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NSP000040-Revised Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Target Zero Human Performance Improvement Plan
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/26/2010
- No Known Affiliation
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML102460550 List: ... further results
50-282-LR, 50-306-LR, ASLBP 08-871-01-LR-BD01, RAS 18555
Download: ML102460619 (14)


NSP000040 Human Performance Improvement Plan Actions Risk Management Womack CAP01177385 Human Performance Effective Fundamental Solutions Madjerich Clewett CAP01177422 Improve CAP01177415 Human Performance Ryan Management Behaviors Engagement Lash Oversight CAP01177420 Northard CAP01177417 Deleted: 11/11/2009 Deleted: 10/7/2009 Updated 7/26/2010

Focus Area: Risk Management CAP01177385 Attribute:

Identify risk in job planning, recognize risk at the jobsite, and take appropriate actions to mitigate, reduce or eliminate risk.

Focus Area Owner PINGP Randy Womack Strategy R-1 Immediate Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Establish risk management principles M. Wadley Complete
2. Develop and deliver message to station 04/22/09 personnel that includes eye-opening examples, significance of plant standing with regulator M. Wadley Complete and outside agencies and importance of good 07/09/09 risk assessment.
a. SVP Meeting with Site (Stop all work)
b. Define risk to the site ie, paint picture of Risk Assessment
i. Do NOT assume success ii. Risk=Likelihood X Consequences
3. Communicate to the site the risk Management Principles and Behaviors M. Wadley Complete 5/29/09 Note: Needs to be responsive to : Conduct site wide stand down to establish significance of human performance issues facing the station from ACE 01159262 Strategy R-2 Short Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date
1. Develop / Revise existing tools of PJB and RUE to include: Complete
a. What is the most significant error that we B. Flynn 06/15/09 can make during this task:
i. How reduce Likelihood ii. How reduce Consequences Deleted: 11/11/2009 Deleted: 10/7/2009 Updated 7/26/2010
b. What assumptions are made during this B. Flynn Complete task: 06/15/09
i. What are the consequences of the assumptions ii. What steps need to be taken to validate assumptions iii. Assumptions will align terms with complex work procedure.
c. Reinforce expectations for use of PJB vs. M. Schmidt/ Complete RUE Len Clewett 05/01/09
d. Add assignment to highlight Error Likely Northard Complete Task review and identification of critical 4/15/09 steps to 1400 daily meeting, and review which HU tools will be used at next day 0645 production meeting
e. Provide Critical Step stamps to every PI Northard Complete Supervisor along with expectations for their 4/15/09 use in marking procedures and work orders, and identify which Human Performance tools is to be applied to prevent errors in execution.
f. Publish a D15 article discussing the Critical Northard Complete Step stamps and their use, to be 4/13/09 communicated in the Face to Face portion of the D15.
2. Implement process changes that improve risk Lappegaard Complete identification and risk management of station 05/26/09 scheduled work orders.
3. Evaluate use of Type I ODMI Process for daily Schimmel/ Completed activities Kettering with action
a. Implement Type I ODMI process 1141755 07/01/09
4. Develop / Identify metrics for Station and Flynn Complete Department implementation of short term actions 5/28/09
a. Develop risk attributes for inclusion into existing observation cards
b. Observation data, criticality of observation, comments
5. Revise PERG Agenda to include review of metrics J. Erickson Complete 2/1/09
6. Integrate project work with cycle schedule to allow K. Albrecht Complete resource leveling of work to be performed. 07/08/09 3

Strategy R-3 Long Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Incorporate risk management into Training Sternisha Complete activities for initial and continuing training. (Pre 06/01/09 outage and Post outage)
2. Revise Pre-Job-Briefs to include risk attributes. Flynn Complete 06/15/09
3. Implement Fact Based Decision Making Process Womack Complete for risk-based decision making 06/10/09
a. Determine Model to be utilized
b. Paint the Picture of Decision Making
c. Develop tool
d. Set expectations for use of Decision Making Tool
e. Communicate Picture, Tool and expectation for use to organization
4. Review RUE against Industry standard (SAFER). G. Anderson Complete 08/18/09 Performance Measures Goals Site/Department clock reset rates Reduce plant events PJB Observation noteworthy comments Improved pre-job briefs
  1. Significant/Noteworthy events Fewer risk significant events 4

Focus Area: Effective Solutions CAP01177415 Attribute:

Human Performance issues are recognized, with causes understood, and effective corrective actions are implemented.

