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Action Request 00236389, Brunswick
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/2008
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Information Services
Download: ML102030173 (28)


Page  : 1 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 Type  : NCR Orig Date: 06/13/07 18:21 Discovery Date:


Priority 2 Report To  : Status: COMPLETE 11/19/08 Due Date 12/31/08 Event Date Originator MILLIM02 Originator Group:

Facility BNP Department  : Z84 Organization:

Owed To Owed To Group :ERCUEVAL Owed To Fac: BNP Department  : Discipline AR Status History Updated Date Updated By AR Status AR Due Date 06/13/07 MILLIM02 INPROG 06/13/07 MILLIM02 H/APPR 06/19/07 HOLLEN PRE-APRV 06/19/07 HOLLEN 12/13/07 06/19/07 HOLLEN APPROVED 10/10/07 HOLLEN 08/30/08 06/21/08 HOLLEN 11/06/08 08/21/08 HOLLEN 12/04/08 11/06/08 HOLLEN 12/31/08 11/19/08 HOLLEN COMPLETE K/A

Page  : 2 Printed; 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 1A POTIL OPER/REPORT N Y 06/13/07 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR Request Attribute Value Reqd Date lB EQUIPMENT RELATED N Y 06/13/07 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2 SUPERVISOR REVIEW Y N 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSON JR.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2A CR VALID? Y Y 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSON JR.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2B FURTHER INVN REQD Y Y 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSON JR.

Information to include for No Further Investigation Required Include the following information for Priority 2:

Inappropriate Act statement (include work group involved, if known)

Apparent Cause including code Completed Corrective Actions - CORR, or Additional Corrective Actions if needed - including recommended assignee and recommended due date Include the following information for Priority 3:

Completed Corrective Actions - CORL, or Additional Corrective Actions if needed - including recommended assignee and recommended due date Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2C RECOMMENDED OWNER MIKE MILLINOR N 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSON JR.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2D OPER/REPORT ISSUE N Y 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSSON JR.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2DIEQUIPMENT RELATED N Y 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSON JR.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2E MAINT RULE APPLIC N N 06/17/07 Name : JERRY JOHNSON JR.

Page 3 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 2F SYSTEM 5259 Y 06/21/07 Name : SYLVIA EDWARDS Added 5259 per Jim Boone, MR Coordinator. sde 6/21/07 Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3 OPERATIONS REVIEW N Name Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3A IMMED REPT ISSUE N N 06/17/07 Name : STEVEN GORDY A Licensee Event Report (LER) is due to the NRC only if any liquid effluent release, when averaged over a time period of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, exceeds 20 times the applicable concentrations specified in Appendix B to Part 20, Table 2, Column 2, at the point of entry into the receiving waters (i.e.,

unrestricted area) for all radionuclides except tritium and dissolved noble gasses. Reference 10CFR50.73(a) (2) (viii).

The release (tritium at approx 3.3E-4uCi/ml) is less than the 1.OE-3 listed in App B to Part 20.

ORCI-06.1, Attachment 1, has the exact same criteria for mandatory reporting.

For voluntary reporting, Attachment 1, page 18 and 19, specifies that a report should be made if an inadvertent unmonitored leak or spill has or can potentially get into groundwater that is used for drinking water or could be used for drinking water.

We do not have any reason to believe that this leak can get into any drinking water. The leak is following the release path directly to the intake canal. The hydrology experts on site this week will evaluate for any long term potential impact.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B OCR N N 06/17/07 Name : STEVEN GORDY Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B1 OPER ISSUE N N 06/17/07 Name : STEVEN GORDY Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B2 REPORT ISSUE N N 06/17/07 Name : STEVEN GORDY A Licensee Event Report (LER) is due to the NRC only if any liquid effluent release, when averaged over a time period of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, exceeds 20 times the applicable concentrations specified in Appendix B to Part 20, Table 2, Column 2, at the point of entry into the receiving waters (i.e.,

unrestricted area) for all radionuclides except tritium and dissolved noble gasses. Reference 10CFR50.73(a) (2) (viii).

The release (tritium at approx 3.3E-4uCi/ml) is less than the 1.OE-3 listed in App B to Part 20.

ORCI-06.1, Attachment 1, has the exact same criteria for mandatory reporting.

