.Exam only required once during interval for first pump flange (if) disassembled.
Scheduled per 1WB-2412.
RCP 1-2 has studs and nuts. No bushings or washers.B6.180 B6.190 B6.200 RCP 2-1 Main Flange Bolts Pump Bolting> 2" diam.RCP Flange Surface, Pump Bolting If Disassembled
> 2" diam.(RCP Nuts, Bushings, Washers) N/A None (Unit 2)UT 2 VT-I 1,2,3 Scheduled per IWB-2412.Exam only required once during interval for first pump flange (if) disassembled.
All Unit 2 RCP flanges have bolts, not studs and nuts. No bushings or washers.B6.210 B6.220 B6.230 None (Units I & 2)None (Units 1 & 2)None (Units I & 2)N/A N/A N/A Page 25 ASME Sec. XcI 9 ategory B-G-2 Diabl Cavn3dItevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE
-WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES B7.10 RPVI Thermocouple CETNA B7.10 RPV2 Thermocouple CETNA B7.20 Pzrl Manway Bolts (16)B7.20 Pzr2 Manway Bolts (16)B7.30 Repl Stm Gen 1-2* Inlet Manway 20 Studs & Nuts Repl Stm Gen 1-2* Outlet Manway 20 Studs & Nuts RPV1 Core Exit Thermocouples (5)RPV2 Core Exit Thermocouples (5)Pzrl Manway Bolting Pzr2 Manway Bolting RSG 1-2* Inlet Manway Bolting RSG 1-2* Outlet Manway Bolting RPVI CETNA Clamp RPV2 CETNA Clamp Pzrl Manway Bolts Pzr2 Manway Bolts SG 1-2* Inlet Manway 20 Studs, Nuts SG 1-2* Out Manway 20 Studs, Nuts 663201-179 VT-I 2*663201-179 VT-I UI: 1.2-1 VT-i 2**PSI performed, but not considered a bolted connection.
New RRVCH installed I R16 (Interval
- 3. Period 2)*PSI performed, but not considered a bolted connection.
New RRVCH installed 2R15 (Interval
- 3. Period 1)Examined only if connection disassembled.
1,2,3 U2:1->2-1 VT-1 1,2,3 Examined only if connection disassembled.
Ul: 1.3-1 VT-1 2 UI: 1.3-1 VT-1 2 Examined during routine disassembly.
RSG's installed iRI5.Examined during routine disassembly.
RSG's installed IRI5.Examined during routine disassembly.
RSG's installed 2R14.Examined during routine disassembly.
RSG's installed 2R14.B7.30 RepI Stm Gen 2-2* Inlet Manway 20 Studs & Nuts Repl Stm Gen 2-2* Outlet Manway 20 Studs & Nuts RSG 2-2* Inlet Manway Bolting RSG 2-2* Outlet Manway Bolting SG 2-2* Inlet Manway 20 Studs, Nuts SG 2-2* Out Manway 20 Studs, Nuts U2: 1.3-1 VT-I 2 U2:1.3-1 VT-I 2 Page 26 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-G-2 IPROGRAM PL AN Dial Cavn r ntra Rv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B7.40 .None (Units 1 & 2)N/A B7.50 Ut Pipe Flange Bolting (12 Studs & Nuts)Ut Pipe Flange Bolting (4 Studs & Nuts)Ut Pipe Flange Bolting (4 Studs & Nuts)Ut Pipe Flange Bolting (4 Studs & Nuts)S6-727-6 S6-54-1.5 OR-S6-55-1.5-OR-S6-56-1.5-OR-S6-57-1.5 S6-1991-1.5 OR-S6-1992-1.5 OR-S6-1993-1.5 OR-S6-1994-1.5 S6-1991-1.5 OR-S6-1992-1-5 OR-S6-1993-1.5 OR--6-1994-1.5 RV-8010C Inlet Flange Studs WIB-1021 to WIB-1022 Flange Studs WIB-980 to WIB-981 flange studs WIB-991 to WIB-992 flange studs WIB-1004 to WIB-I005 flange studs FE-924 flange studs FE-925 flange studs FE-926 flange studs FE-927 flange studs RO-559 flange bolting RO-560 flange bolting RO-561 flange bolting RO-562 flange bolting Ut: 1.4-23 Ut: 1.4-42 Ul: 1.4-43 Ut: 1.4-44 Ut: 1.4-45 Ul: 1.4-64 Ut: 1.4-67 Ul: 1.4-70 U1: 1.4-64 Ut: 1.4-64 Ut: 1.4-67 Ut: 1.4-70 Ul: 1.4-64 VT-I VT-I 1,2,3 S6-728-6 RV-8010B and S6-729-6 RV-801 OA similar. Examined during routine disassembly.
Examined once, if disassembled.
- Line 55, 56 or 57 flange may be substituted.
- VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
- VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
- RO-560, RO-561 or RO-562 flange may be substituted.
- Page 27 N ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-G-2 S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B7.50 U2 Pipe Flange Bolting (12 Studs & Nuts)U2 Pipe Flange Bolting (4 Studs & Nuts)U2 Pipe Flange Bolting (4 Studs & Nuts)U2 Pipe Flange Bolting (4 Studs & Nuts)2S6-727-6 2S6-54-1.5 OR-2S6-5398-1.5 OR-2S6-5398-1.5 OR-2S6-56-1.5-OR-2S6-57-1.5 2S6-1991-1.5 OR-2S6-1992-1.5 OR-2S6-1993-1.5 OR-2S6-1994-1.5 2S6-1991-1.5 OR-2S6-1992-1.5 OR-2S6-1993-1.5 OR-2S6-1994-1.5 2RV-8010C Inlet Flange studs WIB-842 to WIB-843 flange studs WIB-857 to WIB-858A flange studs WIB-858S to WIB-858T flange studs WIB-869 to WIB-870A flange studs WIB-882 to WIB-883A flange studs 2FE-924 flange studs 2FE-925 flange studs 2FE-926 flange studs 2FE-927 flange studs 2RO-559 flange bolting 2RO-560 flange bolting 2RO-561 flange bolting 2RO-562 flange bolting U2:1.4-21 U2:1.4-40 U2:1.4-41 U2:1.4-41 U2:1.4-42 U2: 1.4-43 U2:1.4-59 U2:1.4-61 U2: 1.4-63 U2:1.4-65 U2: 1.4-59 U2:1.4-61 U2: 1.4-63 U2:1.4-65 VT-1 VT-I 2 1,2,3 2S6-728-6 2RV-8010B and 2S6-729-6 2RV-8010A similar. Examined during routine disassembly.
Examined once, if disassembled.
- Line 2-5398, 2-56 or 2-57 flange may be substituted.
- VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
- VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
- ** *Page 28 ASME See. XI Code Category B-G-2 PS PRGAMLANA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B7.60 RC Pump 1-3 Lower (# 1) Seal 1-ousing Bolts B7.60 RC Pump 2-1 Lower (# 1) Seal Housing Bolts RCP Lower Seal Housing Bolts (12)RCP Lower Seal Housing Bolts (12)12 RCP Seal Housing Socket Head Screws 12 RCP Seal Housing Socket Head Screws Uh: 1.5-1 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
RCP 1-1, 1-2 or 1-4 may be substituted.
U2:1.5-1 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
RCP 2-2, 2-3 or 2-4 may be substituted.
B7.70 HL Recirc before V-8702: Bolts <2" diam Loop 4 HL before V-8701: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator lnj. Loop 1: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator lnj. Loop 1: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator lnj. Loop 2: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 2: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 3: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator lnj. Loop 3: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 4: Bolts <2" diamn Accumulator Inj. Loop 4: Bolts <2" diam S6- 109-14SPL S6-1665-l4SPL S6-253-1OSPL+
V-8702 Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-UI: 1.4-7 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
V-8701 may be substituted.
V-8701 Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts UI: 1.4-7 V-8956A Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8948A Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8956B Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8948B Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8956C Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8948C Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8956D Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8948D Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts UI: 1.4-8 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any V-8948 or V-8956 may be substituted.
UI: 1.4-8 UI: 1.4-9 UI: 1.4-9 Uh: 1.4-10 UI: 1.4-10 UI: 1.4-11 UI: 1.4-11*Page 29 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-G-2 IIPRGRA PALA N Diabl C an 3rInevlR .I ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES B7.70 SIS to RCS Loop 1 I-: Cont'd Bolts <2" diam S6-2575-8*
S6-2576-8 V-8740A Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-SIS to RCS Loop 2 HL: Bolts <2" diam Safety Inj Loop 1 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diam Safety Inj Loop 2 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diam Safety Inj Loop 3 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diam Safety lnj Loop 4 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diam RHR Pump 1-1 Inj CL : Bolts <2" diam R14R Pump 1-1 Inj CL 2: Bolts <2" diam RHR Pump 1-2 Inj CL 3: Bolts <2" diam RHR Pump 1-2 Inj CL 4: Bolts <2" diam V-8740B Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts Ut: 1.4-12 VT-I 1,2,3 Ut: 1.4-12 *Ul: 1.4-13 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
V-8740B may be substituted.
V-8949A Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8949B Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8949C Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8949D Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts V-8818A Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8818B Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8818C Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-V-8818D Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts RV-8010A Bonnet: 8 Studs & Nuts -OR-RV-80 1 OB Bonnet: 8 Studs & Nuts -OR-RV-80 I0C Bonnet: 8 Studs & Nuts Examined once, if disassembled.
Any V-8949 may be substituted.
V-881.8 function different.
Ut: 1.4-14 Ut: 1.4-15 -*Uh: 1.4-6 Ut: 1.4-17 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any V-8818 may be substituted.
V-8949 function different.
Ut: 1.4-18 Ut: 1.4-19 Ut: 1.4-20 Ut: 1.4-21 VT-1 1,2,3 Pzr RV-8010A Inlet: Bolts <2" diam Pzr RV-8010B Inlet: Bolts <2" diam Pzr RV-8010C Inlet: Bolts <2" diam S6-729-6 S6-728-6 S6-727-6 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any RV-8010 may be substituted.
U1: 1.4-22 Ul: 1.4-23* ** *Page 30 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-G-2 S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES B7.70 HL Recirc before 2V-8702: Bolts <2" diam Loop 4 HL before 2V-8701: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 1: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 1: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 2: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 2: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 3: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator lInj. Loop 3: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 4: Bolts <2" diam Accumulator Inj. Loop 4: Bolts <2" diam SIS to RCS Loop I HL: Bolts <2" diam SIS to RCS Loop 2 HL: Bolts <2" diam 2S6-109-14SPL 2S6-1665-14SPL 2S6-253-1OSPL+
V-8702 Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-U2: 1.4-10 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
2V-8701 may be substituted.
V-8701 Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts U2:1.4-10
- 2V-8956A Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8948A Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8956B Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8948B Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8956C Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8948C Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8956D Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8948D Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts 2V-8740A Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8740B Bonnet: 16 Studs & Nuts U2: 1.4-6 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any 2V-8948 or 2V-8956 may be substituted.
U2:1.4-6 U2:1.4-7 U2:1.4-7 U2:1.4-8 U2:1.4-8 U2:1.4-9 U2:1.4-9 2S6-2575-8 2S6-2576-8 U2:1.4-11 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
2V-8740B may be substituted.
U2: 1.4-12*Page 31 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-G-2 IS PRGAMPLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B7.70 Safety Inj Loop I Hot Leg: Cont'd Bolts <2" diamn Safety lnj Loop 2 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diam Safety Inj Loop 3 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diam Safety lnj Loop 4 Hot Leg: Bolts <2" diamn RHRPump 2-1 Inj CL I: Bolts <2" diam 1RHR Pump 2-1 lnj CL 2: Bolts <2" diamn RHR Pump 2-2 Inj CL 3: Bolts <2" diam RHR Pump 2-2 Inj CL 4: Bolts <2" diam Pzr 2RV-8010A Inlet: Bolts <2" diamn Pzr 2RV-8010B Inlet: Bolts <2" diam Pzr 2RV-8010C Inlet: Bolts <2" diam 2S6-235-6SPL+
2S6-729-6SPL 2S6-728-6SPL 2S6-727-6SPL 2V-8949A Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8949B Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8949C Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8949D Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts 2V-8818A Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8818B Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8818C Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts -OR-2V-8818D Bonnet: 12 Studs & Nuts 2RV-8010A Bonnet: 8 Studs & Nuts -OR-2RV-8010B Bonnet: 8 Studs & Nuts -OR-2RV-8010C Bonnet: 8 Studs & Nuts U2:1.4-11 U2: 1.4-12 U2: 1.4-13 U2: 1.4-14 U2: 1.4-15 U2: 1.4-16 U2: 1.4-17 U2: 1.4-18 U2: 1.4-19 U2: 1.4-20 U2: 1.4-21 VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any 2V-8949 may be substituted.
2V-8818 function different.
$VT-I 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any 2V-8818 may be substituted.
2V-8949 function different.
- /VT-1 1,2,3 Examined once, if disassembled.
Any 2RV-8010 may be substituted.
Page 32 ASME Sec. XI1 C ategory B-G-2 ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK NOTES TOTL-% REQ.B7.80 (1995)B7.80 CRD Housings: (1995) Bolts <2" dianm (None)Page 33 ASME Sec. 1100d, Category B-J ISI PRGAM PLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK NOTES TOTL-% REQ.Note: Tables B-F, B-J, C-F-I, and C-F-2 have been replaced by RI-ISI program located under Tab-3 of this program plan.Page 34 e ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B.K S IPROpRAM PL AN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF REQ.BLOCK NOTES NOTE: 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(C) was removed effective 10/31/05 but is operative for the DCPP third interval.
Requirements B10.10 of 2001 -'03 same as A'95.NOTE: B-K Inspection is also required whenever component support deformation (e.g., bent, broken, pulled out parts) is identified at any time.B10.10 A'95 =2003 B130.10 A'95 =2003 Reactor Vessel 1-I Support Pad Welds (4)RPV-1-I 2 Inlet Nozzle Pads and 2 Outlet Nozzle Pads 2 Inlet Nozzle Pads and 2 Outlet Nozzle Pads UI:I.1-I Excluded from exam by Category B-K Note I Reactor Vessel 2-I Support Pad RPV-2-1 Welds (4)U2:l.I-I Excluded from exam by Category B-K Note I B10.10 A'95 =2003 Steam Generators:
None (No welded support attachments to Steam Generators Unit I or 2)None.None.Steam generators rest on integrally formed pads bolted to pin columns (Category F-A).B10.10 A'95 =2003 Pressurizer I Support Skirt Weld Pressurizer I Girth 10 (Fig. IWB-2500-14)
UI: 1.2-1 MT-OR-UT 2 B10.10 2003 Addenda (was B8.20, 1995).Scheduled per IWB-2412.
Exam also required if deformation seen at any time. One side per FR 9/29/05 (Vol. 70, No. 188). Skirt is F-A.BI0.10 2003 Addenda (was B8.20, 1995).Scheduled per IWB-2412.
Exam also required if deformation seen at any time. One side per FR 9/29/05 (Vol. 70, No. 188). Skirt is F-A.B10.10 A'95 =2003 Pressurizer 2 Support Skirt Weld Pressurizer 2 Girth 10 (Fig. IWB-2500-13)
U2: 1.2-1 MT 2 Page 35 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-K S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES NOTE: B-K Inspection is also required whenever component support deformation (e.g., bent, broken, pulled out parts) is identified at any time.B10.20 Piping Integrally Welded Attachments:
Hot Leg Recire befV-8702:
Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp 4 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Loop 4 Hot Leg bef V-8701: Welded Attachment NOTE: Only lines with welded attachments listed. Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Loop 4 Hot Leg bef V-8701: Welded Attachment Loop 4 Hot Leg befV-870 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp I: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 2: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 2: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 3: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 4: Welded Attachment SIS to RCS Loop I Hot Leg: Welded Attachment S6-109-14SPL S6-238-6SPL S6-l665-14SPL S6-1665-I4SPL S6-1665-I4SPL S6-253-I OSPL S6-253-l OSPL S6-253-1OSPL S6-254-1OSPL S6-254-1OSPL S6-255-1OSPL S6-256-I OSPL 12-154R 56N-3V 56N-6V Paramount 56N-4R Paramount 56N-5V Paramount U1: 1.4-6 U1: 1.4-6 U1: 1.4-7 UI:1.4-7 U1-1.4-7 10-5SL 10-6SL 10-84R 10-4SL U1:1.4-8 PT 2 U 1:1.4-8 U1:1,4-8 U1I,4-9 UI:.4-9 UI:l.4-10 UI:1.4-11 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.52-24V Paramount 57N-4V Paramount 57N-2V Paramount*S6-2575-8 10-34SL UI:.4-12 *Page 36 ASME Sec. AN Category B-K PS PRGAM PLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES SIS to RCS Loop 2 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp I Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp I Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp 2 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp 2 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp 3 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Injection Lp 3 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment RHRPp I-I Inj Cold Leg : Welded Attachment RHRPp I-I Inj Cold Leg 1: Welded Attachment RHR Pp I-I Inj Cold Leg I: Welded Attachment RHR Pp I-I Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp I-I Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp I-I Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp I-I Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp I-I Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment S6-2576-8 S6-235-6SPL S6-235-6SPL S6-236-6SPL S6-236-6SPL S6-237-6SPL S6-237-6SPL S6-3844-6SPL S6-3844-6SPL S6-3844-6SPL S6-3845-6SPL S6-3845-6SPL S6-3845-6SPL S6-3845-6SPL S6-3845-6SPL 10-26SL 10-24SL 52-27V 10-21ISL 10-30R 12- 17R 57N-14V Ul:1.4-12
- *U1:l1.4-13
- *U1:l1.4-13
- U1:l1.4-14
- UIAl.4-14 PT 3 UI:1.4-15
- UI:l.4-15
- U1:l1.4-17
- UI:l.4-17
- UI:1.4-17
- 42-41V Paramount Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.11-23R 42-41V Paramount 11-15SL I 1-16SL 11-79SL 42-42V U1:1.4-18* *UI:l.4-18 Uh:l.4-18 U1:1.4-18*42-44V Paramount UI:l.4-18 PT 3 Page 37 ASME Sec. XI ode Category B-K IIPO RMP LANI ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES RHR Pp 1-2 Inj Cold Leg 3: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 1-2 Inj Cold Leg 3: Welded Attachment RHRPp 1-2 Inj Cold Leg 3: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 1-2 Inj Cold Leg 4: Welded Attachment Pressurizer RV-8010A Inlet: Welded Attachment Pressurizer RV-8010B Inlet: Welded Attachment Pressurizer RV-8010C Inlet: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Power RV Inlet: Welded Attachment Pzr Power RV PCV-455C: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 2 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment S6-3846-6SPL S6-3846-6SPL S6-3846-6SPL S6-3847-6SPL S6-729-6SPL S6-728-6SPL S6-727-6SPL S6-730-6SPL S6-1172-3SPL S6-13-4SPL
$6-13-4SPL S6-13-4SPL
$6-13-4SPL S6-13-4SPL S6-14-4SPL 13-5R 13-6R (attachment shared with 13-5R)U1:l1.A-19
- U1:l1.4-19
- *U1: 1.4-19 *13-9SL 58N-60R X309A-H U 1: 1.4-20* *11-44SL 11-43SL 11-42SL 11-21SL UI:1.4-21 PT 2 U1:1.4-22 PT 2 UI:1.4-23 U1:1.4-24 U 1: 1.4-24 PT 2 Attachment shared with 13-6R. Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Attachment shared and counted with 13-5R.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.X408A,C not accessible.
Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.X409A not accessible.
Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.48-29A FWX301A-C 42-23A 42-70R UI:1.4-25* *UI:l.4-26
- U 1: .4-26 *52-33A X408B 42-71A X409B 52-12V U 1:1.4-26* *UI:1.4-27 11-19R UI:1.4-25 Page 38 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-K S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES Loop 2 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 2 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Boron Inj Cold Legs Hdr: Welded Attachment Letdown Line Loop 2: Welded Attachment Letdown Line Loop 2: Welded Attachment Letdown Line Loop 2: Welded Attachment Letdown Line Loop 2: Welded Attachment Pressurizr Pwr RV PCV-456: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment S6-14-4SPL S6-14-4SPL S6-15-4SPL S6-15-4SPL S6-15-4SPL
$6-15-4SPL S6-1995-3 S6-24-3SPL S6-24-3SPL S6-24-3SPL S6-24-3SPL
$6-1195-3SPL S6-51-2SPL
$6-51-2SPL 10-41 R 52-18R 42-3A 42-75R (43-1R -included for information only)48-22CS 57N-33R 39-25R 52-4R 52-31R 52-9V 11-124SL U 1:1.4-28 PT 2 U1:1.4-28
- *UI:1.4-29 U1:1.4-29 U1:1.4-29 N/A N/A U 1: 1.4-29*UI:1,4-36
- UI:1.4-37 UI:1.4-38
- UI:1.4-38
- U1:1.4-39
- Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Welded attachment provides no support. Lugs specified 11/16" away from contact.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.UI:.4-39*23-2A 23-IA 181-30 U 1: 14-40A *UI11.4-40B
- U1:1.4-40B
- Page 39 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-K IPROGRAM PLA NA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging In] Loop 1 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop I Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 1 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 1 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 4 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 4 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 4 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 2 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 2 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 2 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 3 Cold: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Loop 3 Cold: Welded Attachment
$6-51-2SPL S6-51-2SPL S6-51-2SPL S6-1991-1.5 S6-1991-1.5 S6-1991-1.5 S6-1991-1.5 S6-1994-1.5 S6-1994-1.5 S6-1994-1.5 S6-1992-1.5 S6-1992-1.5 S6-1992-1.5 S6-1993-1.5 S6-1993-1.5 43-2R 43-3R UI:1.4-41 PT 3 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.UI:1.4-41
- UI:1.4-41
- 2185-19 2156-114 U1:1.4-64 56-13 56-15 56-16 U1:I.4-65A
- UI:I.-65A
- U1:1.4-65A 2156-113 U1:1.4-64 Ut:1.4-651 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.56-13 56-14 U1:1.4-65B 2156-83 2169-22 23-12A 23-13A 2185-16 U1:1.4-67
- UI:1.4-69
- U1:1.4-69 UI:1.4-71 U1:1.4-71*Page 40 ASME Sec. Category B-K II PRGAMA PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES Charging Inj Loop 3 Cold: Welded Attachment S6-1993-1.5 (2183-13 -included for information only)U1:1.4-71 N/A N/A Welded attachment provides no support. Lugs do not contact structure.
Unit 1 total B130.20 welded attachments
= 71. 10% = 8 supports selected.B10.20 Piping Integrally Welded Attachments:
Hot Leg Recirc bef2V-8702:
Welded Attachment Hot Leg Recirc bef2V-8702:
Welded Attachment Loop 4 Hot Leg bef2V-8701:
Welded Attachment NOTE: Only lines with welded attachments listed. Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Loop 4 Hot Leg bef2V-870 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 1: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 2: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 3: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 4: Welded Attachment Accumulator Injection Lp 4: Welded Attachment 2S6-109-14SPL 2S6-109-14SPL 2S6-1665-14SPL 2S6-1665-14SPL 2S6-253-10SPL 2S6-253-l OSPL 2S6-253-1 OSPL 2S6-254-IOSPL 2S6-25 5-I 0SPL 2S6-256-l OSPL, 2S6-256-IOSPL 72-20SL 6-5V 6-3V 6-6V U2: 1.4-10 * *U2: 1.4-10 * *U2: 1.4-10 * *U2:1.4-10
- *U2: 1.4-6 * *U2: 1.4-6 * *U2: 1.4-6 PT 3 U2:1.4-7 * *70-ISL 70-58SL Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.2-22V 2-24V 7-4V 7-2V 72-1 R U2: 1.4-8* *U2: 1.4-9 * *U2: 1.4-9 * *Page 41 ASME Sec. X oeCategory B-K S PRGAM PAN DiaboCno r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES* SIS to RCS Loop I Hot Leg: Welded Attachment SIS to RCS Loop I Hot Leg: Welded Attachment SIS to RCS Loop 2 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Inj Loop I Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Inj Loop 2 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Inj Loop 3 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Inj Loop 3 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Inj Loop 3 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment Safety Inj Loop 4 Hot Leg: Welded Attachment RHRPp 2-1 lnj Cold Leg 1: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 1: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHRPp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 lnj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 tnj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment 2S6-2575-8 2S6-2575-8 2S6-2576-8 2S6-235-6SPL 2S6-236-6SPL 2S6-237-6SPL 2S6-237-6SPL 2S6-237-6SPL 2S6-238-6SPL 2S6-3844-6SPL 2S6-3844-6SPL 2S6-3845-6SPL 2S6-3845-6SPL 2S6-3845-6SPL 2S6-3845-6SPL 70-38SL 412-157R 412-158A 70-33SL U2:1.4-11 PT 2 U2:1.4-11 U2: 1.4-12 U2:1.4-11*70-23R 7-13V 7-14V 72-32R 6-50R 92-40R 92-41V 71-3SL 71-4SL 71-5SL 92-42V U2:1.4-12 U2: 1.4-13 U2: 1.4-13*U2: 1.4-13 U2:1.4-14 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.U2:1.4-15*U2:1.4-15 PT 2 U2:1.4-16 U2:1.4-16* *U2:1.4-16 PT 2 U2:1.4-16 Page 42 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-K S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES RHR Pp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 2: Welded Attachment RHR Pp 2-1 Inj Cold Leg 3: Welded Attachment Pressurizer 2RV-8010A Inlet: Welded Attachment Pressurizer 2RV-80 10B Inlet: Welded Attachment Pressurizer 2RV-8010C Inlet: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Power RV Inlet: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment 2S6-3845-6SPL 2S6-3845-6SPL 2S6-3845-6SPL 2S6-3846-6SPL 2S6-729-6SPL 2S6-728-6SPL 2S6-727-6SPL 2S6-730-6SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 92-44V 92-60R 412-16R 73-2SL 71-12SL 71-58SL 71-57SL 71-20SL U2: 1.4-16 U2: 1.4-16 U2: 1.4-16*Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.U2: 1.4-17 U2: 1.4-19 PT 3 U2: 1.4-20 U2: 1.4-21 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.U2:1.4-22 U2:1.4-23 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.2-33R 70-26SL 92-6V 92-23A U2:1.4-23 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.U2: 1.4-24 U2: 1.4-24 2-12V 2-13R U2: 1.4-23*Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.U2: 1.4-23 U2:1.4-23 412-45R Page 43 ASME Sec. X1 Code Category B-K IIPRGA P ALA NA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 1 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Loop 2 Pzr Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Pressurizer Spray Line: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Cold Legs Hdr: Welded Attachment Letdown Line Loop 2: Welded Attachment Letdown Line Loop 2: Welded Attachment Pzr Power RV 2PCV-455C:
Welded Attachment Pressurizer Pwr RV 2PCV-456: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-14-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-1995-3 2S6-24-3SPL 2S6-24-3SPL 2S6-1172-3SPL 2S6-1195-3SPL 2S6-51-2SPL 2S6-51-2SPL 92-70R 92-71 R 2-18R 92-75R 92-3R 93-1R 412-84SL 989-22V 7-33R U2: 1.4-24*U2: 1.4-23 * *U2:1.4-25 U2: 1.4-26 U2: 14-26* *U2: 1.4-26 U2: 1.4-26 U2:1.4-26*Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Support is actually a CS. Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Support is actually an A. Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at anv time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.2-4R 2-9V U2: 1.4-32 U2: 1.4-33 U2: 1.4-33 PT 3 989-29R 989-33V 409-1 A 409-2A U2: 1.4-35*U2:1.4-36 U2: 1.4-38 U2: 1.4-38 Page 44 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-K S PRGAM PAN DiaboCno r ne~lRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment Charging Line Aux Spray: Welded Attachment SI Pps Cold Leg Loop 3 Recirc: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp 1 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp I Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp I Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp 2 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp 2 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp 3 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp 3 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging lnj Out Lp 3 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging lnj Out Lp 4 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment Charging Inj Out Lp 4 Cold Leg: Welded Attachment 2S6-51-2SPL 2S6-51-2SPL 2S6-51-2SPL 2S6-3857-2SPL 2S6-1991-1.5 2S6-1991-1.5 2S6-1991-1.5 2S6-1992-1.5 2S6-1992-1.5 2S6-1993-1.5 2S6-1993-1.5 2S6-1993-1.5 2S6-1994-1.5 2S6-1994-1.5 409-3A U2:1.4-38 U2: 1.4-37*898-2 (898-3 included for information only)U2:1.4-37 N/A N/A 2216-188 2734-21 2734-22 2734-23 2216-91 409-12A 2734-109 409-13A U2:1.4-17*U2:1.4-60 U2: 1.4-60 PT 3 U2: 1.4-60 U2: 1.4-61 U2:1.4-62 U2: 1.4-64 Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time, Welded attachment provides no support. Lugs do not contact structure.
Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.Lugs abandoned in place per FCT-0297 10.Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time, Exam required whenever support member deformation is identified at any time.U2: 1.4-64 (2734-19 deleted -for information only)U2:1.4-64 N/A N/A 2734-16 2734-68 U2:1.4-66 U2: 1.4-66 Unit 2 total B10.20 welded attachments
= 68. 10% = 7 supports selected.Page 45 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-K PS PRGAM PLAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMPILINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES NOTE: B-K Inspection is also required whenever component support deformation (e.g., bent, broken, pulled out parts) is identified at any time.B10.30 RC Pump 1-2: RCP 1-2 Lug Weld No. 2 UI: 1.5-1 PT I Welded Attachment Support Lug RC Pump 1-2: RCP 1-2 Lug Weld No. 3 UI: 1.5-1 PT 2 Welded Attachment Support Lug The 4 RCP's per unit have a total of 12 (3 ea)support attachments.
10% required =2.Exam also required if deformation seen at any time Exam also required if deformation seen at any time B10.30 RC Pump 2-1: Welded Attachment RC Pump 2-1: Welded Attachment B10.40 None (No valve attachments in Unit I or Unit 2)RCP 2-1 Support Lug RCP 2-1 Support Lug None.Lug Weld No. I Lug Weld No. 2 U2: 1.5-1 U2:1.5-1 PT PT 2 Exam also required if deformation seen at any time Exam also required if deformation seen at any time 3 None.Page 46 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-L-1 and B-L-2 II PRGAM~ PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B12.10 RC Pump 1-2: Pump Casing Weld RCP 1-2 Girth Weld RCP 1-2 Girth Weld Ul: 1.5-1 VT-I 3 Exterior Surface.B12.20 RC Pump 1-2*: Pump Casing (Only If Disassembled)
RCP 1-2* Pump Casing RCP 1-2* Pump Casing Interior Ul: 1.5-1 VT-3 1,2,3***Any Pump, IF Disassembled.
- One exam per Interval, IF pump disassembled.
B12.10 RC Pump 2-1: Pump Casing Weld RCP 2-1 Girth Weld RCP 2-1 Girth Weld U2:1.5-1 VT-I 3 Exterior Surface.B12.20 RC Pump 2-1*: Pump Casing (Only If Disassembled)
RCP 2-1
- Pump Casing RCP 2-1
- Pump Casing Interior U2:1.5-1 VT-3 1,2,3***Any Pump, IF Disassembled.
- One exam per Interval, IF pump disassembled.
Page 47 ASME Sec. XI Code egory B-M-1 and B-M-2 S PRGAM PAN DiaboCno r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO, ISI DWG. NDE PER.LINE- RELIEF TOTL-% REQ.BLOCK NOTES B132.30 N/A. No valve body welds Unit I or Unit 2.B132.40 N/A. No valve body welds Unit I or Unit 2.None.None.None.None.B1 2.50 Loop 4 HL befV-8701:
Valve Interior If Disassembled Acumulator Inj Loop 1: Valve Interior If Disassembled Safety Inj Loop I HL: Valve Interior If Disassembled RHR Pp 1-I Inj CL 1: Valve Interior If Disassembled Pzr RV-8010C Inlet: Valve Interior If Disassembled S6-1665-14SPL+
- S6-253-IOSPL+
- S6-235-6SPL+
- S6-3844-6SPL+
- S6-727-6SPL+
- V-8701* Interior If Disassembled**
V-8956A* Interior If Disassembled"*
V-8949A* Interior If Disassembled**
V-8818A* Interior If Disassembled**
Interior If Disassembled"*
V-8740B* Interior If Disassembled"*
UI: 1.4-7 VT-3 1,2,3**UI: 1.4-8 VT-3 1,2,3'*UI: 1.4-13 VT-3 1,2,3**UI: 1.4-17 VT-3 1,2,3**UI: 1.4-23 VT-3 1,2,3**UI: 1.4-12 VT-3 1,2,3***Or other Copes Vulcan GM-48SEZ (8702).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Or other Darling 10C48Z (8956 or 8948).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Or other Velan 6C58 (8949). 8949 system function different than 8818. **One exam.*Or other Velan 6C58 (8818). 8818 system function different than 8949. **One exam.*Or other Crosby 6RV58 (RV-80 10).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Or other Darling 8C48Z (8740A).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Valve numbers typical. **One valve of type, size & function per Interval IF disassembled.
SIS to RCS Loop 2 HL: Valve Interior If Disassembled S6-2576-8
Valve Cont'd. Interior If Disassembled Acumulator Inj Loop 4: Valve Interior If Disassembled Safety lnj Loop I HL: Valve Interior If Disassembled RHR Pp 2-2 lnj CL 3: Valve Interior If Disassembled Pzr 2RV-800 OB Inlet: Valve Interior If Disassembled SIS to RCS Loop 2 HL: Valve Interior If Disassembled 2S6-1665-14SPL+
- 2S6-256-10SPL+
- 2S6-235-6SPL+
- 2S6-3846-6SPL+
- 2S6-728-6SPL+
- 2S6-2576-8
- 2V-8701
- Interior If Disassembled**
Interior If Disassembled**
Interior If Disassembled**
Interior If Disassembled**
Interior If Disassembled**
V-8740B* Interior If Disassembled**
U2: 1.4-10 VT-3 1,2,3**U2: 1.4-9 VT-3 1,2,3**U2: 1.4-11 VT-3 1,2,3*U2: 1.4-17 VT-3 1,2,3**U2: 1.4-20 VT-3 1,2,3**U2: 1.4-12 VT-3 1,2,3***Or other Copes Vulcan GM-48SEZ (8702).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Or other Darling 10C48Z (8956 or 8948).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Or other Velan 6C58 (8949). 8949 system function different than 8818. **One exam.*Or other Velan 6C58 (8818). 8818 system function different than 8949. **One exam.*Or other Crosby 6RV58 (RV-8010).
- One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Or other Darling 8C48Z (8740A).**One exam per Interval IF disassembled.
- Valve numbers typical. **One valve of type, size & function per Interval IF disassembled.
Page 49 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-N-I, B-N-2 and B-N-3 S PRGAM PAN Dibl avn3dntn RvI ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B13.10 Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Reactor Vessel 1 Interior UI: 1.1-1 VT-3 1 Ul: 1.1-1 VT-3 2 UI: 1.1-1 V-T-3 3 B 13.20 to B13.40 Not Applicable (BWR)N/A B11350 N/A. No Interior Attachments Within Beltline Region Unit 1.None.None.B13.60 Reactor Vessel 1 Interior Attach Beyond Beltline RV1 Interior Attachments RV1 Core Support Lugs UI: 1.1-1 VT-3 B 13.70 Reactor Vessel 1 Core Support Structure RV1 Core Support RV1 Upper & Lower Core Support Str.UI: 1.1-1 VT-3 3 Upper and Lower Core Support Structures.
Page 50 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-N-I, B-N-2 and B-N-3 S PRGAM PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE- RELIEF BLOCK TOTL-% REQ.NOTES B13.10 Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Reactor Vessel 2 Interior U2:1.1-1 VT-3 1 U2:1.1-1 VT-3 2 U2:1.1-1 VT-3 3 B 13.20 to B13.40 Not Applicable (BWR)N/A B13.50 N/A. No Interior Attachments within Beltline Unit 1 or Unit 2.None.None.B13.60 Reactor Vessel 2 Interior Attach Beyond Beltline RV2 Interior Attachments RV2 Core Support Lugs U2:1.1-1 Vr-3 3 B13.70 Reactor Vessel 2 Core Support Structure RV2 Core Support RV2 Upper & Lower Core Support Str.U2: 1.1-1 VT-3 3 Upper and Lower Core Support Structures.
Page 51 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category B-O S PRGAM PAN Dial s avo 3r nevaSe.ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL RELIEF% REQ.NOTES B14.10 Reactor Vessel 1: Welds in CRD Housing Reactor Vessel 1: Welds in CRD Housing Reactor Vessel 1: Welds in CRD Housing B14.10 Reactor Vessel 2: Welds in CRD Housing Reactor Vessel 2: Welds in CRD Housing Reactor Vessel 2: Welds in CRD Housing RV1 CRDM E-3 RV1 CRDM C-5 RV1 CRDM C-3 RV2 CRDM F-14 RV2 CRDM B-4 RV2 CETNA E-15 RV1 CRDM 56 Weld RV1 CRDM 57 Weld RV1 CRDM 73 Weld RV2 CRD Housing 55 Weld RV2 CRD Housing 73 Weld RV2 CETNA Hosusing 74 Weld Ul: 1.1-1 PT 3 Ut: 1.1-1 PT 3 Unit 1 RRVCH has 16 peripheral CRDM's; 10%= 2 CRDMs. PSI performed on numbers 56, 57 and 73:* Examination not required (Any 2 of the 3 listed CRDM's may be examined)Ul: 1.1-1 PT U2: 1.1-1 PT 3 Unit 2 RRVCH has 20 peripheral CRDM's; 10%= 2 CRDM's. PSI performed on numbers 55 and 73. Dlus CETNA housin2 74.U2: 1.1-1 PT 3 U2: 1.1-1 PT* Examination not required.Page 52 ASME Sec. XIot Category B-P IS RGA PAN ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B15.10 UNIT I B15.110 B 15.115 B15.120 B15.130 B15.135 UNIT 2 B15.110 B15.115 B15.120 B15.130 B15.135 UNIT I B15.140 Due to difference in format, pressure test tables follow Augmented Exams.SG Hot Leg Nozzle-to-Pipe Connections (None @ DCPP)SG Cold Leg Nozzle-to-Pipe Connections (None @ DCPP)SG Bottom channel head drain tube penetration SG Primary Side Hot Leg Instrument Connections SG Primary Side Cold Leg Instrument Connections Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 None Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 SG Hot Leg Nozzle-to-Pipe Connections (None @ DCPP)SG Cold Leg Nozzle-to-Pipe Connections (None @ DCPP)SG Bottom channel head drain tube penetration SG Primary Side Hot Leg Instrument Connections SG Primary Side Cold Leg Instrument Connections Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 None Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 PZR Heater Penetrations Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Page 53 ASME Sec. IqCategory B-P SA PLA ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK NOTES REQ.B15.150 B15.160 B15.170 B15.180 BI15.190 UNIT 2 B15.140 B 15.150 B15.160 B15.170 B 15.180 B1i5.190 UNIT I B 15.200 B 15.205 PZR Spray nozzle-to-pipe Connections PZR Safety and Relief nozzle-to-pipe Connections PZR Surge nozzle-to-pipe Connections PZR Instrument Connections PZR Drain Nozzle-to-pipe Connections Unit I has cast heads Unit I has cast heads Unit I has cast heads Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 PZR Heater Penetrations PZR Spray nozzle-to-pipe Connections PZR Safety and Relief nozzle-to-pipe Connections PZR Surge nozzle-to-pipe Connections PZR Instrument Connections PZR Drain Nozzle-to-pipe Connections Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Unit 2 weld mitigation through overlay. See RIISI section for exam requirements.
Unit 2 welds mitigated through overlay. See RIISI section for exam requirements.
Unit 2 weld mitigation through overlay. See RIISI section for exam requirements.
Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/I 82 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/I 82 Piping Hot Leg Instrument Connections Piping Cold Leg Instrument Connections Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Page 54 ASME Sec. XI Code Category B-P IS PRGAM PLAN DibloCno r nevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES B115.210 Piping Hot Leg Full Penetration Welds B 15.215 Piping Cold Leg Full Penetration Welds UNIT2 B 15.200 Piping Hot Leg Instrument Connections B 15.205 Piping Cold Leg Instrument Connections B15.210 Piping Hot Leg Full Penetration Welds B15.215 Piping Cold Leg Full Penetration Welds Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Welds do not contain Alloy 600/82/182 Page 55 ASME Sec. XI C~od Category B-Q Diabl gavn3dItevlRv ITEM PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. LINE-TOTL-%RELIEF BLOCK REQ.NOTES 816.10 N/A. DCPP Steam Generators Not Straight Tube Design N/A.N/A.8316.20 , Steam Generator Tubing in U-Tube Design 816.20 Steam Generator Tubing in U-Tube Design Unit 1 Steam Generators Unit 2 Steam Generators
- Tubes are examined as required by Technical Specifications
- Tubes are examined as required by Technical Specifications 1.3-1 "*ET 1.371 *ET Page 56 ASME Sec. Xl 9 Category RIISI IS PR GAM LA NA RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RCS-040 2 Pzr Surge Line*I6-14SPL WIB-69 U 1: 1.4-5 UT 2 TASCS,TT RCS-040 RCS-040 RCS-043 RCS-043 RCS-073 RCS-040 RCS-043 CVCS-01 IA RCS-040 CVCS-007 CVCS-007 SIS-056 SIS-056 Pzr Surge Line Pzr Surge Line Pressurizer Spray Line Pressurizer Spray Line HL Recirc bef V-8702 Pzr Surge Line Pressurizer Spray Line Charging Line Aux Spray Pzr Surge Line Charging Line Loop 3 Charging Line Loop 3 Charging Injection Out Lp 1 CL Charging Injection Out Lp 1 CL*16-14SPL* I6164SPL S6-1 54SPL S6-15-4SPL S6-109-14SPL
- 16-4SPL 56-I 54SPL S6-5 1-2SPL* I6164SPL S6-50-3SPL S6-50-3SPL S6-1991-I.5SPL+
WIB-67 Elbow Between WIB-69/WIB-70 WIB-378 WIB-377 WIB-230 WIB-66 WIB-376 WIB-415 WIB-65A WIB-223 WIB-222 WIB-44 W1B-42 UI: 1.4-5 UI: 1.4-5 U1: 1.4-29 Ut: 1.4-29 UI: 1.4-6 UI: 1.4-5 U1: 1.4-29 UI: 1.4-41 UI: 1.4-5 UI: 1.4-35 UI: 1.4-35 U1: 1.4-66 Uh: 1.4-66 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT PT UT UT UT PT PT TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TASCS TASCS TASCS TASCS, TT TASCS TASCS, T'T TASCS,1TT TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TTr TT Page 57 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI IS PROGAMLANA RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES SIS-061 2 SIS-061 2 RHRS-016 2 RHRS-021 2 RHRS-025 2 RCS-069 4 RCS-007 4 RCS-010 4 RCS-010 4 RCS-024 4 RCS-024 4 RCS-024 4 RCS-010 4 RCS-034 4 Charging Injection Out Lp 3 CL S6-1994-1.5SPL+
Charging Injection Out Lp 3 CL S6-1994-1.5SPL+
RHRHX I Outlet SI-i 18-8111P RHR Injection to Hot Leg 1&2 S1-985-121IIP RHRHX's Outlet Cross-Tie HX 1 S1-2458-8 Loop 4 CL Drain RCDT S6-961-2SPL+
Lp 1 CL RCS Vent/Refill S6-1140-2SPL RC Pump Disch Lp 2 *10-27.5SPL RC Pump Disch Lp 2 *10-27.5SPL RC Out Loop 2 *2-29SPL RC Out Loop 2 *2-29SPL RC Out Loop 2 *2-29SPL RC Pump Disch Lp 2 *10-27.5SPL Loop 2 Crossover Stub S6-1147-3SPL WIB-1 14 WIB-I 15 WIC-35 WIC-95 WIC-31 WIB-339 WIB-28E WlB-RC-2-20 WIB-RC-2-20(SE)
W1B-RC-2-1 (SE)WIB-RC-2-1 WIB-RC-2-2 WIB-RC-2-17 WIB-89A Ul: 1.4-65B PT 2 Ul: 1.4-65B PT 2 U1: 2.2-13 UT 2 UI: 2.2-7 UT 2 UI: 2.2-13 UT 2 UI: 1.4-49 PT 2 UI: 1.4-60 PT 2 UI: 1.4-2 UT 3 Ul: 1.4-2 UT 3 UI: 1.4-2 UT 3 U 1: 1.4-2 UT 3 UI: 1.4-2 UT 3 U 1: 1.4-2 UT 3 U1: 1.4-31 UT 3 TT TT TASCS TASCS TASCS None None None None None None None None None Page 58 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category RIISI IS PRGAMA PAN RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE NOTES SEG. CAT. MECH.RCS-041 4 Loop I Spray Line S6-13-4SPL WIB-416B Ul: 1.4-26 UT 2 None RCS-041 4 Loop I SprayLine S6-13-4SPL WlB-416A UI: 1.4-26 UT 2 None RCS-042 4 Loop I Spray Line S6-13-4SPL WIB-414 UI: 1.4-26 UT I None RCS-042 4 Loop I Spray Line S6-13-4SPL WIB-411 UI: 1.4-26 UT I None RCS-042 4 Pressurizer Spray Line S6-15-4SPL WIB-394 U 1: 1.4-29 UT I None RCS-042 4 Pressurizer Spray Line $6-15-4SPL WIB-387 Ul: 1.4-29 UT 2 None RCS-042 4 Pressurizer Spray Line S6-15-4SPL WIB-386 UI: 1.4-29 UT 2 None RCS-042 4 Pressurizer Spray Line $6-15-4SPL WIB-384 U1: 1.4-29 UT 2 None RCS-042 4 Pressurizer Spray Line $6-15-4SPL WIB-383 Ul: 1.4-29 UT 3 None RCS-045 4 Loop 2 Spray Line $6-14-4SPL WIB-430 UI: 1.4-25 UT 2 None RCS-045 4 Loop 2 Spray Line $6-14-4SPL WIB-428 UI: 1.4-25 UT 2 None RCS-045 4 Loop 2 Spray Line $6-14-4SPL WlB-427 Ul: 1.4-25 UT 2 None RCS-049 4 Pzr Pwr RV PCV-456 $6-1195-3SPL WIB-446 UI: 1.4-39 UT 3 None RCS-049 4 Pzr Pwr RV PCV-456 $6-1195-3SPL WIB-449 UI: 1.4-39 UT 3 None Page 59 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE NOTES SEG. CAT. MECH.RCS-052 4 Pzr Pwr RV PCV-455C S6-1172-3SPL WIB-370 UI: 1.4-24 UT 2 None RCS-052 4 Pzr Pwr RV PCV-455C S6-1172-3SPL WIB-371 U1: 1.4-24 UT 2 None RCS-052 4 Pzr Pwr RV PCV-455C S6-1172-3SPL WlB-372 U1: 1.4-24 UT 2 None RCS-054 4 Pzr Pwr RV PCV-456 S6-1195-3SPL WIB-447 U1: 1.4-39 UT 3 None RCS-056 4 Pzr RV-8010A Inlet S6-729-6SPL+
WIB-316 Ul: 1.4-21 UT 1 None RCS-058 4 Pzr RV-8010B Inlet S6-728-6SPL+
WIB-326 UI: 1.4-22 UT 1 None RCS-060 4 Pzr RV-8010C Inlet S6-727-6SPL+
WIB-335 U1: 1.4-23 UT I None RCS-062 4 Loop I CL Drain RCDT S6-958-2SPL+
WlB-22 U 1: 1.4-46 PT 1 None RCS-064 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 S6-24-3SPL WIB-I 11 Ut: 1.4-37 UT 3 None RCS-064 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 S6-24-3SPL WIB-1 12 U1: 1.4-37 UT 3 None RCS-064 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 S6-24-3SPL WIB-1 16 U 1: 1.4-37 UT 3 None RCS-064 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 S6-24-3SPL WIB-I 18 Ut: 1.4-37 UT 3 None RCS-067 4 Loop 3 CL Drain RCDT S6-960-2SPL+
WIB-251 U 1: 1.4-48 PT I None RCS-074 4 HL Recirc befV-8702 S6-109-14SPL WlB-237 Ut: 1.4-6 UT I None Page 60 ASME Sec. XI 9 Category RIISI RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE NOTES SEG. CAT. MECH.CVCS-008 4 Charging Line Loop 3 S6-50-3SPL WIB-221 Ul: 1.4-35 UT 3 None CVCS-019 4 Cent Charg Pump 1-1 Disch S6-45-4 WIC-45A UI: 2.2-38 UT I None CVCS-021 4 Cent Charg Pump 1-2 Disch S6-46-4 WIC-46A UI: 2.2-41 UT I None CVCS-078 4 Reac Cool Pp 1-3 Seal Wtr In S6-56-2 WIB-1002 Ul: 1.4-44 PT 1 None CVCS-078 4 Reac Cool Pp 1-3 Seal Wtr In S6-56-2 WIB-999 Ul: 1.4-44 PT 1 None CVCS-081 4 Reac Cool Pp 1-4 Seal Wtr In S6-57-2 WlB-1018 Ul: 1.4-45 PT I None CVCS-081 4 Reac Cool Pp 1-4 Seal Wtr In S6-57-2 WlB-1016 UI: 1.4-45 PT I None CVCS-081 4 Reac Cool Pp 1-4 Seal Wtr In S6-57-2 WIB-1010 UI: 1.4-45 PT I None SIS-001 4 Accumulator Inj Loop 1 S6-253-10SPL WIB-39 UI: 1.4-8 UT I None SIS-003 4 Accumulator Inj Loop 3 S6-255-10SPL WIB-207 Ul: 1.4-10 UT 1 None SIS-029 4 Charg Pps Suction From RWST S2-1987-8 WIC-366 U1: 2.2-29 UT 1 None Vlv A SIS-036 4 Charging Injection Inlet S6-2032-6 WIC-348 UI: 2.2-19 UT 1 None SIS-036 4 Charging Injection Out S6-2033-4 RB-2033-4 U 1: 2.2-48 UT I None SIS-036 4 Charging Injection Out S6-2033-4 WIC-2033A UI: 2.2-48 UT I None Page 61 ASME Sec. Xl Coo Category RIISI RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE NOTES SEG. CAT. MECH.SIS-036 4 Charging Inj Out Header S6-1016-3 WIC-1016A UI: 2.2-53 UT 1 None SIS-037 4 Charging inj Out Cold Legs S6-1979-4 W1C-1979A U 1: 2.2-50 UT 1 None SIS-079 4 Safety lnj Loop 2 HL $6-236-6SPL+
WIB-74 Ul: 1.4-14 UT 2 None S1S-094 4 Safety lnj Loop 3 HL $6-237-6SPL+
WIB-173 UI: 1.4-15 UT I None RHRS-006 4 RHR Pp I Disch SI-112-8 WIC-154 UI: 2.2-9A UT 2 None RHRS-006 4 RHRPp I Disch SI-112-8 WIC-145 UI: 2.2-9A UT 2 None RHRS-013 4 RHR Pp 2 Disch SI-113-8 WIC-134 UI: 2.2-9B UT 2 None RHRS-013 4 RHR Pp 2 Disch SI-113-8 WIC-133 U1: 2.2-9B UT 2 None RHRS-015 4 RHRHX 1 Outlet SI-118-8l1P WIC-16D Ut: 2.2-3 UT 2 None RHRS-015 4 RHRHX I Outlet SI-118-8111P WIC-16 U1: 2.2-13 UT 2 None RHRS-015 4 RHRHX I Outlet SI-118-8111P WIC-16H UI: 2.2-13 UT 2 None RHRS-020 4 RHRHX's Outlet Cross-Tie HX2 SI-1669-81II WIC-55 U 1: 2.2-7 UT I None RHRS-020 4 RHRIIX's Outlet Cross-Tie HX2 S I-1669-8111 WIC-89 U 1: 2.2-7 UT I None RHRS-024 4 RHR Sup to Spray Hdrs 1 & 3 SI-279-8111P WIC-22 U 1: 2.2-3 UT 2 None Page 62 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO. ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE NOTES SEG. CAT. MECH.RHRS-024 4 RHR Sup to Spray Hdrs 1 & 3 SI-279-8111P WIC-23 U 1: 2.2-3 UT 2 None RHRS-027 4 R1IRHX 2 Outlet SI-119-8111 WIC-45C UI: 2.2-14 UT I None RHRS-027 4 RHRHX 2 Outlet Si-i 19-8111 WIC-45E UI: 2.2-14 UT I None RHRS-029 4 RHR Pp Inj Cold Leg Pp 1-2 SI-i 19-8111 WIC-64 U 1:2.2-14 UT 1 None RHRS-030 4 RHR to SIS Pp 1-2 & Cont Spr SI-735-8111P+
WIC-70 UI: 2.2-16 UT I None RHRS-030 4 RHR to SIS Pp 1-2 & Cont Spr SI-735-81ItP+
WIC-71 U 1: 2.2-16 UT I None RHRS-034 4 RHR Injection to Hot Leg 1&2 SI-985-12111P WIC-264 UI: 2.2-6 UT I None RHRS-034 4 RHR Injection to Hot Leg l&2 SI-985-1211IP WIC-258 UI: 2.2-5 UT I None RWST-004 4 RWST Out Hdr S2-221-18 RB-221-7 U 1: 2.2-83 UT 3 None RWST-012 4 Containment Spray Wtr Supply S2-261-12 RB-261-14 Ut: 2.2-86 UT 3 None RWST-012 4 Containment Spray Wtr Supply S2-261-12 RB-261-15 UI: 2.2-86 UT 3 None RWST-012 4 Containment Spray Wtr Supply S2-261-12 RB-261-4 U1: UT 3 None RWST-012 4 Containment Spray Wtr Supply S2-261-12 RB-261-19 U1: UT 3 None CCW-001 4 RC Pps Barrier CCW Ret Hdr K17-1357-6 WIC-1357A U1: 2.2-37 UT 3 None Page 63 ASME Sec. XI 9 oelCategory RIISI IS P~ROGAM LAN RISK SEG.RISK PARTS EXAMINED CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG.NDE PER.DAMAGE MECH.NOTES CCW-002 FWS-006 FWS-006 FWS-012 CVCS-010 SIS-007 SIS-077 NOTE >>Above note applicable for IR16 Above note applicable for IR16 Above note applicable for 1R16 Above note applicable for 1R16 4 5a(3)5a(3)5a(3)5a 5a 5a RC Pps Barrier CCW Ret Hdr Steam Gen 1-1 Feed Wtr Sup Steam Gen 1-1 Feed Wtr Sup Steam Gen 1-4 Feed Wtr Sup Charging Line Loop 3 Accumulator Inj Loop I Safety lnj Loop 2 HL K17-1357-6 K16-554-16 K16-554-16 K16-556-16
RB-1357-6 WICG94-IC WICG94-IB WICG-94-4B WIB-225 WIB-42 WIB-77 UI: 2.2-37 U 1: 2.2-25 UI: 2.2-25 UI: 2.2-28 UI: 1.4-35 UI: 1.4-8 UI: 1.4-14 U 1:1.4-1 U1:1.4-2 U 1:1.4-3 U 1:1.4-4 U 1:1.4-1 U 1:1.4-2 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 None TASCS, (FAC)TASCS, (FAC)TASCS, (FAC)TASCS, TT IGSCC IGSCC 4 4 4 4 4 4 RC Out Loop I RC Out Loop 2 RC Out Loop 3 RC Out Loop 4 RC Out Loop 1 RC Out Loop 2*-1-29 SPL*-2-29 SPL*-3-29 SPL*-4-29 SPL*-1-29 SPL*-2-29 SPL W1B-RC-I -I (SE)W113-RC I (SE)WIB-RC-3-1(SE)
UT UT UT UT UT UT 2 2 2 2 3 3 None None None None None None Relief NDE-RCS-SE-IRI6 approved (TAC no.ME3942) for alt. depth sizing qual. RMS value for MRP-139 exams bv Westinghouse in IR16: CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, Dlaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.Page 64 ASME See. X1 9 oeCategory RIISI ISI PRGAM PLAN DiaboCno r nevlRv RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.151 DWG.NDE PER.DAMAGE MECH.NOTES Above note applicable for 1R16 Above note applicable for 1R16 Above note applicable for IR16 Above note applicable for 1R16 4 RC Out Loop 3 *-3-29 SPL WIB-RC-3-I(SE)
U 1:1.4-3 UT 3 4 RC Out Loop 4 *-4-29 SPL WIB-RC I(SE) U 1:1.4-4 UT 3 4 RC In Loop 1 *-9-27 / SPL WIB-RC-I-18(SE)
U1:1.4-1 UT 2 4 RC In Loop 2 *-10-27 V2 SPL WIB-RC-2-20(SE)
U1:1.4-2 UT 2 4 RC In Loop 3 *-I1-27 V SPL WIB-RC-3-18(SE)
U 1: 1.4-3 UT 2 4 RC In Loop 4 *-12-27 1/2 SPL WIB-RC-4-18(SE)
U1:1.4-4 UT 2 10% of class I non-socket welds are to be examined; of 519 class I non-socket welds (counting surge line elbow) 52 welds selected.All (19) high risk welds (Cat. 2) will be examined in periods 2 & 3 per interval 2 commitment.
