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993754-1-906(NP), Revision 0, Software Development Plan (Sdp).
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Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/2011
From: Harris K
Invensys Operations Management, Invensys/Triconex
Office of New Reactors
3500897372 993754-1-906(NP), Rev 0
Download: ML11319A067 (52)


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Document No. 993754-1-906 (-NP)

Revision 0 August 17, 2011 Non -Proprietary copy per IOCFR2.390

- Areas of Invensys Operations Management proprietary information, marked as [P], have been redacted based on 10CFR2.390(a)(4).

n v" e. n s".>: s" TM i n Ve.e n s s" Operations Management Triconex Document: 993754-1-906


Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 2 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 Document Change History Revision Date Change Author 0 8/17/2011 Initial issue K. Harris

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 3 of 52 1 Date: 08/17/2011 Table of Contents L ist of T ables ............................................................................................................ 5 L ist of Figures ........................................................................................................... 6

1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 7
1. 1. Purpose and Scope ............................................................. 7 1.2. Organization of Software Life Cycle Processes .......................................... 7 1.3. References ................................................................... 9 1.3. 1. NRC References .......................................................... 9 1.3.2. IEEE Standards .......................................................... 9 1.3.3. Applicable Internal Docum ents and References .................................... 9 1.3.4. Acronym s .............................................................. 9
2. L ife C ycle Processes ..................................................................................... 12 2.1. Acquisition Phase .............................................................. 22
2. 1. 1. Acquisition Phase Inputs .................................................... 22 2.1.2. Acquisition Phase Activities ................................................. 22 2.1.3. Acquisition Phase Outputs ................................................... 22 2.2. Planning Phase ................................................................ 22 2.2. 1. Planning Phase Inputs ...................................................... 22 2.2.2. Planning Phase Activities ................................................... 23 2.2.3. Planning Phase Outputs .................................................... 23 2.3. Requirem ents Phase ............................................................ 26 2.3. 1. Requirem ents Phase Inputs .................................................. 26 2.3.2. Requirem ents Phase Activities ................................................ 26 2.3.3. Requirem ents Phase Outputs ................................................. 26 2.4. Design Phase ................................................................. 29 2.4. 1. Design Phase Inputs ....................................................... 29 2.4.2. Design Phase Activities .................................................... 29 2.4.3. Design Phase Outputs ...................................................... 29 2.5. Implem entation Phase ........................................................... 31 2.5.1. Implem entation Phase Inputs ................................................. 32 2.5.2. Implem entation Phase Activities .............................................. 32 2.5.3. Implem entation Phase Outputs ................................................ 33 2.6. Test Phase ................................................................... 35 2.6. 1. Test Phase Inputs ......................................................... 35 2.6.2. Test Phase Activities ....................................................... 35 2.6.3. Test Phase Outputs ........................................................ 35 2.7. Delivery Phase ................................................................ 37 2.7. 1. Delivery Phase Inputs ...................................................... 37

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 4 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 2.7.2. Delivery Phase Activities .................................................... 37 2.7.3. D elivery Phase Outputs ..................................................... 38

3. M ethods, T ools and T echniques ................................................................. 39 3.1. Com puting system s to be used for softw are developm ent ................................... 39
3. 1. 1. Equipm ent for Planning and D evelopm ent ........................................ 39 3.1.2. Tools for D evelopm ent and Verification ......................................... 39 3.1.3. Equipm ent for Testing ..................................................... 39 3.1.4. PG &E Equipm ent ........................................................ 40 3.2. M ethods ..................................................................... 40 3.2.1. Independent Verification and V alidation ......................................... 40 3.2.2. Testing ................................................................ 40 3.2.3. Safety Analysis (Criticality/Hazard/Risk/Interface) .................................. 40 3.2.4. Baseline Review .......................................................... 40 3.2.5. Independent D esign V erification .............................................. 40 3 .3 . T o o ls ...................................................................... 41 3.4. D evelopm ent m ethods .......................................................... 41 3.4. 1. Requirem ents Phase: ....................................................... 41 3.4.2. D esign Phase: ........................................................... 41 3.4.3. Im plem entation Phase: ..................................................... 41 3.4.4. Test Phase: ............................................................. 42 3.5. Technical standards to be follow ed .................................................. 42 3.6. Technical D ocum entation ........................................................ 42
4. Standards ...................................................................................................... 50