For voluntary reporting, Attachment 1, page 18 and 19,. specifies that a report should be made if an inadvertent unmonitored leak or spill has or can potentially get into groundwater that is used for drinking water or

Page . 4 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 could be used for drinking water.

We do not have any reason to believe that this leak can get into any drinking water. The leak is following the release path directly to the intake canal. The hydrology experts on site this week will evaluate for any long term potential impact.

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B3 REW N N 06/17/07 Name : STEVEN GORDY Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B4 DEG/NCON N 06/17/07-Name : STEVEN GORDY Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 3C TRACKING NUMBER N N 06/17/07 Name - STEVEN GORDY Request, Attribute Value Reqd Date 4 REG AFF REVIEW N Name :

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4A OPER/REPORT ISSUE N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4AI OPER ISSUE N Y 06/18/07 Name ; MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4A2 REPORT ISSUE N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4A3 REW N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4A4 DEG/NCON N 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4B FOLLOWUP ASG REQD N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4C T. SPEC VIOLATION N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURF-AL

Page  : 5 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4D ADDIL REPORT REQD N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 4E PNSC/CSERB REQD N Y 06/18/07 Name : MARK TURKAL Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 5 CLASSIFN/ASSIGNMNT N Name :

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 5A CR VALID? Y Y 06/19/07 Name : NANCY HOLLEY Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 5B FURTHER INVN REQD Y Y 06/19/07 Name : NANCY HOLLEY Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6 MISCELLANEOUS N Name Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6A COMMENTS, N Name .

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6B COMMENTS N Name Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6C COMMENTS N Name :

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 60 COMMENTS N Name :

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6E COMMENTS N Name Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6F LAST COM ITM DUE Name :

Page  : 6 Page  : 6 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6G EQUIP PRI ISSUE N Name Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 6H RESP MGR N Name :

Request Attribute Value Reqd Date 61 EQUIP PRI STATUS N Name ACTION REQUEST APPROVAL REVIEW Route List: 001 Route List Initiator: MILLIM02 Alert Send Send Action Action PASSPORT Fac Group/Type Last Name Date Time Taken Date/Time JOHNSJO3 BNP ERCCSUPV A JOHNSON JR. 06/13/07 18:21 APPROVED 06/17/07 09:53 GORDYS BNP CONTROOM A GORDY 06/17/07 09:53 APPROVED 06/17/07 18:20 TURKAM BNP REGREV A TURKAL 06/17/07 18:20 APPROVED 06/18/07 06:44 HOLLEN BNP UNITEVAL A HOLLEY 06/18/07 06:44 APPROVED 06/19/07 14:21 TREND-CAUSE Facility: BNP Trend 1: ACAUSE Trend 2: L Trend 3: Li Date: 07/25/07 Process: N/A Org: EC Rank: N Assign:




Facility: BNP Trend 1: EVENT Trend 2: EC Trend 3: EC59 Date: 06/19/07 Process: EN1 Org: N/A Rank: Assign:




Page 7 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER02 SUB Type INVN Due Date :07/27/07 Status  : COMPLETE Reschedule 1 Pri Resp Group; ERCCSUPT Assigned To : N HOLLEY Sec Resp Group:

Subject ADVERSE CONDITION INVESTIGATION Aff Facility: BNP Unit System UCR Schedule Ref Organization: Department  : Z58 Discipline Est Manhrs Est Comp Date Assignment Status History Updated Date Updated By Assgn Status Assgn Due Date 06/13/07 MILLIM02 INPROG 06/19/07 HOLLEN 07/12/07 06/19/07 HOLLEN ACC/PRI 06/19/07 HOLLEN NTFY/ASG 06/20/07 MILLIM02 ACC/ASG 07/12/07 HOLLEN 07/27/07 07/20/07 MILLIM02 AWAIT/C 07/25/07 HOLLEN ACC/ASG 07/25/07 HOLLEN NTFY/ASG 07/25/07 HOLLEN ACC/ASG 07/25/07 HOLLEN AWAIT/C 07/25/07 HOLLEN COMPLETE Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date BENEFIT REALIZED N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date EXTERNAL OE RECOMM N Y 07/20/07 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date INTERNAL OE RECOMM N Y 07/20/07 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 1 EVALUATOR/ASSIGNEE N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date IA COMMITTED N Name:

Page 8 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date IB CHANGE BASIS PLEASE EXTEND N 07/11/07 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR Please extend until 7/27/07 due to emergent tritium issues with SDSP.