106 welds selected for examination, 105/3 = 35, 35 welds or 33.3% selected per period.None None None None None None CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, vlaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. vlaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. olaced here as logical location.+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++RCS-045 RCS-045 RCS-045 RCS-049 2 2 2 2 Pressurizer Surge Line Pressurizer Surge Line Pressurizer Surge Line Pressurizer Spray Line 2*-16-14SPL 2*-16-14SPL 2*-16-14SPL 256-I 5-4SPL W1B-434 WIB-436 Elbow Between WIB-436 and WIB-437 WIB-342 U2: 1.4-5 U2: 1.4-5 U2: 1.4-5 U2: 1.4-26 UT UT UT UT 2 2 3 TASCS, Tr TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TASCS Page 65 ASME Sec. X1 #oeategory RIISI ISI PROGAM LA RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RCS-049 RCS-079 RCS-079 RCS-045 RCS-045 RCS-045 CVCS-008A CVCS-005 CVCS-005 CVCS-008B SIS-054 S1S-054 SIS-055 SIS-055 Pressurizer Spray Line Hot Leg Recirc Before V-8702 Hot Leg Recirc Before V-8702 Pressurizer Surge Line Pressurizer Surge Line Pressurizer Surge Line Charging Line Aux Spray Charging Line Loop 3 Charging Line Loop 3 Charging Line Aux Spray Boron Inj Tk Out Loop 2 Cold Boron Inj Tk Out Loop 2 Cold Boron Inj Tk Out Loop 3 Cold Boron Inj Tk Out Loop 3 Cold 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-109-14SPL 2S6-109-14SPL 2*-16-14SPL 2*-16-14SPL 2*-16-14SPL 2S6-51-2SPL+
WIB-343 WIB-245 WIB-248 WIB-433B WIB-433A WIB-435 WIB-790 WIB-187 WIB-186 WIB-789 WIB-564-04 WIB-563-04 WIB-660 WIB-659 U2: 1.4-26 U2: 1.4-10 U2: 1.4-10 U2: 1.4-5 U2: 1.4-5 U2:1.4-5 U2:1.4-37 U2: 1.4-31 U2:1.4-31 U2:1.4-37 U2: 1.4-62 U2: 1.4-62 U2: 1.4-64 U2: 1.4-64 UT UT UT UT UT UT PT UT UT PT PT PT PT PT TASCS TASCS TASCS TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TASCS, TT TT TT TT TT TT 70-27SL Pipe Clamp over weld, move clamp to examine Page 66 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI ISI PRGAM LA NA RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES SIS-056 SIS-056 RHRS-0 15 RHRS-020 RHRS-020 RCS-007 RCS-007 RCS-009 RCS-009 RCS-026 RCS-026 RCS-036 RCS-036 RCS-037 Boron Inj Tk Out Loop 4 Cold Boron lnj Tk Out Loop 4 Cold Res Ht Exchanger 1 Outlet RHR Injection to Hot Leg 1&2 RHR Injection to Hot Leg 1 &2 Loop I Cold Leg RTD Conn Loop I Cold Leg RTD Conn Reac Coolant Pp Disch Loop 2 Reac Coolant Pp Disch Loop 2 Reactor Coolant Out Loop 2 Reactor Coolant Out Loop 2 Reac Coolant Pp Suct Loop 2 Reac Coolant Pp Suct Loop 2 Loop 2 RTD Manifold Ret Hdr 2S6-1994-1-I/2SPL+
2S1- 118-8111 2S1-985-1211P 2S1-985-121IIP 2S6-1140-2SPL 2S6-1140-2SPL 2*-10-27-1/2SPL 2*-10-27-1/2SPL 2*-2-29SPL 2*-2-29SPL 2*-6-31SPL 2*-6-31SPL 2S6-1147-3SPL WIB-736-04 WIB-735 WIC-68 WIC-127 WIC-128 WIB-975G WIB-975H WIB-RC-2-15 WIB-RC-2-16(SE)
WIB-RC-2-1 (SE)WIB-RC-2-2 WIB-RC-2-3 WIB-RC-2-13 WIB-124A U2: 1.4-66 U2: 1.4-66 U2: 2.2-26A U2: 2.2-3 U2: 2.2-3 U2: 1.4-55 U2: 1.4-55 U2: 1.4-2 U2: 1.4-2 U2: 1.4-2 U2: 1.4-2 U2: 1.4-2 U2: 1.4-2 U2:1.4-28 PT PT UT UT UT PT PT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT'T TT TASCS TASCS TASCS None None None None None None None None None 414-583V pipe clamp and shielding must be removed Page 67
.0 0 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI S PRGAM PAN RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RCS-047 4 Loop I Spray Line RCS-047 RCS-047 RCS-047 RCS-048 RCS-048 RCS-048 RCS-048 RCS-051 RCS-051 RCS-051 RCS-053 RCS-053 RCS-055 Loop I Spray Line Loop I Spray Line Loop 1 Spray Line Pressurizer Spray Line Pressurizer Spray Line Pressurizer Spray Line Pressurizer Spray Line Loop 2 Spray Line Loop 2 Spray Line Loop 2 Spray Line Pressurizer RV PCV-455C In Pressurizer RV PCV-455C In Pressurizer PWR RV PCV 456 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-13-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-15-4SPL 2S6-14-4SPL 2S6-14-4SPL 2S6-14-4SPL 2S6-4081-4SPL 2S6-4081-4SPL 2S6-I 195-3SPL+WIB-59A WIB-59B WIB-65C WIB-65D WIB-332 WIB-333 WIB-335 WIB-336 WIB-91 WIB-89 WIB-88 WLB-393 W113-394 WIB-4 13 U2:1.4-23 UT 1 None U2: 1.4-23 U2: 1.4-23 U2: 1.4-23 U2: 1.4-26 U2: 1.4-26 U2: 1.4-26 U2: 1.4-26 U2: 1.4-25 U2: 1.4-25 U2: 1.4-24 U2: 1.4-22 U2: 1.4-22 U2:1.4-36 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 1 None 2 None 2 None 2 None 1 None 2 None 2 None 2 None 1 None I None 3 None 3 None 1 None Page 68 ASME See. XI 9 oeCategory RIISI S PRGAM PAN DiaboCno r nevlRv RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RCS-056 RCS-058 RCS-060 RCS-064 RCS-066 RCS-066 RCS-068 RCS-070 RCS-070 RCS-070 RCS-070 RCS-071 RCS-080 CVCS-002 4 Pressurizer PWR RV PCV 474 4 Pressurizer PWR RV PCV 455C 4 Pressurizer PWR RV PCV 456 4 Pressurizer RV 80 1OB Inlet 4 Pressurizer RV 8010C Inlet 4 Pressurizer RV 8010C Inlet 4 Loop 1 Cold Leg Drain RCDT 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 4 Letdown Line Loop 2 4 Loop 2 Cold Leg Drain RCDT 4 Hot Leg Recirc Before V-8702 4 Charging Line Loop 4 2S6-1171-3SPL+
2S6-109-14SPL 2S6-246-3SPL+
WIB-410 WIB-402 WIB-421 WIB-425 WIB-360 WIB-362 WIB-503 WIB-143A WIB-143B WIB-147 WIB-148 WIB-1009 WIB-251A WIB-314 U2: 1.4-34 U2: 1.4-35 U2: 1.4-36 U2: 1.4-20 U2: 1.4-21 U2: 1.4-21 U2: 1.4-44 U2: 1.4-33 U2: 1.4-33 U2: 1.4-33 U2: 1.4-33 U2: 1.4-45 U2: 1.4-10 U2: 1.4-31 UT UT UT UT UT UT PT UT UT UT UT PT UT UT None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Page 69 ASME Sec. XI feCategory RI 151 ISI PROGAM PLA RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES CVCS-002 CVCS-015 CVCS-017 CVCS-064 CVCS-067 CVCS-067 CVCS-067 CVCS-070 CVCS-070 CVCS-070 CVCS-070 CVCS-073 SIS-001 SIS-004 Charging Line Loop 4 Cent Charg Pump I Discharge Cent Charg Pump 2 Discharge Reac Cool Pp 1 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 2 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 2 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 2 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 3 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 3 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 3 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 3 Seal Wtr In Reac Cool Pp 4 Seal Wtr In Accumulator Injection Loop I Accumulator Injection Loop 4 2S6-246-3SPL+
2S6-45-4 2S6-46-4 2S6-54-2 2S6-55-2 2S6-5398-1-1/2 2S6-5398-1-1/2 2S6-56-2 2S6-56-2 2S6-56-1-1/2 2S6-56-1-1/2 2S6-57-1-1/2 2S6-253-10SPL+
WIB-312 WIC-45A WIC-46A WIB-848 WIB-864 WIB-858N WIB-8581 WIB-875 WIB-870W WIB-870S WIB-870J WIB-883K WIB-39 WIB-291 U2: 1.4-31 U2: 2.2-38 U2: 2.2-41 U2: 1.4-40 U2: 1.4-41 U2: 1.4-41 U2: 1.4-41 U2: 1.4-42 U2:1.4-42 U2: 1.4-42 U2:1.4-42 U2: 1.4-43 U2: 1.4-6 U2: 1.4-9 UT UT UT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT UT UT None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Pipe clamp must be moved to examine (A0622116)
Page 70 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI ISI PRGAM, PAN DialC no 3r InevlRvI RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES SIS-028 SIS-032 SIS-032 SIS-032 SIS-032 SIS-033 SIS-034 SIS-088 SIS-088 RHRS-007 RHRS-007 RHRS-010 RIIRS-012 RHRS-012 Charg Pps Suction From RWST Boron Injection Tank Inlet Boron Injection Tank Inlet Boron Injection Tank Outlet Boron Inj Tank Out Header Charging Pumps Disch Emerg 1 Boron Inj Tk Out Cold Legs Safety lnj Loop 3 Hot Leg Safety Inj Loop 3 Hot Leg Residual Ht Rem Pp 1 Disch Residual Ht Rem Pp 1 Disch RHR to Charg Pps Suction Residual Ht Rem Pp 2 Disch Residual Ht Rem Pp 2 Disch 2S2-1987-8 2S6-2032-6111 2S6-2032-6111 2S6-2033-411I 2S6-1016-3II1+
2S6-1979-4111 2S6-237-6SPL+
2S 1- 112-8111 2S 1-112-8111 2S1-1971-8111P 2S1-113-8111 2S1-113-8111 WIC-1053 WIC-1033 WIC-319A WIC-2033A WIC-1016A WIC-1974A WIC-1979A WIB-235 WIB-234 WIC-37 WIC-38 WIC-l110 RB-i 13-4 RB-I 13-5 U2: 2.2-28 U2: 2.2-15 U2: 2.2-15 U2:2.2-48 U2: 2.2-53 U2: 2.2-46 U2: 2.2-50 U2:1.4-13 U2: 1.4-13 U2: 2.2-8 U2: 2.2-8 U2: 2.2-2 U2: 2.2-9 U2: 2.2-9 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Page 71 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category RIISI ISI PRGAM PLAN RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RHRS-014 RHRS-014 RHRS-014 RHRS-021 RHRS-023 RHRS-025 RHRS-026 RHRS-026 RHRS-028 RHRS-029 RHRS-029 RHRS-033 RHRS-033 RWST-004 Res Ht Exchanger I Outlet Res Ht Exchanger 1 Outlet Res Ht Exchanger 1 Outlet RHR Injection to Hot Leg I &2 RHR Sup to Spray Hdrs I & 3 RHR Exchs Outlet Cross-Tie Res Ht Exchanger 2 Outlet Res Ht Exchanger 2 Outlet Res Ht Exchanger 2 Outlet RHR to SIS Pp 1-2 & Cont Spr RHR to SIS Pp 1-2 & Cont Spr RHR Injection to Hot Leg I &2 RHR Injection to Hot Leg 1 &2 Refueling Wtr Stg Tk Out Hdr 2S -118-8111 2S1-118-8111 2S 1-118-81II 2S1-985-12111P 2S1 -279-811P 2S1-2458-8111 2S 1-119-8111 2S 1- 119-8111 2S 1-1 19-8111 2S1-735-8111P 2SI -735-81IIP 2S1-985-12111P 2S1-985-12111P 2S2-221-18 WIC-57C WIC-57G WIC-57H WIC-131 WIC-121 WIC-125 RB- 119-11 RB-1 19-12 RB-I 19-33 WIC-269 WIC-270 WIC-134 WIC-149B RB-221-15 U2: 2.2-26B U2: 2.2-26A U2: 2.2-26A U2: 2.2-3 U2: 2.2-29 U2: 2.2-3 U2: 2.2-27B U2: 2.2-27B U2: 2.2-27A U2:2.2-11 U2: 2.2-11 U2: 2.2-4 U2: 2.2-5 U2: UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Page 72 ASME Sec. XI Q Category RIISI ISI PROGAMPLAN RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG. NDE PER. DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RWST-0 I1 RWST-0 11 RWST-013 RWST-013 CCW-001 CCW-001 FWS-006 FWS-006 FWS-0 I1 CVCS-007 SIS-009 SIS-072 RCS-046 RCS-050 4 4 4 4 4 4 5a(3)5a(3)5a(3)5a 5a 5a 2 4 Refuel Water Purif Pp Suct Refuel Water Purif Pp Suct Containment Spray Wtr Supply Containment Spray Wtr Supply RC Pps Barrier CCW Ret Hdr RC Pps Barrier CCW Ret Hdr Stm Gen 1 Feedwater Supply Stm Gen 1 Feedwater Supply Stm Gen 3 Feedwater Supply Charging Line Loop 3 Accumulator Injection Loop 2 Safety Inj Loop 2 Hot Leg Pressurizer Surge Line Pressurizer Spray Line 2S2-222-4 2S2-222-4 2S2-261-12 2S2-261-12 2K17-1357-6 2K17-1357-6 2K16-554-161V 2K16-554-161V 2K16-557-161V 2S6-50-3SPL+
2*-16-I4SPL 2S6-1 54SPL RB-222-13 RB-222-14 RB-261-15 RB-261-16 WIC-1357C WIC-1357B W1CG-0 1-IA WICG 102-1 RB-557-17 WIB-190 WIB-168 WIB-1 10 WIB-438/WlB-439(SE)(OL)WIB-345/WIB-345(SE)(OL)
U2: U2: U2: U2: U2: 2.2-36 U2: 2.2-36 U2: 2.2-21 U2: 2.2-21 U2: 2.2-23 U2:1.4-31 U2: 1.4-7 U2: 1.4-12 U2: 1.4-5 U2: 1.4-26 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT None None None None None None TASCS, (FAC)TASCS, (FAC)TASCS, (FAC)TASCS, TT IGSCC IGSCC TT None Support 70-5SL must be moved to access.Page 73 ASME Sec.XI 9 oeCategory RIISI ISI PROGRAMPA DiaboCn r Inera Re.RISK SEG.RISK PARTS EXAMINED CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG.NDE PER.DAMAGE MECH.NOTES RCS-053 RCS-062 RCS-064 RCS-066 RCS-064 RCS-066 NOTE >>Above note applicable for 2R16 Above note applicable for 2R16 Above note applicable for 2R16 Above note applicable for 2R16 4 4 4 4 4 4 Pressurizer Power RV Inlet Pressurizer RV 801 0A Inlet Pressurizer RV 80101B Inlet Pressurizer RV 8010C Inlet Pressurizer RV 8010B Inlet Pressurizer RV 801 OC Inlet RC Out Loop I RC Out Loop 2 RC Out Loop 3 RC Out Loop 4 RC Out Loop 1 RC Out Loop 2 RC Out Loop 3 S6-730-6SPL+
- -1-29 SPL*-2-29 SPL*-3-29 SPL*-4-29 SPL*-1-29 SPL*-2-29 SPL*-3-29 SPL WIB-380/WIB-380(SE)(OL)WIB-369/WIB-369(SE)(OL)WIB-423/WIB-423(SE)(OL)WIB-359/W1B-359(SE)(OL)WIB-423/WIB-423(SE)(OL)WIB-359/WIB-359(SE)(OL)WIB-RC-I-I(SE)
WIB-RC- 1-1 (SE)WIB-RC-2-1(SE)
U2: 1.4-22 U2: 1.4-19 U2: 1.4-20 U2: 1.4-21 U2: 1.4-20 U2: 1.4-21 U2:1.4-1 U2:1.4-2 U2:1.4-3 U2:1.4-4 U2:1.4-1 U2:1.4-2 U2:1.4-3 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT None None None None None None 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 None None None None None None None Relief NDE-RCS-SE-2R 16 approved (TAC no.ME4577) for alt. depth sizing qual. RMS value for MRP-139 exams bv Westinghouse in 2R116: CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIIS1 selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIIS1 selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RIISI selection process, olaced here as logical location.Page 74 ASME Sec. XI Code Category RIISI II PO RAMA PAN RISK RISK PARTS EXAMINED SEG. CAT.COMP/LINE WELD/COMP NO.ISI DWG.NDE PER.DAMAGE MECH.NOTES Above note applicable for 2R16 Above note applicable for 2R16 Above note applicable for 2R16 Above note applicable for 2R16 4 RC Out Loop 4 *-4-29 SPL WIB-RC-4-1(SE)
U2:1.4-4 UT 3 4 RC In Loop 1 *-9-27 1/2/2 SPL WIB-RC-1-16(SE)
U2:1.4-1 UT 2 4 RC In Loop 2 *- 10-27 1/2/2 SPL WIB-RC-2-16(SE)
U2:1.4-2 UT 2 4 RC In Loop 3 *-11-27 1/22 SPL WIB-RC-3-16(SE)
U2:1.4-3 UT 2 4 RC In Loop 4 *-12-27 1/2/2 SPL WIB-RC-4-16(SE)
U2:1.4-4 UT 2 10% of class I non-socket welds are to be examined; of 527 class 1 non-socket welds (counting surge line elbow) 53 welds are selected.All (23) high risk welds (Cat. 2) will be examined in periods 2 & 3 per interval 2 commitment.
114 welds selected for examination, 114/3 = 38, 38 welds or 33.3% selected per period.None None None None None CC N-770 requires examination every 5 years (tHot<625).
Not part of RI1SI selection process, placed here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd perlod not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection orocess. olaced here as logical location.CC N-770 requires examination every 2nd period not to exceed 7 years. Not part of RIISI selection process. olaced here as logical location.Page 75 ASME Sec. XI Code CategoUnit 1 Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Ii Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segment Welds in SegmentWeld Count Sketch System Segment I Cateory I Rank ID Rank DMs [Rank oins i 1RCS RCS-025 2 High 1-RCS06 High TASCS, "T Medium *-16-14 WIB-RC-2-3 1 1.4-2 1RCS RCS-040 2 High 1-RCS13 High TASCS, TT Medium *-16-14 WIB-70, VIB69, WIB-68, WIB-67, WlB-5A, WIB- 7 1.4-5 66, WIB-65, Elbow Between WIB-69 and WIB-70 (does not count as a weld)1RCS RCS-043 2 High 1-RCS14B High TASCS Medium S6-15-4 WIB-378, WIB-377, WIB-376, WIB-375 4 1.4-29 1RCS RCS-073 2 High 1-SI05B High TASCS Medium S6-109-14 WIB-228, WIB-229, WIB-230, WIB-231, WIB-236 5 1.4-6 1 RCS RCS-001 2 High 1-RCS-04 High TT Medium S6-246-3 WIB-RC-4-15 1 1.4-4 1 RCS RCS-002 2 High 1-CVCS02A High UT Medium S6-50-3 WIB-RC-3-15 1 1.4-3 1RCS RCS-008 2 High 1-RCS01A High TT Medium S6-1991-1-1/2 WIB-41A 1 1.4-1 1 RCS RCS-013 2 High 1 -RCS02 High UT Medium S6-1992-1-1/2 WIB-159A 1 1.4-2 1 RCS RCS-017 2 High 1 -RCS03 High TT Medium S6-1993-1-1/2 WIB-273A 1 1.4-3 1RCS RCS-021 2 High 1-RCS04 High TT Medium S6-1994-1-1/2 WIB-117A 1 1.4-4 1RCS RCS-039 2 High 1-RCS13 High TT Medium *-16-14 WIB-71(SE)*, WIB-71 2 1.4-5 1 RCS RCS-051 2 High 1-RCS17A High UT Medium S6-1171-3 WIB-356 1 1.4-24 1RCS RCS-053 2 High 1-RCS17B High TT Medium S6-1172-3 WIB-373 1 1.4-24 1RCS RCS-055 2 High 1-RCS17C High UT Medium S6-1195-3 WIB-455 1 1.4-39 1RCS RCS-057 2 High 1-RCS18A High TT Medium S6-729-6 WIB-321 1 1.4-21 1RCS RCS-059 2 High 1-RCS18B High U- Medium S6-728-6 WIB-330 1 1.4-22 1RCS RCS-061 2 High 1-RCS18C High UT Medium S6-727-6 WIB-339 1 1.4-23 2CVCS CVCS-011A 2 High 1-CVCSO4A High TASCS,"U Medium S6-51-2 WIB-415 1 1.4-41 2CVCS CVCS-007 2 High 1-CVCS02A High TASCS, U Medium S6-50-3 WIB-224, WIB-223, WIB-222 3 1.4-35 2CVCS CVCS-001 2 High 1-CVCS01A High TT Medium S6-246-3 WIB-296 1 1.4-34 2CVCS CVCS-003 2 High 1-CVCS01A High U- Medium S6-246-3 WIB-292 1 1.4-34 2CVCS CVCS-009 2 High 1-CVCS02A High TT Medium S6-50-3 WIB-220 1 1.4-35 2CVCS CVCS-011B 2 High 1-CVCS04A High TT Medium S6-51-2 WIB-416 1 1.4-41 3SIS SIS-056 2 High 1-CVCS13A High U- Medium S6-1991-1-1/2 WIB-44, WIB-43, WIB-42, WIB-41 4 1.4-66 3SIS SIS-059 2 High 1-CVCS13B High TT Medium S6-1992-1-1/2 WIB-162, WIB-161, WIB-160, WIB-159 4 1.4-69 3SIS SIS-060 2 High 1-CVCS13C High U" Medium S6-1993-1-1/2 WIB-276, WIB-275, WIB-274, WIB-273 4 1.4-71 3SIS SIS-061 2 High 1-CVCS13D High TU Medium S6-1994-1-1/2 WIB-114, WIB-115, WIB-116, WIB-117 4 1.4-65B 4RHRS RHRS-016 2 High 1-RHR06 High TASCS Medium S1-118-8 WIC-34, WIC-35 2 2.2-13 4RHRS RHRS-019 2 High 1-RHR06 High TASCS Medium S1-1669-8 WIC-54 1 2.2-7 4RHRS RHRS-021 2 High 1-RHR06 High TASCS Medium S1-985-12 WIC-95, WIC-96, WIC-97 3 2.2-7 Page ASME Sec. X1 Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Diablo Cavo 3 d Itr al Rv Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Sste Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segmen Welds in Segment [Weld Count etc St Segment J Category Rank ID Rank DMs Rank [1 W No(s).4RHRS RHRS-023 2 High 1-RHR06 High TASCS Medium Sl-2212-8 WIC-82, WIC-81, WIC-80 3 2.2-7 4RHRS RHRS-025 2 High 1-RHR06 High TASCS Medium Sl-2458-8 WIC-31 1 2.2-13 4RHRS RHRS-028 2 High 1-RHR06 High TASCS Medium S1-119-8 WIC-58, WIC-59 2 2.2-14 1RCS RCS-004 4 Medium 1-RCS01 High None Low *-9-27-1/2 WIB-RC-1-13, WIB-RC-1-16, WIB-RC-1-17, WIB-RC- 5 1.4-1 1-18, WIB-RC-1-18(SE)*