Focus Area Owner PINGP Len Clewett Strategy S-1 Immediate Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Restructure attendance at the Corrective Action S. Northard Complete Screening Meeting to place Managers into roles of 06/17/09 determining AR level and level of effort
2. Reinforce procedure requirements for CAP program (model behavior of Procedure use)


a. For A & B level ARs related to Human Flynn 4/29/09 Performance, perform independent review of all closed ARs by the HUIT (use TRP guidance in Att 10 of FP-PA-ARP-01)

Strategy S-2 Short Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Prioritize workload beginning with the AR backlog
a. Develop specific set of criteria for Petersen Complete determining low value work for closure 04/14/09
b. Supervisors meet with individuals to identify Petersen Complete low value work 04/27/09
c. Managers and supervisors meet to Clewett Complete determine what work will not be completed 08/20/09 (document reasons and close action) 5

Strategy S-3 Long Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Utilize lessons learned from Prairie Island Sorensen Complete PRIDE initiative 07/08/09
2. Develop Diagonal Team to provide feedback to Albarado Complete Senior Management on effectiveness of 12/01/08 communications Performance Measures Goals Open CAP actions, age of open CAPs Reduce CAP backlogs No missed department and site clock Properly screen CAPs for significance resets 6

Focus Area: Management Engagement and Oversight CAP01177417 Attribute:

Managers understand that Human Performance is core business as demonstrated by clearly communicating what is expected, reinforcing why it is core business, and oversight of the effectiveness of Human Performance in their respective organizations.

Focus Area Owner PINGP Scott Northard Strategy E-1 Immediate Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Assign a Senior Manager as the champion for HU M. Wadley Complete at the site until performance improvement has 4/30/09 measurably improved (i.e. Plant Manager) From ACE 01159262
2. Utilize forcing functions of the PARB, PERG to return to basic principles, line ownership of issues
a. PARB used as HU Steering Committee per Bert Flynn Complete PARB procedure 2/1/09
b. Use PERG to monitor actions associated Bert Flynn Complete with this plan including change 4/15/09 management plans NOTE: This action is also responsive to Reinstitute HU program oversight controls. Develop standard PARB and PERG updates for oversight and implement IAW FP-PA-HU-01 From ACE 01159262
3. Restructure Leadership Alignment Meeting to S. Northard Complete focus on case studies and correct behaviors 4/30/09
a. Complete Site VP facilitated rollout of M. Wadley Complete station performance and expectations per 4/30/09 XPAR 01168145.


Strategy E-2 Short Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date Strategy E-3 Long Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Human Performance Improvement Team Northard Complete membership and actions not up to expectation, 09/02/09 line ownership of Human Performance improvement required
a. Develop roles and responsibilities for HU B Flynn Complete Team Member 04/21/09
b. Each Manager meet with HU Improvement Northard Complete team leader to discuss their groups HUIT Dept Mngrs 05/29/09 member assignment for each group
c. Each Manager meet with chosen HU Northard Complete Improvement Team Member to set Dept Mngrs 06/01/09 expectations
d. Provide training and mentoring to HU G Anderson Complete Team Members to develop true Subject Northard 07/23/09 Matter Experts
e. Each Manager Develop and maintain B Flynn Complete department HU improvement plans based 07/09/09 on trends identified in DRUM
f. Each Manager review department Northard Complete observations & provide coaching to Dept Mngrs 07/30/09 individuals that performed less than critical observations as part of DRUM process.
g. HUIT to provide cross functional approach G Anderson Complete to analyze data. HUIT 08/30/09
3. Conduct snapshot evaluation for implementation of G. Anderson Complete HUIT team charter as described in FP-PA-HU-01 8/30/09 Rev 8 Deleted: 11/11/2009 Deleted: 10/7/2009 Updated 7/26/2010

Performance Measures Goals Department, site clock resets Reduce plant events

  1. Human performance cross-cutting Reduce employee errors violations No substantive NRC cross-cutting issues Improve Regulatory Standing Deleted: 11/11/2009 Deleted: 10/7/2009 Updated 7/26/2010

Focus Area: Behaviors CAP01177420 Attribute:

Use of fundamental Human Performance tools becomes a habit. Positive behaviors are reinforced, negative behaviors are coached, and a healthy uneasiness exists during task performance.

