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NSP000051-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-AR 01166830
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/2009
Xcel Energy
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML102460550 List: ... further results
50-282-LR, 50-306-LR, ASLBP 08-871-01-LR-BD01, RAS 18559 AR 01166830
Download: ML102460719 (84)


NSP000051 AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 AR Number: 01166830 Type: CAP Status: 40 APPROVED 01/26/2009 Due Date: Not Locked 12/15/2010 Priority: Orig Date: 1/26/2009 12:56:00 PM Event: Severity: A Dscv Date:

Event Date:


SCAQ-Inadequate CAP resolution of significant issues Aff Fac: PI PRAIRIE ISLAND Orig ID: N154130 Martin, Steven J Fac/Grp: PI Dept: 31 QA / Nuc Oversight Owed To: N152144 Petersen, Kurt W Fac/Grp: PI Dept: 80 Site Management No Assign: False Org: Dspln:



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Response to this issue requires NOS review N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 CONTACT NOS FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 SEE SHAREPOINT FOR COMPLETE PSDS N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 An Adverse Trend exists related to Problem N154130 01/26/2009 Identification and Resolution of issues. This has N154130 01/26/2009 resulted in degraded plant equipment and an N154130 01/26/2009 unacceptable number of unplanned LCOs. NOS N154130 01/26/2009 recommends that this be classified as a N154130 01/26/2009 Significant Condition Adverse to Quality. N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 In the past two years, the Site has had approximately 95 "A" N154130 01/26/2009 Pedigree Information Page 1 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Three specific events comprise 17% of these "A" N154130 01/26/2009 level CAPs issued (16 of the 95 "A" CAPS issued). N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 They are: N154130 01/26/2009 Inadvertent Siren activation ¿ Eight "A" level N154130 01/26/2009 CAPs written for inadvertent activation. In the N154130 01/26/2009 first instance reviewed by NOS a Root Cause N154130 01/26/2009 evaluation (RCE) was performed which identified N154130 01/26/2009 lightning as the cause and stated it could not be N154130 01/26/2009 prevented. The next seven of the eight "A" level N154130 01/26/2009 CAPs did not have a RCE performed as the cause N154130 01/26/2009 was "simple and known". Discussions with the N154130 01/26/2009 Emergency Planning (EP) Manager revealed that N154130 01/26/2009 the station has not solved the issue and it is N154130 01/26/2009 probable the station will have additional N154130 01/26/2009 inadvertent Siren activations. N154130 01/26/2009

¿ N154130 01/26/2009 Technical Support Center (TSC) ¿ Four "A" level N154130 01/26/2009 CAPs written, three of which were for TSC N154130 01/26/2009 ventilation. TSC ventilation has been a N154130 01/26/2009 reoccurring issue for the site, and one of the N154130 01/26/2009 reasons for the TSC ventilation issues is the N154130 01/26/2009 inability to maintain the temp in the Work Control N154130 01/26/2009 center (WCC) at the comfortable level without N154130 01/26/2009 repositioning the dampers within the TSC N154130 01/26/2009 Pedigree Information Page 2 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date ventilation system. WCC temperature and N154130 01/26/2009 comfort level issues still exist today and it is N154130 01/26/2009 believed, by the site that this condition has N154130 01/26/2009 contributed to the damper miss-position events. N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 Emergency Diesels (EDG) ¿ Four "A" level CAPs N154130 01/26/2009 written, three of which were for D5 for excessive N154130 01/26/2009 crank case pressure (10/23/07), Maintenance N154130 01/26/2009 rule (11/12/2007) and unavailability (07/10/07). - N154130 01/26/2009 In review of these three as well as other issues, it N154130 01/26/2009 was determined that in some cases the actions N154130 01/26/2009 taken were less than adequate to investigate the N154130 01/26/2009 cause of the identified condition and did not N154130 01/26/2009 adequately resolve the issue, as evidenced by the N154130 01/26/2009 events reoccurring. Additionally the same three N154130 01/26/2009 specific events have a combined total of 20 "B" N154130 01/26/2009 level CAPS written against them as well as over N154130 01/26/2009 100 "C" level CAPs written in the past 24 months. N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 The Corrective Action Program (CAP) process has N154130 01/26/2009 four key elements to the process: N154130 01/26/2009

1) Issue Identification & Identification of Importance N154130 01/26/2009 of Issue N154130 01/26/2009
2) Issue Screening N154130 01/26/2009
3) Issue Evaluation N154130 01/26/2009 Pedigree Information Page 3 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date

4) Issue Resolution/Ownership & Timeliness of N154130 01/26/2009 Resolution N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009

1) Issue Identification & Identification of Importance N154130 01/26/2009

¿ NOS review of this key element of the CAP N154130 01/26/2009 process revealed that in many cases the site was N154130 01/26/2009 not identifying or understanding the importance N154130 01/26/2009 of issues identified by both internal and external N154130 01/26/2009 sources as evidenced by the below items and the N154130 01/26/2009 of the site. The NRC stated, "Resident Inspectors N154130 01/26/2009 bring issues to the attention of the site and the N154130 01/26/2009 issue is either not understood or not completely N154130 01/26/2009 followed up on". N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009

