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Radiation Protection Inspection
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/2011
From: Brian Bonser
To: Madison D
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML110480881 (7)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II 245 PEACHTREE CENTER AVENUE NE, SUITE 1200 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-1257 February 17, 2011 Mr. Dennis R. Madison Vice President Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant 11028 Hatch Parkway North Baxley, GA 31513



Dear Mr. Madison:

On March 28, 2011, through April 1, 2011, and April 11, 2011, through April 15, 2011, the NRC will perform a baseline Occupational Radiation Safety Inspection at the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant (NRC Inspection Procedures IP 71124.01, 71124.02, 71124.03, 71124.04, 71124.08, and Radiation Safety Sections of IP 71151). Experience has shown that this inspection is resource intensive both for the NRC inspectors and your staff. In order to minimize the impact to your on-site resources and to ensure a productive inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this activity. The NRC requests that these documents be provided to the inspectors no later than March 11, 2011.

We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and understand that our regulatory contact for this inspection will be Mr. Steve Tipps of your organization. If there are any questions about this inspection or the material requested, please contact the lead inspector, Adam Nielsen, at (404) 997-4660, or the Plant Support Branch 1 Chief, Brian Bonser, at (404) 997-4653. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Brian Bonser, Chief Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos.: 50-321, 50-366 License Nos.: DPR-57, NPF-5


Document Request List cc (See page 3)

SNC 2 cc w/encl: Moanica Caston B. D. McKinney, Jr. Vice President and General Counsel Regulatory Response Manager Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Steven B. Tipps Jeffrey T. Gasser Hatch Principal Engineer - Licensing Chief Nuclear Officer Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Mr. Ken Rosanski M. J. Ajluni Resident Manager Nuclear Licensing Director Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Oglethorpe Power Corporation Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution T. D. Honeycutt Chris Clark Regulatory Response Supervisor Commissioner Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution L. Mike Stinson Lee Foley Vice President Manager of Contracts Generation Fleet Operations Support Oglethorpe Power Corporation Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Senior Resident Inspector R. D. Baker U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing Supervisor Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. U.S. NRC Electronic Mail Distribution 11030 Hatch Parkway N Baxley, GA 30334 E. G. Anners Licensing Engineer Arthur H. Domby, Esq.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Troutman Sanders Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Paula Marino James C. Hardeman Vice President Environmental Radiation Program Manager Engineering Environmental Protection Division Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution R. E. Varnadore Ted V. Jackson Site Support Manager Emergency Response and Radiation Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Program Manager Electronic Mail Distribution Environmental Protection Division (cc w/encl. continued page 4)

SNC 3 Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution F. Allen Barnes Director Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Cynthia A. Sanders Radioactive Materials Program Manager Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution James A. Sommerville Program Coordination Branch Chief Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Mr. Steven M. Jackson Senior Engineer - Power Supply Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Electronic Mail Distribution Mr. Reece McAlister Executive Secretary Georgia Public Service Commission Electronic Mail Distribution Chairman Appling County Commissioners County Courthouse 69 Tippins Street, Suite 201 Baxley, GA 31513


DOCUMENT REQUEST LIST Inspection Dates: March 28, 2011 - April 1, 2011, and April 11 - 15, 2011 Inspection Procedures: IP 71124.01 Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls IP 71124.02 Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls IP 71124.03 In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation IP 71124.04 Occupational Dose Assessment IP 71124.08 Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage, and Transportation IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification Note: The current version of these documents is expected unless specified otherwise.

Electronic media is preferred if readily available (The preferred file format is Word, WordPerfect, or searchable .pdf files on CDROM). Note that the inspectors cannot accept data provided on USB or flash drives due to NRC IT security policies. Please organize the information as it is arranged below to the extent possible. Experience has shown that a poorly organized CD leads to a less efficient inspection and places additional burden on licensee staff. If there are questions regarding the documents requested, please do not hesitate to contact the lead inspector.


1. Plant Management, Radiation Protection, and Chemistry organizational charts w/ contact numbers
2. Electronic copy of UFSAR chapters 11 and 12 (radwaste and radiation protection)
3. Corrective action program procedure
4. Outage schedule of major activities (Gantt chart if available) 71124.01 - Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
1. List of outage RWPs
2. Plant maps of all Locked HRAs and VHRAs
3. Procedures related to HP controls (e.g. Posting, labeling, surveys, RWPs, contamination control, HRA/LHRA/VHRA control, key control, control of divers, special controls during fuel offload, hot spots, etc.)
4. Procedures related to release of personnel and materials (e.g. release surveys, decontamination, guidance for alarm follow up, etc.)
5. List of Nationally Tracked Sources and any change-of-ownership transactions
6. List of all non-fuel items stored in spent fuel pool
7. Most recent self-assessment or audit covering HP controls
8. LIST of CRs related to HP controls where the cause was listed as human performance (radworker error) or human performance (HP technician error) issued since March 2010.