Focus Area Owner PINGP Jim Lash Strategy H-1 Immediate Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Supervisors and Managers model behaviors Complete
a. PERG Meetings have agendas, procedures Erickson 01/1/09 are followed, action items are created and tracked.
b. Managers and supervisors reinforce Complete procedure usage on a daily business by Clewett 01/15/09 asking What process are we in?
c. Expectation for why question must be Complete reinforced for observations J Anderson 01/10/09
d. Set expectations and reinforce for field Complete presence of key managers M. Wadley 04/27/09 10

Strategy H-2 Short Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Improve in-field coaching by managers and supervisors
a. Use Paired Observations (Manager) to Northard Complete reinforce expectations (Specific time, 02/27/09 supervisor, place) (Note our action did not call for Specific time, supervisor, place )

(Also note needs to be responsive to Implementation of Paired Observation program. From ACE 01159262) Complete

b. Provide coach the coach feedback at Albarado 04/24/09 leadership forum.
2. Expand good catch program to include recognition B Flynn Complete of near misses (Especially self reported) 5/04/09 Strategy H-3 Long Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date
1. Review workforce plans with leadership team. R Zebro COMPLETE 08/03/09
2. Coordinate with hiring leader assignment of a R. Zebro departmental contact to assist with integration of COMPLETE new employees into site organization 08/03/09 Performance Measures Goals
  1. Good Catches for HU Tool Usage Improve HU Tool Usage Quantity/Quality of HU Tool Usage Observations(paired, other) of HU Tools 11

Focus Area: Human Performance Fundamentals CAP01177422 Attribute:

Entire organization is grounded on fundamental knowledge of human performance, and individual contribution to site excellence.

Focus Area Owner PINGP Rick Madjerich Strategy F-1 Immediate Actions Actions Owner Due Date Strategy F-2 Short Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Develop and implement 2009 Site Human Bert Flynn Complete Performance Improvement Plans From ACE 07/09/09 01159262
2. Implementation of Paired Observation program. Bert Flynn Complete From ACE 01159262 01/26/09
3. Develop specific 1R26 HU plan to include the following elements: Tom Wadley Complete
a. Supplemental worker training 06/05/09
b. Jamboree time and format (plan)
c. Observers in field (plan)

(from previous revision of HU improvement plan)

4. Create centers of excellence for each of the Kevin Ryan Complete Deleted: ACC/ASG most important HU tools. The center of 10/15/09 excellence sets the standards for that tool, monitors its execution, and coaches others to the standards. From ACE 01159262
5. Re-establish the use of peer teams with Bert Flynn Complete Corporate sponsorship to assist with 06/26/09 maintaining support and providing oversight of USA/

learning opportunities from the fleet and the STARS industry From ACE 01159262 alliance 12

6. Develop and pilot program within maintenance Mike Schmidt Complete department to Identify Critical Steps during the 05/01/09 Prejob Briefs and stamp them in the procedure.

These require extra verification and oversight during the step completion. Pilot the program until March 2009, then evaluate for effectiveness and continuance and site wide implementation From ACE 01159262

7. Create HU tools pocket guide (from original Bert Flynn Complete draft of Site HU improvement plan) G. Anderson/ 07/27/09 HUIT
8. Develop and implement Human Performance Department Complete Improvement plans for each of the following Heads 06/26/09 departments as a minimum: Mechanical Maintenance, Electrical Maintenance, I&C Maintenance, Special Construction, Day and Zimmerman, NPSA, Operations, and Planning and Scheduling, TRNG, ENG, Security, RP/Chem From ACE 01159262
9. Site wide reinforcement of Human Performance Sternisha fundamentals (Defense in Depth) (Re-baseline Complete of HU Tools and expectations) 07/07/09
a. Classroom (based on needs analysis),

including labs and DLAs.

b. Train personnel in use and expectations of Risk Tools, incorporate training into initial and continuing training programs.

Note: This action also needs to be responsive to:

Develop and deliver comprehensive HU info sharing on fundamentals using Jamboree or EXPO concept. Conduct benchmarking of plants that effectively use similar tools for improving HU.

Incorporate centers of excellence in delivery.

From ACE 01159262

10. Complete supervisory skills assessment. Albarado Complete 4/21/09
11. Develop specific HU goals for Manager and R Zebro Complete Supervisor IPADS to make improvements 05/01/09 identified in supervisory skills assessment.
12. Identify for 2009 critical positions that can be M Schmidt Complete temporarily filled with contract support. 07/09/09 13

Strategy F-3 Long Term Actions Actions Owner Due Date

1. Staff site to approved levels
a. Evaluate and develop plan to fill top Brad Sawatzke Complete priority positions 07/08/09
b. Develop retention strategy for key M Wadley positions Complete 08/03/09
c. Establish appropriate standard Len Clewett Complete organization staffing levels 06/29/09
d. Identify top priority positions that can M Schmidt Complete be temporarily filled with contractor 07/28/09 support Performance Measures Goals
  1. Temporary Tags hung Employees STOP when Unsure
  1. PCRs due to labeling issues Intolerance for Lack of Labeling
  1. /Age of Vacant Positions Critical Positions are Filled Deleted: 11/11/2009 Deleted: 10/7/2009 Updated 7/26/2010