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NSP000058-Revised Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Team Notes for July 22, 2010
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/2010
Xcel Energy
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML102460550 List: ... further results
50-282-LR, 50-306-LR, ASLBP 08-871-01-LR-BD01, RAS 18559
Download: ML102460715 (3)


NSP000058 Team Notes Prairie Island July 22, 2010

= Face to Face (D-15) Safety Snippet of the Day

= Self read The drive-in drill activation code for all Emergency Response Organization mem-bers is 4444. Report immediately to the assigned facility as safely and quickly as pos-

= Nice to know sible. Consider fitness for duty and fitness to drive before reporting to the site.

Be aware of minimum reporting requirements as there are both 30 and 60 minute responders.

Todays Focus Area: Prairie Island Staffing Site Event Free Days:

Since January, 2010, there have been 64 neer 71 positions approved for hiring this year at

  • Business Professional Assistant Prairie Island. Of those, the following
  • Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor have been filled:
  • Security Supervisor Inside this issue:
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Four Radiation Protection Techni-
  • Chemistry Instructor cians
  • Business Support Manager
  • Training Manager Safety Snippet of the Day.....1
  • Performance Assessment Coordina-
  • Chemistry Manager Todays Focus Area ...............1 tor
  • Supply Chain Engineer Supervisor
  • Two Mechanical Maintenance Su- There are currently 17 positions posted ACEMAN review ..................2 pervisors and are in the process of being filled.

Plant Status .............................2

  • Work Week Manager Another 15 vacant positions have been
  • Two Control Room Supervisors identified as needing to be filled. These CNO stresses industry les-
  • Program Engineering Supervisor are evaluated on a weekly basis along sons ..........................................2
  • System & Plant Engineering Man- with overall budget projections. As the Fall protection reminder .......2 ager year progresses, positions are considered
  • Two Electrical and Instruments & for filling based on site revenues and Controls Engineers other expenses.

SPOE goes live.......................2

  • Performance Assessment Supervisor
  • Two Operations Instructors Filling these open positions is critical to Next Week Look Ahead .......2 PI achieving its overall goals. Although
  • Nuclear Oversight Supervisor Industry OE............................3
  • Control Room Supervisors site leadership must constantly balance
  • 13 Non-Licensing Operators overall needs, I am committed to secur-Staying safe in the heat..........3
  • Radiation Protection Manager ing the right people in the right posi-
  • Nuclear Operations Planner tions so the site can face its challenges
  • Design Engineer successfully, said Mark Schimmel, Site
  • Senior Plant Engineer Vice President.

E-mail Team Notes Prairie Island articles to

  • Human Performance & Safety Man- Please watch for announcements about DL-PI-Communications by ager team members being moved into these 10:00 a.m. the day before
  • Probability Risk Assessment Engi- positions as they are filled.


Page 2 Team Notes July 22, 2010 CNO urges fleet to heed industry lessons Picture of Xcellence Chief Nuclear Officer Dennis Koehl recently conducted Operations in Excellence training sessions for senior and shift managers at Prairie Island Plant ACEMAN Today and Monticello nuclear power plants. The sessions were created to specifi-cally address a concern about an industry-wide increase in the number of A Accident Free significant operational events discussed at a Nuclear Energy Institute board meeting earlier this year.

C Control Dose During the sessions, Koehl presented five examples of site and industry events that have occurred at nuclear power plants across the United States E Event Free in the first part of 2010. In each of these examples, a breakdown occurred in the fundamentals of power plant operation reducing the overall margin M Meet Commitments of safety for the industry. The events also indicate a weakness in use of Operational Excellence and the use of effective training to sustain high A Attend Training levels of operational performance.

No Rework A review of these events shows shortfalls in the following areas:

Reason: The installation of Die-

  • Recognition and mitigation of risk associated with plant evolutions sel 3 power packs and turbo
  • Application of operations fundamentals such as monitoring important charger is in progress with re- parameters and controlling plant evolutions work issues. The power pack is
  • Rigorous application of engineering and maintenance fundamentals the wrong one. The turbo N charger failed during installation such as performance trending of critical parameters and investigation and requires replacement. Work and resolution of deficient or degraded conditions is in progress.