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2 MISCELLANEOUS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date.


Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2B COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2C COMMENTS N Name ;

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2D COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2E COMMENTS N Name COMPLETION NOTES PLEASE INCLUDE IN DECOMISSIONING RECORDS.

CAUSE/ACTION ASSIGNMENT COMPLETION APPROVAL Route List: 001 Route List Initiator: HOLLEN Alert Send Send Action Action PASSPORT Fac Group/Type Last Name Date Time Taken Date/Time JOHNSJO3 BNP ERCCSUPT A JOHNSON JR. 07/20/07 14:06 APPROVED 07/23/07 14:18 HOLLEN BNP ERCUEVAL A HOLLEY 07/23/07 14:18 RETURNED 07/25/07 15:13 BNP ERCCSUPT A HOLLEY 07/25/07 15:53 BYPASSED 07/25/07 15:53 HOLLEN BNP ERCUEVAL A HOLLEY 07/25/07 15:53 APPROVED 07/25/07 15:53

Page 9 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER 05 SUB Type CORR Due Date :12/04/08 Status COMPLETE Reschedule  : 2 Pri Resp Group: ERCCSUPT Assigned To : M MILLINOR Sec Resp Group:

Subject  : DOCUMENT EVALUATION FOR ANY LONG TERM POTENTIAL IMPACT Aff Facility: BNP Unit . System UCR . Schedule Ref  : LTCA Organization: Department  : Z84 Discipline Est Manhrs  : Est Comp Date Assignment Status History Updated Date Updated By Assgn Status Assgn Due Date 06/13/07 MILLIM02 INPROG 06/19/07 HOLLEN 10/17/07 06/19/07 HOLLEN ACC/PRI 06/19/07 HOLLEN NTFY/ASG 10/10/07 HOLLEN 08/30/08 10/10/07 MILLIM02 ACC/ASG 08/21/08 HOLLEN 12/04/08 11/17/08 MILLIM02 AWAIT/C 11/19/08 HOLLEN COMPLETE PERFORMED BY HYDROLOGY EXPERT AND IDENTIFY ANY ADDITIONAL ACTIONS DEEMED NECESSARY FROM THIS EVALUATION.

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date BENEFIT.REALIZED N Name :

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 1 UNIT/SECT EVALUATR N Name :

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 1A COMMITTED N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date lB CHANGE BASIS PLEASE EXTEND N 08/20/08 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR AR 236389 5 Please extend until 12/4/08. Groundwater screening points are currently being installed in this area and the report from the hydrology experts will not be available until the 4th quarter 2008.

There are no nuclear safety issues associated with groundwater related to this AR and there is no additional risk associated with extending this AR as it does not impact any SSC or other nuclear safety related component.

Document evaluation for any long term potential impact performed by hydrology expert and identify any additional actions deemed necessary from this evaluation To perform this evaluation new ground water monitoring wells will need to

Page 10 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 be installed in the area of Manhole 2-MH-2SE. These wells are scheduled to be installed in June 2008.

This action needs to be extended to 8/30/08.

This action needs to be re-assigned to Mike Millinor per E&C Superintendent Jerry Johnson.

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2 MISCELLANEOUS N Name :

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2A COMMENTS Y N 10/07/08 Name : NANCY HOLLEY 10/07/08: Per authorization from DSO this action was determined to be Long Term Corrective Action (LTCA). See below e-mail message:

Nancy, Here is the response from Mike Annacone giving approval to making CORR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 listed below Long Term Corrective Actions. If you could, let me know what our starting average age and ending average age for CORR's are once these changes are made. I took this action from the NCR review yesterday and Jerry also has some CAP actions were this data would be helpful.
Thanks, Jeremie Varnam Environmental & Chemistry - Sr. Specialist Progress Energy - Brunswick Nuclear Plant Phone: (910) 457-3197 Pager: (910) 412-0060
                    • From: Annacone, Michael J.

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:26 AM To: Varnam, Jeremie Cc: Westbrook, John


RE: E&C CORL/CORR/CAPR Backlog Reduction

Jeremie, I am ok with making items 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 LTCA's as they are tied to PRG funded projects.