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 5 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 List of Tables Table 1 Lifecycle M apping ..................................................................................................... 8 Table 2. Acquisition Phase O utputs .......................................................................................... 22 Table 3. Planning Phase O utputs .............................................................................................. 23 Table 4. Requirements Phase Outputs ..................................................................................... 26 Table 5 D esign Phase O utputs ................................................................................................ 29 Table 6. Implementation Phase Output ................................................................................... 33 T able 7 T est Phase O utput ............................................................................................................ 36 Table 8 D elivery Phase O utputs .............................................................................................. 38

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 6 of 52 1 Date: 08/17/2011 List of Figures Figure 1. PPS Replacement Project Software Life Cycle Process Overview ........................... 14 Figure 2. Software Life Cycle Process: Acquisition Phase .................................................... 15 Figure 3. Software Life Cycle Process: Planning Phase ......................................................... 16 Figure 4. Software Life Cycle Process: Requirements Phase ................................................... 17 Figure 5. Software Life Cycle Process: Design Phase .............................................................. 18 Figure 6. Software Life Cycle Process: Implementation Phase .............................................. 19 Figure 7. Software Life Cycle Process: Test Phase .................................................................. 20 Figure 8. Software Life Cycle Process: Delivery Phase ......................................................... 21

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 7 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011

1. Introduction This Software Development Plan (SDP) outlines a plan for technical project development of software intended for use in the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Process Protection System (PPS) Project.

1.1. Purpose and Scope The Software Development Plan (this plan) defines the software life cycle and provides the necessary information on the technical aspects of the development project in order for the development team to carry out the project.

The purpose of this SDP is to:

" Define an approach to the software development process, which increases the likelihood of detection of human errors and reduces overall risk.

" Define the technical development activities performed in each phase of the development process and how they will be connected to other development activities.

" Describe the methods, tools, and techniques used to be used during the design, analysis, development, testing, and integration of the software.

  • Describe the personnel or groups responsible for development, validation, and verification of various design outputs.

" Guide the technical aspects of the development project.

" Define the assumptions about the life cycle that is being used.

  • Ensure that the project produces a consistent, complete software product whose safety is assured and determinable.

This SDP is intended for use in the development of software to be used in nuclear safety related applications for which the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B apply. The SDP is written to comply with RG 1.173 [Reference] and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Std. 1074 [Reference].

1.2. Organization of Software Life Cycle Processes This SDP utilizes a modified waterfall model for the software development life cycle process.

The lifecycle model is illustrated in Figure 1 and described in detail in Sections 2.1 through 2.7, inclusive.

The PG&E DCPP PPS Replacement Project requires a project lifecycle comprising several phases. The overlap between the DI&C-ISG-06 [Reference] Licensing Amendment Request review phases and the Nuclear System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM)

[Reference] project lifecycle phases is shown in Table 1, below. Section 1.2 of the PG&E DCPP PPS Project Management Plan [Reference] provides more detail on the

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 8 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 DI&C-ISG-06 Enclosure B documents that will be produced during PPS Replacement Project Phases 1 and 2.

The development life cycle consists of distinct phases or activity groups as follows:

Table I Lifecycle Mapping PPS Project DI&C-ISG-06 NSIPM Project Lifecycle Phase Enclosure B Phase 1 Phase I Acquisition Planning Requirements Phase 2 Phase 2 Design Implementation Test Delivery Phase 3 Scope of Supply To Be Determined RG 1.152 [Reference], RG 1.173, and IEEE Std. 1074 provide the basis for the software development life cycle described in this SDP.

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 9 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 1.3. References 1.3.1. NRC References NUREG/CR-6463, Revision 1, "Review Guidelines for Software Languages for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Safety Systems," August 1997 RG 1.152, Revision 3, Criteria for Use of Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants RG 1.172, Revision 0, Software Requirements Specifications for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants RG 1.173, Revision 0, Developing Software Life Cycle Processes for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance 4, (DI&C ISG-04) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance 6 (DI&C-ISG-06) 1.3.2. IEEE Standards IEEE 1074-1995, IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes IEEE 830-1993, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications 1.3.3. Applicable Internal Documents and References Coding Guidelines 993754-1-907 Nuclear Systems Integration Program Manual, (NSIPM) NTX-SER-09-21, Revision 1, dated July 9, 2010 Project Management Plan, 993754-1-905 Project Quality Plan 993754-1-900 Project Traceability Matrix, 993754-1-804 Purchase Order Compliance Matrix, 993754-1-800 Software Safety Plan, 993754-1-911 Software Verification and Validation Plan, 993754-1-802 Triconex Project Procedures Manual Project Instruction 7.0 "Application Program Development for the PG&E DCPP PPS Replacement Project, 993754-1-951" Tricon V1O Nuclear Qualified Equipment List (NQEL) 9100150-001, 1.3.4. Acronyms AFW Auxiliary Feedwater ALS Advanced Logic System ANSI American National Standards Institute