Enablers Missed: Job Plan- The five examples highlighted were:

ning/Preparation, Verifica-

  • H.B. Robinson - Damaged buses and auxiliary transformer
  • Nine Mile Point - Refueling drain down Plant Status
  • Calvert Cliffs - water dripping onto switchgear
  • Peach Bottom - rods didnt meet TS required times Go to the Prairie Island Plant Status sheet to review plant status and ma- The Xcel Energy nuclear fleet has implemented several practices to help jor tests/evolutions over the next 24 mitigate such shortfalls including Risk Management Principals and Behav-hours. iors. According to Site Operations Director Brad Sawatzke, These exam-ples highlight the importance of maintaining diligence in keeping nuclear SPOE Wizard goes live safety first. The fundamental issues that led to these events are similar to the challenges weve faced. Koehl said, We have processes in place to The new Single Point of Entry Wiz- avoid events like those outlined here, and we have identified and avoided ard (SPOE) foundation architecture risk situations on hundreds of occasions but our processes only work became available on all fleet worksta- when consistently applied by our employees and I need your help here.

tions July 21. This wizard allows a The sessions included a videotaped message featuring Dick Kelly, Xcel user to create a CAP and work re- Energy Chairman and CEO.

quest at the same time with minimal data entry. The SPOE wizard can be Fall protection reminder reached from the Windows Start Although Xcel Energy has taken great strides to ensure workers are menu under Apps/Passport/select protected when working at heights, employees must take certain actions the Foundation Architecture icon based on jobsite conditions. Fall protection equipment is required when OR from the NMCNet home page working within six feet of an exposed edge greater than four feet off the under I need to Access Founda- ground. Even if handrails exist at heights, workers are expected to use fall tion Architecture. For additional in- protection whenever work requires leaning over a handrail. For additional formation, please contact Lori information regarding fall protection requirements for a specific job, Engesser or David Garcia. contact a Prairie Island safety consultant to evaluate jobsite conditions.

Page 3 Team Notes July 22, 2010 Industry Operating Signs & symptoms of heat-related illnesses Experience With summer heating up, one concern that always seems to sneak up on workers are heat-related illnesses. Working in a hot, humid environment


can be difficult or even fatal if the signs and symptoms of heat-related OE30980 disorders are ignored. Heat can create a number of safety problems and Safety illnesses due to additional stress on the body. Heat-related illnesses near-miss include:


  • Heat cramps during
  • Heat exhaustion cable
  • Heat stroke (which can be fatal if not treated properly) routing in the Motor Control Center Heat stress is the bodys response to heat loading. Factors that contribute to heat stress include:

Plant: Grand Gulf

  • Environmental heat source Event Date: March 3, 2010
  • Amount of exertion required to perform a task



Two supplemental

  • Amount of time spent in hot or humid conditions electricians and a foreman were per-
  • Type of clothing worn forming modification work (pulling Operations that involve high air temperatures, radiant heat sources (e.g.,

new cables) in a non-safety related direct sunlight), high humidity, strenuous physical activities or direct MCC (motor control center). The physical contact with hot objects have the potential to produce heat task involved entering a cubicle with stress. Outdoor operations conducted in hot weather such as no exposed electrical hazards, re- construction, welding, and aerial line work can cause heat stress. Other moving an external panel (top panel), risky locations include manholes, transformer vaults, valve pits, generating and pulling the cable. The internal stations and steam tunnels.

cover that was removed exposed the 480v AC bus bars in the MCC. Age, weight, degree of physical fitness, metabolism, use of alcohol or drugs, and a variety of medical conditions such as hypertension all affect a When attempting to remove the in- persons sensitivity to heat. Other environmental factors include ambient ner cover, it came into contact with air temperature, radiant heat, air movement, conduction and relative the energized bus bar, shorted to humidity. It takes time to acclimate to working in hot or humid ground, and caused an arc flash. conditions. Adjusting to heat involves a series of changes that occur in an There were no injuries, although this individual during the first week of exposure to hot environmental event is classified as an error due to a conditions.

near-miss with potential for serious injury (unexpected exposure to TIPS FOR PREVENTING HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS:

480vAC and potential for arc flash

  • Get used to working in heat gradually. Take it easy until after becoming injuries.) accustomed to the temperature.
  • Drink plenty of water often to avoid dehydration. Do not drink Cause: Maintenance and supplemen- alcoholic or caffeinated beverages.

tal management did not adequately

  • Take frequent rest breaks when working in hot and humid conditions.

implement station procedure Control

  • Get a physicians advice before replacing salt, particularly if salt intake is of Supplemental Personnel and sup- restricted for medical reasons. The use of salt tablets is not recommended.

plemental supplied procedure for Eating lightly salted food before entering the work environment may be a supervisory personnel. Inadequate better idea. Also available are special drinks intended to replace the bodys work practices existed, including at- fluid and mineral levels.

risk behaviors such as work shortcuts

  • Dress lightly in layers so clothing can be added or removed as the evoked, not performing the job as temperature changes. Be sure to shade the skin against the sun.

briefed, behaviors indicating safety was not an overriding priority, and Remain alert to the signs of heat illness. If signs appear, move the victim proceeding despite uncertainty. to a cool place and cool off by fanning or soaking with cool water. If conscious, drink water. Call for medical help immediately.