2) Issue Screening - NOS review of this key element N154130 01/26/2009 of the CAP process revealed that the screen team N154130 01/26/2009 on several occasions exhibited the wrong picture, N154130 01/26/2009 standards and ultimately a drive to resolve the N154130 01/26/2009 problem vice symptoms. In some cases other N154130 01/26/2009 members of screen team were not taken to task, N154130 01/26/2009 when they asked that no RCE be assigned as the N154130 01/26/2009 cause was "simple and known". N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009

3) Issue Evaluation - NOS review of this key N154130 01/26/2009 element of the CAP process revealed numerous N154130 01/26/2009 Pedigree Information Page 4 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date examples where corrective actions were not N154130 01/26/2009 timely, did not provide an adequate extent of N154130 01/26/2009 condition and were not sufficient to prevent N154130 01/26/2009 reoccurrence, and in some cases merely N154130 01/26/2009 addressed the symptoms vice the actual problem. N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009

4) Issue Resolution/Ownership & Timeliness of N154130 01/26/2009 Resolution ¿ The most prevalent issue observed. N154130 01/26/2009 NOS review of this key element of the CAP N154130 01/26/2009 process revealed a current CAP process that is N154130 01/26/2009 untimely, lacked ownership of the identified N154130 01/26/2009 problem and was siloed towards individual tasks N154130 01/26/2009 and not the ultimate success of the corrective N154130 01/26/2009 action as a whole to ensure actual resolution the N154130 01/26/2009 problem. On numerous occasions NOS was told N154130 01/26/2009 how much time and effort was put into certain N154130 01/26/2009 problems and the individuals demonstrated a N154130 01/26/2009 perception that even though the issue wasn¿t N154130 01/26/2009 resolved, the effort expended was high so it was N154130 01/26/2009 acceptable to not have fixed the problem. N154130 01/26/2009
            • PROBLEM STATEMENT********* N154130 01/26/2009 Site difficulties with preventing repeat issues N154130 01/26/2009 have resulted in a safety-significant trend N154130 01/26/2009 adverse to quality in the area of problem N154130 01/26/2009 identification and resolution. The inability to N154130 01/26/2009 Pedigree Information Page 5 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date identify issues and understand their importance, N154130 01/26/2009 and weaknesses in the screening, evaluation, and N154130 01/26/2009 resolution phases of the Corrective Action N154130 01/26/2009 Program, coupled with limited personnel N154130 01/26/2009 resources, have resulted in the site focusing on N154130 01/26/2009 symptoms vice actual issues. These difficulties N154130 01/26/2009 have contributed to degraded plant conditions, N154130 01/26/2009 increased unplanned LCOs, and a reduction in N154130 01/26/2009 defense in depth. N154130 01/26/2009

- N154130 01/26/2009 SEE ATTACHED COMPLETE PSDS IN SHAREPOINT N154130 01/26/2009 Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes WARNING:PRI field must be updated if A/S reopened.CAP1212567 FTLD01 02/18/2010 Immediate Action Taken NOS alligned with Performance Assessment Supervisor, N154130 01/26/2009 Immediate Action Taken Business Support Manager, and the Plant Manager. N154130 01/26/2009 Recommendations Perform causal evaluation of the problem statement N154130 01/26/2009 Recommendations IAW FP-PA-ARP-01. N154130 01/26/2009 Why did this occur? CAP weaknesses resulting in repeat events. N154130 01/26/2009 Why did this occur? - N154130 01/26/2009 Why did this occur? Lack of ownership N154130 01/26/2009 Why did this occur? - N154130 01/26/2009 Why did this occur? Focus on symptoms vice issues N154130 01/26/2009 Why did this occur? - N154130 01/26/2009 Pedigree Information Page 6 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Keywords:

Keyword Description Last Updated By Last Updated Date NOS OBS NOS OBSERVATION N154122 01/27/2009 RECOVERY STRATEGIC RECOVERY PLAN FOR PINGP DVSM03 02/23/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date 10CFR21 REQD? COMPLETE COMP ACTIONS TAKEN?




Pedigree Information Page 7 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date SRO REVIEW REQD? N NOTIFY N154130 01/26/2009 TRENDING COMPLETE? Y COMPLETE N154122 04/27/2009 UNPLANED TSAC ENTRY? N APPROVED XX7277 01/26/2009 WELL DOCUMENTED?

SCAQ-CAQ-CNAQ MLRE01 08/26/2009 Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Event Reportable Items:

Event Type Event Header Description CAP CAP CORRECTIVE ACTION PROGRAM Trend/Cause Codes:

Facility Trend 1 Trend 2 Trend 3 Date Process Org Rank Assign Vendor Sfx Description PI PIR CP P.1(D) CA 38 A CORRECTIVE ACTION Trend/Cause Notes:

Notes Last Updated Date Trend/Cause Generic Implications:

Generic Implication Description Pedigree Information Page 8 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.



Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AR 01083315 AR COMPLETE 05/14/2009 DRUM - PI has not be effective at resolving issues thru CAP AR 01117840 AR COMPLETE 09/26/2009 WANO AFI Performance Management (PI.2)

AR 01165841 AR COMPLETE 04/20/2009 Focused Self Assessment on the CAP program AR 01172753 AR COMP-NA 03/13/2009 CCE on adhering to CAP milestones failed EFR AR 01173248 AR COMP-NA 03/24/2009 Corrective actions to address FP issues are not timely AR 01184090 AR COMPLETE 09/28/2009 Non level A actins from RCE 1166830 AR 01186470 AR COMPLETE 08/26/2009 Develop capability to calculate assignment priority AT-0085 AR 01186538 AR COMPLETE 08/26/2009 Add SCAQ-CAQ-CNAQ attribute to CAP template AR 01204115 AR COMPLETE 01/05/2010 Tracking Assignments needed to ensure Priority.

AR 01140116 01 AS COMPLETE 07/02/2009 PU.06.B.1, Apply the same methodology AR 01172222 01 AS COMPLETE 08/21/2009 Investigate raising the cAP eval threshold AR 01173322 01 AS COMPLETE 05/11/2009 Evaluate if corrective actions are required AR 01173335 01 AS COMPLETE 05/11/2009 Evaluate if corrective actions are required Pedigree Information Page 9 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assignment Summary:

Assign Sub Asgn Type Due Date Status Prime Primary Response Sec Second Response Assign To # of Subs Subject Fac Group Fac Group 01 00 RCE 04/16/2009 COMPLETE A07868 0 Perform Root Cause Evaluation 02 00 RCG 04/30/2009 COMPLETE WDHG01 0 Consolidate all grades issued by the PARB on QF-0432 03 00 TRND 04/03/2009 COMPLETE N154002 0

¿Evaluate for cross cutting aspects and update trend codes i 04 00 CA 08/21/2009 COMPLETE N152144 0 Develop and implement a Site CAP resolution quality 05 00 CA 07/29/2009 COMPLETE N152144 0 Establish management expectations and accountability 06 00 CA 10/30/2009 COMPLETE WNDJ04 0 Revise FP-PA-ARP-01 to address the following issues 07 00 CA 07/30/2009 COMPLETE NRTS01 0 Complete a site rollout of the Principles for a Strong NSC 08 00 CA 09/03/2009 COMPLETE N152144 0 Once CAP priority matrix has been created 09 00 CAPR 10/30/2009 COMPLETE WNDJ04 0 Develop and implement a CAP priority matrix 10 00 CA 08/21/2009 COMPLETE WNDJ04 0 Develop and implement a Department CAP Health Indicator 11 00 CA 06/15/2009 COMPLETE A07868 0 Change default sort settings for AT-0085 12 00 CA 06/15/2009 COMPLETE A07868 0 Change the Corrective Action Effectiveness Indicator Pedigree Information Page 10 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assignment Summary:

Assign Sub Asgn Type Due Date Status Prime Primary Response Sec Second Response Assign To # of Subs Subject Fac Group Fac Group 13 00 EFR 06/30/2010 CANCELED N154161 0 Complete a FSA on CAP process effectiveness 14 00 EFR 12/15/2010 ACC/ASG N154161 0 Complete a FSA on CAP process effectiveness by eval of EFR 1 15 00 CAPR 07/17/2009 COMPLETE N152144 0 Provide Root Cause Evaluation refresher training 16 00 OTHA 09/18/2009 COMPLETE N152144 0 Accountability for TRP identified failures 17 00 STPP 07/20/2009 CANCELED N154394 0 Please provide reporting test plan for AT-0085 18 00 CA 10/02/2009 COMPLETE N152144 0 ensure CAP reduction is reviewed by PARB Pedigree Information Page 11 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assignment Detail for AR/Assignment/Sub-Assignment Number:

Pedigree Information Page 12 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 01 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 13 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: RCE Due Date: Not Locked 4/16/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 04/16/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 1 Assign To: A07868 Department: 80 Site Management Last Name: Allen, Timothy E


Perform Root Cause Evaluation



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Perform a Root Cause Evaluation in accordance N154122 01/27/2009 with FG-PA-RCE-01. The team membership shall N154122 01/27/2009 be guided by a management sponsor and include at N154122 01/27/2009 least on RCE qualified person. N154122 01/27/2009

. N154122 01/27/2009 The management sponsor will submit an RCE charter N154122 01/27/2009 to the AR screening team or the PARB using the N154122 01/27/2009 template found in attachment 16. N154122 01/27/2009

. N154122 01/27/2009 Completed evaluations will be graded and reviewed N154122 01/27/2009 by the PARB. N154122 01/27/2009

. N154122 01/27/2009 Ensure CAPRs are initiated. N154122 01/27/2009

. N154122 01/27/2009 This action has a route list attached, insure N154122 01/27/2009 the owed to is informed of completion of this N154122 01/27/2009 Pedigree Information Page 14 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date assignment. N154122 01/27/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Based upon current RCE load at the site, the Original due date for this RCE A07868 02/27/2009 has been set at 4/16/09. This was reviewed as the due date by the Plant M anager (AR Screen chair) and the Perf assessment supervisor and is to be co nsidered the orginal due date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date ARE CAPR REQUIRED? Y AWAIT/C A07868 04/16/2009 LICENSING REVIEW? N A07868 04/16/2009 MODE CHG RESTRAINT NOS REVIEW?