1RCS RCS-005 4 Medium 1-RCS01 High None Low S6-253-10 WIB-RC-1-14 1 1.4-1 1RCS RCS-006 4 Medium 1-RCS01 High None Low S6-1140-2 WIB-26A 1 1.4-1 1RCS RCS-007 4 Medium 1-RCS01A High None Low S6-1140-2 WIB-26, WIB-27, WIB-28, WIB-28A, WIB-28B, WIB- 8 1.4-60 28C, WIB-28D, WIB-28E 1RCS RCS-010 4 Medium 1-RCS02 High None Low *-10-27-1/2 WIB-RC-2-15, WIB-RC-2-17, WIB-RC-2-19, WIB-RC- 5 1.4-2 2-20. WIB-RC-2-20(SEr*
1RCS RCS-011 4 Medium 1-RCS02 High None Low S6-254-10 WIB-RC-2-16 1 1.4-2 1RCS RCS-012 4 Medium 1-RCS02 High None Low S6-1146-2 WIB-144A, WIB-144B, WIB-144C 3 1.4-2 1.4-61 1RCS RCS-014 4 Medium 1-RCS03 High None Low *-11-27-1/2 WIB-RC-3-13, WIB-RC-3-16, WIB-RC-3-17, WIB-RC- 5 1.4-3 3-18, WlB-RC-3-18(SE)*
1RCS RCS-015 4 Medium 1-RCS03 High None Low S6-255-10 WIB-RC-3-14 11.4-3 Page 77 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segmen Welds in Segment Weld Count S System Segment Category Rank ID RankRank 1 1 No(s).1RCS RCS-016 4 Medium 1-RCS03 High None Low S6-1152-2 WIB-255A, WIB-255B, WIB-255C 3 1.4-3 1.4-62 1RCS RCS-018 4 Medium 1-RCS04 High None Low *-12-27-1/2 WIB-RC-4-13, WIB-RC-4-16, WIB-RC-4-17, WIB-RC- 5 1.4-4 4-18, WIB-RC-4-18(SE)*
1RCS RCS-019 4 Medium 1-RCS04 High None Low S6-256-10 WIB-RC-4-14 1 1.4-4 1RCS RCS-020 4 Medium 1-RCS04 High None Low S6-1159-2 WIB-349A, WIB-349B, WIB-349C 3 1.4-4 1.4-63 1RCS RCS-022 4 Medium 1-RCS05 High None Low *-1-29 WIB-RC-1-1(SE)*, WIB-RC-1-1, WIB-RC-1-2, WIB- 6 1.4-1 RC-1-4, WIB-RC-1-5, WIB-RC-1-5(SE)*
1RCS RCS-023 4 Medium 1-RCS05 High None Low S6-235-6 WIB-RC-1-3 1 1.4-1 1RCS RCS-024 4 Medium 1-RCS06 High None Low *-2-29 WlB-RC-2-1(SE)*, WIB-RC-2-1, WIB-RC-2-2, WIB- 6 1.4-2 RC-2-5, WIB-RC-2-6, WlB-RC-2-6(SE)*
1 RCS RCS-026 4 Medium 1 -RCS06 High None Low S6-236-6 WIB-RC-2-4 1 1.4-2 1RCS RCS-027 4 Medium 1-RCS07 High None Low *-3-29 WIB-RC-3-1(SE)*, WIB-RC-3-1, WIB-RC-3-2, WIB- 6 1.4-3 RC-3-4, WIB-RC-3-5, WIB-RC-3-5(SE)*
1 RCS RCS-028 4 Medium 1 -RCS07 High None Low S6-237-6 WIB-RC-3-3 1 1.4-3 1RCS RCS-029 4 Medium 1-RCS08 High None Low *-4-29 WIB-RC-4-1(SE)*, WIB-RC-4-1, WIB-RC-4-2, WIB- 6 1.4-4 RC-4-4, WIB-RC-4-5, WlB-RC-4-5(SE)*
1RCS RCS-030 4 Medium 1-RCS08 High None Low S6-109-14 WIB-RC-4-3 1 1.4-4 1RCS RCS-031 4 Medium 1-RCS09 High None Low *-5-31 WIB-RC-1-6(SE)*, WIB-RC-1-6, WIB-RC-1-7, WIB- 7 1.4-1 RC-1-8, WIB-RC-1-9, WIB-RC-1-11, WIB-RC-1-12 1RCS RCS-032 4 Medium 1-RCS09 High None Low S6-1141-3 WIB-RC-1-10, WIB-19A 2 1.4-1 1_ 1.4-30 1RCS RCS-033 4 Medium 1-RCS10 High None Low *-6-31 WIB-RC-2-7(SE)*, WIB-RC-2-7, WIB-RC-2-8, WIB- 7 1.4-2 RC-2-9, WIB-RC-2-10, WIB-RC-2-13, WIB-RC-2-14 1RCS RCS-034 4 Medium 1-RCS10 High None Low S6-1147-3 WIB-RC-2-11, WIB-89, WIB-89A 3 1.4-2 1.4-31 1RCS RCS-035 4 Medium 1-RCS11 High None Low *-7-31 WIB-RC-3-6(SE)*, WIB-RC-3-6, WIB-RC-3-7, WIB- 7 1.4-3 RC-3-8, WIB-RC-3-9, WIB-RC-3-1 1, WIB-RC-3-12 I RCS RCS-036 4 Medium 1-RCS11 High None Low S6-1153-3 WIB-RC-3-10, WIB-182A 2 1.4-3 1.4-32 1RCS RCS-037 4 Medium 1-RCS12 High None Low *-8-31 WlB-RC-4-6(SE)*, WIB-RC-4-6, WIB-RC-4-7, WIB- 7 1.4-4 RC-4-8, WIB-RC-4-9, WIB-RC-4-1 1, WIB-RC-4-12 1RCS RCS-038 4 Medium 1-RCS12 High None Low S6-1158-3 WIB-RC-4-10, WIB-249A 2 1.4-33 1 1_ 1 1.4-4 Page 78 0 o ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables II PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
..Risk Characterization Consuence Failure Potential 1ines in Segmen Welds in Segment WeldCount Sketch Segment 3 Category Rank ID Rank DMs Rank No(s).1RCS RCS-041 4 Medium 1-RCS14A High None Low S6-13-4 WIB-RC-1-15, WIB-55, WIB-56, WIB-57, WIB-58, 15 1.4-1 WIB-59, WIB-60, WIB-61, WIB-62, WIB-63, WIB-64, 1.4-26 WIB-418, WIB-417, WIB-416B, WIB-416A 1.4-27 1RCS RCS-042 4 Medium 1-RCS14B High None Low S6-13-4 WIB-415B, WIB-415A, WIB-414, WIB-413, WIB-412, 39 1.4-25 WIB-411, WIB-410, WIB-409, WIB-408, WIB-407, 1.4-26 WIB-406, WIB-405, WIB-404, WIB-403, WIB-402, 1.4-29 WIB-401 S6-15-4 WIB-400, WIB-399, WIB-398, WIB-397, WIB-396, WIS-395, WIB-394, WIB-393, WIB-392, WIB-391, WIB-390, WIB-389, WIB-388, WIB-387, WIB-386, WIB-385, WIB-384, WIB-383, WIB-382A, WIB-382, WIR-R81 WIR-.R8 WIR-379 1RCS RCS-044 4 Medium 1-RCS14B High None Low S6-15-4 WIB-374A(SE)*, WIB-374A 2 1.4-29 1RCS RCS-045 4 Medium 1-RCS14B High None Low S6-14-4 WIB-432B, WIB-432A, WIB-431, WIB-430, WIB-429, 15 1.4-25 WIB-428, WIB-427, WIB-426, WIB-425, WIB-424, 1.4-28 WIB-423, WIB-422, WIB-421, WIB-420, WIB-419 1RCS RCS-046 4 Medium 1-RCS15A High None Low S6-14-4 WIB-RC-2-18, WIB-444, WIB-443, WIB-442, WIB- 14 1.4-2 441, WIB-440, WIB-439, WIB-438, WIB-437, WIB- 1.4-28 436, WIB-435, WIB-434, WIB-433B, WIB-433A 1RCS RCS-047 4 Medium 1-RCS16 High None Low S6-730-6 WIB-340(SE)*, WIB-340, WIB-341, WIB-342, WIB- 21 1.4-24 343, WIB-344, WIB-345, WIB-346, WIB-347, WIB-357, WIB-358, WIB-359, WIB-360 S6-4081-4 WIB-361, WIB-362, WIB-363, WIB-364 I I S6-1172-3 WIB-365, WIB-366, WIB-367, WIB-368 1RCS RCS-048 4 Medium 1-RCS16 High None Low S6-1171-3 WIB-348, WIB-349, WIB-350, WIB-351 4 1.4-24 1RCS RCS-049 4 Medium 1-RCS16 High None Low S6-1195-3 WIB-445, WIB-446, WIB-447, WIB-448, WIB-449, 6 1.4-39 WIB-450 1RCS RCS-050 4 Medium 1-RCS17A High None Low S6-1171-3 WIB-352, WIB-353, WIB-354, WIB-355 4 1.4-24 1RCS RCS-052 4 Medium 1-RCS17B High None Low S6-1172-3 WIB-369, WIB-370, W&371, WIB-372 4 1.4-24 1RCS RCS-054 4 Medium 1-RCS17C High None Low S6-1195-3 WIB-451, WIB-452, WIB-453, WIB-454 4 1.4-39 1RCS RCS-056 4 Medium 1-RCS18A High None Low S6-729-6 WlB-313(SE)*, WIB-313, WIB-314, WlB-315,WlB-9 1.4-21 1 1_316, WIB-317, WIB-318, WIB-319, WIB-320 Page 79 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables DialoCa o 3rAd Itr al Rv Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Conse uence Failure Potential Lines in Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch Sytm Segment Category I Rank ID Rank DMs Rank IFNo(s).1RCS RCS-058 4 Medium 1-RCS18B High None Low S6-728-6 WIB-322(SE)*, WIB-322, WIB-323, WIB-324, WIB- 9 1.4-22 325, WIB-326, WIB-327, WIB-328, WIB-329 1RCS RCS-060 4 Medium 1-RCS18C High None Low S6-727-6 WIB-331(SE)*, WIB-331, WIB-332, WIB-333, WIB- 9 1.4-23 334, WIB-335, WIB-336, WIB-337, WIB-338 1RCS RCS-062 4 Medium 1-RCS19A High None Low S6-958-2 WIB-20A, WIB-20, WIB-21, WIB-22, WIB-23 5 1.4-1 1.4-46 1RCS RCS-064 4 Medium 1-RCS20A High None Low S6-24-3 WIB-RC-2-12, WIB-110, WIB-1 11, WIB-112, WIB- 15 1.4-2 113, WIB-115, WIB-116, WIB-117, WIB-1//, WIB- 1.4-37 118A, WIB-119, WIB-120, WIB-121, WIB-122A, WIB- 1.4-38 123A 1 RCS RCS-065 4 Medium 1 -RCS20A High None Low S6-24-3(1)
WIB-114 4 1.4-37 S6-959-2 WIB-137, WIB-138, WIB-139 1.4-47 1 RCS RCS-067 4 Medium 1-RCS21A High None Low S6-960-2 WIB-249A, WIB-249, WIB-250, WIB-251, WIB-252 5 1.4-3 1.4-48 1 RCS RCS-069 4 Medium 1 -RCS22A High None Low S6-961-2 WIB-338A, WIB-338, WIB-339, WIB-340, WIB-341 5 1.4-4 1.4-49 1 RCS RCS-072 4 Medium 1-SI05B High None Low S6-109-14 WIB-227 1 1.4-6 1RCS RCS-074 4 Medium 1-SI05B High None Low S6-109-14 WIB-237, WIB-238, WIB-239, WIB-240, WIB-241 5 1.4-6 2CVCS CVCS-002 4 Medium 1-CVCS01A High None Low S6-246-3 WIB-295, WIB-294, WIB-293 3 1.4-34 2CVCS CVCS-008 4 Medium 1-CVCS02A High None Low S6-50-3 WIB-221 1 1.4-35 2CVCS CVCS-019 4 Medium 1-CVCS06A High None Low S6-45-4 RB-45-1, RB-45-2, RB-45-3, WIC-45A, RB-45-4, RB- 8 2.2-38 45-5, RB-45-7, RB-45-8 2CVCS CVCS-020 4 Medium 1-CVCS06A High None Low S6-45-4(1)
RB-45-6 2 2.2-38 S6-1466-2 05-RB-1466-1 2.2-63 2CVCS CVCS-021 4 Medium I-CVCS06B High None Low S6-46-4 RB-46-1, RB-46-2, WIC-46A, RB-46-3, RB-46-4, RB- 8 2.2-41 46-5, RB-46-7, RB-46-8 2CVCS CVCS-022 4 Medium 1-CVCS06B High None Low S6-46-4(1)
RB-46-6 2 2.2-41 S6-1468-2 04-RB-1468-1 2.2-64 2CVCS CVCS-072 4 Medium 1-RCS23A High None Low S6-54-2 09-WIB-1030, 09-WIB-1029, WIB-1028, WIB-1027, 11 1.4-42 WIB-1 026, WIB-1 025, WIB-1 024, WIB-1 023, WIB-1022, WIB-1021, WIB-1020 2CVCS CVCS-075 4 Medium 1-RCS24A High None Low S6-55-2 09-WIB-989, 09-WIB-988, WIB-987, WIB-986, WIB- 11 1.4-43 985, WIB-984, WIB-983, WIB-982, WIB-981, WIB-1980, WIB-979 Page 80 ASME Sec. Xl Code Catego nit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
S Risk Characterization Consee uence Failure Potential Lines in Segment Welds in Segment Weld Count Sys Se Category Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank in No(s).2CVCS CVCS-078 4 Medium 1-RCS25A High None Low S6-56-2 09-WIB-1002, WIB-1001, WIB-1000, WIB-999, WIB- 13 1.4-44 998, WIB-997, WIB-996, WIB-995, WIB-994, WIB-993, WIB-992, WIB-991, WIB-990 2CVCS CVCS-081 4 Medium 1-RCS26A High None Low S6-57-2 WIB-1019, WIB-1018, WIB-1017, WIB-1016, WIB- 17 1.4-45 1015, WIB-1014, WIB-1013, WIB-1012, WIB-1011, WIB-1OI1, WIB-1009, WIB-1008, WIB-1007, WIB-1006, WIB-1 005, WIB-1 004, WIB-1003 3SIS SIS-001 4 Medium 1-ACC01A High None Low S6-253-10 WIB-40, W/B-39, WIB-38 3 1.4-8 3SIS SIS-002 4 Medium 1-ACC01B High None Low S6-254-10 WIB-153, WIB-152, WIB-151 3 1.4-9 3SIS SIS-003 4 Medium 1-ACCO1C High None Low S6-255-10 WIB-209, WIB-208, WB-_207, WIB-206 4 1.4-10 3SIS SIS-004 4 Medium 1-ACC01D High None Low S6-256-10 WIB-270, WIB-269, WIB-268, WIB-267 4 1.4-11 3SIS SIS-028 4 Medium 1-CVCS05A High None Low S2-1988-8 WIC-362, WIC-363, WIC-368, WIC-369, WIC-370, 6 2.2-29 WIC-371 3SIS SIS-029 4 Medium 1-CVCS05A High None Low S2-1987-8 WIC-364, WIC-365, WIC-366, WIC-367 4 2.2-29 3SIS SIS-035 4 Medium 1-CVCSl0 High None Low S6-1975-4 RB-1975-4, RB-1975-5, RB-1975-6 4 2.2-19 S6-2032-6(1)
WIC-347 2.2-47 3SIS SIS-036 4 Medium 1-CVCS10 High None Low S6-1974-4 RB-1974-4, RB-1974-5, RB-1974-6 36 2.2-19 S6-2032-6 WIC-346, WIC-348, WIC-349, WIC-350, WIC-351, 2.2-46 WIC-352, WIC-352A 2.2-48 S6-2033-4 RB-2033-1, RB-2033-2, RB-2033-3, RB-2033-4, RB- 2.2-49 2033-5, RB-2033-6, RB-2033-7, RB-2033-8, WIC- 2.2-51 2033A, RB-2033-9, RB-2033-1 0, RB-2033-1 1, RB- 2.2-53 2033-12 S6-1978-4 RB-1978-1, RB-1978-2, RB-1978-3, RB-1978-4 S6-282-3 RB-282-1, RB-282-2, RB-282-3, RB-282-4, WIC-282A, RB-282-5 S6-1016-3 RB-1016-1.
RB-1016-2 3SIS SIS-037 4 Medium 1-CVCS10 High None Low S6-1979-4 RB-1979-1, WIC-1979A, RB-1979-2, RB-1979-3, RB- 8 2.2-50 1979-4, RB-1979-5 2.2-52 S6-283-3 RB-283-1, RB-283-2 3SIS SIS-068 4 Medium 1-RHRO6 High None Low S6-508-8 WIC-38A 1 2.2-30 Page 81 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Sys 11 Risk Characterization Conseuence Failure Potential in Segmen Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch Systern Segmnt I I I Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank I i e Wl No(s).3SIS SIS-069 4 Medium 1 -RHR06 High None Low S6-509-8 WIC-65 1 2.2-33 3SIS SIS-078 4 Medium i-RHR11A High None Low S6-235-6 WIB-4, WIB-3, WIB-2, WIB-1 4 1.4-13 3SIS SIS-079 4 Medium 1-RHR11B High None Low S6-236-6 WIB-75, WIB-74, WIB-73, WIB-72 4 1.4-14 3SIS SIS-094 4 Medium 1-SI05A High None Low S6-237-6 WIB-174, WIB-173, WIB-172 3 1.4-15 3SIS SIS-095 4 Medium 1-SI05B High None Low S6-238-6 WIB-235, WIB-234, WIB-233, WIB-232 4 1.4-6 4RHRS RHRS-006 4 Medium 1-RHR04B High None Low Sl-112-8 WIC-159, WIC-158, WIC-157, WIC-156, WIC-155, 17 2.2-9A WIC-1 54, WIC-153, WIC-152, WIC-151, WIC-150, WIC-149, WIC-148, WIC-147, WIC-146, WIC-145, WIC-144, WIC-143 4RHRS RHRS-007 4 Medium 1-RHR04B High None Low Sl-3551-14 WIC-1, WIC-9 8 2.2-3 S1-118-8 WIC-1 0, WIC-1 0B, WIC-1 0C, WIC-1 00, WIC-1i E, WIC-1 OF 4RHRS RHRS-009 4 Medium i-RHR04B High None Low Si-1971-8 WIC-2, WIC-3, WIC-4, WIC-5, WIC-6, WIC-7, WIC-8 7 2.2-3 4RHRS RHRS-013 4 Medium 1-RHR05B High None Low S1-1 13-8(1) WIC-126 17 2.2-91 Si-113-8 WIC-137, WIC-136, WIC-135, WIC-134, WIC-133, WIC-1 32, WIC-1 31, WIC-1 30, WIC-129, WIC-1 28, WIC-127, WIC-138, WIC-139, WIC-140, WIC-141, WIC-142 4RHRS RHRS-014 4 Medium 1-RHR05B High None Low Si-119-8 WIC-39, WIC-40, WIC-40A 3 2.2-14 4RHRS RHRS-015 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-118-8 WIC-lOG, WIC-1OH, WIC-1OJ, WIC-10K, WIC-1OL, 21 2.2-13 WIC-16A, RB-118-1, FW-7, WIC-16B, WIC-16C, WIC 2.2-3 16D, WIC-16E, WIC-13, WIC-16F, WIC-14, WIC-16G, WIC-15, WIC-16, WIC-16H, WIC-17, WIC-30A 4RHRS RHRS-017 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low Sl-118-8 WIC-36, WIC-37, RB-118-2, WIC-38 4 2.2-13 4RHRS RHRS-018 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-1661-8 WIC-88, RB-1661-1 2 2.2-98 4RHRS RHRS-020 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-1669-8 WIC-55, WIC-56, WIG-57, WIC-83, WIC-84, WIC-85, 12 2.2-7 WIC-86, WIC-87, WIC-89, WIC-90, WIC-91 Sl-985-12 WIC-92 4RHRS RHRS-022 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low Sl-985-12 WIC-98, WIC-99, WIC-100, WIC-101, RB-985-1 5 2.2-7 Page 82 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit 1 Risk Ranking Tables IS PORAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