I am ok with making item 3 a LTCA as it is tied to action outside of BNP (NRR), and we have no control over the timing of their work, Please have your unit evaluator process the above changes.

Thanks, Mike
                    • From: Varnam, Jeremie Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:13 AM To: Annacone, Michael J.; Johnson, Jerry


E&C CORL/CORR/CAPR Backlog Reduction Below is a list of outstanding CORR's owned by Environmental and Chemistry. Please review these items and the comments to see if they are candidates for Long Term Corrective Actions (LTCA) or closure to action plans.

1. Document Evaluation For Any Long Term Potential Impact (00236389-05 CORR 475days): This item is tied to the well installation project for the Protected Area and the ensuing hydrology study project as part of extent of condition for Tritium Recovery.
2. Tritium Identified in Manhole MH-4 (00236389-06 CORR 355days) : This item is tied to the well installation project for the Protected Area and the ensuing hydrology study project as part of extent of condition for Tritium Recovery.

Page  : 11 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389

3. Account For The SDSP Evaporation Pathway In The Open (00233857-09 CORR 347days): This item cannot be completed until input is received from the NRR. Actual completion date is tentatively scheduled for 4/30/09.
4. Secure Any Known Path of Sodium Hypochlorite From (00245126-05 CORR 297days): ECR 10229 has been approved. This project is ranked #9 on the Plant's Top Ten Plant Health items and has been approved by PRG.
5. Restore U2 Reactor Water Sulfate Concentration Below (00271485-05 CORR 175days): Can this item be closed to the open action plan that is on the Operational Focus List to drive resolution.
6. Develop Qualification Method for Oil and Grease Analysis (00236171-19 CORL 242days): Can this CORL be close to an action plan to develop and implement the procedure and analysis.
7. Update Hydro-Geological Studies of Plant Backfill (00233865-30 CORR 396days): This item is tied to the Storm Drain Stabilization Pond Tritium recovery project and the associated protected area well installation project.
8. Complete Sampling Profile of Storm Drain Catch Basin (00268357-40 CORR 150days): This item is tied to the Storm Drain Stabilization Pond Tritium recovery project and the associated protected area well installation project.
Thanks, Jeremie Varnam Environmental & Chemistry - Sr. Specialist Progress Energy - Brunswick Nuclear Plant Phone: (910) 457-3197 Pager: (910) 412-0060 Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2B COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2C COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2D COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2E COMMENTS N Name :

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 3A LTCA APPROVAL N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B LTCA CONCURRENCE N Name :


Page  : 12 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 ASSIGNMENT COMPLETION APPROVAL Route List: 001 Route List Initiator: MILLIM02 Alert Send Send Action Action PASSPORT Fac Group/Type Last Name Date Time Taken Date/Time JOHNSJO3 BNP ERCCSUPT A JOHNSON JR. 11/17/08 13:09 APPROVED 11/18/08 06:24 HOLLEN BNP ERCUEVAL A HOLLEY 11/18/08 06:24 APPROVED 11/19/08 13:53

Page 13 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER06 SUB Type CORR Due Date 12/31/08 Status COMPLETE Reschedule  : 3 Pri Resp Group: ERCCSUPT Assigned To : M MILLINOR Sec Resp Group:

Subject  : TRITIUM IDENTIFIED IN MANHOLE MH-4 Aff Facility: BNP Unit System UCR  : Schedule Ref  : LTCA Organization: Department Z84 Discipline Est Manhrs  : Est Comp Date Assignment Status History Updated Date Updated By Asegn Status Asegn Due Date 10/17/07 PETRUD INPROG 12/20/07 10/17/07 PETRUD NTFY/ASG 10/17/07 PETRUD NTFY/PRI 10/17/07 PETRUD ACC/PRI 10/17/07 PETRUD NTFY/ASG 10/17/07 MILLIM02 ACC/ASG 12/18/07 HOLLEN 06/30/08 06/21/08 HOLLEN 11/06/08 11/06/08 HOLLEN 12/31/08 11/19/08 MILLIM02 AWAIT/C 11/19/08 HOLLEN COMPLETE EVALUATE CONDITIONS AND IDENTIFIY ANY ADDITONAL ACTIONS NEEDED BASED ON REPORT FROM THE HYDROLOGICAL EXPERTS.