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 10 of 52 1 Date: 08/17/2011 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers CASE Computer-Assisted Software Engineering CDD Conceptual Design Document CFR Code of Federal Regulations DCPP Diablo Canyon Power Plant DI&C Digital Instrumentation and Controls EMI Electromagnetic Interference ESFAS Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System FAT Factory Acceptance Test FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FRS Functional Requirements Specification HRS Hardware Requirements Specification HSI Human-System Interface HVT Hardware Validation Test I/O Input/Output IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IOM Invensys Operations Management IRS Interface Requirements Specification ISG Interim Staff Guidance IV&V Independent Verification and Validation LAR License Amendment Request LLR Lessons Learned Report LOE Level of Effort LTOPS Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System MCB Main Control Board MCL Master Configuration List MDM Manufacturing Department Manual ND Nuclear Project Delivery NQA Nuclear Quality Assurance NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSIPM Nuclear System Integration Program Manual OPDT Over-Power Delta-T OTDT Over-Temperature Delta-T PE Project Engineer PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric Company PMP Project Management Plan PO Purchase Order POCM Purchase Order Compliance Matrix PPM Project Procedures Manual PQAE Project Quality Assurance Engineer

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I Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 11 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager PQP Project Quality Plan PPS Process Protection System PRC Project Review Committee PT2 File extension for the TriStation 1131 application code, i.e., *.PT2 PTM Project Traceability Matrix PWR Pressurized Water Reactor QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Controls QPM Quality Procedures Manual RFI Radio-Frequency Interference RG Regulatory Guide RHR Residual Heat Removal RTS Reactor Trip System RXM Remote Extender Module, Remote Expansion Chassis S/G Steam Generator SAD System Architecture Description SAT Site Acceptance Test SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan SDD Software Design Description SDP Software Development Plan SER Safety Evaluation Report SI Safety Injection SIL Software Integrity Level SIntP Software Integration Plan SLC Software Life Cycle SLCP Software Life Cycle Process SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan SRS Software Requirements Specification SSP Software Safety Plan SSPS Solid State Protection System SVVP Software V&V Plan SWR Software Walkthrough Report TCM Tricon Communications Module TRL Technical Requirements List TS1131 TriStation 1131 TSAP TriStation Application Program V&V Verification and Validation

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I Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 12 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011

2. Life Cycle Processes The DCPP PPS Replacement Project will utilize a modified waterfall life cycle model as identified below. The following figures are provided to illustrate the software life cycle and the processes used in each life cycle phase in the DCPP PPS Replacement Project. Descriptions of each life cycle phase as well as the phase inputs and outputs are provided after the figures.

The project phases and a general description of the associated activities are detailed below.

" Acquisition Phase - Request for Quote assistance and Purchase Order Review

  • Planning Phase - Project Schedule, Planning Documents, Master Configuration List

" Requirements Phase - Software Requirements Specification, Hardware Requirements Specification, and Project Traceability Matrix.

" Design Phase - Software Design Description, Design Drawings, Project Traceability Matrix

" Implementation Phase - Project Software Application Development, Verification Document Development and Test Procedure/Test Cases execution, Hardware Assembly

  • Test Phase - Acceptance Test Procedure Development, Project Traceability Matrix, Factory Acceptance Test Execution
  • Delivery Phase - Package System for Shipment, Certificate of Conformance, System Shipment The typical waterfall life cycle would continue with the Installation/Acceptance Testing Phase, Operation Phase, Maintenance Phase and Retirement Phase. These phases are not within the scope of the DCPP PPS Replacement Project for Invensys Operations Management and therefore are not included in the modified waterfall life cycle.

Phase Completion Meetings shall be held by the Project Review Committee (PRC) at the completion of the Requirements, Design, Implementation and Test Phases. The PRC shall assess the risks and make recommendations for incorporating lessons learned prior to starting activities associated with the next project phase. The Project Review Committee (PRC) shall meet for project related activities, with the minimum PRC members for each activity as defined below:

PRC Members Project Activities PM, PE, PQAE, Test Activities - Approve test procedures, release for test, review and evaluate

  • IV&V/TD; test results to determine acceptability of the tests, and to discuss any problems Customer as identified during the testing, e.g., test procedure problems (ICNs issued), test applicable. failures/test anomalies (SIDRs issued), etc. Additionally, any lessons learned should be discussed during the meeting.