I Risk Characterization Conse uence Failure Potential Ln Sketch System Segment I Category [ Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank Lines in Welds in Segment Weld Count No(s).4RHRS RHRS-024 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low Sl-279-8 RB-279-1, FW-3, FW-18, FW-4, RB-279-2, RB-279-3, 11 2.2-3 WIC-20, WIC-21, WIC-22, WIC-23, WIC-24 4RHRS RHRS-026 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-2458-8 WIC-32, WIC-33, WIC-94, WIC-93 4 2.2-13 4RHRS RHRS-027 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-119-8 WIC-40B, WIC-41, WIC-43, WIC-44, WIC-45, FW-2, 22 2.2-14 WIC-45A, FW-4, WIC-45B, FW-6, FW-7, WIC-45C, WIC-45D, FW-12, FW-13, WIC-45E, FW-14, WIC-45F, WIC-50, WIC-51, WIC-52, WIC-53 4RHRS RHRS-029 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low $1-119-8 WIC-60, WIC-61, WIC-62, WIC-63, WIC-64 5 2.2-14 4RHRS RHRS-030 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-735-8 WIC-42, WIC-66, WIC-67, WIC-68, WIC-70, WIC-71, 9 2.2-16 WIC-72, WIC-75, WIC-76 4RHRS RHRS-031 4 Medium 1-RHR06 High None Low S1-280-8 WIC-69, RB-280-1, WIC-73, WIC-74, RB-280-2, WIC- 10 2.2-16 75, WIC-76, WIC-77, WIC-78, WIC-79 4RHRS RHRS-034 4 Medium 1-RHR08 High None Low S1-985-12 WIC-266, WIC-265, WIC-264, WIC-263, WIC-262, 20 2.2-4 RB-985-2, WIC-261, WIC-260, WIC-259, WIC-258, 2.2-5 RB-985-3, RB-985-4, RB-985-5, RB-985-6, RB-985-7, 2.2-6 RB-985-8, WIC-257, WIC-256, WIC-255, WIC-254 6RWST RWST-002 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-221-18 RB-221-1, RB-221-2, RB-221-3 3 RWST-1-1 RWST01A 6RWST RWST-003 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-261-12 RB-261-1, RB-261-2 2 RWST-1-2 RWST01 B 6RWST RWST-004 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-221-18 RB-221-4, RB-221-5, RB-221-6, RB-221-7, RB-221-8, 6 RWST-1-1 RWST02A- RB-221-9 FHC 6RWST RWST-005 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-221-18 RB-221-14 1 RWST-1-1 RWST02A-MDAFW I 6RWST RWST-006 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-222-4 RB-222-1, RB-222-2, RB-222-3, RB-222-4, RB-222-5, 7 RWST-1-1 RWST02A- RB-222-6, RB-222-7 MDAFW 6RWST RWST-010 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-222-4 RB-222-8, RB-222-9, RB-222-1 0, RB-222-1 1, RB-222 7 RWST-1-1 RWST02A- 12, RB-222-13, RB-222-14 SFP I 6RWST RWST-011 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-221-18 RB-221-10, RB-221-11, RB-221-12, RB-221-13 4 RWST-1-1 RWST02A-TDAFW 6RWST RWST-012 4 Medium 1- High None Low S2-261-12 RB-261-3, RB-261-4, RB-261-5, RB-261-6, RB-261-7, 17 RWST-1-2 RWST02B- RB-261-8, RB-261-9, RB-261 -10, RB-261 -11, RB-261 100ELV 12, RB-261-13, RB-261-14, RB-261-15., RB-261-16, RB-261-17, RB-261-18, RB-261-19 7CCW CCW-001 4 Medium 1-CCW01 High None Low K17-1357-6 RB-1357-1, WIC-1357A, WIC-1357B, WIC-1357C, 6 2.2-37 I I_ _RB-1357-2, WIC-1357D Page 83 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Cons uence Failure Potential L Wl Ctmi Sketch System Segiment Category I Rank ID Rank DMs [ Rank Lines in Welds in Segment Iount No(s).7CCW CCW-002 4 Medium 1-CCW02 High None Low K17-1357-6 RB-1357-3, RB-1357-4, RB-1357-5, WIC-1357E, RB- 7 2.2-37 1357-6, WIC-1357F, RB-1357-7 2CVCS CVCS-010 5a Medium 1-CVCS02B Medium TASCS, TT Medium S6-50-3 WIB-226, WIB-225 2 1.4-35 2CVCS CVCS-004 5a Medium 1-CVCS01B Medium "T Medium S6-246-3 WIB-299 1 1.4-34 2CVCS CVCS-006 5a Medium 1-CVCS01B Medium UT Medium S6-246-3 WIB-297 1 1.4-34 3SIS SIS-007 5a Medium I-ACC02A Medium IGSCC Medium S6-253-10 WIB-42, WIB-41 2 1.4-8 3SIS SIS-012 5a Medium 1-ACC02B Medium IGSCC Medium S6-254-10 WIB-155, WIB-154 2 1.4-9 3SIS SIS-016 5a Medium 1-ACC02C Medium IGSCC Medium S6-255-10 WIB-211, WIB-210 2 1.4-10 3SIS SIS-021 5a Medium 1-ACC02D Medium IGSCC Medium S6-256-10 WIB-272, WIB-271 2 1.4-11 3SIS SIS-073 5a Medium 1-RHR10A Medium IGSCC Medium S6-235-6 WIB-6, WIB-5 2 1.4-13 3SIS SIS-077 5a Medium 1-RHR10B Medium IGSCC Medium S6-236-6 WIB-77, WIB-76 2 1.4-14 3SIS SIS-063 5a Medium 1-RHR04A Medium TASCS Medium SI-512-14 WIC-220, WIC-219 2 2.2-11 3SIS SIS-066 5a Medium 1-RHR05A Medium TASCS Medium Si-513-14 WIC-201, WIC-200 2 2.2-12 1RCS RCS-003 6a Low 1-CVCS03 Medium None Low S6-24-3 WIB-124A-C1, WIB-125A, WIB-125B, WIB-126 4 1.4-38 2CVCS CVCS-005 6a Low 1-CVCS01B Medium None Low S6-246-3 WIB-298 1 1.4-34 2CVCS CVCS-017 6a Low 1-CVCS05B Medium None Low S2-1456-8 WIC-313, WIC-314, WIC-315, WIC-316, WIC-317 22 2.2-8 S2-43-6 WIC-318, WIC-319, WIC-320, WIC-321, WIC-322, RB-43-1-02, RB-43-2-02, WIC-323, WIC-324, WIC-325, WIC-326, WIC-327, RB-43-3, WIC-328, WIC-329, WIC-330, WIC-330A 2CVCS CVCS-018 6a Low 1-CVCS05B Medium None Low $2-1456-8(1)
WIC-312 19 2.2-15 S2-42-6 WIC-331, WIC-332, WIC-333, WIC-334, WIC-335, 2.2-8 WIC-336, WIC-337, RB-42-1, RB-42-2, WIC-338, WIC-339, WIC-340, WIC-341, WIC-342, WIC-343, I__I WIC-344, WIC-345, WIC-345A 2CVCS CVCS-023 6a Low 1-CVCS07 Medium None Low S6-1468-2 04-WIC-1468A, 04-RB-1468-2, 04-RB-1468-A, RB- 14 2.2-64 1468-4, RB-1468-5, RB-1468-6, RB-1468-7, RB-1468-8, RB-1468-9, WIC-1468B, RB-1468-10, RB-1468-11, RB-1468-12, RB-1468-13 2CVCS CVCS-024 6a Low 1-CVCS07 Medium None Low S6-1468-2(1) 04-RB-1468-3 29 2.2-63 S6-1466-2 05-RB-1466-2, RB-1466-3, RB-1466-A, RB-1466-5, 2.2-64 RB-1466-6, RB-1466-7, RB-1466-8, WIC-1466A, 05- 2.2-65 RB-1466-9, 05-RB-1466-10, RB-1466-11, WIC-1466B, RB-1466-12, 07-RB-1466-12A, 07-RB-1466-S6-1464-2 12B, RB-1466-13, RB-1466-14, RB-1466-15 RB-1464-1, RB-1464-2, RB-1464-3, RB-1464-4, RB-1464-5, RB-1464-6, RB-1464-8, WIC-1464A, RB-1464-9, RB-1464-10 Page 84 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Ii Consec uence Failure Potential Lines inWeld Count Sketch System See I Cateqory Rank 11 ID Rank DMs IWelds in Segments 2CVCS CVCS-025 6a Low 1-CVCS07 Medium None Low S6-1466-2(1)
RB-1466-4 1 2.2-63 2CVCS CVCS-026 6a Low 1 -CVCS07 Medium None Low S6-1464-2(1)
RB-1464-7 1 2.2-65 2CVCS CVCS-027 6a Low 1-CVCS07 Medium None Low S6-1464-2(2)
WIC-1464B 1 2.2-65 2CVCS CVCS-028 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-46-4 RB-46-9, RB-46-10, RB-46-11, RB.46-12, WIC-46B, 18 2.2-10 RB-46-13 2.2-40 S6-1454-6 WIC-174, WIC-1 75, WIC-176, WIC-177, RB-1454-1, 2.2-41 RB-1 454-2, WIC-1 78, WIC-1 79, WIC-180 S6-3678-3 09-RB-3678-1, 09-RB-3678-2, RB-3678-3 2CVCS CVCS-029 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-1475-3 RB-1475-1, RB-1475-2A, RB-1475-2B 3 2.2-42 2CVCS CVCS-030 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-1973-6 WIC-181, WIC-182, WIC-183, WIC-184, WIC-185, 7 2.2-10 WIC-1 86, WIC-187 2CVCS CVCS-031 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-1973-6(1)
WIC-188 9 2.2-10 S6-45-4 RB-45-9, RB-45-10, RB-45-11, RB-45-12, RB145-13, 2.2-38 RB145-14, WIC-45B, RB-45-15 2CVCS CVCS-032 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-1474-3 RB-1474-1, RB-1474-2A, RB-1474-2B 3 2.2-39 2CVCS CVCS-033 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-3678-3 RB-3678-4, RB-3678-5, RB-3678-6, RB-3678-7, WIC- 65 2.2-40 3678A, RB-3678-8, RB-3678-9, RB-3678-10, RB- 2.2-44 3678-11, 07-RB-3678-1 1A, 07-RB-3678-1 1 B S6-48-3 07-WIC-48A, 07-WIC-48B, RB-48-A, RB-48-B, RB-48 1, RB148-2, RB-48-3, WIC-48B, RB-48-4, RB-48-5, RB-48-6, RB-48-7, RB-48-8, WIC-48C, RB-48-9, RB-48-10, RB-48-11, RB-48-12, RB-48-13, RB148-14, RB 48-15, RB148-16, RB-48-17, WIC-48D, RB-48-18, RB 48-19, RB148-20, WIC-48E, RB148-21, RB148-22, RB-48-23, RB148-24, RB-48-25, RB-48-26, RB148-27, RB 48-28, RB-48-29, RB-48-30, WIC-48F, RB148-31, RB-48-32, RB-48-33, RB-48-34, RB148-35, RB-48-36, RB 48-37, RB-48-38, RB-48-39, RB-48-40, RB-48-41, RB 48-42, RB-48-43, RB-48.44, RB-48-45 2CVCS CVCS-034 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1475-3 RB-1475-3A, RB-1475-3B, 07-RB-1475-3C, 07-RB- 9 2.2-42 1475-3D, 07-WIC-1475A, RB-1475-4, RB-1475-5, RB 1475-6, RB-1475-7 2CVCS CVCS-035 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-47-3 Welds deleted (new piping ran, see line 47 below) 0 2.2-43 Page 85 ASME Sec. XI Code CategoyUnit I Risk Ranking Tables II PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Conseuence Failure Potential I Fe C Sketch System Segment I Cateory I Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank No(s).2CVCS CVCS-036 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1312-3 RB-1312-1, RB-1312-2, RB-1312-3, RB-1312-4 4 2.2-45 2CVCS CVCS-037 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1474-3 RB-1474-3A, RB-1474-3B, RB-1474-4, RB-1474-5, 29 2.2-39 RB-1474-6, WIC-1474A, RB-1474-7, RB-1474-8, RB- 2.2-55 S6-53-3 1474-9 RB-53-A, RB-53-B, RB-53-C, RB-53-D, RB-53-1, WIC 53A, RB-53-2, RB-53-3, 07-RB-53-3A, 07-RB-53-3B, WIC-53B, RB-53-4, RB-53-5, RB-53-6, RB-53-7, RB-53-8, RB-53-9, RB-53-1 0, RB-53-1 1, RB-53-12 2CVCS CVCS-038 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-52-3 RB-52-1, WIC-52A, RB-52-2, RB-52-3, RB-52-4, RB- 37 2.2-54 52-5, WIC-52B, RB-52-6, RB-52-7, RB-52-8, RB 2.2-59 9, RB-52-10, RB-52-11, RB-52-12, RB-52-13 2.2-66 S6-2044-3 RB-2044-1, RB-2044-2, RB-2044-3, RB-2044-4, RB-2044-5, WIC-2044A, RB-2044-6, RB-2044-7 S6-3673-2 RB-3673-1, RB-3673-2, WIC-3673A, WIC-3673B, RB-3673-4, RB-3673-5, RB-3673-6, RB-3673-10, RB-3673-11, RB-3673-12, RB-3673-13, RB-3673-14, RB-3673-15, RB-3673-16 2CVCS CVCS-039 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1477-2 RB-1477-1, RB-1477-2, RB-1477-3, RB-1477-4, RB- 45 2.2-60 1477-5, RB-1477-6, RB-1477-7, RB-1477-11, RB- 2.2-61 1477-12, WlC-1477A, RB-1 477-13, 09-RB-1 477-15, 2.2-68 09-WIC-1477B, 09-RB-1477-16 S6-2046-3 RB-2046-1, RB-2046-2, RB-2046-3, RB-2046-4, RB-2046-5, RB-2046-6 S6-746-3 RB-746-1, RB-746-2, RB-746-3, WIC-746A, RB-746-4, RB-746-5, RB-746-6, RB-746-7, RB-746-8, RB-746 9, RB-746-1 0, RB-746-1 1, RB-746-12, RB-746-13, RB-746-14, RB-746-15, WIC-746B, RB-746-16, RB-746-17, RB-746-18, RB-746-19, RB-746-20, RB-746-I_ I_ I_ III_1_1121, WIC-746C RB-746-22 2CVCS CVCS-040 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-3673-2(1)
RB-3673-3 1 2.2-66 Page 86 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables IS PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segmen Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch System Segment Category Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank I nNo(s).2CVCS CVCS-041 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-3673-2(2)
RB-3673-7, RB-3673-8, RB-3673-9 3 2.2-66 2CVCS CVCS-042 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1477-2(1)
RB-1477-8, RB-1477-9, RB-1477-10 3 2.2-68 2CVCS CVCS-043 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1477-2(2)
RB-1477-14 1 2.2-68 2CVCS CVCS-044 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-2047-3 RB-2047-1, RB-2047-2, RB-2047-3, RB-2047-4, RB- 22 2.2-56 2047-5, RB-2047-6, RB-2047-7, WIC-2047A 2.2-67 S6-3674-2 09-WIC-3674A, 09-RB-3674-1, 09-W/C-3674B, RB-3674-3, RB-3674-4, RB-3674-5, RB-3674-6, RB-3674-10, RB-3674-1 1, RB-3674-12, RB-3674-13, RB-3674-14. RB-3674-15, RB-3674-16 2CVCS CVCS-045 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1478-2 RB-1478-1, RB-1478-2, RB-1478-3, RB-1478-4, RB- 23 2.2-58 1478-5, RB-1478-6, RB-1478-7, RB-1478-11, RB- 2.2-69 1478-12, WIC-1478B, RB-1478-13, 09-WIC-1478A, 09-RB-1478-15, 09-RB-1478-16 S6-2048-3 WIC-2048A, RB-2048-1, RB-2048-2, RB-2048-3, RB-2048-4, RB-2048-5, RB-2048-6, RB-2048-7, RB-2048-8 2CVCS CVCS-046 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1455-3 RB-1455-1, RB-1455-2, RB-1455-3 3 2.2-57 2CVCS CVCS-047 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-3674-2(1)
RB-3674-2 1 2.2-67 2CVCS CVCS-048 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-3674-2(2)
RB-3674-7, RB-3674-8, RB-3674-9 3 2.2-67 2CVCS CVCS-049 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1478-2(1)
RB-1478-8, RB-1478-9, RB-1478-10 3 2.2-69 2CVCS CVCS-050 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1478-2(2)
RB-1478-14 1 2.2-69 2CVCS CVCS-051 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-1683-3 RB-1683-3, RB-1683-2, RB-1683-1, RB-1683-4, RB- 6 2.2-62 1 1_ 1683-5, WIC-1683A Page 87 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables II PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
II __ _ _ _ _ _ t__ __ _ _ _ Sketch Syste Risk Characterization Consuence Failure Potential Lines in Segmen Welds in Segment Weld-Count I Category I-Rank ID I Rank DMs I Rank No(s).2CVCS CVCS-052 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-54-2 RB-54-1, RB-54-2, WIC-54A, RB-54-3, RB-54-4, RB- 93 2.2-70 54-5, RB-54-6, RB-54-7, RB-54-8, RB-54-9, RB 2.2-74 10, RB-54-11, WIC-54B, RB-54-12, RB-54-13, RB-54 2.2-75 14, RB-54-15, RB-54-16, WIC-54C, RB-54-17, RB 2.2-76 18, RB-54-19, RB-54-20, WIC-54D, RB-54-21, RB-54-22, RB-54-23, RB-54-25, RB-54-26, RB-54-27, RB-54 28, RB-54-29, RB-54-30, RB-54-31, RB-54-32, RB-54 33, RB-54-34, RB-54-36, RB-54-37, RB-54-38, RB-54 39, RB-54-41, RB-54-42, RB-54-44, RB-54-45, RB-54 46, RB-54-47, RB-54-48, RB-54-49, RB-54-50, RB-54 51, RB-54-52, RB-54-53, RB-54-54, WIC-54E, RB-54 55, WIC-54F, RB-54-56, RB-54-57, RB-54-59, RB-54-60, RB-54-61, RB-54-62, RB-54-63, RB-54-64, RB-54 65, RB-54-66, RB-54-67, RB-54-68, RB-54-69, RB-54-70, RB-54-71, RB-54-72, RB-54-73, RB-54-74, RB-54 76, RB-54-77, RB-54-78, RB-54-79, RB-54-80, RB-54 81, RB-54-82, RB-54-83, RB-54-84, WIC-54G, RB-54.85, RB-54-86, RB-54-87, RB-54-88, RB-54-89, RB-54 90, RB-54-91, 09-RB-54-92 2CVCS CVCS-053 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low $6-54-2(1)
RB-54-24 1 2.2-74 2CVCS CVCS-054 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-54-2(22 RB-54-35 1 2.2-74 2CVCS CVCS-055 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-54-2(3)
RB-54-40 1 2.2-74 2CVCS CVCS-056 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-54-2(4)
RB-54-43 1 2.2-74 2CVCS CVCS-057 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-54-2(5)
RB-54-58 1 2.2-75 2CVCS CVCS-058 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-54-2(6)
RB-54-75 1 2.2-76 2CVCS CVCS-059 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-55-2 RB-55-1, RB-55-2, WIC-55A, RB-55-3, RB-55-4, RB- 61 2.2-71 55-5, RB-55-6, RB-55-7, RB-55-8, RB-55-9, RB 2.2-77 10, RB-55-12, RB-55-13, RB-55-14, WIC-55B, WIC- 2.2-78 55C, RB-55-15, RB-55-16, RB-55-17, RB-55-19, RB-55-20, RB-55-21, RB-55-22, RB-55-23, RB-55-24, RB 55-25, RB-55-26, RB-55-27, RB-55-28, RB-55-30, RB 55-31, RB-55-32, RB-55-33, RB-55-35, RB-55-36, RB 55-38, RB-55-39, WIC-55D, WIC-55E, RB-55-40, RB-55-41, RB-55-42, RB-55-43, RB-55-44, RB-55-45, RB.55-46, RB-55-47, RB-55-48, RB-55-49, RB-55-50, WIC-55F, RB-55-51, RB-55-52, RB-55-53, RB-55-54, RB-55-55, RB-55-56, RB-55-57, RB-55-58, RB-55-59, 09-RB-55-60 2CVCS CVCS-060 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-55-2(1 102-RB-55-11 1 2.2-77 2CVCS CVCS-061 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low $6-55-2(2)
RB-55-18 1 2.2-77 Page 88 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables II PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
System Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segmen Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch Segment Category Rank ID l Rank DMs Rank No(s).2CVCS CVCS-062 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-55-2(3)
RB-55-29 1 2.2-77 2CVCS CVCS-063 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-55-2(4)
RB-55-34 1 2.2-77 2CVCS CVCS-064 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-55-2(5)
RB-55-37 1 2.2-78 2CVCS CVCS-065 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-56-2 RB-56-1, RB-56-2, RB-56-3, WIC-56A, RB-56-4, RB- 43 2.2-72 56-5, RB-56-6, RB-56-7, RB-56-8, RB-56-9, RB 2.2-79 10, WIC-56B, RB-56-12, RB-56-13, WIC-56C, RB 2.2-80 14, RB-56-15, RB-56-16, RB-56-17, RB-56-19, RB-56 20, RB-56-21, RB-56-22, RB-56-23, RB-56-24, RB-56 25, WIC-56D, RB-56-26, WIC-56E, RB-56-27, RB-56-28, RB-56-29, RB-56-30, RB-56-31, RB-56-32, RB-56 33, RB-56-34, RB-56-35, RB-56-36, RB-56-37, RB-56 38, RB-56-39, 09-RB-56-40 2CVCS CVCS-066 6a Low 1 -CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-56-2(1 IRB-56-1 1 1 2.2-79 2CVCS CVCS-067 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low $6-56-2(2)
RB-56-18 1 2.2-79 Page 89 ASME Sec. Xl Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segment Welds in Segment -nSketch Segment Category Rank ID Rank Rank No(s).2CVCS CVCS-068 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-57-2 RB-57-1, RB-57-2, RB-57-3, RB-57-4, RB-57-5, WIC- 74 2.2-73 57A, RB-57-6, RB-57-7, RB-57-8, RB-57-9, RB 2.2-81 10, RB-57-11, RB-57-12, WIC-57B, RB-57-13, RB 2.2-82 14, WIC-57C, RB-57-15, RB-57-17, RB-57-18, RB-57 19, RB-57-20, WIC-57D, RB-57-21, RB-57-22, RB-57-23, RB-57-25, RB-57-26, RB-57-27, WIC-57E, RB-57-28, RB-57-29, RB-57-30, RB-57-31, RB-57-32, RB-57 33, RB-57-34, RB-57-35, RB-57-36, RB-57-37, RB-57-38, RB-57-39, RB-57-40, RB-57-41, RB-57-42, RB-57.43, RB-57-44, RB-57-45, WIC-57F, RB-57-46, RB-57-47, RB-57-48, RB-57-49, RB-57-50, RB-57-51, RB-57.52, RB-57-53, RB-57-54, RB-57-56, RB-57-57, WIC-57G, RB-57-58, RB-57-59, RB-57-60, RB-57-61, RB-57-62, WIC-57H, RB-57-63, RB-57-64, RB-57-65, RB-57-66, RB-57-67, RB-57-68, RB-57-69 2CVCS CVCS-069 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low $6-57-2(1)
