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Comment (53) of Douglas S. Mcarthur Opposing Re-licensing of the South Texas Project
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2011
From: McArthur D S
- No Known Affiliation
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR5410 00053, NRC-2010-0375
Download: ML11119A013 (1)


DOUGLAS McARTHUR 2707 Cascade Drive, Austin Texas 78757-2111 Home: (512) 452-2608 Cell: (512) 971-0566 or 1 March 30, 2011 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0 11-F l Washington D.C. 20555 FID C/3 Re: South Texas Project Units I & 2 Re-licensing NRC-2010-0375 DOCKET NOS 50-498: 50-499

Dear Madam/Sir:

I have serious concerns regarding the re-licensing of the above-referenced units of the South Texas Project. While these concerns deal mainly with operational and waste -related safety, I am, in addition, opposed to Texas increasing reliance on nuclear power generation due to high and uncertain cost.Rather than pushing for more water-consuming nuclear power plants, Texas needs to focus more on the development of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.While many promises are made as to the safety of nuclear power, recent history demands we not place too much reliance on them. Some things do not readily lend themselves to engineering solutions.

I believe nuclear power is one of those things, and thus am opposed to the requested re-licensing.

Sincerely, Douglas S. McArthur c A~f&z. 7_.Yý)