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date BENEFIT REALIZED N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 1 UNIT/SECT EVALUATR N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 1A COMMITTED N Name -

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date IB CHANGE BASIS PLEASE EXTEND N 12/18/07 Name : MICHAEL MILLINOR 11/5/08: Please extend until 12/31/08. Wells have been-installed in the area of MH-4, but the report from the hydrologists is not yet available.

Data is currently being collected to generate the report.

This item involves groundwater wells being installed in the environment in areas outside the plant. This item has no affect on plant equipment or no impact on nuclear safety.

Please extend to 6/30/08 as the hydrologists have been unable to evaluate the area. Current plans are to initiate evaluation in January 2008 with recommendations available by the end of the 2nd quarter 2008

Page  : 14 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 06/20/08: Please extend until 11/6/08. Wells have been installed in the area of MH-4, but the report is not yet available. Data is currently being collected to generate the report.

This item involves groundwater wells being installed in the environment in areas outside the plant. This item has no affect on plant equipment or no impact on nuclear safety.

Please extend to 6/30/08 as the hydrologists have been unable to evaluate the area. Current plans are to initiate evaluation in January 2008 with recommendations available by the end of the 2nd quarter 2008 Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2 MISCELLANEOUS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2A COMMENTS Y N 10/07/08 Name : NANCY HOLLEY 10/07/08: Per authorization from DSO this action was determined to be Long Term Corrective Action (LTCA). See below e-mail message:

Nancy, Here is the response from Mike Annacone giving approval to making CORR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 listed below Long Term Corrective Actions. If you could, let me know what our starting average age and ending average age for CORR's are once these changes are made. I took this action from the NCR review yesterday and Jerry also has some CAP actions were this data would be helpful.
Thanks, Jeremie Varnam Environmental & Chemistry - Sr. Specialist Progress Energy - Brunswick Nuclear Plant Phone: (910) 457-3197 Pager: (910) 412-0060
                    • From: Annacone, Michael J.

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:26 AM To: Varnam, Jeremie Cc: Westbrook, John


RE: E&C CORL/CORR/CAPR Backlog Reduction

Jeremie, I am ok with making items 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 LTCA's as they are tied to PRG funded projects.

I am ok with making item 3 a LTCA as it is tied to action outside of BNP (NRR), and we have no control over the timing of their work.

Please have your unit evaluator process the above changes.

Thanks, Mike
                  • -From: Varnam, Jeremie Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:13 AM To: Annacone, Michael J.; Johnson, Jerry


E&C CORL/CORR/CAPR Backlog Reduction Below is a list of outstanding CORR's owned by Environmental and Chemistry. Please review these items and the comments to see if they are candidates for Long Term Corrective Actions (LTCA) or closure to action plans.

1. Document Evaluation For Any Long Term Potential Impact (00236389-05 CORR 475days): This item is tied to the well installation project for the Protected Area and the ensuing hydrology study project as part of extent of condition for Tritium Recovery.

Page 15 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389

2. Tritium Identified in Manhole MH-4 (00236389-06 CORR 355days) : This item is tied to the well installation project for the Protected Area and the ensuing hydrology study project as part of extent of condition for Tritium Recovery.
3. Account For The SDSP Evaporation Pathway In The Open (00233857-09 CORR 347days): This item cannot be completed until input is received from the NRR. Actual completion date is tentatively scheduled for 4/30/09.
4. Secure Any Known Path of Sodium Hypochlorite From (00245126-05 CORR 297days): ECR 10229 has been approved. This project is ranked #9 on the Plant's Top Ten Plant Health items and has been approved by PRG.
5. Restore U2 Reactor Water Sulfate Concentration Below (00271485-05 CORR 175days): Can this item be closed to the open action plan that is on the Operational Focus List to drive resolution.
6. Develop Qualification Method for oil and Grease Analysis (00236171-19 CORL 242days): Can this CORL be close to an action plan to develop and implement the procedure and analysis.
7. Update Hydro-Geological Studies of Plant Backfill (00233865-30 CORR 396days): This item is tied to the Storm Drain Stabilization Pond Tritium recovery project and the associated protected area well installation project.
8. Complete Sampling Profile of Storm Drain Catch Basin (00268357-40 CORR 150days): This item is tied to the Storm Drain Stabilization Pond Tritium recovery project and the associated protected area well installation project.
Thanks, Jeremie Varnam Environmental & Chemistry - Sr. Specialist Progress Energy - Brunswick Nuclear Plant Phone: (910) 457-3197 Pager: (910) 412-0060 Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2B COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2C COMMENTS N Name ;