PM, PE, PQAE, Phase Exit - Review project activities associated with the major project phases

  • IV&V/TD (requirements, design, implementation, and test) and evaluate the risks and provide recommendations associated with lessons learned prior to entering the

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 13 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 next project phase. The phase summary reports provide metrics that should be considered when evaluating the risks for entering the next project phase (see PPM 7.02 for phase summary report details).

PM, PE, PQAE, Other - Review and/or evaluate additional project activities as deemed appropriate

  • IV&V/TD by the Project Manager.
  • For testing activities the Test Director for the specific activity (e.g., HVT, FAT, etc.) should represent Nuclear IV&V at the PRC meetings.

The PM is responsible for developing and issuing PRC Meeting Minutes which provides an overview of the PRC meeting.

When deemed appropriate by the Project Manager, a conditional release may be initiated to allow activities in a subsequent phase to be performed prior to completing activities in the current phase. The conditional release shall be reviewed by the PRC, and as required the customer, prior to approval.

Once a phase has been exited, minor changes to an approved document(s) may be processed with a successor document(s), e.g., the project is in the design phase and review of the SDD identifies minor changes to the SRS. In this case the SRS is not required to be approved prior to routing the SDD for review. The SRS and SDD can be routed for review together. Major revisions to documents shall follow the normal process. This will require exiting the phase where the revision is identified and returning to the phase where the document to be revised had originated.

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 14 of 52 1 Date: 1 08/17/2011 Figure 1. PPS Replacement Project Software Life Cycle Process Overview

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I Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 22 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 2.1. Acquisition Phase During the Acquisition Phase the customer Request for Proposal, and/or Purchase Order is received, reviewed and the Purchase Order Compliance Matrix (POCM) [Reference] is prepared. Initial budgets are created and Bids submitted. These activities are performed by ND in support of the organization that prepares the proposal.

The Acquisition Phase inputs, outputs, and activities are illustrated in Figure 2.


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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 26 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 2.3. Requirements Phase During the Requirements Phase the high level functional design requirements are translated into verifiable, traceable technical requirements that define the software required to operate the system. These requirements will be used directly in the design, verification, and validation of the software and system or equipment.

The Requirements Phase inputs, outputs, and activities are illustrated in Figure 4.


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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 29 of 52 1 Date: 08/17/2011 2.4. Design Phase This phase transforms the Software Requirements created in the Requirements Phase into detailed software design. The Software Architecture will also be defined and documented.

The Design Phase inputs, outputs, and activities are illustrated in Figure 5.


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2.5. Implementation Phase During the Implementation Phase the software described in the SDD is translated into an application that will run on the Triconex platform. This application (PT2 file) is then turned over to Nuclear IV&V for verification testing.

The Implementation Phase inputs, outputs, and activities are illustrated in Figure 6.

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2.6. Test Phase The purpose of the Test Phase is to demonstrate the software performs the intended function by performing validation of the software on the target or production hardware. The Test Phase inputs, outputs, and activities are illustrated in Figure 7.


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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 37 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 LIZ 2.7. Delivery Phase The Delivery Phase inputs, outputs, and activities are illustrated in Figure 8.

The purpose of the Delivery Phase is to prepare the system for shipment to the customer.


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3. Methods, Tools and Techniques 3.1. Computing systems to be used for software development Equipment and tools used by the Invensys Operations Management project team during the project lifecycle are listed below. Control of material (e.g., test equipment and safety-related VI1 Tricon hardware) and equipment calibration (e.g., for hardware validation and factory acceptance testing) will be handled in accordance with the applicable PPM.


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I Software Development Plan 1 Revision: 0 Page: 40 of 52 1 Date: 08/17/2011 3.2. Methods w

3.2.1. Independent Verification and Validation Independent Verification and Validation shall be performed on software design outputs from each phase of the development process. Software for this project is Nuclear Safety Related and will be classified Software Integrity Level 4 (SIL-4) in accordance with the procedures provided in the SVVP.

3.2.2. Testing Testing is intended to ensure the software product is free from faults in its specification, design, and implementation.

Nuclear IV&V has primary responsibility for developing the test documents and conducting the testing. The Functional responsibilities of Nuclear IV&V are defined in the PMP.

3.2.3. Safety Analysis (Criticality/Hazard/Risk/Interface)

Safety Analysis (SA) shall be performed on software products as defined in the Software Safety Plan (SSP). The SA shall be performed by Nuclear IV&V in accordance with the SSP.


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I Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 41 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011 3.3. Tools TS 1131 is the tool to be used for development of software for the PG&E DCPP PPS Replacement Project.

