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Comment (13) of T. Burns Opposing South Texas Plants, NRC-2010-0375
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/01/2011
From: Burns T
- No Known Affiliation
To: Gallagher C A
Division of Administrative Services
76FR5410 00013, NRC-2010-0375
Download: ML110960086 (1)


RjU i/Eq., L-'Gallagher, Carol ,,) $-,-D FL " 'I From: Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 9:20 AM To: Gallagher, Carol ,, -P--, -1* 9: 4 8



Dear Ms. Gallagher:

I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed license rerewal/extension for-South Texas Nuclear Project Plants 1 and 2. I was living in San Antonio when this project was debated and under construction.

I will be moving back to San Antonio in the next year to retire. I have followed the history of STP for a long time.I oppose extension of the licenses for these Units.I believe Japan's current problems demonstrates the unacceptable risks the nuclear power industry poses to human health and safety. Similar leakages could occur at STP, with dire consequences to surrounding populations.

I believe American industry is equally prone to overstating its safety records, safety concerns, and competency, as JEPCO has done in this crisis. I also know that there have been a number of serious, sometimes unreported, usually understated safety violations over the years at STP.I also know, from following WCS in Andrews, Texas, that there is no safe disposal for LLRW, and still no safe disposal for the high level waste fuel rods such as are melting in Japan today.I have heard the news reports that the leakage of plutonium and cesium is not a cause for concern. As a physician interested in this area, I know that this is ridiculous.

I remember how much pollonium was required to assassinate a Russian person in the UK.STP was predicted to last 30 years. I agree with the UCS bathtub curve. Start up and end of life times are the most dangerous.

We see the increased cracks and problems as they age. Yankee Nuclear should be shut down after all the safety violations and water contamination.

There is strong likelihood STP units will be in similar condition.

STP requires a large amount of cooling water to operate, critical, as seen in Japan. Texas is facing more and more serious water shortages, as population rises and global warming effects take place. The need for water for other purposes than STP will grow. STP should relinquish its water use, and shut down.STP does not displace C02 emissions.

Other, truly renewable energy sources are much more highly developed now, and can replace STP. By scheduled renewal, nuclear energy will be totally unnecessary.

Please do NOT extend the licenses for these plants.Sincerely, T. Burns, M.D.4009 Fox Hollow CT Midland, TX 79707 OA) ee--/~ #2~17L-,,--1