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2D COMMENTS N Name -

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 2E COMMENTS N Name Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 3A LTCA APPROVAL N Name ;

Assignment Attribute Value Reqd Date 3B LTCA CONCURRENCE N Name :

Page 16 Printed: 11/24/08 ACTION REQUEST 00236389 COMPLETION NOTES CAUSE/ACTION ASSIGNMENT COMPLETION APPROVAL Route List: 001 Route List Initiator: MILLIM02 Alert Send Send Action Action PASSPORT Fac Group/Type Last Name Date Time Taken Date/Time JOHNSJ03 BNP ERCCSUPT A JOHNSON JR. 11/19/08 13:35 APPROVED 11/19/06 13:42 HOLLEN BNP ERCUEVAL A HOLLEY 11/19/08 13:42 APPROVED 11/19/08 13:52

ATTACHMENT 3 Sheet 1 of 2 ADVERSE CONDITION INVESTIGATION FORM Form CAP-NGGC-0200-3-18 Action Request Number: 236389 Investigator: Mike Millinor

1. Adverse Condition Description Tritium has been identified in manhole 2-MH-2SE. The tritium activity was 1.949E-5 pCi/mI (19,490 pCi/L). The approximate location of the manhole is in the vicinity of the stack and the intake structure.
2. Investigation Summary

" What Should Be: This is the first time this manhole was analyzed for tritium. Even though there have been several manholes identified with tritium at the plant, it is not the norm for tritium to be found in manholes.

" What Is: Discussions with the engineer who performed the inspection in the manhole indicate that the tritiated water found in the manhole was groundwater.

Tritium is not normally expected to be found in manholes even though there have been several manholes identified with tritium. However, the site hydrology as it is currently understood indicates that groundwater inside the backfill area at the site moves toward the intake canal.

  • How it happened: It appears to be historical and it is unknown at this time as to how the tritium entered the groundwater in this area.
  • Why it happened: It appears to be historical and it is unknown at this time why tritium entered the groundwater. The immediate area hydrology will have to be verified to determine if this is a current component leak or historical movement of existing groundwater containing tritium is moving towards the area.
3. Corrective Action Plan I CAP-NGGC-0200 I Rev. 18 1



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. :A TE** ION ADVERSE.  ::. - Tritium was identified in water in , Have hydrologists CORR Marty 11/20/07

.. OITION*' manhole 2-MH-2SE that is coming evaluate groundwater in McGowan/Jerry from groundwater. N/A NA aNIA rea for tritium source Johnson determination.

P/A or'EQ - here is no known current Cannot Li N/A None N/A N/A N/A Malfunction equipment malfunction or determine due to inappropriate act associated with historical in the current situation. Item appears nature S't o be historical.

Document evaluation for CORR M. McGowan 10/17/07 any long term potential

?*impact 3THER .. . . N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N N/A N/A"A iNi ............. ....'-I W t, "Designate which assignments are Long Term Corrective Action (non-outage related LTCA requires approval by DSO - Manager PE&RAS for corporate).

"*Provide justification for corrective actions with initial due date that exceeds 120 days.

ICAP-NGGC-0200 I Rev. 18



  • DVE SE'..* :. -"Tritium was identified____in water

___ in____ __ '":.

- ___ ...____ .*i.

_________ ~ . - ~ - - DATE~

ADVERSE'rtu a detfe nwae n. Have hydrologists CORR Marty 11/20/07 CONDITION" manhole 2-MH-2SE that is coming evaluate groundwater in McGowan/Jerry from groundwater. N/A NA N/A rea for tritium source Johnson


Y/Aor'EQ 'here is no known current Cannot Li N/A None NIA N/A N/A Malfunction equipment malfunction or determine due to inappropriate act associated with historical in the current situation. Item appears nature

' .to be historical.

Document evaluation for CORR M. McGowan 10/17/07 any long term potential impact 3THER ;... , .- . .. " - N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A' --N/A N.WA N/A.

"Designate which assignments are Long Term Corrective Action (non-outage related LTCA requires approval by DSO - Manager PE&RAS for corporate).