OUTAGE NUMBER PARB? Y A07868 04/16/2009 TRB?

Pedigree Information Page 15 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution AS 01183117 0100 AS COMPLETE 08/05/2009 Review CAP Process FL-CAL-ARP-01 Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 16 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 02 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 17 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: RCG Due Date: Not Locked 4/30/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 04/24/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 1 Assign To: WDHG01 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Woodhouse, Gene D


Consolidate all grades issued by the PARB on QF-0432



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Consolidate all grades issued by the PARB on N154122 01/27/2009 QF-0432. Enter the averaged grade components in N154122 01/27/2009 the attribute section of this assignment. N154122 01/27/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Due date moved per FP-PA-arp-01 to 2 weeks after RCE completed. No special A07868 03/05/2009 approvals required as this is a RCG moved due to the RCE original date mov ing.

Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes Entered averaged grade components in the attribute section. WDHG01 04/24/2009 Pedigree Information Page 18 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date

01. RC & CC 19 WDHG01 04/24/2009
02. PROP CA'S,CA 17 WDHG01 04/24/2009
03. COMP/INT CA 9 WDHG01 04/24/2009
04. PREV SIM EVENT 9 WDHG01 04/24/2009
05. SAFE/EOC/MR 19 WDHG01 04/24/2009
06. OE 10 WDHG01 04/24/2009
07. EFF REVU PLAN 8 WDHG01 04/24/2009
08. TOTAL SCORE 91 WDHG01 04/24/2009 Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 19 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assignment Detail for AR/Assignment/Sub-Assignment Number:

Pedigree Information Page 20 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 03 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 21 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: TRND Due Date: Not Locked 4/3/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 04/01/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: N154002 Department: 40 Licensing Last Name: Ofarrill, Jorge L


¿Evaluate for cross cutting aspects and update trend codes i



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date

¿Evaluate for cross cutting aspects and update trend codes i N154122 01/27/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes Although certainly many cross cutting aspects could be N154002 04/01/2009 General Notes assigned to the many events discussed in the PSDS, this CAP N154002 04/01/2009 General Notes in itself is a trending cap and not a performance dificiency N154002 04/01/2009 General Notes in and of itself. Therefore no potential cross cutting N154002 04/01/2009 General Notes aspect being assigned. N154002 04/01/2009 Pedigree Information Page 22 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date ADVERSE TO QUALITY?

Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 23 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 04 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 24 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 8/21/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 08/20/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: N152144 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Petersen, Kurt W


Develop and implement a Site CAP resolution quality



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Develop and implement a Site CAP resolution quality and WDHG01 04/28/2009 timeliness Key Performance Indicator. The indicator WDHG01 04/28/2009 should be a weighted formula based upon quality, due WDHG01 04/28/2009 date and how long a CAP has been open. TRP results WDHG01 04/28/2009 would be a key input to this indicator. WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes This assignment was discussed with the owed to and N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes the assigned to. The results from action -10 was N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes determined to meet the needs listed in this action. The N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes consideration of TRP results was discussed/evaluated N152144 08/20/2009 Pedigree Information Page 25 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes The TRP has had its scope increased to include ACE grading N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes along with a quality check. The Results from the TRP is N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes reviewed at the PARB along with the report card data. N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes These changes along with the existance of KPIs yielded N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes the result that an additional indicator was not necessary. N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes No further action is required at this time. N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes . N152144 08/20/2009 General Notes Draft indicator is attached in sharepoint (Action -10) N152144 08/20/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date NRC COMMITMENT?







Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Pedigree Information Page 26 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 27 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 05 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 28 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 7/29/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 07/29/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 1 Assign To: N152144 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Petersen, Kurt W


Establish management expectations and accountability



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Establish management expectations and accountability for WDHG01 04/28/2009 the following: WDHG01 04/28/2009

- PARB to define required departments for each root cause WDHG01 04/28/2009 grading to ensure effective cross-organizational review. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Change TRP review of completed actions to include. WDHG01 04/28/2009

  • Review of Level ¿A¿ actions, not just the final CAP WDHG01 04/28/2009
  • A random sample of completed ¿B¿ WDHG01 04/28/2009 evaluations/actions, using total population of WDHG01 04/28/2009 completed ¿B¿ actions, Sample Size Determination WDHG01 04/28/2009 Table (FP-G-CD-01 Attachment 1) and random WDHG01 04/28/2009 number generator. WDHG01 04/28/2009
  • Identify quality resolution / recognition WDHG01 04/28/2009

- The ¿A¿ and ¿B¿ ¿Owed To¿ is accountable for quality WDHG01 04/28/2009 and timeliness. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Institute a 14 day owed to review of all level ¿A¿ actions WDHG01 04/28/2009 as they are closed WDHG01 04/28/2009 Pedigree Information Page 29 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date

- Communicate all RCE issues and results to the site. WDHG01 04/28/2009 This is an ongoing activity that should be monitored through WDHG01 04/29/2009 the paired observation program. WDHG01 04/29/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Received first extension, approval from NOS Manager and Site VP. Extended N128062 07/15/2009 two weeks to 7/29/09.

Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes managment expectations shown in Sharepoint N152144 07/29/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date LICENSING REVIEW?






Pedigree Information Page 30 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date TRB?

Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 31 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 06 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 32 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 10/30/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 09/10/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 3 Assign To: WNDJ04 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Windschill, John E


Revise FP-PA-ARP-01 to address the following issues



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Revise FP-PA-ARP-01 to address the following issues: WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Clearly state what function is responsible for writing the WDHG01 04/28/2009 evaluation assignment statement ¿ Section 5.5, 5.6, 5.7. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Designate between SCAQs, CAQs and non-CAQs as part WDHG01 04/28/2009 of the screening process and documented priority. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Attachment 9 is only referenced in step Section 5.10, but WDHG01 04/28/2009 includes information relevant to multiple other steps. WDHG01 04/28/2009 Provide reference to Attachment 9 in all applicable WDHG01 04/28/2009 sections. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Identify Responsible Individual(s) in left column ¿ WDHG01 04/28/2009 Section 5.10. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Screening charter states ¿determine the level of effort¿. WDHG01 04/28/2009 Clarify statement to state meaning of that phrase ¿ WDHG01 04/28/2009 determine if RCE, ACE, CE, or CA is needed. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Composition of screening team allows minimum quorum WDHG01 04/28/2009 (shall) that may not include representatives from WDHG01 04/28/2009 Pedigree Information Page 33 of 84

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Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date appropriate departments (should) ¿ Attachment 8. WDHG01 04/28/2009 Re-evaluate quorum requirements such that all WDHG01 04/28/2009 appropriate departments are represented. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Change Attachment 10, TRP Charter to require review of WDHG01 04/28/2009 all closed ¿A¿ actions (not waiting for completion of WDHG01 04/28/2009 CAP), and a random sample of completed ¿B¿ WDHG01 04/28/2009 evaluations/actions (not waiting for completion of WDHG01 04/28/2009 CAP), using total population of completed ¿B¿ actions, WDHG01 04/28/2009 Sample Size Determination Table (FP-G-CD-01 WDHG01 04/28/2009 ), and random number generator. Add WDHG01 04/28/2009 random number generator, Sample Size Determination WDHG01 04/28/2009 Table to procedure. WDHG01 04/28/2009

- Change Attachment 10, TRP Charter to proceduralize WDHG01 04/28/2009 chart, currently viewed only by TRP team, to be presented WDHG01 04/28/2009 formally to PARB. Revise chart to use ¿actions¿ as units WDHG01 04/28/2009 on y-axis. WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date See in progress notes for action 09 of this CAP for N128062 08/18/2009 basis for due date extension of this action. Action 09 (priority scheme) due date was extended, and this action (06) is tied to same product (ARP-01 issuance).

Approved extension to 8/19/09, from site VP.

This is tied to action #9 which has been extended to 11/30/09. Received co ncurrence from site VP (acting) on 8/11 to extend this along with action #

9. Moved due date to 11/30/09.

Pedigree Information Page 34 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes Comments reviewed by CAP Peer Group. All WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes incorporated in Rev 23 of ARP-01 on 8/25/09 except for: WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes 1) what function is repons for eval assignment statement WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes (this was determined to be clear) WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes 2) Attach 9 is only referenced in 5.10 (also referenced in WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes 5.3 and 5.20) WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes 3) Change TRP Charter (decided not to use TRP for this) WNDJ04 09/10/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date NOS REVIEW?








Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Pedigree Information Page 35 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183116 AR APPROVED 06/15/2009 Corrective Action Implementation Resolution AS 01187324 AR COMPLETE 08/26/2009 FP-PA-ARP-01, Rev 22 AS 01183117 0100 AS COMPLETE 08/05/2009 Review CAP Process FL-CAL-ARP-01 Material


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Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 07 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 37 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 7/30/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 07/30/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: NRTS01 Department: 80 Site Management Last Name: Northard, Scott D


Complete a site rollout of the Principles for a Strong NSC



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Complete a site rollout of the Principles for a Strong WDHG01 04/28/2009 Nuclear Safety Culture. This should include continuing WDHG01 04/28/2009 exposure at Management meetings, Leadership Forums, WDHG01 04/28/2009 D15 Team Notes write-ups, and observations, mentoring WDHG01 04/28/2009 and coaching at all levels of management and supervision. WDHG01 04/28/2009 (Closeout will be based on initial rollout. Use FSA to WDHG01 04/28/2009 validate.) WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes The Principles for a Strong Nuclear Safety Culture have been NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes effectively rolled out at Prairie Island. Posters were made NRTS01 07/30/2009 Pedigree Information Page 38 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes and installed in all major plant conference rooms and the NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes Training Center. The explosive sniffers in the Security NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes Building are rotating a message for all eight Principles so NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes all plant employees hear the message every time they enter NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes the protected area. A leadership forum was held to review NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes the principles and INPO pocket books have been provided to NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes all Managers and Supervisors. The Principles were also NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes reviewed at the Site VP staff meeting. Finally, the NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes Principles are used regularly by the leadership team for NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes meeting safety moments to reinforce the use of the NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes principles in ensuring nuclear safety. NRTS01 07/30/2009 General Notes This action is complete. SDN NRTS01 07/30/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date LICENSING REVIEW?