This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.


2 71124.02 - Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls

1. All procedures related to ALARA (e.g. temporary shielding, ALARA planning, source term reduction, etc.)
2. List of top 5 dose jobs for refueling outage and ALARA planning packages if available
3. ALARA trending point data (BRAC points) for last two outages on both units
4. Most recent self-assessment or audit of ALARA program
5. LIST of CRs related to ALARA since February 2009. This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.

71124.03 - In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation

1. Procedures related to airborne monitoring and control (e.g. use of containment purge, use of negative pressure/HEPA units, temporary ventilation enclosures, CAM/air sampling guidance, Alpha air sampling, etc.).
2. Procedures related to use of respiratory protection devices, e.g.

(SCBA, TEDE-ALARA guidance, PAPRs, storage, maintenance, training, QA, fit-testing, etc.).

3. All records of grade D air certification for supplied air system and SCBA filling equipment since November 2008.
4. SCBA qualification records 4a. Vendor training certificates for all individuals qualified to repair SCBA.

4b. List of all licensed operators qualified to use SCBA.

4c. List of all maintenance personnel qualified to use SCBA.

4d. List of all HP personnel qualified to use SCBA.

5. LIST of CRs related to airborne monitoring and respiratory protection since November 2008.

This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.

71124.04 - Occupational Dose Assessment

1. Procedures related to occupational dose assessment (e.g. external dose monitoring, dosimetry issuance and use, guidance for multi-badging, personnel contamination events, storage/care of personal dosimeters, use of electronic dosimeters, in-vivo and in-vitro internal dose assessment, QC for whole body counter, use of passive monitoring if applicable, declared pregnant workers).
2. NVLAP accreditation documentation for current dosimetry used by site.
3. LIST of all positive whole body counts, in vitro, or air sampling analyses which resulted in an assigned CEDE equal to or exceeding 10 millirem since February 2009. [Note: only a listing should be provided for use by the inspectors to select a sample of issues for in-depth review during the onsite inspection].
4. List of all personnel contamination events identified since February 2009. [Note: only a listing should be provided for use by the inspectors to select a sample of issues for in-depth review during the onsite inspection].
5. Most recent audit or self-assessment of the dosimetry program and the most recent audit of the lab that processes site dosimetry.
6. LIST of CRs generated since February 2009, for internal or external dosimetry issues/events. This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.


3 71124.08 - Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage, and Transportation

1. All procedures related to transportation of radioactive material/waste, radwaste characterization, solid radwaste processing, and storage of RAM and radwaste.
2. Process Control Program.
3. Liquid and solid radwaste system diagrams and detailed system descriptions (e.g.

information that might be contained in curricula for training new system engineers).

4. List of all shipments made since February 2009, (shipping logs).
5. List of all changes made to solid and liquid radwaste processing systems since February 2009.
6. List of all permanently abandoned solid and liquid radwaste processing equipment.
7. Last two 10 CFR Part 61 analyses for each waste stream, including RADMAN QA data (e.g.

in-house vs. vendor lab comparisons, current results vs. database, etc.).

8. List of CRs related to shipping, radwaste processing, or RAM storage since February 2009.

This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.

9. Most recent self-assessment or audit of Shipping/radwaste processing and RAM storage programs.
10. Training records for all individuals qualified to ship radioactive material/waste demonstrating the requirements of 49 CFR 172 Subpart H (HAZMAT training) have been met. This information can be reviewed onsite rather than included with the submittal because it may contain Personally Identifiable Information.

PI Verification (occupational and public cornerstones)

1. Procedure for gathering and reporting PI data.
2. List of all CRs related to effluent dose/ODCM issues since March 2010. This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.
3. List of all CRs related to TS HRA/VHRA issues since March 2010. This should be a list of corrective action documents containing a CR number and brief description, not full CRs.
4. Most recent gaseous and liquid effluent release permits.
5. 2010 Annual Effluent Report (if available) or public dose roll-up for 2010, if Annual Effluent Report is not yet available.

Lead Inspector Contact Information:

Adam Nielsen, CHP (404) 997-4660 Enclosure