"*Provide justification for corrective actions with initial due date that exceeds 120 days.

FCAP-NGGC-0200 I Rev. 18I

Discussions held by the hydrology experts on 11/17/08 indicate, based on the hydrology work performed in the protected area, that there are no long term impacts to the area from the tritium in this manhole. The groundwater in the area is moving towards the intake canal as expected and no additional actions are necessary.

The tritium in this manhole was discussed with the hydrology experts. Several wells have been installed in this area (area 11) and are not indicating tritium. The tritium in this manhole appears to be coming from an up gradient manhole where there are significant concentrations of tritium. The tritium in this case is being transported by interconnected conduits to this manhole. Per the hydrologists there are no other actions necessary related to the tritium in this manhole.

Internal Use Only / /

Communications Plan January 2010 (The below Talking Points, Timeline and Questions andAnswers are for internal use only by those Progress Energy employees directly involved with the Groundwater Protection Initiative (GWPI). These documents should not be released to non-Progress Energy employees.)

Summary I

An operator doing a routine inspection discovered a leak in a pipe on plant property Sunday, January 10, 2010. The pipe carries secondary plant and water treatment building waste water for chemical processing. Approximately 1,000 gallons of water containing a low level of tritium (5,590 picocuries per liter) leaked into the surrounding soil. The pipe was shut off, and crews expect to complete repairs by week's end. Based on the leak location and low tritium levels, there is no health or safety risk to the public or to employees on-site.

Target Audiences

" Elected officials (State and local)

" Key leaders

" Media

  • Employees Strategies
  • Inform key leaders, elected officials, regulators o When Reportability is determined, brief selected officials and stakeholders on investigation in accordance with the GWPI.

o Outreach should communicate the company's commitment to health and safety.

0 Inform employees o Sitewidecommunication from Chris 0 Respond to media inquiries final Page 1 of 7 1/12/2010 Ina movlon *n this recoid wos delsLed tn Rscrdance with the Freedom of inmiW1181 Ad.


Internal Use Only Talking Points In accordance with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) GWPI all personnel briefing state and local officials should provide the information contained in Section 1. (NEI, of which Progress Energy is a member, is the policy organization of the nuclear energy and technologies industry and participates in both the national and global policy-making process.)

Section 2 provides additional information that may be helpful during briefings.

Section 1

  • This informal communication is being made as part of the NEI Groundwater Protection Initiative.
  • Crews are repairing a pipe on plant property that leaked tritiated water. Once repaired, the system will be tested and returned to service.
  • At 8:30 a.m. January 10, 2010, an operator on regular rounds discovered the underground Waste Neutralization Basin Flash Mixer Return Pipe had developed a leak.

The eight-inch fiberglass pipe carries secondary plant and water treatment building waste water for chemical processing.

  • Approximately 1,000 gallons of water containing a low level of tritium (5,590 picocuries per liter) leaked into the surrounding soil. The EPA Drinking Water Standard is 20,000 picocuries per liter.
  • Once the leak was discovered, the system was secured and the leak was isolated. The spill has been contained within the plant backfill and is unlikely to migrate off-site or reach the water table.
  • The affected area is located approximately 15 feet west of the Water Treatment Building, within the plant's site boundary, approximately 1.7 miles inside Progress Energy property, and involves roughly 100 cubic feet of soil.

Immediate remedial actions involving the affected area includes: pumping the water from the saturated ground back into the waste neutralization basin, removal of the tritiated soil, and sampling of soil in the area for tritium analysis.

Since the water is contained onsite, there is no dose impact to a member of the public.

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Internal Use Only Section 2 (General talking points) 0 Tritium is a radioactive isotope of the element hydrogen. Tritium is produced naturally and is also a byproduct of the nuclear process. It is commonly found in water and is produced commercially for items such as exit signs, aircraft dials and wristwatches.

  • The Harris Nuclear Plant, like all nuclear plants, periodically makes controlled releases of tritium as allowed by our operating license. These levels are well below release limits set by federal regulations.

a The Harris Nuclear Plant, and all Progress Energy nuclear plants, monitor radiation levels. The Harris plant provides the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with an annual report of plant discharges and the results of environmental monitoring.