Pedigree Information Page 39 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183116 AR APPROVED 06/15/2009 Corrective Action Implementation Resolution Material


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Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 08 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 41 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 9/3/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 09/03/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 1 Assign To: N152144 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Petersen, Kurt W


Once CAP priority matrix has been created



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Once CAP priority matrix has been created, complete a WDHG01 04/28/2009 department led review of current AR backlog to apply the WDHG01 04/28/2009 new standards, and prioritizing / managing employee work WDHG01 04/28/2009 load. WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date CAPR (assignment #9) extended to 8/18. This assignment follows the CAPR, a N128062 07/21/2009 pproved by PARB (and site VP) to align with new CAPR due date of 8/18. New due date for this assignment is 9/3//09. Reference in prog notes for assi gnment #9 of this AR.

Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes A and B severity level actions have been reviewed for N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes adequacy and meeting the orginally identified issue. The N152144 09/03/2009 Pedigree Information Page 42 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes results are attached in sharepoint. The items listed in red N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes will be presented to the PARB collectively as well as the N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes indivdiual departments for disposition. The recommendations N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes as a whole will be approved by PARB duing a meeting held N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes during the refueling outage. N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes Additional action created to ensure that PARB reviews this N152144 09/03/2009 General Notes listing and approves decisions N152144 09/03/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date LICENSING REVIEW?







Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Pedigree Information Page 43 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 44 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 09 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 45 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CAPR Due Date: Not Locked 10/30/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 09/10/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 2 Assign To: WNDJ04 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Windschill, John E


Develop and implement a CAP priority matrix



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Develop and implement a CAP priority matrix designed WDHG01 04/28/2009 to interface with the work management process and the WDHG01 04/28/2009 engineering work management system. WDHG01 04/28/2009 Pedigree Information Page 46 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Request due date change to 8/18/09. Prioritization N128062 08/18/2009 scheme has been developed (see Sharepoint for this action), scheme has been reviewed by managment, and ITAR 1186470 has been initiated to accomplish the change within the AT-0085 report. Revised guidance for ARP-01 has also been drafted and sent for review via PCR 1187324. Translation of scheme into a revised AT-0085 report is complex and will require significant testing. IT and CAP representatives from Marquette met and determined that 8/18/09 is an appropriate due date for the remaining work.

Interim actions will continue (management reinforcing need to review CAP Significance Level on AT-0085 when prioritizing work list).

Due date extension to 8/18/09 approved by PARB on 7/14/09.

Extension request presented to PARB to extend due date to 11/02/09 due to d ificulty with making changes to PASSPORT and associated reports. Approxima tely two man-months of efforts have been committed to date to implement the se changes. PARB approved due date expension to 11/30/09 based upon prefer ence to implement this change after 1R26. Also received concurrence from N OS manager for the extension. LKC Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes CAP Priority scheme codified in rev 23 of ARP-01 issued WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes on 8/25/09. Priority appears on modified AT-0085 WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes Supervisors repor. Priority combines input from CAP WNDJ04 09/10/2009 General Notes Significance Level, CAQ attribute, and assignment urgency. WNDJ04 09/10/2009 Pedigree Information Page 47 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date NRC COMMITMENT? N COMPLETE WNDJ04 09/10/2009 EFR CREATED? Y COMPLETE WNDJ04 09/10/2009 MODE CHG RESTRAINT WNDJ04 09/10/2009 OUTAGE NUMBER PARB?


Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution AS 01201837 AR COMP-NA 01/07/2010 FP-PA-ARP-01, rev 23 Material


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Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assignment Detail for AR/Assignment/Sub-Assignment Number:

Pedigree Information Page 49 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 10 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 50 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 8/21/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 08/21/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 2 Assign To: WNDJ04 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Windschill, John E


Develop and implement a Department CAP Health Indicator



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Develop and implement a Department CAP Health WDHG01 04/28/2009 Indicator. The indicator should be a weighted formula WDHG01 04/28/2009 based upon quality, due date and how long a CAP has WDHG01 04/28/2009 been open. WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date This CAPR wast changed to a CA by the 5/25//09 PARB Meeting. A new CAP was N128062 07/31/2009 created to add accountability for TRP failed Actions / CAPs First extension granted by site VP (acting) on 7/30. Due date approved to 8/21/09.

Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes A department CAP report card was developed as a Fleet WNDJ04 08/21/2009 General Notes department KPI. The KPI was approved by the Exec Sponsor WNDJ04 08/21/2009 Pedigree Information Page 51 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes on 8/20/09, and loaded into the fleet KPI program on WNDJ04 08/21/2009 General Notes 8/21/09. The KPI effectively provides an overall grade WNDJ04 08/21/2009 General Notes as determined by a senior site manager of A, B, C, D or F of WNDJ04 08/21/2009 General Notes each major site department's support of the CAP. WNDJ04 08/21/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date LICENSING REVIEW?







Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Pedigree Information Page 52 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution AS 01194548 AR COMPLETE 08/21/2009 Performance Improvement Report Card - New Dpt KPI Material


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Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 53 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 11 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 54 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 6/15/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 06/02/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: A07868 Department: 80 Site Management Last Name: Allen, Timothy E


Change default sort settings for AT-0085



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Change default sort settings for AT-0085 Supervisors WDHG01 04/28/2009 Report to severity level, then due date. WDHG01 04/28/2009 Initiate an ITAR and track to closure with this CA. WDHG01 04/29/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes This CA created in error from original report. It is being A07868 06/02/2009 General Notes tracked as part of CAP 1184090-01 which tracks the Non level A07868 06/02/2009 General Notes A actions found during this RCE. A07868 06/02/2009 Pedigree Information Page 55 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date NRC COMMITMENT DATE LICENSING REVIEW?







Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Pedigree Information Page 56 of 84

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Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 57 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 12 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 58 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 6/15/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 06/02/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: A07868 Department: 80 Site Management Last Name: Allen, Timothy E


Change the Corrective Action Effectiveness Indicator



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Change the Corrective Action Effectiveness Indicator WDHG01 04/28/2009 (MRM) ¿meets¿ standard to 100% WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes This CA created in error during the original RCE action data A07868 06/02/2009 General Notes entry. It is being completed by CAP 1184090-02 which tracks A07868 06/02/2009 General Notes the non level A actions found during this RCE. A07868 06/02/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date LICENSING REVIEW?

Pedigree Information Page 59 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date MODE CHG RESTRAINT MR(A)1 ACTION?






Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution Material


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Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 13 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 62 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: EFR Due Date: Not Locked 6/30/2010 Status/Date: 95 CANCELED 06/16/2010 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 1 Assign To: N154161 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Notbohm, Andrew D


Complete a FSA on CAP process effectiveness



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Complete a FSA on CAP process effectiveness based on WDHG01 04/28/2009 EFR results of severity level ¿A¿ and ¿B¿ CAPs closed in WDHG01 04/28/2009 the last half of 2009, newly developed site and department WDHG01 04/28/2009 quality indicators, and NOS audit reports. Success will be WDHG01 04/29/2009 indicated by: all CAPs are prioritized with the new codes, WDHG01 04/29/2009 the new quality indicators are being utilized by departments WDHG01 04/29/2009 to drive performance (suggest interviews of employees), WDHG01 04/29/2009 and the new indicators are blue or green trending to blue WDHG01 04/29/2009 for 1st quarter of 2010. WDHG01 04/29/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Due date extended with permission from NOS, Business Support Manager and N104369 03/25/2010 Site VP. approval attached in sharepoint.

Pedigree Information Page 63 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes 6/15/10 PARB approved cancellation of this EFR with the N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes decision that the metrics meaured in EFR 01187837-20 (A N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes -level) address the concerns of this EFR. SVP, Site N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes Director and NOS manager were present and concurred with N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes PARB approval. N154161 06/16/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date EFR CONCLUSION COMPLETE PARB?


Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01205468 AR APPROVED 11/17/2009 FSA: Pre-71152 PI&R NRC inspection/CAP Process Effectiveness Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Equipment/Component


Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 14 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 66 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: EFR Due Date: Not Locked 12/15/2010 Status/Date: 48 ACC/ASG 06/16/2010 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: N154161 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Notbohm, Andrew D


Complete a FSA on CAP process effectiveness by eval of EFR 1



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Complete a FSA on CAP process effectiveness by WDHG01 04/28/2009 evaluating EFR #1 results, site and department quality WDHG01 04/28/2009 indicators, and NOS audit reports. Success is effective WDHG01 04/29/2009 resolution of significant issues as indicated by: increased WDHG01 04/29/2009 trend in equipment reliability, reduced operation WDHG01 04/29/2009 transients and no repeat non-compliance with regulatory WDHG01 04/29/2009 requirements. Measurement will be reflected in the WDHG01 04/29/2009 MRM KPI¿s indicating Blue for the identified areas. WDHG01 04/29/2009 Due date 4th quarter of 2010. WDHG01 04/28/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Pedigree Information Page 67 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes 6/15/2010 PARB approved modification of EFR to the N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes following: N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes Complete an effectiveness review (use QF-0422) for the N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes following metrics: N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes 1) Equipment Reliability Unit 1 N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes 2) Equipment Reliability Unit 2 N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes 3) Reactivity Management Events Unit 1 N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes 4) Reactivity Management Events Unit 2 N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes 5) NRC Findings and Violations N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes Success will be if each indicator has an improving trend N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes using three (3) data points (most recent 3 months). N154161 06/16/2010 General Notes Improving trend method defined in FP-PA-PI-01. N154161 06/16/2010 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date EFR CONCLUSION COMPLETE PARB?


Attributes Notes:

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Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description Material


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Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 15 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 70 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CAPR Due Date: Not Locked 7/17/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 07/14/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: N152144 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Petersen, Kurt W