RB-57-16 1 2.2-81 2CVCS CVCS-070 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-57-2(2)
RB-57-24 1 2.2-81 2CVCS CVCS-071 6a Low 1-CVCS09 Medium None Low S6-57-2(3)
RB-57-55 1 2.2-82 2CVCS CVCS-074 6a Low 1-RCS23B Medium None Low S6-54-2 09-WIB-1030B, 09-WIB-1030A 2 1.4-42 2CVCS CVCS-077 6a Low 1-RCS24B Medium None Low S6-55-2 09-WIB-989B, 09-WIB-989A 2 1.4-43 2CVCS CVCS-080 6a Low 1-RCS25B Medium None Low S6-56-2 09-WIB-1002B, 09-WIB-1002A 2 1.4-44 2CVCS CVCS-083 6a Low 1-RCS26B Medium None Low S6-57-2 WIB-1019B, WIB-1019A 2 1.4-45 3SIS SIS-005 6a Low 1-ACC02A Medium None Low S6-3844-6 WIB-54, WIB-444A, WIB-53, WIB-52, WIB-51, WIB- 9 1.4-17 50, WIB-49, WIB-48, WIB-47 3SIS SIS-006 6a Low 1-ACC02A Medium None Low S6-253-10 WIB-46, WIB-45, WIB-44, WIB-43 4 1.4-8 3SIS SIS-008 6a Low 1-ACC02A Medium None Low S6-3855-2 WIB-449, WIB-448, WIB-445, WIB-444 4 1.4-17 3SIS SIS-009 6a Low 1-ACC02A Medium None Low S6-3855-2(1)
WIB-447 1 1.4-17 3SIS SIS-010 6a Low 1-ACC02B Medium None Low S6-3845-6 WIB-171, WIB-450A, WIB-170, WIB-169, WIB-168, 13 1.4-18 WIB-167, WIB-166, WIB-165, WIB-164, WIB-163, 3WIB-162, WIB-161, WIB-160 I Page 90 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables IS PROGRA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
System Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in SegmenF Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch System Segment Category [ Rank 11 ID l Rank DMs I Rank Ln in Js).3SIS SIS-011 6a Low 1-ACC02B Medium None Low S6-254-10 WIB-159, WIB-158, WIB-157, WIB-156 4 1.4-9 3SIS SIS-013 6a Low 1-ACC02B Medium None Low S6-3856-2 WIB-454, WIB-453, WIB-451, WIB-450 4 1.4-18 3SIS SIS-014 6a Low 1-ACC02B Medium None Low S6-3856-2(1)
WIB-452 1 1.4-18 3SIS SIS-015 6a Low 1-ACC02C Medium None Low S6-3846-6 WIB-219, WIB-218, WIB-217, WIB-216, WIB-215, 8 1.4-19 WIB-214, WIB-213, WIB-212 3SIS SIS-017 6a Low 1-ACC02C Medium None Low S6-3857-2 WIB-463, WIB-462, WIB-460, WIB-459, WIB-458, 9 1.4-54 WIB-457, WIB-456, WIB-455, WIB-455A 3SIS SIS-018 6a Low 1-ACC02C Medium None Low S6-3857-2(1)
WIB-461 1 1.4-54 3SIS SIS-019 6a Low 1-ACC02D Medium None Low S6-3847-6 WIB-287, WIB-286, WIB-285, WiB-284, WIB-283, 11 1.4-20 WIB-282, WIB-281, WIB-280, WIB-279, WIB-278, WIB-277 3SIS SIS-020 6a Low 1 -ACC02D Medium None Low S6-256-10 WIB-276, WIB-275, WIB-274, WIB-273 4 1.4-11 3SIS SIS-022 6a Low 1-ACC02D Medium None Low S6-3858-2 WIB-478, WIB-477, WIB-475, WIB-474, WIB-473, 15 1.4-55 WIB-472, WIB-471, WIB-470, WIB-469, WIB-468, WIB-467, WIB-466, WIB-465, W1B-464, WIB-464A 3SIS SIS-023 6a Low 1-ACC02D Medium None Low $6-3858-2(1)
WIB-476 1 1.4-55 3SIS SIS-024 6a Low 1 -ACC03A Medium None Low S6-508-8 WIC-289, WIC-288, WIC-287, WIC-286, RB-508-1, 29 2.2-30 WIC-285, WIC-284, WIC-283, WIC-282, WIC-281, 2.2-31 WIC-280, RB-508-2, RB-508-3, RB-508-4, RB-508-5, 2.2-32 RB-508-6, RB-508-7, RB-508-8, RB-508-9, RB-508- 2.2-35 10, WIC-279, WIC-272 S6-3845-6 WIC-271, RB-3845-1, RB-3845-2, WIC-270, WIC-269. WIC-268, WIC-267 3SIS SIS-025 6a Low 1-ACC03A Medium None Low $6-508-8(1)
WIC-273 8 2.2-32 S6-3844-6 WIC-274, RB-3844-1, RB-3844-2, WIC-275, WIC- 2.2-34 1 _276, WIC-277, WIC-278 3SIS SIS-026 6a Low 1-ACC03B Medium None Low S6-509-8 WIC-290, WIC-291, WIC-292, WIC-293, WIC-294, 16 2.2-33 WIC-295, WIC-296, WIC-297, WIC-299, WIC-300, 2.2-36 RB-509-1, WIC-301 S6-3847-6 WIC-302, WIC-303, WIC-304, WIC-305 3SIS SIS-027 6a Low 1 -ACC03B Medium None Low S6-509-8(1)
WIC-298 1 2.2-33 3SIS SIS-030 6a Low 1-CVCS05B Medium None Low S2-1988-8 WIC-372 1 2.2-29 3SIS SIS-031 6a Low 1 -CVCS05B Medium None Low S2-734-8 WIC-437, WIC-438, WIC-439, WIC-441, WIC-442 5 2.2-3 3SIS SIS-032 6a Low 1-CVCS05B Medium None Low S2-734-8(1)
WIC-440; WIC-373, WIC-374, WIC-375, WIC-376, 14 2.2-20 S2-4296-6 RB-4296-1, WIC-377, WIC-378, WIC-379, WIC-380, 2.2-3 S2-7077-18 WIC-381, WIC-382; WIC-1, WIC-2 3SIS SIS-033 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-1975-4 RB-1975-1, RB-1975-2, WIC-1975A, RB-1975-3 4 2.2-47 Page 91 ASME Sec. XI Code CategoyUnit I Risk Ranking Tables 0 Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Sketch Syste Segment I Category Rank ID Rank DMs Rank S Welds in Segment Weld Count No(s).3SIS SIS-034 6a Low 1-CVCS08 Medium None Low S6-1974-4 RB-1974-1, RB-1974-2, WIC-1974A, RB-1974-3 4 2.2-46 3SIS SIS-038 6a Low 1-CVCS11 Medium None Low S6-1016-3 RB-1016-3, RB-1016-4, WIB-300, WIB-301, WIB- 6 1.4-36 302, WIB-303 2.2-53 3SIS SIS-039B 6a Low 1-CVCS11 Medium None Low S6-1995-3 WIB-99-B, WIB-99-C, WIB-99-G, WIB-99-H, WIB- 13 1.4-36 310, WIB-309, WIB-308, WIB-307, WIB-304, WIB-99-,I WIB-99-J, WIB-99-N, WIB-99-P 3SIS SIS-040A 6a Low 1 -CVCS 11 Medium None Low S6-1995-3 WIB-99-F, WIB-99-E 2 1.4-36 3SIS SIS-048A 6a Low 1-CVCS 11 Medium None Low S6-1995-3 WIB-99-M, WIB-99-L 2 1.4-36 3SIS SIS-062 6a Low 1-RHR04A Medium None Low S1-512-14 RB-512-3, RB-512-4, WIC-223, WIC-222A, WIC-222, 6 2.2-11 WIC-221 3SIS SIS-065 6a Low 1-RHR05A Medium None Low S1-513-14 RB-513-3, RB-513-4, WIC-204, WIC-203, WIC-202 5 2.2-12 3SIS SIS-070 6a Low 1-RHR10A Medium None Low S6-3863-2 WIB-421, WIB-420, WIB-418, WIB-417, WIB-417A 5 1.4-50 3SIS SIS-071 6a Low 1-RHR10A Medium None Low S6-3863-2(1)
WIB-419 1 1.4-50 3SIS SIS-072 6a Low 1-RHR10A Medium None Low S6-235-6 WIB-12A, WIB-13, WIB-12, WIB-11, WIB-10, WIB-9, 8 1.4-13 WIB-8, WIB-7 3SIS SIS-074 6a Low 1-RHR10B Medium None Low S6-3864-2 WIB-426, W1B-425, WIB-423, WIB-422, WIB-422A 5 1.4-51 3SIS SIS-075 6a Low 1-RHR10B Medium None Low S6-3864-2(1)
WIB-424 1 1.4-51 3SIS SIS-076 6a Low 1-RHR10B Medium None Low S6-236-6 WIB-82, WIB-81, WIB-80, WiB-79, WIB-78 5 1.4-14 3SIS SIS-080 6a Low 1-S102 Medium None Low S2-1986-8 WIC-409, WIC-410, WIC-411, WIL-412, WIC-413, 13 2.2-18 WIC-425 S2-1983-6 WIC-426, WIC-427, WIC-428, WIC-429, WIC-430, WIC-431, WIC-432 3SIS SIS-081 6a Low 1-S102 Medium None Low S2-1986-8(1)
WIC-414 8 2.2-18 S2-1982-6 WIC-415, WIC-416, WIC-417, WIC-418, WIC-419, WIC-420, WIC-421 3SIS SIS-082 6a Low 1-SI03A Medium None Low S2-1982-6 WIC-422, WIC-423, WIC-424, RB-1982-1, RB-1982- 8 2.2-18 2, RB-1982-3, RB-1982-4, RB-1982-5 3SIS SIS-083 6a Low 1-SI03A Medium None Low S2-5848-6 WIC-383, WIC-384, WIC-385, RB-5848-1, WIC-386, 7 2.2-20 WIC-387, WIC-388 3SIS SIS-084 6a Low 1-Sl03B Medium None Low S2-1983-6 WIC-433, WIC-434, WIC-436, RB-1983-1, RB-1983- 8 2.2-18 2, RB-1983-3, RB-1983-4, RB-1983-5 3SIS SIS-085 6a Low 1-SI03B Medium None Low S2-1984-8 WIC-389, WIC-390, WIC-391, WIC-392, WIC-393, 21 2.2-17 WIC-394, WIC-395, WIC-396, WIC-397, WIC-398, 2.2-18 WIC-399, WIC-400, WIC-401, WIC-402, WIC-403, WIC-404, WIC-405, WIC.406, WIC-407, WIC-408 S2-1983-6(1)
WIC-435 4RHRS RHRS-001 6a Low 1-RHR02 Medium None Low Sl-927-14 RB-927;1, RB-927-2, WIC-245, WIC-244, WLC-243, 13 2.2-1 WIC-242, WIC-241 2.2-2 Sl-110-14 WIC-230, WIC-229, WIC-228, RB-1 10-1, RB-1 10-2, 1 WIC-226 I Page 92 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables ISI PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Sys Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segment Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch yter Segment I Cateqory Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank No(s).4RHRS RHRS-002 6a Low l-RHRO2 Medium None Low S1-111-14 WIC-231, WIC-232, WIC-233, WIC-234, WIC-240, 8 2.2-2 WIC-240A, WIC-240B, WIC-227 4RHRS RHRS-003 6a Low 1-RHR03A Medium None Low S1-927-14 WIC-309, WIC-309A, FWV-173, WIC-308, WIC-307, 6 2.2-1 WIC-306 4RHRS RHRS-004 6a Low 1-RHR03B Medium None Low S6-1665-14 WIB-242, WIB-243, WIB-244, WIB-245, WIB-246, 7 1.4-7 WIB-247, WIB-248 4RHRS RHRS-005 6a Low 1-RHR04A Medium None Low SI-110-14 WIC-217, WIC-216, WIC-215, WIC-214, WIC-213, 11 2.2-11 WIC-212, WIC-211, WIC-210, WIC-209, WIC-208, WIC-207 4RHRS RHRS-010 6a Low I-RHR05A Medium None Low SI-111-14 WIC-199, WIC-198, WIC-197, WIC-196, WIC-195, 11 2.2-12 WIC-194, WIC-193, WIC-192, WIC-191, WIC-190, WIC-189A 4RHRS RHRS-011 6a Low 1-RHR05A Medium None Low SI-111-14(1)
WIC-235, WIC-236A 2 2.2-2 4RHRS RHRS-012 6a Low 1-RHR05A Medium None Low S-111-14(2)
FW-247, FW-248 2 2.2-2 4RHRS RHRS-032 6a Low 1-RHR07 Medium None Low Sl-1663-8 WIC-160, WIC-161, WIC-162, WIC-163, WIC-164, 16 2.2-9A WIC-165, WIC-166, WIC-167, WIC-168, WIC-169, 2.2-9B WIC-170, WIC-171, WIC-172, WIC-123, WIC-124, WIC-125 4RHRS RHRS-033 6a Low 1-RHR07 Medium None Low S1-1661-8 WIC-122, WIC-121, WIC-120, WIC-119, WIC-118, 19 2.2-9B WIC-1 17, WIC-1 16, WIC-1 15, WIC-1 14, WIC-1 13, WIC-112, WIC-111, WIC-110, WIC-109, WIC-108, WIC-107. WIC-1 06, WIC-105, WIC-1 04 4RHRS RHRS-035 6a Low 1-RHR09 Medium None Low S6-120-12 WIC-253, WIC-248 6 2.2-4 S6-2576-8 WIC-249, WIC-250, WIC-251, WIC-252 4RHRS RHRS-036 6a Low 1-RHRO9 Medium None Low S6-2575-8 WIC-247, WIC-246 2 2.2-4 4RHRS RHRS-037 6a Low 1-RHR10A Medium None Low S6-2575-8 WIB-18, WIB-17, WIB-16, WIB-15, WIB-14 5 1.4-12 4RHRS RHRS-038 6a Low 1-RHR10B Medium None Low S6-2576-8 WIB-88, WIB-87, WIB-86, WIB-85, WIB-84, WIB-83 6 1.4-12 5CSS CSS-001 6a Low 1-CS01 Medium None Low S2-264-8 RB-264-1, RB-264-2, WIC-264B, RB-264-3, RB-264- 22 -4, RB-264-5, RB-264-6, RB-264-7, RB-264-8, RB-264 9, RB-264-1 0, RB-264-1 1, WIC-264C, RB-264-12, RB 264-13, RB-264-14, RB-264-15, RB-264-16, RB-264-17, RB-264-18, RB-264-19, RB-264-20 5CSS CSS-002 6a Low 1-CS02 Medium None Low S2-265-8 RB-265-1, RB-265-2, RB-265-3, RB-265-4, RB-265-5, 18 RB-265-6, RB-265-7, RB-265-8, RB-265-9, WIC-265B, RB-265-1 0, RB-265-1 1, WIC-265C, RB-265-12, RB-265-13, RB-265-14, WIC-265A, RB-265-15 5CSS CSS-003 6a Low 1 -CS03A Medium None Low S2-264-8 RB-264-21, RB-264-22 2 Page 93 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
1 Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential Sketch SysteCon Rnk Lines in Segmen Welds in Segment Weld Count Sytm Segment Category Rank ID l Rand DMs a Rnk 111No(s).5CSS CSS-004 6a Low 1-CS03B Medium None Low Sl-279-8 RB-2519-1, RB-2519-2 13 2.2-29 S2-264-8 RB-264-25, RB-264-26, RB-264-27, RB-264-28, WIC-264A, RB-264-29, RB-264-30, RB-264-31, RB-264-32, RB-264-33, RB-264-34 5CSS CSS-005 6a Low 1-CS04A Medium None Low S2-265-8 RB-265-16, RB-265-17 2 5CSS CSS-006 6a Low 1-CS04B Medium None Low S2-2520-8 RB-2520-1, RB-2520-2, RB-2520-3, RB-2520-4 15 S2-265-8 RB-265-18, RB-265-19, RB-265-20, RB-265-21, RB-265-22, RB-265-23, RB-265-24, RB-265-25, RB-265-30, RB-265-31 S3-326-8 RB-326-1 6RWST RWST-007 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-1988-8 RB-1988-1, RB-1988-2, RB-1988-3, RB-1988-4, RB- 17 RWST02A- 1988-5, RB-1988-6, RB-1988-7, RB-1988-8, RB-1988.PEN 9, RB-1 988-10, RB-1 988-11, RB-1 988-12, RB-1 988-13, RB-1988-14, RB-1988-15, RB-1988-16, RB-1988-17 6RWST RWST-008 6a Low I- Medium None Low S2-221-18 RB-221-15, RB-221-16, RB-221-17, RB-221-18, RB- 10 -RWST02A- 221-19, RB-221-20, RB-221-21, RB-221-22, RB-221-PEN 23, RB-221-24 6RWST RWST-009 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-224-8 RB-224-1, RB-224-2, RB-224-3, RB-224-4, RB-224-5, 11 -RWST02A- RB-224-6, RB-224-7, RB-224-8, RB-224-9, RB-224-PEN 10, RB-224-I1 6RWST RWST-013 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-261-12 RB-261-20, RB-261-21, RB-261-22, RB-261-23, RB- 8 -RWST02B- 261-24, RB-262-25, RB-261-26, RB-261-27 PEN 6RWST RWST-014 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-262-10 RB-262-1, RB-262-2, RB-262-3, RB-262-4, RB-262-5, 6 -RWST02B- RB-262-6 PEN 6RWST RWST-015 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-263-10 RB-263-1, RB-263-2, RB-263-3, RB-263-4 4 -RWST02B-PEN 6RWST RWST-016 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-262-10 RB-262-7, RB-262-8, RB-262-9, RB-262-10, RB-262- 5 -RWST03A 11 6RWST RWST-017 6a Low 1- Medium None Low S2-263-10 RB-263-5, RB-263-6, RB-263-7, RB-263-8, RB-263-9 5 -RWST03B Page 94
- ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit 1 Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential L i nn tl Sketch System1 Segment I Category Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank No(s).6RWST RWST-018 6a Low 1-SI01 Medium None Low S2-1986-8 RB-1986-1, RB-1986-2, RB-1986-3 3 2.2-18 8FWS FWS-006 6b (5) Low 1-FW02A Low TASCS, Medium K16-554-16 WICG103-1, WICG102-1, WICG94-1E, WICG94-1D, 7 2.2-25 (Medium) (FAC) (High) WICG94-1C, WICG-09-1B, WICG-09-lA 8FWS FWS-008 6b (5) Low 1-FW02B Low TASCS, Medium K16-555-16 WICG-09-2G, WICG-09-2F, WICG-09-2E, WICG 7 2.2-26 (Medium) (FAC) (High) 2D, WICG-09-2C, WICG-09-2B, WICG-09-2A 8FWS FWS-010 6b (5) Low 1-FW02C Low TASCS, Medium K16-557-16 WICG-02-3E, WICG-02-3D, WICG-02-3C, WICG 7 2.2-27 (Medium) (FAC) (High) 3B, WICG-02-3A, WICG-09-3B, WICG-09-3A 8FWS FWS-012 6b (5) Low 1-FW02D Low TASCS, Medium K16-556-16 WICG-94-4G, WICG-94.4F, WICG-94-4E, WICG 7 2.2-28 (Medium) (FAC) (High) 4D, WICG1 01 B-4, WICG-09-4B, WICG-09-4A 2CVCS CVCS-012 6b Low 1-CVCS04B Low -r Medium S6-51-2 WIB-365, WIB-366, WIB-370, WIB-370A, WIB-370B, 46 1.4-40A WIB-371, WIB-372, WIB-373, WIB-374, WIB-375, 1.4-40B WIB-376, WIB-377, WIB-378, WIB-379, WIB-380, 1.4-41 WIB-381, WIB-382, WIB-383, WIB-384, WIB-385, WIB-386, WIB-387, WIB-389, WIB-390, WIB-391, WIB-392, WIB-393, WIB-394, WIB-395, WIB-398, WIB-399, WIB-400, WIB-401, WIB-402, WlB1403, WlB1404, WlB1405, WIB-406, WIB-407, WIB1408, WlB1409, WIB-410, WIB4 11, WIB1412, WlB1413, WIR-414 2CVCS CVCS-013 6b Low 1-CVCS04B Low TT Medium S6-51-2(1)
WIB-367 1 1.4-40B 2CVCS CVCS-015 6b Low 1-CVCS04B Low TT Medium S6-4532-2 WIB-370F, WIB-370E, WIB-370D, WIB-370C 4 1.4-40B 2CVCS CVCS-01 6 6b Low 1-CVCS04B Low TT Medium S6-51-2(2)
WIB-388 1 1.4-40A 3SIS SIS-043 6b Low 1-CVCS12A Low IGSCC Medium S6-1991-1-1/2 WIB-45 1 1.4-66 3SIS SIS-045 6b Low 1-CVCS12B Low IGSCC Medium S6-1992-1-1/2 WIB-163 1 1.4-69 3SIS SIS-049 6b Low 1-CVCS12C Low IGSCC Medium S6-1993-1-1/2 WIB-277 1 1.4-71 3SIS SIS-053 6b Low 1-CVCS12D Low IGSCC Medium S6-1994-1-1/2 WIB-113 1 1.4-65B 3SIS SIS-087 6b Low 1-SI04A Low IGSCC Medium S6-237-6 WIB-176 1 1.4-15 3SIS SIS-091 6b Low 1-SI04B Low IGSCC Medium S6-238-6 WIB-289, WIB-288 2 1.4-16 1.4-6 8FWS FWS-001 7a (5) Low 1-FW01A Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-554-16 WICG-02-1H, WICG-02-1G, WICG110-1, WICG109- 9 2.2-25 (Medium) 1, WICG108-1, WICG107-1, RB-554-1, WICG-02-1 F, WICG-109A-1 8FWS FWS-002 7a (5) Low 1-FW01B Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-555-16 WICG-02-02H, WICG-02-02G, WICG110-2, 9 2.2-26 (Medium) WICG109-2, WICG108-2, WICG107-2, RB-555-1, WICG-02-02F, WICG109A-2 E_ _7 Page 95 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables IS PRGAMA PAN Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
SytmRisk Characterization I! Consequence Failure Potential Lines in Segment Welds in SegmentWeld Count Sketch System Se.gmentI Category I Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank No(s).8FWS FWS-003 7a (5) Low 1-FW01C Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-557-16 WICG113-3, WICG112-3, WICG-07-3G, WICG 9 2.2-27 (Medium) 3F, WICG-07-3E, WICG109-3, WICG108-3, WICG107-3, RB-557-1 8FWS FWS-004 7a (5) Low 1-FW01D Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-556-16 WICG113-4, WICG112-4, WICG-07-4G, WICG 8 2.2-28 (Medium) 4F, WICG-07-4E, WICG109-4, WICG108-4, WICG107-4.