Tools required for project execution, which include compilers, emulators, simulators, and hardware, shall be evaluated and documented as specified.

3.4. Development methods w

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Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 42 of 52 1 Date: 08/17/2011 EL-3.5. Technical standards to be followed See Section 4 for list of Standards.

3.6. Technical Documentation Below is the list of the technical documents required for the development of the V1O Tricon Protection Set application code. The below list includes summary descriptions of the documents.

The documents are identified by title and document number based on the numbering scheme in Appendix A of the PMP. Authors, reviewers, and approvers are also shown.

The PPS Replacement Project Software Verification and Validation Plan, 993754-1-802, provides additional details on the verification and validation activities performed by Nuclear IV&V. The Software Quality Assurance Plan, 993754-1-801, defines the quality affecting activities to be followed in the design, development, review, and testing for the PPS Replacement Project to ensure the specified quality requirements are met.


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4. Standards The following documents are developmental references for this Plan:
  • Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulation Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants

" NUREG-0800, "Standard Review Plan (SRP) for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," Chapter 7, "Instrumentation and Controls," Revision 5

" NUREG-0800, "Standard Review Plan (SRP) for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," Branch Technical Position (BTP) 7-14 Revision 5, Guidance on Software Reviews for Digital Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems

" NUREG/CR-6101. "Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems." 1993.

  • NUREG/CR-6463, Revision 1, "Review Guidelines for Software Languages for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Safety Systems," August 1997
  • RG 1.152, Revision 3, Criteria for Use of Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
  • RG 1.153, Revision 1, Criteria for Safety Systems

" RG 1.168, Revision 1, Verification, Validation, Reviews, and Audits For Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

" RG 1.169, Revision 0, Configuration Management Plans for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

  • RG 1.170, Revision 0, Software Test Documentation for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
  • RG 1.171, Revision 0, Software Unit Testing for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

" RG 1.172, Revision 0, Software Requirements Specifications for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

" RG 1.173, Revision 0, Developing Software Life Cycle Processes for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

  • United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance 4, (DI&C ISG-04)
  • United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance 6 (DI&C-ISG-06)

" Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) TR-106439, "Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications,"

October 1996

i n v'e. n s.y STM s" i V e. nl 5" ,- 5" Operations Management Triconex Document: 993754-1-906


Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 51 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011

" IEEE 7-4.3.2-2003, IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations

" IEEE 603-1991 including correction sheet dated January 30, 1995, IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

  • IEEE 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology
  • IEEE 730-2002, IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans

" IEEE 828-1990, Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans

" IEEE 829-1983, Standard for Software Test Documentation

  • IEEE 830-1993, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications

" IEEE 1008-1987, IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing

" IEEE 1012-1998, Standard for Software Verification and Validation

" IEEE 1016-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions

" IEEE 1028-1997, Standard for Software Reviews

" IEEE 1042-1987, Guide to Software Configuration Management

" IEEE 1058.1-1987, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans

" IEEE 1074-1995, IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes

" IEEE 12207-1996, IEEE/Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) Standard for Software Life Cycle Processes

  • Purchase Order Compliance Matrix, 993754-1-800
  • Technical Requirements List, 993754-1-808

" Project Management Plan, 993754-1-905

  • Software Development Plan, 993754-1-906

" Project Risk Management Plan, 993754-1-908

" Project Quality Plan, 993754-1-900

  • Software Quality Assurance Plan, 993754-1-801
  • Software Configuration Management Plan, 993754-1-909

" Software Integration Plan, 993754-1-910

" Hardware Requirements Specification, 993754-in1 -807

" Software Requirements Specification, 993754- 1n'-809

" System Architecture Description, 993754-1-914

" Software Design Description, 993754-1-810

  • Software Verification and Validation Plan, 993754-1-802
  • Software Safety Plan, 993754-1-911

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" m Triconex i n V'e. n7 s" .ý-. s" Document: 993754-1-906


I Software Development Plan Revision: 0 Page: 52 of 52 Date: 08/17/2011

" Validation Test Plan, 993754-1-813

" Software Verification Test Plan, 993754-1-868

  • Hardware Validation Test Procedure, 993754-1n'-902-0

" Factory Acceptance Test Procedure, 993754-1nl-902-1

  • Input/Output List, 993754-1-806
  • V1O Tricon Protection Set Application Code, 993754-in'-700
  • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, 993754-1-811
  • Master Configuration List, 993754-1-803
  • Project Traceability Matrix, 993754-1-804
  • Triconex Project Procedures Manual