Provide Root Cause Evaluation refresher training



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Provide Root Cause Evaluation refresher training to all WDHG01 05/11/2009 qualified RCE personnel. WDHG01 05/11/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date THIS CAPR added as part of the final PARB review A07868 06/02/2009 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes Refresher training using IP95001 and IMC 0305 critiera was N152144 06/02/2009 General Notes completed on May 4- May 7, 2009. Action Complete N152144 06/02/2009 General Notes . N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes From a training/qualification prospect - the RCE qual N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes requirements listed on the JFG and in the RCE Manual have N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes not changed yet. At this time there are 3 still shown as N152144 07/14/2009 Pedigree Information Page 71 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes qualified people are still "technically" qualified in N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes accordance with the PA program. The RCE quals are NOT N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes tracked on their accredited program qual matrix (ESP or RP, N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes etc.) they are tracked only in PA. Once the program is N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes formally changed, then they would definitely NOT meet the N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes qual requirements and would come off the PA qual matrix. N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes . N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes We are at little or no risk with the qual list still showing N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes these 3 people qualified as NO ONE is assigned as a RCE N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes Investigator without station mgt. approval. We are NOT N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes unnecessarily vulnerable for an unqualified worker event N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes because of the way RCE teams are manned at this time. N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes . N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes The three remaining individuals that have not completed the N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes refresher training will be disqualified as a matter of N152144 07/14/2009 General Notes managment decison by the end of August 2009 N152144 07/14/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date EFR CREATED? N COMPLETE N152144 06/02/2009 MODE CHG RESTRAINT NRC COMMITMENT? N COMPLETE N152144 06/02/2009 OUTAGE NUMBER PARB?


Pedigree Information Page 72 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description AS 01183117 AR COMPLETE 03/06/2010 Thorough Evaluation of Problems Resolution Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 16 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 74 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: OTHA Due Date: Not Locked 9/18/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 09/18/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 1 Assign To: N152144 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Petersen, Kurt W


Accountability for TRP identified failures



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Develop and implement an accountability model for quality fa A07868 06/02/2009 ilures found by the TRP. This model should parallel what ev A07868 06/02/2009 er accountability model is used by the site for over due CAP A07868 06/02/2009 actions. As this is a CAPR, the actions need to be formali A07868 06/02/2009 zed / put into process A07868 06/02/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes The accountabilty model to be used for TRP failures will be N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes to provide the infomation on why the reviewed items (in TRP) N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes did not meet the requirements set forth in FP-PA-ARP-01 N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes Attachement 10 to both the owed to AND the site VP or N152144 07/15/2009 Pedigree Information Page 75 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes designee. This is the parallel process for CAP missed due N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes dates. Attachment 10 currently has established the process N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes in the last section of the implementation section. The N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes actual face to face accountabilty meeting is the station N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes technique to meet the review by the PARB. This execution is N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes below the level of detail for a fleet procedure. N152144 07/15/2009 General Notes . N152144 09/18/2009 General Notes This Action was reveiwed by PARB on 9/18/09. The PARB N152144 09/18/2009 General Notes approved elmination of this action in its entirety. N152144 09/18/2009 General Notes Accountabilty actions were not deemed appropriate in the N152144 09/18/2009 General Notes corretive action program and there are other venues to N152144 09/18/2009 General Notes achieve the accountabilty aspects. N152144 09/18/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date ADVERSE TO QUALITY?

Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 77 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 17 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 78 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: STPP Due Date: Not Locked 7/20/2009 Status/Date: 95 CANCELED 07/16/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: N154394 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Brown, Andrew


Please provide reporting test plan for AT-0085



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Provide current report testing plan as well as with changes GRTC03 07/15/2009 (2 overall scenarios) to ensure before UAT, IT can do GRTC03 07/15/2009 adequate testing. GRTC03 07/15/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Please cancel this step should be associated to ITAR 01186470 LJENGE01 07/16/2009 see sharepoint for documentation Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date Pedigree Information Page 79 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


Ref Ref Ref Nbr Type Reference Nbr Sub Type Status Status Date Description Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 80 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 01166830 - 18 - 00 Pedigree Information Page 81 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Assign Type: CA Due Date: Not Locked 10/2/2009 Status/Date: 85 COMPLETE 10/02/2009 Pri Resp Grp: Aff Fac: PI Priority: 5 Unit: System:

Sec Resp Grp: Rsch Chgs: 0 Assign To: N152144 Department: 38 Performce Improvemt Last Name: Petersen, Kurt W


ensure CAP reduction is reviewed by PARB



Description Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Schedule review of CAP action REcommendations in action -08 N152144 09/03/2009 are reviewed and approved by PARB . N152144 09/03/2009 In Progress Notes:

Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes The CAP reduction effort was provided to the PARB members N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes at the October 1,2009 ad hoc meeting. Separately each dept N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes was provided a listing of the open A & B CAPs with N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes recommendations for action. Additional follow up meetings N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes are expected to result in addressing these issues. N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes . N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes At this time there is no further action needed on this N152144 10/02/2009 Pedigree Information Page 82 of 84

AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Completion Notes:

Note Type Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date General Notes assigment. Review of inventory is not anticipated to be a N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes one time effort but a continuing action with varying degree N152144 10/02/2009 General Notes of formality depending upon the need. N152144 10/02/2009 Attributes:

Attribute Value Reqd By Last Updated By Last Updated Date NRC COMMITMENT DATE NRC COMMITMENT?







Attributes Notes:

Attribute Notes Last Updated By Last Updated Date Cross


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AT-0175 Action Request Record Report REV.2 Report Date: 07/21/2010 Material


UTC No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.



Facility Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class Equip Type Equipment Comp Type Component.

Reference Docs:

Facility Doc Type Sub Type Document Number Sheet Rev Minor Doc Date Title Pedigree Information Page 84 of 84