RB-556-1 8FWS FWS-005 7a (5) Low 1-FW02A Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-554-16 WICG106-1, RB-554-2, WICGI05-1, WICG104-1, 7 2.2-25 (Medium) WICG-09-1 C, WICG-09-1 D, WICG103A-1 8FWS FWS-007 7a (5) Low 1-FW02B Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-555-16 WICGI06-2, RB-555-2, WICG105-2, WICG104-2, 6 2.2-26 (Medium) RB-555-3, WICG-09-2H 8FWS FWS-009 7a (5) Low 1-FW02C Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-557-16 WICG106-3, RB-557-2, WICG105-3, WICG104-3, 7 2.2-27 (Medium) WICG103A-3, WICG-09-3C, WICG-09-3D 8FWS FWS-011 7a (5) Low 1-FW02D Low None (FAC) Low (High) K16-556-16 WICG106-4, RB-556-2, WICG105-4, WICG104-4, 7 2.2-28 (Medium) WICG-09-4C, WICG-09-4D, RB-556-3 9MSS MSS-001 7a Low 1-MS01A Low None Low K15-228-28 WICG1-1 R, WICG2-1 R, WICG4-1, WICG5A-1 R, 13 2.2-21 WICG5B-1 R, WICG6-1, WICG7-1, RB-228-1, RB-228 2, WICG8-1, WICG9-1, RB-228-3, WICG10-1 9MSS MSS-002 7a Low 1-MS01B Low None Low K15-227-28 WICG1-2R, WICG2-2R, WICG4-2, WICG5A-2R, 13 2.2-22 WICG5B-2R, WICG6-2, WICG7-2, RB-227-1, RB-227 2, WICG8-2, WICG9-2, RB-227-3, WICG1O-2 9MSS MSS-003 7a Low 1-MS01C Low None Low K15-226-28 WICG1-3R, WICG2-3R, WICG4-3, WICG5A-3R, 12 2.2-23 WICG5B-3R, WICG6-3, WICG7-3, RB-226-1, RB-226 2, WICG8-3, WICG9-3, WICG10-3 9MSS MSS-004 7a Low 1-MS01D Low None Low K15-225-28 WICG1-4R, WICG2-4R, WICG4-4, WICG5A-4R, 13 2.2-24 WICG5B-4R, WICG6-4, WICG7-4, RB-225-1, RB-225 2, WICG8-4, WICG9-4, RB-225-3, WICG10-4 9MSS MSS-005 7a Low 1-MS02A Low None Low K15-228-28 RB-228-4, WICG11-1, WICG12-1, WICG21-1, 7 2.2-21 WICG22-1, WICG23-1, WICG24-1 9MSS MSS-006 7a Low 1-MS02A Low None Low K15-228-8 WICG13-1, WICG26-1 2 2.2-21 9MSS MSS-007 7a Low 1-MS02A Low None Low K15-228-8(1)
WICG14-1 1 2.2-21 9MSS MSS-008 7a Low 1-MS02A Low None Low K1 5-228-8(2)
WICG15-1 1 2.2-21 9MSS MSS-009 7a Low 1-MS02A Low None Low K15-228-8(3)
WICG16-1, WICG17-1 2 2.2-21 9MSS MSS-010 7a Low 1-MS02A Low None Low K15-228-8(4)
WICG19-1, WICG18-1 2 2.2-21 9MSS MSS-01 1 7a Low 1 -MS02A Low None Low K15-228-8(5)
WICG20-1 1 2.2-21 9MSS MSS-012 7a Low 1-MS02B Low None Low K15-227-28 RB-227-4, WICG11-2, WICG12-2, WICG22-2, 7 2.2-22 WICG23-2, WICG24-2, WICG25-2 9MSS MSS-013 7a Low 1 -MS02B Low None Low K15-227-8 WICG13-2, WICG27-2 2 2.2-22 9MSS MSS-014 7a Low 1-MS02B Low None Low K15-227-8(1)
WICG14-2 1 2.2-22 9MSS MSS-015 7a Low 1-MS02B Low None Low K15-227-8(2)
WICG15-2 1 2.2-22 9MSS MSS-016 7a Low 1-MS02B Low None Low K15-227-8(3)
WICG16-2, WICG17-2 2 2.2-22 9MSS MSS-017 7a Low 1-MS02B Low None Low K15-227-8(4)
WICG18-2, WICG19-2 2 2.2-22 9MSS MSS-018 7a Low 1-MS02B Low None Low K15-227-8(5)
WlCG20-2 1 2.2-22 Page 96 ASME Sec. Xl Code Categyunit I Risk Ranking Tables Diablo e an gordy nevlRv Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Conse uence Failure Potential Lines in Segme Welds in Segment Weld Count Sketch Segment Category j Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank L No(s).9MSS MSS-019 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-226-28 RB-226-3, WICG11-3, WICG12-3, WICG13-3, 6 2.2-23 WICG14-3, WICG15-3 9MSS MSS-020 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-1065-24 WICG16-3, WICG19-3, WICG20-3, WICG27-3 4 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-021 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-1065-8 WICG21-3, WICG30-3 2 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-022 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-1065-8(1.)
WICG22-3 1 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-023 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-1065-8(2)
WICG23-3 1 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-024 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-1065-8(3)
WICG24-3 1 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-025 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K15-1065-8(4)
WICG25-3 1 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-026 7a Low 1-MS02C Low None Low K1 5-1065-8(5)
WICG26-3 1 2.2-23 9MSS MSS-027 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-225-28 RB-225-4, WICG1 1-4, RB-225-5, WICG12-4, 7 2.2-24 WICG13-4, WICG14-4, WICG15-4 9MSS MSS-028 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-1066-24 WICG16-4, WICG17-4, WICG18-4, WICG19-4, 6 2.2-24 WICG20-4, WICG27-4 9MSS MSS-029 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-1066-8 WICG21-4, WICG30-4 2 2.2-24 9MSS MSS-030 7a Low 1 -MS02D Low None Low K1 5-1066-8(1)
WICG22-4 1 2.2-24 9MSS MSS-031 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-1066-8(2)
WICG23-4 1 2.2-24 9MSS MSS-032 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-1066-8(3)
WICG24-4 1 2.2-24 9MSS MSS-033 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-1066-8(4)
WICG254 1 2.2-24 9MSS MSS-034 7a Low 1-MS02D Low None Low K15-1066-8(5)
WICG26-4 1 2.2-24 1RCS RCS-009 7a Low 1-RCS01B Low None Low S6-1140-2 WIB-28F, WIB-28G 2 1.4-60 1 RCS RCS-063 7a Low 1-RCS19B Low None Low S6-958-2 WIB-24, WIB-25 2 1.4-46 1RCS RCS-066 7a Low 1-RCS20B Low None Low S6-959-2 WIB-140, WIB-141, WIB-142, WIB-143 4 1.4-47 1RCS RCS-068 7a Low 1 -RCS21B Low None Low S6-960-2 WIB-253, WIB-254 2 1.4-48 1RCS RCS-070 7a Low 1-RCS22B Low None Low S6-961-2 WIB-342, WIB-343, WIB-345, WIB-346, WIB-347, 6 1.4-49 WIB-348 1RCS RCS-071 7a Low 1-RCS22B Low None Low S6-961-2(1)
WIB-344 1 1.4-49 2CVCS CVCS-014 7a Low 1-CVCS04B Low None Low S6-51-2(1)
WIB-368, WIB-369 2 1.4-40B 3SIS SIS-039A 7a Low 1-CVCS12B Low None Low S6-1995-3 WIB-99-A 1 1.4-36 3SIS SIS-039C 7a Low 1-CVCS12B Low None Low S6-1995-3 WIB-99-R 1 1.4-36 3SIS SIS-040B 7a Low 1-CVCS12D Low None Low S6-1995-3 WIB-99-D 1 1.4-36 3SIS SIS-042 7a Low 1-CVCS12A Low None Low S6-1991-1-1/2 WIB-99-13, WIB-99-12, WIB-99-11, WIB-99-10, WIB- 36 1.4-64 99-9, WIB-99-8, WIB-99-7, WIB-99-6, WIB-99-5, WIB. 1.4-65A 99-4, WIB-99-3, WIB-99-2, WIB-99-1, WIB-69, WIB- 1.4-66 68, WIB-67, WIB-66, WIB-65, WIB-64, WIB-63, WIB-62, WIB-61, WIB-60, WIB-59, WIB-58, WIB-57, WIB-56, WIB-55, WIB-54, WIB-53, WIB-52, WIB-50, WIB-49, WIB-48, WIB-47, WIB-46 Page 97 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Consequence Failure Potential
[ s m WSketch Systen Segment I Category I Rank ID Rank DMs I Rank No(s).3SIS SIS-044 7a Low 1-CVCS12B Low None Low S6-1992-1-1/2 WIB-99-1, WIB-99-2, WIB-99-3, WIB-99-4, WIB-99-5, 65 1.4-67 WIB-99-6, WIB-99-7, WIB-99-8, WIB-99-9, WIB 1.4-68 10, WIB-99-11, WIB-99-12, WIB-99-13, WIB-227, 1.4-69 WIB-226, WIB-225, WIB-224, WIB-223, WIB-222, WIB-221, WIB-220, WIB-219, WIB-207, WIB-206, WIB-205, WiB-204, WIB-203, WIB-202, WIB-201, WIB-200, WIB-1199, WIB-1198, WIB-197, WIB-196, WIB-195, WIB-194, WIB-193, WIB-192, WIB-191, WIB-190, WIB-189, WIB-188, WIB-187, WIB-186, WIB-185, WIB-184, WIB-183, WIB-182, WIB-181, WIB-180, WIB-179, WIB-178, WIB-177, WIB-176, WIB-175, WIB-174, WIB-172, WIB-171, WIB-170, WIB-169, WIB-168, WIB-167, WIB-166, WIB-165, WVIR-1A4 3SIS SIS-047 7a Low 1-CVCS12B Low None Low S6-1992-1-1/2(2)
WIB-173 1 1.4-69 3SIS SIS-048 7a Low 1-CVCS12C Low None Low S6-1993-1-1/2 WIB-99-1, WIB-99-2, WIB-99-3, WIB-99-4, WIB-99-5, 44 1.4-70 WIB-99-6, WIB-99-7, WIB-99-8, WIB-99-9, WIB 1.4-71 10, WIB-99-11, WIB-99-12, WIB-307, WIB-306, WIB-305, WIB-303, WIB-302D, WIB-302C, WIB-302B, WIB-302A, WIB-302, WIB-301, WIB-300, WlB-299, WIB-298, WIB-297, WIB-296, WIB-295, WIB-294, WIB-293, WIB-292, WIB-291, WIB-290, WIB-289, WIB-288, WIB-287, WIB-286, WIB-284, WIB-283, WIB-282, WIB-281, WIB-280, WIB-279, WIB-278 3SIS SIS-048B 7a Low 1-CVCS12C Low None Low I6-1995-3 WIB-99-K 1 1.4-36 3SIS SIS-048 7a Low 1-CVCS12C Low None Low S6-1993-1-1/2(1)
WIB-304 1 1.4-70 3SIS SIS-050 7a Low 1-CVCS12C Low None Low S6-1993-1-1/2(2)
WIB-285 1 1.4-71 3SIS SIS-052 7a Low 1-CVCS12D Low None Low S6-1994-1-1/2 WIB-85, WIB-86, WIB-87, WIB-99-1, WIB-99-2, WIB- 29 1.4-64 99-3, WIB-99-4, WIB-99-5, WIB-99-6, WIB-99-7, WIB 1.4-65B 99-8, WIB-99-9, WIB-99-10, WIB-99-11, WIB-99-12, WIB-99-13, WIB-99, WIB-100, WIB-101, WIB-1102, WIB-103, WlB-104, WIB-105, WIB-106, WIB-1 07, WIB-108, WIB-110, WIB-111, WIB-112 3SIS SIS-055 7a Low 1-CVCS12D Low None Low S6-1994-1-1/2(2)
WIB-109 1 1.4-65B 3SIS SIS-058 7a Low 1-CVCS12A Low None Low S6-1991-1-1/2(2)
WIB-51 1 1.4-65A Page 98 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Syte Risk Characterization Conequnc Failure Potential inSge ed nSgetWl on Sketch Syteonemetseat I akue~Rnkce Rn Lines in SgetWelds in Segment Weld Count~~Sec SysteSegment
_ _Rank ID l _Rank DMs 1 Potal No(s).3SIS SIS-064 7a Low 1-RHR04A-Low None Low S1-512-14 WIC-225, WIC-224, RB-512-1, RB-512-2 4 2.2-11 1 3SIS SIS-067 7a Low 1-RHR05A-Low None Low S1-513-14 WIC-206, WIC-205, RB-513-1, RB-513-2 4 2.2-12 1 3SIS SIS-086 7a Low 1-SI04A Low None Low S6-1976-2 WIB-434, WIB-433, WIB-431, WIB-430, WIB-429, 12 1.4-15 WIB-428, WIB-427 1.4-52 S6-237-6 WIB-181, WIB-180, WIB-179, WIB-178, WIB-177 3SIS SIS-088 7a Low 1-SI04A Low None Low S6-237-6 WIB-175 1 1.4-15 3SIS SIS-089 7a Low 1-SI04A Low None Low S6-1976-2(1)
WIB-432 1 1.4-52 3SIS SIS-090 7a Low 1-SI04B Low None Low S6-1990-2 WIB-443, WIB-442, WIB-440, WlB1439, WIB-437, 10 1.4-16 WIB-436, WIB-435A, WIB-435 1.4-53 S6-238-6 WIB-291, WIB-290 3SIS SIS-092 7a Low 1-SI04B Low None Low S6-1990-2(1)
WIB-441 1 1.4-53 3SIS SIS-093 7a Low 1-SI04B Low None Low S6-1990-2(2)
WIB-438 1 1.4-53 5CSS CSS-007 7a Low 1-CS05 Low None Low S3-325-8 RB-325-1, RB-325-2, RB-325-3, RB-325-4, RB-325-5, 6 -RB-325-6 5CSS CSS-008 7a Low 1-CS06 Low None Low S3-326-8 RB-326-2, RB-326-3, RB-326-4, RB-326-5, RB-326-6, 6 RB-326-7 6RWST RWST-001 7a Low 1-RHR01 Low None Low S1-223-12 RB-223-1, RB-223-2, RB-223-3, RB-223-4 4 -S6-47-3 RB47-1, RB-47-2, RB-47-3, RB-47-4, RB-47-5, RB- 40 460583 47-6, RB-47-7, RB-47-8, RB-47-9, RB-47-10, RB-47-11, RB-47-12, RB-47-13, RB-47-14, RB-47-15, RB-47 16, RB-47-17, RB-47-18, RB-47-19, RB-47-20, RB-47 21, RB-47-22, RB-47-23, RB-47-24, RB-47-25, RB-47 26, RB-47-27, RB147-28, RB47-29, RB-47-30, RB-47 31, RB-47-32, RB-47-33, RB-47-34, RB-47-35, RB-47 36, RB-47-37, RB-47-38, RB-47-39, RB-4740 S6-7066-2 RB-7066-1, RB-7066-2, RB-7066-3, RB-7066-4, RB- 31 460583 7066-5, RB-7066-6, RB-7066-7, RB-7066-8, RB-7066-9, RB-7066-1 0, RB-7066-1 1, RB-7066-12, RB-7066-13, RB-7066-14, RB-7066-15, RB-7066-16, RB-7066-17, RB-7066-18, RB-7066-19, RB-7066-20, RB-7066-21, RB-7066-22, RB-7066-23, RB-7066-24, RB-7066-25, RB-7066-26, RB-7066-27, RB-7066-28, RB-7066-29, RB-7066-30, RB-7066-31, S6-7067-2 RB-7067-1, RB-7067-2, RB-7067-3, RB-7067-4, RB- 12 460583 7067-5, RB-7067-6, RB-7067-7, RB-7067-8, RB-7067.9, RB-7067-10, RB-7067-11, RB-7067-12 S6-7075-2 RB-7075-1, RB-7075-2, RB-7075-3, RB-7075-4 4 460583 Page 99 ASME Sec. XI Code Category Unit I Risk Ranking Tables Note: Underlined welds are selected per RIISI. Bold & Italicized print indicates weld has been examined previously.
Risk Characterization Ii Conse uence Failure Potential in Segmen Welds in Segment Count Sketch System Segment I Category Rank ID Rank DMs [Rank I I No(s).K16-569-3 RB-569-1, RB-569-2, RB-569-3, RB-569-4, RB-569-5, 34 445878 RB-569-6, RB-569-7, RB-569-8, RB-569-9, RB-569-10, RB-569-11, RB-569-12, RB-569-13, RB-569-14, RB-569-15, RB-569-16, RB-569-17, RB-569-18, RB-569-19, RB-569-20, RB-569-21, RB-569-22, RB-569-23, RB-569-24, RB-569-25, RB-569-26, RB-569-27, RB-569-28, RB-569-29, RB-569-30, RB-569-31, RB-569-32, RB-569-33, RB-569-34 K16-570-3 RB-570-1, RB-570-2, RB-570-3, RB-570-4, RB-570-5, 31 445878 RB-570-6, RB-570-7, RB-570-8, RB-570-9, RB-570-10, RB-570-11, RB-570-12, RB-570-13, RB-570-14, RB-570-15, RB-570-16, RB-570-17, RB-570-18, RB-570-19, RB-570-20, RB-570-21, RB-570-22, RB-570-23, RB-570-24, RB-570-25, RB-570-26, RB-570-27, RB-570-28, RB-570-29, RB-570-30, RB-570-31 K16-571-3 RB-571-1, RB-571-2, RB-571-3, RB-571-4, RB-571-5, 27 447119 RB-571-6, RB-571-7, RB-571-8, RB-571-9, RB-571-10, RB-571-11, RB-571-12, RB-571-13, RB-571-14, RB-571-15, RB-571-16, RB-571-17, RB-571-18, RB-571-19, RB-571-20, RB-571-21, RB-571-22, RB-571-23, RB-571-24, RB-571-25, RB-571-26, RB-571-27 K16-572-3 RB-572-1, RB-572-2, RB-572-3, RB-572-4, RB-572-5, 28 447119 RB-572-6, RB-572-7, RB-572-8, RB-572-9, RB-572-10, RB-572-11, RB-572-12, RB-572-13, RB-572-14, RB-572-15, RB-572-16, RB-572-17, RB-572-18, RB-572-19, RB-572-20, RB-572-21, RB-572-22, RB-572-23, RB-572-24, RB-572-25, RB-572-26, RB-572-27, RB-572-28 K16-575-3 RB-575-1, RB-575-2, RB-575-3, RB-575-4, RB-575-5, 7 445878 RB-575-6, RB-575-7 K16-576-3 RB-576-1, RB-576-2, RB-576-3, RB-576-4, RB-576-5, 9 445878 RB-576-6, RB-576-7, RB-576-8, RB-576-9 K16-577-3 RB-577-1, RB-577-2, RB-577-3, RB-577-4, RB-577-5, 6 447119 RB-577-6 K16-578-3 RB-578-1, RB-578-2, RB-578-3, RB-578-4, RB-578-5, 6 447119 1 RB-578-6 _Total: 2783 Page 100