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Internal Use Only Communications Action Plan I0aeAto Discussion with NRC epnil Dave Corlett I Stts Complete t Im Monday afternoon, 1/11 - Joe Austin (Licensing)

- Patrick Lessard Tuesday, 1/12 Discussion with NRC Dave Corlett a.m. -Randy Musser (Licensing) 404-562-4603 Tuesday, 1/12 Brief Operations Staff Heather Baxter a.m. - Shift Manager Dave .Corlett

- Manager - Shift Ops Tuesday, 1/12 Confirmation analysis Heather Baxter a.m. from HEEC received Tuesday, 1/12 NGG Site Vice Chris Burton a.m. Presidents and Jim (Vice President)


Inform PGM when complete.

0800 Tuesday, Pre-job brief of staff Dave Corlett Brief should include all HNP 1/12 making communication (Licensing) staff listed on this communication plan.

~ :~ Grounid Water Protect ion Initiative Communication~

1200 Tuesday, Notify Main Control Dave Corlett Licensing will assist in 1/12 Room that GWPI (Licensing) preparation of NRC Event Communication will be Notification occurring at 1300 NC Government:

1300 Tuesday, - Division of Radiation Mike Robinson Review all Section 1 bullets 1/12 Protection (Chemistry (1. Section Chief): Superintendent) Division points of contact Lee Cox share same number.

Informal GWPI (2. Radiation Communication Emergency Coordinator):

Dale Dusenbury 919-571-4141 x232 final Page 4 of 7 1/12/20.10

Internal Use Only Informal GWPI - Division of Water Mike Robinson Review all Section 1 bullets Communication Quality (Chemistry (1. Director): Superintendent) Division points of contact (continued) Coleen Sullins share same number.

(2. Deputy Director):

Chuck Wakild 919-807-6300 Notify John Warner when complete.

Day of notification Notify Power Agency John Warner (Support When called by Mike

- Cecil Rhodes Services Manager) Robinson, John Warner will (Following 919-760-6231 notify the following to begin report to State) - Kevin Josupait Dave Corlett (back-up) communications: Julia 919-760-6236 Milstead, Dave Corlett.

- Linda Anderson 919-760-6220 When called by John Warner,

- Thorn LaPonzina Julia Milstead will notify the 919-760-6209 following to begin communications: Kathy Hawkins, Marty Clayton, Andy Honeycutt, Ashley Turton and Len Anthony Day of notification Progress Energy John Warner

- Gary Little (Insurance (Following & Treasury) Dave Corlett (back-up) report to State) 770-6807 Day of notification NSRC John Warner

- Ed Hux (Following H: ý6_. Dave Corlett (back-up) report to State) C:>(

- Stew Ebneter Day of notification Notify appropriate Kathy Hawkins Appropriate officials State legislators and (Public Affairs determined by Kathy.

(Following PGM key State leaders Director) report to State) final Page 5 of 7 1/12/2010

Internal Use Only Day of notification Inform appropriate Marty Clayton/Andy Appropriate officials local officials in the 10 Honeycutt determined by CRMs.

(Following PGM mile EPZ (Community Relation report to State) Managers)

Day of notification Inform appropriate Ashley Turton Appropriate officials elected federal officials (FederalRegulatory determined by Ashley.

(Following PGM Affairs) report to State)

Day of notification Site communication at Julia Milstead Harris Plant (Site Communication)

(Following PGM report to State)

Day of notification Notify NRC

- Joe Austin Dave Corlett (thirty minutes - Patrick Lessard following State notification) - Randy Musser Dave Corlett 404-562-4603 Day of notification Notify NEI Mike Robinson Review all Section 1 bullets.

Kathy Yhip Email also required per NEI (thirty minutes 202-739-8013 07-07.

following State notification) GW Day of notification Notify INPO John Warner Marty Prystupa (Support Services)

(thirty minutes 770-644-8360 following State Dave Corlett (back-up) notification)

Day of notification Notify Public Utilities Len Anthony Review all Section 1 bullets.

Commission (General Counsel)

(thirty minutes following State notification)

Day of notification NotifyANI Dave Corlett Bill Wendland:

(one hour 860-682-1301 following State notification) final Page 6 of 7 1/12/2010

Internal Use Only NRC Event NRC Operations Center Shift Manager Note: NUREG-1022 requires Notification Kara Stacy notification w/in four hours of State Notification.

(One hour following State notification) final Page 7 of 7 1/12/2010